96: Priory Farm, Langstone, Newport. Building Recording

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DOCUMENT NO 193 April 2013

A.P.A.C. Ltd.
Archaeological Perspectives Analysis Consultancy



Priory Farm, Langstone, Newport.



Prepared for: Mr & Mrs, Meredith

By: Dr N Phillips.
A.P.A.C. Ltd Priory Farm, Langstone. BS/PFL/13


APAC Ltd was contacted by the client in order to undertake a level III building
recording survey on a listed building.

The building at the time of the survey had undergone some extensive stabilization
and restoration work, after years of neglect and vandalism, including a fire.

It is proposed that the building will be restored to residential use and as part of the
planning process the client was advised that he would need to have the building
recorded in its current state before any further development could take place.

APAC Ltd produced a project design for the work, which was approved and the
survey was undertaken.

This document comprises the Grade III building recording survey as required.

At the time of the survey the building was little more than a shell with new roof and
extensive restoration, including and above 1st floor level.

As a result, there was little to work with other than the evident typology of the
design: gable entry two/three cell late 16th early 17th century.

The interpretation therefore relied considerably in matching old photographs of

the building with the present remains, within accepted tenants of architectural
development, to piece together a tentative interpretation of phasing.

It is therefore suggested that from its original state the house has undergone
various improvements, probably associated with contemporary fashion and social

The house may have received a front entry and possibly through passage in the
late 17th early 18th century when developments were also made to add a small

A further development took place in the 19th century with the new window frames,
blocking of the front door, possible addition of the larger lean-to as a purpose
built kitchen space.

Copyright Notice:
A.P.A.C. Ltd. retains copyright of this report under the Copyright, Designs and Patents Act, 1988.

The Ordnance Survey has granted A.P.A.C. Ltd a Copyright Licence (No. 100046577) to reproduce map information; Copyright remains
otherwise with the Ordnance Survey.

Cover Photograph DSCO3790, south elevation.

A.P.A.C. Ltd Priory Farm, Langstone. BS/PFL/13


Summary .........................................................................................................................................1
Appendices ......................................................................................................................................4
Introduction .....................................................................................................................................5
Location and description of the evaluation areas ............................................................................5
Brief archaeological and historical background..............................................................................5
Aims and Objectives .......................................................................................................................6
Methodology ...................................................................................................................................6
Data Presentation.............................................................................................................................6
General external description of Priory Farm...................................................................................7
External detail: ................................................................................................................................7
General internal description ............................................................................................................8
Internal detail ground floor: ............................................................................................................8
Internal detail: 1st floor .................................................................................................................10
Phasing ..........................................................................................................................................11
Interpretation summary .................................................................................................................13
Acknowledgements: ......................................................................................................................13
References: ....................................................................................................................................14
Staff ...............................................................................................................................................14

01 Site Location map
02 Ordnance Survey: Maps 1833 & 1883.
03 South elevation schematic of blocked doorway
04 Existing ground floor at time of survey
05 Existing ground floor March 2012
06 Interpretation based on archive images

A.P.A.C. Ltd Priory Farm, Langstone. BS/PFL/13

Survey Plates 1-33

01 Overview of south elevation

02 Overview of west gable, Gable door behind corrugated sheet
03 Overview of north elevation
04 Overview of east gable
05 Detail east gable northern corner. Batter along south elevation. Foundation of large red sandstone
slabs. Differing colour, rough dressed, sandstone quoins.
06 Detail view east gable lower portion showing butt joint with lean-to building, partial batter and
lower foundation course
07 Detail of east end of lean-to showing the backing flagstone to both of the internal storage shelves
and the gable batter, bottom left.
08 Detail south elevation eastern corner. Batter along west gable.
09 General view of south elevation, showing stonework, and slope of ground towards west
10 Detail view west gable lower portion showing butt joint with lean-to, partial batter. Window
opening onto stairwell
11 Detail view along west gable. No batter visible but foundation course Has not been uncovered
12 Lean-to, east wall showing rebuilt areas with grey mortar, new roof. Wall batter visible at door.
Concrete floor
13 Lean-to, Chimney stack with arched hood at east end, New roof, Concrete floor Living room, west
gable. Original door to the left with gable fireplace. Possibly, later divided into grate, and two
14 Living room, west gable. Right of fireplace showing position of stairwell with landing window.
Replaced joists.
15 Detail living room. Upper oven
16 Detail living room. Upper oven internal configuration
17 Detail living room, Stairwell showing position and scar of staircase
18 Living room, west gable. Detail of doorway with tapered recess to left
19 Living room, south elevation showing the three windows. Different spacings, widths and
20 Detail living room, south elevation showing detail of west window.
21 Detail living room, south elevation showing detail of central window, and former door. Scar to left
22 Detail living room, south elevation showing detail of east window. No window seat
23 Detail living room, east gable end window. No window seat
24 Detail living room. east gable & lean-to showing remains of south elevation wall, within ranging
25 Detail living room, north elevation into western lean-to.
26 Detail lean-to, east wall, 2 storage shelves with single vertical flagstone backing and window
27 Detail lean-to, west wall, 2 storage shelves with single vertical flagstone backing
28 1st floor east gable end. Fire grate to right. Extensive repairs done to stabilise structure.
Inaccessible at time of survey
29 1st floor South elevation with 3 windows. Extensive repairs done to stabilise structure.
Inaccessible at time of survey
30 1st floor. South elevation. But joint in line with recess noted above (DSC03809) Inaccessible at
time of survey
31 1st floor west gable end. Chimney stack in centre and stairwell window right. Note butt joint left,
noted above (DSC03809)
32 1st floor view up chimney stack. The masonry becomes rounded at attic level
33 Detail living room. Surviving flagstones

A.P.A.C. Ltd Priory Farm, Langstone. BS/PFL/13

Archive plates HP

01 Passage/main room and small lean-to. 2011

02 Passage from smaller lean-to 2011
03 View into passage from main room 1998
04 NW corner of main room showing position of partition wall and cupboard 1998
05 Remains of partition wall leading to stairs 2007
06 East gable end showing surviving structures and features 2011
07 South elevation, western and central windows 2011
08 Joist in position at south elevation 2007
09 Joist in position, central 2007
10 Joist in position north elevation 2007
11 West gable end with partial remains of cross partition wall 2002
12 Northern wall of lean-to with access line through to southern elevation, central window 2011
13 19th century cast iron grate and surround, east gable 2011
14 West gable showing features in 2011 2011
15 Mid 20th century grate in situ, main room west gable 1998
16 Gable entry 1998
17 Staircase 1998
18 1st floor, west gable showing features, stair run, fireplace and ceiling supports 2007
19 Intact window frames 1998
20 Detail of ‘Gothic Style’ frames 1998
21 Window remains with internal shutters 2007
22 Window remains with internal shutters 2007
23 Window frame with detail of mechanism 2007
24 Internal view of first floor north elevation 2007
25 External view of 1st floor north elevation 1998
26 Large lean-to, fireplace in use 1998 1998
27 Large lean-to, fireplace in 2010 2010


Complete List of Survey Photocards

A.P.A.C. Ltd Priory Farm, Langstone. BS/PFL/13


This Grade III building survey has been prepared by Dr Neil Phillips, A.P.A.C. Ltd, in response to a proposed
program of works to refurbish a Grade II listed building and prior to refurbishment works, designed restore it to
residential use.

The building, Priory Farm, Langstone, NGR 336524 190216, fig 01 has suffered from a period of neglect since the
last resident left a decade ago. The property has also been subjected to additional damage from fire and vandalism.

Some emergency work has been done to the property in order to stabilise the structure before it fell into complete

The continuing project has now entered the refurbishment phase and the client has been advised that he would need
to engage a buildings archaeologist as part of the planning process:

This is a complex building and the refurbishment will require full understanding of the
surviving fabric prior to any further works commencing after the necessary repairs to prevent
further collapse. We recommend that a building archaeologist should be engaged to carry out
a full survey of the surviving structure in order to assist the refurbishment and a report on this
study should be provided prior to the determination of this application so that the historic
development of the building is fully understood and the results of this work taken into account
in the final design of the refurbished structure

After discussion with N. Maylan GGAT and J. Hotson Newport City Council, a project design, PD/BS/PFL/13 was
drawn up, submitted and after four drafts, approved as fit for purpose, Maylan 22/03/2013.

This report details the building survey undertaken on 3rd of April 2013.

Location and description of the evaluation areas

The location of the site can be gained from the M4 J 24, Coldra roundabout just east of Newport. From the
roundabout take the A48 Chepstow road and at the first roundabout, take the first left. At the next roundabout take
the 3rd exit along Priory Drive to the ‘T’ junction with Priory Way, turn left and continue under the road to Priory

The site is in the process of consolidation with the client living on site to as a measure of security.

Brief archaeological and historical background

Research into the background of the site has been undertaken at the Gwent Records Office, and online but with little
success, other than Ordnance Survey Maps:

Cartographic evidence of Priory farm can be traced to the 1830, Ordnance Survey first series, Sheet 35 where both
the house and the barn are recorded as black rectangles just to the left of the ‘h’ in Coldra fach, fig 02,
(http://www.visionofbritain.org.uk/ ).

Interestingly, the access road to the property was from the north where a track runs from the lane between Caerleon
‘The Village’ and ‘Cat Ash’ at another junction labelled Draen Llwyn.

By the time of the 1883, 1st edition Ordnance Survey county series, the farm has some recognisable features such as
the lean-to and the main barn and associated pig-sty, (GRO). The second barn may also exist at this time, although,
not in its present form as it appears to be in six segmented rectangles, possibly pens. One further change is the new
access to the south.

There is no further significant change to the house on subsequent maps although the bank to the west of the house
becomes listed by 1920. In addition, the second barn starts to approach its present shape by 1901 and by 1920, the
southern access becomes pre-eminent.

A.P.A.C. Ltd Priory Farm, Langstone. BS/PFL/13

The building was listed Grade II in 2002; 26131, 1/18/2012:

An early C17 two cell gable entry house which had a major refurbishment in the early C19
when the walls were raised and it was given a new roof, all new windows and it was also given
single storey rear outshuts for the kitchen and dairy. The wash-house remains separate as does
the privy. The house has not been modernised since, apart from a 1930s tiled fireplace in the
living room and the kitchen remains with its working range and sink and cold tap.
Appendix B 12/0645

The only other information was supplied by GGAT, confirming the listing and adding ‘The name of the site
probably relates to the land being held in the medieval period by the monastic house at Goldcliffe Priory’

Aims and Objectives

The aim of the level III survey was to preserve by record the structure of the building, prior to refurbishment and in
so doing’ provide a facility for understanding the building’s historic development.

The record produced can then be used to guide the determination of the planning condition as to the final design of


The building survey followed the methodology defined in 5.2, Understanding Historic Buildings; A Guide to Good
Recording Practice (English Heritage 2008). The methodology employed was also guided by the Standards and
Guidance for the Archaeological Investigation and Recording of Standing Buildings or Structures (IFA 1996,
revised ed 2001).

The photographic record of the site includes general views of the exterior, the overall appearance of principle
structure and circulation areas, external and internal detail relevant to the property’s design and development.

Some areas were not photographed either for health and safety reasons. This would include the 1st floor and attic due
to an absence of flooring outher than open joists.

Existing block and floor plans were provided by the client and these were annotated with measurements made
internally with a Leica Disto, during the survey.

The adapted plans were re-drawn in Cad, fig 04 and provided in the photo cards as a photographic locator.

The photographic survey was conducted using a Sony Cybershot F828 digital camera mounted on a tripod.

Simple phasing was undertaken based on observable, constructional anomalies, Ordnance survey mapping, Old
photographs reference texts for historical building styles.

This report also comprises a written element as defined in 4.5 Understanding Historic Buildings; A Guide to Good
Recording Practice (English Heritage 2006).

Data Presentation

Data referred to within the text is included in the Figures (fig##), Plates (P##) and Historical Plates (HP##).

The Plates are the photographs taken as part of the survey and included as annotated data records.

Appendix I presents; in spreadsheet format, details of all the photographs taken during the survey, including those
not used in the text. Photographs used in the text are listed in the right column with P and a sequential reference
number: P##.

A.P.A.C. Ltd Priory Farm, Langstone. BS/PFL/13
Historical Plates are the images provided by the Newport City planning Department containing the known
photographic record of the building to its present state. The ones used to clarify phasing are listed HP with a
sequential number##. All the images are included in the archive disc.

General external description of Priory Farm

The house is in the main a sandstone rubble-walled construction on two levels, with an attic space under a gabled
roof with a gable entry, gable stack and stairwell. At the rear is a later, single story lean-to with a single pitch roof.

The house occupies an area of ground which slopes gently towards the east. The reduction in ground level exposes
the wall batter and foundation along the eastern edge of the building.

The south elevation, Plate 01, has three windows on the ground floor and three on the 1st floor; all have ‘Gothic’
pointed heads. The base of the elevation, to around 1.5m, has raked-out masonry and bare stone finish but above
this, the walls have been pointed and lime washed as part of the stabilising process. The roof and two chimneys are

The west gable, Plate 02, has a single door to the right and a window to the left; the latter at a level spanning the
upper ground and lower 1st floor. An amount of older render remains around the main chimney stack and above the
gable end door. The top of the gable has been stabilised. No wall batter or foundation is visible on this side of the

To the left of the main house is the lean-to with its single pitch roof which has had some restoration at the roof level.
There is also a second chimney stack above the lean-to which again had some restoration.

The rear or north elevation, Plate 03, is dominated by the lean-to which is in two sections. The smaller left section of
the building has one small window whilst the larger right hand section has an access door and a larger window.

At the first floor level, the wall has been restored to the eaves with new oak box framing inserted, replacing the
earlier construction. There is a single window opening with extra lighting provided through two roof lights.

The eastern elevation, Plate 04, has had extensive stabilisation work done to it as can be seen by the various shades
of render and pointing. This gable end features a single squared window bottom left; fitted with wooden frame and
lintel on a stone sill. The house also has a large block foundation course, and some degree of wall batter.

To the right is the additional lean-to with a single window.

External detail:

The lower south corner of east gable is shown in Plate 05. Visible is some detail of the construction material and
method, showing some of the quoins, the angle of the batter along the south elevation, (5°) and the foundation base
of large sandstone blocks. The photograph also records the extent of the window stabilisation work.

The lower north corner of the east gable end is shown in Plate 06, which gives detail of the butt joint with the lean-
to. The photograph shows that northern elevation’s batter (11º), was retained and incorporated into the construction
of the lean-to. The plate also shows that the foundation course of large sandstone blocks was copied although at a
slightly higher level.

The lean-to has no batter at the wall base and the large foundation stones do not continue full length, Plate 07. The
masonry is of smaller slab stone than that of the main building and there is a window opening and two vertical slabs
used as backing to internal cold store shelves.

The southern elevation, shown in Plate 08, provides a clear visual record of the areas stabilised prior to this survey;
as indicated by the render. As was mentioned above, the general appearance is: three ‘Gothic style’ windows, on
each of the two floors. It is also evident that the upper windows are all placed in vertical alignment with the lower
ones. What is also noticeable however is that the windows are not equally spaced form each other with the two on
the left having an intervening gap of 0.96m whilst those on the right are spaced at 1.45m. The two outer windows
also share the same width at 0.88m whilst the centre one is reduced at 0.79m.

A.P.A.C. Ltd Priory Farm, Langstone. BS/PFL/13
Closer inspection also reveals that the central ground floor window is set top left, into a previous vertical opening;
two vertical scars just discernable to the left of the ranging rod and just to the left of the scaffold upright. The scaled
drawing in fig 03 highlights the two vertical scars and the difference in stone fill.

It was also mentioned above that the ground on which the building was erected, slopes gently to the east. Detail of
the southeast corner of the south elevation, Plate 09 shows that the foundation layer on which the wall was
constructed seems to have been laid on the slope rather than cut into it; subsequent levelling being achieved within a
few courses of stone. The photograph also shows that the east gable has a batter, this time at about 10º.

The west gable has the probable original gable end door and a high window, presumably to light the stairwell, Plate
10. The main feature of interest on the west gable is the butt joint between the original house and the lean-to. Little
restoration has been done on these two walls and so the photograph shows original builds. Of note is the difference
in building stone used: In the main house, the stone is larger and more substantial than that of the lean-to, which
contains more slab stone.

The foundation on this side of the house had not been cleared at the time of the survey so it is not known if the large
stone foundation course was present. It is however, possible to detect the start of the northern elevation batter.

The west gable batter can also be seen in Plate 11, with the large rock leaning against it at the ranging rod.

General internal description

The main building consists of a single ground floor room measuring 8.3m x 5.4m; longest axis roughly east/west,
fig 04. Along the south wall are three windows, two with seats whilst the north edge has an opening for a doorway
and an area of removed wall for access to a small lean-to.

The eastern gable end has a small inset fireplace and single widow whilst the west gable end has an entry door and
small passage, a large chimney stack with internal ovens a space for a cupboard and an internal stairwell with
window light.

The lean-to to the north comprises later additions of two separate rooms. The eastern one measures 2.8m x 2.4m and
has two external windows and four cool storage shelves. This room is accessible from the house only, facilitated by
the removal of part of the southern elevation to 1st floor level.

The western room measures 5.37m x 3.12m and has both external and internal access. The room also has a single
window and an elaborate arched fireplace.

The entire ground floor area is concrete apart from a small section of flagstone leading from the staircase. Main
room has no ceiling but has new oak floor joists.

There is a 1st floor in the main house only but this was inaccessible at the time of the survey as there was no floor
laid. The 1st floor was viewed from a ladder at the stair well from where it was possible to see that the room has
three windows to the south and a fire grate on the east gable end. The first floor had a ceiling of plasterboard which
prevented the attic being viewed.

Internal detail ground floor:

The present entrance to the building is from the north door which gives access to the main house through lean-to 2,
fig 04.

Plate 12, shows the entry into the main room to the right; at the moment stripped to the stonework with a
replacement lintel. In the rear of the photograph is the east wall of the lean-to and noticeable is the extent of the
repairs and the new roofing.

The east wall of lean-to 2 is dominated by a large arched fireplace standing some 2m high, with an internal width of
0.906m to a depth of 0.6m, Plate 13. This does not appear to be recessed into the east wall and so may well be a
later addition.

There is a high level window to the right of the door, not photographed internally but shown on Plate 03.

A.P.A.C. Ltd Priory Farm, Langstone. BS/PFL/13
The main room is entered through the northern elevation. At the time of the survey, the main house had a single
ground floor room.

The eastern gable end is dominated by a large chimney stack, 2.67m wide at the base, with openings for a flat
arched fire grate and two flat arched ovens, Plate 14.

The depth of the fire grate is 923mm recessed into the thickness of the chimney stack and wall at 1.63m.

The top oven left, measures 510mm wide x 420 in height with a depth of 1.209 deep. The oven itself is recessed into
the wall, Plate 15, by some 23mm to allow for the door (now missing). Plate 16 shows the internal brick
construction as an elongated arch which diminishes to a semi dome, all of which stands on a course of ‘end up’
bricks. The bricks themselves show evidence of fracture and discolouration from heating.

The lower oven has a squared front measuring 625mm x 524mm with a depth of 556mm.

The stack itself measures 2.67m wide at the base but diminishes in staggered steps towards the ceiling:

the left side reduces in a single step of 190mm at a height of 1.951m.

the right side reduces in three steps 55mm at 1.493m, 55mm at.110mm and finally 90mm.

To the right of the stack is a recess which extends 1.083m to the internal face of the western gable end. Plate 17
shows the recess; immediately noticeable, is the diagonal patch of bare masonry and some square holes between a
newly whitewashed area and a grey rendered area. The bare masonry charts the rise of the staircase that used to
stand here presumably supported on beams extending from the square holes.

Just below the ceiling is the stairwell window.

To the left of the chimney stack is an opening for a door which is temporarily blocked, Plate 18. The door would
probably be the original entry to the property completing the standard 17th century format of gable entry, gable
chimney and stairwell with light. The door effectively opens to a short passage between the chimney stack and the
south elevation: affording an element of ‘privacy and comfort’ mentioned by Fox and Raglan in relation to
developments to regional style small two room houses of the early renaissance, (Fox & Raglan p104).

There is an interesting taper to the passage along the inner south wall which eventually ends in a correction of
160mm to bring the surface back in line with the rest of the wall. The edge can be seen in Plate 18 just beyond the
shadow of the camera’s lens shadow. There is also the scar of a square c400mmx400mm, in-filled recess at around
1.4m from the floor and adjacent to the aforementioned taper; also visible in Plate 18.

The southern wall contains three windows; Plate 19 shows there relative positions to each other within the house.
The windows were blocked for security at the time of survey but Plates 01 & 09 above, show that they had been
fitted with ‘Gothic’ style windows. Also above, it was mentioned that the windows were unequally spaced and of
slightly different dimensions.

The general view in Plate 19 also highlights the different headers to the windows with the one on the right being flat
in stead of arched, unlike the other two. All three windows are however, recesses within wall splays.

A detailed photograph of the internal aspect of the south west window; Plate 20, reveals a height of 2m with a
maximum width of 1.42. The window is recessed at an angle of 127º from the opening, reducing the window width
to 0.88m. The bottom 0.4m of the window setting remains at wall width to form a window seat.

The central window shown in Plate 21 is similar in configuration including the window seat but excluding the flat
header. However, the dimensions differ with the maximum width at 1.11m reducing to 0.79m with the recess at a
less obtuse angle of 114°. It was mentioned above that the central window appeared to be set in a door scar fig 03.
Plate 21 records the same scar to the left of the window, just to the right of the camera’s lens hood shadow.

The third, southern elevation window can be seen in Plate 22. The internal measurements of this window are similar
to that of the central window, being 111m with a recess angle of 114°. However, the external width is identical to
that of the first window at 0.88m. This window also has an arched header as with the central window but no window

A.P.A.C. Ltd Priory Farm, Langstone. BS/PFL/13
There is a caveat to the measurements in that the windows were not clear of obstructions and the stone work is not

The east gable has one window and a small fireplace. Plate 23 shows the window which is a plain rectangle 1.09m
in width with a sill just under a metre from the ground, and about a metre in height. (the measurements are
approximate due to the disturbed nature of the floor in this area). Unlike the other windows, the recess is not
splayed. Plate 24 gives a comparison of this window to that of the 3rd window of the southern elevation.

Returning briefly to plate 23, the ranging rod is positioned flush with the southern wall and the angle produced with
the window edge reveals a possible slight internal batter of 5º.

North of the window at a distance of 1.976m is a small flat arched fire place, set flush to the wall. The opening for
the fireplace is 1.15m high and 0.7m wide with a depth of 0.43m. The gable wall at this point is around 0.59m.

At the north east corner of the main room, the northern wall has been removed to give access to Lean-to 1. A scar of
the original wall was detected during the survey and photographed Plate 24 but the resultant image was not very
instructive. The position of the scar abuts the left ranging rod and is as wide as the right hand side of the mains

Plate 25 shows lean-to 1, the smaller of the 2. The view is to the north and visible are the north and east windows;
both blocked with black polythene. The roof is new as is the upper part of the west wall. At the bottom left of the
photograph are two recesses with a second set higher on the right wall, just out of view.

The right hand recesses can be seen in Plate 26, They both have bottom and top flagstone surfaces and are backed
by a third flagstone set flush with the outer wall (see Plate 07). The measurements are:

 Left, 0.53m wide x 0.43m high x 0.35m deep.

 Right, 0.43m wide x 0.40m high x 0.35m deep.

Both are raised around 1.1m above the floor. The window sill is at 1.5m.

On the west wall, the two recesses are placed much lower at around 0.4m, Plate 27. The left recess measures 0.52m
wide x 0.36m high x 0.29m deep whilst the right one measures 0.48m x 0.48m x 0.29m.

Internal detail: 1st floor

The 1st floor was only accessible from the top of a ladder against the side of the chimney stack. Form there it was
possible to take some photographs but no measurements.

Plate 28 shows that the entire north wall (left) is clad in insulation board. The far wall is that of the east gable end
which features a single fireplace, similar to the one directly below it on the ground floor. Neither of these fireplaces
have any noticeable chimney routes on the external face.

Plate 29 shows the inside of the south elevation and the three windows.

Plate 30 shows the west end of the south elevation and records the joint that extends from below as a tapering wall
from the gable door passage (see Plate 18). However, another view of the feature from the east end of the house
shows that the taper has reversed and now stands proud from the wall.

The gable end also appears to show a lower roof line suggested by different colours of render but this information
could not be verified without further detailed investigation. The apparent roof lines may be part of the restoration

Plate 32 gives a view up the north edge of the chimney stack revealing the squared configuration to the 1st floor
ceiling, (Limewashed). The attic section however has been rounded off.

A.P.A.C. Ltd Priory Farm, Langstone. BS/PFL/13


The earliest record of the house and lean-to found during this project is its record on the 1883 Ordnance Survey
Map; although a possible location was noted on the 1833 first series, fig 02.

Unfortunately, there is little structural evidence left of the property with which to make any definitive statements as
to age or phasing. The most prominent of features, the gothic windows, are typologically later additions; (see listing
2613) and the window openings themselves are in some instances, later developments:

Typologically the configuration of gable entry, stack and stairwell dates the house to the form of a ‘sub-medieval
gable entry house… c 1550-1610,’ probably of two room plan, as described in Smith (p396) or part of the ‘A’ class
Regional Style presented by Fox and Raglan (pp45-48).

A two room plan is tentatively suggested as there are two fire places, one at each gable end. Again, the typology
suggests a date, pre 1670, because of lack of symmetry with one large and one small chimney, (Raglan p 379).

As was stated above, at the time of the survey there was little in the way of internal features or scars marking any
internal partitions but then the same is true of the internal partition drawn as existing in March of 2012, fig 05.

With a lack of structural evidence remaining, the only recourse to provide any interpretation of the building was to
search through the archive of photographs supplied by Mr J Hotson, Newport City Planning.

The following interpretation therefore is based on a comparison of the archive photographs supplied, with the
existing remains as surveyed. Figure 06 has been included to show the direction and target of each of the
photographs discussed in the text.

The interpretation starts within the main building:

A stone wall, fig 05, used to form a short passage towards the smaller lean-to, can be seen in both HP01 & HP02.
HP03, taken in 1998 shows the doorway from the main room leading into the same passage with the door to the
lean-to visible inside. Note the position of the joist. Viewed from within the main room; HP04, shows a continuation
of the partition wall towards the west gable, where it abuts the fireplace. Interestingly the continuation of the wall
does not appear on the 2012 plan yet it was partially in place in 2007, HP05.

Plate 33 taken during the present survey, recorded the position of the partition wall identifiable only from the
surviving flagstone floor of the passage between the lean-to and the main room.

The view shown in HP06 shows that the eastern part of the stone partition wall was built to approximately level with
the eastern edge of the central window of the south elevation. The photograph also shows that the ground cover
changes from flagstone to concrete along an identical alignment.

HP07 also taken in 2011 shows the internal south elevation wall where to the left of the left window is a burnt break
in the skirting board above which is a vertical joint in the wall. There also appears to be a possible square slot in the
wall, left of the window just below the lintel level. It is possible that the square hole carried a cross support for a
partition wall the position of which is marked by the change in the ground cover.

As to the vertical joint, it was suggested earlier, a similar joint seen on the external face had been a doorway that had
been blocked and filled with the central window (fig 03). If the interpretation is correct, this would place two doors
in the room with the large fireplace, which would be impractical.

A possible solution may lie in the following features identified in the archive photographs:

To the right of the same window and above the lintel is a large squared joist hole. Photograph HP08 shows a main
joist with tenon notches for ceiling rafters, in roughly this position. HP09 shows its continuation to the north wall
where both HP10 & HP05 record its position above the doorway to the lean-to. The same beam position was
recorded in situ with ceiling intact in 1989, HB 03.

HP09 also shows a series of four uprights with lath and plaster attached to both sides indicating a partition wall
however, closer inspection of the image reveals that the uprights are not associated with the joist. Again, this is

A.P.A.C. Ltd Priory Farm, Langstone. BS/PFL/13
confirmed in HB 03. Only the third timber from the right is attached to the joist and this is confirmed in HP 05
which shows the same timber from the back. The larger uprights lacking a crossbeam would appear to belong to a
partition wall running along the change of floor mentioned above and recorded in 2002, HP11 bottom left.

Apart from the single upright to the main joist, which was probably part of a door case, there is nothing in the
photographs to suggest a further partition under the joist, however a cross passage here would provide a reason for
the doorway. The photograph shown in HP12 may add some weight to this theory. It shows a view through the lean-
to entry door, both partition openings towards the central window on the south face.

A central door and cross passage thus placed provided not only symmetry; which Raglan suggested became
important after 1670…

In the new style the front door is always in the middle of the front, and the windows are all equal in size
and equidistant in pairs from the door. The chimneys are also of equal size.

(Raglan 1963 p 379).

but also the move towards privacy and comfort in an age of growing prosperity (Fox & Raglan p104).

HP06 also provides a record of other features now missing:

 The 19th century cast iron grate with tiled insets and hearth, see also HP13.
 A glimpse of some of the structure of the 1st floor fireplace
 The position and direction of flooring rafters
 A partition scar in the plaster of the first floor, left of the fireplace and above the ground floor partition
wall. Possibly an indication of an upper landing at the rear of the house leading from the stairwell.

Concentrating next on the western gable end, another recent change that has happened; this time between 2011 and
the present April 2013, is the exposure of the fireplace and ovens seen in Plates 14 & 18 and plotted in fig 04. When
the property was photographed in 2011 HP14, a partial arch above the top oven and the brick backing to a mid 20th c
fire grate was all that was exposed. The front of the 20th c fire grate was recorded in 1998 and is shown in HP15.

To the left of the chimney stack is the doorway shown in Plate 18 and in HP 16 as it was when in use in 1998. Note
the use of the stack reduction as a shelf.

To the right of the chimney stack used to be the partition wall and a small cupboard as shown in HP04, but now
removed. Within the enclosed passage that would have existed, HP17 shows the stairs as they were in 1998. The
stairs continued past the first floor and into the attic as can be seen in HP09 with the stepped scar on the plasterwork
to the right of the stack. To the left of the stack, HP18, another fireplace is revealed on an offset angle confirming
that the 1st floor had at least two heated rooms.

The southern elevation is dominated by the ‘gothic style’ windows which have been discussed above. There are
some archive photographs showing the frames and shutters none of which were present at the time of the survey: HP
19, 20, 21, 22 & 23.

The northern elevation ground floor level has been covered above with nothing surviving of the original 1st floor and
attic levels. Again, some of the original detail was recorded in the archive photographs; particularly informative is
the stone filled noggin construction of the north elevation in HP24. The photograph also records the position of the
upper window shown by the surviving stone sills; left of centre. HP25 shows the same windows in situ with the
surrounding noggin structure as it was in 1998.

The lean-to is an obvious addition to the property as can be seen from the butt joints on both gable ends, Plates 06 &
10. It is possible that the lean-to was built in two parts; the stonework of the smaller lean to being slightly coarser
than that of the larger one. In addition, the rather primitive fixtures, Plates 26 & 27 of the smaller lean-to; which are
undoubtedly dictated by its intended function, do not seem contemporary with the more decorative trend seen in the
larger leant-to.

The decorative feature of the larger lean-to referred to being the arched fireplace shown in Plate 13. The large
arched chimney would appear to have been impractical as the photograph HP26 shows. The arch had been filled in
with a lower mantle attached over Victorian multi oven range. HP27 recorded that the range had been removed by
2010, exposing the infilling of the chimney breast up to the original upper arch.

A.P.A.C. Ltd Priory Farm, Langstone. BS/PFL/13
The other associated buildings within the curtilage of Priory Farm were also recorded in the hope that parallels
could be found which would help to date the property. Unfortunately, with the exception of proximity, mapping and
construction materials there was nothing to relate the buildings and nothing that could be used to aid interpretation.

Some timbers from the buildings had been previously removed to another part of the farm, for disposal. These were
returned for investigation but there was nothing much of any real value for interpretation as it could not be certain
where the timbers came from.

Interpretation summary

It can be seen from the information above that any interpretation is subjective at best as the building itself retains
very little in the way of datable features. The basic shape of gable entry and the typical late 16th/ early 17th c design
is unmistakable. How the building reached its present state is know for the last two decades but what is missing is
the interesting developments between that have all left their marks if only it were possible to read them.

To interpret the intervening period therefore is conjecture. The only guides are the confining boundaries of the
house and accepted historical building tenets.

With that caveat, it is possible that the building may have developed from its original 1 or 2 cell, gable entry design
to one that provided privacy and comfort associated with division of rooms into living room, parlour and cold store.

At this point, 17th/18th c, the front entry, is added necessitating either the blocking of the gable entry or the inclusion
of a cross passage.

A later development probably 19th century saw the inclusion of the decorative windows, blocking of the central door
and removal of the passage. The function of the main room changes as cooking is now removed to a purpose built
kitchen at the rear of the house.


I would like to thank Mr and Mrs Meredith for there help during this survey allowing me free rain to undertake the
work, whilst being sustained by a constant flow of refreshments. Thanks also to Neil Maylan for the potted
historical background and Joe Hotson for supplying the very useful photo archive, without which the interpretation
would have been very different. Lastly, thanks to the staff at the Gwent Record Office who left no folder unturned in
a fruitless search.

A.P.A.C. Ltd Priory Farm, Langstone. BS/PFL/13


A.P.A.C. Ltd. Project Design for an archaeological building survey Level III, Priory Farm, Langstone.
PD/BS/PFL/13. 18/03/13.

English Heritage Management of Archaeological Projects (1991).

Understanding Historic Buildings, A guide to good recording practice, (2008).

NEW0994/CNM Re: Listed Building Consent for Partial Demolition and Restoration after Fire:
Farmhouse, Priory Farm, Priory Drive, Langstone PL.APP.No.12/0645. 04/09/12
NEW0994/JBHD Re: Proposed re-instatement of Fire Damaged Dwelling: Priory Farm, Priory Drive,
Langstone PL.APP.No.12/0977. 21/11/12

Lord Raglan. 1963 The Origin of Vernacular Architecture (in) Culture and Environment
Essays in Honour of Sir Cyril Fox, Eds: Foster I . LL & Alcock, L. Routledge & Kegan
Paul: London.

Institute for
Artchaeologists (IFA) Standards and Guidance for the Archaeological Investigation and Recording of Standing
Buildings or Structures (IFA 1996, revised ed 2001).

Newport City Council/

Planning portal Drawing 2161/12/01. Site Plan. March 2012
Drawing 2161/12/02. Existing Elevations. March 2012
Drawing 2161/12/03. Existing Ground Floor Plan. March 2012
Drawing 2161/12/04. Existing 1st Floor Plan. March 2012
Drawing 2161/12/05. Existing Elevations. July 2012

Application for Planning Permission 12/0977. 15/10/12

Application for listed building consent for alterations, extension or demolition of a listed
building 12/0645
Design and Access Statement 12/0977
Proposed re-instatement and renovation of dwelling Priory Farmhouse, Langstone,
Newport, NP18 2LW. 12/0645
Grade II Listing Appendix B 12/0645. 26131. 2002.

RCAHMW Application for Listed Building Consent: Priory Farm, Langstone. RCS2/1/3212.

Sir Cyril Fox &

Lord Raglan 1952. Monmouthshire Houses Pt II. Merton Priory Press and National Museum of Wales.

Smith. J.T., 1963. The Long House in Monmouthshire, a Re-appraisal, (in) Culture and Environment
Essays in Honour of Sir Cyril Fox, Eds: Foster I . LL & Alcock, L. Routledge & Kegan
Paul: London.

The Georgian Group Farm House, Priory Farm, Priory Drive, Langstone, Newport. CONEX/12/0645.

Maps http://www.visionofbritain.org.uk/

Dr. Neil Phillips, AIFA.
The copyright for this report shall remain with the A.P.A.C. Ltd.

A.P.A.C. Registered Address: 36 Hatherleigh Rd, Abergavenny Monmouthshire NP7 7RG.

Tel: 07734962919. Mobile: 07734962919 Email: apac.philips@btinternet.com
Company Registration No 5041541 VAT Reg No 826 3628 19
Director: Dr. N. Phillips D.Phil. M. Phil. BA (Hons).Cert Ed/FE. AIFA.

Priory Farm, Langstone

Fig 01: Location

A.P.A.C. BS/PFL/13
Priory Farm, Langstone


E 336524
N 190216



Fig 02: Maps A.P.A.C. Ltd BS.PFL/13

Priory Farm, Langstone


Ground le

Ground le
0 1

Fig 03: South elevation, blocked doorway A.P.A.C. BS/PFL/13

Priory Farm, Langstone


North set at magnetic

LEAN-TO E 336524. N 190216

2 Key


0 1 2 3 Location:
Priory Farm,
Existing plan
Level III
MAIN Produced for:

Mr & Mrs. Meredith

Scale at A4: Bar
Dr. N. Phillips
Dr. N. Phillips
May 2013

A.P.A.C. Ltd
36 Hatherleigh Rd,
Abergavenny, Monmouthshire

Fig 04, Existing ground plan

A.P.A.C. BS/PFL/13
Priory Farm, Langstone

firegrate and

Missing partition wall

Fig 05: Existing Ground Floor March 2012 A.P.A.C. BS/PFL/13

Priory Farm, Langstone



North set at magnetic

E 336524. N 190216

HP27 2 Key


Historic features

HP06 HP01
0 1 2 3 Location:
Priory Farm,

Existing plan
Level III
05 Survey


HP15 MAIN Produced for:


HP14 Mr & Mrs. Meredith
HP18 09
Scale at A4: Bar
Dr. N. Phillips
Dr. N. Phillips
HP16 HP11 May 2013

A.P.A.C. Ltd
36 Hatherleigh Rd,
Abergavenny, Monmouthshire


Fig 06, Estimated position and direction of HP photographs

A.P.A.C. BS/PFL/13
Site Site code Grid Ref: Camera Format Dimensions Image no: Area
Priory Farm, Langstone, Newport. BS/PFL/13 336524 190216 Sony DSC F28 RAW, JPG 3264x2448 DSC03790 External SE
Direction of view:
North P01



Reason for image: Overview of south elevation



Period A.P.A.C. Ltd

Site Site code Grid Ref: Camera Format Dimensions Image no: Area
Priory Farm, Langstone, Newport. BS/PFL/13 336524 190216 Sony DSC F28 RAW, JPG 3264x2448 DSC03791 External
Direction of view:



Reason for image: Overview of west gable, Gable door behind corrugated sheet



Period A.P.A.C. Ltd

Site Site code Grid Ref: Camera Format Dimensions Image no: Area
Priory Farm, Langstone, Newport. BS/PFL/13 336524 190216 Sony DSC F28 RAW, JPG 3264x2448 DSC03792 External
Direction of view:



Reason for image: Overview of north elevation



Period A.P.A.C. Ltd

Site Site code Grid Ref: Camera Format Dimensions Image no: Area
Priory Farm, Langstone, Newport. BS/PFL/13 336524 190216 Sony DSC F28 RAW, JPG 3264x2448 DSC03793 External
Direction of view:



Reason for image: Overview of east gable



Period A.P.A.C. Ltd

Site Site code Grid Ref: Camera Format Dimensions Image no: Area
Priory Farm, Langstone, Newport. BS/PFL/13 336524 190216 Sony DSC F28 RAW, JPG 3264x2448 DSC03794 External
Direction of view:



Reason for image: Detail east gable northern corner. Splay along south elevation. Foundation of large red
sandstone slabs. Differing colour, rough dressed, sandstone quoins.



Period A.P.A.C. Ltd

Site Site code Grid Ref: Camera Format Dimensions Image no: Area
Priory Farm, Langstone, Newport. BS/PFL/13 336524 190216 Sony DSC F28 RAW, JPG 2448x3264 DSC03797 External
Direction of view:
West P06

Reason for image:


Detail view east gable lower

portion showing butt joint with
lean-to building, partial splay
and lower foundation course




Period A.P.A.C. Ltd

Site Site code Grid Ref: Camera Format Dimensions Image no: Area
Priory Farm, Langstone, Newport. BS/PFL/13 336524 190216 Sony DSC F28 RAW, JPG 3264x2448 DSC03803 External
Direction of view:



Reason for image: Detail of east end of lean-to showing the backing flagstone to both of the internal storage
shelves and the gable splay, bottom left.



Period A.P.A.C. Ltd

Site Site code Grid Ref: Camera Format Dimensions Image no: Area
Priory Farm, Langstone, Newport. BS/PFL/13 336524 190216 Sony DSC F28 RAW, JPG 3264x2448 DSC03795 External
Direction of view:



Reason for image: Detail south elevation eastern corner. Splay along east gable.



Period A.P.A.C. Ltd

Site Site code Grid Ref: Camera Format Dimensions Image no: Area
Priory Farm, Langstone, Newport. BS/PFL/13 336524 190216 Sony DSC F28 RAW, JPG 3264x2448 DSC03799 External
Direction of view:



Reason for image: General view of south elevation, showing stonework, and slope of ground towards east



Period A.P.A.C. Ltd

Site Site code Grid Ref: Camera Format Dimensions Image no: Area
Priory Farm, Langstone, Newport. BS/PFL/13 336524 190216 Sony DSC F28 RAW, JPG 3264x2448 DSC03800 External
Direction of view:



Reason for image: Detail view west gable lower portion showing butt joint with lean-to, partial splay.
Window opening onto stairwell upper right



Period A.P.A.C. Ltd

Site Site code Grid Ref: Camera Format Dimensions Image no: Area
Priory Farm, Langstone, Newport. BS/PFL/13 336524 190216 Sony DSC F28 RAW, JPG 2448x3264 DSC03801 External
Direction of view:
South P11

Reason for image:


Detail view along west gable.

No splay visible but foundation
course has not been uncovered





Period A.P.A.C. Ltd

Site Site code Grid Ref: Camera Format Dimensions Image no: Area
Priory Farm, Langstone, Newport. BS/PFL/13 336524 190216 Sony DSC F28 RAW, JPG 2448x3264 DSC03805 External
Direction of view:

Reason for image:


Lean-to, east wall showing

rebuilt areas with grey mortar,
new roof. Wall splay visible at
door. Concrete floor





Period A.P.A.C. Ltd

Site Site code Grid Ref: Camera Format Dimensions Image no: Area
Priory Farm, Langstone, Newport. BS/PFL/13 336524 190216 Sony DSC F28 RAW, JPG 2448x3264 DSC03804 External
Direction of view:
west P13

Reason for image:


Lean-to, Chimney stack with

arched hood at west end. New
roof. Concrete floor





Period A.P.A.C. Ltd

Site Site code Grid Ref: Camera Format Dimensions Image no: Area
Priory Farm, Langstone, Newport. BS/PFL/13 336524 190216 Sony DSC F28 RAW, JPG 3264x2448 DSC03806 Internal
Direction of view:



Reason for image: Living room, west gable. Original door to the left with gable fireplace. Possibly, later divided
into grate, and two ovens



Period A.P.A.C. Ltd

Site Site code Grid Ref: Camera Format Dimensions Image no: Area
Priory Farm, Langstone, Newport. BS/PFL/13 336524 190216 Sony DSC F28 RAW, JPG 3264x2448 DSC03834 Internal
Direction of view:
West P15



Reason for image: Detail living room. Upper oven



Period A.P.A.C. Ltd

Site Site code Grid Ref: Camera Format Dimensions Image no: Area
Priory Farm, Langstone, Newport. BS/PFL/13 336524 190216 Sony DSC F28 RAW, JPG 3264x2448 DSC03836 Internal
Direction of view:





Reason for image: Detail living room. Upper oven recess for oven door



Period A.P.A.C. Ltd

Site Site code Grid Ref: Camera Format Dimensions Image no: Area
Priory Farm, Langstone, Newport. BS/PFL/13 336524 190216 Sony DSC F28 RAW, JPG 2448x3264 DSC03831 internal
Direction of view:
West P17

Reason for image:


Detail living room, Stairwell showing

position and scar of staircase





Period A.P.A.C. Ltd

Site Site code Grid Ref: Camera Format Dimensions Image no: Area
Priory Farm, Langstone, Newport. BS/PFL/13 336524 190216 Sony DSC F28 RAW, JPG 2448x3264 DSC03809 internal
Direction of view:
West P18

Reason for image:


Living room, west gable. Detail

of doorway with tapered recess
to left





Period A.P.A.C. Ltd

Site Site code Grid Ref: Camera Format Dimensions Image no: Area
Priory Farm, Langstone, Newport. BS/PFL/13 336524 190216 Sony DSC F28 RAW, JPG 3264x2448 DSC03819 Internal
Direction of view:
South P19



Reason for image: Living room, south elevation showing the three windows. Different spacings, widths and



Period A.P.A.C. Ltd

Site Site code Grid Ref: Camera Format Dimensions Image no: Area
Priory Farm, Langstone, Newport. BS/PFL/13 336524 190216 Sony DSC F28 RAW, JPG 2448x3264 DSC03820 internal
Direction of view:
South P20

Reason for image:


Detail living room, souh elevation

showing detail of west window.





Period A.P.A.C. Ltd

Site Site code Grid Ref: Camera Format Dimensions Image no: Area
Priory Farm, Langstone, Newport. BS/PFL/13 336524 190216 Sony DSC F28 RAW, JPG 2448x3264 DSC03821 internal
Direction of view:
South east P21

Reason for image:


Detail living room, south elevation

showing detail of central window,
and former door. Scar to left visible




Period A.P.A.C. Ltd

Site Site code Grid Ref: Camera Format Dimensions Image no: Area
Priory Farm, Langstone, Newport. BS/PFL/13 336524 190216 Sony DSC F28 RAW, JPG 2448x3264 DSC03823 internal
Direction of view:
South east P22

Reason for image:


Detail living room, south elevation

showing detail of southeast window.
No window seat





Period A.P.A.C. Ltd

Site Site code Grid Ref: Camera Format Dimensions Image no: Area
Priory Farm, Langstone, Newport. BS/PFL/13 336524 190216 Sony DSC F28 RAW, JPG 2448x3264 DSC03824 internal
Direction of view:
East P23

Reason for image:


Detail living room, east gable end window.

No window seat





Period A.P.A.C. Ltd

Site Site code Grid Ref: Camera Format Dimensions Image no: Area
Priory Farm, Langstone, Newport. BS/PFL/13 336524 190216 Sony DSC F28 RAW, JPG 2448x3264 DSC03833 internal
Direction of view:

Reason for image:


Detail living room. East gable &

lean-to showing remains of north
elevation wall, within ranging rods





Period A.P.A.C. Ltd

Site Site code Grid Ref: Camera Format Dimensions Image no: Area
Priory Farm, Langstone, Newport. BS/PFL/13 336524 190216 Sony DSC F28 RAW, JPG 3264x2448 DSC03826 Internal
Direction of view:



Reason for image: Detail living room, north elevation into eastern lean-to.



Period A.P.A.C. Ltd

Site Site code Grid Ref: Camera Format Dimensions Image no: Area
Priory Farm, Langstone, Newport. BS/PFL/13 336524 190216 Sony DSC F28 RAW, JPG 3264x2448 DSC03828 Internal
Direction of view:
East P26



Reason for image: Detail lean-to, east wall of out-shut 2 storage shelves with single vertical flagstone
backing and window



Period A.P.A.C. Ltd

Site Site code Grid Ref: Camera Format Dimensions Image no: Area
Priory Farm, Langstone, Newport. BS/PFL/13 336524 190216 Sony DSC F28 RAW, JPG 3264x2448 DSC03827 Internal
Direction of view:
west P27



Reason for image: Detail lean-to, west wall of out-shut, 2 storage shelves with single vertical flagstone backing



Period A.P.A.C. Ltd

Site Site code Grid Ref: Camera Format Dimensions Image no: Area
Priory Farm, Langstone, Newport. BS/PFL/13 336524 190216 Sony DSC F28 RAW, JPG 3264x2448 DSC03812 1st Floor
Direction of view:
East P28

Reason for image: 1st floor east gable end. Fire grate to right. Extensive repairs done to stabilise structure.
Inaccessible at time of survey



Period A.P.A.C. Ltd

Site Site code Grid Ref: Camera Format Dimensions Image no: Area
Priory Farm, Langstone, Newport. BS/PFL/13 336524 190216 Sony DSC F28 RAW, JPG 3264x2448 DSC03813 1st Floor
Direction of view:
South west P29

Reason for image: 1st floor south elevation with 3 windows. Extensive repairs done to stabilise structure.
Inaccessible at time of survey



Period A.P.A.C. Ltd

Site Site code Grid Ref: Camera Format Dimensions Image no: Area
Priory Farm, Langstone, Newport. BS/PFL/13 336524 190216 Sony DSC F28 RAW, JPG 2448x3264 DSC03815 1st Floor
Direction of view:
South P30

Reason for image:

1st floor. South elevation. Butt joint

in line with recess noted (DSC03809)
Inaccessible at time of survey



Period A.P.A.C. Ltd

Site Site code Grid Ref: Camera Format Dimensions Image no: Area
Priory Farm, Langstone, Newport. BS/PFL/13 336524 190216 Sony DSC F28 RAW, JPG 3264x2448 DSC03829 1st Floor
Direction of view:
West P31

Reason for image: 1st floor west gable end. Chimney stack in centre and stairwell window right. Note butt
joint left, noted above (DSC03809)



Period A.P.A.C. Ltd

Site Site code Grid Ref: Camera Format Dimensions Image no: Area
Priory Farm, Langstone, Newport. BS/PFL/13 336524 190216 Sony DSC F28 RAW, JPG 3264x2448 DSC03816 1st Floor
Direction of view:
Up P32

Reason for image: 1st floor view up chimney stack. The masonry becomes rounded at attic level



Period A.P.A.C. Ltd

Site Site code Grid Ref: Camera Format Dimensions Image no: Area
Priory Farm, Langstone, Newport. BS/PFL/13 336524 190216 Sony DSC F28 RAW, JPG 2448x3264 DSC03832 internal
Direction of view:

Reason for image:


Detail living room. Surviving






Period A.P.A.C. Ltd

Priory Farm, Langstone



HP 01: Passage/ main room and small lean-to HP 02: Passage from smaller lean-to



HP 03 View into passage from main room HP 04: NW corner of A.P.A.C. BS/PFL/13
main room showing
position of partition wall and understairs
Priory Farm, Langstone

May 07 (21)

06 310511 (8)

HP 05: Remains of partition wall leading to stairs HP 06: East gable end showing surviving
structures and features 2011

07 310511 (10)

HP 07: South elevation, western and central windows A.P.A.C. BS/PFL/13

Priory Farm, Langstone

May 07 (17)
May 07 (9)

HP 08: Joist in position at south elevation HP 09: Joist in position, central

10 dcp-6756

HP 10: Joist in position north elevatioin A.P.A.C. BS/PFL/13

Priory Farm, Langstone

12 P1010477
conservation transfer-1815

HP 11: West gable end with partial remains of cross partition wall, bottom HP 12: Northern wall of lean-to with acces line through to southern
right elevation, central window

12 P1010486
130511 (14)

HP13: 19th century cast iron grate and surround, east gable HP14: West gable showing features in 2011
A.P.A.C. BS/PFL/13
Priory Farm, Langstone

15 1998
HP 15: 20th century grate in situ, in main room west gable, 1998

17 09-09-9806
16 09-09-9806


HP16: Gable entry 1998 HP 17: staircase 1998

A.P.A.C. BS/PFL/13
Priory Farm, Langstone

HP 18: 1st floor west gable showing features, stair run, fireplace and ceiling supports



HP19: Intact window frames in 1998 HP 20: Detail of

A.P.A.C. BS/PFL/13
‘Gothic Style’ frames
Priory Farm, Langstone

May 07 (14)

24-08-07 014

HP 21: Window remains with internal shutters HP 22: Window remains with internal shutters

24-08-07 015

HP 23: Window frame with detail of mechanism A.P.A.C. BS/PFL/13

Priory Farm, Langstone

24-08-07 022
HP 24: Internal view of 1st floor north elevation in 2007


HP 25: External view of 1st floor north elevation in 1998

A.P.A.C. BS/PFL/13
Priory Farm, Langstone


HP 26: Large lean-to fireplace in use in 1998 HP 27: Large lean-to fireplace in 2010 A.P.A.C. BS/PFL/13
A.P.A.C. Ltd Priory Farm, Langstone BS/PFL/13

Photo no Date Camera Size Area View Description Plate

DSC03790 03/04/2013 DSC-F828 3264x2448 EX N Overview of south elevation P01
DSC03791 03/04/2013 DSC-F828 3264x2448 EX E Overview of west gable, Gable door behind corrugated sheet P02
DSC03792 03/04/2013 DSC-F828 3264x2448 EX S Overview of north elevation P03
DSC03793 03/04/2013 DSC-F828 3264x2448 EX W Overview of east gable P04
DSC03794 03/04/2013 DSC-F828 3264x2448 EX W Detail east gable northern corner. Batter along south elevation. Foundation of large red sandstone slabs. Differing colour, rough dressed, P05
sandstone quoins.
DSC03795 03/04/2013 DSC-F828 3264x2448 EX N Detail south elevation eastern corner. Batter along west gable. P08
DSC03796 03/04/2013 DSC-F828 3264x2448 EX W General view east gable showing extent of repair; white and grey areas of reappointed masonry
DSC03797 03/04/2013 DSC-F828 2448x3264 EX W Detail view east gable lower portion showing butt joint with lean-to building, partial batter and lower foundation course P06
DSC03798 03/04/2013 DSC-F828 3264x2448 EX W Detail view east gable upper portion showing extent of repair; white. Surviving lime wash, yellow grey and butt joint with lean-to
DSC03799 03/04/2013 DSC-F828 3264x2448 EX N General view of south elevation, showing stonework, and slope of ground towards west P09
DSC03800 03/04/2013 DSC-F828 3264x2448 EX E Detail view west gable lower portion showing butt joint with lean-to, partial batter. Window opening onto stairwell P10
DSC03801 03/04/2013 DSC-F828 2448x3264 EX S Detail view along west gable. No batter visible but foundation course Has not been uncovered P11
DSC03802 03/04/2013 DSC-F828 2448x3264 EX E Detail of east end of lean-to showing the backing flagstone to one of the internal storage shelves
DSC03803 03/04/2013 DSC-F828 3264x2448 EX E Detail of east end of lean-to showing the backing flagstone to both of the internal storage shelves and the gable batter, bottom left. P07
DSC03804 03/04/2013 DSC-F828 2448x3264 Lt W Lean-to, Chimney stack with arched hood at east end, New roof, Concrete floor P13
DSC03805 03/04/2013 DSC-F828 2448x3264 Lt E Lean-to, east wall showing rebuilt areas with grey mortar, new roof. Wall batter visible at door. Concrete floor P12
DSC03806 03/04/2013 DSC-F828 3264x2448 LV W Living room, west gable. Original door to the left with gable fireplace. Possibly, later divided into grate, and two ovens. P14
DSC03807 03/04/2013 DSC-F828 3264x2448 LV SW Living room, west gable. Right of fireplace showing position of stairwell with landing window. Replaced joists.
DSC03808 03/04/2013 DSC-F828 3264x2448 LV W Living room, west gable. Detail of fireplace, with new wood burner.
DSC03809 03/04/2013 DSC-F828 2448x3264 LV W Living room, west gable. Detail of doorway with tapered recess to left P18
DSC03810 03/04/2013 DSC-F828 3264x2448 LV NW Living room, west gable. Detail of fireplace recess
DSC03811 03/04/2013 DSC-F828 3264x2448 LV SW Living room, west gable. Detail of fireplace recess. Differing mortar between rear and sides
DSC03812 03/04/2013 DSC-F828 3264x2448 Up E 1st floor east gable end. Fire grate to right. Extensive repairs done to stabilise structure. Inaccessible at time of survey P28
DSC03813 03/04/2013 DSC-F828 3264x2448 Up SE 1st floor South elevation with 3 windows. Extensive repairs done to stabilise structure. Inaccessible at time of survey P29
DSC03814 03/04/2013 DSC-F828 3264x2448 Up E 1st floor east gable end. Fire grate to right. New ceiling obscures roof Inaccessible at time of survey
DSC03815 03/04/2013 DSC-F828 2448x3264 Up S 1st floor. South elevation. But joint in line with recess noted above (DSC03809) Inaccessible at time of survey P30
DSC03816 03/04/2013 DSC-F828 3264x2448 Up S 1st floor view up chimney stack. The masonry becomes rounded at attic level P32
DSC03817 03/04/2013 DSC-F828 2448x3264 LV W Living room west gable. Detail of fireplace, stepped reduction.
DSC03818 03/04/2013 DSC-F828 3264x2448 LV E Living room, east gable. Detail of former south elevation wall prior to lean-to
DSC03819 03/04/2013 DSC-F828 3264x2448 LV S Living room, south elevation showing the three windows. Different spacings, widths and construction. P19
DSC03820 03/04/2013 DSC-F828 2448x3264 LV S Detail living room, south elevation showing detail of west window. P20
DSC03821 03/04/2013 DSC-F828 2448x3264 LV SE Detail living room, south elevation showing detail of central window, and former door. Scar to left visible P21
DSC03822 03/04/2013 DSC-F828 3264x2448 LV SE Detail living room, south elevation showing detail of east window, and east gable end window. No window seats
DSC03823 03/04/2013 DSC-F828 2448x3264 LV SE Detail living room, south elevation showing detail of east window. No window seat P22
DSC03824 03/04/2013 DSC-F828 2448x3264 LV E Detail living room, east gable end window. No window seat P23
DSC03825 03/04/2013 DSC-F828 3264x2448 LV N Detail living room, east gable end fireplace
DSC03826 03/04/2013 DSC-F828 3264x2448 LV N Detail living room, north elevation into western lean-to. P25
DSC03827 03/04/2013 DSC-F828 3264x2448 Lt W Detail lean-to, west wall, 2 storage shelves with single vertical flagstone backing P27
DSC03828 03/04/2013 DSC-F828 3264x2448 Lt E Detail lean-to, east wall, 2 storage shelves with single vertical flagstone backing and window P26
DSC03829 03/04/2013 DSC-F828 3264x2448 Up W 1st floor west gable end. Chimney stack in centre and stairwell window right. Note butt joint left, noted above (DSC03809) P31
DSC03830 03/04/2013 DSC-F828 2448x3264 LV W Detail living room, Surviving sections of original north elevation. Door to lean-to and surviving area of flag floor
DSC03831 03/04/2013 DSC-F828 2448x3264 LV W Detail living room, Stairwell showing position and scar of staircase P17
DSC03832 03/04/2013 DSC-F828 2448x3264 LV E Detail living room. Surviving flagstones P33
DSC03833 03/04/2013 DSC-F828 2448x3264 LV E Detail living room. east gable & lean-to showing remains of south elevation wall, within ranging rods P24
DSC03834 03/04/2013 DSC-F828 3264x2448 LV W Detail living room. Upper oven P15
A.P.A.C. Ltd Priory Farm, Langstone BS/PFL/13

Photo no Date Camera Size Area View Description

DSC03835 03/04/2013 DSC-F828 3264x2448 LV W Detail living room. Upper oven internal configuration P16
DSC03836 03/04/2013 DSC-F828 3264x2448 LV W Detail living room. Upper oven recess for oven door
DSC03837 03/04/2013 DSC-F828 3264x2448 Barn S Overview of north gable and east elevation
DSC03838 03/04/2013 DSC-F828 3264x2448 Barn SE Overview of north gable and west elevation
DSC03839 03/04/2013 DSC-F828 3264x2448 Barn E Overview of north gable and west elevation with internal east wall
DSC03940 03/04/2013 DSC-F828 3264x2448 Barn SE Internal of south gable showing slit window and joist holes on the east wall
DSC03941 03/04/2013 DSC-F828 3264x2448 Barn NW Internal of north gable showing upper loft joist holes, feeder trough below and possible manger feeder remains to right
DSC03942 03/04/2013 DSC-F828 3264x2448 Barn SW Internal of the surviving west wall. Three upper joist holes and a small first floor opening
DSC03943 03/04/2013 DSC-F828 3264x2448 Barn NE Detail of door in east elevation
DSC03944 03/04/2013 DSC-F828 2448x3264 Barn NE Pig sty built on to southern gable end
DSC03945 03/04/2013 DSC-F828 2448x3264 Barn NW Overview of south gable of barn showing extent of pig-sty
DSC03947 03/04/2013 DSC-F828 3264x2448 Byre SW Overview of byre showing two fenestration styles and butt joint to addition
DSC03948 03/04/2013 DSC-F828 3264x2448 Byre SE Overview of byre showing west gable and north elevation
DSC03949 03/04/2013 DSC-F828 3264x2448 Byre NE Overview of byre showing south elevation
DSC03950 03/04/2013 DSC-F828 3264x2448 Byre E Internal view of byre, fenestration, feeder to left, blocked door centre, and wall render
DSC03951 03/04/2013 DSC-F828 3264x2448 Byre E Internal view of byre, fenestration, feeder to right and wall render
DSC03952 03/04/2013 DSC-F828 3264x2448 Byre SW East gable end showing position of blocked door, frame in yellow brick
DSC03953 03/04/2013 DSC-F828 3264x2448 Remains of joist showing some tenon notching and evidence of burning. Original position not known
DSC03954 03/04/2013 DSC-F828 3264x2448 Remains of same joist showing tenon notching and evidence of burning. Original position not known
DSC03955 03/04/2013 DSC-F828 3264x2448 Remains of frame panel from barn with iron hitching bar attached. Original position not known
DSC03956 03/04/2013 DSC-F828 3264x2448 Detail of frame panel from barn with iron hitching bars attached. Original position not known
DSC03957 03/04/2013 DSC-F828 3264x2448 Detail of frame panel from barn showing bridled joint. Original position not known
DSC03958 03/04/2013 DSC-F828 3264x2448 Detail of frame panel from barn showing bridled joint. Original position not known
DSC03959 03/04/2013 DSC-F828 3264x2448 N Surviving timbers from buildings. Original position not known
DSC03960 03/04/2013 DSC-F828 3264x2448 W Surviving timbers from buildings. Original position not known
DSC03961 03/04/2013 DSC-F828 3264x2448 Rafter and partial tie with metal through bolts. Rafter tenon at apex, trenched purlin and possible threaded/tenoned purlin
DSC03962 03/04/2013 DSC-F828 3264x2448 Rafter and partial tie with metal through bolts. Rafter tenon at apex, trenched purlin and possible threaded/tenoned purlin
DSC03963 03/04/2013 DSC-F828 3264x2448 Sample window for refit to house
DSC03964 03/04/2013 DSC-F828 3264x2448 Sample window for refit to house

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