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DOCUMENT NO 210 May 2014

A.P.A.C. Ltd.
Archaeological Perspectives Analysis Consultancy



Barns at Pen Y Clawdd, Llanfihangle Crucorney,


Planning Application No: 10/04396/FUL

Listed Building Application 10/03497/LBC

Prepared for:
Mr A . W. Jones

By: Dr N Phillips.
A.P.A.C. Ltd Barns at Pen Y Clawdd, Llanfihangle Crucorney. WB/AJ/10


This document comprises the report of an archaeological watching brief

undertaken during ground work at a site identified as having potential
archaeological resources that may be impacted by any development.

The development of concern was the conversion of two barns to create two new

A planning application was submitted to Brecon Beacons National Parks Authority

and as part of the planning process, a condition requiring a written scheme of
investigation for a program of archaeological work during ground disturbance
was imposed.

The watching brief recovered uncovered a small amount of 19th/20th c domestic pot
sherds and some cobbled surfaces.

The north internal gable end wall of the threshing barn had some inscriptions in
the plaster which were recorded.

Copyright Notice:
A.P.A.C. Ltd. retains copyright of this report under the Copyright, Designs and Patents Act, 1988.

The Ordnance Survey has granted A.P.A.C. Ltd a Copyright Licence (No. 100046577) to reproduce map information; Copyright remains
otherwise with the Ordnance Survey.

Cover Photograph: DSC05482

A.P.A.C. Ltd Barns at Pen Y Clawdd, Llanfihangle Crucorney. WB/AJ/10


1 Introduction .............................................................................................................................5
2 Site Location and Description .................................................................................................5
3 Geology and Topography ........................................................................................................5
4 Brief archaeological and historical background ......................................................................6
5 Aims and Objectives ...............................................................................................................7
6 Watching Brief ........................................................................................................................7
7 Watching Brief Results ...........................................................................................................7
8 Interpretation .........................................................................................................................12
9 Staff .......................................................................................................................................13
10 Archive: .............................................................................................................................13
11 Acknowledgements: ..........................................................................................................13
12 Bibliogreaphy: ...................................................................................................................14


01 Site Location map

02 Existing floor plan
03 1775 Estate map extract. Pen y Clawdd
04 1841 Tithe Map extract. Pen y Clawdd
05 1881 Ordnance Survey extract. Pen y Clawdd
06 1901 Ordnance Survey extract. Pen y Clawdd
07 1920 Ordnance Survey extract. Pen y Clawdd
08 Excavation sequence
09 Cow house cobbles
10 Cow house extension, cobbles
11 Trench location plan
12 Threshing barn north gable end inscriptions
13 Courtyard cobble areas

A.P.A.C. Ltd Barns at Pen Y Clawdd, Llanfihangle Crucorney. WB/AJ/10


1 Cowshed, cobble floor recording. Test hole

2 Out-shut range
3 Out-shut SW
4 Out-shut NE
5 3rd Out-shut
6 Steps from Threshing Barn to out-shut
7 Eastern Out-shut
8 Threshing Barn south wall cobbles and border 5
9 Threshing Barn, view through
10 Threshing barn floor
11 Threshing Barn south east elevation, wall foundation 1.24m
12 Barn south east elevation, wall foundation under excavation, complete
13 Threshing Barn south east elevation, wall foundation (duplicate)
14 View along mid section of proposed access road prior to excavation
15 View along lower section of proposed access road prior to excavation
16 Drainage excavation along proposed road E
17 Drainage excavation along proposed road W
18 Road access from gate. Up welling water. Previous land drain left
19 View along lower section of proposed access road mid section, drainage ditch
20 View along position of removed out-shut
21 Corner of barn 2, 400mm below present ground level to top of corner stone. Out-
shut removed
22 Soak away pit, backfill
23 Soak away pit, 1 m above buried tank
24 Courtyard, foundation trench along NW elevation of Threshing Barn. Long view
25 Courtyard, foundation trench along NW elevation of Threshing Barn
26 Courtyard, Further partial cobble in front of NW elevation of Threshing Barn.
Long view
27 Courtyard. View from 1st floor. Cobble yard at corner of barns. Sequence 1669,
1670 & 1671
28 Position of drainage trench along south west elevation of 2
29 Drainage trench along south west elevation of 2
30 Drainage trench along south west elevation of 2 towards soak away established d
land drain
31 Drainage breaking through hard standing
32 Drainage breaking through hard standing towards drainage along access road
33 Drain to soak-away south of Cowshed
34 Cable trench through field. Long view
35 Cable trench through field. Long view
36 Threshing door Barn 1 South elevation. Boundary trench excavation
37 Threshing door Barn 1 South elevation. Boundary trench excavation. Long view
38 Threshing door Barn 1 South elevation. Boundary trench excavation. Detail
39 Courtyard levelling. Cobbles exposed, SE
40 Courtyard levelling. Cobbles exposed, NW
41 Courtyard levelling cobbles at NW wall boundary. Recording sequence 8
42 Courtyard cobbles at NW wall boundary. Depth of curb
43 Soak-away depth from cobble area of courtyard
44 Courtyard cobbles at NW wall boundary. Depth of curb and soak-away
45 Courtyard drainage soak-away in front of Stable Block SW of cobble surface,
46 Courtyard, NW wall boundary foundation depth. Area to SW of cobbles.
47 Courtyard drainage & soak-away in front of Stable Block SW of cobble surface.
View from 1st floor barn 1
48 Rebuilt out-shut to left, former wall to right
49 Surviving wall to the south east of former out-shut
50 Removal of former wall

A.P.A.C. Ltd Barns at Pen Y Clawdd, Llanfihangle Crucorney. WB/AJ/10

51 Excavation of former pond, land fill depth around 1.5m Detail

52 Excavation of former pond, Former concrete culvert
53 Excavation of former pond, Concrete base for former barn support frame
54 Removal of former wall
55 Excavation of former pond, concrete culvert removed
56 Point at boundary wall where pond from Motte site drains through concrete pipe,
Concrete pipe removed
57 Levelling ground between Stable Block and pond site long view


Appendix I Contexts sheets

Appendix II Digital Photograph list & contact sheet
Appendix III Finds Index & assemblage photographs

A.P.A.C. Ltd Barns at Pen Y Clawdd, Llanfihangle Crucorney. WB/AJ/10

1 Introduction

A planning application, 10/04396/FUL and a Listed Building Consent application 10/04397/LBC, were submitted
to Brecon Beacons National Parks Authority, (BBNPA) in February 2010 for Proposed Barn Conversion to Create
Two New Dwellings: Pen Y Clawdd, Llanfihangel Crucorney, MON1368/JBHD, fig 01.

The proposed development area is adjacent to a Scheduled Ancient Monument; Pen Y Clawdd Castle Mound SAM
MM145, a Grade I listed Building, Pen Y Clawdd Court, Cadw 1926 and a barn, Grade II Listed Building: Cadw

Butted onto the south west gable of the Grade II barn is a later ‘L’ shaped agricultural block comprising stable
block with hayloft, cow house with feeding stalls and a threshing barn, fig 02.

This later ‘L’ shaped addition forms a courtyard area with the two listed buildings, however; existing and long
established boundary walls serve to separate the agricultural areas from the status of the domestic area, (Anderton
pp 4-8, 2010).

It is the ‘L’ shaped range of buildings that are the focus of the planning application and for which the client Mr
A.W. Jones, was granted approval in July 2010; with conditions, one of which, relevant to this report stated:

No development shall take place until implementation of a programme of archaeological work in

accordance with a written scheme of investigation which has been submitted to and approved in
writing by the local Authority
BBNPA 10/04396/FUL 22June 2010

To meet the condition the client contacted A.P.A.C. ltd, to undertake the work.

Based on discussions with the client and the BBNPA archaeologist, as well as, available documentation supplied;
APAC Ltd produced a Written Scheme of Investigation for the work WSI: WB/AJ/10, which was submitted to
planning and approved as ‘fit for purpose’.

An archaeological watching brief as detailed in WSI: WB/AJ/10 began on the 12th December 2011 with the last call
to site undertaken on 13th March 2012.

An interim letter was issued to the BBNPA on the 30th October 2012 concerning proposed foundations for an
adjusted garage position 12/08261/FUL.

On the 12th March 2014, a request for a copy of the watching brief by the BBNPA alerted APAC Ltd that
development was at an end, allowing the final report to be compiled.

2 Site Location and Description

The site is located some 4 miles north of Abergavenny at NGR 331018 220058. fig 01.

When travelling north from Abergavenny on the A456, access can be gained by taking the road to the left, ‘Old
Hereford Road’ just before the village of Llanfiangle Crucorney.

Continue along the road, passing two right turns, towards the hamlet of Blaen-Gavenny where off a sharp left
corner, the new access road to the right, leads to the barns.

3 Geology and Topography

The Pen Y Clawdd site lies on a solid geology identifiable as the St Maughan’s formation: Agrillaceous rocks and
sandstone which has been overlain with glacial deposits of sands and gravels.

The site occupies gently sloping ground on the south eastern slope of Bryn Arw; above is moor-land and rough
grazing, below pasture

A.P.A.C. Ltd Barns at Pen Y Clawdd, Llanfihangle Crucorney. WB/AJ/10

4 Brief archaeological and historical background

The historical record for the site is extremely sparse with the earliest reference in 1349 when it is recorded that
Walter de Kymbard held the site from Lawrence de Hastings of Abergavenny for half a Knights fee, (Bradney 1906.

Bradney’s recorded date was given some archaeological confirmation when two pieces of Bristol Radcliff pot, were
retrieved from the motte ditch during excavations in 2002-3:

The excavation work concluded:

The earthwork at Penyclawdd is an awkward site to interpret with any certainty as it may well be
the result of different phases of construction. The interpretation based on actual remains,
topographical survey, geophysical survey, location and documentary evidence would suggest that
the shape and height of the mound as it stands today has more in common with a later fortified-site
than a motte and bailey castle. However, the excavations revealed a possibility that a motte and
bailey castle may have pre-dated the present mound. This possibility is suggested by the depth of the
encircling ditch coupled with the potential of the existence of a bailey as suggested by the bank
south of the barn complex (see above). This form of survival was noted above at Llangovan where
the entire area of the bailey has been destroyed by the construction of a farm-yard leaving the motte
at one side and a partial ditch and embankment on the other. Curiously, both have roughly
contemporary later buildings in the bailey, both of which are called Penyclawdd.

(Phillips, p195-6. 2006).

The next piece of information to be introduced comes from the 1775 estate map fig 03 which shows a much stylised
depiction of the site with motte and a partial double ditched moat, (The above excavations failed to identify any
evidence for the complete concentric circles shown on the estate map).

With the caveat on accuracy noted, it is of interest that the stable block; ‘L’ configuration, of the barn complex 1 did
not yet exist.

Also of note is building, 2, attached to the eastern boundary wall of the motte area and a second building, 3, which
forms a ‘T’ with the boundary wall.

When a Tithe Map was drawn up some 66 years later in 1841, fig 04, a few changes had taken place such as the
addition of the Stable block, 4 and the building layout and boundary 5 which may be an amalgamation of buildings
2 & 3 see fig 03.

The 1881 map, fig 05 also suggests that building 5 has been elongated to join buildings 2 & 3; which have also
acquired a small, two sections, lean-to, whilst the stable block 4 appears to be longer.

Two other additions have been made: 6 a small offset building adjacent to where the boundary wall cuts through the
inner bank of the motte and 7 a pond.

The 1901 map, fig 06, again suggests that 2 & 3 have indeed become one, 5, along the boundary wall and the site
would appear to have been cleared of trees.

The second lean-to has also been removed from building complex 5.

The last map included in the sequence, fig 07, was drawn up in 1920 however; it remains representative of the
present configuration.

It shows that the pond 7 is well established but building 5 has gone, replaced by a new boundary wall erected to
separate the lawn of Pen Y Clawdd court from the farm courtyard.

Building 6 has also been removed, whilst to the south east of the cowshed, is an additional building 8, presumably
the present out-shut, feeding stalls.

A.P.A.C. Ltd Barns at Pen Y Clawdd, Llanfihangle Crucorney. WB/AJ/10

5 Aims and Objectives

The aim of the watching brief was to preserve by record, within the resources available, any archaeological deposits
uncovered during groundwork.

The watching brief also ensured that: in the event of archaeological resources of significance, being discovered and
requiring treatment beyond the remit of the watching brief, that steps would be implemented to ensure that their
treatment would be undertaken within the standards recommended by the IFA.

6 Watching Brief

Ground work for the watching brief began in January 2011 and continued over isolated days; as and when required
by site work, fig 08 details the general sequence of work.

The last watching brief session took place on 13th March 2012 at which point the option for further work in the
event of unforeseen ground work was left open.

Most of the excavation was undertaken with a JCB with only minimal need for hand clearance required as no
archaeological resources other than occasional small finds were uncovered.

Initial recording

A record of the stratigraphy of each trench was made during excavation and modified on completion.

The work was recorded digitally throughout using a Sony DSC F828 Camera set to 8mp Jpeg & RAW format.

Photographic recording of areas of potential significance was undertaken using enclosing scales, for later
rectification and drawing.

All finds recovered were recorded to context and sealed in bags numbered with finds sequence and context.

Post Ex

Following the watching brief, the field notes and photographs were digitised to produce the context record of the
stratigraphy and an annotated list of the photographs.

All finds were then individually processed (washed, dried, catalogued and re-bagged) allowing the three appendices
to be cross referenced ready for inclusion in the report.

A basic search was undertaken into the readily available history and back ground of the site as required for a
watching brief.

7 Watching Brief Results

Presentation Notes:
All contexts are denoted [#] in the text, listed in Appendix I and cross referenced in Appendix II, to the plates
Photographs used in the text are listed PL #, a complete list of photographs can be found in appendix II with contact
All finds denoted {#} in the text and are listed in Appendix III.

A. 07/01/2011. see fig 08 for sequence

The first watching brief session was undertaken during the clearance of dried animal waste from the floor of the
cowshed, the aim being to establish the extent of the surviving cobble floor so that it could be recorded prior to

A.P.A.C. Ltd Barns at Pen Y Clawdd, Llanfihangle Crucorney. WB/AJ/10

Once the detritus had been removed; as much as was practical, the entire floor was recorded with a sequence of
scaled overlapping photographs which were later rectified to produce a photo-merge from which it was possible to
produce the scaled drawing, fig 08.

The north and western section remained buried in compacted material that was difficult to remove without
dislodging the cobbles themselves.

The drawing reveals that the floor has been extensively disturbed with repairs in both cobbles and pitched stone in-

Some excavation had begun at the west door which revealed a stratigraphic sequence within the cow shed:
[100] compacted dung/soil over [101] cobbles, which had been laid on [102], a red sandy clay, PL01.

There were two areas of modern cement infill [103] one of which held a squared timber support post for the loft.

Removal of the cobbles produced no finds.

The overall surviving and exposed cobbled area reveals an original central lined passage way, with a single less well
defined but parallel linear demarcation each side.

B. 14/01/2011. see fig 08 for sequence

The second area to be dealt with was the stalls, a lean-to erected shown on the map progression to have been erected
between 1901 and 1920.

The stalls building consisted of a long lean-to in two sections, covered with a corrugated tin roof, PL02.

The northwest end has a corrugated end wall, PL03 whilst the south east separator is of masonry, PL04.

The floor is covered in close fitted, rounded stone cobbles [104] with no identifiable pattern to indicate former use;
such as drainage runs or stall separators PL03 & PL04.

One later drainage trench including salt glazed pipe [105] and concrete fill [106] can be seen in PL 05 which issues
from under the door from the threshing barn PL06.

The northern half of the lean-to was used during the work as a works area so no work was recorded here, PL07.

The cobbles [104] were set into a dark red sandy soil [108] with angular stone and occasional charcoal flecks which
produced no finds.

C. 14/01/2011. see fig 08 for sequence

A further section of the cowshed; separated from the first area by a thin partition wall, was dealt with in a similar
way to the main area.

Clearance of the cobbled floor covering revealed some continuation of the linear pattern from the main area, which
suggests that the two were not always separate.

Taken in isolation; due to the inserted partition wall, [111], the pattern is suggestive of seven separations, possibly
stalls, aligned NE/SW between two linear sections of flagstone.

The flagstone line to the west against the partition wall, [109], aligns with the drain that leads towards and goes
under the floor of the lean-to, [105], PL06.

At the northern corner, a beam of wood some 130mm long was embedded within the cobbles PL08.

The stratigraphic sequence was the same as in the main cowshed with no finds.

D. 14/01/2011. see fig 08 for sequence

A.P.A.C. Ltd Barns at Pen Y Clawdd, Llanfihangle Crucorney. WB/AJ/10

At the beginning of the watching brief, any surface covering, which may have been present within the threshing
barn, had been removed leaving a floor of red sandy soil [102], PL09 & PL10; identical to that in the cowshed.

A single area of excavation involving a narrow trench, T1 along the south east wall was observed and recorded,
PL11 & PL12.

The trench reached a depth of 1.3m cutting through a shallow ≥20mm deposit of [102] into [108] a coarse red sandy
deposit with angular stone.

At a depth of approximately a meter below surface, the sequence changed to a deposit of compact, red sandy clay
[112] upon which the south east wall of the threshing barn foundation [113] stood, PL13.

No finds were uncovered.

The north east gable end of the barn presented an interesting set of marks in the plaster covering which could not be
explained with any confidence, but they were identified as worth recording even though the intention was to
preserve them behind a false wall.

The position of the wall in relation to the light sources caused great difficulty in catching any detail; consequently,
three attempts were made to photograph the wall in different lighting:

 January 2011mid morning

 January 2011mid afternoon
 December 2011 early morning

The last one produced a workable sequence from which it was possible to illustrate the majority of the marks which
are shown transcribed over a photograph DSC02081, of the whole wall, fig 12.

E. 25/01/2011. see fig 08 for sequence; (inset left).

This part of the watching brief program was concerned with a service trench T2, to be excavated along the line of
the pre existing access road, established by the 1881 Ordnance Survey Map, fig 04.

Before trenching began, the road was easily identifiable towards the northern end as a sunken way between two
former hedgerows, PL14 whilst the remaining southern half was bounded by the single field boundary to the east,

The service trench was excavated to an average depth of 800mm along a trench excavated from the buildings to the

The main sequence of deposit was fairly uniform: grass [114], over 150mm of red silty/sand with small stone, [115],
overlying 200mm of red fine silty/sand with no stone, [116] over 250mm of red sitly/clay with large rounded stone,
[117] before reaching a deposit of deposit of red clay, [118].

The section photograph PL16, shows the general sequence revealed in the east wall of the trench some 15m north of
a field gate (level with the ‘E’ in the inset fig 08).

A little closer to the road gate there was some evidence of disturbance to the sequence with a layer of angular stone
and fragments of salt glazed pipe [119], PL17 & PL18.

Unfortunately, this part of the trench quickly filled with water and started to collapse so it was not possible to
investigate in any great detail, PL18.

Finds were restricted to a few small fragments of salt glazed pipe.

Water logging; to some degree, continued to be a problem for most of the length of the trench as can be seen in
PL19, which also shows the simple sequence [114] - [118].

Again, no finds were uncovered.

F. 19/08/2011. see fig 08 for sequence; (inset left).

A.P.A.C. Ltd Barns at Pen Y Clawdd, Llanfihangle Crucorney. WB/AJ/10

Removal of the cobble floor [104] from the stalls revealed a surface of [108] red sandy soil with angular stone as
has been described above.

Into the deposit [108], a series of foundation trenches were excavated; four at right angles to the threshing barn and
one full length of the former stalls, PL20.

The shallow trenches, no deeper than 350/400mm did not impact upon any underlying surface and were confined
within the levelling deposit [108] which produced no finds.

Of possible interest is the foundation stone at the northwest end of the former out-shut which is shown in PL21 with
the made up ground [120] of the yard to the left.

G. 17/09/2011. see fig 08 for sequence; (inset left).

Trench G was excavated into the earthen bank to just off the south west corner of the stalls; its purpose, to house a
drainage chamber, PL22.

The size of the hole, the weather conditions, and the relative instability of the ground meant that the operation from
excavation to back fill was a continuous process not really allowing for any details recording other than a few

That said; it was possible to get some shots of the upper deposition sequence once the trench had been made safe,

The top area was a slight earthen bank of made up ground, [121]; a red sandy/silt with small rounded stones.

[121] had been laid over 220mm layer of red sandy clay [122] very similar to [102] seen above under the cobbled
areas of the buildings.

Under [122] was [123], matching the sequence [102]/[108] seen in T1 Threshing barn.

At an estimated depth of around 800mm below ground surface, the sequence of deposition was similar to that
recorded in the field trench T2 above: [124-125-126-127] = [115-116-117-118].

H. 28/09/2011. see fig 08 for sequence; (inset left).

The work undertaken on the 17 09 2011 involved the recording of a trench, T9, fig 11, dug along the south east
elevation of the threshing barn and the reduction of the ground level of the courtyard area.

Trench TR9 had been excavated for the foundations of the new eastern elevation of the threshing barn wall, PL24.

The ground disturbed during this work was over 800mm of re-deposited land fill, [128], a mixture of angular and
rounded stone in a red sandy/silt, PL25, which produced no finds.

Work also began on initial ground reduction of the entire courtyard area which revealed two areas of cobble
surfaces, both of which were laid on top of [128].

The two cobbled areas are [129] in front of the threshing barn doors, PL26 and [130] in the corner between the
threshing barn and the stable block, PL27.

A surface covering [131] over [129] was not recorded as the area was assumed to be [128] until the cobbles were
exposed; the landscaping by that time had disturbed the area and had also introduced new material.

Most of [129] was disturbed and missing but some edging stones remained in situ to establish that the threshing
doors originally had a cobbled access, fig 13.

The cobbled area [130] was formerly the floor of a lean-to, (see frontispiece), which was removed prior to the
watching brief.

The cobbles [130] reveal a possible southeast/northwest division on the left hand side picked out in pitched stone
and a second division on the right hand side picked out with flat stones.

A.P.A.C. Ltd Barns at Pen Y Clawdd, Llanfihangle Crucorney. WB/AJ/10

The latter aligns to the drainage run noted above in both the second part of the cowshed as well as the stalls.

No finds were uncovered.

I,J,K & L. 28/10/2011. see fig 08 for sequence; (inset left).

The position of drainage trench T10 was along the south west elevation of the stable block and cowshed, as shown
on fig 11 and in PL28.

The excavation cut [135] through a disturbed surface [132] of stone; possibly cobbles, and concrete rubble to expose
a pre-existing drain run [133], which can be seen on the left hand side of the trench in PL29.

The fill of the drain run is a pea gravel and soil mix [134] with a cap of concrete [136].

Adjacent to the building, the cut for [133] was dug into red sandy clay similar to [102] which overlay a dark red
sandy/silt with angular stone similar to [108], before hitting bedrock [138].

Once past the south end of the building, the stratigraphic sequence changed to a land fill of large angular and
rounded stone [136] as exposed in the courtyard [128], PL30.

A meter or so further on, the excavation encountered [139], a 300mm slab of concrete on a coarse stone bed [140],
part of an area of hardstanding, PL31.

Once the hardstanding had been breached, the field trench T2 was extended to join T10, PL32.

The final part of T2 produced the first finds assemblage of the project; {1}, four sherds of china and a sherd of
stoneware jar circa late 19th early 20th century Appendix III.

One further trench, T11, was excavated to join T8 to T10 and another to begin T12 to the south, PL33.

T10 produced the second finds assemblage {2}; 1 sherd slipware 18th c, 1 sherd earthenware and 1 sherd china
19th/20th c.

T12 was a narrowed trench to take cables, extended from T10 and running towards the road in a field adjacent to
that used for T2, PL34 & PL35.

With the exception of a deposit of land fill [119], the stratigraphy in T12 was identical to T2.

M. 11/11/2011. see fig 08 for sequence; (inset left).

Trench T13 was a shallow foundation trench from the southern door of the threshing barn, PL36, edging the slope
up towards the door.

Around 400mm deep and 500mm wide, it extended to the boundary wall PL37.

The entire trench was excavated within a single context [144], comprising a narrow band of red silty/sand with a
high % of angular and rounded stone identical to [108], [120] & [128].

Interestingly, the photograph PL38 shows that the barn wall foundation is quite shallow here unlike on the other side
of the door which extends down around 0.5mm.

T13 produced the third find a small section of clay pipe stem {3}.

N. 12/12/2011. see fig 08 for sequence; (inset left).

A second phase of levelling within the courtyard, involving reduction of the surface, uncovered an isolated section
of cobbles [141], running adjacent to the northwest boundary wall, fig 13, PL39 & PL40.

The north-western edge of the cobbles had been cut by the later boundary wall, PL40 and both ends had been
robbed; however, remaining edge stones show that the surface used to extend to the northeast at least, PL41.

A.P.A.C. Ltd Barns at Pen Y Clawdd, Llanfihangle Crucorney. WB/AJ/10

O & P. 13/12/2011. see fig 08 for sequence; (inset left).

Later excavation for one of the soak ways (S2 fig 11) allowed a vertical section of the cobbled structure to be
examined, revealing the line of large edge maker stones, PL42.

Contact was made with GGAT concerning the surface and it was decided to preserve it intact which the client was
agreeable to.

Once the levelling had been completed three soak-aways S1-S3 and a series of connecting trenches T14-17, were
excavated, fig 08.

S1, closest to the threshing barn, is shown in PL43 revealing some 2m of land fill [128].

Towards the western edge, both S2 and S3 reveal that [128] underlies approximately 400mm landfill of red
sandy/silt [142] similar to [108], PL 44 & PL45.

S3 also provided a section at the boundary wall showing the shallow foundation, PL46, location shown in PL47

Conditions worsened with quite heavy rain and the deep trenches were unstable and collapsing which prevented any
detail recording.

No finds were uncovered.

One further piece of work was undertaken with an investigation of a partial wall to the south east of the stalls shown
in PL48; the new northern boundary wall to the rear and the new stalls east wall to the left.

The bank to the right in PL48; detail view PL49, expected to contain a wall dry stone wall; however a limited
excavation revealed that the wall was in fact an earthen bank similar to that found at T8, above, PL50.

No finds were recovered.

Q. 06/03/2012. see fig 08 for sequence; (inset left).

The final excavation took place to the west of the stable block, the purpose being to re-instate the pond that was
recorded in 1881, fig 05 but which had been filled in sometime after 1920 and covered over with the concrete base
of a steel barn.

The base, shown in PL28 had been removed prior to the watching brief revealing that the original pond had been
backfilled with landfill, PL51, which did yield finds assemblage {4} domestic agricultural debris, metal, glass
ceramics, late 19th/20th century.

Just under a meter below the surface, a large diameter concrete pipe was broken through which had been put in
place to take the water from the motte, under the barn, when the pond had been filled in, PL52.

R. 13/03/2012. see fig 08 for sequence; (inset left).

The final day of the watching brief concerned further work in the vicinity of the pond and it involved more
excavation of the land fill PL53 & PL54 illustrate the type of material found.

Further excavation was done to remove the broken concrete pipe so that a modern system to supply the new pond
could be installed, PL55 & PL56.

Finally, the proposed pond was created and the sides graded PL57.

8 Interpretation

The most surprising aspect of the entire watching brief was the lack of finds, especially considering the very close
proximity of a site with evidence of occupation since the 12th century.

A.P.A.C. Ltd Barns at Pen Y Clawdd, Llanfihangle Crucorney. WB/AJ/10

The most likely explanation is the enormous amount of land fill that has been deposited over the site to provide a
level area for building, (appendix 1a).

This also explains the raised bank to the south of the threshing barn which was thought to have been part of the
outer bailey of the motte, (Phillips, p195. 2006).

The findings from across the site reveal that with the exception of some areas of agriculturally based cobble floors;
nothing of any archaeological significance was disturbed during ground works.

9 Staff
Dr. Neil Phillips, AIFA.

Post ex
Mr A. O. Phillips.

Specialist Services: Mr S Clarke, Monmouth Archaeology

10 Archive:

The original archive for this project will remain with APAC Ltd.

A copy of the archive will be deposited with Gwent Archive.

Finds were not retained

11 Acknowledgements:

Thanks to Alun for access to the site and appreciation also to his site team for their expertise and professionalism.
Bibliography and References:

A.P.A.C. Ltd Barns at Pen Y Clawdd, Llanfihangle Crucorney. WB/AJ/10

12 Bibliography:

Planning &
2010. Listed Building/Heritage Statement to Support Listed Building Consent for the
Conversion of Barns at Pen y Clawdd, Llanfihangle Crucorney, Abergavenny.

A.P.A.C. Ltd.
2010. Written Scheme of Investigation for an Archaeological Watching Brief, WSI: WB/AJ/10.

BBNPA. 2010. Application for Planning Permission and Listed Buildings consent for alterations,
Extension or Demolition of a listed building. 10/04396.

Delegated Decision Report. 10/04396/FUL.

Notice of Decision. Proposed Barn Conversion to Create 2 New Dwellings (amendments to

permission M20975) (Full Application) at Barns at Pen-yClawdd, Llanfihangle Crucorney,
Abergavenny, Monmouthshire.

Bradney, J.A.,
1904-33. A History of Monmouthshire from the Coming of the Normans into Wales Down to the Present
Time, 4 vols. London: Hughes & Clarke.

British Geological
Survey. 1990. Solid and Drift Geology. England and Wales, Sheet 232. 1:50 000.

Cadw. 2010. Planning Application No: 07/01311/FUL. Proposed Barn Conversion at Pen-Y-Clawdd,
Llanfihangle Crucorney, Monmouthshire.

Schedule area location plan MM145. 12/08261FUL

FTAA Ltd. Proposed Barn Conversion at Pen-Y-Clawdd, Llanfihangle Crucorney, Monmouthshire.

Drawing 1196/WD/12. Proposed Site Layout. 15/07/11

GGAT, 2010. MON1368/JBHD. Re: Proposed Barn Conversion to Create Two New Dwellings:
Penyclawdd, Llanfihangle Crucorney. Pl.App.No.:10/04396/FUL and 10/04397/LBC

Institute for
Archaeologists. Standard and Guidance for an archaeological watching brief. 2013.

Code of Approved Practice for the Regulation of Contractual Arrangements in Archaeology 2014.

Standard and Guidance for the Collection, Documentation, Conservation and Research of
Archaeological Materials. 2013.

Code of Conduct and the Code of Approved Practice for the regulation of Contractual
Arrangements in Field Archaeology. 2008.

Phillips, N.,
2006. Earthwork Castles of Gwent and Ergyng AD 1050 – 1250. BAR 420. Archeopress.

A.P.A.C. Ltd Barns at Pen Y Clawdd, Llanfihangle Crucorney. WB/AJ/10

Ltd. Proposed Barn Conversion Penyclawdd, Llanfihangle Crucorney, Abergavenny.
Existing Plans & Elevations 007/03. P01. 23/01/07.
Proposed Floor Plans & Elevations 007/03. P02. 26/02/07.
Proposed Site Plans 007/03. P03. 03/08/07.
Proposed Site Plans 007/03. P03. 09/08/07. G
Proposed Window/Door Details. Sheet 1. 007/03. P11. 03/09/09.
Proposed Details. Sheet 2. 007/03. P12. 03/09/09.
Partial Site Survey Sections. P07. 007/03. P11. 01/10/09.

The copyright for this report shall be retained by A.P.A.C. Ltd.

A.P.A.C. Registered Address: 36 Hatherleigh Rd, Abergavenny Monmouthshire NP7 7RG.

Tel: 07734962919. Mobile: 07734962919 Email:
Company Registration No 5041541 VAT Reg No 826 3628 19
Director: Dr. N. Phillips D.Phil. BA (Hons).Cert Ed/FE. AIFA.

Barns at Pen Y Clawdd, Llanfihangle Crucorney

Ordnance Survey Copyright Licence (No. 100046577)

Fig 01: Location A.P.A.C. Ltd WB/AJ/10

Barns at Pen Y Clawdd, Llanfihangle Crucorney

Grade II Barn

Threshing barn

Stable block


Cow House


0 5 10 20
adapted from 007/03. P01 23/01/07
m Williamson Associates Ltd

Figure 02: Existing floor plan

A.P.A.C. Ltd WB/AJ/10
Barns at Pen Y Clawdd, Llanfihangle Crucorney.


0 50 100

metres ‘L’ position adapted from Gwent Record Office D.591.32A.37

Fig 03: 1775 Estate Map, Pen Y Clawdd A.P.A.C. Ltd WB/AJ/10
Barns at Pen Y Clawdd, Llanfihangle Crucorney.

Ordnance Survey

Copyright Licence (No. 100046577)



Fig 04: 1841 Tithe Map Fig 05: 1881 Ordnance Survey 1:2500

Ordnance Survey

Ordnance Survey

Copyright Licence (No. 100046577)

Copyright Licence (No. 100046577)


Fig 06: 1901 Ordnance Survey 1:2500 Fig 07: 1920 Ordnance Survey 1:2500 A.P.A.C. Ltd WB//AJ/10

0 50 100

Barns at Pen Y Clawdd, Llanfihangle Crucorney.

I A A Cowshed 07/01/2011
B Stalls 14/01/2011
T2 K JG F C Cowshed 14/01/2011
D Threshing Barn 14/01/2011
E Access road 25/01/2011
F Stalls foundation 19/08/2011
0 50

G Drainage 17/09/2011
H Leveling 28/09/2011
I Drains 28/10/2011
J Drains 28/10/2011
K Drains 28/10/2011
L Cable trench 28/10/2011
M Wall foundation 11/11/2011
N Levelling 12/12/2011
O Soak away 12/12/2011
0 50 100 P Drains 13/12/2011
Q Pond 06/03/2012
metres R Levelling 13/03/2012

Fig 08: Excavation sequence A.P.A.C. Ltd WB/AJ/10

Barns at Pen Y Clawdd, Llanfihangle Crucorney

m n

Compacted earth/dung

Excavated areas

Modern post


0 5

Figure 09: Existing Cow House Floor

A.P.A.C. Ltd WB/AJ/10
Barns at Pen Y Clawdd, Llanfihangle Crucorney


Compacted earth/dung

Excavated areas

Modern post


Wooden beam


0 5

Figure 10: Cow House 2 Floor

A.P.A.C. Ltd WB/AJ/10
Barns at Pen Y Clawdd, Llanfihangle Crucorney

S3 S1

T17 H reduction Grade II Barn


Threshing barn
Stable block


Cow House


0 5 10 20 T8

adapted from 007/03. P01 23/01/07

T2 Williamson Associates Ltd

Figure 11: Trench plans

A.P.A.C. Ltd WB/AJ/10
Barns at Pen Y Clawdd, Llanfihangle Crucorney

Figure 12: Theshing barn, north east gable, inscribed plaster

A.P.A.C. Ltd WB/AJ/10
Barns at Pen Y Clawdd, Llanfihangle Crucorney

[141 N
Stable block




Threshing barn
0 5


Figure 13: Court yard cobbles

A.P.A.C. Ltd WB/AJ/10
Barns at Pen Y Clawdd, Llanfihangle Crucorney

Plate 01: Cowshed, cobble floor recording. Test hole Plate 02: Out-shut range


Plate 03: Out-shut SW Plate 04: Out-shut NE

A.P.A.C. Ltd WB/AJ/10
Barns at Pen Y Clawdd, Llanfihangle Crucorney

Plate 05: Out-shut Plate 06: Steps from Threshing Barn to out-shut


Plate 07: Eastern Out-shut Plate 08: Threshing Barn south wall
cobbles and border 5 A.P.A.C. Ltd WB/AJ/10
Barns at Pen Y Clawdd, Llanfihangle Crucorney


Plate 09: Threshing Barn, view through


Plate 10: Threshing Barn floor Plate 11: Threshing Barn south east elevation, wall
A.P.A.C. Ltd WB/AJ/10
foundation 1.24m
Barns at Pen Y Clawdd, Llanfihangle Crucorney


Plate 13: Threshing Barn south east elevation, wall foundation

Plate 12: Barn south east elevation, wall foundation under excavation, complete Plate 14: View along mid section of A.P.A.C. Ltd WB/AJ/10
proposed access road prior to
Barns at Pen Y Clawdd, Llanfihangle Crucorney


Plate 15: View along lower section of proposed access road prior to


Plate 16: Drainage excavation along proposed road. E Plate 17: Drainage excavation along proposed
A.P.A.C. Ltd WB/AJ/10
road. W
Barns at Pen Y Clawdd, Llanfihangle Crucorney


Plate 18: Road access from gate. Up welling water. Previous land
drain left


Plate 20: View along position of removed out-shut Plate 19: View along lower section of proposed
A.P.A.C. Ltd WB/AJ/10
access road mid section, drainage ditch
Barns at Pen Y Clawdd, Llanfihangle Crucorney


Plate 21: Corner of barn 2, 400mm below present ground level to top
of corner stone. Out-shut removed


Plate 22: Soak away pit, backfill Plate 23: Soak away pit, 1 m above buried tank
A.P.A.C. Ltd WB/AJ/10
Barns at Pen Y Clawdd, Llanfihangle Crucorney


Plate 25: Courtyard, foundation trench along NW elevation of Threshing

Plate 24: Courtyard, foundation trench along NW elevation of Threshing Barn. Plate 26: Courtyard, Further partial cobble A.P.A.C. Ltd WB/AJ/10
Long view in front of NW elevation of
Threshing Barn. Long view
Barns at Pen Y Clawdd, Llanfihangle Crucorney

Plate 27: Courtyard. View from 1st floor. Cobble yard at corner of barns. Plate 28: Position of drainage trench along south west elevation of 2
Sequence 1669, 1670 & 1671.


Plate 29: Drainage trench along south west elevation of 2 Plate 30: Drainage trench along south west
elevation of 2 towards soak away A.P.A.C. Ltd WB/AJ/10
Barns at Pen Y Clawdd, Llanfihangle Crucorney

Plate 31: Drainage breaking through hard standing Plate 32: Drainage breaking through hard standing towards drainage
along access road


Plate 33: Drain to soak-away south of Cowshed Plate 34: Cable trench through field.
Long view A.P.A.C. Ltd WB/AJ/10
Barns at Pen Y Clawdd, Llanfihangle Crucorney


Plate 35: Cable trench through field. Long view


Plate 36: Threshing door Barn 1 South elevation. Boundary trench Plate 37: Threshing door Barn 1 South elevation.
A.P.A.C. Ltd WB/AJ/10
excavation Boundary trench excavation. Long view
Barns at Pen Y Clawdd, Llanfihangle Crucorney


Plate 38: Threshing door Barn 1 South elevation. Boundary trench
excavation. Detail


Plate 39: Courtyard levelling. Cobbles exposed, NE Plate 40: Courtyard levelling. Cobbles exposed, SW
A.P.A.C. Ltd WB/AJ/10
Barns at Pen Y Clawdd, Llanfihangle Crucorney

Plate 41: Courtyard levelling cobbles at NW wall boundary. Recording sequence 8


Plate 42: Courtyard cobbles at NW wall boundary. Depth of curb A.P.A.C. Ltd WB/AJ/10
Barns at Pen Y Clawdd, Llanfihangle Crucorney


Plate 43: Soak-away depth from cobble area of courtyard


Plate 45: Courtyard drainage soak-away in front of Stable Block SW Plate 44: Courtyard cobbles at NW wall boundary.
A.P.A.C. Ltd WB/AJ/10
of cobble surface, foreground Depth of curb and soak-away
Barns at Pen Y Clawdd, Llanfihangle Crucorney

Plate 46: Courtyard, NW wall boundary foundation depth. Area to Plate 47: Courtyard drainage & soak-away in front of Stable Block SW
SW of cobbles. of cobble surface. View from 1st floor barn 1


Plate 48: Rebuilt out-shut to left, former wall to right Plate 49: Surviving wall to the south east
of former out-shut A.P.A.C. Ltd WB/AJ/10
Barns at Pen Y Clawdd, Llanfihangle Crucorney

Plate 50: Removal of former wall Plate 51: Excavation of former pond, land fill depth around 1.5m Detail


Plate 52: Excavation of former pond, Former concrete culvert Plate 53: Excavation of former pond,
Concrete base for former barn A.P.A.C. Ltd WB/AJ/10
support frame
Barns at Pen Y Clawdd, Llanfihangle Crucorney

Plate 54: Excavation of former pond, continuation of concrete pipe Plate 55: Excavation of former pond, concrete culvert removed
in background


Plate 56: Point at boundary wall where pond from Motte site drains Plate 57: Levelling ground between Stable
through concrete pipe, Concrete pipe removed Block and pond site long view A.P.A.C. Ltd WB/AJ/10
A.P.A.C. Ltd. Appendix I Context Sheet Index 1

Site: Barns at Pen Y Grid Ref: Site No: Alternate No: 1

Clawdd. 331018 220058 WB/AJ/10
100 Cowshed/ Surface Compacted dung/soil None
101 Surface Cobbles None
102 Deposit Red sandy clay None
103 Surface None
104 Stalls Surface Cobbles None
105 Pipe Salt glaze None
106 Concrete fill Concrete None
107 Cut Cut for [105] None
108 Land fill Dark red sandy silt with angular stone, (land fill) None
109 Cowshed Cover Flagstone cover for drain run None
110 Beam Wooden beam inset into floor None
111 Threshing Wall Partition wall between cowsheds None
112 Deposit Red sandy clay [102] None
113 Wall Threshing barn west elevation wall None
114 Field 1 Surface Grass None
115 Deposit Red silty/sand with small stone {1}, {3}
116 Deposit Red silty/sand no stone None
117 Deposit Red sitly/clay with large rounded slab/stone None
118 Deposit Red clay None
119 Land fill Rubble and fragments of salt glaze pipe None
120 Stall Land fill Dark red sandy silt with angular stone, (land fill) None
121 TR8 Land fill Red sandy/silt with rounded stone None
122 Land fill Red sandy clay [102] None
123 Land fill Dark red sandy silt with angular stone, (land fill) None
124 Land fill Red silty/sand with small stone [115] None
125 Land fill Red silty/sand no stone [116] None
126 Deposit Red sitly/clay with large rounded slab/stone [117] None
127 Deposit Red clay [118] None
128 Courtyard Land fill Red sandy/silt with large % stone, rounds and {3}
angular. (Land fill)
129 Cobbles In front of the threshing barn None
130 Cobbles At corner of threshing barn and stables None
131 surface Unrecorded None
132 Surface Disturbed None
133 Pipe Salt glaze None
134 Fill Pea gravel None
135 Cut None
136 Cover Concrete cap None
137 Land fill Red sandy/silt with large % stone, rounds and None
angular. (Land fill) [128]
138 Natural Bedrock sandstone. None
139 Hard standing Concrete None
140 Bedding Coarse chippings. None
141 Courtyard Cobbles West courtyard None
142 Dark red sandy silt with angular stone, (land fill) None
143 Pond Land fill Agricultural/domestic waste, rubble {4}
A.P.A.C. Ltd. Appendix Ia Context Sheet Matrix

Site: Barns at Grid Ref: Site No:

Pen Y Clawdd. 331018 220058 WB/AJ/10
100 Cow Surface Compacted dung/soil None
101 Surface Cobbles None
102 Deposit Red sandy clay None
103 Surface None
109 Cow Cover Flagstone cover for drain run None
shed 2
110 Beam Wooden beam inset into floor None
111 Wall Partition wall between cowsheds None

104 Stalls Surface Cobbles None

105 Pipe Salt glaze None
106 Concrete fill Concrete None
107 Cut Cut for [105] None
108 Land fill Dark red sandy silt with angular stone, None
(land fill)
120 Land fill Dark red sandy silt with angular stone, None
(land fill) [108]

112 T’Barn Deposit Red sandy clay [102] None

113 Wall Threshing barn west elevation wall None

114 Field 1 Surface Grass None

115 Deposit Red silty/sand with small stone {1},
116 Deposit Red silty/sand no stone None
117 Deposit Red sitly/clay with large rounded None
118 Deposit Red clay None
119 Land fill Rubble and fragments of salt glaze pipe None
121 TR8 Land fill Red sandy/silt with rounded stone None
122 Land fill Red sandy clay [102] None

123 Land fill Dark red sandy silt with angular stone, None
(land fill) [108]
124 Land fill Red silty/sand with small stone [115] None
125 Land fill Red silty/sand no stone [116] None
126 Deposit Red sitly/clay with large rounded None
slab/stone [117]
127 Deposit Red clay [118] None

143 Pond Land fill Agricultural/domestic waste, rubble {4}

128 Courty Land fill Red sandy/silt with large % stone, rounds {3}
ard and angular. (Land fill)
129 Cobbles In front of the threshing barn None
130 Cobbles At corner of threshing barn and stables None
131 surface Unrecorded None
141 W Cobbles West courtyard None
142 Dark red sandy silt with angular stone, None
(land fill) [108]
A.P.A.C. Ltd. Appendix Ia Context Sheet Matrix

132 SE Surface Disturbed None

133 Pipe Salt glaze None
134 Fill Pea gravel None
135 Cut None
136 Cover Concrete cap None
137 Land fill Red sandy/silt with large % stone, rounds None
and angular. (Land fill) [128]
138 Natural Bedrock sandstone. None
139 Hard Concrete None
140 Bedding Coarse chippings. None

Sequence match across the various ground disturbances:


[108]=[120]=[123]=[128]=[137] (ground fill, levelling)




A.P.A.C. Ltd Appendix II Digital photograph list WB/AJ/10

Photo no Date Camera Size Area View Description Plate

DSC08058 11/08/2010 DSC F828 2592x1944 Internal NE Site visit, Roof space above cowshed at crossing with hayloft
DSC08059 11/08/2010 DSC F828 2592x1944 Internal NE Site visit, Roof space above cowshed internal upper division
DSC08060 11/08/2010 DSC F828 2592x1944 Internal NW Site visit, Roof hayloft
DSC08061 11/08/2010 DSC F828 2592x1944 Internal NW Site visit, Tie beams and purlins space above cowshed. Partial stone tiles
DSC08062 11/08/2010 DSC F828 2592x1944 Internal NW Site visit, Roof space above cowshed
DSC08063 11/08/2010 DSC F828 2592x1944 Internal N Site visit, Roof structures space above cowshed at crossing with hayloft
DSC08064 11/08/2010 DSC F828 2592x1944 External SE Site Visit, Threshing barn NW elevation
DSC08065 11/08/2010 DSC F828 2592x1944 External S Site visit, Threshing barn & Stable block
DSC08066 11/08/2010 DSC F828 2592x1944 External SW Site visit, Stable block & cowshed NE elevation
DSC08067 11/08/2010 DSC F828 2592x1944 External SW Site visit, Stable block to north gable. NE elevation
DSC00017 07/01/2011 DSC F828 2592x1944 Internal V Cowshed, cobble floor recording. Triple burst exposures. Row 1 SW. Sequence A 1
DSC00018 07/01/2011 DSC F828 2592x1944 Internal V Cowshed, cobble floor recording. Triple burst exposures. Row 1 SW. Sequence A 2
DSC00019 07/01/2011 DSC F828 2592x1944 Internal V Cowshed, cobble floor recording. Triple burst exposures. Row 1 SW. Sequence A 2
DSC00020 07/01/2011 DSC F828 2592x1944 Internal V Cowshed, cobble floor recording. Triple burst exposures. Row 1 SW. Sequence B 1
DSC00021 07/01/2011 DSC F828 2592x1944 Internal V Cowshed, cobble floor recording. Triple burst exposures. Row 1 SW. Sequence B 2
DSC00022 07/01/2011 DSC F828 2592x1944 Internal V Cowshed, cobble floor recording. Triple burst exposures. Row 1 SW. Sequence B 2
DSC00023 07/01/2011 DSC F828 2592x1944 Internal V Cowshed, cobble floor recording. Row 1 SW. Sequence C 1
DSC00024 07/01/2011 DSC F828 2592x1944 Internal V Cowshed, cobble floor recording. Row 1 SW. Sequence D1
DSC00025 07/01/2011 DSC F828 2592x1944 Internal V Cowshed, cobble floor recording. Row 1 SW. Sequence E1
DSC00026 07/01/2011 DSC F828 2592x1944 Internal V Cowshed, cobble floor recording. Row 1 SW. Sequence F1
DSC00027 07/01/2011 DSC F828 2592x1944 Internal V Cowshed, cobble floor recording. Row 1 SW. Sequence G1
DSC00028 07/01/2011 DSC F828 2592x1944 Internal V Cowshed, cobble floor recording. Row 1 SW. Sequence H1
DSC00029 07/01/2011 DSC F828 2592x1944 Internal V Cowshed, cobble floor recording. Row 1 SW. Sequence H2
DSC00030 07/01/2011 DSC F828 2592x1944 Internal V Cowshed, cobble floor recording. Row 2 SW. Sequence 2A 1
DSC00031 07/01/2011 DSC F828 2592x1944 Internal V Cowshed, cobble floor recording. Row 2 SW. Sequence 2A 2
DSC00032 07/01/2011 DSC F828 2592x1944 Internal V Cowshed, cobble floor recording. Row 2 SW. Sequence 2B 1
DSC00033 07/01/2011 DSC F828 2592x1944 Internal V Cowshed, cobble floor recording. Row 2 SW. Sequence 2C 1
DSC00034 07/01/2011 DSC F828 2592x1944 Internal V Cowshed, cobble floor recording. Row 2 SW. Sequence 2D 1
DSC00035 07/01/2011 DSC F828 2592x1944 Internal V Cowshed, cobble floor recording. Row 2 SW. Sequence 2E 1
DSC00036 07/01/2011 DSC F828 2592x1944 Internal V Cowshed, cobble floor recording. Row 2 SW. Sequence 2F 1
DSC00037 07/01/2011 DSC F828 2592x1944 Internal V Cowshed, cobble floor recording. Row 2 SW. Sequence 2G 1
DSC00038 07/01/2011 DSC F828 2592x1944 Internal V Cowshed, cobble floor recording. Row 3 SW. Sequence 3A 1
DSC00039 07/01/2011 DSC F828 2592x1944 Internal V Cowshed, cobble floor recording. Row 3 SW. Sequence 3B 1
DSC00040 07/01/2011 DSC F828 2592x1944 Internal V Cowshed, cobble floor recording. Row 3 SW. Sequence 3C 1
DSC00031 07/01/2011 DSC F828 2592x1944 Internal V Cowshed, cobble floor recording. Row 3 SW. Sequence 3D 1
DSC00032 07/01/2011 DSC F828 2592x1944 Internal V Cowshed, cobble floor recording. Row 3 SW. Sequence 3E 1
DSC00033 07/01/2011 DSC F828 2592x1944 Internal V Cowshed, cobble floor recording. Row 3 SW. Sequence 3F 1
DSC00034 07/01/2011 DSC F828 2592x1944 Internal V Cowshed, cobble floor recording. Row 4 SW. Sequence 4A 1
DSC00035 07/01/2011 DSC F828 2592x1944 Internal V Cowshed, cobble floor recording. Row 4 SW. Sequence 4B 1
DSC00036 07/01/2011 DSC F828 2592x1944 Internal V Cowshed, cobble floor recording. Row 4 SW. Sequence 4C 1
DSC00037 07/01/2011 DSC F828 2592x1944 Internal V Cowshed, cobble floor recording. Row 4 SW. Sequence 4D 1
DSC00038 07/01/2011 DSC F828 2592x1944 Internal V Cowshed, cobble floor recording. Row 4 SW. Sequence 4E 1
DSC00039 07/01/2011 DSC F828 2592x1944 Internal V Cowshed, cobble floor recording. Row 4 SW. Sequence 4F 1
DSC00040 07/01/2011 DSC F828 2592x1944 Internal V Cowshed, cobble floor recording. Row 4 SW. Sequence 4G 1
DSC00051 07/01/2011 DSC F828 2592x1944 Internal V Cowshed, cobble floor recording. Row 4 SW. Sequence 4H 1
DSC00052 07/01/2011 DSC F828 2592x1944 Internal V Cowshed, cobble floor recording. Row 5 SW. Sequence 5A 1
A.P.A.C. Ltd Appendix II Digital photograph list WB/AJ/10

DSC00053 07/01/2011 DSC F828 2592x1944 Internal V Cowshed, cobble floor recording. Row 5 SW. Sequence 5B 1
DSC00054 07/01/2011 DSC F828 2592x1944 Internal V Cowshed, cobble floor recording. Row 5 SW. Sequence 5C 1
DSC00055 07/01/2011 DSC F828 2592x1944 Internal V Cowshed, cobble floor recording. Row 5 SW. Sequence 5D 1
DSC00056 07/01/2011 DSC F828 2592x1944 Internal V Cowshed, cobble floor recording. Row 5 SW. Sequence 5E 1
DSC00057 07/01/2011 DSC F828 2592x1944 Internal V Cowshed, cobble floor recording. Row 5 SW. Sequence 5F 1
DSC00058 07/01/2011 DSC F828 2592x1944 Internal V Cowshed, cobble floor recording. Row 5 SW. Sequence 5G 1
DSC00059 07/01/2011 DSC F828 2592x1944 Internal V Cowshed, cobble floor recording. Row 6 SW. Sequence 6A 1
DSC00060 07/01/2011 DSC F828 2592x1944 Internal V Cowshed, cobble floor recording. Row 6 SW. Sequence 6B 1
DSC00061 07/01/2011 DSC F828 2592x1944 Internal V Cowshed, cobble floor recording. Row 6 SW. Sequence 6C 1
DSC00062 07/01/2011 DSC F828 2592x1944 Internal V Cowshed, cobble floor recording. Row 6 SW. Sequence 6D 1
DSC00063 07/01/2011 DSC F828 2592x1944 Internal V Cowshed, cobble floor recording. Row 6 SW. Sequence 6E 1
DSC00064 07/01/2011 DSC F828 2592x1944 Internal V Cowshed, cobble floor recording. Row 6 SW. Sequence 6F 1 PL06
DSC00065 07/01/2011 DSC F828 2592x1944 Internal V Cowshed, cobble floor recording. Row 6 SW. Sequence 6G 1
DSC00066 07/01/2011 DSC F828 2592x1944 Internal V Cowshed, cobble floor recording. Row 7 SW. Sequence 7A 1
DSC00067 07/01/2011 DSC F828 2592x1944 Internal V Cowshed, cobble floor recording. Row 7 SW. Sequence 7B 1
DSC00068 07/01/2011 DSC F828 2592x1944 Internal V Cowshed, cobble floor recording. Row 7 SW. Sequence 7C 1
DSC00069 07/01/2011 DSC F828 2592x1944 Internal V Cowshed, cobble floor recording. Row 7 SW. Sequence 7D 1
DSC00070 07/01/2011 DSC F828 2592x1944 Internal V Cowshed, cobble floor recording. Row 7 SW. Sequence 7E 1
DSC00071 07/01/2011 DSC F828 2592x1944 Internal V Cowshed, cobble floor recording. Row 7 SW. Sequence 7F 1
DSC00072 07/01/2011 DSC F828 2592x1944 Internal V Cowshed, cobble floor recording. Row 8 SW. Sequence 8A 1
DSC00073 07/01/2011 DSC F828 2592x1944 Internal V Cowshed, cobble floor recording. Row 8 SW. Sequence 8B 1
DSC00074 07/01/2011 DSC F828 2592x1944 Internal V Cowshed, cobble floor recording. Row 8 SW. Sequence 8C 1
DSC00075 07/01/2011 DSC F828 2592x1944 Internal V Cowshed, cobble floor recording. Row 8 SW. Sequence 8D 1
DSC00076 07/01/2011 DSC F828 2592x1944 Internal V Cowshed, cobble floor recording. Row 8 SW. Sequence 8E 1
DSC00077 07/01/2011 DSC F828 2592x1944 Internal V Cowshed, cobble floor recording.
DSC00078 07/01/2011 DSC F828 2592x1944 Internal V Cowshed, cobble floor recording. Test hole
DSC00079 07/01/2011 DSC F828 2592x1944 Internal V Cowshed, cobble floor recording. Test hole PL01
DSC00080 07/01/2011 DSC F828 2592x1944 Internal NE Threshing Barn gable end. Plaster markings 1
DSC00081 07/01/2011 DSC F828 2592x1944 Internal NE Threshing Barn gable end. Plaster markings 2
DSC00082 07/01/2011 DSC F828 2592x1944 Internal NE Threshing Barn gable end. Plaster markings 3
DSC00083 07/01/2011 DSC F828 2592x1944 Internal NE Threshing Barn gable end. Plaster markings 4
DSC00084 07/01/2011 DSC F828 2592x1944 Internal NE Threshing Barn gable end. Plaster markings 5
DSC00098 07/01/2011 DSC F828 2592x1944 Internal S Threshing Barn south wall cobbles and border 1
DSC00099 07/01/2011 DSC F828 2592x1944 Internal S Threshing Barn south wall cobbles and border 2
DSC00100 07/01/2011 DSC F828 2592x1944 Internal S Threshing Barn south wall cobbles and border 3
DSC00101 07/01/2011 DSC F828 2592x1944 Internal S Threshing Barn south wall cobbles and border 4
DSC00102 07/01/2011 DSC F828 2592x1944 Internal S Threshing Barn south wall cobbles and border 5
DSC00159 14/01/2011 DSC F828 2592x1944 Internal V Threshing Barn south wall cobbles and border 1
DSC00160 14/01/2011 DSC F828 2592x1944 Internal V Threshing Barn south wall cobbles and border 1 Flash
DSC00161 14/01/2011 DSC F828 2592x1944 Internal V Threshing Barn south wall cobbles and border 2
DSC00162 14/01/2011 DSC F828 2592x1944 Internal V Threshing Barn south wall cobbles and border 3
DSC00163 14/01/2011 DSC F828 2592x1944 Internal V Threshing Barn south wall cobbles and border 4
DSC00164 14/01/2011 DSC F828 2592x1944 Internal V Threshing Barn south wall cobbles and border 5 PL08
DSC00165 14/01/2011 DSC F828 2592x1944 Internal NE Threshing Barn, ceiling removed
DSC00166 14/01/2011 DSC F828 2592x1944 Internal NE Threshing Barn, ceiling removed roof beams
DSC00167 14/01/2011 DSC F828 2592x1944 Internal SW Threshing Barn, ceiling removed roof beams
DSC00168 14/01/2011 DSC F828 2592x1944 Internal V Floor step/spacer beam
A.P.A.C. Ltd Appendix II Digital photograph list WB/AJ/10

DSC00169 14/01/2011 DSC F828 2592x1944 Internal NW Stable out-shut, embedded stall
DSC00170 14/01/2011 DSC F828 2592x1944 Internal V Threshing Barn south east elevation, wall foundation
DSC00171 14/01/2011 DSC F828 2592x1944 Internal SW Threshing Barn south east elevation, wall foundation
DSC00172 14/01/2011 DSC F828 2592x1944 Internal SW Out-shut PL03
DSC00173 14/01/2011 DSC F828 2592x1944 Internal NE Out-shut PL04
DSC00174 14/01/2011 DSC F828 2592x1944 Re used beam, location unknown
DSC00175 14/01/2011 DSC F828 2592x1944 Internal NW 1 Out-shut
DSC00176 14/01/2011 DSC F828 2592x1944 Internal NW 2 Out-shut
DSC00177 14/01/2011 DSC F828 2592x1944 Internal NW 3 Out-shut PL05
DSC00178 14/01/2011 DSC F828 2592x1944 Internal NW 4 Out-shut
DSC00179 14/01/2011 DSC F828 2592x1944 Internal NE Out-shut
DSC00180 14/01/2011 DSC F828 2592x1944 Internal NE Eastern Out-shut PL07
DSC00181 14/01/2011 DSC F828 2592x1944 External SW Out-shut range PL02
DSC00182 14/01/2011 DSC F828 2592x1944 External NW Threshing door
DSC00183 14/01/2011 DSC F828 2592x1944 Internal V Steps from Threshing Barn to out-shut PL06
DSC00184 14/01/2011 DSC F828 2592x1944 Internal NE Incised plaster wall, Threshing Barn NE gable. Low sequence 1
DSC00185 14/01/2011 DSC F828 2592x1944 Internal NE Incised plaster wall, Threshing Barn NE gable. Low sequence 2
DSC00186 14/01/2011 DSC F828 2592x1944 Internal NE Incised plaster wall, Threshing Barn NE gable. Low sequence 3
DSC00187 14/01/2011 DSC F828 2592x1944 Internal NE Incised plaster wall, Threshing Barn NE gable. Low sequence 4
DSC00188 14/01/2011 DSC F828 2592x1944 Internal NE Incised plaster wall, Threshing Barn NE gable. Low sequence 4 double shot
DSC00189 14/01/2011 DSC F828 2592x1944 Internal NE Incised plaster wall, Threshing Barn NE gable. 2nd Low sequence right to left 1
DSC00190 14/01/2011 DSC F828 2592x1944 Internal NE Incised plaster wall, Threshing Barn NE gable. 2nd Low sequence right to left 2
DSC00181 14/01/2011 DSC F828 2592x1944 Internal NE Incised plaster wall, Threshing Barn NE gable. 2nd Low sequence right to left 3
DSC00192 14/01/2011 DSC F828 2592x1944 Internal NE Incised plaster wall, Threshing Barn NE gable. Low sequence, halogen lighting 1
DSC00193 14/01/2011 DSC F828 2592x1944 Internal NE Incised plaster wall, Threshing Barn NE gable. Low sequence halogen lighting 2
DSC00194 14/01/2011 DSC F828 2592x1944 Internal NE Incised plaster wall, Threshing Barn NE gable. Low sequence halogen lighting 3
DSC00195 14/01/2011 DSC F828 2592x1944 Internal NE Incised plaster wall, Threshing Barn NE gable. Low sequence halogen lighting 4
DSC00196 14/01/2011 DSC F828 2592x1944 Internal NE Incised plaster wall, Threshing Barn NE gable. Low sequence halogen lighting 5
DSC00197 14/01/2011 DSC F828 2592x1944 Internal NE Incised plaster wall, Threshing Barn NE gable. Medium sequence, halogen lighting 1
DSC00198 14/01/2011 DSC F828 2592x1944 Internal NE Incised plaster wall, Threshing Barn NE gable. Medium sequence halogen lighting 2
DSC00199 14/01/2011 DSC F828 2592x1944 Internal NE Incised plaster wall, Threshing Barn NE gable. Medium sequence halogen lighting 3
DSC00200 14/01/2011 DSC F828 2592x1944 Internal NE Incised plaster wall, Threshing Barn NE gable. Medium sequence halogen lighting 4
DSC00201 14/01/2011 DSC F828 2592x1944 Internal NE Incised plaster wall, Threshing Barn NE gable. Medium sequence halogen lighting 5
DSC00202 14/01/2011 DSC F828 2592x1944 Internal NE Incised plaster wall, Threshing Barn NE gable. High sequence, halogen lighting 1
DSC00203 14/01/2011 DSC F828 2592x1944 Internal NE Incised plaster wall, Threshing Barn NE gable. High sequence halogen lighting 2
DSC00204 14/01/2011 DSC F828 2592x1944 Internal NE Incised plaster wall, Threshing Barn NE gable. High sequence halogen lighting 3
DSC00205 14/01/2011 DSC F828 2592x1944 Internal NE Incised plaster wall, Threshing Barn NE gable. Detail halogen lighting 1
DSC00206 14/01/2011 DSC F828 2592x1944 Internal NE Incised plaster wall, Threshing Barn NE gable. Detail halogen lighting 2
DSC00207 14/01/2011 DSC F828 2592x1944 Internal NE Incised plaster wall, Threshing Barn NE gable. Detail halogen lighting 3
DSC00208 14/01/2011 DSC F828 2592x1944 Internal SW Threshing Barn, view through PL09
DSC00209 14/01/2011 DSC F828 2592x1944 Internal V Threshing Barn floor PL10
DSC00210 14/01/2011 DSC F828 1944x2592 Internal V Threshing Barn floor
DSC00211 14/01/2011 DSC F828 1944x2592 Internal SW Threshing Barn south east elevation, wall foundation
DSC00212 14/01/2011 DSC F828 2592x1944 Internal SW Threshing Barn south east elevation, wall foundation 1.24m
DSC00213 14/01/2011 DSC F828 2592x1944 Internal E Threshing Barn south east elevation, wall foundation 1.24m PL11
DSC00214 14/01/2011 DSC F828 2592x1944 Internal S Threshing Barn south east elevation, wall foundation
DSC00215 14/01/2011 DSC F828 2592x1944 Internal S Threshing Barn south east elevation, wall foundation (duplicate) PL13
A.P.A.C. Ltd Appendix II Digital photograph list WB/AJ/10

DSC00216 14/01/2011 DSC F828 2592x1944 Internal SW Threshing Barn south east elevation, wall foundation under excavation
DSC00217 14/01/2011 DSC F828 2592x1944 Internal NE Threshing Barn south east elevation, wall foundation under excavation
DSC00218 14/01/2011 DSC F828 2592x1944 Internal S Threshing Barn south east elevation, wall foundation
DSC00291 25/01/2011 DSC F828 2592x1944 Road NW View along mid section of proposed access road prior to excavation PL14
DSC00292 25/01/2011 DSC F828 2592x1944 Road SE View along lower section of proposed access road prior to excavation PL15.
DSC00293 25/01/2011 DSC F828 2592x1944 Road NW Road access from gate
DSC00294 25/01/2011 DSC F828 2592x1944 Road WW Single context
DSC00295 25/01/2011 DSC F828 2592x1944 Road SE Road access from gate. Up welling water. Previous land drain left PL18
DSC00296 25/01/2011 DSC F828 1944x2592 Road W Drainage excavation along proposed road PL17
DSC00297 25/01/2011 DSC F828 2592x1944 Road E Drainage excavation along proposed road PL16
DSC00298 25/01/2011 DSC F828 2592x1944 Road SE View along lower section of proposed access road prior to excavation, drainage ditch
DSC00299 25/01/2011 DSC F828 2592x1944 View S Position of drainage left to centre, yellow digger
DSC00300 25/01/2011 DSC F828 1944x2592 Road SE View along lower section of proposed access road mid section, drainage ditch
DSC00301 25/01/2011 DSC F828 1944x2592 Road SE View along lower section of proposed access road mid section, drainage ditch (duplicate) PL19
DSC00302 25/01/2011 DSC F828 1944x2592 Road S View along top section of proposed access road, drainage ditch
DSC00303 25/01/2011 DSC F828 2592x1944 View S Position of drainage, top section
DSC00304 25/01/2011 DSC F828 1944x2592 Internal SW Barn south east elevation, wall foundation under excavation, complete PL12
DSC00305 25/01/2011 DSC F828 2592x1944 Internal NE Incised plaster wall, Threshing Barn NE gable. Medium sequence, natural lighting 1
DSC00306 25/01/2011 DSC F828 2592x1944 Internal NE Incised plaster wall, Threshing Barn NE gable. Medium sequence natural lighting 2
DSC00307 25/01/2011 DSC F828 2592x1944 Internal NE Incised plaster wall, Threshing Barn NE gable. Medium sequence natural lighting 3
DSC00308 25/01/2011 DSC F828 2592x1944 Internal NE Incised plaster wall, Threshing Barn NE gable. Medium sequence natural lighting 4
DSC00309 25/01/2011 DSC F828 2592x1944 Internal NE Incised plaster wall, Threshing Barn NE gable. Medium sequence natural lighting 5
DSC00310 25/01/2011 DSC F828 2592x1944 Internal NE NE gable Threshing Barn shallow foundation
DSC01530 19/08/2011 DSC F828 3264x1276 External NW Out-shut removed, wall trenches. Old north east wall remaining right
DSC01531 19/08/2011 DSC F828 2592x1944 External W View along position of removed out-shut PL20
DSC01532 19/08/2011 DSC F828 2592x1944 External NW Out-shut removed, wall trenches. Detail
DSC01533 19/08/2011 DSC F828 2592x1944 External NW Outs-hut removed, wall trenches. Detail 2
DSC01534 19/08/2011 DSC F828 2592x1944 External W View along position of removed out-shut detail
DSC01535 19/08/2011 DSC F828 2592x1944 External NW Corner of barn 2, 400mm below present ground level to top of corner stone. Out-shut removed PL21
DSC01536 19/08/2011 DSC F828 2592x1944 External SE NW elevation of barn 1 with new roof.
DSC01613 17/09/2011 DSC F828 2592x1944 External NW Soak away pit, 1 m above buried tank PL23
DSC01614 17/09/2011 DSC F828 2592x1944 External NW Soak away pit, 1 m above buried tank, detail of section silts
DSC01615 17/09/2011 DSC F828 2592x1944 External NW Soak away pit, 1 m above buried tank, detail of section rubble
DSC01616 17/09/2011 DSC F828 2592x1944 External NW Soak away pit, 1 m above buried tank, detail of section deposition
DSC01617 17/09/2011 DSC F828 2592x1944 External NW Soak away pit, backfill PL22
DSC01618 17/09/2011 DSC F828 2592x1944 External N Soak away pit, backfill
DSC01662 28/09/2011 DSC F828 2592x1944 External NW Courtyard, foundation trench along NW elevation of Threshing Barn PL25
DSC01663 28/09/2011 DSC F828 2592x1944 External NW Courtyard, foundation trench along NW elevation of Threshing Barn (duplicate no flash)
DSC01664 28/09/2011 DSC F828 2592x1944 External SW Courtyard, foundation trench along NW elevation of Threshing Barn. Long view PL24
DSC01665 28/09/2011 DSC F828 2592x1944 External V Courtyard, Partial cobble in front of threshing door
DSC01666 28/09/2011 DSC F828 2592x1944 External SW Courtyard, Partial cobble in front of threshing door, NW elevation of Threshing Barn. Long view
DSC01667 28/09/2011 DSC F828 2592x1944 External S Courtyard, Further partial cobble in front of NW elevation of Threshing Barn. Long view PL26
DSC01668 28/09/2011 DSC F828 2592x1944 External SW Courtyard, level of ground reduction. Courtyard consists of land fill beneath cobbles
DSC01669 28/09/2011 DSC F828 2592x1944 External SW Courtyard in front of Stable block NE elevation. Partial cobbles sequence 1
DSC01670 28/09/2011 DSC F828 2592x1944 External SW Courtyard in front of Stable block NE elevation. Partial cobbles sequence 2
DSC01671 28/09/2011 DSC F828 2592x1944 External SW Courtyard in front of Stable block NE elevation. Partial cobbles sequence 3
DSC01672 28/09/2011 DSC F828 2592x1944 External SE Courtyard. View from 1st floor. Cobble yard at corner of barns. Sequence 1669, 1670 & 1671. PL27
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DSC01673 28/09/2011 DSC F828 2592x1944 External NE Courtyard. View from 1st floor. Courtyard area of mostly landfill
DSC01674 28/09/2011 DSC F828 2592x1944 External SE Courtyard. View from 1st floor. Cobble yard at corner of barns. Sequence 1669,1670 & 1671. Better light
DSC01675 28/09/2011 DSC F828 2592x1944 External SE Courtyard. Ground level. Cobble yard at corner of barns removed
DSC01676 28/09/2011 DSC F828 2592x1944 External SW Courtyard. Ground level. Cobble yard at corner of barns removed
DSC01677 28/09/2011 DSC F828 2592x1944 External SW Drainage trench along gable end of Stable block
DSC01915 28/10/2011 DSC F828 2592x1944 External SE Position of drainage trench along south west elevation of 2 PL28
DSC01916 28/09/2011 DSC F828 2592x1944 External NW General view of SW end of Threshing Barn
DSC01917 28/09/2011 DSC F828 2592x1944 External S Drainage trench along south west elevation of 2
DSC01918 28/09/2011 DSC F828 2592x1944 External SE Drainage trench along south west elevation of 2 PL29
DSC01919 28/09/2011 DSC F828 1944x2592 External S Drainage trench along south west elevation of 2 Detail
DSC01920 28/09/2011 DSC F828 2592x1944 External S Drainage trench along south west elevation of 2
DSC01921 28/09/2011 DSC F828 2592x1944 External S Drainage trench along south west elevation of 2 towards soak away PL30
DSC01922 28/09/2011 DSC F828 2592x1944 External S Drainage trench along south west elevation of 2 towards soak away
DSC01923 28/09/2011 DSC F828 2592x1944 External W Drainage trench along south west elevation of 2 towards soak away established d land drain detail
DSC01924 28/09/2011 DSC F828 2592x1944 External SW Drainage trench along south west elevation of 2 towards soak away established land drain
DSC01925 28/09/2011 DSC F828 2592x1944 External NE Drainage breaking through hard standing
DSC01926 28/09/2011 DSC F828 2592x1944 External N Drainage breaking through hard standing PL31.
DSC01927 28/09/2011 DSC F828 2592x1944 External SW Drainage breaking through hard standing towards drainage along access road PL32
DSC01932 28/09/2011 DSC F828 2592x1944 External S Cable trench through field. Long view PL34
DSC01933 28/09/2011 DSC F828 2592x1944 External N Cable trench through field. Long view PL35
DSC01934 28/09/2011 DSC F828 2592x1944 External SE Stable block floors laid
DSC01935 28/09/2011 DSC F828 2592x1944 Internal NE Barn 1 gable end plaster inscriptions in sunlight
DSC01936 28/09/2011 DSC F828 2592x1944 Internal NE Barn 1 gable end plaster inscriptions in sunlight
DSC01937 28/09/2011 DSC F828 2592x1944 Internal SW Barn 1 retained roof beams
DSC01938 28/09/2011 DSC F828 2592x1944 External S Courtyard. Barn 1 new cladding
DSC01939 28/09/2011 DSC F828 2592x1944 External S Drain to soak-away south of Cowshed PL33
DSC01940 28/09/2011 DSC F828 2592x1944 External SE Drain to soak-away south of Cowshed
DSC01941 28/09/2011 DSC F828 2592x1944 External S Drain to soak-away south of Cowshed through embankment
DSC01942 28/09/2011 DSC F828 2592x1944 External S Drain to soak-away south of Cowshed through embankment (Sunlight)
DSC01943 28/09/2011 DSC F828 2592x1944 External SW Drain to soak-away south of Cowshed through embankment (Sunlight) base section detail
DSC01944 28/09/2011 DSC F828 2592x1944 External NW Drain to soak-away south of Cowshed through embankment. Hardstanding to rear
DSC02018 11/11/2011 DSC F828 2592x1944 External NW Threshing door Barn 1 South elevation. Boundary trench excavation PL36
DSC02019 11/11/2011 DSC F828 2592x1944 External NW Threshing door Barn 1 South elevation. Boundary trench excavation. Detail PL38
DSC02020 11/11/2011 DSC F828 2592x1944 External NW Threshing door Barn 1 South elevation. Boundary trench excavation. Long view PL37
DSC02064 12/12/2011 DSC F828 3264x2448 Internal NE Incised plaster wall, Threshing Barn NE gable. low sequence, natural morning lighting 1
DSC02065 12/12/2011 DSC F828 3264x2448 Internal NE Incised plaster wall, Threshing Barn NE gable. low sequence, natural morning lighting 2
DSC02066 12/12/2011 DSC F828 3264x2448 Internal NE Incised plaster wall, Threshing Barn NE gable. low sequence, natural morning lighting 3
DSC02067 12/12/2011 DSC F828 3264x2448 Internal NE Incised plaster wall, Threshing Barn NE gable. low sequence, natural morning lighting 4
DSC02068 12/12/2011 DSC F828 3264x2448 Internal NE Incised plaster wall, Threshing Barn NE gable. low sequence, natural morning lighting 5
DSC02069 12/12/2011 DSC F828 3264x2448 Internal NE Incised plaster wall, Threshing Barn NE gable. Close detail, natural morning lighting 1
DSC02070 12/12/2011 DSC F828 3264x2448 Internal NE Incised plaster wall, Threshing Barn NE gable. Close detail, natural morning lighting 2
DSC02071 12/12/2011 DSC F828 3264x2448 Internal NE Incised plaster wall, Threshing Barn NE gable. Close detail, natural morning lighting 3
DSC02072 12/12/2011 DSC F828 3264x2448 Internal NE Incised plaster wall, Threshing Barn NE gable. Close detail, natural morning lighting 4
DSC02073 12/12/2011 DSC F828 3264x2448 Internal NE Incised plaster wall, Threshing Barn NE gable. Close detail, natural morning lighting 5
DSC02074 12/12/2011 DSC F828 3264x2448 Internal NE Incised plaster wall, Threshing Barn NE gable. Close detail, natural morning lighting 6
DSC02075 12/12/2011 DSC F828 3264x2448 Internal NE Incised plaster wall, Threshing Barn NE gable. Upper sequence, close detail natural morning lighting 1
DSC02076 12/12/2011 DSC F828 3264x2448 Internal NE Incised plaster wall, Threshing Barn NE gable. Upper sequence, close detail natural morning lighting 2
A.P.A.C. Ltd Appendix II Digital photograph list WB/AJ/10

DSC02077 12/12/2011 DSC F828 3264x2448 Internal NE Incised plaster wall, Threshing Barn NE gable. Upper sequence, natural morning lighting 1
DSC02078 12/12/2011 DSC F828 3264x2448 Internal NE Incised plaster wall, Threshing Barn NE gable. Upper low sequence, natural morning lighting 2
DSC02079 12/12/2011 DSC F828 3264x2448 Internal NE Incised plaster wall, Threshing Barn NE gable. Upper low sequence, natural morning lighting 3
DSC02080 12/12/2011 DSC F828 3264x2448 Internal NE Incised plaster wall, Threshing Barn NE gable. Upper low sequence, natural morning lighting 4
DSC02081 12/12/2011 DSC F828 3264x2448 Internal NE Incised plaster wall, Threshing Barn NE gable. Long view, natural morning lighting 4
DSC02082 12/12/2011 DSC F828 3264x2448 Internal NE Incised plaster wall, Threshing Barn NE gable. Close detail, natural morning lighting, double rings 1
DSC02083 12/12/2011 DSC F828 3264x2448 Internal NE Incised plaster wall, Threshing Barn NE gable. Close detail, natural morning lighting single ring & tallys
DSC02084 12/12/2011 DSC F828 3264x2448 Internal NE Incised plaster wall, Threshing Barn NE gable. Close detail, natural morning lighting upper double ring
DSC02085 12/12/2011 DSC F828 3264x2448 Internal NE Incised plaster wall, Threshing Barn NE gable. Close detail, natural morning lighting upper concentric rings
DSC02086 12/12/2011 DSC F828 3264x2448 Internal NE Incised plaster wall, Threshing Barn NE gable. Close detail, natural morning lighting upper 4 rings
DSC02087 12/12/2011 DSC F828 3264x2448 External V Courtyard levelling left edge of cobbles at NW wall boundary. Recording sequence 1
DSC02088 12/12/2011 DSC F828 3264x2448 External V Courtyard levelling cobbles at NW wall boundary. Recording sequence 2
DSC02089 12/12/2011 DSC F828 3264x2448 External V Courtyard levelling cobbles at NW wall boundary. Recording sequence 3
DSC02090 12/12/2011 DSC F828 3264x2448 External V Courtyard levelling cobbles at NW wall boundary. Recording sequence 4
DSC02091 12/12/2011 DSC F828 3264x2448 External V Courtyard levelling cobbles at NW wall boundary. Recording sequence 5
DSC02092 12/12/2011 DSC F828 3264x2448 External V Courtyard levelling cobbles at NW wall boundary. Recording sequence 6
DSC02093 12/12/2011 DSC F828 3264x2448 External V Courtyard levelling cobbles at NW wall boundary. Recording sequence 7
DSC02094 12/12/2011 DSC F828 3264x2448 External NE Courtyard levelling. Cobbles exposed, PL39
DSC02095 12/12/2011 DSC F828 2448x3264 External SW Courtyard levelling. Cobbles exposed, PL40
DSC02096 12/12/2011 DSC F828 3264x2448 External NE General view of adjoining Grade II Threshing Barn and Grade I house to the north east
DSC02097 12/12/2011 DSC F828 3264x2448 External NW General view of cobble surface against boundary of Pen y Clawdd court. Grade 1 listed building, Motte under tree to left
DSC02098 12/12/2011 DSC F828 3264x2448 External NW General view of cobble surface against boundary of Pen y Clawdd court from 1st floor of Threshing Barn
DSC02099 12/12/2011 DSC F828 3264x2448 Internal NE Incised plaster wall, Threshing Barn NE gable from partial first floor of barn 1
DSC02100 12/12/2011 DSC F828 3264x2448 External V Courtyard levelling cobbles at NW wall boundary. Recording sequence 8 PL41
DSC02101 12/12/2011 DSC F828 3264x2448 External SE Reducing the courtyard level and drainage
DSC02102 12/12/2011 DSC F828 3264x2448 External S Reducing the courtyard level and drainage
DSC02103 12/12/2011 DSC F828 3264x2448 External NW Courtyard cobbles at NW wall boundary. Depth of curb PL42
DSC02104 12/12/2011 DSC F828 2448x3264 External SW Courtyard cobbles at NW wall boundary. Position of curb exposure
DSC02105 12/12/2011 DSC F828 2448x3264 External NW Courtyard cobbles at NW wall boundary. Depth of curb and soak-away PL44
DSC02106 12/12/2011 DSC F828 3264x2448 External SW Courtyard cobbles at NE wall boundary. Position of curb exposure
DSC02107 12/12/2011 DSC F828 3264x2448 External V Soak-away depth from cobble area of courtyard PL43
DSC02108 12/12/2011 DSC F828 3264x2448 External V Example of partial surviving curb of cobbled area, courtyard, NE edge
DSC02109 13/12/2011 DSC F828 3264x2448 External NW Courtyard, NW wall boundary foundation depth. Area to SW of cobbles. PL46
DSC02110 13/12/2011 DSC F828 2448x3264 External SE Drainage channel from Threshing Barn
DSC02111 13/12/2011 DSC F828 2448x3264 External NW Drainage channel from Threshing Barn
DSC02112 13/12/2011 DSC F828 2448x3264 External SE Drainage channel from Threshing Barn with soak-away. Example of land fill
DSC02113 13/12/2011 DSC F828 3264x2448 External SW Courtyard drainage channel in front of Stable Block being excavated SW of cobble surface, foreground
DSC02114 13/12/2011 DSC F828 3264x2448 External SW Courtyard drainage soak-away in front of Stable Block SW of cobble surface, foreground PL45
DSC02115 13/12/2011 DSC F828 3264x2448 External N Courtyard drainage & soak-away in front of Stable Block SW of cobble surface. View from 1st floor barn 1 PL47
DSC02116 13/12/2011 DSC F828 3264x2448 Internal NE 1st floor Threshing barn. Detail of roof integration with existing structure. Note initials CC top
DSC02117 13/12/2011 DSC F828 3264x2448 External SE Surviving wall to the south east of former out-shut PL49
DSC02118 13/12/2011 DSC F828 3264x2448 External NE Rebuilt out-shut to left, former wall to right PL48
DSC02119 13/12/2011 DSC F828 3264x2448 External SE Removal of former wall PL50
DSC02544 06/03/2012 DSC F828 2048x1536 External N Excavation of former pond
DSC02545 06/03/2012 DSC F828 2048x1536 External SE Excavation of former pond, land fill
DSC02546 06/03/2012 DSC F828 2048x1536 External E Excavation of former pond, land fill depth around 1.5m
DSC02547 06/03/2012 DSC F828 2048x1536 External E Excavation of former pond, land fill depth around 1.5m Detail PL51
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DSC02548 06/03/2012 DSC F828 2048x1536 External E Excavation of former pond, Former concrete culvert PL52
DSC02728 13/03/2012 DSC F828 2048x1536 External NE Excavation of former pond, Former concrete culvert
DSC02729 13/03/2012 DSC F828 2048x1536 External NE Excavation of former pond, Concrete base for former barn support frame PL53
DSC02730 13/03/2012 DSC F828 2048x1536 External NE Excavation of former pond, New pond created
DSC02731 13/03/2012 DSC F828 2048x1536 External S Excavation of former pond, continuation of concrete pipe in background PL54
DSC02732 13/03/2012 DSC F828 2048x1536 External E Point at boundary wall where pond from Motte site drains through concrete pipe.
DSC02745 13/03/2012 DSC F828 2048x1536 External S Excavation of former pond, concrete culvert removed PL55
DSC02746 13/03/2012 DSC F828 2048x1536 External N Point at boundary wall where pond from Motte site drains through concrete pipe, Concrete pipe removed PL56
DSC02747 13/03/2012 DSC F828 2048x1536 External E Motte site pond outlet
DSC02748 13/03/2012 DSC F828 2048x1536 External SE Levelling ground between Stable Block and pond site
DSC02749 13/03/2012 DSC F828 2048x1536 External N Levelling ground between Stable Block and pond site
DSC02750 13/03/2012 DSC F828 2048x1536 External W Levelling ground between Stable Block and pond site
DSC02751 13/03/2012 DSC F828 2048x1536 External SE Levelling ground between Stable Block and pond site long view PL57
DSC02752 13/03/2012 DSC F828 2048x1536 External N Levelling ground and final pond forming
DSC02753 13/03/2012 DSC F828 2048x1536 External NE Levelling ground and final pond forming
DSC02754 13/03/2012 DSC F828 2048x1536 External SE Levelling ground and final pond forming
A.P.A.C. Ltd. Appendix III Finds Index

Site: Pen-Y-Clawdd Grid Ref: Site No: Alternate No:

331018 220058 WB/AJ/10
Find No AREA Cont DESCRIPTION Period Date
1 Field/drain 1 sherd light blue china with indented dots 19th, 20th 28/10/11
1 sherd stoneware jar
1 sherd cream coloured
2 sherd white china
2 Drainage 1 sherd yellow and white Staffordshire 18th 28/10/11
1 sherd white and blue pot willow pattern 19th, 20th
1 sherd terracotta pot

3 Trench 1 fragment clay pipe stem 19th 11/11/2011

4 Pond 1 shard dark brown bottle base 19th, 20th 13/03/2012
1 sherd yellow ceramic
1 sherd off white ceramic
1 fragment clay pipe bowl
2 sherd of stoneware with ridges
1 sherd stoneware jar
1 sherd light stoneware jar
3 sherds blue and white china transfer
1 fragment cream glazed handle
1 sherd glazed terracotta
1 iron spike
1 sherd white china, base of plate
1 sherd white china base of bowl
1 sherd white pot with hand painted detail
green, brown, black and blue
1 sherd white ceramic one thick blue stripe
and one thin black one
5 sherds marmalade jars
1 sherd white pot with diagonal faint ridges

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