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NMIMS Global Access

School for Continuing Education (NGA-SCE)

Course: Corporate Finance
Model Answer

Important Instructions:

- The below questions and answers are only for reference purpose “Model answers” and will
help you understand how to prepare Assignments
- Please do not use this for submitting any assignment
- Understand the following:
 3 major aspects of Assignment [Introduction, Concept and conclusion]
 Marks allotted for every section

Simplex Ltd generated sales for the year amounting Rs 10 lacs. The variable cost is 50 % of sales. The
fixed cost being 25 % of sales that is, Rs 250000. The company also has an interest obligation as the
amount of debt employed by the company in its capital structure is Rs 4 lacs @ 8 %.

You are required to calculate both the operating and financial leverage for the company. Further,
What if the firm wants to double its earnings before interest and taxes (EBIT), how much of an increase
in sales would be essential on a percentage basis? Give sufficient reasons and calculations supporting
your answer.


Particulars Amount Marks allotted

Sales 1000000

Less : variable cost (500000)

= contribution 500000 1 mark

Less: fixed cost (250000)

= EBIT 250000 1 mark

Less: interest (32000)

NMIMS Global Access
School for Continuing Education (NGA-SCE)
Course: Corporate Finance
Model Answer

= EBT 218000 1 mark

Operating leverage 500000/ 1 mark for formula

= contribution / EBIT 250000 1 mark for correct

= 2 times

Financial leverage 250000/ 1 mark for formula

=EBIT/EBT 218000 1 mark for correct

=1.146 times

Sales required to double the EBIT can be calculated as


Operating leverage is two times it means that 50 %

increase in sales volume causes a 100% increase in the
operating profit or EBIT 1 mark for the
Thus , at the sales of Rs15 lacs , the EBIT will be Rs 5 interpretation

The same can be verified as under:

Sales 1500000

Less : variable cost (750000)

= contribution 750000 1 mark for the

Less: fixed cost (250000)
1 mark for the EBIT
= EBIT 500000
NMIMS Global Access
School for Continuing Education (NGA-SCE)
Course: Corporate Finance
Model Answer

Total marks 10 marks


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