134: 3 King ST, Brynmawr, Blaenau Gwent. Building Recording

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DOCUMENT NO 259 December 2014

A.P.A.C. Ltd.
Archaeological Perspectives Analysis Consultancy



3 King St, Brynmawr


Blaenau Gwent County Borough Council: C/2014/0153)

By: Dr N Phillips.
A.P.A.C. Ltd 3 King Street, Brynmawr BS/BRY/14


A planning application was submitted to Blaenau Gwent County Borough Council

(BGCBC) and as part of the planning process, Glamorgan Gwent Archaeological
Trust (GGAT) advised the planning department that the proposed work at the site
could likely impact on archaeological resources.

BGCBC in accordance with the guidance from GGAT imposed conditions

requiring a program of archaeological work to be undertaken prior to
development and during demolition.

The client was instructed by BGCBC to arrange for a Level II building recording

APAC Ltd was contacted by the client in order to undertake the level II building
recording survey.

APAC Ltd produced a project design for the work, which was approved and the
survey was undertaken.

This document comprises the Level II building recording survey as required.

Copyright Notice:
A.P.A.C. Ltd. retains copyright of this report under the Copyright, Designs and Patents Act, 1988.

The Ordnance Survey has granted A.P.A.C. Ltd a Copyright Licence (No. 100046577) to reproduce map information; Copyright remains
otherwise with the Ordnance Survey.

Cover Photograph DSC07227, £ King Street Brynmawr, Frontage

A.P.A.C. Ltd 3 King Street, Brynmawr BS/BRY/14


Summary .........................................................................................................................................1
Appendix .........................................................................................................................................3
Introduction .....................................................................................................................................4
Site location.....................................................................................................................................4
Brief archaeological and historical background..............................................................................4
Aims and Objectives .......................................................................................................................6
Methodology ...................................................................................................................................6
Data Presentation.............................................................................................................................7
General external description No 3 King Street, Brynmawr. ...........................................................7
General internal description ............................................................................................................7
Internal detail: .................................................................................................................................7
Phasing. ...........................................................................................................................................8
Interpretation summary ...................................................................................................................8
Recommendations ...........................................................................................................................8
Archive ............................................................................................................................................9
Acknowledgements: ........................................................................................................................9
Bibliography and References: .......................................................................................................10


01. Site Location Map

02. Brynmawr Phase Plan 1800-1830
03. Map Progressions: 1832, 1847, 1879, 1899, 1915
04. Property plans: 1929, 1940, 1955, 2014
05. Plans and Elevations.


01. Early photograph of Brynmawr.

02. Brynmawr Public Houses.
03. Buildings No4 and No3 King Street, Front.
04. Buildings No4 and No3 King Street, Rear.

A.P.A.C. Ltd 3 King Street, Brynmawr BS/BRY/14

Survey Photo cards 1-10

01 Front Elevation. No 4 King St left. No 2 King St right

02 Rear elevation. Property division at Green up pipe. No 2 King St left.
03 Ground floor. Front elevation showing front door and window
04 Detail of internal ground floor showing services
05 Ground floor. Test hole in earthen floor at centre of east wall
06 Ground floor. Test hole in earthen floor at centre of west wall. Note brick foundation of No 4
King St
07 Ground floor access to 1st floor. Boxed ladder steps
08 Long view showing location of blocked internal access door to No 4 King St behind inserted 1st
floor access
09 2nd Detail of rear internal wall (original rear elevation), Raised section accommodates sliding door
10 Ground floor. Rear room extension. Kitchen with rear door and window
11 1st floor access through trap door at top of steps. Loft access just to the west of ceiling centre.
Height 1.9m


Complete photograph list

Contact sheet of complete photographs

A.P.A.C. Ltd 3 King Street, Brynmawr BS/BRY/14


A planning application to demolish & rebuild a two storey house at 3 King Street, Brynmawr, NP25 4RE was
submitted to Blaenau Gwent County Borough Council: pl.app.nos C/2014/0153).

3 King Street was identified by Glamorgan Gwent Archaeological Trust (GGAT); advisors to Blaenau Gwent
County Borough Council, (BGCBC) in such matters, as having ‘historic importance by virtue of its origin, history
and cultural significance within the area’.

Consequently, GGAT recommended a condition be imposed based on the model suggested by the Association of
Local Government Archaeological Officers in their document Analysis and Recording for the Conservation and
Control of works to Historic Buildings:

No site works shall be undertaken until the implementation of an appropriate programme

of building recording and analysis has been agreed with the local planning authority, to be
carried out by a specialist acceptable to the local planning authority and in accordance
with an agreed written specification.

Reason: As the buildings are of architectural and cultural significance, the specified
records are required to mitigate the impact of development.


APAC Ltd was contracted by the client, Mr G. Porter, to undertake the programme of building recording and
analysis and in accordance with the suggested model, drew up a Written Scheme of Investigation,

The written scheme of investigation was approved by GGAT as ‘fit for purpose’ allowing the survey work to

This document; prepared by Dr Neil Phillips, A.P.A.C. Ltd, is the report of the building survey.

Site location

The location of the site can be gained from the A465, Heads of the Valley Road some 9 miles west of Abergavenny.

When travelling west from Abergavenny to Merthyr, at the top of the Clydach gorge is a roundabout, the second
turn of leads along King Street to Brynmawr.

The property to be developed is one of a group of four houses to the right, just before the Bridgend Inn, NGR:
319555 212129, fig 01.

Brief archaeological and historical background

The beginnings of Brynmawr as a town was aptly described thus: ‘In 1800 a collection of a few farm cottages
making up the village of ‘Waun-y-Helegyn’, (field of the willows) had exploded into the industrial town of
Brynmawr by the 1830s’, (Jennings, p86, 1934).

Jennings offered a phased map on page 81 of her book; reproduced here in fig 02. Note that the King Street
properties, top right, are amongst the earliest, pre dating 1821; unfortunately, no indication of sourcing was given
for her interpretation.

The spark for Brynmawr’s beginnings and fuel for its rapid growth are tied to industry, situated as it was on the
transportation infrastructure for the iron and coal industries; Nantyglo and Clydach iron works in particular, with the
route through the Clydach gorge for both road and rail strengthening its importance.

A.P.A.C. Ltd 3 King Street, Brynmawr BS/BRY/14
King St itself was the part of the main road through the gorge, the adjacent Bridge Inn taking its name from the
original bridge ‘Pont Clydach’ over the river Clydach; partially preserved under the present roundabout which was
built in the early 1960s.

Four rows of buildings can be seen at the centre of the extract from the 1st Series Ordnance survey map of 1832
shown in fig 03a.

The cluster of four blocks of buildings, north west of Pont Clydach, north of the road and bounded to the east by the
river occupy the same location as the proposed development.

Of particular importance is the row of buildings along the road, especially those to the left, as it is quite feasible that
these are the beginnings of the King Street properties.

The Tithe Map of 1847, (D/Pa.22.45), fig 03b, provides a more detailed record with the row of unnumbered,
differing depth, buildings shown in the position of the present terrace, No’s 1 to 4 King Street.

The detail of the differing depth is interesting in that left building is further forward than the rest of the row; as is No
4 King Street today.

The apportionment that accompanies the Tithe, lists property 60: ‘house and yard’ held by David Rowbery, which
probably marks the position of the current Bridge Inn, although it is possible the building shown is now part of the
car park with a later building built to the left by 1879, (see below).

To the north of the unnumbered block, but the same length, is 61 held by Walter Morgan and others.

On the 1879 1st edition Ordnance Survey Map, fig 03c, any ambiguities can be dismissed; the Bridge Inn is clearly
marked to the left and the King Street properties are shown with the same configuration as in the 1847 Tithe map.

On the later 2nd edition Ordnance Survey Map of 1899, fig 03d, however, the building shapes have either become
less detailed or the buildings have been changed; the latter seems unlikely.

The same plain rectangle is used again on the 1905 Ordnance Survey map which has little overall change but by
1915 the southern extension to No 4 has been restored, fig 03e; remaining so for subsequent mapping.

The configuration of the King Street properties and fluctuation in ownership is demonstrated on conveyance deeds
in the possession of the current owner Mr Porter; a selection of which are shown in fig 04.

Of note is the skewed rear section of No 3 which is over stated on the three conveyance documents.

Measurements undertaken during this work recognised a deflection at the rear extension of around 5º, during
processing in cad.

A view of the King Street properties can be seen in Plate 01 which shows a photograph of unknown date provided
by Mr and Mrs Waters of No 2 King Street.

The photograph shows King Street in the immediate foreground as four houses with the one on the left being No 4.

No’s 1, 2 and 4 have symmetrical Georgian style frontages whilst no 3 has a single 1st floor and ground floor

The photograph pre dates at least 1963 as the Heads of the Valleys roundabout isn’t present and the car park of the
Bridge Inn, left, hasn’t been cleared.

However, in front of the road is a tram way not recorded on Ordnance Survey Maps after 1938, and the dark shed in
front of No 1 is the road workers wooden carriage, (Waters pers comm.) of the type normally associated with Steam
Traction engine combinations.

The road also appears to be unmetalled.

One further point of interest arose from the research and was corroborated through conversation and details
provided by Mr and Mrs Waters of No 2 King Street.

A.P.A.C. Ltd 3 King Street, Brynmawr BS/BRY/14
No 2 King Street, at some time in the past operated as the Jolly Colliers Public House, one of 69 such establishments
in the town.

The proximity of such an establishment may be reflected in any archaeological resources discovered during
demolition and drainage work.

A plan of the public houses was drawn up before 1960 by Mr Charles Owen Williams of 2 King St, a relative of Mrs

A copy of the plan is held in Crickhowell archive A/C 10 Box 1. 57 but Mrs Waters has possession of the original
manuscript which she kindly provided a copy of, Plate 02.

Aims and Objectives

The aim of the level II survey is to preserve by record the structure of the building, prior to refurbishment and in so
doing’ provide a facility for understanding the building’s historic development.

The record produced can then be used to guide the determination of the planning condition as to the final design of


The building survey followed the methodology defined in 5.2, Understanding Historic Buildings; A Guide to Good
Recording Practice (English Heritage 2006). The methodology employed was also guided by the Standards and
Guidance for the Archaeological Investigation and Recording of Standing Buildings or Structures (IFA 1996,
revised ed 2013).

Photographs were taking using tripod mounted, digital camera: a Sony DSC F828 set to 8mpg

Images were recorded in Jpeg & RAW format.

The photographic record of the site includes general views of the exterior, the overall appearance of principle
structure and circulation areas, external and internal detail relevant to the property’s design and development.

All photographs include a scale rod where possible or practical.

Photographs illustrative of the survey are produced as annotated ‘photo cards’ in the report.

All photographs from the survey are included as a contact sheet in appendix I.

Measurements were made during the survey using both hand steel tape and a Lecia Disto 510 and these were used to
produce a scaled plan.

The scaled plan was produced in AutoCAD for ease of interpretation using surveyed measurements.

This report also comprises a written element as defined in 4.5 Understanding Historic Buildings; A Guide to Good
Recording Practice (English Heritage 2006).

In order to provide a brief background to the property the following sources of information were used:

Brynmawr Library,
Crickhowell & district Archives,
Gwent County Archives.
Various online sources.
Interview with neighbours

A.P.A.C. Ltd 3 King Street, Brynmawr BS/BRY/14

Data Presentation

Data referred to within the text is included in the Figures (fig##), PH## Plates and Photo-cards. (PH##).

Annotated plans are given in fig 05.

General external description No 3 King Street, Brynmawr.

The building presents as a one up one down, mid terrace, south east facing property with a small garden frontage,

At the rear is a ground floor extension and linear area to a rear access, PH02.

General internal description

Internally, the building consists of a single ground floor room with a small extension to the rear giving way to a
raised door and access to the rear of the property.

The 1st floor is a single room accessed through a trap door in the floor from a steep stair.

Internal detail:

Ground floor, fig 05

The main room on the first floor measures 2.73m x 3.4m and is lit by a single window in the south east elevation
which also houses the access door.

The door setting is a little unusual in that it is flush against the party wall which may be explained by the lack of
available space or alternatively denote a change of use for the room.

A previous screed concrete floor has been removed to reveal a compacted earth base on which runs shallow service

Some test pits have been dug into the floor at the base of the east and west walls, revealing no foundation between
No’s 2 & 3 and a brick foundation of 3 courses between No’s 3 & 4.

To the rear of the room is a single access to the kitchen by way of a sliding wooden door which appears to fit into a
purpose made wall recess.

The rear wall at this point is not square to the room; 95º, whereas the door recess housing is at 90 º to the east wall.

There is no evidence of a hearth in the room although the Photograph in PL01 shows a chimney above the east wall.

Heating during the latter tenancy of the house may have been provided by a wall radiator fixed beneath the front
window, judging by the square of mid 20th century style wall paper shown in PH03.

The room also has access to the 1st floor by means of a very steep stair at the north west corner PH07.

The stair appears to have been fitted on top of the concrete floor PH08; Mrs Waters stated that this replaced the
original ladder which provided access within her living memory.

The view of the stars in PH08 also reveals the blocked doorway in the party wall with No 4, complete with

Discussion with the current resident of No 4 confirmed that there is no evidence of the door within his property.

It is also worth noting the handle on the wall above the door which is an aide to climbing the stair.

A.P.A.C. Ltd 3 King Street, Brynmawr BS/BRY/14

The kitchen area is too small at 1.5m x 1.7m to photograph in any useful way; even the measurement of 1.7 is only
accommodated by west wall recess of 170mm.

The image in PH09 reveals that the eastern half of the floor space is taken up with a sink unit to the rear wall and

The rest of the kitchen is bare and tiled under a single pitch roof PH10.

The rear door is raised from the floor by just under 500mm and is an obvious recent insertion.

Again, Mrs Waters was able to relate that the only access to the rear garden and the toilet was through the front
door, down the road and around the back of No’s 1 & 2.

PH02 shows the external view with door and window; the extension to No 2, left is more recent.

1st floor, fig 05

The first floor is a featureless room measuring 2.73m by 3.4m with a window in the front elevation and a trap door
to the north west corner, PH11.

It has a hardboard floor covering, painted wall papered walls and a stippled ‘Artex’ ceiling with a single loft access.


Phasing of No 3 King Street taken in isolation from the rest of the terrace is simply that a small lean-to was added to
the rear and later equipped with a doorway.

Phasing of the terrace is a different matter.

Property No 4 is a different depth than no’s 1, 2 and 3 which suggests a different build.

Photographs of No4 during relatively recent restoration reveal quoin stones at the front and back of No4, PL03, with
possible ceiling rafter voids in PL04 denoting an earlier rear projection or building.

Interpretation summary

If such a rear building; possibly an extension to No 3, were removed, it may explain the skewed nature of the rear
wall of No3 and the re-use of such a small space as a separate dwelling.

Discussions with Mr & Mrs Waters of No2 revealed that their west wall (Party wall with No 3) used to have a
fireplace which is corroborated with the photograph in PL01; however, the test pit in PH05 didn’t reveal any
appreciable foundation that one would associate with a gable ended fireplace.

It is possible that No3 with its lack of hearth or fixed stairwell was previously an extended room for No2 which was
originally the Jolly Colliers Public House.

However, that doesn’t explain the internal doorway into No4.


The original advice given by GGAT suggested:

‘As the building has undergone some alteration, the proposed recording should take place both
prior to and during the undertaking of demolition, as the demolition works are likely to expose
the historic core and this should be done under archaeological supervision.

A.P.A.C. Ltd 3 King Street, Brynmawr BS/BRY/14
The survey and research undertaken for this project has added to the background knowledge of this building and
also posed questions as to its origin and function.

These important questions may be answered by investigation during demolition of the relationship between the
adjoining buildings.

Of particular importance will be the structure of both party walls.


The original archive will be retained by APAC. Ltd

Secondary archives consisting of a hard copy of the report with a digital copy of the complete data and photographs
be deposited with the County Records Office in Ebbw Vale and with The Royal Commission on Ancient and
Historical Monuments Aberystwyth.

Digital copies of the report will be forwarded to the client, planning and the HER, held by Glamorgan Gwent
Archaeological Trust.


I would like to thank the client Mr Porter for the details supplied and Mr & Mrs Waters for all their help and


A.P.A.C. Ltd will retain full copyright of any reports and specialist reports, under the Copyright, Designs and
Patents Act of 1988 with all rights reserved.

A.P.A.C. Ltd hereby gives permission for the monitoring authority to use any documentation directly relating to the
project as described in this Project Design.

A.P.A.C. Ltd 3 King Street, Brynmawr BS/BRY/14

Bibliography and References:

ALGAO Analysis and Recording for the Conservation and Control of Works to Historic
Buildings 1997

BGCBC Planning Permission. C/2014/0153. 05/09/2014.

Crickhowell & District

Archive Centre A/C 10 Box 1. 57 Plan of the public houses of Brynmawr.

English Heritage Management of Archaeological Projects (1991).

Understanding Historic Buildings A guide to good Recording Practice. 2006

Gwent County Archive D/Pa. 22.45. Tithe Map of The Parish of Llanelly in the County of Brecon 1847.
with Apportionments.

Institute for
Archaeologists. Standards and Guidance for an archaeological watching brief. 2013.

Code of Conduct and the Code of Approved Practice for the regulation of
Contractual Arrangements in Field Archaeology. 2014.

Standards and Guidance for the archaeological investigation and recording of

standing buildings or structures, 2013.

GGAT BLG0169BHD Proposed Demolition & Re-Build of 2Storey 1 Bedroom Terraced

House: 3 King Street, Brynmawr. Pl.App.No.: C/2014/0153.

Jennings, H., 1934. Brynmawr, A Study of a Distressed Area, Allenson & Co. London.
(Brynmawr Library)

Plan-it DESIGN Renovation/Extension, 3 King St Brynmawr

Lawrence Clarke Drawings:

Existing plan Ground floor 5/05/2014

Existing Elevations 5/05/2014
Proposed plan Ground floor 5/05/2014
Proposed plan Roof 5/05/2014
Proposed Elevations 5/05/2014
Block Plan 5/05/2014

Porter, G., Miscellaneous house deeds 1929-present, 3 King Street, Brynmawr.

Waters, Mr & Mrs Manuscript Pubs of Brynmawr by Charles Owen Williams

A.P.A.C. Ltd 3 King Street, Brynmawr BS/BRY/14

Archwilio. HER database GGAT
Coflein. RCAHMW database.
Google Maps

A.P.A.C. Registered Address: 36 Hatherleigh Rd, Abergavenny Monmouthshire NP7 7RG.

Tel: 07734962919. Mobile: 07734962919 Email: apac.philips@btinternet.com
Company Registration No 5041541 VAT Reg No 826 3628 19
Director: Dr. N. Phillips D.Phil.BA (Hons).Cert Ed/FE. AIFA.

3 King St, Brynmawr

The Ordnance Survey has granted A.P.A.C. Ltd a Copyright Licence (No. 100046577) to reproduce map information

Fig 01: Location

A.P.A.C. :BS/BRY/14
3 King St, Brynmawr

King Street

Jennings 1934

Fig 02: King Street, pre 1821

A.P.A.C. :BS/BRY/14
3 King St, Brynmawr

The Ordnance Survey has granted A.P.A.C. Ltd a Copyright Licence (No. 100046577)
Detail poor but possible King Street

a 1832 Ist Series OS sheet 42. 1 : 63360

King Street buildings. Note detail of

properties and similarity to present

b 1847 Llanelly Parish Tithe

The Bridge Inn is marked for the

property in the bottom left corner.
The King Street terrace it to its right
with an empty field on the right.

c 1879 OS Breckonshire XLVII.NE 6”: mile

A more stylised representation with

less detail

d 1899 Monmouthshire XI.NE 6”: mile

Number 4 King Street is again shown

with a front extension from the rest
of the terrace.

e 1915 OS Breckonshire XLVII.NE 6”: mile

Fig 03: Map progression A.P.A.C. Ltd. BS/BRY/14

3 King St, Brynmawr

1929 1940


1955 2014

1929-1955 permission of Mr Porter. Survey 2014, Dr N Phillips & A.O. Phillips

Fig 04: King Street survey plans

A.P.A.C Ltd. :BS/BRY/14
3 King St, Brynmawr

Rear elevation

1st Floor No2 No4


Front Elevation



1m Survey: DR N Phillips & A O Phillips

Cad : A O Phillips

Fig 05 Plans and elevations

A.P.A.C. :BS/BRY/14
3 King St, Brynmawr

Plate 01. Early Photograph of King St. No 3, front right, 3rd from right
A.P.A.C. :BS/BRY/14
3 King St, Brynmawr

Scan Crickhowell Archive A/C 10 Box 1. 53

Scan Mrs Waters

Plate 02a Brynmawr Public Houses A.P.A.C. :BS/BRY/14
3 King St, Brynmawr

Scan Mrs Waters

Plate 03: Front elevation. but joint of No3 with No4. Note quoins of No4

Scan Mrs Waters

Plate 04: Rear elevation. but joint of No3 with No4. Note Joist holes of No4 A.P.A.C Ltd. :BS/BRY/14
Site Site code Grid Ref: Camera Format Dimensions Image no: Area
KING STREET BRYNMAW BS/BRY/14 319555 212129 Sony F828 Digital 3264x2448 DSC07227 External front
Direction of view:
North west

Reason for image Front Elevation. No 4 King St left. No 2 King St right


A.P.A.C. Ltd
Site Site code Grid Ref: Camera Format Dimensions Image no: Area
KING STREET BRYNMAWR BS/BRY/14 319555 212129 Sony F828 Digital 2448x3264 DSC07238 External back
Direction of view:
South East

Reason for image

Rear elevation. Property

division at Green up pipe.
No 2 King St left.


A.P.A.C. Ltd
Site Site code Grid Ref: Camera Format Dimensions Image no: Area
KINGSTREET BRYNMAWR BS/BRY/14 319555 212129 Sony F828 Digital 3264x2448 DSC07228 Internal
Direction of view:
South East


Reason for image Ground floor. Front elevation showing front door and window

A.P.A.C. Ltd
Site Site code Grid Ref: Camera Format Dimensions Image no: Area
KINGSTREET BRYNMAWR BS/BRY/14 319555 212129 Sony F828 Digital 2448x3264 DSC07264 Internal
Direction of view:
North West

Reason for image


Detail of internal ground

floor showing services


A.P.A.C. Ltd
Site Site code Grid Ref: Camera Format Dimensions Image no: Area
KINGSTREET BRYNMAWR BS/BRY/14 319555 212129 Sony F828 Digital 3264x2448 DSC07229 Internal
Direction of view:
North East


Reason for image Ground floor. Test hole in earthen floor at centre of east wall

A.P.A.C. Ltd
Site Site code Grid Ref: Camera Format Dimensions Image no: Area
KINGSTREET BRYNMAWR BS/BRY/14 319555 212129 Sony F828 Digital 3264x2448 DSC07230 Internal
Direction of view:


Reason for image Ground floor. Test hole in earthen floor at centre of west wall. Note brick foundation
of No 4 King St

A.P.A.C. Ltd
Site Site code Grid Ref: Camera Format Dimensions Image no: Area
KINGSTREET BRYNMAWR BS/BRY/14 319555 212129 Sony F828 Digital 2448x3264 DSC07232 Internal
Direction of view:
North West

Reason for image


Ground floor access to

1st floor. Boxed ladder steps


A.P.A.C. Ltd
Site Site code Grid Ref: Camera Format Dimensions Image no: Area
KINGSTREET BRYNMAWR BS/BRY/14 319555 212129 Sony F828 Digital 2448x3264 DSC07266 Internal
Direction of view:
South West

Reason for image


Long view showing

location of blocked
internal access door
to No 4 King St behind
inserted 1st floor access


A.P.A.C. Ltd
Site Site code Grid Ref: Camera Format Dimensions Image no: Area
KINGSTREET BRYNMAWR BS/BRY/14 319555 212129 Sony F828 Digital 2448x3264 DSC07263 Internal
Direction of view:
North West

Reason for image


2nd Detail of rear internal

wall (original rear elevation),
Raised section accommodates
sliding door recess


A.P.A.C. Ltd
Site Site code Grid Ref: Camera Format Dimensions Image no: Area
KINGSTREET BRYNMAWR BS/BRY/14 319555 212129 Sony F828 Digital 2448x3264 DSC07237 Internal
Direction of view:
North West

Reason for image


Ground floor. Rear room

extension. Kitchen with
rear door and window


A.P.A.C. Ltd
Site Site code Grid Ref: Camera Format Dimensions Image no: Area
KING STREET BRYNMAWR BS/BRY/14 319555 212129 Sony F828 Digital 3264X2448 DSC007233 INTERNAL
Direction of view:
North West


Reason for image 1st floor access through trap door at top of steps. Loft access just to the west of ceiling
centre. Height 1.9m


A.P.A.C. Ltd
A.P.A.C. Ltd Appendix I Digital photograph list BS/BRY/14

Photo no Date Camera Size View Description Plate

DSC07225 13/10/2014 SONY F828 3264x2448 Image Photograph of Brynmawr early 20th century. Flash. Rejected
DSC07226 13/10/2014 SONY F828 3264x2448 Image Photograph of Brynmawr early 20th century. Blurred Rejected
DSC07227 13/10/2014 SONY F828 3264x2448 NW Front Elevation. No 4 King St left. No 2 King St right PH01
DSC07228 13/10/2014 SONY F828 3264x2448 SE Ground floor. Front elevation showing front door and window PH03
DSC07229 13/10/2014 SONY F828 3264x2448 NW Ground floor. Test hole in earthen floor at centre of east wall PH05
DSC07230 13/10/2014 SONY F828 3264x2448 E Ground floor. Test hole in earthen floor at centre of west wall. Note brick foundation of No 4 King St PH06
DSC07231 13/10/2014 SONY F828 3264x2448 SE Ground floor. Remains of concrete screed floor over compacted earth base.
DSC07232 13/10/2014 SONY F828 2448x3264 NW Ground floor access to 1st floor. Boxed ladder steps PH07
DSC07233 13/10/2014 SONY F828 3264x2448 NW 1st floor access through trap door at top of steps. Loft access just to the west of ceiling centre. Height 1.9m PH11
DSC07234 13/10/2014 SONY F828 3264x2448 N 1st floor. Access trapdoor to ground floor. Note steep gradient.
DSC07235 13/10/2014 SONY F828 3264x2448 V 1st floor. Access trapdoor to ground floor. Note steep gradient.
DSC07236 13/10/2014 SONY F828 2448x3264 W Ground floor. Detail of ladder access to 1st floor
DSC07237 13/10/2014 SONY F828 2448x3264 NW Ground floor. Rear room extension. Kitchen with rear door and window PH10
DSC07238 13/10/2014 SONY F828 3264x2448 SE Rear elevation. Property division at Green up pipe. No 2 King St left. PH02
DSC07239 13/10/2014 SONY F828 3264x2448 W Ground floor. Detail of ladder base.
DSC07260 03/11/2014 SONY F828 3264x2448 Image Photograph of Brynmawr early 20th century. Tripod
DSC07261 03/11/2014 SONY F828 3264x2448 Image 2nd Photograph of Brynmawr early 20th century. Tripod
DSC07262 03/11/2014 SONY F828 3264x2448 N Detail of rear internal wall (original rear elevation), Raised section accommodates sliding door recess
DSC07263 03/11/2014 SONY F828 2448x3264 NE 2nd Detail of rear internal wall (original rear elevation), Raised section accommodates sliding door recess PH09
DSC07264 03/11/2014 SONY F828 2448x3264 NW Detail of internal ground floor showing services PH04
DSC07265 03/11/2014 SONY F828 3264x2448 SW Detail of blocked internal access door to No 4 King St
DSC07266 03/11/2014 SONY F828 2448x3264 SW Long view showing location of blocked internal access door to No 4 King St behind inserted 1st floor access PH08
A.P.A.C. Ltd Appendix I Digital photograph list BS/BRY/14

Photo no Date Camera Size View Description Plate

DSC07225 13/10/2014 SONY F828 3264x2448 Image Photograph of Brynmawr early 20th century. Flash. Rejected
DSC07226 13/10/2014 SONY F828 3264x2448 Image Photograph of Brynmawr early 20th century. Blurred Rejected
DSC07227 13/10/2014 SONY F828 3264x2448 NW Front Elevation. No 4 King St left. No 2 King St right PH01
DSC07228 13/10/2014 SONY F828 3264x2448 SE Ground floor. Front elevation showing front door and window PH03
DSC07229 13/10/2014 SONY F828 3264x2448 NW Ground floor. Test hole in earthen floor at centre of east wall PH05
DSC07230 13/10/2014 SONY F828 3264x2448 E Ground floor. Test hole in earthen floor at centre of west wall. Note brick foundation of No 4 King St PH06
DSC07231 13/10/2014 SONY F828 3264x2448 SE Ground floor. Remains of concrete screed floor over compacted earth base.
DSC07232 13/10/2014 SONY F828 2448x3264 NW Ground floor access to 1st floor. Boxed ladder steps PH07
DSC07233 13/10/2014 SONY F828 3264x2448 NW 1st floor access through trap door at top of steps. Loft access just to the west of ceiling centre. Height 1.9m PH11
DSC07234 13/10/2014 SONY F828 3264x2448 N 1st floor. Access trapdoor to ground floor. Note steep gradient.
DSC07235 13/10/2014 SONY F828 3264x2448 V 1st floor. Access trapdoor to ground floor. Note steep gradient.
DSC07236 13/10/2014 SONY F828 2448x3264 W Ground floor. Detail of ladder access to 1st floor
DSC07237 13/10/2014 SONY F828 2448x3264 NW Ground floor. Rear room extension. Kitchen with rear door and window PH10
DSC07238 13/10/2014 SONY F828 3264x2448 SE Rear elevation. Property division at Green up pipe. No 2 King St left. PH02
DSC07239 13/10/2014 SONY F828 3264x2448 W Ground floor. Detail of ladder base.
DSC07260 03/11/2014 SONY F828 3264x2448 Image Photograph of Brynmawr early 20th century. Tripod
DSC07261 03/11/2014 SONY F828 3264x2448 Image 2nd Photograph of Brynmawr early 20th century. Tripod
DSC07262 03/11/2014 SONY F828 3264x2448 N Detail of rear internal wall (original rear elevation), Raised section accommodates sliding door recess
DSC07263 03/11/2014 SONY F828 2448x3264 NE 2nd Detail of rear internal wall (original rear elevation), Raised section accommodates sliding door recess PH09
DSC07264 03/11/2014 SONY F828 2448x3264 NW Detail of internal ground floor showing services PH04
DSC07265 03/11/2014 SONY F828 3264x2448 SW Detail of blocked internal access door to No 4 King St
DSC07266 03/11/2014 SONY F828 2448x3264 SW Long view showing location of blocked internal access door to No 4 King St behind inserted 1st floor access PH08

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