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“ Presna Tanva Stanza 28 :—Events to be ascertained from the tenth house are Government, authority, meritorious deeds virtue, position, father, essential things, rainfall and celestial phenomena. nararrent cereeUnTrTR: 4 farm femntdioht eatecrrerna: uae ‘Stanza 29:—The eleventh house signifies ele- phant and horse-rides, clothes, the staple food, gold, daughter and gain of wealth. eenitafenity geptedg | saaemitg aig fafa, faq ovis ST Welt Stanza 30 :—The 12th house rules renunciation, enjoyment, disputes, charity, cultivation and institutional expenditure. Notes The significations given to the planets as above do not differ much from the significations suggested in books on Parasari Astrology. The 9th house is said to rule father but ‘as per stanza 28, the tenth signifies father. A more elaborate description of singnifications is to be found in Satyacharya’s Dhruvanadi and the reader will do welt to read it. Whether the significations mentioned by Satyacharya can be made use of in Horary Astrology is a point which can be decided only on the basis of one’s experience. CHAPTER I BHAVA PRASNA General Estimate a ane: ented git at dhe eomerventen afc: Wee ore werer MPO TeERt wee AT UA Stanza 1 :—Whether according to horoscopy of horary astrology, whichever Bhaves are associated with or aspected by cither their respective lords or benefic planets would gain vitality. The effects will be destroyed it malefics aspect or join them. NOTES ‘This is a general principle enumerated in all astrological works. Stanza 1 makes clear the following three combina- tions : (i) The Bhava aspected by or associated with its lord will prosper, (il) The Bhava aspected by or associated with a benefic planet will also prosper. (iii) The Bhava aspected by or conjoined with a malefic will lose vitality.

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