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Creating Opportunity Worldwide

Pro-ELT Teacher Training Level: B1 to B2


(25 questions – 12 minutes)

1. Would you mind if I _____ here?

A) sat
B) would
C) be

2. A: ‘Can you help me with this?’

B: ‘________. What do you want me to do?’
A) Certain
B) Sure
C) Agreed

3. The children were playing in the garden when suddenly it __________ to rain.
A) was starting
B) had started
C) started

4. A: ’I brought you a present to say thank you.’

B: ‘Oh, you shouldn’t _________!’
A) have
B) do
C) bring

5. If it weren’t ____ the quick arrival of the ambulance, he would have died.
A) about
B) for
C) until

6. A: ‘Where can I get bread at this hour?’

B: ‘You ____________ try the shop on the corner.’
A) could
B) must
C) will

7. A: ‘Where are you off to?’

B: ‘We’re going to for a coffee ______ the film’s been cancelled.’
A) before
B) after
C) since

He really _________ to clear up the mess he’s made himself. Why are you doing it?
A) must
Contributed by: Jason Anderson
© The British Council, 2013
The British Council is the United Kingdom's international organisation for cultural relations and education opportunities.
British Council Malaysia is a branch (995232-A) of the British Council, registered as a charity in England and Wales (209131) and Scotland (SC037733)
Creating Opportunity Worldwide

Pro-ELT Teacher Training Level: B1 to B2


B) had
C) ought

9. There’s very ________ we can do about it, I’m afraid.

A) few
B) little
C) much

10. I play ____ guitar in my free time.

A) the
B) with
C) a

11. A: ‘We saw a fantastic film last night, _________ we, Mark?’
B: ‘Yes. It was great!’
A) weren’t
B) didn’t
C) couldn’t

12. I grew up in a small town ________ is about 20 miles from London.

A) which
B) where
C) it

13. I can’t stand ________ in queues.

A) to wait
B) waiting
C) wait

14. If it _______ tomorrow, we’ll cancel the party.

A) rains
B) will rain
C) rained

15. He ________ be sick. I just saw him at the gym.

A) must
B) mustn’t
C) can’t

16. They offered to repair the damage, but I said ______.

A) none
B) not
C) no

17. He’s not the most __________ person you’ll ever meet.

Contributed by: Jason Anderson

© The British Council, 2013
The British Council is the United Kingdom's international organisation for cultural relations and education opportunities.
British Council Malaysia is a branch (995232-A) of the British Council, registered as a charity in England and Wales (209131) and Scotland (SC037733)
Creating Opportunity Worldwide

Pro-ELT Teacher Training Level: B1 to B2


A) interesting
B) interest
C) interested

18. Now that he’s gone, I can’t imagine life ________ him.
A) excluding
B) without
C) excepting

19. I’m a bit busy over the ________ week. Can we postpone it?
A) future
B) coming
C) near

20. I see your point. ___________, I still disagree.

A) Therefore
B) Moreover
C) Nevertheless

I feel so much better! It’s amazing ______ a short holiday can do.
A) that
B) what
C) which

22. I remember ________ the money, I just don’t remember what I did with it.
A) receiving
B) to receive
C) received

23. We can both drive, but _________ of us enjoys it.

A) one
B) neither
C) none

24. I’d like to open ______ bank account, please.

A) the
B) a
C) my

25. A: “Oh, I don’t believe it. My mobile phone’s broken again.”

B: “Why can’t you ______ take it back to the shop?”
A) just
B) even
C) really
Contributed by: Jason Anderson
© The British Council, 2013
The British Council is the United Kingdom's international organisation for cultural relations and education opportunities.
British Council Malaysia is a branch (995232-A) of the British Council, registered as a charity in England and Wales (209131) and Scotland (SC037733)
Creating Opportunity Worldwide

Pro-ELT Teacher Training Level: B1 to B2


(25 questions – 13 minutes)

Task 1
Finish each definition (1-5) using answers from the list (A-K). Use each
answer once only. You will not need five of the answers (A-K). The answer to
Question 0 is given as an example.

0. To climb is to G
1. To grab is to _______
2. To determine is to ______
3. To extract is to _________
4. To estimate is to _______
5. To refuse is to _______

Contributed by: Jason Anderson

© The British Council, 2013
The British Council is the United Kingdom's international organisation for cultural relations and education opportunities.
British Council Malaysia is a branch (995232-A) of the British Council, registered as a charity in England and Wales (209131) and Scotland (SC037733)
Creating Opportunity Worldwide

Pro-ELT Teacher Training Level: B1 to B2


Task 2
Finish each sentence (6-10) using the word from the list (A-J) Use each word
once only. You will not need five of the words (A-J).

6. We’ve joined _________ with another company to improve our services.

7. This message is from a ___________ relative of mine in Germany.
8. There’s no point waiting in ____________ for him to call.
9. People say that __________ children are more introverted by nature.
10. When I lost my job I found it difficult to make ___________ meet.

Task 3
Mark the letter on the right (A-J) that has the most similar meaning to the word
on the left (11-15) (e.g. home=house). Use each word once only. You will not
need five of the words (A-K).

11. essential _____

12. benefit _____
13. discounted _____
14. including _____
15. certificate _____

Task 4
Write the letter on the right (A-J) that is most often used with a word on the left
(16-20) (e.g. bus + stop= bus stop). Use each word once only. You will not need
five of the words (A-J).

16. take _____

17. further _____
18. fellow _____
19. express _____
20. register _____

Contributed by: Jason Anderson

© The British Council, 2013
The British Council is the United Kingdom's international organisation for cultural relations and education opportunities.
British Council Malaysia is a branch (995232-A) of the British Council, registered as a charity in England and Wales (209131) and Scotland (SC037733)
Creating Opportunity Worldwide

Pro-ELT Teacher Training Level: B1 to B2


Task 5
Write the letter on the right (A-J) that is most often used with a word on the left
(21-25) (e.g. bus + stop= bus stop). Use each word once only. You will not need
five of the words (A-J).

21. smug _____

22. contagious _____
23. brisk _____
24. harsh _____
25. lame _____

Contributed by: Jason Anderson

© The British Council, 2013
The British Council is the United Kingdom's international organisation for cultural relations and education opportunities.
British Council Malaysia is a branch (995232-A) of the British Council, registered as a charity in England and Wales (209131) and Scotland (SC037733)

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