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Monday: (fun day) Wednesday:

8:05-8:15 Calendar 8:05-8:15 Calendar
8:15-9:00 Math- Centers 8:15-9:30 Centers- Trains and Colors
9:00-9:15 Library 9:30-9:45 2nd Step
9:15-9:30 Music 9:45-10:00 Recess
9:30-10:00 PE 10:00-10:30 Activity
10:00-10:30 Art 10:30-11:00 Tote-and-Tell
10:30-10:50 Whole Group Phonics 11:05 Go Home
10:50-11:00 Tote-and-Tell
11:05 Go Home

Classroom Management:
Much of the classroom management is handled through the rules and procedures of the
classroom. Reminding the students that they need to be respectful and responsible at all times
helps them to know how to act. The simple reminder of “give me five” tells them everything that
they should be doing at that time. One thing that my mentor teacher does is simply states and
waits for everyone to be respectful and ready.
For centers during math time and to practice phonics the children are separated into
groups by numbers and colors. They call this numbers and trains. The students each have a
necklace on that is colored and numbered. She tells 2 number groups to go to the tables and the
rest jump on a “train.” This means that they are on a rotation of going to a mom table, computers
and free play. Once each transition happens the number groups switch and do the other side of
the rotation.

My mentor teacher is not the typical warm and fuzzy kindergarten teacher. She expects
much of her students. With that being said, all of her students know that she loves them and that
she wants them to succeed. She is stern in what she expects, and the students listen to her. In the
classroom she understands what is developmentally appropriate for the students to be doing and
what they are currently capable of doing. She uses her time wisely to teach the students
everything that she can.

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