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David Torres

Honors English


Should we use Marijuana for Medical Treatment?

Medical Marijuana is a type of medical treatment that helps many diagnoses. The field of

medical treatment has been torn on the subject of using medical marijuana for patient treatment

because yes it can help many patients but the amount of research is not where it has to be for the

FDA to officially approve it. Many researchers such as the FDA have been finding evidence of

nothing but benefits of using Medical Marijuana. The theory of Marijuana taking or breaking

down brain cells has been debunked and yet people don’t want to admit this. Medical Marijuana

has been proven to treat cancer, leukemia, insomnia and many other medical diagnoses. The

patients have a choice whether to smoke or eat the cannabis, this is a way to avoid smoke going

into the lungs . The FDA is the main supporter of this medical treatment, which is ​the Food and

Drug Administration and is the federal agency of the United States Department of Health and

Human Services, one of the United States federal executive departments​. Not only do they

support this treatment, but the president of the United States does as well. Medical Marijuana is

the future of medical treatment .​The use of Medical Marijuana should be used and legalized all

over the world because it will bring nothing but positives and hope to the people, especially if it

is controlled and viewed strictly.

The FDA has supported the use of medical marijuana, and has been approved two

prescription drugs. The Food and Drug Administration, is a part of the United States Department

of Health and Human Services. This organization approves drugs and foods to be sold in the U.S.
They are the most reliable source for drugs and they support using medical marijuana but have

used the component of marijuana and found nothing but positive medical benefits. ​“​ The FDA

has approved two prescription drugs, ​dronabinol​ and ​nabilone​, based on a component of

marijuana. These medications may be helpful for treating the symptoms associated with cancer

or for the side effects of cancer therapies”. The research has proven to help treatment of cancer

and medical benefits, all under the use of the substance of Marijuana, thus making marijuana

beneficial to patients with this diagnoses.

Nausea, AIDS, and even insomnia are diagnoses that affect the lives of many people in

the world. These diagnoses can all be treated with medical marijuana. The patient does not even

have to smoke the substance to help treat it’s medical concern. There are marijuana edibles

which are basically foods that have medical marijuana. Not only can this be another way of using

medical marijuana, but a better way because the lungs in the human body will not be affected by

the smoking. This treatment helps with the pain and fight of these diagnoses, all of this is just in

marijuana. Gary Robins, writer of the San Diego Tribune said ​“Medical marijuana users have

long consumed edibles to alleviate pain, fight insomnia and boost their appetites.” Patients do not

have to smoke marijuana to get the benefits of marijuana. Simply just have to eat or have an

intake of marijuana, which will fight the pain for the patients, thus making their lives easier and

longer in the process, all by using marijuana.

Dronabinol and nabilone, these are two drugs that have been tested and green lighted by

the FDA to use as a replacement of marijuana in the meantime. Not only do these drugs replicate

the THC in marijuana, but the data gathered is very very positive and staggering. Data has shown

that these drugs tested on patients with nausea and AIDs have been successful. Patients were
treated with THC and without any horrible side effects or side effects at all. The ​National

Institute on Drug Abuse stated “ ​They treat nausea caused by chemotherapy and increase appetite

in patients with extreme weight loss caused by AIDS​.” ​Chemotherapy is a treatment of cancer,

which patients have gotten nausea from. The use of medical marijuana helped these patients

without any side effects which you would get from other ways of treatment. Not only is medical

marijuana safe but it is also efficient when used for treatment of patients.

Significant research is a requirement for the FDA to approve a drug or food, simply

marijuana has not been researched and study enough for the FDA to approve this medical

treatment. Marijuana can be the cure to cancer and other diagnoses but that would not matter if

researchers do not get the supplies they need of the plant for research and data. The FDA have

said ​“ So far, researchers haven't conducted enough large-scale clinical trials that show that the

benefits of the marijuana plant.” Research is a requirement for a drug or food to be used in the

United States. The more time that we waste in not supporting the research of medical marijuana,

the more people could die because of not getting the correct treatment that they need for their

diagnoses. Use the plant of marijuana to save lives now, not later.

Thus, the longer the attorney general and government wait whether to decide to give

researchers the resources they need to study this plant of marijuana, the longer and more people

will soon be gone from the earth. Cancer, leukemia, insomnia, AIDs, nausea, and many many

more medically diagnosed diseases can all be treated by intaking the marijuana plant. The FDA

is the most credible source of research of food and drugs, they allow drugs to be sold in the

United States, they support this cause 100%. The president of the United States, like him or not,

people’s whole lives are at stake and all the government has to do is fund the research. The
United States government is killing innocent people, just to save money even though they spend

billions of dollars on other unimportant things and then state that the money disappeared out of

nowhere. Use medical marijuana to make a real difference in the world, not destroy it.

Medical Marijuana
U.S. Department of Health and Human Services
September 24,2017

It basically says that Medical Marijuana can be used to treat symptoms of cancer. Also research
has shown that Medical Cannabis has been studied for any horrible effects of the brain and body
and there hasn’t been any. This clearly supports my position of using Cannabis to help cancer
patients. It also supports my idea that there is basically no harm to the body or brain when using
a controlled dose of Medical Marijuana.
In the source it says “ The FDA has approved two prescription drugs, ​dronabinol​ and ​nabilone​,
based on a component of marijuana. These medications may be helpful for treating the
symptoms associated with cancer or for the side effects of cancer therapies.” This clearly is a
reliable and resourceful piece of data because the FDA supports it.

Don't feast on edible marijuana until you read this

Gary Robbins
November 17, 2017

This text basically says that you can eat marijuana too if you do not wanna smoke it and still
have the best results. They also say that marijuana edibles to remove pain and fight insomnia.
This basically is a good reason why to use medical marijuana which is my position. Also it can
be used for other medical conditions than cancer. In the text it says “Medical marijuana users
have long consumed edibles to alleviate pain, fight insomnia and boost their appetites.” This
clearly is another medical diagnosis that can be treated with marijuana.

What medications contain cannabinoids?

National Institute on Drug Abuse

April 2017

This piece of textual evidence basically says that there are already drugs that use THC(
Marijuana) in medicine to help treat patients. They treat nausea and AIDs with these medicines
(dronabinol and nabilone). This supports my position of using medical marijuana because we are
already using it. Also there hasn’t been any bad side effects while using dronabinol and nabilone.
In the text it says “ They treat nausea caused by chemotherapy and increase appetite in patients
with extreme weight loss caused by AIDS.” Continued research might lead to more medication.
This clearly shows that we are already using THC to help patients and there has been nothing but
good results.

AG Sessions blocks progress on medical cannabis research

John Hudak and Christine Stenglein
Wednesday, October 25, 2017

This basically says that medical cannabis research is trying to be shut down/blocked because
even though the President supports it. The FDA has been supporting it as well but still hasn’t
approved it because they need more information and tests. This basically helps my position of
using medical marijuana because the FDA has supported it. Also even the U.S President , which
are both two highly ranks in the world. In the text it says” On the campaign trail, Mr. Trump
expressed his support for medical cannabis, even arguing he knows people who have found relief
from it.” Yes President Trump may not be the most liked person in the country but in the end he
is the President of The United States and he supports my stance in medical marijuana use.

Michigan Medical Marihuana Program

State of Michigan

This basically says that the state of Michigan started their own research and program for medical
marijuana. Also that this program has been approved by the people of Michigan. This is basically
saying that a state supports my stance. Which shows that many people support medical
marijuana use. In the text it says “The program administers the Michigan Medical Marihuana
Act as approved by Michigan voters on November 4, 2008.” This basically means that people
have been trying to use medical marijuana for the good of it.

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