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ID Brief for Interactive eLearning Draft

Link to ID_Brief document draft:

Title or Topic of Module/Lesson:​ Silica Exposure Education

Date this Design Created/Modified: 3/6/218
Designer’s Name: Leticia Molina
Time: 7-10 minutes

General Overview/Need:​ Gavilan Mechanical, Inc. (GMI) is a small heating, ventilation,

air conditioning (HVAC), and architectural metal design business. GMI wishes to
develop a safety training program for their field employees to prevent accidents, serious
physical injury, maintain maximum productivity, keep their insurance costs low, and
comply with California’s Labor Law. For this project, the e-learning module will focus on
the prevention of silica exposure. GMI does not have an established safety training
program, it lacks appropriate materials and and an effective delivery system. The Office
Manager has requested a training program to meet the Silica Dust Law compliance.

Why a computer should teach it:

Costs of materials and equipment, interface, asynchronous opportunity, time
considerations, engagement.

The company’s employees range in ages from 20 years old to 50 years old. First line
workers have an educational level that ranges from eighth grade to high school
graduation. Half of them speak only Spanish, while the others are bilingual and speak
both Spanish and English. The managers are college graduates and are bilingual.
Some are not familiar with personal computers since they do not use it as a tool at their
job or home. However, all are comfortable using smartphones and have some Internet
search experience.

Technical:​ The only technical requirements are that the learners be able to access the
learning module online and that they navigate through it using their devices.

Learning Objectives:
Overall, this module seeks to create a more informed worker that can recognize the
dangerous of silica dust exposure and protect themselves against it.
● Objective #1: Given four definitions, learners will be able to identify the one that
defines silica accurately.
● Objective #2: Given picture examples of where silica is found, learners will be
able to categorize in what common items silica it is present.
● Objective #3: Given a set of factual statements, learners will be able to determine
why silica is harmful.
● Objective #4: Given an accurate video model adult, learners will assess if
equipment was properly handled ​to diminish the amount of dust exposure to
silica in a given scenario.

Task Analysis:
The task will require the ability to identify silica materials and safety equipment and
indicate how to use it correctly. It requires simple recall skills and it requires employees
to use procedural skills when they follow safety procedures and the use abstract skills to
assess unsafe scenarios. Learners must be able to assess situations and predict their
outcomes based on inferences they derive from clues. Hence, worker will have to
demonstrate both concrete and abstract kills in this module.
● Choose the correct definition of silica
● Select items that contain silica
● Determine reasons why silica is harmful
● Respond to a scenario with the correct steps to take when dealing with silica

Assessment:​ This eLearning is a mandated training and required by the employee and
the law. Assessment will consist of pre and post assessment to measure learning. The
quizzes will be imbedded to see whether or not they have achieved the objectives.
Feedback will also be imbedded be provided guidance on correct and incorrect
responses. The learner will have an indefinite number of opportunities to retake the
Objective #1: A multiple choice question will be presented in order to assess the
mastery of the definition of silica. If the the learner chooses the incorrect answer,
feedback will be given and they must retake the quiz.
Objective #2: Four images will be given, three are images of common man-made items
that contain silica and the other one does not. The learner will drag and sort each items
in the correct space: the one that contains silica and the one that does not contain silica.
If the the learner chooses the incorrect answer, feedback will be given and they must
retake the quiz.
Objective #3:​ ​Two true or false statements will be presented. The learner will determine
if each of the explanations of why silica is dangerous is true or false by clicking on the
button labeled “true” or “false”. If the the learner chooses the incorrect answer,
feedback will be given and they must retake the quiz.
Objective #4: Learners watch a video that points out with a narrated voice and signaling
visuals, the correct way to put on a mask, use a hose to water dust down, and use a
dust containment system. Then another video will play where the mask is not put on
correctly, the area was not watered down, and no dust containment systems was used.
The learner will have to click and drag from a menu icon the items that need to be
corrected.If the the learner chooses the incorrect answer, feedback will be given and
they must retake the quiz

Instructional/ Cognitive/Multimedia Strategies

The project should use Andragogist, Behaviorist, Constructivist learning theory
applications in the design and delivery of the program. A combination of all these would
be most effective since the learners are working adults while keeping in mind effective
design principles.

Andragogy: ​Adult learning theory will play a key role in the design of the safety learning
program since all of the trainees are adults. In following with Knowles’ Four Principles
of Andragogy, adults use their experience to plan and evaluate their learning and they
need to feel that their learning has consequences on their job and personal life. It is
important to explain what is being taught and why. They need to know that the module
is directly relevant to the performance of their job and has application in their personal

Behaviorism:​ This learning theory focuses on the task not the act of making meaning
or its process but place an essential role in the practice portion of the module for safety
learning. It is meant to lead the learner to one absolute and correct answer. Relaying
on operant conditioning, a cornerstone of Behaviorism, the wrong answer cue will act as
a deterrent from the incorrect response.
Constructivist:​ The workers will use their experiences to evaluate and make
corrections to the scenarios presented. Constructivist theory states that knowledge is
constructed through social interactions with the interface. For this reason, employees
will have to analyze various scenarios to correct behaviors that are unsafe.
Constructivist theory require real-world settings and environments where the learners
can apply their acquired knowledge.
Segmenting Principle:​ This is a part of a larger module and even within the module
the different concepts are chunked in order to relieve the cognitive load. The design
must guide the learning with practice, stopping points, and the separation of key
Other Strategies:​ While designing the principles of Contiguity, Modality, Redundancy,
and and Coherence will also be adhered to. As achieving the learning objective, the
fastest and most effective way possible is the aim of the design.

● Varied assessment formats
● A drag and pull format when selecting the correct answers in the practice portion.
● Visually stimulating: pictures, video, signaling
● Feedback during practice and assessment.
● A certificate of completion will be awarded.
● Feedback during practice and assessment.
● A certificate of completion will be awarded.

Special Instructions for Reviewers​:

This module will be part of a larger module that will developed in the future. The
educational level of the employees varies a great deal and English is an issue for some.

Media Resources:
● The module will be created on Adobe Captivate
● Internet Access is required
● Videos, Graphics, and Pictures may be necessary
● Audio may also be necessary

Captivate Media

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