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Tooth Mobility : A Review

Dr. Sajili Mittal Dr. Prerna Kataria Dr. Vishal Arya Dr. Lavina Taneja Arya
Reader & Acting HOD Reader Reader Reader
Dept. of Public Health Dentistry, Dept. of Periodontics Dept. of Paediatric Dentistry Dept. of Oral Medicine
Inderprastha Dental College D.J. Dental College & Research Centre PDM Dental College & Research Institute Diagnosis & Radiology
& Hospital, Ghaziabad Modinagar, Ghaziabad Bahadurgarh, Haryana PDM Dental College & Research Institute
Bahadurgarh, Haryana

Introduction periodontal structures become adapted to an due to reduced stresses. 2, 4

I ncreased tooth mobility has

concerned dentists since the 19th
century1. The stability of the dentition
is dependent on the resistance of the
supporting structures of the teeth and the
altered functional demand. It is self limiting.4
9. Hypermobility is a form of increased
mobility persisting after completion of
periodontal treatment. It is often referred to
as 'residual mobility'.4, 7
7. Periapical Pathology: An acute
inflammatory response within the
periodontal ligament as occurs with a
periapical or periodontal abcess, can cause
disorganization & destruction of principle
magnitude, frequency, duration and the 10. Increasing or Progressive Mobility fibres. 2, 4
direction of forces acting upon them2. To is of a progressive nature and can be identified 8. Para-functional Habits such as
evaluate the effectiveness of periodontal only through a series of repeated tooth Bruxism
treatment, the examination of tooth mobility mobility measurements carried out over a 9. Supporting Structures of the
is significant & should therefore be accurate. period of several days or weeks.4, 7 Teeth: A decrease in the supporting structures
Examination of tooth mobility is an important 11. Initial and Secondary Tooth of teeth or an increase in the magnitude,
diagnostic aid in determining the severity of Mobility - Muhlemann (1954) in a series of direction, duration and frequency of forces, or
periodontal disease3 studies, while using progressively increasing a combination of both may result in tooth
Pathophysiology of Tooth Mobility forces (50-1500g) showed that the force / mobility.2
Types of Tooth Mobility displacement relationship had a typical 10. Tooth Morphology: The degree of
1. Physiologic Tooth Mobility is the pattern which could be illustrated by a double mobility depends upon the number of roots;
limited tooth movement or tooth sloped curve which had two points defined as their length & diameter as well as the
displacement that is allowed by the resilience "initial" (ITM) and "secondary" (STM) tooth relationship of the alveolar crest to the
of a healthy and intact periodontium when a mobility components. During ITM forces cement-enamel junction.
moderate force is applied to the crown of the smaller than 100g moved the crown by 0.05 to The contour of the root i.e. flat, conical or
tooth. It is 4-12/100 mm for 500 g force 0.1 mm and is the result of intra alveolar dilacerated and the relationship of two or
applied with incisors have the highest (10- displacement of the root. On the other hand, more roots of a multi rooted tooth to each
12/100 mm) and molar the lowest (4-8/100 during STM part forces ranging between 100- other i.e. divergent or convergent, may also
mm). Children and females obtain higher 1500 g allowed additional tooth movement by influence tooth resistance.2, 4
values than adults & males respectively. The the distortion and compression of the 11. Overjet & Overbite are directly
greatest tooth mobility is observed upon periodontium on the pressure side .4 During proportional to tooth mobility.4
arising, and decreases during the day5 mastication, teeth & their supporting 12. Loss of Supporting Bone can be due
2. Pathologic Tooth Mobility includes structures are generally subjected to severe to gingival inflammation or trauma from
any degree of movement that may be reduced occlusal forces, upto 50 Kgs.8 occlusion4.
or eliminated once the pathologic cause is Causes of Tooth Mobility 14. Occlusal Prematurities: A gross
identified and corrected.5 Tooth mobility can I. Local Factors: prematurity between two occluding teeth
be detected by holding the ball of a finger on 1. Marginal inflammation: Disruption often results in pathologic mobility of one or
the facial surface of a tooth while the patient of the gingival, transseptal and circular fibres both of the involved teeth.6
goes through various mandibular which contribute significantly to the firmness 15. Afunctional Occlusal Habits:
movements.6 of the tooth.6 Grinding, clamping & “doodling” (grinding
3. Altered Tooth Mobility represents a 2. Periodontal inflammation & on one tooth) habits can result in marked
transient or permanent change in periodontal Trauma from Occlusion: The excessive elevations in tooth mobility in the absence of
tissues as a result of therapy e.g. after occlusal forces change the pathway of the clinically detectable gingival inflammation
surgery4. spreading inflammation so that it extended and bone loss.6
4. Functional Mobility or fremitus is the directly into the periodontal ligament leading 16. Tooth Loss: When a large number of
movement of teeth during function or para- to angular resorption of the alveolar bone and teeth have been lost, the remaining teeth must
function 4 and signifies occlusal traumatism2. infrabony pocket formation (Glickman and assume all functional demands. These teeth
5. Adaptive Mobility is the absence of Smulow 1962). It was observed that the often display pathologic mobility values.6
an etiologic factor that might be improved furcation regions were the most susceptible to 17. Transient Increases In Tooth
upon to directly improve stability by trauma from occlusion (Glickman, Stein and Mobility: Large increases in tooth mobility
decreasing or eliminating tooth mobility, Smulow, 1961). This was known as may be seen after the insertion of large
example, short roots, poor crown to root Glickman's codestruction hypothesis. restorations, after endodontic treatment, on
ratio5. 3. Trauma From Occlusion 7 contiguous teeth after extractions,
6. Passive Mobility relates to how loose 4. Pathology of Jaws like tumours, periodontal therapeutic procedures and after
teeth are on palpation, while Dynamic cysts, osteomyelitis etc4. traumatic injuries to the teeth.12 The injury
Mobility defines how loose teeth are during 5. Traumatic Injuries to dentoalveolar may be transient or lasting depending on the
functional and parafunctional movements.5 units. Torquing force applied to clasped teeth intensity and nature of the insult to the
7. Reduced tooth Mobility is seen in an by removable partial dentures can result in supporting tissues. 4, 6,9
ankylosed tooth after failing reimplantation marked increase in tooth mobility in the II. Systemic Factors
or if autogenous bone grafts are placed in absence of bone loss. 1. Age: In the absence of periodontal
contact with detached root surfaces. 4, 7 6. Hypofunction: The periodontal disease, older individuals showed somewhat
8. Increased / Static Tooth Mobility is ligament of a non-functional tooth undergoes more mobility for both maxillary central
usually due to trauma from occlusion, but disuse atrophy with a concomitant loss of incisor and second molar.4,10
may be due to periodontal diseases where the resistance. In teeth without antagonists there 2. Sex & Race: Mobility has higher
is widening of periodontal ligament initially

40 Heal Talk | November-December 2012 | Volume 05 | Issue 02

Mittal, et al. : Tooth Mobility : A Review
incidence in females and in Negroes. relative to the adjacent teeth was detected anterior and posterior teeth in reasonable
3. Menstrual Cycle: Increased by the two strain gauges. alignment through the second molar in
horizontal tooth mobility has been suggested 8. Parfitt (1958)15 recorded the tooth both arches.
during 4th week of menstrual cycle. 4, 10 movement in an axial direction using the 12. Korber and Korber (1963) 19 and
4. Oral Contraceptives: Periodontal adjacent tooth as the reference point. The K.H.Korber (1970)20 have described and
disease and attachment loss are more instrument was fastened to the posterior employed a system that employs
common among women on pills.4, 11 teeth with impression compound. Both electronic transducers of an inductive
5. Pregnancy: Tooth mobility can systems used transducers, and test output non-contact design. Extremely small
increase during the course of pregnancy and could be read on D.C. meters, strip-chart movements can be detected and recorded
post-partum.4 recorders or X-Y recording force and with this system.
6. Systemic Diseases: Certain systemic movement. Parfitt stated that the axial
diseases aggravate periodontal disease viz movement could be measured with an
Papilon Lefevre syndrome, Down's accuracy of 0.001mm +7 percent.
syndrome, Neutropenia, Chediak Higashi
syndrome, Hypophosphatasia,
Hyperparathyroidism, Acute leukaemia,
Pagets disease etc.4
Measurement of Tooth Mobility
Method for Measuring Tooth Mobility
1. Direct visualization when tooth is held
between two rigid instruments.
2. Direct observation of movement Fig. 5: During measurement the Periotest handpiece must
resulting from occlusal forces (functional always be held perpendicular to the tooth axes. An audible
mobility). signal from the computer indicates unacceptable
deviations. The point of impact, that is, the point of
3. Percussion sound measurement, is the middle of the anatomical crown.
4. Electronic devices.12 Fig. 4: Periodontometer positioned to assess the mobility
5. Miller (1950)12 recognized three grades of the maxillary right first molar. Five hundred grams of
force is being applied to the tooth from the palatal surface.
of tooth mobility. 9. A method whereby mobility of maxillary
6. The first to report the use of a dial and mandibular teeth could be measured
indicator mounted on an impression tray simultaneously was developed by
and fixed in the mouth by means of quick 16
Goldberg (1961) . It consisted of a
setting plaster was Muhlemann (1954)13. carriage device which was used with a
The indicator pointer was adapted to the dial indicator described in Muhlemann's
labial or buccal surfaces of the teeth and periodontometer or with other measuring
measurements made in hundredths of devices. With cold cure acrylic or
millimeters. The deflections of the teeth impression plaster the carriage device Figure 6: The Periotest measurement must be made in a
to be measured were obtained with a midbuccal direction.
was fixed in the oral cavity whereby the
forcemeter by means of which a static occlusal surfaces of the posterior teeth of
force was applied ranging from 200 to maxillary and mandibular arches were
1000 grams. Muhlemann termed his engaged.
method periodontometry and 17
10. Joel (1958) described a technique in
distinguished between macro-
which a mirror was attached to the tooth
periodontometry and micro-periodonto-
and the tooth movement was shown by a
metry, depending upon the size of his
reflected image on the opposite wall or
equipment. The application of macro-
any suitable surface. Another mirror was
periodontometry is limited to
attached to the tooth some distance away
measurements on incisors, canines and
and if this reflected image did not move,
first bicuspids and was used preferably in
the measurement was reported to be
the upper jaw. The reproducibility Figure 7: Exposed tooth necks enlarge the clinical crown
accurate. To move the teeth, a force was and must be taken into consideration
appears to be very high. Readings can be
employed with a V-notch cut in a cement 13. The Periotest Method
made to one ten thousandth of an inch.
spatula. After many years of research the authors
7. Picton (1957)14 demonstrated axial tooth
11. O’Leary and Rudd (1963)18 designed established, in 1972, an interdisciplinary
mobility relative to its neighbors by the
the USAFSAM Periodontometer which group of scientific investigators and after
use of resistance wire strain gauges. Any
permits assessment of the mobility of all 12 years of research, the Periotest method
change in the position of the test tooth

Heal Talk | November-December 2012 | Volume 05 | Issue 02 41

Mittal, et al. : Tooth Mobility : A Review
was successfully developed (German ¾ mm (295X10-4") of bucco-lingual mobility, however, is not clear. Since many of
Patent 2617779, Patented February 11, movement the therapeutic modalities employed in its
1982). The 'Periotest value' depends 3. Moderate Mobility: Up to approximately treatment have negative aspects, the decision
mainly on the damping characteristics of 2 mm (790X10-4") movement bucco- to treat or not to treat mobility should be based
the periodontium. An electro- lingually upon & critical evaluation of the possible
magnetically driven, electronically 4. Severe Mobility: More than 2 mm advantages and disadvantages of the
controlled tapping head in a handpiece (790X10-4") of movement proposed therapy.
percusses the tooth 16 times, 4 times per Index Utilized by Nyman et al. (1975) References
second (Figure 4). The tapping head is Mobility degree 0 = horizontal mobility or 1. Turnelis H. Pameijer, Richard E. Stallard : A method
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the tooth to move more than 1 mm in any 18. h t t p : / / w w w. t h e j c d p . c o m / i s s u e 0 1 2 / b e r n a l /
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Index suggested by Prichard (1972) 436.
adequate plaque control and thus may 20. Michael W. O' Riordan, Curt S Ralstrom, Susan E
1. Slight mobility predispose to further periodontal Doerr : Treatment of avulsed permanent teeth: an
2. Moderate mobility destruction.6 update: JADA Volume 105, December 1982: 1028-
3. Extensive movement in a lateral or Conclusion
mesiodistal direction combined with 21. Christine Berthold, Friedrich Johannes Auer, Sergej
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vertical displacement in the alveolus. significant when evaluating the effectiveness evaluation comparison of a dynamic and a static
Plus and minus sign can be used for added measuring method. Dental traumatology 2011; 27:
of periodontal therapy.1 The etiology of 414-421
mobility has been attributed to either a
Index given by Waserman et al, (1973)
reduction in the resistance of the teeth or to an
1. Normal
accentuation of the magnitude of the forces
2. Slight mobility: Less than approximately
placed upon them. The significance of

42 Heal Talk | November-December 2012 | Volume 05 | Issue 02

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