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CAMBRIDGE Chris Redston & Gillie Cunningham DVD-ROM ed Taye lag Ghai Student's Book CAMBRIDGE UNIVERSITY PRESS Cambridge, New York, Melbourne, Madrid, Cape ‘Town, Singapore, 880 Paulo, Delhi, Mexico City Cambridge University Press ‘The Edinburgh Building, Cambridge CB2 SRU, UK wwwcambridge.or Information on this ttle: worw.cambridge org/9781 1074; © Cambridge University Press 2012 ‘This publication is in copyright. Subject ro statutory exception and to the provisions of relevant collective licensing agreements, no reproduction of any part may take place without the written permission of Cambridge University Press. First published 2012 5rd printing 2013, Printed in Dubai by Oriental Press A catalogue record for this publicarion is available rom the British Library 107-42204-9 Student's Book with DVD-ROM -0-521-28305-2 Workbook with Key ISBN 978-0-521-28306-9 Workbook without Key ISBN 978-1-107-65400-6 Teacher's Book with DVD ISBN 978-1-107-42206-3 Class Audio CDs (Cambridge University Press has no responsibility forthe persistence or accuracy of URLs for external or third-party internet websites referred to in this publication, and does not guarantee that any content on such websites is, Co will remain, aceurate or appropriate. Information regarding prices, travel ‘imetabies and other factual information given in this work is correct at therime of frst printing but Cambridge University Press does not guarantee the accuracy of such information thereafter. face face Elementary Student’s Book : EE CAMBRIDGE Chris Redston & Gillie Cunningham ap Ce PRESS i. ee Contents 0 Welcome! pS Rist Ayana FFB Tig ae omit facherncrtan a ees aru 4A How are you? ‘pe Comes adrenals Up ag h ataneteTS - 1B Coffee break pro aan a ie se eels perscner cous pa be th — aig roa - _s ele pest ns 4D Lost proper a pi sae Rae cela. Piaf tt hm fe s Cava Practise ana Propress Pontoio1 pts @)ser-aucy ovo-nOw) 2A What's important? p16 spas rps ps dae ia PIG sipshewdydeadsey __quavereand swt sre Q 28 The Browns pie rosie 20 Time and money p20. Wem wig eine saa Fen sins, ets tte cama 2D Where's the baby? p22__His halos xen lace (Beamon acdnagenraiaia ome Os study DVD-ROM 2 SA" Wy day pea ivan rent Se): pee a We 26 tee ines Pres cng aba ed P28 peter Me ot a sie estou ual) ‘BC Special days p28 ee ces ass ors dn ag oak dayrand se: uoesone "3D Eany bia? pao fiat aie aes Sa ee nO aeen ae “A Away fromhome paz uiieicemien PeseitSnge (9) patie and ep be) “4B First Date! ‘pad tip yoteard ab he (quis nd £06 one. 4 Eating out poe alenddnnh nace a 4D Breakfast time pas oalindirn 2 = . = Screw unis Siva Pracice Jana Progress Pontaio’ pra @)Setteway ovo-nowa Past ipl): be poate ad nega, 5A Three generations ‘ues red an Past Sie 2 opr wd rope 5B Famous films ‘ete at nd at) ovine SC Four weekends i hig bowie 5D Competitions pao act THe ne oa a GHaRMSuaPapest Ponies otis @) sorency ovo-nows GA Google ft! pas Serie Pat ie (3) gs, 50 toes na hr ans @B Changing technology ps0 msmeiTe sen exe 6C Thenews p52 vote hom ewsstnien ~ ~ Taking abou Denes “6D_ Mario Man pea eae Extra Praction and biogioes Partolos pizo @) sei-suay ovo-nOM 6 [IEE sco Teacher's DvD a ET tt anil Fee ame? Sarason _Fetrone an Sane je a ‘eceiawrn Tino ‘hrs nombers and jobs Prone amber Three conversations ~~ Serionces abou we : Tconons too = rt Taw Ltn Sorina sigh) Pron omar Ta hoen aaa rane Le Thege nie coon HELP WITH PRONUNCIATION Wesarecwa aia pis ‘Reading and Weng Portfolo 1 Atte ht ten 54 ‘ira iw Ne with isting Senos se 2) ‘is 0 Ti adore AERP A cho. bested? Bain “use mat pone i Wrens anes tas? pes HELP WITH PRONUNCIATION Theta a wouepz2 eovl eos Watsinsrin ne? Whats rpatartio ra? yee rsssaies __fsweyass Fan os TreBoun ny ton wih way 7 7st nein andr cara “Saoes in posts Reading and Writing Portfolio 2 lyon bing Ysmkot Tamar Taiteanee Tan on ists bes Freres Cis wdog 7 Frabo pen Hb wig ae) ai op? - Tino | ‘Wate aa? Tia ate er? EEE i asst _ eamectin Endrin yar orn ca? HELE vari PRONUNOISTION lone a8 Reading and Writing Portfolio 8 Alston ison 8 a Tao ine aries Ueatae moe Testor wit Ona? ie ay samar' te ie ep wth stening iting) = “hinge ean ne Fist! Frio “Gusts wih Dosen. 7 z wai rr! Nar frat _ os your cate ep wih Listening Nouriel mans ‘Acoma #e Ft etna ck EOP i ro suncse ___ Garsasin aca é Breas grand We wa Wals bbe Ayperert testa TELE WITH PRONUNCIATION 797 9/ anise 08 Reading and witing Portfolio 4 tenet oitnior = en as het? Ties resin Taya Tasine wih ad nae a Wha ws aon ‘Meppwath stoning kes 2) a Tstonsabaniherat ———~Map wt Lstenng Peat SroeO) Carre worl a 2 yin as Si Z ; What iat wend IRE vas vr wee? Fear wands ‘Winans abo sg oon up gure 3 Tenens or quite char? Wena adios BELP iW PRONUNCIATION Tlie 000? ‘easing and Writing Portfolio 5 AngiteronembarYhansnka Winer Fone cue Te Soe oe ‘Rogan ai singe eres Fnisoncee nto _ ee Pat Sve eauesene 4 Uy eble coreierand TV ‘elp wh istening. caren capt Outaiow TV yt ote Tis mle phones Tolan ss Welatenee Two as pons EMI Ferg aboste ens Mejpwh stein Secs es) Vie ges “Te ier oT gars __HELP WITH PRONUNCIATION PaaSrpb alone wens ‘Sipsu Mano ate FRoading and Writing Portfole 6 Tame! ovo Grammar GEE Lg 7A Where lve pe RT ae 7B Anew home cea esata saa aon aie : me aa : 76 atthe shops a aneete Tins oes ‘7D What to wear pea cies lous: poalTome Enya Pracioe Vand PrOGiuaUPONIOIST pint @)sor-etaay OVO-ROMT GA The meeting pea wim Tro Conbano pro a —_— 2 tepie dis sores & i ‘8B Ws snowing! pee bpesolbanoer Frese Sig: eet Cots San ots ses ‘BC On the phone pee ications 8D Life outdoors p70 ib ea a : = lees aa Ena Practice @ and Progress Pantoioa plzz @ soltstudy ovo.ROMA 9A Holiday South Africa p72 ‘mimics Tne of pap OB Atriptocgypt p74 faiinigbers ‘compares e oe 8C Aday out p76 ina - = ‘eae 9D Time forachange p78 viata livin ule = - Eava practice Sand ogress Poricion pi2s @)ser-suay ovo-ROMS. OA Stayfitand healthy pao Soin c ieee fequoy eras cart OB What's she like? pa2 since pes wt NE Goan 706 H feet i pea feats ‘ak abateath : i 40D Winter blues ‘pBG ton ener wad Borg = Ses eee Oa ae 1A Happy New Year! pee WevVaejmailon ‘gong pate, rapt and ions IB Nomore exams! p90 be got oo mi teagan i 11. Directions: pez Gece i ‘sf a0 gunn cons i ‘1D An invitation pea scare ee ee 2A Wea world record poe besinlianer a / | 2B Have youever 7 peo mee | Boe ee ao | C soe B Entcroere nner pws es ae : Eira Pract tnd Progrss Patt @ pide) @)/Selaluay ROW Ie Pair and Group Work pioa Language Summaries p127 ‘Audio and Video Scripts piss ss EEG} see Teacher's ov> eee oe! ene en CMe eae nel ae is TE Theos : Troop tthe Won rs *s "Spek the ference Renan at ‘An advert fora fat ‘Questions wi Haw. Are ee? tora ve e 3 Fou na caimcne — EEERGa Tab? Tamara areola pt se 7 ‘Wat wat ‘We and my clots E ‘adn ana Wing PORTOIS 7 tna vos Sik ceme Thiowat neal afatfone Tier “Sap Katine Tess be Poe Soe oy ae ee = feta tring Ln : ; cree ego Usening Fru sigs A atanes dadaroiet’ Ap omer j Eeperrcal iran oe 3 Eston Wilco ov? ‘eee ea Seiaraain ceed a rat aru rcwuncianon vnc arm Fading and Writing Portillo & Feany ae vot 9 Wytoles, ‘ala ae Tour Seance wk no el pr { Fevrabace ep wth Usteing eae em oo E erp ‘heoang fate TwoFeiay pe ‘Soares canpaaas = wa pezle ow ak on oy ‘Wana you he 0? EEE Fung aaa isbpnsa ent 408 ot Desire wat toco “Dinos wh koa we iret ee Teper nano eer rrowncimon serena ‘ending and Writing Por#ole 8 Ressingy Waiasb 7 Tela eho com Testo ly ; th a S a 4 Dara pepe Ha "orden 7 05308 4 ‘nero LGoarew gre tp tng Sree) or) EEE Gti : id Hep ustag Song sree 4 ‘What's the weather the? youre SAD, soe the light ~ Bein crow ncuron Tee ser ‘Reading and Wriing POPTOHD 10 Teaver Tae re aaa : Teves nea inirsiereanonh 4 Fede peo. Fp ethos te ao 4 teip wi stn sy 0 : q ‘ete a iea ans ala To elayroer HERP Sn crs Zena eg rectee SS em gts wae nena bt rg maralny eae A Hola tig i Fete wits rononciarion ara 08 ‘Reading and wring Porat 71 Atm wet wns ee q Tapes “Tene I) epietsinng Serewestess Ta owaur 7 ieee Test orp aero ee J _feliy ers Hoe eros 4 Tyagi EGER Ate oer ‘cones ener j reer HED) on) JHE With PRONUNCIATION vaio omy anta Phonemic Symbols pt6e7 Irregular Verb List p67 [Raaaing and wating Portion 12 abe amor rk Self-study DVD-ROM Instructions p168 Welcome! Hello! Eh 2 EER: Look at conversation + and fsten b Practise conversation 1 with your teacher. Use your name, Bh 2 Eile Look at conversation 2 and tsten bb Practise conversation 2 with four students Use your name. Numbers 0-20 ‘a Work in pairs. How do we say these numbers? o123 465 6 7 8 9 10 1112 «13:14 «415 16 17 18 19 20 » Elks Listen and check Listen again and practise. © Workin the same pais. Say fve numbers. \Wrte your partner's numbers. Ave they correct? Classroom instructions ‘Workin new pairs. Which of these instructs do you understand? Check in Languaye Surwmary Welcome tz pen your book Look atthe photo on page 1 De exrige 6 on your ov, Look the boar Workin pars Workin groups, Flin the gans. Compare answers Bienen ac Listen and prec, eich ine words tothe petures: ‘Aakeatd ence the quasione b [EEEB 4 Listen and tick (V) the instructions when you hear them Vocabulary numbers 0-20; the alphabet things in the classroom; days of the week Real World introducing yoursel; ctassroom instructions; names; saying goodbye . menor BD seaciier Hello, What's your name, please? DENIZ. My name's Deniz. Aslan. TEACHER I'm Peter Adams, Welcome to the class. benz Thank you. a OLGA Hi, I'm Olga. HASSAN. Nice to meet you. OLGA. You too. The alphabet Go Ets Listen and practise the alphabet. Aa Bb Cc Dd Ee Ff Gg Hh fi jj Kk LU Mm Na Oo Pp Qq 2 Ss Tt Uu Vv Ww Xx Yy Zz bb [EGIRS Listen and write the words TIP + 55 = doublos First names and surnames Gl 2 Look at conversation 3. Then match the teacher's questions 1-9 to Marcos's answers 2-c. + What's your frstrame? a FHU-E-No 2 Whats your surname? Fuentes 3. How do you spel that? ¢_‘i's Marcos b EEEIB7 Usten and check. * © EES Liston to two conversations, A and 8 Write the names. 2 Eke Listen and practise the questions in 6a. ES, b Ask four students these questions and write the names. Things in the classroom Il «Match these words to pictures & table chair abock pencil apen adictionary CD player aTV aDvDplayer acomputer Work in pairs. Test your partner. What's picture e?| [esa chair. Goodbye! ED « Putte days ofthe week inorder. Friday Tuesday Thursday Monday 1 Wednesday Saturday Sunday b EBi0 Listen and check, Listen again and practise. What day is it today? What day is it tomorrow? HE) EEE 1 Liston and write the day. Then practise with other students MARCOS Bye, Olga. 16s. Goodbye. See you on MARCOS Yes, See you faneteig Mascolemu-erolaat Tick (/) the things you can do in English. [7 Lan say hl, invocice myst ans Sy sooabye |can say numbers 0-20 [3 tcan understand oasraom instructions TS tan say he atphabet > Ican spell my name, | scansay he days othe week Vocabulary countries and nationalities Grammar be (1): positive and Wh- questions; How are you? subject pronouns and possessive adjectives Real World introducing people ‘QUICK REVIEW The alphabet Wie fve Hl 2 E51 Listen and notice the word stress (*)n the | words in English. Work in pairs. Spell the countries and nationalities in 3a. & words to your partner. He/She writes them Brazil Brazilian in. Are they correct? a me b Listen again and practise. Copy the ‘word stress. lustenirg and Speaking Reading and Listening Be Be Read and isten - a ee cara actce. EB [SSD ead andtistnto conversation 8, ands b Practise conversation 1 with four students. Use your name, B 2 Gs Read and listen to conversation 2. Listen again and practise. b Work in pairs. Compare answers. usa Hello, Tom. sos Hi, Lisa, How are usa. Pm fine, thanks. And you? Tost Fm OK, thanks. Work in groups. Take turns to introduce students to each other. ED novo Bianca, chs is Toshi ANCA Hello, Toshi. Nice to meet you, Vocabulary and Speaking Countries and nationalities rosiit You too, Ed 2 Tick) the countries you know countries | nationalities Bra Brad an ia Austr Argentina Argent theUSK —_Améric Gémery | Gérm lay wa México | Mic fiissia ssi RECEPTIONIST Good morning, Eaypt Egint ‘What's your name, please? CARLOS Tes Carlos Moreno. the UK Bish Spain Span fucerrionist And where are Poland Pa you from: Thrkey Tork CARLOS I'm from China chin ése Jaén ciapan France French 'b Write the missing letters in the nationalities. Check in Language Summary 1 [CREEP p28. © Where are you from? What's your nationality? HELP WITH GRAMMAR be (1): positive and Wh- questions ‘a Fillin the gaps with ‘m, re or 's. POSITIVE (+) 4. mom Spain. (elem) 2 You. inroom 6. (=youare) 3 Ho fromtaly (ene is) 4 she___ from Braz (she's) 5 It. Carlos Moreno. (eitis) 6 from Australia, (= weare) 7 They fromtheUK. f= they are) bb Fillin the gaps with are ors WH QUESTIONS (”) 1 Where are youfrom? 4 What 2 Wher he from? § What 3 Where she from? 6 Where © Check in KETINIEEEE p129. your name? your names? they from? RECEPTIONIST What are your names, please? [DANIEL My name's Daniel Ross and this is Kelly Easton. {ECETIONIST. Where are you from? DANIEL We're from RECEPTIONIST Welcome to the conference. You're in room 6. EMMA Where's he from? DAVE He's from EMMA OK. And where's she from? AVE She's from : EMA. Right. And where are they from? PAVE They're from + Think, Ho GS 16 MEENA Lston and practise the Sentances in 6a and the questions in 6b. Copy the contractions (!m, youre, What’, et) 1m from Spain bb Workin pals. Practise conversations 3,4 and 5. E Fitin tre gaps with m, re, are ors EMMA Where ! are pave They? EMMA What pave His name Fatima, they from? from Egypt. their nam Hanif and her name* RECEPTIONIST What © DIETER Our names? ‘Mehmet Kaya, RECEPTIONIST. Where ® DIETER I? from Turkey. your names, please? Dieter Koller and you from? from Germany and he! HELP WITH GRAMMAR Subject pronouns and possessive adjectives ED) Fil inthe tabie with the words in bold in 8 subject Pronouns you jhe | she it they possessive |, i adjectives 7 EINES 120 ‘8 Choose the correct words. RECEPTIONIST What are "youGou?) names, please? MARTIN "We/Our names are Martin and Jala Green RECEPTIONIST Where are 'you/your from? MawriN *We/Our re from the USA. Lis Where are Sthey/their from? TOM °He/His’s from France and “shesher 's from Japan. isa What are Szhey/their names? TOM *He/His name's Louis and "she/her name’s Hiroko, b Work in pairs. Compare answers. Work in pairs, Student A p104. Student B p109. b Get ready ... Get it right! : Vocabulary ob; ana an Grammar be (2): negative, yes/no questions Coffee break nds anvere QUICK REVIEW Numbers 0-20 Workin pairs. Countfrom0to 20: A Zero. B One, A Two. B Three. ‘Then count backwards from 20 to 0: ‘an gantaees A Twenty. B Nineteen. A Eighteen. Brian Wells Listening and Speaking + 07969631178 5 Call Cecilia in Spain today! FS ps4 934 209% EB Work in pairs. Look at A-D. How do we say the phone numbers? eee TIP + In phone numbers 0 = oh or zero a and 11 = double one, Bo » Ek Listen and check. Listen again and practise. ‘by BB 2 EESB 12 Usten to four i conversations. Write the phone Kingsland Hotel numbers. ‘ree ‘S00 you on Saturday b Ask three students their phone numbers. You can invent numbers if you lke! What's your Irs mobile number? : HELP WITH VOCABULARY a and an Look atthe obs in Sa, Then complete the rules with a or an What's your les 3 © Weuse ____with nouns that begin with a consonant sound, home number? (The consonants are b, 6, 6, f etc) = © Weuse ____with nouns that begin with a vowel sound, (The vowels area, @, jo, u) Vocabulary and Speaking i ce EUSUUEGERD p20 IB 2 Work in pairs. Which of these jobs Fill in the gaps with a oran. {Jo you know? Thon do the exercise in 1 Be : tice AEEDIEDAES p20. 7 student 5 English book 2 enswer ‘ ‘oon aménager adBctor an asiles assistant a water/a waltese acisaner a poice officer andctor/an Sctess musician atéacher astident ancusewite an accduntant a lawyer builder amechénic IG) @ Look again atthe pictures in EEEEEE 129, Take turns to cover the words and test your partner. ‘What's his job? | [He's a mechanic What's her job? | [ She's an actress TIPS + in -96 vocabulary boxes we only show the main stress, 'b What's your job? Ask other students. * We can also say m unemployed. not | Himramunemployed. and lm retired, not ‘What's your job? | [I'm a manager. Herarethed, z » Eb Listen ang What do youdo?| [Tfma student Practise. Copy the word stress. eee Be Listening and Speaking El 2 Gilh-20 ead and lstento these Gonworsations. il inthe gaps withthe correct bs. 1-8 Ato you fom New York? No, we aren't rom the USA. We'e {om Canada, i A. Oh, really? What do you do? B man! ‘and Jane's at i 2A Who's she? j Her name's Sally Ancrews. A lsshoa? 2 Yoo, shais. But she isnt famous 3A. What do you do? B Imat ‘And you? A tman’. Are you from Mexico? | ‘A No, 'mnot, 'm from Colombia. { Look at the photo. Match ‘conversations 1-3 to the groups of people AC. HELP WITH GRAMMAR be (2): negative, yes/no questions and short answers 1 Look again at 7a. Underine all the parts of be in the conversations. 4 bb Fillinthe gaps in these negative Ef Work in pairs, Ask and answer questions about the people in Sentences with 'm, aren't an isnt. the photo gt nota teacher Ishea doctor? No, he isn't. He’ an engineer 2 You/We/They for the USA (are not 3 3 He/Sho/tt famous. (= is not) EB] @ Tick (V) the sentences that are true for you. Make the other fa ete serene naga, Wie erect sorters + man Engish stu answers with ‘m, Is, Are isn't or aren't. 2 I'm rom the. 1. Are you trom Spain? 1'm not from the UK. I'm from Poland. Yes, |am./No, |___ not 2 she a musician? [My English class is in room 12 Yes, she is./No, she F'man accountant My teacher's from Australi, 100s in London from New York? Yes, we are./No, we 4 Check in EINEM p20. Epa: Listen and Practise. Copy the contractions m, aren't, ete). im nota teacher. My languag My English lessons are on Tus Thu The students in my class are ll ror my Work in groups. Compare sentences. Get ready ... Get it right! FB. Work in pas, Student A p104, Student 8 p109, We aren't from the USA. reais eae kes eed ‘a. Work in pairs. How do we say these numbers? ‘Check in P1238, 50 60 70 80 90 b Work in the same pairs. Say these numbers, 28 a7 51 63 75 8 92 Sy a Personal eC Real World asking for personal details asking people to repeat things Vocabulary numbers 20-100 — i Work in pairs. Write all the jobs you a [EET 22 Listen to tnese numbers. Notice the stress. thirtéentnlety fftden ity ninetson bb [BEEBR23 Usten and write the numbers. co Eb Listen and practise the numbers in 2a and 2b. Ei Workin pairs, Say a number between 1 and 100, Your partner saya the nox three numbers fifty-cight | | ffty-nine, sixty, sixty-one What’s her address? 2 Look a the photo of Emma, Then maich these words to Emma's things 1-8 card abisiness card a mobile phne b Match these words/phrases to the letters a-j in the pictures. name b surname home number work number mobile number home adress ‘email accross postcode at work Creait card number job © Work in pairs. Ask questions about 1-10 in 4b. Emma, ‘What's her first name? rinety Webber & Webber Lid muse = Emma Mitchell 1 Scles Manager Ei Tel 0151 496 0614 Ti Mobile o7o7e 610774 Ti enail Hi Daniotay me Party's at my }0USe. My address is 168 Evesham Roag Liverpool Lis 7K, My home number ig 0181 486 o6sa, See you on Sunday! Love Emma CarRentals | TENING Sentence stress (1) EB [En 25 Lo0k at the photo of Paul. Then listen to the ‘woman's questions. Notice the sentence stress. We stress the important words nit’ your slmame, pléase? Wit’s your fest ndrno? And wt your nationsity? What's your addréss? And what's your péstcode? What's your mébile nimber? And what's your hme ndimber? What's your émall adcréss? [lo BEEF 1 SF 26 waten or listen to Paul's conversation. Tick (7) the sentences in 5 when you hear them b Watch or listen again, Complete the form. Dar Hire Form firstname Paul nationality adress Road. Bristol mobile number 97969 home number comail address REAL WORLD Asking people to repeat things a [EB 27 Listen to these sentences from the conversation in the car he office. Filin the gaps wth these words, repeat again please Could sorry 1 tm 2 you say that please? 3. Could you that ? b EUNUGIIME Listen again and practise, REAL WOR 12 ea El} 20 EMMI Listen and practise the ‘questions in 5. Copy the sentence stress. Work in pairs. Interview your pariner and fin the form. Use the questions in 5. Car Hire Form first name nationality adres home number ‘omall addross ee 1D AND SKILLS Lost property ara at ee ose pairs. Count from 010.61 TA Zero. B Three. A Sit. : ‘Then count from 0 to 98 in sevens: _ BZero. A Seven. B Fourteen. Look at the picture of the lost property room in the conference hotel. Match these words to 1-17 caries 12. walets an MP3 player a mébile watches an umbréla bags shoes | acémera coats abke/bleycle arid suitcases a laptop drésses Bards false eth | ¢ HELP WITH VOCABULARY | Plurals | Ei» ite tne missing letters. when + do we add -s, -es and -ies? Which plurals are irregular? 2 singular | plural abag bag 5 awallt | walet J _asuitcase | suitcase 5 watch watch {adress | dress. adiy | dar aman mon E awoman | wom _n 5 achid chiar n 5 aperson (pple atooth | t_ th 2b Check in IUETIEGERP p12. Ea: Usten and practise the singular an plural words in a, EB write the plural a praia HB Workin pairs. Take turns to test each other on 1-17 8 abke bikes 1 acamera b acrecitcard —g_anaddrose Number 12. | They're diaries. © nationality aman cues |, Scour. Number 17, | Ics an MP3 player. © person i awoman {HELP WITH PRONUNCIATION Word stress and syllables FETs" Listen to these words, Notice the siess and numberof sylabes. Listen again and practise. British Je-pin bi-cy-cle com-pir-ter sev-en-téen Eva's got a job at the hotel. Look at the pictures and fil in the gaps with words from 4. ‘a Work in pairs. Write the words in the table. ‘= teaeher musician address thirty fe: =~ thirteen umbrella engineer manager $ erazi Germany Japanese mobile $ Mexican mechan unemployed 2 edich teacher Jenin 2 “bheycle PTB hat are these BE conmpiter BE inenetisn? ‘What are eee those? b [El 22 Listen and check. Listen again and practise. 2 Write five words. Mark the stress on each word. b Work in pairs. Compare words. Is the stress on your partner's words correct? continue2iearn B® Vocabulary, Grammar and Real World HELP WITH VOCABULARY = Extra Practice 4 and Progress Portfolio 1 pliS this, that, these, those = Language Summary 1 p128 = 1A-D Workbook pS ® Self-study DVD-ROM 1 with Review Video there wi singular paral Bi: Eitheo Liston and precise. Copy E the stress. this + what's tnls? — what's this in English? b Choose three things in the classroom or from your bag. Ask your teacher what they are in English. = Portfolio 1 At the hotel Workbook p64 Uber’ that in English?) [1 » poster Reading addresses; hotel registration forms - - Writing capital letters (1): addresses; filing in a ‘What are these in English? | [‘They’se keys. hotel ragistration form QUICK REVIEW Personal possessions _ What's in the lost property room at the conference hotel? Write all the things yo ‘ean remember. Workin pairs. Compare lists. Then check on p14. Vocabulary Adjectives (1) Ell Tick the acjectves you know. Then do the exercise in 120, new ola big small good bad aly ate cheap expinshe | fast slow beduitul Epi young old Sasy dificult right wrong nice great _impértant favourite b Work in pairs. Take turns to test your partner on the opposites. old | | new } HELP WITH VOCABULARY Adjective word order and very Look at these sentences, Then choose the correct words in the rules. She's late, t's a small bag. t's a vory ficult question. Those are my new shoes. © We put adjectives before/after the verb be, © We put adjectives before/after a noun, © We put very before/after adjectives. ‘Adjectives are/aren’t plural with plural nouns. 130, Make sentences with these words. very /'s/It/ early. It’s very early. answer /right That /°s /the very / are / Those / dresses / expensive. cheap /a/It/ watch /'s very / They / good /'re / cameras ‘question / very /a/diffcut /'s / That Work in pairs. Compare sentences, Vocabulary adjectives (1); adjective word order and very Grammar have got: positive and negative, questions and short answers | ALAN: What things are important in my life? ‘Well, Pve got an old car. Ie isn’t very fast, but love it. What else? Well, my mobile’s very important to me, I's got all my friends’ phone numbers on it, my photos, music, everything! I haven't got a laptop, but I've gor an old computer. That's important to me for school. And I've got a big TV in my room. ‘That's very important because [love football Reading and Listening 2 [EElIFs9 Read and listen to Alan and his grandmother, Mary, jnderine the things that are important to each person, b Read the texts again. Find all the adjectives. © Work in pairs. Compare answers. HELP WITH GRAMMAR have got: positive and negative examples of ve got (= have got), 's got (= has got), haven't got and hasn't got b Fillin the gaps with ‘ve, 's, haven't and hasn't 2 Look again atthe texts about Alan and Mary, Find al the POSITIVE (4) $ Vyou/wo/thay got (= have got) he/she got (= has got 2 Neoanve 2 you/we/they {got (= have not go) £ hesshest got (= has not go!) : bist seed AM Te yyany What's important to me? I've gor this very expensive watch. I's from Ben, my busband, and Tlove it. And my diary - that’s important to me too. Ben hasn't got a diary, he's got everything ‘on his mobile chese days. And my new bicycle is {important to me because we haven't got a car. What else? Well, we've gor a beautiful cat, Lily She's very important! EB @ Workin pairs. Look atthe table and guess which things Alan and Mary have got. Put ack (7) ora cross (x) inthe guess columns, Alan Mary product | guess | answer | guess | answer laptop six x camera MP3 player radio DVD player” bb [EEI25 Listen to Alan and Mary answer questions fora survey. Complete the ansiwver columns. Aro your quesses correct? HELP WITH GRAMMAR have got: questions and short answers a Filin the gape with nave, has, haven't or hasn't auestions SHORT ANSWERS 3 Yes. @ Gabe: Listen and practise. Have_you got a camera? A Copy the stress and contractions (ve, he's, et.) Menai ae he/she gota DVD player? Nes. he/te Yos, they EE Fitin ne gaps withthe corect form of have got nerooanycmap ner YO. 1 ve.got_(6) 3 96 camer, Wat. you go in your bag? (avery big house — Rees “TIP + We use any wth plural nouns in yesino questions. 4 We (Ja computer. b Check in EEIMINEIERP p31 (4 your mobile number. an i a eae i Eathss Listen and practise the questions ® (+) a very good TV, bu and short answers in te ()aDvb player. i stirt neers i 10s, 7 Mary and Ben (+)abeautiti EE} Workin pairs. Ask questions about Alan and Mary. cat called Ly. . eee 8 They (aces Has Alan gota new cai? [ No, he hasn't a Think of a friend and write five things he/she has got or hasn't got b Work in pairs. Compare lists. Are any of the things the same? | Get ready ... Get it right! Work in pairs, Student A p104, Student B pt09. 2B The Browns 1 husband ’'s name is Nick and we've got wo ddughtor féther children pisbard son mdther _brSther a boy and a giel. Our3_son_’s name is Robbie and Florence is our * ~ she's just a baby. And my parents? Well Ben is my * and Mary is my *_. ve got one + his name's Greg, and one sister, fil. | grandmother Vocabulary family Grammar possessive 's iy WO Pec aac wile parents sisters griinddaughter cgréndsons _grdndohicren ‘oREG My wife. 's name is Martina and we've got ‘one son, Alan. He’s nineteen years old now. I've got wo? Pam and Jill. Pam’s married with two kids and jill’s divorced. My !_parents names are Ben and Mary. They've got three children | nd three 1 two 12 Alan and Robbie, and a + Florence Ss ar€ncparents | @rénafather — tncle ALAN My mum and dad's names are Greg and Martina. I've got two aunts , Pam and Jill, and His name's Nick and he's a doctor. Pve also got rwo Robbie and Florence. My "7 grandparents * names are Ben ~ he’s ~and Mary, my my Vocabulary, Reading and Listening Family Hl @ Look at the family tree. Then read about the family. Fill n the gaps with the words in the boxes. b [EETF37 Listen and check your answers. Look again at the famiy tee. Put the words, Inthe boxes in three groups. Then check in 130. 1 [BE male fathoricad 2B) terse motnermmum 3 BG_malo and temale parents 2. Wie four questions with How many people in the family tree. How many brothers and sisters has Pam got? How many children have Mary and Ben got? b Work in pairs. Ask and answer your questions. Tick the correct sentences. Change the words in bold inthe incorrect sentences. 2 a 5 6 ullis Pam's eousin. sister Ben is Mary's husband. Jilis Alas cousin, Alanis Martina’s son. Nick and Pam are Robbie's grandparents. Mary is Raboie and Florence's grandmother. ? about the HELP WITH GRAMMAR Possessive 's El 2 EIB 29 Listen to sil and Luke's conversation. Put photos ACD in order. by Liston again and choose the correct words. 1s ster Panis an Gai French a Look at these sentences. Then read the rule. Ji is Pam’ sister. My husband's name is Nick. @ We use a name + 's (Pam's, etc) or a noun + ’s (husband's, et.) for the possessive. ‘b's can mean /s, has or the possessive, Match 1-3 to a-c. fear 1 BenisPam'sfathe. 8 S=i8 2 Pam's husband Nicks a 2 Ji'sher sister. b S=has lawyericoctor, 3 She's got one brother, © 'S = possessive 3 Ther son Robie is sk/seven, ‘ 4 sls brother Greg is an (EET p13 engineerfaccountart. 5. His wite Marina is Spanish/tatan L's mother is retreda sales at Make sentences about these people. 4 Pan/aian 3 Robbie / Forence he greece amis Alan's aunt. 4 ‘Wary? Ben 2 Grog /Martioa 5 Forerce / Ben and Mary HELP WITH LISTENING Sentence stress (2) SIG 20 MUNN Listen and practise. Copy the stress. Eis , Py HED 2 [E50 Listen to the frst ans -+ Pim is Men's dunt > semtence ofthe conversation again Notice the sentence stress. We stress Bi 7 the important word Listening and Speaking earn Like, ome and idok at thése phStos of sit wants to show her new boytiond, Luke, some photos. my fori, ok at photos A-D. Who are the people Esok at photos: Peer b Look at Audio Script [SER so 166, Listen to the whole conversation {nd folow the stressed words. Get ready ... Get it right! ‘a Write your name and the names of five people in your family on a piece of paper. Think what you can say about these people (age, job, married, etc.) Don't write this information, b Choose a partner, but don't talk to him/her. Swap papers. Make questions to ask about : your partner's family. . Who's (Claudia)? Is she marieg? Has she got any children? ‘@ Work with your partner. Take ‘tums to ask questions about his/her family. Make notes on your partner's answers, bb Tell another student about your partner's family he Real World tolling the time; talking about me, the ie; saying res; Byng kes st : CP) tec Time and money ae Vocabulary time words - Sy Mone cava all the family words you know. Which words are for Pe teased What's the time? HB 2 Putthese time words in order. aminute ayear aday a week anhour asécond 1 amonth b Work in pairs. Ask and answer these questions. 1. How many minutes are in an hour? 2 How many hours are in a day? 3. How mary months are ina year? 6 6 How many weeks are ina year? How meny hours are in a wook? How many days are in a year? a Match the times to pictures A-F. Check in EEETINMENP p19, one ctléck A quarterto én _ twenty past ve {i EET 40 Listen and match conversations 1-3 to three hat past sven quart past dur twenty o ane of the pictures A-F in 2a, REAL WORLD Talking about the time Ed a Filin the gaps in the questions and answers. What time !____it? | [Irs o'clock. What's the >| | Ts about half please? pacman Excuse me. Have you Yes, i's four 3 the time, please? || fifteen. Fillin the gaps with fo, from or at. 1. MyEnglsh class is ten 2 Myson’s classis seven rine thirty. pi92 @ > Es Listen and practise the questions and answers in 5a. Copy the polite Intonation in the questions. We can say times in a diferent way. Match these. times to pictures A-F. b Write six times. Work in pairs. Ask and answer the questions in Sa. Write your partner's times. ; . i re they correct? four fitsen tive twEnty seven thirty oe eight nine forty-five one jut sat — aw IT GALLERY ; xican Art | Luly 204-September 3° | Opening times Mont Sor Sun Book online: FilmWorld Leola v3 HE) MEER 2 (S025 watch or listen again. Complete the table. Now showing ' : Anew Day it [ee coat : 7.00, 9.20 = = 7 5.00, ¢ 9.30 ‘Alison and Josh Tickets: Aduits $210,50/¢11.50 Chilcren 487.25, REAL WORLD Buying tickets at the cinema ff] @ Read the sentences. il in the gaps with these words. EI Gan adults te are Thanks please is welcome ‘An evening out Ed @ Look at adverts A and B. Which i for @ cinema and which is for an exhibition? bb [EEE 42 Listen and wrte the missing times 1=4 on the adverts cusTOMER TICKET SELLER Can_ | have (two) tickets for (The Brothers}, please? (Tio) tickets for (A New Day), El 2 Workin pars. How do we say these prices? FZ one nautandone £20 £750 40p £2999 €9 6850 $25 50c b (SS +9 EEMMUIEEMMY Listen and check. Listen again and practise, How much® that? at's How much * the tickets? (e1159) — (£8.48) foro that's (£19.95), please. ae “ | Here you are, What ® is © [E24 Listen and choose the correct (ereyo¥ tioket prices ad on adverts A and B. : it slarts at coven fiteen) Fight." alot it stars in two erinutes), ©) a Before you watch or listen, check these ‘words with your teacher. “Thank you very much, — Youre®__ Enoy buy pépoom ascreen start Z the il b MIERR2 [Et 5 Look at the photo 2b Check in KETOTEIOER p12 in acinoma, Watch or lsten to the people's ‘conversations with the ticket seller. Which film J [zIb46 Listen and practise the customer's sentences in 11a, 0 Chris and Louise want to see? Which film do Alison and Josh want to see? EB Work in pairs. Student A p105. Student B p110.

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