Wonderware InTouch 9.5 Readme PDF

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4/28/2015 InTouch 9.

Wonderware InTouch 9.5 ReadMe
Last revision: 9/8/2005

This document contains important information about WonderwareÒ InTouch 9.5. Review this
document for known issues in this version and changes to the InTouch documentation included on
this CD.

System Requirements

Upgrading from a Previous Version

Known Issues – InTouch 9.5

Known Restrictions for Limited Users – InTouch 9.5

Known Issues – InTouch Documentation

InTouch Documentation

System Requirements
Do not install InTouch on your Domain Controller. This is unsupported and can cause
InTouch 9.5 will not install on a computer with Microsoft .NET Framework 2.0 Beta 2.
When you start the install process, if you don’t have Microsoft .NET Framework 1.1 installed,
the InTouch installation process installs it for you.

To run InTouch, we recommend at least the following software and hardware configurations:
Software Requirements
Microsoft® Windows® Server 2003 with Service Pack 1 or
Microsoft® Windows® 2000 Server with Service Pack 4 or
Microsoft® Windows® 2000 Advanced Server with Service Pack 4 or
Microsoft® Windows XP Professional with Service Pack 2 or
Microsoft® Windows® XP Tablet PC Edition

Hardware Requirements
PC with 1.2 gigahertz (GHz) or faster processor
512 MB minimum, 1 gigabyte recommended
At least 4 gigabytes (GB) of available hard disk space
Super VGA (1024 × 768) or higher-resolution video adapter and monitor
CD-ROM or DVD drive for installation
Keyboard and mouse or compatible pointing device

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Microsoft Windows Server 2003 Support and Requirements:

InTouch 9.5 Terminal Services Edition is supported on Microsoft Windows Server 2003 with
Terminal Server enabled. The default setting for enabling Terminal Server on Windows Server
2003 is the Application Server mode.
Windows Server 2003 Terminal Server client User Name(s) must be a member of Windows
“Remote Desktop Users” and “Power Users” groups to connect to the server and to run any
applications on the server.
TSAC (Terminal Services Advanced Client) functionality has been updated by Microsoft. For
more information, see the Microsoft website http://www.microsoft.com/ and Windows Server
2003 Administration Tools Pack Overview.
Note: Windows Server 2003 Terminal Server does not allow two clients to login with the same user
IDs. Each Terminal Services session has to have a unique user ID to connect to the Windows Server
2003 Terminal Server.

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Upgrading from a Previous Version
InTouch 9.5 can be installed on a system without an existing installed version of InTouch or it can
be installed as an upgrade to a system that already has InTouch 8.0 or later.
When upgrading from InTouch 8.0, InTouch 8.0 SP1 or InTouch 8.0 with SP2 or later to InTouch
9.5, the installation procedure detects which components are already installed on your system and
updates your system accordingly. Adding components or removing any existing installed
components during the upgrade is not recommended.
Upgrading to InTouch 9.5 may require a reboot if the Microsoft MDAC version currently installed on
the system is not up to the prerequisite version level required. InTouch 9.5 requires, as a minimum,
MDAC 2.7 SP1 for Windows 2000 and Windows XP Professional, and MDAC 2.8 for Windows Server
2003. MDAC version is automatically checked during installation procedure.
If you are upgrading from InTouch 7.11 to InTouch 9.5, uninstall InTouch 7.11 before you install
the new version.
If InTouch 7.11 is installed on your system and you have Alarm DB Logger set to run as a service,
change the service mode to manual before you uninstall InTouch and reboot your system. You must
also ensure that this service is not running before you install InTouch 9.5. Otherwise, the
installation cannot update the files properly. If you uninstall InTouch 7.11 with Alarm DB Logger in
automatic mode, InTouch 9.5 installation will not complete properly.
Install InTouch Terminal Services on a stand-alone server. We strongly recommend that you not
install InTouch Terminal Services on any computer that also acts as a database server (such as
IndustrialSQL Server), RAS server or PPTP server.
InTouch and InTouch Terminal Services are not supported and should not be installed on a system
that is configured to be a domain controller. InTouch Terminal Services is designed to perform like
Windows 2000 Professional at the end-user level and it will not assign top priority to critical domain-
level processes. Installing InTouch Terminal Services on any of these servers can significantly
degrade performance.
Important Note: If you have to copy the whole InTouch CD to a folder on your hard drive first and
then run the installation from this folder, the full path name of this folder should not have a blank
space in it. This does not affect users installing InTouch directly from the CD.

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Known Issues – InTouch 9.5


L00040464: During installation on any supported Windows platform, the online help doesn’t open properly if you are
installing from a remote location
During the Installation Wizard, a button becomes available to open the Installation Guide online
help. The online help opens and then reports that the page cannot be found. Security patch 896358
from Microsoft prevents .chm files from opening from a remote location. For more information, see
Microsoft’s website.

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SuiteVoyager Compatibility

L00041139: WinXML Exporter in SuiteVoyager 2.5 cannot handle InTouch 9.5 applications
The WinXML Exporter in SuiteVoyager 2.5 is not compatible with application files created with
InTouch 9.5. These are therefore not supported with SuiteVoyager 2.5 or earlier. Existing
SuiteVoyager applications are not affected. Please refer to the Wonderware Technical Support
website for an updated version of WinXML Exporter.

< top of document >


L00038541: SmartSymbol instances that referenced local tagnames are not updated with the new name when a tag is
You may edit a SmartSymbol that includes placeholder tagnames or local tagnames using the
Replace function. If an edit is made to an undefined tag, the replacement is not made.

L00038868: Importing SmartSymbols with names that use foreign characters
If you create a SmartSymbol using foreign characters in the name, when you import that
SmartSymbol into InTouch using English, the characters in the name are random ANSI characters.

L00039587: Action scripts and Smart symbols during import and export
Animation scripts in SmartSymbols get lost if there is a reference to a Quick Function and the
function is not defined in the target application.

L00039994: Undoing string substitutions not supported when editing SmartSymbols
You cannot undo a string substitution of a text object embedded within a SmartSymbol if the string

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substitution is performed during a SmartSymbol Edit operation. To work around this limitation,
cancel the SmartSymbol Edit operation and start over.

L00040177: Captions in SmartSymbols not reflecting translation changes
When you are using Language Switching, the caption on a SmartSymbol button is not translated if
the Smart Symbol was edited and the changes committed. The workaround is to re-export and
import the dictionaries.

L00040232: Substitute Strings work differently than using the native SmartSymbol properties.
To avoid resizing issues when replacing text, we recommend using substitute strings rather than the
Smart Symbol properties.

L00040291: Importing SmartSymbols from 9.0 to 9.5
After migrating applications developed in 9.0, you may see problems. These problems appear when
Edit the properties of SmartSymbols using the replace function or if you are binding a new
SmartSymbol instance to an ArchestrA object. In these cases, the replace may not work
Change the Smart Symbol instance reference with the Dot field doesn't change till you break
the cell, and manually substitute it.
Additionally, you can see:
Substitute Tags for smart symbols does not show the modified references if the Expression
has references with new line characters.
If any of these happens, do the following:
1. Put the SmartSymbol in Edit mode. You don’t have to make any changes.
2. Commit the edit.

L00040591: Error: “Disk write error. Out of disk space”
If a Smart Symbol size increases to more than 32 KB, you see this error.

L00040763: Exporting language files to the same folder
If you export a language dictionary, do not export it to a folder that has another exported language
dictionary. Always export your language dictionary to a folder by itself.

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L00036952: Migrating an AlarmSuite database several times
If you migrate the same AlarmSuite database two or more times, AlarmSuite History Migration
duplicates the data and does not overwrite all the data. To avoid this, don’t migrate the same
AlarmSuite database two or more times.

L00040234 Trying to assign to a read­only name error when converting an InTouch 8.0 application to 9.5
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“Trying to assign to a read-only name" error message appears when converting an 8.0 application
to 9.5. This error occurs because of the read only tag ($False) introduced for the replacement of
read write $AlarmLogging and other four obsolete system tags in InTouch 9.5. The $False tag is a
“discrete read only tag” so as to restrict the usage of this dummy tag.
Also, if the windows scripts are using $AlarmLogging expressions and trying to replace with the
read-only $False tag, the entire script is removed from the windows script and the entire script code
is logged in the SMC logger. This helps you modify with correct script accordingly.

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History and Logging

L00018588: AlarmDBLogger skips the alarm records if master record is not present in the database
AlarmDBLogger skips the alarm records if master record is not present in the database.
AlarmLogger skips the sub state change alarm records if master record (equivalent ALM record) is
not present in the database.
This situation can occur if an Alarm Database Purge is performed while there are tags in an alarm
state. Changes to the alarm state of these tags are not logged.

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Terminal Services

L00026212: Using NAD in Terminal Services
When NAD is used in a Terminal Server implementation, it is common for the NAD Master and the
client copies of the InTouch application to reside on the same node. In this situation, it is unlikely
that you are sharing the NAD Master folder.
If you are using Windows 2003, the NAD Master folder must be shared even if all files are on the
same machine. Failure to do so results in a NAD failure to copy error when the client launches View.

L00041123: Using a query configured in Distributed Name Manager, you may not see some alarms
In InTouch TSE Console session, a Distributed Alarm Object or Alarm Viewer, using a query
configured in Distributed Name Manager, does not display alarms if a platform starts before
WindowViewer. Standard queries like \\<NodeName>\InTouch!$System does work in this scenario.
Starting WindowViewer before the Platform also works.
Adding the following entry in the InTouch section of Win.ini in the Windows folder before starting
WindowViewer, makes the alarm query configured in Distributed Name manager work properly.
ApplicationDirectory=<Full Path to the current application>
This is a problem only in the Console session, not Terminal Server client sessions.

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L00017860: Retentive and History errors when starting WindowMaker while View is running
Errors may be encountered when using the FastSwitch to open WindowMaker from View running an
application that is logging historical data and is using some retentive tags, and is currently getting
live updates.

L00037481: Setting color for Button is not applying the color for the button
If you change the color of text on a button object using the Text Color tool in WindowMaker, the
default settings for button text in the WindowMaker configuration are not updated with the new
color. For text-only objects, the default color is updated.

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L00021841: Hot Backup Pair ­ Client does not detect loss of network connection to Primary for 90+ seconds
It can take up to 3 minutes for a client to detect the loss of network connection and switch to
This is a TCP/IP timing issue in Windows.

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Alarm Tree Viewer

L00041015: Alarm Tree Viewer ActiveX Control has a limit on the number of alarm groups
The Alarm Tree Viewer ActiveX Control is successfully tested with an approximate maximum of 500
Alarm Groups. The maximum number of Alarm Groups that can be displayed depends on various
factors, including the Alarm Providers used and the total length of the Alarm Group names returned.
When the maximum number of Alarm Groups in the Alarm Tree Viewer ActiveX Control is exceeded,
no Alarm Groups are shown, and the following statement is found in the Log Viewer (in the System
Management Console): “Failed to retrieve the alarm groups from the alarm subsystem provider All

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L00025890: Some dialog boxes are not modal

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The following dialog boxes can lose focus and slip behind other windows:
-         Windows to Close dialog box
-         Change Password dialog box
-         Configure user dialog box
-         Open Window dialog box
-         Close Window dialog box
-         ODBC Data Source Administrator dialog box
Do not click on other applications or windows before closing these dialog boxes. If you do, you may
need to restart View to correct the problem.

L00021260: Recipe Manager cannot verify the remote tag reference type at load time
Remote tag references are not supported in Recipe Manager.

L00023091: Searching using the cross reference utility crashes
If you are using the cross reference utility and you are searching SQL, SPC, and Recipe at the same
time, an error may occur if the recipe file (recipe.csv) has more than 2048 characters in any one

L00026993: For a non­admin user, with EnableDisableKeys(1,1,1) enabled, all the buttons in the shutdown dialog are
In the Shutdown dialog box, all the buttons are active for non-admin users if the script
EnableDisableKeys(1,1,1) is executed. Click on EnableDisableKeys(0,0,0) button to reset the
The other shortcut keys like Ctrl+Esc, Alt+Esc, WinKey+E and so on are disabled.

L00037028: Cannot create new tables with Restore Utility if DB name is double byte character
If the alarms database name contains double-byte characters, you cannot recreate tables using the
Restore utility.

L00038542: Using I/O tagnames and DDE communication
Do not reference an I/O tagname linked to an access name with DDE type communication from an
Asynchronous Quick Function.

L00039255: Status bar only accepts up to 9999 as values for X, Y, Width and Height
You can resize the object up to 9999, using the status bar.
You can resize the object further using mouse.

L00039904: Windows are not placed correctly when using the theme for Windows XP
If you are using the Windows XP theme, in InTouch when you open and close windows whose
placement is based on calculations using $ObjVer and $ObjHor, you may experience positioning

L00040561: Long path names
You cannot open an application in WindowMaker if the base path directory contains 114 or more

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characters. The default directory and the application directory together must be fewer than 114

L00040649: Double byte fonts on Windows 2000
On Windows 2000 only certain TrueType fonts work correctly. A simple work around is to use the
fonts that work for those specific phrases in the Dictionary.
Lucida Sans Unicode Microsoft Sans Serif MS Gothic MS Mincho
MS PGothic MS PMincho MS UI Gothic NSimSun
SimHei SimSun Tahoma
Simplified Chinese
Microsoft Sans NSimSun MS UI SimSun Tahoma
Serif Gothic

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Known Restrictions for Limited Users – InTouch 9.5
Although InTouch 9.5 can be run by Limited Users, certain features and operations will not be
supported for Limited Users. We recommend that users who configure InTouch applications have
Power User privileges. The following operations are not supported for Limited Users:
Installing or uninstalling Wizards and ActiveX controls.
Configuring node properties (Limited Users will not be permitted to access Node Properties in
the Application Manager).
Converting 16 bit applications created in InTouch 5.6a.
Opening applications created by other users.
Using the license utility.
Using SPCPro features.
Using the Alarm Purge-Archive utility.
Using the Alarm DB Restore utility.
Using the AlarmSuite History Migration utility.
Changing the Alarm DB Logger settings.

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Known Issues – InTouch Product Documentation
The following table describes changes to the documentation.

Item Location of Change Existing Documentation Change

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1 None at this time None at this time None at this time

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InTouch Documentation
The InTouch documentation set is provided in PDF format (except the Installation Guide) and can be
printed. Viewing these user's guides requires installation of Adobe's Acrobat Reader. This utility is
not included on this CD, but you can download it for free from Adobe's website at the following web


After downloading the file from Adobe, you must run the executable to install it on your PC. Follow
the typical installation routine. After installation, you can either start the Acrobat Reader and open a
user's guide from the File menu or double-click a user's guide on the CD in Windows Explorer. The
PDF files are located in the UserDocs folder in the CD root. The Installation Guide is located on the
CD root.

Information included in these guides is provided in online Help, which can be opened using the Help
menu options in each utility.
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© 2005 Invensys Systems, Inc. All Rights Reserved.

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