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Nurul Izzah Anwar, an engineering major at a college in Malaysia, became a world-famous public

speaker after her father, Malaysian pro-democracy leader Anwar Ibrahim, was jailed and tortured.

She gives speeches throughout Asia and Europe, urging other nations to pressure the Malaysian

government to make democratic reforms and release her father, and she has won the support of

many world leaders. Her technique of persuasion is simple but effective: every time she makes a

point, she immediately illustrates it with a true story. Using stories is a powerful tool that will be dis-

cussed in this chapter in the section on narratives. (AP/Wide World Photos)

Your Ideas
Objectives Outline
After studying this chapter, you should be Reasons for Using Support
able to: Materials
1. Explain why support materials are Types of Support Materials
needed in a speech. Definition / Vivid Image / Example / Narrative /
2. Describe nine types of support Comparison and Contrast / Analogy /
materials: definitions, vivid images, Testimony / Statistics
examples, narratives, comparison, Sample Speech
contrast, analogies, testimony, and
3. Discuss the use and abuse of
statistics in speeches.
Clearcutting a forest means cutting down all trees and hauling
away the saleable ones. Few people object to the practice on private land, such
as the large forests owned by paper companies. But environmentalists are upset
when clearcutting is permitted in the U.S. national forests, where vast wood-
lands have been wiped out. (The term “national forests” refers to land owned
by the U.S. government and administered by the U.S. Forest Service.)
The U.S. Congress permits clearcutting in national forests on grounds
that it is economically necessary—to provide wood products such as paper
and furniture. This viewpoint is reinforced by the timber industry, which pours
millions of dollars into election campaigns to encourage lawmakers to vote
for pro-timber legislation.
Going against the majority of lawmakers, Cynthia McKinney, a member
of Congress from Georgia, is proposing a law that would ban clearcutting in
national forests. When she introduced her bill in 2000, only 87 of the 435
members of the House of Representatives supported her, but she has vowed
to fight for years, if necessary, until her argument prevails. (She needs 218
votes, a majority in the House.)
McKinney realizes that clearcutting in national forests will continue as
long as lawmakers (and many citizens) believe that it is beneficial to society.
So she makes a counterargument: Clearcutting in national forests is harmful
to the economy and to the environment.
Is this counterargument sufficient to win her case? No. Skeptics would
say, “That’s just your opinion. Can you prove it?” To persuade the skeptics,
she needs to back up her argument with convincing evidence and clear illus-
tration. Let’s look at some samples from her speeches to see how she sup-
ports her argument.1
■ To show that clearcutting in national forests is unnecessary, McKinney,
a Democrat, cites testimony from Jim Leach of Iowa, a conservative
Republican member of Congress who is chair of the House Committee
on Banking and Financial Services and a respected expert on economic
issues. Leach says that the United States doesn’t need the national
forests for its timber supply because all demands for wood could be met
by privately owned forests.

Chapter 8 Supporting Your Ideas 175

Cynthia McKinney, a member of Congress from Georgia, gives the “thumbs up”
gesture at a political rally. Fighting to ban clearcutting in national forests, McKin-
ney uses support materials such as statistics to bolster her case. She claims that
clearcutting a forest causes soil erosion, mud slides, intensification of flooding,
and loss of animal habitat.

■ To show that clearcutting causes economic harm, McKinney uses statis-

tics from a U.S. Forest Service study: Each year, the timber companies’
destruction of natural resources causes the U.S. economy to lose $791
million in recreation money that would have been spent by hunters, hik-
ers, campers, fishers, and tourists.
■ McKinney gives a vivid image (or description) of environmental damage:
“Without trees to soak up moisture and roots to hold the soil, water
gushes down the slopes, washing silt into streams, polluting our drinking
water, intensifying floods, and causing lethal mud slides.”
■ Giving an example of the destruction of an animal habitat, she says that
clearcutting kills hundreds of thousands of young songbirds annually dur-
ing nesting season.
McKinney has built a strong case. (This doesn’t mean she’s right. The
other side might have an even stronger case—you should investigate both
sides before agreeing or disagreeing.) What’s important here is to recognize
that her argument is strong because it is more than just opinion—it is backed
up by credible support materials. When you are a speaker, you must do support material
more than make assertions and trust the audience to believe you. You must elements that illustrate
or substantiate a point
back up your statements with solid, credible support.
176 Part 3 Preparing Content

■ Reasons for Using Support Materials

Support materials enable you to move from general and abstract concepts,
which are often hard for audiences to understand and remember, to spe-
cific and concrete details, which are easily grasped. Support materials add
spice and flavor to a speech, but they are more than just seasonings; they
are basic nourishment that is essential to the success of a speech. Let’s
look at five reasons why support materials are so important.

To Develop and Illustrate Ideas

In a speech on sharks, student speaker Austin Fitzgerald pointed out that,
unlike most creatures of the sea, sharks behave unpredictably. To develop
and illustrate his point, he said:
In his book on sharks, Jacques-Yves Cousteau, the famous oceanogra-
pher, says that he has seen sharks flee from an almost naked, completely
unarmed diver, but soon afterward hurl themselves against a steel diving
cage and bite furiously at the bars. Sometimes a diver can scare off a
shark by waving his or her flippers at it, while at other times sharks are so
determined to attack that they are not deterred by the sight of five divers
with spears. The terrifying thing, Cousteau says, is that sharks never give
clues as to what kind of behavior they will exhibit.
Without these examples, Fitzgerald’s contention that sharks behave
unpredictably would have been weak. With the examples, the listeners got
a clear picture of sharks’ volatile nature. Notice, too, that Fitzgerald
enhanced the credibility of his remarks by attributing his information to
a well-known authority.

To Clarify Ideas
Helping the listener make sense out of your ideas is one of the main rea-
sons for using support material. Student speaker Maria Burton gave a
speech on pit-and-fissure sealants, which are used to cover the rough sur-
faces of teeth and prevent cavities.
“Sealants,” Burton explained, “are thin, clear plastic coatings that are
painted on the teeth, much like nail polish on fingernails.”
With this analogy, the audience had a clear picture of what sealants are.
To Make a Speech More Interesting
In a speech on how explorers from earth would experience life on Mars,
student speaker Diane Weber said,
Most of the time Mars is much colder than the coldest regions of earth,
with summer temperatures dipping down as low as 126 degrees below
zero and winter temperatures twice that cold. Sometimes, however, at the
equator of Mars, the temperature does warm up to an earthly level of com-
fort. For a few minutes, the temperature can climb to a high of 68
degrees—sort of like a pleasant October afternoon in New England.
Instead of merely reciting statistics, which would have been boring,
Weber made her subject interesting by comparing and contrasting the cli-
mate of the two planets, using images (such as the October afternoon in
New England) that her listeners could appreciate.
Chapter 8 Supporting Your Ideas 177

To Help Listeners Remember Key Ideas

Jeffrey Scott, a high school English teacher, says that his students are
more likely to remember the meaning of a word in a vocabulary lesson if
they are told the story of the word’s origin. For example, he tells his stu-
dents that we get the word tantalize from a king called Tantalus in Greek
mythology: “As punishment for betraying Zeus, Tantalus was sentenced to
hang from the branch of a fruit tree that spread out over a pool of water.
Whenever he got hungry and reached for fruit, the wind would blow it out
of his reach. Whenever he got thirsty and leaned over to drink from the
pool, the water would recede.” This story, Scott says, helps his students to
remember that when we tantalize people, we torment them by showing
them something that is desirable but unattainable.

To Help Prove an Assertion

When you want to prove a point, you must have evidence. If, for exam-
ple, you wanted to prove that more counterfeiters are being caught today
than ever before, you could quote a Secret Service official who states that
the number of counterfeiting convictions this year is 10 times that of any
previous year. Such a statistic from a reliable source is solid proof of your
Note of caution: Support materials do not necessarily constitute proof.
Suppose a speaker argues that drinking a glass of carrot juice daily can
protect a person from heart disease. To prove his claim, he tells of a 93-
year-old man who has consumed carrot juice every day for the past 60
years and has a healthy heart. This is an interesting example, but it proves
nothing. There are probably many 93-year-old men who have healthy
hearts but have never tasted carrot juice. To prove his point, the speaker
would need indisputable findings by reputable medical authorities, based
upon long-term studies of thousands of people.

■ Types of Support Materials

In this chapter we will look at verbal support materials, reserving visual
supports for the next chapter. The cardinal rule in using verbal supports
is that they must be relevant; they must develop, explain, illustrate, or
reinforce your message. They should not be thrown in simply to enliven
a speech.
Let’s examine eight categories of verbal supports.

One of the biggest obstacles to successful communication is the assump-
tion that your listeners define words and phrases the same way you do. If
you are speaking on gun control, it is not enough to say, “I’m in favor of
gun control.” Exactly what does “gun control” mean? To some members
of your audience, it may mean that citizens must surrender all of their
firearms. To some, it may mean that citizens must give up only their hand-
guns. To others, it may mean that citizens can keep their guns if they
register them with the authorities. If you say that you are in favor of gun
178 Part 3 Preparing Content

control without giving your definition of the term,

some listeners may misunderstand your position and
angrily reject everything that you say on the subject.
So define your terms at the outset; for example:
“When I talk about gun control, I’m not talking
about confiscation of all guns; I’m talking about cit-
izens registering the serial numbers of their guns
with the authorities.” Now you and your audience
have a common basis for an evaluation of your
Do you know what a “boss button” is? It’s an
icon supplied with many computer games that can
be clicked if you are playing an unauthorized game
on your computer at work and the boss walks into
your office. Instantly, the game disappears and is
replaced by a spreadsheet so that your boss thinks
that you are doing your work. One speaker men-
A Native American leader who spoke to the United
tioned “boss button” in a speech, but many in the
Nations at age 18, Winona LaDuke of the Ojibwe
tribe of Northern Minnesota goes beyond a formal audience didn’t know the meaning of the term. You
dictionary definition to define a term: “Quality of life can avoid this speaker’s mistake if you always
does not have to do with income. Quality of life has define terms that are not universally known. If you
to do with having clean air, feeling safe in your are experienced with digital imagery, for example,
house, feeling that your children are safe on the
you must be careful to define terms like JPEG and
streets, feeling that you are valued as a human
being, that you have good relationships with other TIFF (abbreviations for two types of digital files)
people, and that what you do feeds your soul and that are well-known to you but not to the general
your day.” public.
Avoid using formal dictionary definitions, if
possible. They tend to be tedious and hard to
definition grasp. Instead, use informal definitions that can be easily understood by
a statement of the the audience. Here is an instructive case: chutzpah, a slang word that
meaning of a word or the English language has borrowed from Yiddish, is defined by the Ran-
phrase dom House College Dictionary as “unmitigated effrontery or impudence.”
I once heard a speaker give a humorous, informal definition of the word:
“Chutzpah is the kind of audacity and gall that a youngster would show
if he killed both of his parents and then demanded that the court be
lenient to him because he was an orphan.” This informal definition
drives home the point that chutzpah is more than ordinary gall; it is the
ultimate form of gall. Such a definition does more than help the listen-
ers understand the term—it also helps them remember it.

Vivid Image
Student speaker Nancy Li described a fascinating form of slavery in the
animal world:
Polyergus ants in Arizona have completely lost the ability to care for
themselves, according to Dr. Howard Topoff of the American Museum
of Natural History. They can’t hunt for food for themselves, they can’t
feed the young, they can’t feed and guard the queen, and they can’t clean
their own nest. The only thing they can do is fight. In order to survive, they
capture slaves to do their work for them. Periodically about 1,500 Polyergus
Chapter 8 Supporting Your Ideas 179

warriors will travel up to 500 feet and invade the nest of a different type
of ant, the Formica. They expel the Formica queen and workers, and cap-
ture the pupae—the developing young—which they take back to their own
nest. When the Formica ants are hatched, they assume the role of slaves.
They forage for food to sustain their Polyergus masters, they remove wastes,
and they excavate new chambers. A typical colony has 2,000 Polyergus
masters and 3,000 Formica slaves. Without their slaves, the Polyergus would
This passage is an example of vivid images—word pictures that vivid image
are created by describing objects, animals, people, places, or situations. a description that
To make your description come alive in the minds of your listeners, evokes a lifelike picture
you must use specific details, for they are the brush strokes that pro- within the mind of the
vide richness, color, and vividness. Instead of merely saying, “The listener
dessert tasted good,” say “The crunchy pretzels were coated with a soft,
white yogurt icing, giving a delicious blend of sweetness and salt in each

An example is an instance or fact that illustrates a statement or backs up example
a generalization. In a speech on illiteracy, student speaker Pat Ferguson an instance that serves
made the following point: to illustrate a point

Illiterate adults cannot read the important things that the rest of us take for
granted in our everyday lives.
If Ferguson had said no more on the subject, she would have forced
her listeners to guess for themselves just what kind of reading material
she was referring to. Fortunately for the audience, she gave examples:
These adults cannot read the poison warnings on a can of pesticide, a
highway directional sign, the front page of a newspaper, or a letter from
their child’s teacher.
While these examples are short, you may want to give longer exam-
ples in some cases. In a speech on drug smuggling, student speaker
William Murphy gave examples of the clever ways that smugglers use to
move cocaine into the United States:3
■ Agents along the Mexican border discovered the “cone scam,” in
which an ice cream cone contained cocaine covered by a layer of ice
cream. The cone was licked very slowly as the smuggler strolled
across the border.
■ A shipment of sneakers from Colombia to New York had false com-
partments in the soles stuffed with 12,000 pounds of cocaine worth
$30 billion.
■ In Miami, customs officials found 1,000 pounds of cocaine worth
$3.4 million packed into hollow plaster shells that were shaped and
painted to look like yams.
■ A few years ago it became popular to conceal kilo bricks of cocaine
beneath false bottoms of containers that hold poisonous snakes.
When drug agents discovered this ruse, smugglers began placing the
180 Part 3 Preparing Content

drugs inside the snakes. “You’ve got cobras that are 12 feet long,”
says one customs official. “Who’s going to pull it out and feel it?”
How many examples do you need to develop a point? In some cases, one
example is sufficient, while other situations might require a series of short
examples. Ask yourself, “If I were those people sitting out there, how many
examples would I need in order to understand, remember, or be convinced?”

narrative A narrative is a story that explains or illustrates your message. Narratives
a story that illustrates a are audience favorites, lingering in the mind long after a speech has ended.
point People love stories, and even a sleepy or distracted member of the audi-
ence finds it hard to resist listening. As with all support materials, narra-
tives must be relevant to your message. Never tell a story, no matter how
spellbinding, if it fails to develop, explain, illustrate, or reinforce your key
Dr. Mark Johnson of the University of North Carolina Hospital in
SpeechMate Chapel Hill performs kidney transplants. In a speech aimed at showing
To see a speaker who how easy it is to be a donor, Johnson told the heartwarming story of events
relates a narrative
leading to one of his operations. Here is a summary of the story:
about the man who
stalked her, view Video When Michael Carter was in the 8th grade in Fayetteville, North Carolina,
Clip 8.1 on the CD. he needed a kidney transplant. He had lost one kidney to disease, and the
other was weakening. Despite 22 operations and thrice-weekly dialysis
treatments, his condition was desperate, but no matching donor could be
found, even though a dozen
Looking on as Dr. Mark relatives had been tested.
Johnson of Chapel Hill, One day his science
North Carolina, discusses teacher, Jane Smith, noticed
kidney transplants is sci- that he had trouble running on
ence teacher Jane Smith, the playground. “I assumed he
who donated one of her couldn’t run because his pants
kidneys to her student
were baggy.” When she asked
Michael Carter (shown in
photo below).
why he wore them, he said,
“They’re more comfortable. I’m
on dialysis, Ms. Smith. I need a
Her reply was instanta-
neous. “Well, I’ve got two. Want
Smith was soon tested,
and it was discovered that she
and Carter had compatible
blood group and tissue type. A
few months later, she checked
into Dr. Johnson’s hospital and
donated a kidney, which was
transplanted into Carter’s body
35 minutes later.
In the months that
followed, neither the donor nor
the recipient showed any ill
Chapter 8 Supporting Your Ideas 181

effects, and today Michael Carter lives a normal life as a high-spirited,

basketball-playing teenager.4
While the above story is factual, there are occasions when you may
want to use a narrative that is hypothetical, that is, about an imaginary hypothetical
situation. Katrina Benjamin, a private investigator, wanted to explain how narrative
computers have invaded the average person’s privacy: imaginary story related
to help listeners
A company is trying to decide whether to hire you, and they ask me to
visualize a potential
investigate you. All I have is your name and address. I sit down in front of
my computer and within five hours, I know a great deal about you: I know
what jobs you have held and how much you got paid. I know the names of
your parents, siblings, spouse, and children. I know what kind of car you
drive and how much you paid for it. I know if you have ever been arrested
or charged with a crime—even if it’s just a ticket for speeding. I know the
amount of the monthly payment on your home mortgage. I know what kinds
of medical problems you have, and I know the names of all the prescribed
medications you have taken in the past and are taking right now.5 SpeechMate
To see a speaker who
This hypothetical scenario dramatically demonstrates the intrusiveness uses a hypothetical
of computers. narrative, view Video
Clip 8.2 on the CD.

Comparison and Contrast

Sometimes the best way to explain a thing or a concept is to make a com- comparison
parison—that is, show how it resembles something else. In a lecture on showing how two or
the development of the English language, a speaker noted the following more items are alike
The Frisian language, spoken by 300,000 Frisians in the marshy headlands
of northern Holland, is more closely related to English than any other lan-
guage. Our glass of milk is their glass milk, our butter is their butter, our
dream is their dream, our boat is their boat, our green is their grien, our
house is their hus, our cow is their ko, our goose is their goes, our sun-
shine is their sinneskine . . .
By giving many points of comparison, the speaker strongly illustrated
how similar the two languages are.
While a comparison shows how things are similar, a contrast shows contrast
how they are different. In describing the vast chasm between rich and poor showing how two or
in India, writer Celia W. Dugger contrasted the new India and the old India: more items are different
In Hyderabad, Cyber Towers rises from the campus of a software technol-
ogy park, a sleek Internet-connected symbol of the new India that is fever-
ishly courting foreign investment, selling its wares in the global market-
place, and creating wealth at an astonishing rate.
But less than 50 miles away, in the poverty-stricken village of Sheri
Ram Reddy Guda, the old India is alive and unwell. Illiteracy, sickness,
and hunger are the villagers’ constant companions. Women and children
work in the fields for less than 50 cents a day. The sole telephone—an SpeechMate
antique contraption of batteries and antennae—almost never works.6 To see a speaker who
makes a contrast to
Sometimes it is helpful to use both comparison and contrast. For explain sickle cell
example, comparing and contrasting Japanese and American cars could anemia, view Video
help the listener understand more fully the features of each. Clip 8.3 on the CD.
182 Part 3 Preparing Content

analogy A special type of comparison is the analogy, which explains a concept
resemblance in some or object by likening it to something that is—at first glance—quite dif-
respects between ferent. For example, computer-security expert William Cheswick
things that are explained how easily criminals can breach security walls at Internet
otherwise dissimilar sites. “The Internet is like a vault with a screen door on the back. I don’t
need jackhammers and atom bombs to get in when I can walk in
through the door.”7
How do analogies differ from ordinary comparisons? While ordinary
comparisons show similarities between two things of the same category
SpeechMate (two cars), analogies show similarities between two things of different
To see a speaker who categories (punctuation marks work like road signs and traffic signals).
draws an analogy, Student speaker Cheryl Williams used an analogy to show the futility of
view Video Clip 8.4 on worry:
the CD.
Worrying is like sitting in a rocking chair and rocking furiously. There is a
great deal of movement and agitation, but you don’t go anywhere.
An analogy tries to show that what is true in one case is true in
another. Student speaker Lisa Rathbone used this analogy:
Cramming for a test the night before is like baking a cake faster by raising
the oven temperature from 350 to 550 degrees. It just won’t work.

Suppose that one of your classmates gives a speech on the jury system
in the United States, and she tells you that the method of selecting and
using jurors in most communities is inefficient, overly expensive, and
demoralizing to the jurors. Would you believe her? Probably not, if all
she gave was her personal opinion—after all, she is not a lawyer or a
judge. But what if she quoted the Chief Justice of the U.S. Supreme
Court saying the exact same thing? Now would you believe her? You
probably would, because the Chief Justice is one of the nation’s experts
on what happens in our courts.
When you use what knowledgeable people have to say on your sub-
testimony ject, you are using testimony to back up your assertions. The main advan-
statement by a tage of using testimony is that it gives you instant credibility; quoting an
knowledgeable person, expert is a way of saying, “I’m not the only one who has this idea; it has
used by a speaker to the backing of a leading authority on the subject.”
explain or bolster a
point How to Use Testimony
There are three ways of using testimony:

quote verbatim 1. Quote verbatim. Sometimes it is effective to quote a source word

to cite the exact words for word. For example, Lorraine Vallejo made the following point in a
used by a source speech on dreams:
For all of us, dreams are weird, chaotic, and crazy. An expert on dreams,
Dr. William Dement, says: “Dreaming permits each and every one of us to
be quietly and safely insane every night of our lives.”
Tips for Your Career
Tip 8.1 Cite Experts Whom Your Audience Will Trust
to give the substance
If you were trying to sell computer products to an audience weaken, ratherof athan
statement in
strengthen, your case.
of executives, would you strengthen your appeal by in- condensed form
People with advanced training and technical experi-
cluding a quotation from Bill Gates, founder of Microsoft ence—such as scientists, medical researchers, and engi-
and the world’s richest individual? neers—are good possibilities for testimony because they
Not necessarily. Some executives admire Gates and are usually rated high in credibility. This doesn’t mean,
respect his computer savvy, but others consider him an un- however, thatparaphrase
you can’t use nontechnical people. A class-
ethical manipulator whose company has impeded mate who has to sampled and rated low-fat entrees at many
restate material,
progress and unfairly destroyed superior competing prod- different restaurants in your area is an expert on the best
using different words
ucts. While a quotaton by Gates might be received favor- places for low-fat dining. A celebrity who leads a national
ably by some listeners, it could cause other listeners to re- campaign to combat diabetes because she herself has di-
act with anger—an emotional response that could weaken abetes is not a medical authority, but she has first-hand ex-
their trust in you. perience that an audience would value.
Even if an expert is admired, he or she might have As much as possible, find out in advance whether
low credibility on the topic under discussion. If, for exam- your audience is likely to respect and believe the experts
ple, you are speaking on foreign policy and you have a whom you are planning to cite. You can gain this knowl-
colorful quotation from a football star, would your audi- edge by interviewing several of your future listeners or dis-
ence consider the player’s views on foreign policy as rel- tributing a questionnaire to all members of the audience
evant and trustworthy? If not, quoting the player could (see Chapter 4 for details).

Quoting the expert verbatim was very effective because the state-
ment was phrased in a colorful way that would have been weakened if
it had been paraphrased.
2. Summarize. When a statement is lengthy, quoting it verbatim can summarize
bore the audience, so it is best to summarize any quotation that is more to give the substance
than one or two sentences. In another part of Vallejo’s speech, she took of a statement in
a long quotation and boiled it down into one brief sentence: condensed form

Sigmund Freud believed that dreams reflect unconscious wishes and urges
that we are afraid to think about during our daytime waking hours.

3. Paraphrase. If a quotation has archaic or technical language or is paraphrase

laced with jargon, you should paraphrase it. If, for example, you want to restate material,
to quote a skin-care expert who says, “Don’t use photoallergenic cosmet- using different words
ics if you will be outdoors,” you can paraphrase this jargon into plain
English by saying, “Don’t go outdoors wearing any moisturizer, perfume,
or cologne that is photoallergenic because sunlight will activate certain
chemicals that irritate the skin.”

Ethical Considerations
Here are some guidelines for using testimony in an ethical and responsi-
Ethical Issue
ble manner:

Make sure quotations are accurate. If you are not careful with
a quotation, you can unwittingly change its meaning. For example,
Ralph Waldo Emerson is often quoted as saying, “Consistency is the
hobgoblin of little minds.” That is an unfortunate misquotation. What
he really said is quite different in meaning: “A foolish consistency is the
184 Part 3 Preparing Content

hobgoblin of little minds.” With the misquotation, consistency itself is

condemned, but with the correct quotation, only a foolish consistency
is deemed stupid.
Use testimony from unbiased sources. Ethical speakers avoid
using sources that are biased. Suppose you are researching the question
of whether polygraphs (lie detectors) are accurate, and you come across
glowing pro-polygraph statements by two “experts” who are on the pay-
roll of a firm that manufactures polygraph machines. Could you expect
such sources to be unbiased? Of course not. They would probably lose
their jobs if they said anything negative about the machines. Reject such
“evidence” and look instead for statements by people who have no vested
interest in the issue.
Use testimony from relevant authorities. As part of your pre-
speech audience analysis, ask yourself, “What kind of experts would this
particular audience believe?” If you are speaking on foreign policy, for
example, and you have a good quotation from a movie star, would your
audience consider the star’s views irrelevant? If so, quoting the star might
weaken, rather than strengthen, your case.
State the credentials of your source. If you quote a famous per-
son like Abraham Lincoln, you don’t need to give any background infor-
mation about the person. But for authorities who are not well known, be
sure to give some biographical data to establish their credibility. For exam-
ple, “Jack Smithson, who spent 25 years as a research scientist for NASA,
says that . . .”

For a speech explaining the immense distances of space, Paula Schiller
began with some mind-boggling facts:
Proxima Centauri, the star that is closest to our solar system, is only 4.28
light years away. That doesn’t sound like a very great distance, does it? Is
there any chance that we can reach that star—or one of its planets—in
our lifetime? Before you start fantasizing about being the first human to
travel to our nearest star, consider this fact: if you traveled to Proxima Cen-
tauri in the fastest spacecraft now in existence, it would take you 40,000
years to make the trip.

statistics Schiller was using statistics, which are numerical ways of expressing
numerical facts information. As this example illustrates, statistics don’t have to be dry and
assembled to present boring. They can be made interesting and even exciting.
significant information Statistics can be especially effective in persuading an audience to
about a subject accept a particular point. In our society, people put a lot of trust in sta-
tistics. If a television commercial says that 78 percent of physicians pre-
fer Cure-All pain reliever over all competing brands, many consumers will
rush out to buy Cure-All.
In a speech in which she tried to persuade her audience to drive
their cars less and walk more, Carol Morris wanted to prove that the
fitness of Americans has been lessened by the automobile. She could
Chapter 8 Supporting Your Ideas 185

have made a vague statement such as, “Because of

the automobile, we Americans are getting soft and
flabby.” Instead, she gave a fascinating statistic to
prove her point: “Since the advent of the auto, the
average waistline of American adults has increased
one inch every generation.” That single statistic,
short and surprising, was one of the most persua-
sive parts of her speech.

Understanding Statistics
While statistics can provide powerful support for ideas,
they also can be easily misused, either willfully or
through carelessness or ignorance. Unfortunately, there
is much truth in the old statement, “You can prove any-
thing with statistics.” To understand how statistics are
used (and abused), let’s look at several of the more pop-
ular varieties.

Averages. The most popular kind of statistic is

the average. It can provide interesting views of a
subject, as when one speaker pointed out, “On an
average day, 24 mail carriers in the United States Puerto Rican singer Ricky Martin is an outspoken
foe of the U.S. Navy’s policy of using the Puerto
receive animal bites.” Giving the average in a case Rican island of Vieques for bombing practice.
like this is much more interesting than simply stat- He uses statistics in his campaign to halt the
ing the annual total. bombings: “More than 9,300 people live in
Though averages seem like straightforward Vieques. Because of 60 years of bombing, the
pieces of statistical data, there are pitfalls: most island has been contaminated by toxic smoke,
napalm, and uranium residue. According to a
people are unaware that there are actually three study by the Puerto Rico Department of Health,
different kinds of averages—the mean, the median, the cancer rate in Vieques is 27 percent higher
and the mode. To understand these terms, consider than in the rest of Puerto Rico.”
Figure 8.1, which shows three ways for figuring the
average of normal high temperatures in July in
selected American cities. average
The mean, which is what most people use when they are asked to a single value that
compute an average, is derived by adding all the temperatures (for a represents the general
total of 954) and dividing by the number of cities (11). This gives us significance of a set of
86.7 as the mean. unequal values
The median is derived by listing the numerals, ranging from highest mean
to lowest (or lowest to highest), and then locating the numeral that falls in a set of numbers, the
in the middle. (Memory aid: Just as the median is the strip in the middle sum of all figures
of a highway, the median is the middle number.) In this case 88 is pre- divided by the number
cisely in the middle, so it is our median. Our example has an odd num- of figures
ber of figures—this makes it easy to find the median; when you have an median
even number of figures, the median is defined as the number halfway the number that falls in
between the median pair. the middle of a
numerical ranking
The mode is simply the number that occurs most frequently: in this
case, 83. mode
Since all three of these terms can be called the average, problems arise the figure that appears
most frequently in a set
in communicating information. Suppose a company is made up of a
of figures
186 Part 3 Preparing Content

Figure 8.1
For these normal high City Normal Highs in July
temperatures for July in
selected American Phoenix 105
cities, the average high Houston 94
for all the cities can be
Orlando 92
computed in three ways,
because there are three New Orleans 91
different types of aver- St. Louis 89
ages: mean, median, The number that falls
Atlanta 88 Median in the middle of a
and mode.
numerical ranking

Albany, NY 83
The number that
Chicago 83 Mode occurs most
Detroit 83
Seattle 75
San Francisco 71
Sum of all items
954 11 = 86.7 Mean divided by the number
of items

president with an annual salary of $290,000; a vice president with a salary

of $170,000; three managers with salaries of $50,000 each, and 20 work-
ers with wages of $20,000 each. What is the average income of the peo-
ple who work at this company? If one uses the mean as the average, the
answer is derived by totaling the salaries and dividing by 25 (the total
number of employees): $40,400. The median is derived by listing the
salaries in a column, ranging from highest to lowest, and then locating
the salary that falls in the middle: $20,000. The mode is the salary that
occurs most frequently: $20,000.
Now suppose that the company had a labor–management dispute. In
an interview with the press, the president could say, “I don’t see what the
workers are complaining about. The average income in this company is
$40,400.” And she would be correct, since she chose to use the mean as
her version of average. A representative of the workers, on the other hand,
could say “We are paid an average of only $20,000,” and this would be
correct, since the median is also a kind of average.
As a researcher, you need to know the meanings of these three terms,
Ethical Issue but as an ethical speaker, you should restrict your use of the word aver-
age to the mean because that is what most people think of as the average.
For the other two types of averages, simply explain them in context with-
out using the word “average.” Regarding Figure 8.1, for example, you
could say, “The high that appears most often on this list is 83.” For the
median, it would help your audience if you said, “Highs range from 105
to 71, with 88 falling in the middle.”
Chapter 8 Supporting Your Ideas 187

Percentages. Giving a percentage (a portion of 100) can be a useful percentage

way to make a point. For example, suppose that you find that 2 percent a rate or proportion per
of the employees in a company have physical disabilities, and yet only 1 hundred
percent of the parking spaces have been designated for employees with
disabilities. With these figures, you can make a good argument for increas-
ing the number of spaces for employees with disabilities.
Unfortunately, percentages can be misleading. A television commercial
might say, “Eighty percent of the doctors interviewed said they recom-
mend Feel Good medicated tablets for their patients.” How many doctors
were involved? If only ten doctors were interviewed, and eight of them
gave the endorsement, the commercial is accurate (8 out of 10 amounts
to 80 percent) but misleading.
The following statement is true: In one recent year Switzerland expe-
rienced a 50 percent jump in unemployment, causing that nation to rank
number one in the world in the percentage increase of unemployed over
the previous year. Sounds terrible, doesn’t it? Is the prosperous little coun-
try sliding toward economic catastrophe? But here is another way of
reporting the facts: In the year cited, there were 51 jobless persons in
Switzerland as compared to 34 in the previous year. This represents a 50
percent increase, but when you look at the actual number of people
involved, you find no reason for the Swiss to be alarmed.

Correlations. The term correlation refers to the degree of relationship correlation

between two sets of data. Let’s say that I have two sets of data concern- the degree of relative
ing you and 20 of your friends: I have the scores (or IQs) from an intelli- correspondence
gence test that all of you took, and I also have your grade-point averages. between two sets of
When I compare the two sets of data, I find that for most of you, the data
higher the IQ, the higher the grade-point average. I can now state that
there is a high correlation between the two sets of data. This should be
no surprise: For most people in our society, the higher the IQ, the greater
the level of academic achievement. Statisticians would say that IQ scores
and grade-point averages are highly correlated.
Now let’s suppose that I compare the IQ scores with the shoe sizes of
you and your friends. Will I find that the larger the foot, the higher the
IQ? No, of course not. Will I find that the smaller the foot, the higher the
IQ? Again, no. There is absolutely no pattern to observe—no correspon-
dence between foot size and intelligence. In the language of statisticians,
there is no correlation at all.
Correlation is a handy statistical device because it can help us predict
probable outcomes for individuals. For example, because a high correla-
tion is known to exist between exercising regularly and living a long time,
medical experts can predict that a person who jogs regularly is likely to
live longer than someone who doesn’t exercise.
Correlation, however, is often misunderstood and misused because
some people think that it proves a cause-and-effect relationship. Just
because two sets of data are correlated, we cannot conclude that one
causes the other. For example, some medical researchers once thought
that drinking milk might cause cancer because they found a high cor-
relation between milk consumption and the incidence of cancer in some
188 Part 3 Preparing Content

European countries, while finding a rarity of that disease in underde-

veloped nations where milk consumption is low. When the researchers
analyzed their data, however, they found that a third factor was
involved: cancer most often strikes people who are over 40; most of the
people studied in the underdeveloped nations did not live long enough
to get the disease. So a correlation between milk consumption and can-
cer does exist (people who drink a lot of milk have high cancer rates),
but there is no cause-and-effect relationship (the milk is not what causes

Guidelines for Using Statistics

Here are some guidelines to consider when you are evaluating statistics
for possible use in a speech:

Use statistics fairly and honestly. In one recent year, newspapers

and TV stations reported some alarming news: Four of America’s largest
cities—Los Angeles, San Diego, Dallas, and Phoenix—had experienced a
record number of murders during the previous year. The story was true,
but misleading. All four of those cities had also reached new highs in pop-
ulation, with the per-capita murder rates staying the same. In other words,
there were more murders because there were more people.8
This case illustrates that even a true statistic can sometimes leave a
false impression. An unethical speaker could cite the study and let the
Ethical Issue audience draw the wrong conclusion—that murder was becoming ram-
pant in four big cities. An ethical speaker, in contrast, would analyze the
statistics for their true significance and explain to the audience that the
murder rate—the only fair yardstick—had not increased.
Make sure that your sources for statistics are unbiased. If a phar-
maceutical company comes out with a new drug it claims is 100 per-
cent effective in eliminating migraine headaches, you would be wise to
treat the claim with skepticism. Look for an evaluation by a source that
has no vested interest in the product—such as a university medical

Use statistics sparingly. A long recital of statistics is hard for the

audience to absorb:
Poor: According to the U.S. Census Bureau, 222,600,798 Americans speak
English at home; 38,844,979 speak a different language at home. Of the
latter number, 19,339,172 speak Spanish; 2,189,253 speak Chinese;
2,102,176 speak French; 1,947,099 speak German; and 1,908,648
speak Italian. All other languages have under one million users.
Better: According to the U.S. Census Bureau, 85 percent of Americans speak
English at home. Of the 15 percent speaking other languages, one-
half speak Spanish. Four languages—Chinese, French, German, and
Italian—are each spoken by roughly 5 percent of the non-English
The statistics in the first version would be fine in a written essay, but
in a speech they would be hard for the audience to follow. The second ver-
sion, streamlined and simple, would be easier for the audience to digest.
Chapter 8 Supporting Your Ideas 189

Round off long numbers. In print, a long number is no problem, but

in a speech, it is hard for the listener to absorb the information. A
rounded-off number is easy to say and easy for the audience to grasp.
Poor: In the last presidential election, 96,274,564 Americans voted.
Better: In the last presidential election, over 96 million Americans voted.
Translate your statistics into vivid, meaningful language. If
you have a statistic that would be meaningless to most listeners or diffi-
cult for them to visualize, translate it into simple, down-to-earth lan-
guage. Jim McMahon, a computer-security expert in San Diego, explains
how the shrinking size of computer hard drives (fixed disks) has benefit-
ted criminals:
In the ’60s, the hard drive of a computer, responsible for holding all your
data, was the size of a Volkswagen. In the ’70s, it was the size of a shoe
box, but it still weighed a good ten pounds. Hard to put in your pocket
and run with. Now, a hard drive is half the size of a pack of cigarettes.9
Instead of giving us dry statistics about weight and dimensions,
McMahon gives us a clear picture that we can understand instantly.
Adapt statistics to your particular audience. Whenever possible,
adapt your statistics to the needs and interests of your particular audi-
ence. Imagine that you are planning a speech on Alaska and you want
to give your audience an idea of that state’s immense size. All you need
to do is take a pocket calculator with you to the library, look up the
areas of states in a reference work like the World Almanac, and make a
few simple calculations. If you live in California, for example, you could
give your audience a sense of Alaska’s size by saying, “You could put
three Californias inside Alaska’s borders and still have room left over
for Oregon.”
Relate statistics to familiar objects. One way to make statistics
dramatic is to relate them to something familiar. In a speech on bats, stu-
dent speaker Sally Ingle wanted to give the audience an idea of the incred-
ible smallness of one variety of bat. Instead of giving its weight in grams,
which would have meant little to most of the audience, she said, “One SpeechMate
To see a speaker who
variety of bat is so tiny than when it is full-grown, it weighs less than a
dramatizes statistics,
penny.” Knowing the lightness of a penny, the audience could easily get a
view Video Clip 8.5 on
notion of the smallness of the bat. the CD.
Since every American has a clear visual image of the width and length
of a football field, you can use the field as a point of reference for size
and distance. To show that a baseball diamond uses more space than one
would suspect from its appearance, you could say, “The distance that a
home run hitter travels around the bases is 60 feet more than the length
of a football field.” To show how relatively small a basketball court is, you
could say, “A regulation court, if placed on a football field, will extend from
the goal line to the thirty-one yard line; its width will cover less than a
third of the width of the field.”
190 Part 3 Preparing Content

■ Sample Speech
To see how support materials can be used, let’s look at a speech by student
speaker Karen Miyamoto on bullies in the workplace.10 A commentary
alongside the speech points out the types of support materials that are used.

Commentary Workplace Bullies

Karen Miyamoto opens with a narrative Mark Montana, a 28-year-old chef at a catering service in
that is designed to capture the attention Seattle, loved his job and made his supervisors happy—
and interest of the audience. until a few years ago when a new boss made his life
unbearable. The boss constantly belittled Montana in front
of others, cursing him in a loud, angry voice; blaming him
for any mistakes that he himself made; and threatening to
ruin his reputation in the culinary field if he didn’t “shape
up.” Montana says, “I began to feel bad about myself and
I doubted my own competence. I developed severe
headaches and had trouble sleeping.” Finally, after a few
months of this abuse, he quit.
Mark Montana was the victim of a workplace bully. I’d
like to show you that bullying in the workplace is a serious
problem, but we don’t have to be passive victims. Let’s
begin by looking at the scope of the problem.
Bullies are found throughout the workforce. “Work-
The speaker gives a definition to make place bullying” is defined as “deliberate, repeated, hurtful
sure that the audience understands pre- mistreatment of one person by another. It can be emo-
cisely what behavior she is talking about. tional or physical, but it’s usually emotional.” This definition
is from Dr. Gary Namie, a California psychologist who
heads the Campaign Against Workplace Bullying.
In Dr. Namie’s research, most bullies are bosses—no
surprise there, but I was surprised by some of his other
findings: In 30 percent of the cases, the bullies were
This section of the speech gives a variety women. When the bully was a male, the victims were
of statistics to add interest and give a males in 72 percent of the cases. When the bully was a
clear picture of the extent of the problem. female, the victims were females in 68 percent of the
cases. Dr. Harvey Hornstein, a psychologist at Columbia
University, has completed an eight-year study that esti-
mates that one in five U.S. workers will be the victim of
workplace bullies during their careers.
Here and elsewhere in the speech, the Dr. Harry Levinson, a psychologist in Waltham, Massa-
speaker uses testimony from experts. chusetts, has studied workplace bullies for 40 years and
gives this picture of what they do: They overcontrol, micro-
manage, and display contempt for others, usually by
repeated verbal abuse and sheer exploitation. They con-
A vivid image provides a description of stantly put others down with snide remarks or harsh,
what a bully in action looks like. repetitive, and unfair criticism. They don’t just differ with
you, they differ with you contemptuously; they question
your adequacy and your commitment. They humiliate you
in front of others.
Some specific examples of health prob- Workplace bullies inflict harm on both employees
lems demonstrate the damage caused and the company or agency. According to Dr. Hornstein,
by bullies. employees who are victimized by bullies suffer from anxiety,
Chapter 8 Supporting Your Ideas 191

depression, heart problems, gastrointestinal disorders,

headaches, skin rashes, insomnia, and sexual dysfunction.
As employees suffer, the company or agency suffers. Pro-
ductivity declines, mistakes proliferate, and good employ-
ees quit to find employment elsewhere.
Now that we have seen the nature and extent of the
problem, let’s see what we can do about it. If you are ever
the victim of bullying, you should defintely take action. The A hypothetical narrative imagines a sit-
first step—recommended by all the experts I read about— uation in which the listener is bullied and
is to talk to the bully privately and tell him or her that you then takes action. This technique helps
will not tolerate being abused. If this is not effective, keep listeners to see the relevance of the
a daily log to document the pattern of behavior. After 20 speaker’s ideas.
incidents, take your log to a higher administrator and
demand that the bullying be stopped.
At this point, the company should take action, as
spelled out in the company’s code of conduct. If the com- Specific examples of companies illus-
pany has no such code, urge them to create one. Firms trate that the problem is being taken
such as American Express, Burger King, and J.C. Penney seriously by some employers.
have banned offensive behavior. Any employee who bul-
lies another is dismissed.
Rather than firing the offender, some companies
provide counseling with a mental health professional. Coun-
seling can sometimes help bullies to get insights into what The speaker uses contrast to show the
motivates their behavior. Dr. Hornstein says that bullies feel difference between the bullies’ inner real-
insecure and inadequate in their personal lives, and they ity and their outer behavior.
compensate by becoming aggressive on the job. They feel
small, so they belittle others in the futile hope that it will
make them appear big. It’s sad when the only way some
people can build themselves up is by tearing others down.
When some abusive managers are asked to change,
they think they are being advised to become weak. They
need to be taught that a manager can avoid the two
extremes—weakness at one end and aggression at the
other—by being in the middle: firm and fair. Tommy
Lasorda, the former manager of the Los Angeles Dodgers, An analogy that draws a parallel
once said, “Managing is like holding a dove. Squeeze too between holding a dove and managing
tight, and you’ll kill it. Open your hand too much, and people helps the audience to see the
you’ll let it fly away.” need for middle ground.
What should you do if your employer takes no action?
You can consider filing a lawsuit; or you can quit and
seek a job elsewhere. One thing is certain: You should
never stay in an abusive situation. No person should toler-
ate being bullied.
To summarize, there are many bullies in the work-
place, and if you are ever their victim, you should take
action to stop them. Talk to them privately, and if that
doesn’t stop their behavior, document their actions and
report them to top management. If necessary, seek
another job.
We wouldn’t tolerate a schoolyard bully who beats up In her closing statement, Miyamoto
little kids, and we must not tolerate workplace bullies who gives a comparison between two vari-
beat up people emotionally. eties of bullies.
Resources for Review and Skill Building For additional review, see
CD for a practice test.

■ Summary
Verbal support materials are vital to the suc- provides input from experts; and (9) statistics,
cess of a speech. They develop, illustrate, and which are numerical ways of conveying infor-
clarify ideas; they make a speech more interest- mation.
ing and meaningful; and they can help prove an Of all these types, the narrative (or story) is
assertion. the favorite of most audiences. People love to
Some of the more popular types of verbal hear stories and are more likely to remember
supports are (1) definition, which helps make them than most other parts of your speech. As
sure that your listeners understand key terms as with all support materials, you must make sure
you intend them to be understood; (2) vivid im- that a narrative explains, illustrates, or rein-
age, which is a word picture that helps listeners forces the message of your speech. Telling a story
visualize concepts; (3) example, which is an in- that is irrelevant to the subject is not appropriate
stance that illustrates a statement; (4) narrative, in informative and persuasive speaking.
which is a story that amplifies your message; (5) Statistics such as averages, percentages, and
comparison, which shows how two or more correlations can be useful in a speech, but you
things are alike; (6) contrast, which shows how must be careful to use them accurately and
two or more things are different; (7) analogy, fairly. Adapt statistics to your particular audi-
which explains a concept by likening it to some- ence, making them as interesting and as mean-
thing that seems different; (8) testimony, which ingful as possible.

■ Key Terms
analogy, 182 hypothetical narrative, 181 quote verbatim, 182
average, 185 mean, 185 statistics, 184
comparison, 181 median, 185 summarize, 183
contrast, 181 mode, 185 support material, 175
correlation, 187 narrative, 180 testimony, 182
definition, 178 paraphrase, 183 vivid image, 179
example, 179 percentage, 187

■ Review Questions
1. List five reasons why support materials are 6. How many examples are needed to develop
important in a speech. a point?
2. Why are informal definitions usually supe- 7. What term is used to refer to a story about
rior to dictionary definitions in a speech? an imaginary situation?
3. What must speakers use in order to make 8. What is the difference between a compari-
vivid images successful? son and a contrast?
4. What is the main advantage of using testi- 9. A speaker who likens worrying to rocking
mony in a speech? in a rocking chair is using which kind of
5. The boss of a small firm has an annual support material?
salary of $100,000. Each of his 13 employ- 10. If we say that there is a positive relation-
ees makes $12,000 a year. Give the average ship between height and landing a spot on
salary of the firm in terms of mean, median, a basketball team, we are using which type
and mode. of statistics?
■ Building Critical-Thinking Skills
1. Whenever tar on asphalt roads gets hot 2. In three or four sentences, give an informal
enough to bubble on a summer day, the definition (not a dictionary definition) of
incidence of heat exhaustion among citi- one of these terms:
zens goes up. In other words, there is a a. Friendship
strong correlation between bubbling tar
b. Pizzazz
and heat exhaustion. Does the correlation
prove that tar fumes cause people to pass c. Ideal pet
out? Explain your answer.

■ Building Teamwork Skills

1. In a group, choose several focal points (such c. “Studies show that children with
as music and food preferences) and analyze longer arms are better at solving math
how group members compare and contrast problems than children with shorter
with one another. In what way are group arms.”
members most alike and most unalike? d. “College-educated people drink 90 per-
2. Working in a group, analyze these statistics, cent of all bottled mineral water sold in
all of which are true. Discuss why they can the United States, so we can say that a
be misleading. high correlation exists between an
advanced educational level and con-
a. “Last year 37 people were killed by
sumption of mineral water.”
automobile airbags.”
e. “The average American parents have
b. “Three out of four doctors surveyed
named their daughter Jennifer and
said that margarine is healthier for the
their son Michael.”
heart than butter.”
Building Internet Skills
1. Find three quotations about children at a 2. On the Internet, find and print an article
Website devoted to collections of quota- that uses lots of statistics, and identify the
tions. types used (percentages, correlations, aver-
ages, etc.).
Possible Strategy: Visit Yahoo!
(, click on Reference, and Possible Strategy: Go to the back issues
then Quotations. Browse through several site of American Demographics magazine
listed Websites until you find quotations ( and browse
about children. (Many sites have search through recent issues.
features so that you can use the keyword


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