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et, the result will turn out favourably through the person indicated by the translating planet if the aspect is good. If the aspect is evil, then there will be failure or disappoint ‘ment through the person signified by the translating planet. ‘As in horoscopy, very often the time-factor is @ hard nut to crack in horaty astrology too, The most important part of a question is when the expected result or event will occur. ‘There ave no doubt rules given in texts on horsry astrology but most of them are not found to be quite reliable. It occurs to me that every case must be decided on the nature of the question concerned. Suppose » question relating to birth of {an issue is put when the woman is in an advanced stage of pregnancy and at the time of the query, the lords of the ascendant and the significator are 2° apart {rom each other. ‘Then we can safely say that the delivery will take place within two weeks and the probable date can be fixed on the basis of transits. If a similar distance (conjunction or favourable aspect) is found between the significators. say in respect of @ question on marriage, decide the time on the basis of the movable, fixed or common nature of the sign the signiticator is in. According to the famous work Krishnee the number of constellations intervening between the ascen- dant and the constellation occupied by the significator indi- ‘cates the number of days, provided the ascendant is ina fixed sign. This is to be doubled or trebled according as the Lagna is a common or movable sign respectively. ‘Another method given by the same work is as follows : Multiply the number of signs intervening between the ascen- ‘dant and the sign held by the significator by 12. The product represents the number of days, months or years according as the ascendant is a movable, @ common or a fixed sign. Both the above two methods have not been found quite satis- factory. A more satisfactory method is to consider the number of degrees between the aspect of the ascendant lord and the significator as representing the number of days, weeks, of ‘months according as the ascendant is movabl fixed, ‘The other method which could be used with considerable success is to consider the question chart, as Varshaphal cchart, calculate the Varshaphal Dasas affd then time the result. This method has a drawback because, the timing is to be confined to within 12 months. The reader will do well to ‘adopt the method appealing to him in tHe light of the practi cal examples given in this book. It is generally difficult to judge the time of occurrence with accuracy. But by practice 4@ student of estrology can instinctively feel which method he should adopt and he can generally be successful. Horary astrology is a system of prognostication which domonstrates that in the time at which a query is put lies imbedded seeds of the result. The astrologer in his interpre- tation of the horary chart should be assisted by promptings from the great Divine. ‘The astrologer who practises this branch of astrology has certain moral responsibilities. If for instance a query is put ‘about the death of an ailing father, the answer should not be readily given. The astrologer should first of all find out from the chart, the motive of the querent—whether the question is prompted by love and affection or by sinister ‘motives. such as grabbing the father's property. Similarly questions bearing on the character of the wife or husband should not be answered if the motives of the querents are ‘common or

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