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Finance: Studying Controllership

by Frank G. H. Hartmann

Mercury Magazine 2014, Summer/Autumn

(Special Issue on Sustainability),
Issue 7-8, pp. 092-096.

Mercury Magazine issue No. 7/8, [Summer/Autumn] 2014. Copyright © 2014, The Department of Business
Studies, Uppsala University. All rights reserved. Reproduction of the printed magazine in whole or in part
without written permission is strictly prohibited. Mercury Magazine ISSN 2001-3272 is published by the
Department of Business Studies, Uppsala University, Box 513, SE-751 20 Uppsala, Sweden. This reprint is
available for free at Annual printed subscription rates for non-alumni and non-students
at the Department are 399 SEK, Euro 50, $60, £35. To subscribe please email your order to

Mercury Magazine is the official magazine of the Department of Business Studies at Uppsala University
p h o t o b y J o h anna Hann o

014 018 023 026 038 042

STEPS FORWARD ARE SUSTAINABLE ’THE SECOND MACHINE AGE’ Lena Zander portraits Magnús Scheving PRODUCTIVITY Daniel Nyberg and Christopher Wright
Head of Department Leena Avotie on Successful entrepreneurs are A review of the acclaimed new book by [cover] - a social sustainability Bo Edvardsson explains what you need argue that the nature of the corporate
recognizing the importance of characterized by understanding the Erik Brynjolfsson and Andrew McAfee. entrepreneur in the entertainment to consider in order to improve service world’s responses to climate change
sustainability, not least in education. concept of balance, argues Ivo Zander. industry. productivity in your organization. hitherto can best be described as myths.

016 020 SCIENTIFICATION IN 034 041 050
AND DANISH DELIGHTS COMPLY OR EXPLAIN The field of sports is one of many sustainability emotional contagion ARE WORTH MORE THAN
Lars Engwall on the contrasting Hans Dalborg, Honorary Chairman of frontiers of ongoing scientification Carin Eriksson Lindvall identifies four Are users being treated as guinea pigs OTHERS
development of the pharmaceutical Nordea, illuminates a key concept in argue Leon Michael Caesarius and factors that seem to contribute to the when Facebook’s data science team Preferential treatment may be unwise,
industry in Sweden and in Denmark. corporate governance. Jukka Hohenthal. creation of intrinsic motivation. carries out experiments? argues Magnus Söderlund.

004 005
052 063 068 076 084 092
Leon Michael Caesarius and Jukka PROFESSOR FINANCIAL CAPITALISM? THE MULTINATIONAL OWNERSHIP Frank G. H. Hartmann draws on
Hohenthal investigate if MOOCs will help Professor and Managing Director turned Political and economic systems are CORPORATION When you calculate customer experimental studies to increase our
redefine the higher education landscape. rock star — Henrik Bäckström is the often deemed as fiascos, but when are Ivo Zander paints a picture of the future profitability, ask not if your company understanding of controllers' conflict of
renaissance man. we going to make a similar evaluation of of the well-established multinational makes money of customers but if your interest.
financial capitalism, asks Göran Nilsson. corporation. company helps your customers to make
060 money, says Torkel Strömsten.
Josef Pallas is not convinced about the Torkild Thanem shows how monstrous WHAT YOU BELIEVE SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT 090 pay actually may lower
PR-industry’s alleged merits. Instead he leaders constitute a new leadership IS WHAT YOU SEE NEEDS STIMULI value vs value motivation
tries to answer the question: when is it category and how you can avoid The essence of sensemaking occupies Staffan Movin calls for cooperation Magnus Frostenson focuses on the hard Göran Nilsson explains why financial
time to fire the PR-consultant? becoming such a leader. Henrik Bäckström's mind. between society, academia and business. predicament of sustainability. incentives sometimes fail.

006 007

The role of controllers in modern organization

continues to develop rapidly. Over the past decades,
controllers have changed from being proverbial ‘bean-
counters’ to being guardians of economic decision
making within the firm. They have also changed from
being passive observers of managerial decision making
to being active contributors to such decision making.
This increase in responsibilities for controllers may
lead to tension. On the one hand, controllers need to
support management in business decisions, on the
other hand, controllers are responsible for reporting
truthfully about such decision making. These two re-
sponsibilities provide controllers with a conflict of
interest. Frank G.H. Hartmann explains how our
knowledge of this conflict is enhanced by some recent
experimental studies on the roles of controllers.

092 093
local controllers add their
specialist finance and accounting
knowledge to the detailed
knowledge they have about their
unit. This is a powerful combination.
However, involvement in managerial
decision making, and the associated
responsibility for the outcomes,
is likely to cause stronger
social relationships between the
controller and local managers. This,
in turn, may be a cause of reduced
independence and reduced integrity
and objectivity of unit reporting.

any accounting and control practi- Controllers and their dual responsibilities lers’ fulfillment of this obligation. Above all, it social relationships between the controller and
tioners may not be very familiar with One does not need much of expertise to observe requires a relatively high level of independence. local managers. This, in turn, may be a cause of
academic research in these fields. the increased attention in society to financial A second responsibility, however, that control- reduced independence and reduced integrity and
Unlike such fields like medicine and scandals. In particular, financial scandals that lers increasingly have is their loyalty and support objectivity of unit reporting. In sum, therefore,
psychology, the relationship between academic originated in misreporting have put a critical for local managers. Business Unit controllers are we have a strong reason to suspect that the devel-
research and professional practice seems rather spotlight on the quality of financial reporting by typically and heavily involved in local decision opment of controllers’ roles into active support-
weak. On the one hand, this may indicate that ac- firms and other organizations. In many of these making. Local managers, reversely, typically and ers of business has created a potential tension
counting and control practice is fully developed, critical accounts, blame is placed on a relatively heavily rely on controllers’ judgments about the between independence and involvement. The
without any big questions left, that seems highly small set of professionals. Typically, audit firms economic viability of different courses of actions. question is whether this tension is a cause of
unlikely. On the other hand, this may mean that are criticized for their violations of profession- These judgments may range widely. They may some of the reporting problems discussed before.
research in these fields fails to deliver useful al and legal norms, or general management gets concern setting up the Net Present Value model
insights. That may be closer to the truth. In any blamed for engaging in earnings management. It to evaluate an investment proposal, exploring tax Exploring tensions in the role of controllers
case, the lack of mutual interest between practice is interesting, however, to look into the role of legislation in a new foreign country to explore Although there are few people that would deny
and theory is a pity, and requires our attention. accounting professionals that work inside the saving options, or even involve the calculation of the existence of this tension, there are also rel-
Indeed, since researchers and practitioners share firm, in order to better explain the incidence and performance metrics that affect the manager’s atively few people who have wondered about
the objective of enhancing the quality of account- perhaps the gravity of the breaking of accounting bonus. What is central to these obligations is the effects of it. Typically, the literature on
ing and control in their organizations and firms, rules. In particular, it is worth investigating the the controllers’ actual involvement in the oper- the design and roles of the controller function
mutual inspiration will be beneficial. roles that decentralized controllers play in con- ational and strategic decision-making processes in organization has taken a rather normative
Such mutual interest will be particular- temporary firms. in their units. This also means that they carry re- perspective. The literature is full of advisory
ly useful if we want to understand one of the It is now generally believed that the organi- sponsibility for the outcomes of these processes. claims and recommendations about control-
big contemporary challenges in accounting and zational roles of controllers can be captured in While it seems generally accepted that man- lers’ behaviors. Controllers should be ‘inde-
control. This challenge concerns the ‘right way’ two major responsibilities. One responsibility agement benefits from the active involvement pendent’, while also being ‘committed’. They
to design the function of organizational control- concerns the so-called fiduciary obligations that of unit controllers in decision making, the net should develop into ‘strong controllers’, who
lers. Such job design should ensure that control- the controller has towards higher level managers benefits to the firm are less clear. Indeed, local are able to balance between involvement and
lers are able to perform well in their dual re- and other stakeholders. This obligation pertains controllers add their specialist finance and ac- independence, and withstand any dysfunction-
sponsibilities of serving local management and to the requirement that controllers report truth- counting knowledge to the detailed knowledge al inclination. Such normative claims, however,
serving the firm. In this article I present an fully about the economic performance of their they have about their unit. This is a powerful are not helpful. One important reason is that
example of how academic research has aimed unit. The adherence to applicable legislation, combination. However, involvement in manage- they simply neglect the fact that controllers are
to increase our understanding of these roles of internal norms and guidelines, and a strong pro- rial decision making, and the associated responsi- humans, and subject to all the forces that are
controllers in practice. fessional ethic, should contribute to the control- bility for the outcomes, is likely to cause stronger known to influence human behaviors. In par-

094 095
ticular, such forces could work silently and have When confronted with this case, controllers
the form of a bias or social pressure. Indeed, showed interesting reactions. First of all, we
unit managers may try to influence control- found large differences between controllers’
lers’ factual judgments. Also the mere involve- willingness to go along with the unit manager’s
ment of controllers in business decisions may suggestion to use a conservative percentage.
cause them to be less factual and more subjec- This suggests that the ideal type of controller,
tive when reporting about those decisions. In who would always react consistently, probably
any case, this is typically an issue that research does not exist. These differences were explained
may shed some light on. by three additional factors that we included in

In one study we invited controllers to take our study. First, we differentiated the extent to
part in an academic study on their behavior in which the controller in the case was involved in
such a situation. We presented the following the development of the unit’s strategic decision
case to the controllers, and asked them what making. Second, we differentiated the amount of
they would do. We designed a case of a firm, with social pressure that the unit manager put upon
several business units. In one of the business the controller to go along with the suggestion.
units, called Splash, the unit controller faces a Third, we measured, in a separate survey, a per-
request from his unit manager. sonality construct (Machiavellianism) which
could explain individual inclination to give in to
“Splash produces sodas, lemonades, and ice cream. the demands of hierarchically powerful people.
Gerard van Dinkel has been the general manager Together, these three factors, so common to actual
of Splash for three years. Wouter Simons has been situations and people, allowed quite an accurate
Splash’s BU controller for five years. […] Over prediction about controllers' responses in this
the years 2002 to 2004, Splash has gradually
divested its activities in the soda market. Instead,
situation. Controllers who were more involved in
the strategic decision making, experienced higher Få investeringar är så lönsamma som
it has changed its focus to ice cream and desserts.
This change of focus also implies a change from
pressure from the unit managers and were more
inclined to give in to powerful people, were also en gåva till Rädda Barnen.
customer products to intermediate products sold to more likely to go along with the unit manager’s
restaurant chains and other companies in the food suggestion. Obviously, the combination of high Besök oss på www.rä
and beverages industry. In October 2004 it becomes social pressure and heavy strategic involvement,
clear that the results of this strategic change are is typical of the high pressure situation that con- och bli företagsvän idag
somewhat disappointing and the chance that temporary controllers are advised to thrive in. If
Splash will be able to reach its 2004 ROI target is combined with certain personality characteris-
very small […]. In October 2004, the Splash man- tics, however, this may result in violations of ac-
agement team has a meeting to decide about the counting principles and eventually, the reduced
2005 budget proposal. Gerard van Dinkel, Splash’s quality of earning statements by firms.
general manager, suggests basing the proposal on
conservative estimates. Both he and BU control- Conclusions
ler Wouter Simons believe Splash should be able The study that is summarized in this paper is
to make a ROI of 13.5% in 2005. However, Gerard only an example. However, I believe it is a good
van Dinkel asks Wouter Simons if he can come up example on how practice and theory could be
with a proposal of a ROI target of 11%, because he combined to provide useful insights. Critics may
feels it would be bad for the business unit to miss argue that understanding controller behavior
its targets two times in a row and he therefore does should not be the goal, but that research should
not want to take any risks. He also mentions that focus on delivering practical and implementable
it would be undeserved if Splash’s managers miss advice. But I believe that the role that research
their bonus again next year. BU controller Wouter has to play is more fundamental and that the
Simons realizes that the only way to come up with knowledge produced has a longer life expectancy
a ROI proposal for 2005 of 11% is by making unre- than typical practical and implementable advice
alistically low sales estimates and unrealistically has. However, what the example does make
high cost estimates. […]. We would like to know how clear is that the relationship between practical
likely you think it is that Wouter Simons proceeds problems and theoretical answers is not an easy
to develop a budget proposal that contains the un- one, and requires deliberate cooperation. On
realistically low ROI target of 11%. In making your this particular topic, researchers are willing to
assessment of this likelihood please also note the further explore the pros and cons of today’s roles
following: BU controller Wouter Simons is aware of controllers and to understand how practical
that the chance that corporate headquarters will considerations may translate into fundamental
find out that the ROI proposal of 11% is founded on and useful insights. There are indeed, still many
unrealistically low estimates is negligible.” big issues left for us to figure out.

096 097

Vår Verksamhet kontrolleras aV sVensk InsamlIngskontroll. Vårt 90 - konto garanterar att dIna pengar anVänds så effektIVt och bra som möjlIgt.

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