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ened quit aia quad dt adtsem amt 1 coir fg ett rg ot wet 8 aft eee: Gide: | eters: dheme de 25m w2H Stanzas 5 to 8:—The chances of success will be one-fourth, half, three-fourths or full according as (a) the ascendant is not aspected either by its lord or a benefic: (6) the ascendant lord is aspected by benefics ;(c) even one benetic aspects the ascendant or its lord ; or the ascendant lord or 2 or 3 benetics are in the 10th ; or three benefics aspect the ascen- dant; and (d) the ascendant is aspected by its lord, or the Moon is tree from affliction and benetics aspect the Lagna. Notes The above four stanzas give combinations indicative of different degrees of Karyasiddhi (success) attending a query. They mey be detailed thus (#) (i) The tising sign is devoid of the lord's aspect 25% success. (ii) The rising sign is devoid of the aspect of a benefic—25%, success. (b) Benefics aspect lord of the ascendant—50% (©) (i) Atleastone benefic aspects the ascendant or its lord (ii) The lord of the rising sign or 2 or 3 benefics are in the 10th j (iii) three benefics aspect ascendant 75% (d) (i) Ascendantis aspected by its lord) Gi) The Moon is unafflicted and the + 100% Ascendant is aspected by benefics ) Malefic Combinations spree: equ: wee to: | Reefimat somo atshrowezrre: git Stanza 9 Such planets defeated in wat by malefics, those associated with or aspected by malefics and planets in combustion give unfavour- able results. Notes Two planets are said to be in war when they are in exact conjunction. Planets become combust when they are situated within certain distances from the Sun thus on either side: Mars 12°, Mercury 8, Jupiter 9*, Venus 7° and Saturn 9". age ah eh ot wteege TUAT | canta: wit it era: eat wana: afta: oeaft Sent ae whe | ert curaftud agi ger 7 et uta copa gt a et gent ae fmt = aT | are ai ao gitar A a AE: We Stanzas 10 t0 12:—A query such as. "“when will ‘succeed’ should be answered thus: There will be success when (2) the lord of the ascendant aspects the signification and the significator aspects the

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