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Campaign-Logger Cheat Sheet

by JohnnFour via

Formatting Tips (cont) Search​/Filter Bar

Underlined {u|Und​erl​ined} Write shorter Log Entries to harness the power Johnn Searches and lists all Log

Bold {b|Bold} of tagging and filtering. Long text blocks make Entries for the world hello
it harder to find stuff when you need it.
@Johnn Filters Log Entries that just have
Italic {i|Italic}
Back up often. Use the export to JSON feature the @Johnn tag
Stri​ket​hro​ugh {s|Str​ike​thr​ough}
in case you make a big mistake. You can
Hello Filters Log Entries that have
Supers​cript {/|Sup​ers​cript} always import backups into new temporary
Johnn both Hello and Johnn in them
Campaign Logs to recover inform​ation.
Subscript {\|Sub​script}
@Johnn Lists Log Entries that have both
Use the copy feature to create stat blocks and
#Edmonton tags present
Linking other reusable chunks for faster prep.
@Johnn - Filters all Log Entries that have
Web App users, use your browser search Hello @Johnn but do not have Hello.
Named {"ht​tps​://​rol​epl​ayi​ngt​​m/c​amp​ai
link g​n-l​ogg​er/​"​|About Campaign function in combin​ation with Logger's
search​/filter for even faster searches. Play with the Search​/Filter feature. It's power
comes from adding multiple items to it to
Unnamed {"ht​tps​://​rol​epl​ayi​ngt​​m/c​amp​ai Evernote, MyInfo and other app users, paste in
quickly narrow down results. For example,
link g​n-l​ogg​er/​"|} URLs to your notes for easy
*Session27 @Bruno #Inn would return all Log
Unlinked https:​//r​ole​pla​yin​gti​ps.c​om​/ca​mpa​ign​ Entries from session 27 involving Bruno at the
URL -lo​gger/ inn.
Generators Currently Available

Tags 3 Line NPCs Generator (5E style) Dice Roller Commands

Village Generator 1d20 Roll 1 twenty​-sided die

@ NPCs, PCs, named folk
Combat Descri​ption Generator 3d12+6 Roll three twelve​-siders and add 6
^ Factions, organi​zat​ions, groups
Town Rumours and Plot Hooks 2d6-7 Roll 2 six-sided dice and subtract 7
# Gazeteer, world building, locations

$ Money, trades, transa​ctions Fantasy Name Generator 4dF Roll 4 FATE or Fudge dice

! Treasure and rewards Goblin Generator (coming soon) 3d10* Roll 3 ten-sided dice and let each
Heroes of the Realm Generator (coming soon) one explode (when it comes up at
% Calendar: mm/dd/yyyy or yyyy-mm-dd or
the highest possible value) "What If" Plot Generator (coming soon)
3H/4d6 Roll 4 six-sided dice and pick the
* Plots and ideas
Prefix & Suffix three highest results
~ Rules, house rules, references
4L/5d20 Roll 5 twenty​-sided dice and pick
§ [ALT+6] Open - use how you like Prefix Put text here that you want added to
the four lowest results
the front of each new Log Entry. For
+ Magic items
example, I add session number:
All tags can be relabe​lled. Click the cog in the *Sessi​on27.
top right corner and select Change
Suffix Add text here you want put at the end
Prefer​ences. For example, you might want § to
of each new Log Entry.
be for brains​tormed ideas or stat blocks only.
Yes, you can use tags in Prefix and Suffix fields
Tips too!

Put multi-word tags in double quotes. For

example: @"Johnn Four"

Remove punctu​ation from tags with double

quotes. For example, Hi @"Johnn Four".

By JohnnFour Published 9th November, 2016. Sponsored by Last updated 11th November, 2016. Measure your website readability!
Page 1 of 2.
Campaign-Logger Cheat Sheet
by JohnnFour via

Dice Roller Commands (cont) About

1M/3d20 Take the median dice out of 3 rolled Campaign Logger is an RPG session logging
dice and campaign planning tool developed by
Jochen Linnemann and Johnn Four.
1d6 + Roll a d6 and a d8 and add them
Available for Web, Windows, and Android. New
1d8 up
features are being added regularly, and
1d6, Roll a d6 and a d8 and show you
customer support is active and fast.
1d8, each result
A lifetime license special is currently available
to celebrate our launch before we switch to a
1d20+5 Roll one 20-sided die, add 5, and monthly subscr​iption service.
(20+) check if the result is at least 20 More details available here.

3d6 (12- Roll three six-sided dice and check

) if the result is less than or equal to

4d6 [5+] Roll four six-sided dice and check

each die if it resulted in 5 or more

1d{Red​| Roll a “color” die (will always result

Or​ang​e| in a zero and thereby won’t
Y​ell​ow|​G partic​ipate in success evalua​tion,
re​en|​Blu​ options are delimited by | and may
e|V​iolet}‐ only consist of letters, digits, and

See more dice codes you can use in the

Campaign Logger dice roller here:

By JohnnFour Published 9th November, 2016. Sponsored by Last updated 11th November, 2016. Measure your website readability!
Page 2 of 2.

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