Executive Council Temple Memo

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June 12, 2018

Executive Council Memo:

To: All Pastors and Churches

If the Lord say the same, we are a few days away from the rededication of the Ocala Temple and we want to
express our gratitude to every member, congregation, and friend of Church of God by Faith that have been a
part of this incredible endeavor.

Phase one is almost done, however, it was necessary to complete a major portion of our second phase prior to
the rededication. This additional work has added at least $125,000 to the project.

The Executive Council has agreed to hold to its commitment of not asking the local churches for an additional
week’s tithes and offerings, but we are requesting that each church give a special Rededication Offering.

Each church is asked to bring or send a $500.00 Rededication Offering and the larger churches are asked to
give at least a $1000.00.

Please bring this special offering with you and report it to Ms. Pamela Albertie or mail it to the Jacksonville
office ASAP.

Thanks again for your continued support.


The Executive Council

Presiding Bishop James E. McKnight, Jr. • Ruling Elder David C. Rourk, Executive Secretary • Ruling Elder H. Nelson Turner, Treasurer • Ruling Elder James Ware • Ruling Elder James Williams
“A Great Heritage, A Great Future”

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