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DOCUMENT NO 214 November 2013

A.P.A.C. Ltd.
Archaeological Perspectives Analysis Consultancy



A proposed residential development on land in the curtilage of

Parklands, Redwick

Planning Application No: 13/0432

Prepared for:
Mr P Charrett

By: Dr N Phillips.
A.P.A.C. Ltd Parklands, Redwick EV/RWK/13

1 Summary

A planning application was submitted to Newport City Council, to undertake a residential

development on land within the grounds of Parklands, Redwick, Newport.

As the proposed application, area is situated within the Gwent Levels Registered Historic
Landscape, it is possible that any ground disturbance work could impact upon
archaeological resources.

Therefore, a decision to defer planning consent pending the results of an archaeological

evaluation was made.

This report contains the findings of the archaeological evaluation showing that there is
evidence of an expected medieval presence within the area but this was limited, within the
evaluation areas, to a small assemblage ceramics.

No structural archaeological resources were uncovered but small finds of ceramics were
uncovered, providing a wide dating period from the 12th century to present.

Also a possible reen/ditch may have fronted the property in earlier times, along the Bryn

Copyright Notice:
A.P.A.C. Ltd. retains copyright of this report under the Copyright, Designs and Patents Act, 1988.

The Ordnance Survey has granted A.P.A.C. Ltd a Copyright Licence (No. 100046577) to reproduce map information; Copyright remains
otherwise with the Ordnance Survey.

Cover Photograph: DSC05411

A.P.A.C. Ltd Parklands, Redwick EV/RWK/13

1 Summary .................................................................................................................................1
2 Figures .....................................................................................................................................3
3 Plates .......................................................................................................................................3
4 Introduction .............................................................................................................................4
5 Site Location and Description .................................................................................................4
6 Geology and Topography ........................................................................................................4
7 Brief archaeological and historical background ......................................................................5
8 Aims and Objectives ...............................................................................................................5
9 Scope of the Work ...................................................................................................................6
10 Methodology .......................................................................................................................6
11 Data Presentation.................................................................................................................7
12 Survey Results .....................................................................................................................7
13 Evaluation Trenches Results ...............................................................................................7
14 Discussion and Interpretation ..............................................................................................9
15 Impact ..................................................................................................................................9
16 Staff ...................................................................................................................................10
17 Aknowledgements............................................................. Error! Bookmark not defined.
18 Bibliography and References: ...........................................................................................11

A.P.A.C. Ltd Parklands, Redwick EV/RWK/13

2 Figures

01 Site Location map

02 Map progressions
03 Trench positions
04 Trench 1 section, context & Plan
05 Trench 2 section, context & Plan
06 Trench 3 section, context & Plan

3 Plates

1 Initial scrape into [100] revealing extensive rooting

2 Second scrape along trench 1 to [102]
3 View along trench showing depth, deposition sequence and test pit for natural
4 Test pit showing Full trench sequence [100-102] with pit [103]
5 Initial scrape through trench 2. [200] & {201] with {202] at far end
6 Post [205]
7 Post in elevation above [204]
8 Post protected to left, section surface to right of scale area and sump to control
9 Post in elevation.
10 Post section work revealing green med in situ
11 Post in elevation with two pieces of pot Close up
12 Post [205]
13 Position of post and possible ditch [203,204,205]
14 North west corner of trench showing sequence [300-302] at excavation
15 East edge of 3 at north corner. Sequence [300-303] cleared off and marked within
1metre scale boundary
16 Test pit north east corner of 3 showing [303]

A.P.A.C. Ltd Parklands, Redwick EV/RWK/13

4 Introduction

This report has been prepared by Dr Neil Phillips, A.P.A.C. Ltd, from the results of a programme of archaeological
evaluation work undertaken in response to a proposed programme of works to undertake a residential development
on ground within the curtilage of Parklands, Redwick, Newport. NP26 3EA, NGR 341133 184117, fig 01.

The client for the proposed development, Mr P Charrett, having submitted a planning application to Newport City
Council, (NCC) ( 13/0432), had been advised that the application would be deferred until a programme of
archaeological works had be undertaken at the site.

The client contacted A.P.A.C. ltd, to undertake the work.

Based on discussion with the client and (NCC)’s advisors in archaeological matters; Glamorgan Gwent
Archaeological Trust, (GGAT), a design brief for the work was drawn up, submitted and agreed as fit for purpose,
(DB2: EV/RWK/13).

Evaluation trenching took place over two days; 18th and 10th of October 2013 and was monitored by GGAT on the
18th October 2013.

5 Site Location and Description

The location of the site is to the south east of the village of Redwick and can be gained from the M4 at 23a,
continuing south west through Llandeveny until the 5th road left; North Row. This leads to the north east edge of
Redwick at which point a right turn along Bryn Road leads to the property; second left at the edge of the village.

The area of ground to be evaluated is to the side of a present dwelling house which is to be demolished as part of the
development, fig 01.

Three trenches are proposed, their positions chosen to evaluate the ground to be occupied by the new development:

1. north and western extents of proposed building

2. eastern and southern extents of new building

6 Geology and Topography

The site is on the northern bank of the lower Severn Estuary, at the western edge of the Village of Redwick.

Redwick is included within the Gwent Levels Registered Historic Landscape HLCA005, which are characterised as
ground ‘extending south of the 10m contour…’ (GGAT 1) and is classified as SSSI supporting both rare varieties of
flora and fauna.

The Gwent Levels; designated SSSI supporting both rare varieties of flora and fauna, are recognised as one of the
most extensive areas of reclaimed wet pasture in Great Britain, facilitated by extensive, ordered drainage ditches
(reens) which can be clearly seen in fig 01.

Having been reclaimed from the sea at various times during the historic period, the present land
surface is a supreme example of a 'hand-crafted' landscape, artificially created and entirely the
work of man, preserving clear evidence of distinctive patterns of settlement, enclosure and drainage
systems from successive periods of use….

The solid geology of the site falls within the Mercia Mudstone Group under superficial deposits of Tidal Flat
Deposits, clay and silt;

A.P.A.C. Ltd Parklands, Redwick EV/RWK/13
7 Brief archaeological and historical background

GGAT 1, cited above, provides a good outline of the archaeological and historical themes and potentials for the
area; relating man’s activity on the Gwent Levels from prehistoric periods to the present.

Activities that were probably first generated by opportunist subsistence eventually turning to land management:

…the present land surface is a supreme example of a 'hand-crafted' landscape, artificially created
and entirely the work of man, preserving clear evidence of distinctive patterns of settlement,
enclosure and drainage systems…

…Man's greatest impact on the wetland landscape has been his determination and success in
reclaiming the levels, which has been on-going at least since the Roman period.
(GGAT 1)

Documentary evidence for Redwick can be traced from 1086 with a mention in Domesday, Redewike (3,1. WoB.
15. Morris. 1982).

Redwick Village was probably established in the late 12th early 13th century. In all probability, originally a Norman
settlement with large open fields, which were not enclosed until 1850 with the Parliamentary Enclosure Act,

A brief history detailing manorial interests with ‘Redwic – Redwick’ can then be traced in Bradney, from 1270 to
the beginning of the 20th century (Bradney p236-245).

The specific site for the work about 80 metres west of the medieval church of St Thomas the Apostle PRN 0043g,
(Archwilio) and Grade 1 listed building: CADW ID 2940, (British Listed Buildings).

Attributed to AD 1270, the report also suggests an earlier origin based on the curvilinear wall to the northwest
churchyard boundary, (Archwilio).

The first cartographic reference to the site is on the 1830, first series ordnance survey map fig 02, a; unfortunately of
poor quality reproduction, it suggests that a large building/buildings, orientated NW/SE, occupied the site possibly
fronting on to Bryn Rd.

The later Tithe Map of 1846, fig 02 b, shows a much more clear depiction of the site with a small structure to the
west, aligned SE/NW, sited back from the road and bounded by two linear features; possibly reens as they are drawn
as thinly spaced parallel lines. It is noticeable that the longer reen leads into a wider reen aligning to the northern
edge of the church but the significance if any is not clear.

The 1882 map of the site, fig 02 c, shows that the 1846 structure has been elongated and acquired a retaining wall to
the SW and SE and trees to the west and north. The nearby church also has a listed dedication to St Mary.

At some point during the next 19 years, the site appears to have been cleared of vegetation, retaining its elongated
NE/SW building and south west wall, fig 02 d. The church changed its dedication to St Thomas.

The 1920 map, fig 02, e, shows that the elongated structure now has an enclosed area attached to it towards the
south whilst the NE, north and west areas have been planted as a possible orchard, still present today. A small
structure has also been added to the northern corner of the site.

The next available large scale ordnance survey wasn’t produced until 1968, fig 02, f, by which time the large
NE/SW building had been reduced or replaced by a smaller one and the present bungalow which is proposed for
demolition had been built.

8 Aims and Objectives

In accordance with the Design Brief: DB EV/RWK/13, the aim of the proposed work was to:

A.P.A.C. Ltd Parklands, Redwick EV/RWK/13
Elucidate the character, distribution, extent and importance of any potential archaeological remains, extant in the
development area.

Provide an information base from which to formulate mitigation strategies, in the event of significant archaeological
resources being impacted upon within the development area.

Provide a detailed record of the work to allow for a report to be produced.

Provide a detail record of the work; in the event of significant archaeological resources being discovered, to allow
for publication in a suitable academic journal.

Allow for the development to be monitored.

These aims were realized through a program of archaeological evaluation trenching and limited research into the
area of the site.

9 Scope of the Work

The archaeology of the application site as a whole, in its wider local or regional context, was considered, although
the evaluation trenching was be confined to those areas which will be directly affected by the development or some
aspect of it.

All remains of potential interest were considered, whatever their date.

10 Methodology


Three evaluation trenches were excavated by a tracked mechanical digger fitted with a grading bucket.

The trench locations are shown in fig 03, their measurements were:

1. 10m x 1.8m; north and western extents of proposed building

2. 12m x 1.8m; eastern and southern extents of new building.
3. 1.6m x 1.8; area for proposed access and parking at existing access

The mechanical digger was used to remove the overburden of soil to reach either an archaeological horizon or
natural deposit.

In the case of trench 1, the latter was reached and excavation halted at a reasonable depth just beyond the depth limit
of the proposed foundations, fig 04.

To prove natural, a small test pit was excavated to a further depth of 300mm, at the eastern end of the trench using
the digger bucket.

In trench 2, the stratigraphy was similar to 1 with an exception at the southern end where archaeology was
identified, fig 05. At this point, the mechanical digger was halted and clearance undertaken by hand.

The third trench provided no archaeological horizon or natural geology but did show evidence of periods of silt
deposition; unfortunately, extending beyond the safe limit of the excavation, fig 06.

Initial recording

A record of the stratigraphy of each trench was made during excavation and modified on completion.

The work was recorded digitally throughout using a Sony DSC F828 Camera set to 8mp Jpeg & RAW format.

All finds recovered were recorded to context and bagged.

A.P.A.C. Ltd Parklands, Redwick EV/RWK/13

The topographic survey was undertaken on the 22nd October 2013 using a Topcon 3007 REDM to map the site
boundary, and trench positions and depth profiles. All data was set from an arbitrary site datum point.

The data collected was imputed into CivilCad for initial processing and exported to Autocad in order to include
information and geo reference supplied by the client.

The output was then exported to Adobe Illustrator for presentation.


Some brief research was undertaken using information supplied by the client and documentation provided during
the project design.

Searches were made on line from various reliable archive sources including County Records Office, archwilio,
ADHS, Coflein, Ordnance Survey, BGS, Vision of Britain, Magic, Promap etc.

A short search was undertaken at Newport Reference Library.

11 Data Presentation

Presentation Notes:
All contexts are denoted [#] in the text, listed in Appendix I and illustrated in fig 04; following the text section.
Photographs used in the text are listed Pl #, listed in appendix II and can be found following the figure section.
All finds denoted {#} in the text and are listed in Appendix III with images IIIa.

Data referred to within the text is shown in Figures: fig#, Plates: PL# Contexts [#] and finds: {#}.

Figures and Plates follow the Bibliography at the end of the report and Contexts, Photographic list and Finds are
detailed in Appendices I, II, III respectively.

A contact sheet is also provided and a full set of photographs is included in an archive disc.

12 Survey Results
Ground conditions

The ground condition was good on the first day of work but some unforeseen delays led to the work extending into
the afternoon at which point the light deteriorated and the work was halted.

The second day of work, set aside for hand excavation of trench 2 and recording was seriously hampered by heavy
rain with trench 2 becoming waterlogged and some of the features being lost in the quagmire produced.

13 Evaluation Trenches Results

Trench 1. (refer to figs 03 & 04)

Initial excavation of the first trench started with the removal of the topsoil [100] to a fairly consistent depth of
150mm, Plate 01. The deposit was a soft black humic loam containing finds assemblage {1}; mostly domestic
ceramic sherds, 17th to 20th century.

This exposed [101], PL 02, a roughly 270mm deep deposit of dark brown sandy clay; heavily rooted, which yielded
finds assemblage {2}, mostly medieval cookware ceramics.

Beneath [101] was [102], an orange red sandy clay which extended beyond 1100mm from which no finds were
uncovered, Pl 03.

Two features were uncovered in trench 1:

A.P.A.C. Ltd Parklands, Redwick EV/RWK/13
Across the western end of the trench was a modern, active, salt glazed foul water pipe [105]. At a very shallow
depth, it effectively shortened the trench by about 2 meters, as it was unwise to risk disturbing it.

At the north east corner was a pit [103], cut into [101] and [102] but underlying [100], PL 04. Its fill was dark brown
sandy clay and it produced an assemblage of small dispersed bone fragments {3} and a small rounded pebble.

Trench 2. (refer to figs 03 & 05)

The second trench was excavated in the same way starting with the topsoil [200]. The deposit was found to be
consistent with [100]; trench 1, although producing a more modern finds assemblage {4} although it did include one
stray sherd of post med pot.

Beneath [200] was the same sequence as in trench 1 [101]= [201], [102]=[202] Plate 05, although [201] had a
greater depth, 400mm as apposed to 270mm.

[201] produced a small finds assemblage {5} again mostly domestic in origin and spanning med to modern, whilst
[202] was sterile.

The south west end of trench 2 did provide a different sequence which was first recognised when the top of an
apparent post was uncovered [205], Pl’s 06 & 07.

Mechanical digging was halted at this point and initial investigation revealed that the post [205] was associated with
a grey clay lens of silt [203] which produced {6} a small mammal tooth and a small fragment; less than 10mm
square, of 13th / 14th c Saintonge Ware (Clarke).

When hand excavation of trench 2 was undertaken a few days later, the site had suffered a few days of rain; (amber
warning in place) which was continuous during the excavation, clearing and recording.

A sump was dug to drop the water level, PL 08 allowing [205] to be cleared and sectioned PL s 09, 10 & 11.

The sectioning work into [204] produced finds assemblage {10} which contained ceramic sherds equally
representative of medieval and post medieval periods.

The post [205] however turned out to be debris rather than structural, PL 12.

Unfortunately, the rescue nature of the work to record [205] greatly disturbed the trench and the worsening
condition exacerbated by continuous heavy rain destroyed any chance of identifying the profile extent or nature of

Trench 3. (refer to figs 03 & 06)

The original position of trench 3 as proposed in the design brief was reconsidered due to changes in the proposed
plans. A re-positioning of the trench was discussed with Neil Maylan, GGAT, during the monitoring visit and a new
area was chosen so as to examine any possible subsurface archaeology that may have fronted on to the main road.

The topsoil, [300] was first stripped revealing a deposit consistent with that of [100]/ [201] in the above trenches,
although, with noticeably less roots Pl 14.

The small finds assemblage {7} was also of similar period and content as that in [100].

The underlying layer [301] was again consistent with [101] & [201] in both structure and finds {8} but was thicker
at 470mm.

At his point however, the trench sequence shown above differs with no glimpse of an orange red sandy clay
[102]/[201] being uncovered within the depth of the excavation; 1.4m, Pl 15.

Beneath [301] was a 400mm layer of dark grey clay, [302], which produced no finds but did show smudges of
charcoal or decomposed plant material with occasional small rounded pebbles.

Within a test pit dug to at the north west corner, a further context of light grey sandy clay, [303] was reached at a
depth of 1100mm below ground level, Pl’s 15 & 16

A.P.A.C. Ltd Parklands, Redwick EV/RWK/13
This deposit extended beyond the limit of the trench and produced the medieval ceramics assemblage {9}.

All finds retained by the client.

14 Discussion and Interpretation

The topsoil over the site looked remarkably good quality and the general opinion of the locals was that it was
imported. This would fit in with the map progressions above which show that the site was cleared by 1901 and an
orchard planted by 1920 and the ceramics it contains.

The underlying layer shows no evidence of any structure but does have a long period of deposition content the
majority of which is post med.

At this depth the generalities stop.

Trench 1 would seem to suggest an area of little archaeological significance with natural sandy/clay [102] at around

Trench 2 is similar for most of its length but it has a possible lens of early silting [204] which may be representative
of a small reen crossing the site at this point.

This is not however, backed up with any cartographic evidence nor was it possible to establish any useful extent or
detail because of the prevailing weather and site conditions which hampered further work.

Context [204] at just under a meter depth, did however produce a few medieval ceramics.

Trench 3 differs from the other two having no apparent natural within 1400mm of the surface.

Context [302] would appear to be similar in makeup to that of [204] in trench 2 and as such may also be derived
from the stilting over of an old reen; however, unlike [204], [302] produced no finds.

Context [303] is possibly more illustrative of the archaeological resources but the view is extremely blinkered as the
widow of opportunity was provided by a 1m x 300mm x 300mm test pit.

The content of sandy clay, [303] suggests a deposition in moving water rather than silting of [302] or [204] and the
finds assemblage {9} is medieval.

It is possible that trench 3 was sighted on a larger, now lost reen, although, the map progressions, fig 03, show no
evidence of any linear features in this area.

The 1882 and 1901 maps do show a possible building close which could also account for the sequence disturbance
[301] [302].

15 Impact

Considering the depth of the proposed foundations, within the area of the proposed building; the information
discovered by this evaluation suggests that it is unlikely that any significant archaeology will be impacted upon.

There is a possibility that there may have been a reen along the edge Bryn Road and the western edge of Parklands.

[303] provided four sherds of ceramic; three of which date to the medieval period and by their presence infer a
medieval date; however, in the light of the known history of the village, not all together surprising.

A.P.A.C. Ltd Parklands, Redwick EV/RWK/13

16 Staff
Dr. Neil Phillips, AIFA.

Post ex
Mr A. O. Phillips.

Specialist Services: Mr S Clarke, Monmouth Archaeology

The copyright for this report shall remain with the A.P.A.C. Ltd.

17 Acknowledgements:

Thanks to Mr Charrett for access to this land and the much appreciated refreshments. My appreciation also to his
site team for their enthusiasm and entertainment.

A.P.A.C. Ltd Parklands, Redwick EV/RWK/13

18 Bibliography and References:

A.P.A.C. Ltd. Design Brief for a Program of Archaeological Evaluation, EV/RWK/13

Archwilio: St James’s Church at Redwick.

Bradney, J.A., 1932 A History of Monmouthshire from the Coming of The Normans into Wales Down to
the Present Time. V4 Pt2. Hundred of Caldicot. (1994 facsim’), Cardiff: Merton
Priory Press.

British Geological Society

British Listed Buildings

CCW Countryside Council for Wales. Landscape & Wildlife Natural Resources Wales.

CCW 1989 Countryside Council for Wales. Site of Special Scientific Interest Citation. Gwent
Levels-Redwick and Llandevenny. SSSI_0563_Citation_EN001. pdf

English Heritage Management of Archaeological Projects (1991).

GGAT 1 Historic Landscape Characterisation The Gwent Levels

GGAT 2 NEW1215/JBHD. RE: Proposed Construction of New Build Two-Story House and
Demolition of Existing Bungalow Post Construction

Health and Safety at Work Act 1974

Institute of
Archaeologists. Standard and Guidance for an archaeological field evaluation. 2009.

Code of Conduct and the Code of Approved Practice for the regulation of
Contractual Arrangements in Field Archaeology. 2008.

Standard and Guidance for the collection, documentation, conservation and

research of archaeological materials. 2008.

Morris, S., 1982. Domesday Book, Gloucestershire, DB, 15. Chichester: Phillimore.
The Society of Museum
Archaeologists Towards An Accessible Archive (1995)

Newport Reference Library 1830 Tithe map. Plan of thr Parish of Redwick in the County of Monmouth 1846.
5673 (22/110)
United Kingdom Institute
for Conservation.
(Archaeology Section) Guidelines for the Preparation of Excavation Archives for Long-Term
Storage (1990)

Vision of Britain 1st series Ordnance Survey.

A.P.A.C. Registered Address: 36 Hatherleigh Rd, Abergavenny Monmouthshire NP7 7RG.

Tel: 07734962919. Mobile: 07734962919 Email:
Company Registration No 5041541 VAT Reg No 826 3628 19
Director: Dr. N. Phillips D.Phil. M. Phil. BA (Hons).Cert Ed/FE. AIFA.

Parklands, Redwick


Adapted from Steve Morgan Associates 1134433

Fig 01: Location

A.P.A.C. EV/RWK/13
Parklands, Redwick

a b

Newport Reference Library 5673 (22/110)

1830. Ist Series Ordnance Survey Sheet 35 1846. Plan of the Parish of Redwick in the County
of Monmouth

c d

1882. Ordnance Survey 1:2500 1901. Ordnance Survey 1:2500

e f

1920. Ordnance Survey 1:2500 1968. Ordnance Survey 1:2500

Fig 02: Map Progression A.P.A.C. Ltd WB/RWK/13

Parklands, Redwick





0 5 10 15


Fig 03: Trench positions A.P.A.C. Ltd EV/RWK/13

Parklands, Redwick

Section Contexts Plan


1A 1B

Bottom of trench

Top of trench





100 Lawn/topsoil, Black sandy humic soil
with roots average140 mm depth
101 Dark brown clay/sand with heavy tree
root average 270 mm depth
102 Red/orange sandy clay depth beyond
trench depth at 1100mm
103 Dark brown sandy clay cut into 102 but
under 101, 700mm below surface 1A
0 1m
104 Cut for 103
105 Pipe, Salt glaze, foul

Cut 1
106 Small gravels and sand
107 Cut for 107, Undistinguished, within
101 but not excavated.


0 1m 1.8

Fig 04: Trench 1, Sections , contexts and plan

A.P.A.C. Ltd EV/RWK/13
Parklands, Redwick

Section Contexts Plan




2A 2B
Cut 1

Bottom of trench

Top of trench

Cut 2


Tudor Green



200 Lawn/topsoil, Black sandy humic soil

with roots average140 mm depth
201 Dark brown clay/sand with some tree
204 Cut 2 Post
0 500mm root average 400 mm depth 205

202 Red/orange sandy clay depth beyond

trench depth at 800mm 2A 2B
Cut 1
203 Cut or edge 203, Undistinguishable,
lost due to heavy rain and flooding
204 Dark grey clay lens. silt
205 Squared wooden post/stake. Possible
deposition debris rather than construction 201

0 1m 2m

Fig 05: Trench 2, Sections , contexts and plan

A.P.A.C. Ltd EV/RWK/13
Parklands, Redwick

Section Contexts Plan






3A 3B




300 Lawn/topsoil, Black sandy humic soil
303 with roots average140 mm depth
301 Dark brown clay/sand with some tree
root average 490 mm depth 301
0 1m 302 Red/orange sandy clay 400mm
303 Light grey clay/sand at depth of 1100mm

0 1m 2m

Fig 06: Trench 3, Sections , contexts and plan

A.P.A.C. Ltd EV/RWK/13
Parklands, Rewick


Plate 01: Initial scrape into [100] revealing extensive Plate 02: Second scrape along trench 1 to [102]


Plate 03: View along trench showing depth, deposition sequence and test pit for A.P.A.C. Ltd EV/RWK/13
Parklands, Redwick


Plate 04: Test pit showing Full trench sequence [100-102] with pit [103]


Plate 06: Post [205] Plate 05: Initial scrape through trench 2. [200] & A.P.A.C. Ltd EV/RWK/13
{201] with {202] at far end
Parklands, Redwick

Plate 07: Post in elevation above [204] Plate 08: Post protected to left, section surface to right of scale area
and sump to control flooding


Plate 09: Post in elevation Plate 10: Post section work revealing A.P.A.C. Ltd EV/RWK/13
‘Tudor Green’ ceramic in situ
Parklands, Redwick


Plate 11: Post in elevation with two pieces of pot Close up


Plate 12: Post [205] Plate 13: Position of post and possible ditch [203,204,205]
A.P.A.C. Ltd EV/RWK/13
Parklands, Rewick


Plate 15: East edge of 3 at north corner. Sequence [300-303] cleared
off and marked within 1metre scale boundary

Plate 14: North west corner of trench showing sequence [300-302] at excavation Plate 16: Test pit north east corner of 3 A.P.A.C. Ltd EV/RWK/13
showing [303]
A.P.A.C. Ltd. Appendix I Context Sheet Index 1

Site: Parklands, Grid Ref: Site No: Alternate No: 1

Redwick 341133 184117 EV/RWK/13 Trench 1
100 TR1 Imported Lawn/topsoil, Black sandy humic soil with roots {1}05503 05411, 05412, 05413,
average140 mm depth 03458,
101 Deposit Dark brown clay/sand with heavy tree root average {2}05504 05412,05413, 05414,
270 mm depth 05415, 05416, 05434,
03455, 03456, 03457,
102 Deposit Red/orange sandy clay depth beyond trench depth at 05413, 05414, 05415,
1100mm 05416, 05434, 03455,
03456, 03457, 03458,
103 Pit Dark brown sandy clay cut into 102 but under 101 {3} 05505 05415, 05434, 03455,
700mm below surface 03456, 03457,
104 Cut For 103
105 Pipe Salt glaze, foul 05414
106 Fill Small gravels and sand
107 Cut For 107, Undistinguished, within 101 but not
A.P.A.C. Ltd. Appendix I Context Sheet Index 2

Site: Parklands, Grid Ref: Site No: Alternate No: 2

Redwick 341133 184117 EV/RWK/13 Trench 2
200 Tr2 Imported Lawn/topsoil, Black sandy humic soil with roots {4} 05506 05417, 05418, 05449
average140 mm depth
201 Tr2 Deposit Dark brown clay/sand with heavy tree root average {5} 05507 05417, 05418, 05439,
400 mm depth 05440, 05449
202 Tr2 Deposit Red/orange sandy clay depth beyond trench depth at 05417, 05439, 05440,
800mm 05448, 05449
203 Tr2 Cut Cut or edge for 203, Undistinguishable, lost due to 05440, 05448, 05449
heavy rain and flooding
204 Tr2 Deposit Dark grey clay lens. silt {6} 05508 05419, 05420, 05440,
{10} 05512 05441, 05442, 05443,
05444, 05445, 05446,
05447, 05448, 05449
205 Tr2 Post Squared wooden post/stake. Possible debris rather {11} 05453, 05419, 05420, 05441,
than construction 05454, 05442, 05443, 05444,
05455, 05445, 05446, 05447,
05456, 05448, 05449

Site: Parklands, Grid Ref: Site No: Alternate No: 3

Redwick 341133 184117 EV/RWK/13 Trench 3
300 TR3 Imported Lawn/topsoil, Black sandy humic soil with roots {7} 05509 05421, 05422, 05429,
average140 mm depth 05431, 05433
301 TR3 Deposit Dark brown clay/sand with some tree root average {8} 05510 05421, 05422, 05429,
490 mm depth 05431, 05433
302 TR3 Deposit Dark grey clay 400mm 05421, 05422, 05429,
05431, 05432, 05433
303 TR3 Deposit Light grey clay/sand at depth of 1100mm {9} 05511 05431, 05432, 05433
A.P.A.C. Ltd Appendix II Digital photograph list EV/CAL/13

Photo no Date Camera Size Area View Description Plate

DSC05411 18/10/2013 DSC F828 3264x2448 TR1 NW Setting out trench 1 for excavation
DSC05412 18/10/2013 DSC F828 2448x3264 TR1 W Initial scrape into [100] revealing extensive rooting PL 01
DSC05413 18/10/2013 DSC F828 2448x3264 TR1 SE Second scrape along trench 1 to [102] PL 02
DSC05414 18/10/2013 DSC F828 2448x3264 TR1 SE Third scrape just exposing [105] bottom of photograph
DSC05415 18/10/2013 DSC F828 3264x2448 TR1 SE View along trench showing depth, deposition sequence and test pit for natural PL 03
DSC05416 18/10/2013 DSC F828 3264x2448 TR1 SW South east corner of 1 showing stratigraphic sequence [100-102]
DSC05417 18/10/2013 DSC F828 2448x3264 TR2 NE Initial scrape through trench 2. [200] & {201] with {202] at far end PL 05
DSC05418 18/10/2013 DSC F828 3264x2448 TR2 NE John the digger driver strikes a pose of suitable for excited discovery
DSC05419 18/10/2013 DSC F828 3264x2448 TR2 V Post [205] PL 06
DSC05420 18/10/2013 DSC F828 3264x2448 TR2 SW Post in elevation above [204] PL 07
DSC05421 18/10/2013 DSC F828 2448x3264 TR3 SW Initial excavation full stratigraphic sequence [300-302] at excavation
DSC05422 18/10/2013 DSC F828 2448x3264 TR3 NE North west corner of trench showing sequence [300-302] at excavation PL 14
DSC05429 22/10/2013 DSC F828 3264x2448 TR3 E East edge of 3 at north corner. Sequence [300-303] cleared off
DSC05431 22/10/2013 DSC F828 3264x2448 TR3 E East edge of 3 at north corner. Sequence [300-303] cleared off and marked within 1metre scale boundary Pl 15
DSC05432 22/10/2013 DSC F828 3264x2448 TR3 V Test pit north east corner of 3 showing [303] PL 16
DSC05433 22/10/2013 DSC F828 2448x3264 TR3 SW View along 3 showing position of test pit
DSC05434 22/10/2013 DSC F828 3264x2448 TR1 NE Test pit showing Full trench sequence [100-102] with pit [103] PL 04
DSC05435 22/10/2013 DSC F828 3264x2448 TR1 NE Test pit showing Full trench sequence [100-102] with pit [103] Scaled
DSC05436 22/10/2013 DSC F828 3264x2448 TR1 NE Test pit showing Full trench sequence [100-102] with pit [103] Scaled and marked
DSC05437 22/10/2013 DSC F828 3264x2448 TR1 NE Test pit showing Full trench sequence [100-102] with pit [103] Scaled and marked with flash
DSC05438 22/10/2013 DSC F828 2448x3264 TR1 SE Location of test pit at north east corner
DSC05439 22/10/2013 DSC F828 2448x3264 TR2 SW Location of post hole within 1 metre square
DSC05440 22/10/2013 DSC F828 3264x2448 TR2 V Post protected to left, section surface to right of scale area and sump to control flooding PL 08
DSC05441 22/10/2013 DSC F828 3264x2448 TR2 V Post cleared to a level within [204]
DSC05442 22/10/2013 DSC F828 3264x2448 TR2 SE Post in elevation PL 09
DSC05443 22/10/2013 DSC F828 3264x2448 TR2 V Post section work revealing green med in situ PL 10
DSC05444 22/10/2013 DSC F828 3264x2448 TR2 SE Post in elevation with two pieces of pot
DSC05445 22/10/2013 DSC F828 3264x2448 TR2 V Quarter section post
DSC05446 22/10/2013 DSC F828 3264x2448 TR2 SE Post in elevation with two pieces of pot Close up Pl 11
DSC05447 22/10/2013 DSC F828 3264x2448 TR2 SE Extent of post and ingress of water level
DSC05448 22/10/2013 DSC F828 2448x3264 TR2 N Position of post and possible ditch [203,204,205]
DSC05449 22/10/2013 DSC F828 2448x3264 TR2 SW Position of post and possible ditch [203,204,205] Pl 13


DSC05453 23/10/2013 DSC F828 3264x2448 Post [205] Pl 12

DSC05454 23/10/2013 DSC F828 3264x2448 Post [205]
DSC05455 23/10/2013 DSC F828 3264x2448 Post [205]
DSC05456 23/10/2013 DSC F828 3264x2448 Post [205]
DSC05457 23/10/2013 DSC F828 3264x2448 Post [205]

DSC05503 28/10/2013 DSC F828 3264x2448 {1}

DSC05504 28/10/2013 DSC F828 3264x2448 {2}
DSC05505 28/10/2013 DSC F828 3264x2448 {3}
DSC05506 28/10/2013 DSC F828 3264x2448 {4}
DSC05507 28/10/2013 DSC F828 3264x2448 {5}
A.P.A.C. Ltd Appendix II Digital photograph list EV/CAL/13

DSC05508 28/10/2013 DSC F828 3264x2448 {6}

DSC05509 28/10/2013 DSC F828 3264x2448 {7}
DSC05510 28/10/2013 DSC F828 3264x2448 {8}
DSC05511 28/10/2013 DSC F828 3264x2448 {9}
DSC05512 28/10/2013 DSC F828 3264x2448 {10}

Research Newport Library

DSC05632 06/11/2013 DSC F828 3264x2448 1846 Tithe map Redwick

DSC05632 06/11/2013 DSC F828 3264x2448 1846 Tithe map Redwick
A.P.A.C. Ltd Appendix 3 EV/RWK/13
Finds Index Redwick

Find no Area Context Description Period Date

1 Tr1 100 4 sherds Devonshire slipware (Clarke) 17th-18th 18/10/13
1 sherd Staffordshire slipware 17th -18th
1 sherd lead glazed, double sided Staffordshire slipware 17th -18th
2 sherds stoneware
3 sherds lead glazed stoneware
1 sherd salt glazed stoneware
1 sherd aqua, window glass. 1mm thick
1 sherd lead glazed earthenware
1 shard aqua green glass 19th-20th
1 shard dark green glass 19th-20th
1 sherd tin glazed cup bottom
1 sherd cup bottom with balloon picture
1 sherd double sided blue and white plate
1 sherd plate with blue and white design
2 sherds porcelain
1 shard clear glass 1.5mm thick 20th
1 piece plastic
1 sherd glacial deposit flint, honey coloured
2 bone fragments
2 Tr1 101 2 sherd refit medieval cooking pot (Clarke) M 18/10/13
2 sherd refit medieval cooking pots with lines (Clarke) M
2 sherd medial cooking pot bottoms (Clarke) M
2 sherds medieval cooking pots with black glaze (Clarke) M
2 sherds medieval cooking pot (Clarke) M
1 sherd Devonshire slipware with faint line 17th -18th
1 bone fragment
1 large tooth bone fragment
1 bone joint fragment
3 Tr1 103 10 bone fragments 18/10/13
1 smooth black stone
4 Tr2 200 1 sherd Donyatt with copper glaze (Clarke) Post med 18/10/13
1 sherd earthenware with a slight glaze
1 shard Somerset ware, jug bottom with glaze and ridge(Clarke)
1 sherd earthenware, reddish brown glazed non local (Clarke)
2 sherds stoneware
2 sherd refit, embossed china, basket weave
1 sherd lead glazed china
1 shard aqua blue glass, 2mm thick 19th-20th
1 piece red tin foil 20th
1 piece gold tin foil 20th
1 spark plug 20th
1 fragment plant pot bottom 20th
5 sherds earthenware plant pot 20th
1 fragment earthenware plant pot bottom 20th
1 bone fragment
2 pieces charcoal
5 Tr2 201 2 sherds medieval earthenware pot rims (Clarke) M 18/10/13
2 bags 1 sherd Devonshire slipware 17th-18th
1 sherd iron glazed pot bottom 18th-19th
1 sherd china. Blue and white design inside and out
1 shard brown glass 19th-20th
1 square wire nail
7 bone fragments
2 shells
6 Tr2 204 1 sherd southwest France wine trade Saintonge (Clarke) 13th-14th 18/10/13
1 tooth
7 Tr3 300 1 large sherd earthenware pot rim. Internal glaze 18/10/13
1 sherd iron glazed stoneware 18th-19th
1 sherd china pot rim, lead glazed
1 sherd china pot, lead glazed
1 sherd china pot, lead glazed. With embossed animal design
1 sherd white china. Blue design
1 sherd white china, with 3 men and a bridge willow pattern design
2 clay pipe stem fragments
1 sherd cobalt blue glazed stoneware pot bottom
8 Tr3 301 3 sherds glazed earthenware 18/10/13
1 sherd red glazed earthenware
1 small sherd earthenware pot rim
2 sherds dark green Donyatt (Clarke) Post med
1 sherd earthenware pot rim, internal glaze
1 sherd salt glazed stoneware
1 sherd earthenware pot bottom internal glaze
1 sherd Staffordshire slipware

A.P.A.C. Ltd Appendix 3 EV/RWK/13
Finds Index Redwick

1 sherd pot rim Newent slipware

3 small sherds North Devonshire slipware(Clarke) 17th-18th
1 sherd iron glazed stoneware 18th-19th
1 sherd iron glazed stoneware pot bottom 18th-19th
1 fragment iron glazed stoneware pot handle 18th-19th
1 sherd white china cup handle with blue design
1 sherd china cup base. picture of a woman
1 sherd china cup. picture of a woman
1 sherd white china cup handle with blue design
3 shards green glass 19th-20th
1 fragment clay pipe bowl
9 Tr3 303 1 sherd Bristol Red cliff, dark green (Clarke) 13th-14th 22/10/13
1 sherd Bristol Red cliff, light green glaze (Clarke) 13th-14th
1 sherd medieval Somerset
1 sherd stoneware ?
1 bone fragment
10 Tr2 204 2 sherds medieval cooking pot 12th-13th 22/10/13
1 sherd ham green cooking pot (Clarke) 12th-13th
1 sherd Tudor green ware pot handle (Clarke) 16th-17th
2 sherds Devonshire slipware 17th-18th
2 bone fragments

11 Tr2 204 Wooden post. Not retained Post med? 22/10/13

Parklands,Rewick Appendix III FINDS



1 Tr1 100 4 sherds Devonshire slipware (Clarke) 17th-18th 18/10/13

1 sherd Staffordshire slipware 17th -18th
1 sherd lead glazed, double sided Staffordshire slipware 17th -18th
2 sherds stoneware
3 sherds lead glazed stoneware
1 sherd salt glazed stoneware
1 sherd aqua, window glass. 1mm thick
1 sherd lead glazed earthenware
1 shard aqua green glass 19th-20th
1 shard dark green glass 19th-20th
1 sherd tin glazed cup bottom
1 sherd cup bottom with balloon picture
1 sherd double sided blue and white plate
1 sherd plate with blue and white design
2 sherds porcelain
1 shard clear glass 1.5mm thick 20th
1 piece plastic
1 sherd glacial deposit flint, honey coloured
2 bone fragments

A.P.A.C. Ltd EV/BKC/13

Parklands,Rewick Appendix III FINDS



2 Tr1 101 2 sherd refit medieval cooking pot (Clarke) M 18/10/13

2 sherd refit medieval cooking pots with lines (Clarke) M
2 sherd medial cooking pot bottoms (Clarke) M
2 sherds medieval cooking pots with black glaze (Clarke) M
2 sherds medieval cooking pot (Clarke) M
1 sherd Devonshire slipware with faint line 17th -18th
1 bone fragment
1 large tooth bone fragment
1 bone joint fragment

A.P.A.C. Ltd EV/BKC/13

Parklands,Rewick Appendix III FINDS



3 Tr1 103 10 bone fragments 18/10/13

1 smooth black stone

A.P.A.C. Ltd EV/BKC/13

Parklands,Rewick Appendix III FINDS



4 Tr2 200 1 sherd Donyatt with copper glaze (Clarke) Post med 18/10/13
1 sherd earthenware with a slight glaze
1 shard Somerset ware, jug bottom with glaze and ridge(Clarke)
1 sherd earthenware, reddish brown glazed non local (Clarke)
2 sherds stoneware
2 sherd refit, embossed china, basket weave
1 sherd lead glazed china
1 shard aqua blue glass, 2mm thick 19th-20th
1 piece red tin foil 20th
1 piece gold tin foil 20th
1 spark plug 20th
1 fragment plant pot bottom 20th
5 sherds earthenware plant pot 20th
1 fragment earthenware plant pot bottom 20th
1 bone fragment
2 pieces charcoal

A.P.A.C. Ltd EV/BKC/13

Parklands,Rewick Appendix III FINDS



5 Tr2 201 2 sherds medieval earthenware pot rims (Clarke) M 18/10/13

2 bags 1 sherd Devonshire slipware 17th-18th
1 sherd iron glazed pot bottom 18th-19th
1 sherd china. Blue and white design inside and out
1 shard brown glass 19th-20th
1 square wire nail
7 bone fragments
2 shells

A.P.A.C. Ltd EV/BKC/13

Parklands,Rewick Appendix III FINDS



6 Tr2 204 1 sherd southwest France wine trade Saintonge (Clarke) 13th-14th 18/10/13
1 tooth

A.P.A.C. Ltd EV/BKC/13

Parklands,Rewick Appendix III FINDS



7 Tr3 300 1 large sherd earthenware pot rim. Internal glaze 18/10/13
1 sherd iron glazed stoneware 18th-19th
1 sherd china pot rim, lead glazed
1 sherd china pot, lead glazed
1 sherd china pot, lead glazed. With embossed animal design
1 sherd white china. Blue design
1 sherd white china, with 3 men and a bridge willow pattern design
2 clay pipe stem fragments
1 sherd cobalt blue glazed stoneware pot bottom

A.P.A.C. Ltd EV/BKC/13

Parklands,Rewick Appendix III FINDS



8 Tr3 301 3 sherds glazed earthenware 18/10/13

1 sherd red glazed earthenware
1 small sherd earthenware pot rim
2 sherds dark green Donyatt (Clarke) Post med
1 sherd earthenware pot rim, internal glaze
1 sherd salt glazed stoneware
1 sherd earthenware pot bottom internal glaze
1 sherd Staffordshire slipware
1 sherd pot rim Newent slipware
3 small sherds North Devonshire slipware(Clarke) 17th-18th
1 sherd iron glazed stoneware 18th-19th
1 sherd iron glazed stoneware pot bottom 18th-19th
1 fragment iron glazed stoneware pot handle 18th-19th
1 sherd white china cup handle with blue design
1 sherd china cup base. picture of a woman
1 sherd china cup. picture of a woman
1 sherd white china cup handle with blue design
3 shards green glass 19th-20th
1 fragment clay pipe bowl

A.P.A.C. Ltd EV/BKC/13

Parklands,Rewick Appendix III FINDS



9 Tr3 303 1 sherd Bristol Red cliff, dark green (Clarke) 13th-14th 22/10/13
1 sherd Bristol Red cliff, light green glaze (Clarke) 13th-14th
1 sherd medieval Somerset
1 sherd stoneware ?
1 bone fragment

A.P.A.C. Ltd EV/BKC/13

Parklands,Rewick Appendix III FINDS


10 Tr2 204 2 sherds medieval cooking pot 12th-13th 22/10/13

1 sherd ham green cooking pot (Clarke) 12th-13th
1 sherd Tudor green ware pot handle (Clarke) 16th-17th
2 sherds Devonshire slipware 17th-18th
2 bone fragments

A.P.A.C. Ltd EV/BKC/13

Parklands,Rewick Appendix III FINDS

POST [205]



A.P.A.C. Ltd EV/BKC/13

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