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Painful tumors of the skin: "LEND AN EGG"

Douglas N. Naversen, MD,a David M. Trask, MD,a Frank H. Watson, MD,b and
John M. Burket, MDC Medford and Portland, Oregon

Some tumors of the skin are difficult to diagnose because they are clinically nondescript.
However, if they are painful, nine unique tumors should be considered. In addition to the
commonly accepted tender lesions, we describe a painful nodule in a patient who provedto
havea granular cell tumor. We summarizethe clinicaland histologic featuresof the "LEND
AN EGG" tumors: leiomyoma, eccrine spiradenoma, neuroma, dermatofibroma, angioli-
poma, neurilemmoma, endometrioma, glomus tumor, and granular celltumor. (J AM ACAD
DERMATOL 1993;28:298-300.)

Subcutaneous nodules may be difficult to diag- pathology, which listed lesions that were either
nose clinically because they do not have a charac- painful or tender.' We excluded painful but reactive
teristic surface change that allows recognition with and self-resolving lesions (nodular fasciitis) and
the naked eye. However, it is possible to make a rea- small lesions (papules) with degenerative changes
sonable differential diagnosis if the nodule is painful. (chrondrodermatitis nodularis helicis). We also ex-
The acronym "GLENDA" or "ENGLAND" is of- cluded large, bulky tumors that hurt because of me-
ten used to recall these painful tumors: eccrine chanical pressure and not because of their intrinsic
spiradenoma, neuroma, glomus tumor, leiomyoma, painful nature. Combined with our clinical experi-
angiolipoma, neurilemmoma, and dermatofibroma. ence, we review the "LEND AN EGG" tumors
We recently treated a patient who had a painful (Table 1).3
nodule that was not an "ENGLAND" lesion. Leiomyomas develop from smooth muscle." Sol-
itary and multiple piloleiomyomas are derived from
the arrector pili muscle, and angioleiomyomas (an-
A 19-year-old white woman had a painful and tender giomyomas) are derived from the muscles of veins.
lump on her right chest for 1 year; the lump slowly Genitalleiomyomas are usually asymptomatic, but
enlarged. Examination revealed a 12mm, tender, subcu- the other types may be painful. 5 The firm, smooth
taneousnodule.Therewerenoepidermalorcolorchanges. nodules may be red, pink, purple, brown, waxy, or
Resultsof a skinbiopsyspecimenshowed an encapsulated translucent, and individual or grouped. A cold stim-
nodule surrounded by normal fat. Large polyhedral
ulus applied to the lesion can produce contraction
tumor cells had small, centrally placed oval nuclei and
pale cytoplasm(Fig. I). Distinctivecytoplasmic granules and pain. Leiomyomas have interlacing bundles of
with coarse eosinophilic color were noted.Thesegranules smooth muscle fibers with characteristic eel-shaped
were periodic acid-Schiff positive and diastase resistant. nuclei. On cross section the muscle bundles show
Tumor cellswerelocated in clustersand weresurrounded vacuolization. Angiomyomas are encapsulated with
by fine strands of collagen. Although there was no smooth muscle bundles that extend tangentially
pseudocarcinomatous hyperplasia, the appearance was from central veins. Masson's trichrome may stain
typical of granular cell tumor.! the muscle red.
Eccrine spiradenomas can be painful and have a
blue color. Clinically they are small and nondescript.
This case aroused our interest in painful skin tu- They differentiate toward intradermal eccrine duc-
mors. We reviewed a standard text book of dermato- tal and secretory cells. Results of a biopsy specimen
reveal deeply basophilic-staining, sharply margin-
From the Departments of Dermatology" and Pathology," Rogue Val- ated lobules that lie free in the dermis. The nodule
ley Medical Center, and the Department of Dermatology," Oregon
may have a delicate fibrous capsule without connec-
Health Science University.
Reprint requests: Douglas N. Naversen, MD, 2959 Siskiyou Blvd.,
tion to the overlying epidermis. Two epithelial cell
Medford, OR 97504. types are present in intertwining bands: those with
Copyright @ 1993 by the American Academy of Dermatology. small, dark nuclei at the periphery and those with
0190-9622/93 $1.00+.1016/4/40350 large, pale nuclei central to the bands. Some lumina
Journal of the American Academy of Dermatology
Volume 28, Number 2, Part 2 "LEND AN EGG" 299

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Fig. 1. Granular cell tumor shows large, polyhedral cells with small, centrally placed oval
nuclei and pale cytoplasm. Distinctive cytoplasmic granules show coarse eosinophilic color.
(Hematoxylin-eosin stain; X40.)

may be present,and hyalinemay be prominentwith Table I. Painful tumors of the skin: "LEND AN
cylindromatous foci,6, 7, 8 EGG"
Neuromas include both the painful amputation
Leiomyoma: May be inherited as autosomal
and Morton's varieties, which differ clinically and dominant trait
histologically." The former occur at the site of a sev- Eccrine spiradenoma: "Blue balls in the dermis"
ered nerve (traumatic neuroma) and appear as a Neuroma: Nerve twiglets form at severed nerve
firm nodule. Proliferative bundles of nerve fibers Dermatofibroma: The most common of the painful
may besurrounded by a capsule.Morton's neuroma lesions
Angiolipoma: Increased. familial incidence
is not a true neuroma but a reactive, persistent, and Neurilemmoma: May be associated with von
degenerative nodule on the sale that usually occurs Recklinghausen's syndrome
between the heads of the second and third or third Endometrioma: Rare; especially occurs in scars of
and fourth metatarsals with a fusiformenlargement lower abdomen
of the plantar digital nerve. A denseperineural and Glomus Tumor: Solitary glomus may be painful;
glomangiomas may be inherited as autosomal
perivascular fibrosis may extend in a concentric dominant trait
fashion. Granular Cell Tumor: A newly described painful
Dermatofibromas often occur on the legs of lesion
women. Diagnosis may be suggested by the "dimple
Modified from Thompson RA Jr. J AM ACAD DERMATOL 1985;
sign."lo Although most dermatofibromas are 13:865-7.
asymptomatic, some are tender. Fibrous (dermat-
ofibroma) and cellular (histiocytoma) patterns are
typical. Characteristic epidermal hyperplasia may
overlie the tumor, and lipidand hemosiderin may be cay bodies are characteristic. Edematous stroma,
present in the dermis.I I mucin, and mast cellsmay also be found. Both An-
Angiolipomas can be painful and are one of the toni A and Antoni B tissue may be present.
varieties of lipomas.12 Results of a biopsyspecimen Endometriosis of the skin is rare, but it may be
reveal mature fat cells with varying numbers of associated with pain or bleeding that is worse at the
blood vessels. Fibrin thrombi may be found within time of menstruation. It is often located near the
capillaries, and the degree of vascular proliferation umbilicus or on the lower abdomen and is usually
mayor may not be associated with pain.12, 13 associated with a scar.l? Endometriosis of the skin
Neurilemmomas, or schwannomas, occur along may develop spontaneouslyor occur after implanta-
the courseof a peripheral nerve.14They may be ten- tion of endometrial cells in a surgical scar. Results
der and firm and have a flesh- to pale-pink color. of a biopsy specimen reveal a cellular, vascular
Results of a biopsy specimen reveal encapsulated stroma with irregular lumina similar to the normal
neural tissue with typical "S"-shaped nuclei. Vero- endometrium of the uterus. A range of histologic
Journal of the American Academy of Dermatology
300 Naversen et al. February 1993

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