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To respondents,
I am a student of the Division of Arts, Science and General Studies, at the Sir Arthur
Lewis Community College. I will be investigating the hypothesis ''Lucian Kuduro has
a negative impact on students of the Sir Arthur Lewis Community College''.
I am grateful for your time and patience in answering these questions. All information
is welcomed, and will be treated in utmost confidence
-Milana Andrew

1. What is your age?

 16-17 years
 18-19 years
 20 years and above

2. What is your gender?

 Male
 Female

3. Do you willingly listen to Lucian Kuduro/ Dennery Segment?

 Yes
 No

4. If no, have you heard it before?

 Yes
 No

5. What feature of Lucian Kuduro/ Dennery Segment captivates you the most?
 Rhythm/Beats ('Riddims')
 Lyrics
 Music Videos
 None

6. How often do you listen to Lucian Kuduro/ Dennery Segment?

 Frequently
 Sometimes/ On Occasion
 I do not listen to Dennery Segment
7. In what setting/ environment(s) do you listen to Lucian Kuduro/ Dennery Segment?
 Home
 School
 Family Gatherings
 Parties ( Fetes)
 None
Tick as many as appropriate

8. Through what source were you first introduced to Lucian Kuduro/ Dennery Segment?
 Friends
 Family
 Social Media
 Radio

9. What feeling does Lucian Kuduro/ Dennery Segment evoke when you listen to/ hear it?
 Distaste
 Relaxed
 Restless
 Excited/Satisfying

10. Upon hearing/ listening to Lucian Kuduro/ Dennery Segment,what is your mode of
dance/ reaction
 Whining/ Gyrating
 Break Dance
 Ball Room
 No Reaction
Other ____________________________________________________
11. To what extent do you enjoy listening to/hearing Lucian Kuduro/Dennery Segment?

On a scale of 1-5 1 being the least/ and 5 being the greatest

o 1
o 2
o 3
o 4
o 5

12. Has Lucian Kuduro had a negative impact on your behaviour?

 Yes
 No
 I do not listen to Lucian Kuduro

13. To what degree is this impact

 Weak
 Moderate
 Intense

14. Do you believe Lucian Kuduro/ Dennery Segment promotes negative values?
 Yes
 No

15. Would you say that Lucian Kuduro/ Dennery Segment are generally too explicit?
 Yes
 No
16. In your opinion are Lucian Kuduro/ Dennery Segment lyrics degrading to women?
 Yes
 No
17. Do you agree that Lucian Kuduro/ Dennery Segment encourages public indecent and
vulgar behaviour among the students of Sir Arthur Community College?
 Strongly Agree
 Agree
 Strongly Disagree
 Disagree

If you agree/strongly agree why?


19. If you agree, what feature/ element of Lucian Kuduro/ Dennerey Segment greatest
influence of this behaviour?

 Lyrics
 Music Videos
 Rhythms/ (Riddims)

Justify your response:


22.Do you believe Lucian Kuduro/ Dennery Segment music videos are appropriate to be
streamed over the media?

 Yes
 No

23.If no, why?


24. In your opinion, does Lucian Kuduro/ Dennery Segment as a product/ service fittingly
represent St. Lucia to the rest of the world?

 Yes
 No

25. What steps should be taken to reduce the negative impact and controversy surrounding
Lucian Kuduro/ Dennery Segment?


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