Syllabus Cdi1

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Westmead International School

Batangas City

I. Course Code: CDI 1 No. of Units: 3 Lecture Hours: 3 Lab Hours : NONE
III. Pre- requisite: NONE Co-requisite: NONE
IV. Course Description:

Covers the concepts and principles of Criminal Investigation including the modern technique in Crime Detection and Investigation. This also includes modern
techniques in processing the crime scene involving murder, homicide, rape, robbery, etc. It also aims to study the concepts and general principles of arrest, searches and
seizures, and the rights of the accused during custodial investigation.

V. Course Objectives:

A. General Objective:.
At the end of the course, the student should be able to know the basic concepts and fundamentals of Criminal Investigation,as well as the modern techniques in
processing crime scene, and the general principles of arrest, searches and seizures.

B. Specific Objectives:

1. Comprehend the basic concepts and fundamentals of criminal investigation.
2. Identify evidences material to the crime.
3. Define arrest,search and seizures.

1. Internalize the effects of investigative actions on the part of the victims
2. Appreciate the importance of investigation on the administration of justice.

1. Trace the development of investigative procedures.
2. Learn about the duties of the scene of the crime operatives
DATE Specific Objectives Subject Matter Values Strategies of Instructional Evaluation Expected Output
Integrated Teaching Materials

:Introduction to Investigation Critical Recitation

Define Investigation. Lecture/ Whiteboard

Discussion Group Report
Origins of Criminal Investigation Thinking Research Defined Investigation.
Comprehend the Open Forum
fundamentals of Goals of Investigation Power Point
criminal investigation Enthusiasm Presentation Comprehended the
fundamentals of
Six Cardinal Points of criminal investigation
Week 1 - 5 Investigation Recitation
Memorize the six
cardinal points of Lecture Group
investigation. Phases of Criminal Investigation Group work Presentation Memorizde the six
cardinal points of
Responsibilities of an
Internalize the duties Investigator Diplomacy Quiz
and responsibilities of
an investigator Internalizde the duties
Tools of Criminal Investigation and responsibilities of
an investigator

Understand the
different concepts and Corpus Delicti
the goals of Understood the
investigation different concepts and
Adaptability the goals of
Elements of Offense investigation

Acquire skills in Acquired skills in

interview and Definition of Interview interview and
Interrogation Interrogation
Art of Interviewing Critical

Fundamental Rules on


Objectivity Quiz
Acquire skill on the Instrumentation thru Forensic
instrumentation on Science Lecture/ Acquired skill on the
Forensic Science Racial and Recitation instrumentation on
Forensic Science
The term Forensic Science
Week 6 - 10 Define Forensic White board
Science Defined Forensic
Development and Interpretation Discussion Science
of Physical Evidence
Religious Group Work
Understand the Basic
concepts of Forensic Understood the Basic
Evidence Basic concepts and Details In Tolerance Power Point concepts of Forensic
Forensic Evidence Presentation Evidence

Familiarization on the Means of Developing Physical

methods of Developing Evidence Familiarization on the
Physical Evidence methods of
Developing Physical

Role of the Crime Laboratory

Familiarization on the
Crime Laboratory and
Investigative Value of Familiarization on the
Forensic Science Investigative Value of Forensic Crime Laboratory and
Medicine Investigative Value of
Forensic Science

Acquire skills and Admission and Confession
knowledge on how to Acquire skills and
deliver witnesses and Definition of Admission Lecture knowledge on how to
suspects to cooperate Prudence White board Recitation deliver witnesses and
on certain cases. Definition of Confession suspects to cooperate
Quiz on certain cases.
Week 11 -14 Definition of Desposition Discussion
Group Work
Understand the Source of Statement Nationalism
reasons behind why Understand the
people give statements Methods of Taking Statement reasons behind why
and vice- versa Film Showing people give
Reasons why people do admit statements and vice-
and confess their guilt Loyalty versa

Reasons why people do not Hand outs

admit and confess their guilt
Determine the basic
concepts on crime Crime Scene Search Sensitivity
scene Search and the Determine the basic
procedures on Defining Limits of the Crime concepts on crime
investigation. Scene Search scene Search and the
procedures on
Protecting the Crime Scene

Purpose of Crime Scene Search

Evaluation of the Crime Scene

spects Lecture White board Quiz
Crime Scene Recording Racial,
Make use of Recitation Made use of
Photography as a Ethnic, Photography as a
means of evidence Use of Photography Discussion Group Work means of evidence
preservation Cultural and Group preservation
Stages of Crime Scene Religious Power Point
Familiarization on the Photography Presentation Familiarization on the
stages of Crime Scene stages of Crime
Photography Tolerance Hand outs Scene Photography
Elements of Sketching

Week 15 - 18 Acquire skills and basic Acquired skills and

concepts about Computerized Crime Scene basic concepts about
sketching Sketch sketching

Methods of Identification

Criminal Offenders

Victims of Crimes
Learn the principles Learned the principles
and theories of Witnesses of Crimes and theories of
Identification of victims, Identification of
offenders, witnesses Follow-up activities victims, offenders,
and the suspects witnesses and the
Types and Sources Of Recorded suspects

Law Enforcement Records

Rogues Gallery and

Cartographic Sketches

1. Major exams
2. Regular Attendance
3. Quizzes
4. Other bases of course grades (project, recitation)
Grading System:
(Prelims, Midterms, Semi Finals and Finals)
TOTAL 100%
Components of Class Standing:
Quizzes 50%
Attendance 25%
Classroom Activities 25%
- Recitation
- Report
TOTAL 100%

Required Text:
1. Fundamentals of Criminal Investigation; Principles and Procedures by; Oscar Gatchalian Soriano
2. Atty. Rodulfo M. Garcia. (2004) THE ART OF CRIMINAL INVESTIGATION; Philippines Copyright, 2004; Central Book Supply, INC.

Prepared By: Approved By:


Instructor 1 Dean – CAS
Campus: GULOD
Schedules: MON, WED 1:30-4:30 Room : CB 1

Consultation Period: M/W/F 5:00-5:30

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