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. Pragna Tana no foolpreot method has so far been devised though some detrologes have been able to forecast the date on the basis Of the conception time, os par the mothods given in Brihan Satake and other standard works. ‘Suppose atthe time of question, 25° 20° of Leo dss, this means the Bth Naveed ie rising and in the 8th. 2° 10! has possed. (7 Navameas x 3°20" ~ 23°20" : 25°30" — 2:20" =P 10!) ‘According to Taka, the woman isin her 8ih month of pregnancy and her delivery ikely in about 2 months" time fs each Navarmsa (3° 20") is equivalont to. 30-days, 2° 20" Cemaining inthe th Navars wba ul (522,220) 12 days, which meons she will deliver after 1 month and {2 daye tom the date of question. I have dealt in greater dots with the question of timing events in horay estoleay inthe Inveduction to this book, "But the method 9 this stanza dove ot seem to workin actual practice rot worked ot least inthe majority of eas68 masta geared mitten aggre: WASH eraenerafa eat arataentr ar gamesiony aay avert aa wahett Stanza 37 and 38 :—The lady will deliver in so many months as the number of signs reckoned from the ascendant to the position of Venus. If Venus occupies the 10th. 11th or 12th house, then the number of months will correspond to the num- ber of signs from the 5th house to the position of Venus. This is the view of Bhuvana Pradeepa. searaifretaften edt exnce ere cafeat oem are faci sxaranterag ust Stanza 39 It the ascendant isa diurnal sign, for the query is put during the day, or the lord of the ascendant is ina dual sign, the child will be born during daytime ; otherwise the birth will be during night. Notes By “otherwise” in the above sloka is meant, the reverse combinations, viz., the ascendant being a nocturnal sign, the query being put during the night time and the ascendant lord ‘occupying a nocturnal sign. seu afer aafifieteg rer aa: | wet fergrngnfaettg? cree wee Stanza 40 :—\f @ nocturnal sign rises but the query is put during daytime then the result is to be guessed on the basis of the disposition of the Lagna lord, the lord of the sign occupied by the Lagna lord, Dina Hora, etc. NoTes Suppose @ nocturnal sign rises when the query is put during daytime. The Lagna lord is the Moon (nocturnally strong). He is also in Taurus, @ nocturnal sign and its lord Venus is also in a nocturnal place. Note also the lord of Kala Hora, Weighing the relative strengths of these planets,

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