UNITED BANK OF INDIA PO EXAM 14.11.2010 Question Paper PDF

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Held On : 14-11-2010

(3) Third (4) Second

REASONING (5) Fourth
10. If in a certain code 'good speech
1. How many such pairs of letters
by finance minister'-is written as
are there in the word AEROBICS,
'by 5 finance 4 good 3 minister 2
each of which has as many let-
speech 1'. How will 'excited about
ters between them in the word
. holiday in Europe' be written in
(in both forward and backward
that code ?
directions) as they have between
(1) about 1 excited 2 Europe 3
them in the English alphabetical
series ? holiday 4 in 5
(2) in 5 holiday 4 Europe 3 excit-
(1) None (2) One
ed 2 about 1
(3) Two (4) Three
(3) about 5 Europe 4 excited 3
(5) More than three
holiday 2 in 1
2. Which of the following groups of
(4) Europe 5 excited 4 about 3
numbers should replace the
in 2 holiday 1
blank spaces so that the group
(5) Europe 1 excited 2 about 3
of numbers, given in bold, follow
in 4 holiday 5
a logical pattern from the preced-
Directions (11-13): The follow-
ing and the following group of
ing questions are based upon the al-
numbers ?
phabetical series given below:
8_1 6 7 _ _ 5 3 ' 2 _4
(1) 9, 2, 3, 4 (2) 2, 9, 4, 3
11. What will come in place of ques-
(3) 9, 2, 4, 3 (4) 3, 9, 2, 4
tion (?) mark in the following se-
(5) 4, 9, 2, 3
ries ?
3. Which of the following would fall
in the same category of disasters
(1) FLMOV (2) HMT
as Earthquakes, Cyclones and
(3) FLV (4) FMV
Volcanic Eruptions ?
(5) HOV
(1) Global warming
,12. If in a certain code 'CF is coded
(2) Floods (3) Oil spill
as 'IL', 'EI' is coded as 'MR' and
(4) Accidents
'HM' is coded as 'SY', how will
(5) Nuclear explosions
'AT be coded in the same code
4. What will come in place of ques-
language ?
tion (?) mark in the following se-
(1) PW (2) KR
ries ?
(3) OV (4) PV
(1) JDN (2) JEO (5) OW
(3) LPN (4) JDP 13. If 'HKT is related to T R S ' and
(5) I EO 'EHF is related to 'WTV in a cer-
5. If it is possible to make only one tain way, to which of the follow-
meaningful word with the first ing is 'ILK' related to, following
third, fourth and the seventh let- the same pattern ?
ters of the word 'EXHAUSTION' (1) LOM (2) SPR
which would be the third lettei (3) VWT (4) ROP
of the word from the right ? I! (5) TRS
more than one such word can b« Directions (14-18) : Study the
formed, give 'P' as the answer. I: following information carefully and an-
no such word can be formed swer the given questions.
give 'Q' as your answer. In a sports event, different games
(1) P (2) A are scheduled to be held on seven days,
(3) H (4) T starting on Monday and ending on Sun-
(5)9 day. Two games are scheduled to be
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held on Saturday as well as on Sunday Give answer (3) if either conclu- 28. Conclusions:
and one game on each of the remain- sion 1 or conch ision II follows. I. Some rivers which are pla-
ing five days. The games to be held in Give answer (4) if neither con- teaus are not seas.
these seven days are : Basketball, foot- clusion I nor conclusion II follows. II. Some plateaus are not rivers.
ball, boxing, sprinting, swimming, Give answer (5) if both conclu- Directions (29-33) : Study the
shooting, weightlifting, wrestling and sion I and conclusion II follow. following information carefully and an-
cycling, but not necessarily in the same (19-21): ' swer the given questions :
order. , Statements: A, B, C, D, E, F, G and H a r e
Shooting is scheduled to be held Some paints are brushes. sitting around a square table in such a
on Thursday. Boxing and cycling are AH brushes are varnishes. way that four of them sit at four cor-
scheduled to be held on the same day. AH colours are varnishes. ners of the square while four sit in the
Wrestling is scheduled to be held three No varnish is a. canvas. middle of each of the four sides. The
days before basketball, i.e. two sports 19. Conclusions: ones who sit at the four corners face
are scheduled between wrestling and I. No canvas is a brush. the centre while those who sit in the
basketball. Wrestling is not scheduled middle of the sides face outside.
II. Some paints are varnishes.
to be held on Wednesday. Weightlift-
20. Conclusions : Two females sit in the middle of
ing is scheduled immediately after the
: I. No paint is canvas. the sides and two at the corners. A
day boxing is scheduled. Football is
II. No colour is canvas. sits second to the left of G. G sits in
scheduled immediately after the day
21. Conclusions: the middle Of one of the sides. C sits
wrestling is scheduled. Swimming is
I. All varnishes are colours. fourth to the right of his wife and his
not scheduled on Monday.
II. Some brushes are canvases. wife is not an immediate neighbour of
14. Which of the following games is
(22-23) : A or G B sits third to right other hus-
scheduled to be held on Friday ?
Statements: band. B does not sit at any of the cor-
(1) Basketball (2) Wrestling
All rivers are winds. ners. Only D sits between B and H. H
(3) Swimming (4) Weightlifting
(5) Sprinting All clouds are rivers. is the husband of A. E is a male.
15. Which of the following games is All oceans are rivers. 29. Whcih of the following is true
scheduled to be held on Sunday? All winds are breeze with respect to the given seating
(1) Football (2) Wrestling 22. Conclusions : arrangement ?
(3) Basketball (4) Cycling I. Some oceans are not breeze. (1) No two males are immediate
(5) Swimming II. No cloud is an ocean. neighbours of each other
16. On which of the following days is 23. Conclusions: (2) G and H do not. face each oth-
sprinting scheduled ? I. All rivers are breeze. er in the seating arrangement
(1) Saturday (2) Friday (3) E and D are immediate neigh-
II. Some winds are not clouds.
(3) Wednesday (4) Monday bours of each other
(24-26) :
(5) Cannot be determined (4) F is a male and sits diagonal-
ly opposite to E
17. On which of the following days is All staplers are printers.
(5) A sits in the centre of one of
weightlifting scheduled ? Some printers are machines.
the sides of the square table
(1) Monday (2) Tuesday All computers are machines.
(3) Wednesday (4) Friday 30. Who amongst the following is B's
All machines axe equipments.
(5) Sunday husband ?
24. Conclusions:
18. Shooting is related to Basketbal
(1) C (2) G
I. Some equipments are sta
(3) E (4) F
in the same way as Wrestling is piers.
related to - (5) Cannot, be determined
II. No machine is a stapler.
(1) Sprinting (2) Football 31. How many people sit between B
25. Conclusions:
and C when counted in anti-clock-
(3) Shooting (4) Weightlifting I. Some staplers are machines
wise direction from B ?
(5) Boxing II. All those printers which are (1) None (2) One
D i r e c t i o n s (19-28) : In eacl machines are also equip S3) Two (4) Three
group of questions, below are four state ments. (5) Four
ments followed by two conclusions 26. Conclusions: 32. Who amongst the following is the
numbered I and II. You have to tak< I. All computers are equipments
the four given statements to be tru< wife of C ?
II. No computer is a printer. (1) D (2)F
even if they seem to be at variance Iron (27-28):
commonly known facts and then de (3)B (4)G
cide which of the given conclusion; (5) Cannot be determined
Some rivers are mountains.
logically follows from the four state 33. What is the position of E with
All mountains are plateaus.
ments disregarding commonly knowi respect to C ?
No plateau is a sea.
facts. (1) Immediately to the left
Some seas are rivers.
Give answer (1) if only conclu (2) Second to the left
27. Conclusions:
sion I follows. (3) Third to the right
Give answer (2) if only conclu I. No mountain is a sea.
(4) Immediately to the right
sion II follows. II. Some seas are mountains.
(5) Second to the right
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Directions (34-38) : Study the (3} 93 82 46 24 road sale 13 jam 40. How many runs did Team X
following information carefully and an- halt cross make ?
swer the questions which follow : (4) 93 82 46 24 13 safe road jam I. The umpire of the match cor -
A word and number rearrange- halt cross rectly mentions that had the
ment machine when given an input line (5) There will be no such step as batsman from team X scored
of words and numbers rearranges it gets arranged before step two more runs, the.team would
them following a particular rule. Fol- VI have won the match by 28
lowing is an illustration of input and 37. In step III, which of the following runs.
the rearrangement. would be the third word/number II. The coach correctly mentions
Input : flight 37 delay an 53 87 hour from the left ? that the batsman from Team
19 by 46 (1) 82 (2) 46 X missed his century by two
Step I : 87 flight 37 delay 53 hour 19 (3) Jam (4) 13 runs.
by 46 an (5) Road 41. Who among P, Q, R and S is the
Step II : 87 53 flight 37 delay hour 19 38. Which step would be the follow- shortest ?
46 by an ing output ? I. S is not as tall as R but is tall-
Step III 87 53 46 flight 37 hour 19 93 24 82 road safe 13 jam half er than Q.
delay by an 46 cross II. R is not the tallest.
Step IV: 87 53 46 37 hour 19 flight (1) I (2) II 42. What does 'ni' mean in the code
delay by an (3) III (4) rv language?
Step V : 87 53 46 37 19 hour flight (5) VI I. 'ni pa ca lo' means 'an honest
delay by an Directions (39-43) : Each of the bank employee' and 'sa lo ja pa'
Step V is the last step of the ar- questions below consists of a question means 'employee of the bank'.
rangement of the above input as and two statements numbered I and II II. 'ft ni ca' means 'an honest of-
the intended rearrangement is given below it. You have to decide ficer' and 'to ft sa pa' means 're-
obtained. whether the data provided in the state- puted officer of bank'.
As per the rules followed in the ments are sufficient to answer the ques-
43. Is Jay a sibling (brother or sis-
above steps, answer the follow- tion. Read both the statements and —
ter) of Rishi ?
ing questions based upon the in- Give answer (1) if the data in
I. Jay's mother, Shalini is the
put : Statement. I alone are sufficient to an-
only child of Rishi's grandfa-
swer the question, while the data in
24 cross 82 road 93 safe 13 jam ther.
Statement II alone are not sufficient to
halt 46 II. Rishi's father has a daughter,
answer the question.
34. Which of the following would be Smita, of whom J ay is a broth-
Give answer (2) if the data in
the second step after the rear- er.
Statement II alone are sufficient to an-
rangement ? Directions (44-48) : In these
swer the question, while the data in
(1) 93 82 46 24 13 safe road jam questions, relationship between differ-
Statement I alone are not sufficient to
halt cross ent elements is shown in the state-
answer the question.
(2) 93 82 46 24 road safe 13 jam ments. The statements are followed by
Give answer (3) if the data in
halt cross conclusions :
Statement I alone or in Statement II
(3) 93 82 24 road safe 13 jam 46 alone are sufficient to answer the ques- Give answer (1) if only Conclu-
halt cross tion. sion I is true.
(4) 93 24 82 road safe 13 jam Give answer (4) if the data in Give answer (2) if only Conclu-
halt 46 cross both the Statements I and II together sion II is true.
(5) None of these are not sufficient to answer the ques- Give answer (3) if either Conclu-
35. Which of the following would be tion. sion I or II is true.
the final arrangement ? Give answer (5? if the data in Give answer (4) if neither Con-
(1) 93 82 46 24 13 safe road jam both the Statements I and II together clusion I nor II is true.
halt cross are necessary to answer the question. Give answer (5) if both Conclu
(2) 93 82 46 13 24 safe road jam 39. In which month of the year did sions I and II are true.
halt cross the construction of the building 44. Statement :
(3) 13 24 46 82 93 sale road jam begin ? P>R-S≥T≤V
halt cross I. The construction engineer Conclusions : I. T < R
(4) 93 82 46 24 13 cross halt jam correctly remembers that the II. R = T
road safe construction began before
45. Statement :
(5) safe road jam halt cross 93 September but after May and
82 46 24 13 that particular month did not
have 31 days. Conclusions : I. Z < T
36. Which of the following will be step
II.' The builder correctly remem- II. S > V
VI of the above input ?
bers that the construction 46. Statement :
(1) 93 24 82 road safe 13 jam
halt 46 cross began after February but be- Z≤y;X<Z;Y>L;L≥Z
(2) 93 82 24 road safe 13 jam 46 fore October and the fact that, Conclusions : I. Y ≥ L
hah cross that particular month did not II. Y > X
have 31 days.
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47. Statement: (iii) D is father of C (1) 363 (2) 44

A<B<C;C = D≤E (iv) B is son of E. (3) 22 (4) 3
Conclusions s i . B > E 54. Which of the following statements (5)31
II. D > A are required to establish that E Here, after performing operation
48. Statement : is a male ? between the first two numbers,
H < J; F < H; I ≤ J .= K (1) Only (iv) i.e. 38 and 64, the resultant ob-
Conclusions : I. H > I (2) Both (ii) and (iv) tained is 26. Now 26 is to be con-
II. I > F (3) Both (i) and (iv) sidered for performing the opera-
Directions (49-53) : Read the (4) Both (ii) and (iii) tion between 26 and 7 (the num-
'ollowing information/statement care (5) Both (i) and (iii) ber given in the question). The
ully and answer the questions : 55. How is D related to E ? answer thus obtained here would
49. Which of the following symbols (1) Father (2) Grandfather be 33. Now 33 is to be consid-
should replace the question mark (3) Son in-law ered as 'a' and operations are to
in the given expression in order (4) Grandson be performed in the similar fash-
to make the expressions 'M < K' (5) Father-in-law ion between the numbers given
as well as 'L > P' definitely true ? Directions (56-60) : In each of in the second row. The answer
K ≥ L? M > N > P the following questions, two rows of obtained here after performing all
(1) > (2) < numbers are given. The resultant num- the operations would be 363, thus
( 3 ) ≤ (4) = ber in each row is to be worked out (1) would be the correct answer.
(5) Either < or ≤ separately based on the following rules 56. 12 21 6
50. In which of the following expres- and the question below the rows of 5 y 88
sions will the expressions 'H < F numbers are to be answered. The op-
If y is the resultant of the first
as well as 'J > IT be definitely eration of numbers progress from left
row, what is the resultant of the
true ? to right.
second row ?
(1) F > G > H ≥ I = J Rules ;
(1) 125 (2)25
(2) F < G ≤ H < I < J (i) If an odd number is followed
(3) 47 (4) 27
(3) F ≥ G = H ≤ I < J by a composite odd number (a
(5) 43
(4) F = G > H > I = J non prime number), they are to
be multiplied. 57. 6 9 15
(5) None of these
(ii) If an even number is followed x 12 11
51. Which of the following expres-
by an odd number, which is not If x is the resultant of the first
sions will be true if the given ex-
pression 'A < C ≥ B = D ≤ E' is a perfect square, they are to be row, what is the resultant of the
definitely true? added. second row ?
(1) A < D (2)E = C (iii) If an even number is followed (1) 33 (2) 45
(3) D> C (4) E < B by a number which is the per- (3) 11 (4) 15
(5) None is true fect square, the even number is (5)3
to be subtracted from the per- 58. 18 37 5
52. In which of the following expres-
fect square. 2 m 6
sions will the expression 'L > P
be definitely false ? (iv) If an odd number is followed If m is the resultant of the first
by a prime odd number, the first row, what is the resultant of the
(1) L > M ≥N = P
number is to be divided by the second row?
(2) P = N ≥ L > M
second number.
(3) P ≤ M < N < L (1) 19 (2) 55
(v) If an odd number is followed
(4) L > M = N ≥ P (3) 78 (4) 7
by an even number, the second
(5) All are false (5)9
one is to be subtracted from the
53. Which of the following symbols 59. 16 64 7
first one,
should be placed in the blank 49 34 z
[After the operation on the first
spaces respectively (in the same two numbers, the resultant is to be If 7. is the resultant of the first
order from left to right) in order considered as the number for apply- row, what is the resultant of the
to complete the given expression ing operation between the second num- second row. ?
in such a manner that 'V > Z' ber (the number obtained after perform- (1) 825 (2) 40
definitely holds true ? ing operation between the first and (3) 3.67 (4) 70
V _ W _ X _ Z second numbers given in the question) (5)55
(1) <, ≤, = (2) >,≥ , < and the third number. 1 60. 27 12 3
(3) =, <, ≤ (4)>, ≥, > For example: p 9 5
(5) None of these Consider the following question : If p is the resultant of the fir;
Directions (54-55) : Read the 38 64 7 row, what is the resultant of tr
following information carefully and an- 49 38 a second row ?
swer the questions which follow : If a is the resultant of the first (1)50 (2)9
(i) A is mother of B row, what is the resultant of the (3)40 (4)5
(ii) C is sister of A second row?
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Directions (61-75): In each of the questions given below which one of the
five answer figures on the right should come after the problem figures on the
left, if the sequence were continued ?
Directions (76-80): What should
come in place of the question mark (?)
in the following questions ?

85. 8599.999 ÷ 420.002 x 14.996 =?

(1) 250 (2) 325
(3) 275 (4) 300
(5) 350
Directions (86-90) : In the fol-
lowing number series only one num-
ber is wrong. Find out the wrong num-
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86. 5 348 564 689 716 780 788 A committee of five members is one year the business earns a
(1) 716 (2) 788 to be formed out of 4 students, 3 teach- profit o f ? 20,661. What is Deep
(3)348 (4)689 ers and 2 sports coaches. In how many ika's share in the profit ?
(5) 780 ways can the committee be formed if - (1) ` 7.668 (2) ` 6,603
8 7 . 4 4 4 4 2224 1114 556 281.5 94. the Committee should consist of (3) ` 7,240 (4) ` 6,390
142.75 73.375 2 students, 2 teachers and 1 (5) None of these
(1) 2224 (2) 281.5 sports coach ?
Directions (101-105): Study the
(3)1114 (4)556 (1) 25 (2) 64 Following graph carefully to answer the
(5) 142.75 (3) 9 (4) 36 questions:
88. 4.5 16 25 33 38.5 42 43.5 (5) None of these Percent Profit Earned toy Two
(1) 33 (2) 38.5 95. any live people can be selected ? Companies Over the Years
(3) 42 (4) 43.5 (1) 126 (2) 45 Per cent profit
(5)25 (3) 120 (4) 24
89. 6 49 305 1545 6196 18603 (5) None of these
37218 96. In how many different ways can
(1) 6196 (2) 49 the letters of the word 'LEASE'
(3) 305 (4) 1545 be arranged ?
(5) 18603 (1) 240 (2)120
90. 8 . 5 6.5 11 26 68 207.5 (3) 25 (4) 60
(1) 68 (2) 6.5 (5) None of these
(3) ] 1 (4) 26 97. The digit in the unit's place of a
(5) 207.5 three digit number is thrice the
91. 2 men can complete a piece of digit in the ten's place and the
work in 6 days. 2 women can digit in the hundred's place is
complete the same piece of work tv o- third of the digit in the ten's
in 9 days, whereas 3 children can place. If the sum of the three dig-
complete the same piece of work its of the number is 14, what is
in 8 days. 3 women and 4 chil- the three digit number ?
dren worked together for 1 day. (1) 932 (2) 239
If only men were to finish the (3) 326
remaining work in 1 day, how (4) Cannot be determined
many total men would be re-
(5) None of these
quired ? 101. In the income of company A in
98. The ratio of the present ages of
(1)4 (2)8 the year 2006 was ? 6.425 la-
Meena and Fiona is 16 : 13 re-
(3)6 khs, what was its expenditure in
spectively. Four years ago the
(4) Cannot be determined that year ?
respective ratio of their ages was
(5) None of these 1.4 : 11. What will be Fiona's age (1) ` 4.7 lakhs
92. What will be the approximate dif- four years from now ? (2) ` 5.2 lakhs
ference in the simple and com- (1) 28 years (2) 32 years (3) ` 4.5 lakhs
pound interest accrued on an (3) 26 years (4) 36 years (4) ` 3.8 lakhs
amount of `2600 at the rate of (5) None of these
(5) None of these
15 p.c. p. a, at the end of three
99. T h e . c o s t of building a fence 102. If the expenditure of company A
years ?
a r o u n d a c i r c u l a r field is in the year 2005 was ` 3.6 la-
(1) ` 167 (2) ` 194 khs, what was the amount of
` 7, 700 at the rate of ` 14 per
(3) ` 202 (4) ` 172 foot. What is the area of the cir- profit earned by it in. that year ?
(5) ` 184 cular field ? (1) ` 2.5*2 lakhs
93. A 320 metre long train crosses a (1) 24062.5 sq.ft. (2) ` 2.46 lakhs
platform thrice its length in 40
(2) 23864.4 sq.ft. (3) ` 1.44 lakhs
seconds. What is the speed of the
(3) 24644.5 sq.ft. (4] ` 1.31 lakhs
train in km/hour ?
(4) Cannot be determined (5) None of these
(1) 120.6 (2) 115.2
(5) None of these 103. What is the approximate aver-
(3) 108.4
100. Gina invests ` .48.000 to start a age percent profit earned by com-
(4) Cannot be determined
business. Four months later pany A over all the years togeth-
(5) None of these Shrayon joins her by investing` er?
Directions ( 9 4 - 9 5 ) : Study the 62,000 and another two months (1)57 (2)36
following information carefully to an- later Deepika joins them both, by (3) 41 (4) 53
swer the questions that follow : investing ` 80,000. At the end of (5)45
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104. If in the year 2009 incomes of ly salaries of all the three is (1) 30 (2) 9
both the compentes A anrt B were ` 1,83,750. what is Prashant's (3) 14 (4) 19
the same, what was the respective (5)25
ratio of their expenditures in (1) ` 42,000 (2) ` 68,500 115. What is the respective ratio of
that year ? (3) `358,750 (4) ` 63,000 total number of employees pro-
(1) 7 : 5 (5) None of these moted by Bank M in the years
(2)16:15 110. On the annual day, sweets were 2006 and 2010 together to the
(3) 23.: 21 to be distributed equally amongst total number of employees pro-
(4) Cannot be determined 600 children of the school. But moted by Bank L from the same
on that particular day, 120 chil- years ?
(5) None of these
105. What is the percentage increase dren remained absent. Thus, (1) 41 : 63 (2) 43 : 51
in percent profit of company B in each child got 2 extra sweets. (3)47:53 (4)45:61
the year 2008 from the previous How many sweets was each child (5) None of these
year ? (rounded off (o two digits originally supposed to get ? Directions (116-120): Study the
after decimal) (1) 8 (2) 14 following graph carefully to answer the
(1) 17.65 (2) 19.25 (3) 10 (4) 6 questions that follow:
(3) 16.55 (4) 15.75 (5) None of these
(5) None of these Directions; (111-115): Study the
Directions (106-108) : In the following table carefully to answer the
following questions three squares A, B questions that follow:
and C are given which contain four fig-
ures/numbers related to each other.
The figures/numbers in the first two
squares are given as examples and bear
a certain relationship to each other
within the square. This relationship can
be established/calculated vertically,
horizontally or diagonally. Depending on
this relationship between the figures/
numbers in the first two squares, find.'
out what should come in place of the
question mark in the third square - C.

111. What is the average number of

employees promoted by Bank O
over all the years together ?
(1) 44 (2) 39.5
(3)35 (4) 42.5 116. What is the total number of girls
participating in the rally from
schools A and C together ?
112. What is the total number of em-
(1) 825 (2) 875
ployees who got promoted in all
the banks together in the year (3)950 (4)975
2008 ? (5) None of these
(1) 234 (2) 243 117. The number of boys participat-
(3) 266 (4) 282 ing in the rally from school B is
what percent of the total number
(5) None of these
of children participating in the
113. What is the percent increase in rally from that school ? (Round -
the number of employees promot- ed off to two digits after decimal.)
ed by Bank Q in 2006 from the
(1)48.84 (2)47.37
previous year ? (rounded off to
(3) 49.28 (4) 46.46
two digits after decimal)
(1) 16.23. (2) 15.84 (5) None of these
(3) 17.95 (4) 18.68 118. The number of girls participating
(5) None of these in the rally irom School E is ap-
114. Number of employees promoted proximately what percent of the
109. Menu's monthly salary is one and by Bank P in the year 2009 number of boys participating in
a half times Shailesh's monthly forms approximately what per- the rally from the same school ?
salary. Prashant's monthly sala- cent of the total number of em (1) 81 (2) 106
ry is five-fourth of Mehi il's month- ployees promoted by all the (3)122 (4)98
ly salary. If the total of the month- banks together in that year ? (5) 114
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119. What is the respective ratio of to- 14) 21 : 20 Further, the legitimacy of the state
tal number of girls participating (5) None of these is dependent on its being as close to a
in the rally from schools D and C neutral umpire as possible. When the
120. What is the average number of
together to the total number of state (133) partisan, its legitimacy can
boys participating in the rally from girls participating in the rally
be questioned. When the state sheds
schools A and B together V frotn all trw schools together ? the umpire's clothes and becomes one
(1) 23 : 18 (1) 500 12) 460 of the players, the rides of fair play
(2) 43 : 35 (3) 525 (4) 495 are so badly (134) that we can only
(3) 41 : 38 (5) None of these call such an event intolerable (135)
126. (1) demand (2) ensure
Directions (121-125) : Study the following table carefully to answer the
(3) consider (4) regulate
questions that follow : .
(5) encompass
Percentage of Marks Obtained by Six Students in Five Different Subjects
in A School Examination 127. (1) important
(2) juvenile
(3) insignificant
(4) supreme
(5) part
128. (1) Presently (2) Same
(3) So (4) Like
(5) Just
129. (1) opinion (2) judgement
(3) end (4) drama
(5) conclusion
121. What is the approximate overall 130. (1) people (2) dissipations
percentage of marks obtained by ENGLISH LANGUAGE
(3) outcomes (4) affects
U in all the subjects together ?
Directions (126-135): In the fol- (5) discouragements
(1) 75 (2) 71
lowing passage there are blanks, each 131. (1) stimulated (2) calculated
(3) 79 (4) 82
of which has been numbered. These (3) considered (4) hastened
(5} 87 numbers are printed below the pas-
(5) designed
122. If in order to pass the examina- sage and against each, five words are
tion a minimum of 109.5 marks 132. (1) qualified (2) riddled
suggested, one of which fits the blank
are required in Science, how appropriately. Find out the appropri- (3) powerful (4) incapable
many students pass in the exam- ate word in each case. (5) shortening
ination ? 133. (1) appeals (2) allow
People are as much attuned to fair-
(1) None (2) Two ness as they are to individual self-in- (3) become (4) recommends
(3) One (4) Three terest. Therefore, any institution regu- (5) visualizes
(5) None of these lating human behaviour will have to
134. (1) twist (2) stopped
123. What are the average marks ob- (126JI that the compromises between
(3) mended (4) broken
tained by all the students togeth- individual self-interest, collective inter-
est and fairness are all within tolera- (5) abated
er In Hindi ?
ble limits. These trade-offs are as (127) 135. (1) uTith (2) fairness
for larger institutions, including the (3) injustice (4) murder
largest of them all, i.e., the state, as (5) fortune
they are for the smallest ones like the
Directions (136-140) : Rear-
family. (128) as parents should not
range the following five sentences (A),
repeatedly favour one child over an-
(B), (C), (D) and (E) in the proper se-
(5) None of these other, the state cannot repeatedly
quence to form a meaningful paragraph;
124. What is the average percentage favour one community or class over
another. The (129) of fairness is in- then answer the questions given be-
of marks obtained by all the stu- low them.
grained in our psyches. Since human
dents together in English ? (A) For almost two months now, the
beings often grab what they can, we
(rounded to the nearest integer) need institutions to ensure fair (130) struggle to cap the oil well and
(1) 61 (2) 63 Of these institutions, the state is the protect large sections of the coun-
(3) 65 "(4) 68 most important, since it is (131) tc try's coastline from being devas-
(5) 59 ensure that basic human needs are tated has been the top story in
125. What are the total marks obtained ensured with minimal standards of fair- the news and the major concern
by S in all the subjects together? ness. A state (132) of or uninterested of the US administration.
(1) 317 (2) 309 in ensuring equity in security, educa- (B) At present, though, one finds lit-
tion, food, health and shelter is a state tle expression of this in the dis-
(3)323 (4)348
whose legitimacy will be questioned. cussions around the oil spill.
(5) None of these
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(C) In these months it has been real- (1) Rarnan is determined and does 144. Ritu tried her best to convince
ized that this is an environmen- not care about other people's the villagers to open a school for
tal crisis of gigantic proportions, opinions while playing in the the children, but it looked like
and is purely man-made. big games against the best she was beating a dead horse.
(D) Oil and water do not mix, as the players. (1) Ritu's effort of trying to con-
Americans are being forced to (2) In the big games against the vince the villagers to open a
accept with the tragic oil spill best players Raman physical- school for the children was
from a British Petroleum oil rig ly injures every player of the being perceived as a state-
in the Gulf of Mexico. other team. ment of anger.
(E) Whether in the long-term this will (3) Raman is very cautious and (2) Ritu was trying harder than
compel Americans to think again plans every move while play- was necessary to convince the
about their dependance on fossil ing in the big games against villagers to open a school for
fuels and seriously embark on the the best players. the children,
path of scaling it down and en- (4) Rarnan employs unfair means (3) Ritu's effort of trying to con-
couraging alternatives remains to while playing in the big games vince the villagers to open a
be seen . against the best players. school for the children did not
136. Which of the following should be (5) None of these look like it would succeed.
the FIRST sentence after rear- 142. By revising the tax code, the Gov- (4) Ritu looked desperate while
rangement ? ernment would be opening a Pan- trying to convince the villag-
(DA (2)B dora's Box. ers to open a school for the
(3) C (4) D (1) The Government would be children.
(5)E inviting the public wrath on (5) None of these
137. Which of the following should be revising the tax code. 145. Left to his own devices, Mahesh
the FIFTH sentence after rear- (2) Along with the revision of the would hire someone to do the dirty
rangement ? tax code the Government work of washing dishes.
(1)E (2)D would get several other un- (1) Mahesh needed constant su-
(3) C (4) B known benefits. pervision in order to wash the
(3) The Government would be dishes.
(5) A
inviting a series of unforeseen (2) If Mahesh were allowed to do
138. Which of the following should be
troubles by revising the tax as he wished, he would ap-
the SECOND sentence after re-
code. point someone to wash the
arrangement ?
(4) Revising the tax code would dishes.
(1)E (2)D
work to the advantage of the (3) Mahesh would use a series of
(3) C (4) B Government. devices in order to appoint
(5) A someone to wash the dishes.
(5) None of these
139. Which of the following should be (4) Mahesh would hire someone
143. Anuj had made a huge mistake
the THIRD sentence after rear- in the presentation about his com- to wash the dishes in the
rangement ? pany and thus his immediate dishwasher.
(DA (2)B boss took h i m to task. (5) None of these
(3)C (4)D (1) Anuj's immediate boss took Directions (146-150) : Each
(5) E Anuj to his superior for an- question below has two blanks, each
140. Which of the following should be other assignment after he had blank indicating that something has
the FOURTH sentence after re- made a mistake in the presen- been omitted. Choose the set of words
arrangement ? tation. for each blank which best fits the mean-
(DA (2)B (2) Anuj's immediate boss pa- ing of the sentence as a whole.
(3)C (4)D tiently explained to Anuj that 146. The actress' from a chilled-
the mistake made by him in out girl off screen to an intense
the presentation was excus- actor on screen in just a few min-
Directions (141-145) : In each
able. utes is amazing.
of the following sentences, an idiomat-
ic expression or a proverb is highlight- (3) Anuj's immediate boss com- (1) change, improperly
ed. Select the alternative which best pletely ignored Anuj's mistake (2) revolution, just
describes its use in the sentence. II in the presentation and ex- (3) transformation, simply
none of the alternatives explains the plained to him other tasks
(4) adjustment, really
usage of the term adequately, give that were to be done.
(5) renovation, truthfully
'None of these' as your answer. (4) Anuj's immediate boss as-
141. "Raman is the best player that our signed Anuj another job after
team has and in the big games he had made a mistake in his
against the best players,' he takes presentation.
no prisoners." (5) None of these
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147. C o n s i d e r i n g t h e of the city 1 5 3 . W h i l e t h e a c t r e s s w i n s fans w i t h world's gold. In 2008, India imported

to c h e m i c a l and industrial disas- (1)/ h e r o n s c r e e n f i r e w o r k s , off a r o u n d 4 0 0 t o n s o f it. A b o u t 8 0 p e r -
ters, the State disaster manage- s c r e e n , it's h e r ( 2 ) / d o w n - t o - c e n t of t h e w o r l d ' s e x t r a c t e d g o l d is
ment authority h a s decided to earth attitude and easy-going f a s h i o n e d as jewellery. However, most
constitute a n expert s t u d y g r o u p m a n n e r (3)/ that wins her o f u s d o n ' t k n o w o r don't t h i n k about
to analyze all possible threats a n d friends. (4)/ No error (5) the e n v i r o n m e n t a l cost o f t h e metal.
suggest t o m a k e t h e city For i n s t a n c e , e x t r a c t i n g e n o u g h g o l d
154. Even though the exchange attract
'disaster resilient'. to f o r g e a solitary, no-frills w e d d i n g
( 1 ) / t h e a t t e n t i o n o f all t h o s e
(1) vulnerability, m e a s u r e s b a n d ultimately translates into roughly
present at (2) / t h e police station,
(2) propensity, s k e t c h e s 20-30 t o n s o f w a s t e . A t s o m e m i n e s i n
t h e i n s p e c t o r c o n t i n u e d ( 3 ) / his
(3) volatility, p l a n s N e v a d a ( U S A ) , 100 t o n s o r m o r e o f
t i r a d e a g a i n s t t h e girl. (4)/ N o
(4) regularity, p r e p a r a t i o n s earth h a v e b e e n e x c a v a t e d for a single
e r r o r (5)
o u n c e of g o l d .
(5) instability, m a p s 1 5 5 . T h e m a r k e t c o n t i n u e s t o b e posi-
1 4 8 . Despite the c o l l a p s e of efforts to T h e w a s t e i s o f t w o f o r m s : re-
tive (1)/ a n d in the next quarter
legislate a c l i m a t e bill, t h e c o u n - d u n d a n t rock, w h i c h is typically piled
we expected (2)/ the trend to con-
try h a s international n e g o - as flat h e a p s in locations near the min-
tinue w i t h (3)/ the onset of the
tiators it r e m a i n s to re- ing site a n d t h e effluent or t a i l i n g s
festive s e a s o n . (4)/ No error (5)
ducing carbon emissions over the which are a result of chemical process-
156. T h e I n d i a n t e a m c a n n o t w i n t h e ing of t h e m i n e d o r e . S u l p h i d e s in the
next ten y e a r s .
s e r i e s (1)/ a n d e v e n p u l l i n g off a redundant rock react with oxygen,
(1) entrusted, o b l i g a t e d
d r a w c o u l d (2)/ be a t o u g h p r o p - m a k i n g s u l p h u r i c a c i d w h i c h frees
(2) p r o m i s e d , a v e r s e o s i t i o n w i t h (3)/ its l e a d b o w l e r s heavy m e t a l s like c y a n i d e , c a d m i u m ,
(3) declared, ignorant n o t playing. (4)/ No e r r o r (5) lead a n d m e r c u r y h a r m f u l t o people
(4) assured, c o m m i t t e d 1 5 7 . W i t h t h i s initiative, the c o r p o r a - even a t m i n i s c u l e c o n c e n t r a t i o n s . T h e
(5) pledged, attentive tion { 1 ) / h o p e s to assure the p u b - tailings c o m p o n e n t is typically a t h i c k
149. by other singers and m u - lic t h a t (2)/ it is confident of p r o - slurry laced w i t h c y a n i d e , a l u m i n u m ,
sicians, the singer s a n g h i s heart v i d i n g g o o d service (3)/ a n d r e - copper, lead, a n d m e r c u r y ; e n o u g h t o
out and even the y o u n g n e w i n g their faith w i t h t h e p u b - d e c i m a t e fish p o p u l a t i o n s o f w a t e r
n e w c o m e r s d u r i n g t h e i r act. lic t r a n s p o r t s y s t e m . (4)/ N o e r - e n v i r o n m e n t s it is d i s p o s e d of i n t o .
(1) H e l p e d , s m i l e d Disposal o f w e t tailings into w a t e r b o d -
r o r (5)
ies h a s b e e n effectively b a n n e d i n d e -
(2) A c c o m p a n i e d , c h e e r e d 158. T h e games scheduled to be held veloped countries but it continues to
(3) C r e a t e d , j u d g e d in the State (1)/ have been b e p r a c t i s e d i n m o s t d e v e l o p i n g na-
(4) S t o p p e d , a p p l a u d e d plunged into crisis just two tions. T h e r e is a l s o a v e r y real d a n g e r
(5) A s s i s t e d , g r e e t e d m o n t h s p r i o r t h e (2)/ Opening o f surface w a t e r a n d g r o u n d w a t e r ta-
1 5 0 . T h e h e a l t h officials w e r e told t o ceremony by allegations of cor- b l e c o n t a m i n a t i o n o n a c c o u n t o f these
the medical practitioners r u p t i o n , (3)/ s h o d d y w o r k m a n - heavy m e t a l s .
about the treatment and immedi- ship and delays in handing over
I n fact, g o l d m i n i n g g e n e r a t e s
ate m e d i c a l t o b e given t o v e n u e s . (4)/ No e r r o r (5)
more waste per ounce than any other
s w i n e flu p a t i e n t s . 1 5 9 . T h e sole idea behind (1)/ conduct- metal-and the effects are startling. Min-
(1) inform, a s s i s t a n c e ing such programmes (2)/ is to ing for gold h a s left h u g e g o u g e s on
(2) enlist, b a c k i n g create a w a r e n e s s (3)/ a m o n g t h e face o f t h e e a r t h , s o m a s s i v e t h a t
(3) d i s s u a d e , aid y o u n g m i n d s of o u r n a t i o n . (4) / they c a n b e s e e n f r o m s p a c e .
(4) apprise, e m e r g e n c y No e r r o r (5) A c c o r d i n g to a study, respiratory
(5) e n c o u r a g e , h e l p 1 6 0 . T h e r e p o r t s p r o m p t e d the chair- ailments, soil and water contamination,
D i r e c t i o n s ( 1 5 1 - 1 6 0 ) : Read m a n o f (1)/ t h e o r g a n i s i n g c o m - thick b l a n k e t s o f d u s t , w i t h e r i n g o f
each sentence to find out w h e t h e r there mittee to a d d r e s s a hurried press coconut trees a n d c h a n g e s in land pat-
is any grammatical error or idiomatic c o n f e r e n c e ( 2 ) / w h e r e h e repri- tern u s e are s o m e of t he c o m m o n fea-
e r r o r in it. T h e error, if any, will be in m a n d e d the m e d i a 13)/ for c o n - t u r e s of t h e u r b a n a r e a a r o u n d a p a r -
o n e part o f t h e s e n t e n c e . T h e n u m b e r ducting a "prejudiced c a m p a i g n . " ticular g o l d m i n e i n K a m a t a k a . M a n y
of t h a t part is t h e answer. If t h e r e is (4)/ No e r r o r (5) a r e a s a r e r e p o r t e d t o h a v e b e c o m e in-
no error, t h e a n s w e r is (5). (Ignore e r - D i r e c t i o n s ( 1 6 1 1 7 5 ) : R e a d the fertile b e c a u s e of soil c o n t a m i n a t i o n .
r o r s of p u n c t u a t i o n , if any.) T h e y c o n t a i n a p e r c e n t a g e of heavy
followii !g passage carefully a n d a n s w e r
1 5 1 . T h e c e l e b r a t i o n s c o n t i n u e d (1)/ m e t a l s e n o u g h t o r e t a r d plant g r o w t h .
t h e q u e s t i o n s g i v e n b e l o w it. C e r t a i n
t h r o u g h the e v e n i n g as m o r e (2)/ words/phrases have been printed in Similarly, a c c o r d i n g t o a n o t h e r
and m o r e friends j o i n s (3)/ in the b o l d t o h e l p y o u locate t h e m w h i l e a n - report in 2 0 0 8 , n e a r l y s e v e n y e a r s af-
fun a n d frolic. (4)/ No error (5) swering some of the questions. ter the c l o s u r e of t h e s e m i n e s , the p e o -
1 5 2 . T h e a c t r e s s b e l i e v e s i n (1)/ b e - ple of this region c o n t i n u e to face seri-
I n d i a n s are k n o w n for t h e i r o b -
i n g fit a n d feels t h a t t h e r e (2)/ o u s e n v i r o n m e n t a n d health problems,
sessive a n d c o m p u l s i v e fascination for
a r e too m u c h h y p e a r o u n d size particularly in J u l y a n d A u g u s t , d u e to
g o l d . I n d i a Is t h e l a r g e s t i m p o r t e r a n d
zero (3)/ in the entertainment w i n d s i n t h e s e m o n t h s that c a r r y w i t h
l a r g e s t c o n s u m e r o f t h e y e l l o w metal
w o r l d . (4)/ No e r r o r (5) t h e m c y a m u e p a r t i c l e s f r o m the d u s t
as I n d i a n s b u y a b o u t 25 percent ol the
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piles in the abandoned mines. When investment in gold mining in the coun- 163. Which of the following is/are ill
the mines were operational, a layer of try - and in a big way. effects of gold mining as men-
red soil used to be put over these dust However, India's environmental tioned in the passage ?
piles before these crucial months to track record in mining has been any- (A) Waste generated while mining
prevent the cyanide particles from be- thing but stellar. And this is something for gold is harmful even in
ing carried away by the heavy winds. that requires close attention in light of small quantities.
Now that the mines have been closed, the planned increased forays into gold (B) Groundwater gets polluted
the mitigative measures have ceased mining. Even with the comparatively due to the release of heavy
as well. minuscule amounts of gold mining metals generated from the
People from socially and econom- done so far, we have tripped up on mining of gold.
ically marginalized communities turn to :r>A-;TGnrriental considerations. Geolog- (C) Gold mining activities cause
mining to escape acute poverty, unem- ically, India s terrain is very similar to respiratory illnesses in peo-
ployment, and landlessness. In some those in other parts of the world where ple.
cases, their homes and farms may be there have been huge gold finds. What (1) Only (A)
'acquired' for large-scale gold mining. we need to do is to learn from the mis-
(2) All (A), (B) and (C)
While compensation is promised to takes committed by certain developed
countries in their own backyard. We (3) Only (B) and (C)
them, it may take a year or two to kick
in. Till then, forced to eke out a bare have a whole series of examples of (4) Only (B)
livelihood mostly in a kind of lottery where things have gone wrong from (5) Only (A) and (B)
system, they resort to crude methods other developing countries. We need 164. What is the author's intention
to separate any flecks of gold that may to use these insights to our advantage, behind writing this passage ?
be there in the discarded waste rock and quickly. (1) To discourage the Indian gov-
using mercury. In the process, destroy 161. According to the author, how are ernment from investing in
themselves slowly as well as their en- gold mines detrimental to the gold mining
vironment. The shanty towns which
environment as well as public (2) To bring forward the problems
inevitably come up around the large-
• health even alter their closure ? associated with gold mining
scale mining sites only serve to add to
(1) The layer of red soil used to for India's benefit
the problem. Given their illegal and
cover dust piles in these (3) To discourage Indians from
therefore unrecognized nature, they
lack basic amenities like garbage dis- mines seeps into the ground- buying gold based on its re-
posal and water supply and sanitation, water, thereby making it un- percussions
becoming another unsightly blot on the fit for consumption (4) To advocate the import of gold
landscape. (2) The mines weaken land mass instead of mining for it
and increase the chances of (5) To goad the Indian govern-
According to the World Gold occurrence of earthquakes, ment into bringing the artisa-
Council, while estimates of numbers especially after there is no one nal workers under the pur-
engaged in artisanal mining vary wide- looking after them view of the organized sector
ly, they range between 13 and 20 mil- (3) T h e mitigative m e a s u r e s 165. Which of the following is true
lion men, women and children from over adopted after the closure of about the people who carry out
50 developing countries. Indeed, it is these mines are not super- gold mining activities ?
believed that as much as a quarter of vised adequately hence are (A) Their employment is purely
the world's gold is supplied by artisan- highly damaging legal in nature.
al miners'. Their efforts to earn them-
(4) The unsupervised mines now (B) They employ unsophisticated
selves a daily wage have resulted in
become a threat to the envi- methods of mining.
huge habitat loss and destruction. For
ronment as inexperienced (C) They do not have essential
example, huge patches of land, once
people carry out unchecked amenities.
home to lush trees in the island of
mining activities U) Only(B)
Borneo in Indonesia, are being swiftly
rendered treeless and lifeless pits of (5) Winds in specific months car- (2) Only (A) and (B)
waste. Incidentally, the island is high- ry harmful heavy metal parti-
(3) Only (C)
ly famed for its rich biodiversity. Com- cles from the dust heaps ac-
cumulated m these mines (4) Only (B) and (C)
bined with heavy pressures from the
162. Which of the following is possi- (5) All (A), (B) and (C) are true
logging lobby and need for cheap pow-
bly the most appropriate title for 166. Which of the following is NOT
er through hydroelectrtcity and relent-
the passage ? TRUE about the island of Borneo
less mining activity, it is hard to imag-
in Indonesia, as given in the pas-
ine if Borneo will manage to retain its (1) Gold Mining and India - The
crown. Inseparable Duo
(A) Large pieces of land are be-
Why should these facts about gold (2) Artisanal Mining and its Ef-
ing destroyed because of min-
mining bother us? After all, we just fects
import the metal; we do not mine it (3) Gold Mining Activities in Asia
here to the extent other countries do. (B) There is a large amount of
(4) Gold - The Most Expensive mining activity being carried
That's about to change though. New Metal in the World
Delhi has big plans to fuel growth in out on this island.
(5) Lure for Gold - The Stark Re- (C) It would be known for its rich
the mining sector and is looking to open
biodiversity in the future.
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(1) Only (A) and (B) 169 FORGE 178. As" per newspaper reports the
(2) Only (B) (1) create (2) counterfeit Bank of Japan, which is the Cen-
(3) fake (4) falsify tral Bank of the country, took
(3) Only (C)
special measures, iirst time in
(4) Only (B) and (C) (5) copy
last six years, to contain the rise
(5) All (A), (B) and (C) are true 170. DECIMATE
in the value of Yen. Why did Ja-
167. Why, according to the author, (1) destroy (2) divide pan had to take this special mea-
should India worry about gold (3) augment (4) vacate sure which surprised many coun-
mining and its effects '? (5) equalize tries ?
(1) As India is planning to in- 171. FASHIONED AS (A) Japan was fearful that a ris-
crease its investment in gold (1) derived into (2) marketed as ing currency would damage its
mining and is looking to in- (3) stylized as (4) made into export-led recovery plan.
crease activities in this sec- (B) It was one of the measures
(5) attracted to
tor in the near future taken by Japan to come out
172. FUEL
(2) As India has been extensively of its economic setback it suf-
( I ) fire (2) increase fered in the recent past.
carrying out gold mining in
(3) light (4) energy"
the past and its environmen- (C) Since the US Dollar has be-
tal record is not encouraging (5) petroleum came a Weak Global Curren-
(3) As a large number of people Directions (173-175) : Choose cy, Japan wants the Yen to
the word/group of words which is be recognized as the global
in India are employed in this
most opposite in meaning to the word/ currency in place of the US
unorganized sector which is
group of words printed in bold as used dollar.
detrimental to the country's
in the passage. (1) Only (A) (2) Only(B)
173. MASSIVE (3) Only (C) (4) Only (A) & (B)
(4) As India's terrain is geologi-
(1) meagre (2) tiny (5) Only (B) & (C)
cally unstable and is similar
to other lands in the world' (3) dim (4) inadequate 179. As per the newspaper reports the
where gold.mining is carried (5) gigantic growth of Money supply (M3) has
out 174. CEASED been at a moderate level in July
(5) As India is committing the (1) released (2) embarked 2010 as compared to March
same mistakes committed by (3) started (4) ended 2010. Which of the followingwas/
other developed nations when were the effect of this modera-
(5) measured
tion on the banking business ?
it comes to gold mining 175. INEVITABLY
168. Why, according to the author, is (A) Less people opted for Time
(1) unexpectedly
the environmental cost of gold (2) silently
very high ? (B) People withdrew their invest-
(3) unavoidably ments in Mutual Funds
(1) As gold is the only metal which
(4) forcefully (5) inescapably (C) Banking loans became more
generates harmful waste on
its excavation costly as banks were forced
GENERAL AWARENESS to increase the interest rates.
(2) As excavation of gold releases
(1) Both(A)&(B)
the highest amount of pollut- 176. A consortium of commercial
ants into the air as compared banks has joined hands to float a (2) Only (B)
to any other metal new company which will collect (3) Only (C)
(3) As gold excavation is a very data related to frauds and secu- (4) Only (A)
tedious process and requires rity risks. Which of the following (5) All (A), (B),(C)
is the name of the company ?
usage of a number of environ- 180. The Reserve Bank of India has
mentally destructive resourc- (1) Loss Data Consortium set up a Working Group to re-
es (2) Customer Service Corporation view current operating procedure
(4) As the amount of gold recov- (3) Bank net India Ltd. of monetary policy including
ered in proportion to the land (4) Nu Tech Corporate Services 'LAF. What is fullform of 'LAF ?
excavated is negligible Ltd. (1) Liquid Assets & Funds
(5) As the transformation of raw (5) None of these (2) Liabilities And Funds
gold into a piece of jewellery 177. The Indian Government has in- (3) Liabilities Adjustment Finance
is very expensive and is envi- troduced a new Wholesale Price (4) Liquidity And Finance
ronmentally harmful Index (WPI) recently. The new (5) Liquidity Adjustment Facility
Directions (169-172) : Choose WPI is based on which of the fol- 181. Which of the following organiza-
the word/group of words which is lowing years ? tions/agencies plays a major and
most similar in meaning to the word/ (1)2004-05 (2)2005-06 crucial role to moderate & con-
group of words printed in bold as used (3) 2006 07 (4) 2008-09 trol inflation in a country ?
in the passage. (5) None of these (A) Central Bank of the country
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(B) Stock M a r k e t s of the c o u n t r y (1) Only (A) (C) F e w t o w n s like B a n n e r . Bhi-

(C) P l a n n i n g C o m m i s s i o n of the (2) O n l y (B) w a n d i a n d Agra were declared
country (3) All (A), (B) & (C) towns of Export Excellence.
(1) O n l y ( B ) (2) O n l y (A) (4) B o t h (A) & (B) (1) O n l y (A)
(3) Both (A) & (B) (5) O n l y (C) (2) O n l y (B)
(4) B o t h (B) & (Cj 186. " B a s e l C o m m i t t e e o n B a n k i n g (3) O n l y (C)
(5) All (A), (B) & (C) Supervision" is also/or popularly (4) O n l y (B) & (C)
182. M a n y t i m e s w e read a b o u t 'Bal- k n o w n as — (5) O n l y (A) & (C)
a n c e of Payment" in e c o n o m i c lit- (1) T h o m a s C o o k C o m m i t t e e 191. T h e Direct T a x C o d e w h i c h w a s
erature. W h i c h of the following (2) T a l w a r C o m m i t t e e r e v i s e d r e c e n t l y will b e i m p l e -
statement(s) define the t e r m c o r - m e n t e d from w h i c h of the follow-
(3) B a n k lor International Settle-
rectly ? ing dates ?
ments Committee
(A) It is a record of all transac- (1) A p r i l 2 0 1 1
(4) Peter C o o k C o m m i t t e e
tions made between one par-
{5} B a n k i n g Regulation C o m m i t (2) A p r i l 2 0 1 2
ticular c o u n t r y a n d all o t h e r
tee (3) J a n u a r y 2 0 1 1 .
1 8 7 . W h i c h o f t h e following i s / a r e the (4) J a n u a r y 2 0 1 2
fBj It Is a r e c o r d of all; t r a n s a c -
objectives of the Public Distribu- (5i N o n e of t h e s e
tions m a d e b e t w e e n the c o u n -
tion system ?
tries w h e r e i n the p a y m e n t 192. Sri Harishartkar B r a h m a ' s n a m e
w a s m a d e in a c u r r e n c y o t h - (A) T o p u t a n indirect c h e c k o n w a s i n n e w s recently a s h e h a s
e r t h a n U S Dollar. the o p e n m a r k e t prices of v a r - t a k e n o v e r as t h e —
(C) It is a record of all e x p o r t s / ious i t e m s . (1) N e w C h i e f J u s t i c e of India
imports from/by a country (B) Providing food grains and oth-
(2) N e w Chief J u s t i c e o f J h a r k -
a n d difference i n a m o u n t o f er essential items to the vul-
h a n d , High C o u r t
both in terms of payment in nerable section of the society.
(3) G o v e r n o r of Arunachal
U S dollars. (C) T o p r o v i d e c o m p e t i t i v e price
(1) O n l y (A) (2) O n l y (C) of the products to farmers.
(4) Election C o m m i s s i o n e r of In-
(3) O n l y (B) (4) B o t h (A) & (B) (1) O n l y (A) (2) O n l y (B)
(5) O n l y (B) & (C) (3) O n l y (A) & (B) .
(5) N o n e of t h e s e
183. A s p e r the e x i s t i n g p o l i c y t h e (4) O n l y (B) & (C)
193. A s p e r n e w s p a p e r r e p o r t s A u s -
Cash Reserve Ratio (CRR) of (5) A l l (A), (B) & (C) tralia a n d C a n a d a h a v e b e c o m e
s c h e d u l e d b a n k s is fixed at a 1 8 8 . W h i c h o f the following m i s s i o n s n e w e x p o r t e r s of p u l s e s to India.
certain percentage of their N D T L . i s given the n a m e 'Operation N e w Uptill n o w w h i c h o f t h e following
W h a t is full form of N D T L ? Dawn'? c o u n t r i e s w a s the s i n g l e b i g g e s t
(1) N e w D e m a n d & T e n u r e Lia- (1) W a r in I r a q . e x p o r t e r of p u l s e s to India ?
(2) L a u n c h of S p a c e M i s s i o n by (1) M y a n m a r (2) Pakistan
(2) N e t D e m a n d & T i m e Liabili- India (3) N e p a l (4) B a n g l a d e s h
(3) A n n o u n c e m e n t of new relief (5) Britain
(3) N a t i o n a l D e p o s i t s & T o t a l Li- p a c k a g e for f a r m e r s 194. S e v e r a l c o u n t r i e s i n E u r o p e
(4) N e w r e h a b i l i t a t i o n o p e r a t i o n abandoned their currencies and
14) Net D u r a t i o n & T o t a l Liquidi- for flood v i c t i m s in P a k i s t a n a d o p t e d a c o m m o n c u r r e n c y in
ty (5) N o n e of t h e s e the year 2 0 0 1 . That currency is
(5) N e w D e p o s i t s a n d T e r m Li- k n o w n as —
189. W h i c h of the following countries
won m a x i m u m Gold Medals in the (1) Europa
184. W h i c h of the following c o u n t r i e s recently concluded C o m m o n - (2) G i b r a l t e r P o u n d
borrowed maximum amount of w e a l t h G a m e s in N e w D e l h i ?
loan f r o m t h e W o r l d B a n k i n last (3) Dollar
(1) India (2} Australia
fiscal y e a r ? (4) P o u n d Sterling
(3) E n g l a n d (4) C a n a d a
(1) India (2) T u r k e y (5) E u r o
(5) N o n e of t h e s e
(3) N e p a l (4) Pakistan 195. G o v e r n m e n t m a y r e d u c e its b u d -
1 9 0 . W h i c h o f the following i s / a r e the g e t a r y deficit b y v a r i o u s m e a -
(5) N o n e of t h e s e
highlights of the Foreign T r a d e s u r e s . W h i c h o f the following i s
185. The Reserve Bank of India recent- Policy 2 0 0 9 - 1 4 , w h i c h w a s re-
ly d e c i d e d to review its m o n e t a r y N O T one such measure ?
v i e w e d b y the G o v e r n m e n t re-
policy m o r e frequently. T h i s m e a - (1) M a r k e t b o r r o w i n g
cently ?
sure of the RBI will be called RBl's (2) Deficit financing
(A) G o v e r n m e n t to i n c r e a s e ex-
(3) Foreign g r a n t s
p o r t s u p t o US $ 2 0 0 billion
(A) M o n e t a r y M e a s u r e (4) I n c r e a s i n g taxes
t h i s fiscal year.
(B) Financial M a r k e t M e a s u r e (5) R e d u c i n g taxes a n d i n c r e a s -
(B) List of i t e m s a flowed for duty-
(C) Regulatory M e a s u r e free i m p o r t s r e d u c e d b y 3 0 % . ing s u b s i d i e s
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196. 'Commercial Papers' are issued by • (1) Future contract (4) Only (A) & (C)
{2) Forward contract (5) Only (C)
(1) a company to a bank (3) Market contract 209. The Nobel Prize 2010 for litera-
(2) Banks to Companies (4) Standard contract ture was given to —
(3) Banks to Banks (5) None of these (1) Mario Vergas Llosa
(4) Company to its suppliers 203. If market quotes USD/INR as (2) Akira Suzuki
(5) None of these 48.61/63, this means we can (3) Richard F. Heck
197. Which of the following organiza- buy USD at which of the follow- (4) Robert G. Edwards
tions maintains buffer stock of ing rates at the given quote ? (5) None of these
the food grain in India ? (1) 48.61 (2) 63.48 210. At which one of the following
(1). Commission for Agricultural (3) 61.48 (4) 48.63 States Rawa gas fields are locat-
Costs and Prices (5) None of these ed ?
(2) Central Warehousing Corpo- 204. The foreign trade policy in India (1) West Bengal
ration is announced by the — (2) Andhra Pradesh
(3) Food Coq^oration of India (1) Reserve Bank of India (3) Kerala
(4) MandiSamiti of each State (2) Ministry of Commerce (4) Orissa (5) Karnataka
(5) None of these (3) FEDAI 211. Who amongst the following is the
198. "MAT provision in Income Tax author of the book "Building So-
(4) Ministry of Finance
cial Business", published recent-
stands for — (5) None of these ly?
(1) Medium Alternate Tax 205. Lending to Self Help Groups (1) LiuXiaobo (2) Amarrya Sen
(2) Maximum Alternate Tax (SHGs) by Banks is known as — (3) Bertil Ohlin
(3) Minimum Alternate Tax (1) Non priority Sector (4) Manmohan Singh
(4) Mild Alternate Tax (2) Priority sector (5) Muhammad Yunus
(5) None of these (3) Commercial sector 212. While tackling the problem of in-
199. Maximum FDI in Pvt sector Bank (4) Corporate Sector flation, which one of the follow-
in India is allowed up to — (5) None of these ing aspects is taken into consid-
(1)26% (2)49% 206. According to Ministry of Consum- eration by the RBI?
(3) 50% (4) 74% er Affairs, which one of the fol- (1) Balance between budget def-
(5) None of these lowing products had contributed icit and price stability
200. Many times we read about SWIFT maximum to take the inflation at (2) Balance between growth and
in newspapers. What is its full highest level ? financial stability
form ? (1) Vegetables (2) Jowar (3) Balance between price of all
(3) Atta (4) Coconut oil essential commodities
(1) Sound World wide Institution
(5) Milk (4) Balance between growth,
for Transactions
price stability and financial
(2) Safe Window In case of Finan- 207. In which one of the following
cial Transaction States, ONGC has set up a 102
(5) None of these
(3) Society for World wide Inter- mw capacity wind power
project. ? 213. Which of the following is/are a/
bank Financial Telecommuni- an indicator of the financial
cation (1) Gujarat
health of a country ?
(4) Safe Window for Inter bank (2) Rajasthan
Financial Transactions (3) West Bengal
(C) FDI in a year
(5) None of these (4) Orissa (1) Only (A) (2) Only (B)
201. As per latest data in urban areas (5) Andhra Pradesh (3) Only (C)
women employment is highest in 208. Through which one of the follow- (4) All (A), (B) & (C)
which of the following industries ing source(s), Indian companies
areas ? (5) None of these
are allowed to access funds from
(1) Private households 214. Stock Exchanges" play a role in
an economy which may be termed
(2) Textiles (A) External Commercial Borrow-
as —
(3) Apparel ings (ECB) only
(1) hardly useful
(4) Education (B) Foreign Currency Convertible
(2) useful but need strict regula-
(5) Retail Trade Bonds (FCCBs)/Foreign Cur-
202. In the world of commodity ex- rency Exchangeable Bonds
(3) harmful to proper capital mar-
changes - the concept of "A stan- only
dard contract to buy or sell a (C) Preference Shares only.
(4) a gambling - where many in-
specified commodity at a certain (1) Only (A) vestors get ruined
date in future and at a market (2) Onry(B) (5) a very important segment to
driven price" - is known as — (3) All (A), (B) & IC) regulate inflation
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215. Which of the following is/are (1) Shantiswaroop Bhatnagar

called Key Policy rates by the Prize
Reserve Bank of India ? (2) Kalidas Award
(A) Bank rate (3) Dronacharya Prize
(B)CRR (4) Arjuna Award
(C) SLR (5) Dadasaheb Phalke Award
(1) Only (A) 222. The plenary meeting of United
(2) Only(B) Nation as General Assembly on
(3) Only (B) & (C) millennium Development Goals
(4) Only (A) & (B) was recently held in
(5) All (A), (B) & (C) (1) Tokyo (2) Jakarta
216. "World Post Office Day' is cele- (3) New York
brated on (4) New Delhi
(1) November 19 (5) Paris
(2) October 10 223. According to the Newspaper re-
(3) November 9 ports, India's neighbour China
has helped in installing a
(4) October 9
nuclear power plant.
(5) None of these
(1) Pakistan (2) Bhutan
217. Mr. Li Muing-Buck who had come
(3) Nepal
to India on an official visit, is the
(4) Afghanistan
president of
(5) Myanmar
(1) South Korea
224. AFSPA was recently in news. It
(2) China
stands for
(3) Myanmar
(1) Armed Forces Super Powers
(4) Vietnam
(5) None of these
(2) Association of Financial Super
218. Which of the following terms is
Powers in Asia
associated with Hockey?
(3) Armed Forces Special Powers
(1) Checkmate
(2) Ashes (4) Association of Forces & Su-
(3) Double fault per Powers in Asia
(4) Luv (5) None of these
(5) Centre forward 225. Which of the following did not
219. W h i c h of the following w a s participate in the Comonwealth
awarded with Rajiv Gandhi Na- Games recently held in Delhi ?
tional Sadhana award to spread (1) SainaNehwal
communal harmony and peace?
(2) Dola Banerjee
(1) Murali Manohar Joshi
(3) GaganNarang
(2) ArundhatiRoy
(4) Abhinav Bindra
(3) Medha Patekar
(5) Sharat Kamal
(4) Maulana Vihuddin Khan
(5) None of these
220. What is the name of programme
launched by the government of
India with a view to provide so-
cial security to the people work-
ing in unorganised sectors?
(1) Rajlakshmi
(2) Kuteer Jyoti
(3) Arunoday
(4) Svavalamban
(5) None of these
221. Which of the following prizes/
awards/honours is given for ex-
cellence in films?

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