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: Prasna Tanta a result of one’s past Karma, one gets prerana or inspiration fr the urge to consult an astrologer and horary astrology reveals the future on the basis of the current dispositions of planets. How to Put A Query ? meIET: SGNTETRRIRET mre: Roa ATA TERRE: | Rrrmenguery faster eget Ferry Tete Te Stanza 3:—One should approach a learned asttologer of pleasant disposition, early in the moming, with fruits, tlowers and money and facing the east and after making due obeieance to the astrologer, put only one question of an auspicious nature. NoTEs According to tradition the querist, be he a commoner or 3 prince, should follow a certain procedure before putting {questions to an astrologer. Early moming is considered to be suitable for consultation. Flowers, fruits, etc., indicate aust wusness, An astrologer is @ daivagnya or decipherer of the intention of God. Therefore he is to be approached with a cortain reverence and humility. It is only an astrologer of a ‘pleasant disposition” that deserves to be consulted. The above three stanzas are attributed to Varahamihit The True Astrologer Fak mend suremesten ReateAR | a ual guage et freer weg eH Stanza 4 :—The predictions of one well-versed inthe ten kinds of calculating planetary longitudes and proficient in astrological lore cannot go wrong. NoTES ‘There is:no need to explain the different astronomical methods of calculating planetary dispositions 9s today, the castings are invariably done according to Panchangas or modern ephemerides. The above sloka is attributed to Utpala, the commentator of Brihat Jataka. Hence the reference ho to the word ‘Jataka" is taken by some as proficiency in Brihat Jataka. cart freee reat | sriteeetade areata Wt Stanza 5:—In the hands of men of learning culture and humility successful results alone are possible. Notes The Jatekarnava says: “According to God Sivas own words, predictions should not be given to persons who ar mean, arrogant, atheistic, violent and devoid of decent behaviour.’ About the Querist seqeengntisit weer ah attet eae | amb ie $i ofearst pete HI Stanza 1 :—Whether the person is sincere or ot in putting the question should first be ascertei-

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