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It has been a century and two decades since the declaration of our

independence from Spain, after being a colony for more than three centuries. This grand

occasion was highlighted by the playing, for the first time, of the Philippine national

anthem, the unfurling of the national flag, and the reading of the proclamation of


The road our nation traveled to attain that goal was long and arduous.

Thousands of our forefathers have fought, suffered and died for hundreds of years. Often,

I am prompted to ask myself and the people around me, “Do we remember the

relevance of Independence Day, aside from it being a holiday for the entire nation?”

There are so many ways to answer that question but for today, let me

propose a solution by providing, first and foremost, the definition of independence and

freedom. In simple terms, independence is defined as the state from the influence or

control of others in matters of thinking and conduct. On the other hand, freedom is

basically the ability to think and act as we see fit. We are independent, but are we really


While independence is a condition, freedom is a decision. Independence

is usually a constituent of freedom as independence leads to freedom. The former is the

legacy of our ancestors, the latter being the challenge to the present and future

generations of Filipinos.

Despite the freedom that we enjoy, efforts to achieve positive changes in our society must be
sustained for a brighter tomorrow. We owe it to the future generations to safeguard and uphold the
liberty that we have gained through the selfless efforts and sacrifices of our valiant forefathers.
(Ang mga larawang itinatampok sa pahinang ito ay hiram lamang para sa dakilang layunin ng
panlipunang kamulatan.)

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