The Trinity Blueprint - Bigger, Faster, - TheTrinityBlueprint - Com - Roger Miller

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• Welcome to The Trinity Blueprint 3

• Natural Penis Enlargement: A Re-education 5

o Positive Psychological Benefits 6

o Positive Physical Benefits 7

o How does it work? 8

• What is The Trinity Blueprint and how does it work? 9

o How does The Trinity Blueprint allow you to achieve

better results than when using conventional methods? 10

o Penis enlargement methods: A side-by-side comparison 13

• Peripheral Aspects of N.P.E.: 14

o Diet 14

o Fitness 16

o Mental Attitude & Motivation 16

o Stress 18

• How to use the Trinity Tracking System 19

• How to use the Routine Selection System 23

• The Trinity Blueprint’s Starter’s Checklist: 25

o How to measure properly and when you should do it 25

o Lubricant information 28

o Understanding erection percentages 29

o Remembering the importance of Kegels 29

o Establishing your size goals 30

¾ The Trinity Blueprint Resources: 33

• The Routines:

o Primary Level: Alpha, Beta, and Gamma

o Secondary Level: Alpha, Beta, and Gamma

o Tertiary Level: Alpha, Beta, and Gamma

• The Routine Selection System: 54

o Primary Alpha, Beta, and Gamma

o Secondary Alpha, Beta, and Gamma

o Tertiary Alpha, Beta, and Gamma

• The Trinity Tracking System: Sheets 1-18 60

• Stepping It Up: How to continue to customize your

routines and exercises and achieve even more new
length and girth 78

• When You’re Happy: How to stop doing N.P.E. routines

while permanently retaining your new size 79

By reading this document you agree that you are over 18 and it is legal to view such material in your country
or jurisdiction. The Trinity Blueprint is for information, educational and entertainment purposes only. When
participating in any type of exercise programme there is a possibility of injury, you use this information at your
own risk. As with all exercise programmes it is recommended that you seek the advice of a trained medical
professional such as your doctor and/or a qualified urologist to make sure this programme is suitable for you.
The Trinity Blueprint should not be viewed as medical advice, we are not doctors nor are we pretending to be.
This information is not intended to and should not be used to diagnose or treat any medical condition or illness.
Results will vary. Use of this information means you hereby understand that the author, publisher and owners
are released from any and all liability for the use, misuse or abuse of this information and any injury sustained
by direct or indirect use of the information and techniques within.

You may not distribute this document in part or whole without explicit written permission.

All rights reserved.

Copyright ©

Welcome to The Trinity Blueprint

Two mice, out looking for a drink, accidentally fell into a basin of milk. Both of their lives
were immediately in peril. After a brief struggle to stay afloat, the first mouse quickly
gave up and drowned. The second mouse, however, did not. He continued to fight for his
little life and paddled furiously around and around the milk filled basin. After a while, his
tiny legs churned that milk into butter and he crawled his way out.

That short story is one of my favorites. It’s a beautiful example of how perseverance and
perspiration can lead to success – regardless of the field you’re in or the challenge you
face. It even applies to the subject of this online manual: natural penis enlargement.
However, this book is unlike like any other in one very special respect. You could, in fact,
call it revolutionary, and I’ll tell you why.

My name is Roger and many years ago I became a part of the world of natural penis
enlargement, helping guys from all four corners of the globe naturally and safely add
size to their penises by using 100% manual exercises. Through,
they learned and still learn about the entire subject of natural penis enlargement (N.P.E.
from here on in) - from basic techniques, to intermediate, to advanced principles.
Thousands upon thousands of guys have had success using the theories and techniques I
(and others) at have taught them. And for many coaches, in many
fields, that would have been enough. They’d call that an all-round triumph and
something to be proud of. And don’t get me wrong – it is and I am.

But I wasn’t satisfied. I knew, from years of experimentation, exploration and experience
in the field of N.P.E. that the boundaries hadn’t been reached quite yet. There was more
to discover. And through those new discoveries, the number of men able to have huge
size gains using N.P.E. would increase exponentially and massively.

It was then that I decided to create what has become this guide – The Trinity Blueprint.
It’s a culmination of many, many hours of thought and analysis.

Right at the start of its creation I made a conscious choice. I’d ask the people who know
best about what’s needed in the world of N.P.E. to tell me what this guide should contain
and accomplish. I’d go straight to the source and ask the guys that truly want to add
size to their penises what they need and require. Then I’d do what I’ve done – find and
give them the answer.

I polled 500 hundred men, across a wide age range (18-78), from all walks of life,
countries, backgrounds and starting penis sizes on the following question:

If you could change one thing about natural penis enlargement to

make it better for you personally, what would it be?

And here is a selection of their answers:

As I slowly read through the hundreds of responses, I noticed a trend emerging. Each
guy didn’t want a totally unique thing – many men were looking for the same type of
improvement. I decided that there were three main “change for the better” categories –
three things that guys who want to use natural penis enlargement techniques to add
real, permanent size to their penises (both erect and flaccid) are looking for.

These three things have become the ‘trinity’, and they are the reason this revolutionary
N.P.E. guide has been researched, tested and written. Here are the three improvements
this guide, over any other method, approach or system, provides:

o FASTER GAINS. The Trinity Blueprint uses routines that have been carefully
designed to properly target size gains in the quickest way physically possible –
without sacrificing the quality or permanency of your gains for a second.

o BIGGER GAINS. The Trinity Blueprint uses a special ‘Routine Selection System’ to
identify exactly which exercises, in what order and at what intensity you need to
perform to achieve your optimum and maximum level of growth.

o EASIER GAINS. The Trinity Blueprint has been structured and written with usability
and total ease-of-use in mind. From the routines themselves to the ‘Trinity Tracking
System’, we’ve kept this blueprint for enlargement success simple, all the while
maximising your potential for achieving massive new size.

So those are the fundamental aims of this N.P.E. system. It combines the solid, tried-
and-tested science of manual enlargement techniques with a newly developed routine
selection process, tracking system and overall enlargement philosophy. In short, it is the
most effective natural system for adding inches onto you penis size – quickly, easily and
with big results.

Before we begin looking at the specifics of this system, we’re going to take a crash
course in the overall subject of N.P.E. By ensuring you know exactly how it’s possible to
add size to your penis through the use of special exercises and routines, you guarantee
you’ll be able to understand and use The Trinity Blueprint to its maximum potential –
which means achieving inches and inches of new growth without ever wasting your time,
doing the wrong things, or becoming bored or disheartened by the whole thing (we’ll
cover this in more detail in a later chapter of this book).

Natural Penis Enlargement: A Re-education

Something that frustrates many men (myself included), is how unknown and
uncelebrated the subject of natural penis enlargement is. After all, when you think about
it it’s such an amazing, liberating thing.

Being able to attain a penis size you weren’t born with – it’s every guy’s (who knows
about it) dream. So why do we hardly ever hear about it? There are two main reasons.

1. Men are notoriously private about their emotions, especially where strangers are
concerned. Most guys would sooner run a mile barefoot over broken glass than be
forced to pour their hearts out to someone they don’t know and perhaps don’t
even like. So when a guy has concerns about the size of his manhood (which to
many is a major facet of their masculinity and male strength) it’s no surprise that
they usually keep it to themselves. Unfortunately this, ninety nine times out of a
hundred, never helps the problem get solved.

2. Penis enlargement is and always has been a somewhat underground phenomena.

That’s no doubt because it would by many people (male and female alike) be
considered an embarrassing subject. Again, it’s not much of a surprise that we
guys are hesitant to talk about it, let alone go out actively seeking a solution to
our problem.

A similar subject area, but one that receives none of the bad feeling or shadiness
that N.P.E. unfortunately sometimes does, is weight lifting and body building. The
overall public consensus on weight lifting is that it’s a good thing. It promotes
health/fitness and helps people to look and feel better about themselves. N.P.E.,
when you really boil it down, does exactly the same thing. Let’s briefly look at the
reasons why.

Positive Psychological Changes. Lots of people (who aren’t fully educated in this field)
assume that a guy would have to be seriously inadequate in the size stakes to want to
use N.P.E. to achieve new growth. Furthermore, lots of people think that any man who
actively uses N.P.E. techniques must automatically be hideously self-conscious about his
size, almost to the point of needing in-depth counselling and psychological help.

But as I’m sure you’re aware, both of these assumptions are by no means accurate
representations of the real situation. Natural penis enlargement is used by all kinds of
guys with all kinds of goals. It’s not just reserved for men with really small penises or
guys who are grossly self-aware of their size, or lack of it.

The graph on the next page will show you exactly what I mean. It was created based on
extra data kindly provided by the 500 guys I polled.

So now it’s clear that the reasons men choose to use N.P.E. are by no means one-
dimensional or stereotyped, we can identify exactly what kinds of psychological benefits
they receive from using it. And, of course, the benefits you are likely to – if you’ve not to
some degree already – receive yourself.

Psychological Benefit #1: The Improvement Factor

This is the most obvious positive mental benefit of successfully using N.P.E. and The
Trinity Blueprint to enlarge your penis. Quite simply, you go from your starting size up,
up, and up to your size goal, whatever it might be. You succeed in changing the hand
nature dealt you ‘downstairs’ and achieve a new size that you determine.

Psychological Benefit #2: The Comparison Factor

We’ve all done it since we were kids – comparing our penis size to other guys is a
natural thing to do, whether it’s simply wondering in our minds how we measure up or
seeing how we compare in real-life, perhaps in a locker room, in the gym or even in
porn. After all, the term ‘average’ directly relates not just to you as an isolated
individual, but to the general male population.

If you’re average, you’re neither bigger than the majority of other guys or smaller. If
you’re under, you’re under. Over, you’re over. When you successfully enlarge your penis
using N.P.E. and The Trinity Blueprint, you change how you’re defined when it comes to
your size and it feels good. You can go from below average, to average. From average,
to above average. And even, if you choose to, go from above average to being in the
highest echelon of size – rare and immense.

Psychological Benefit #3: The Comfort & Security Factor

Here’s another scenario and thought process many guys face, usually at multiple times
in their lives. You’ve just started dating a girl and have yet to take that final ‘step’. In
the back of your mind you can’t help but wonder: “Is she going to think it’s small? Big?
Tiny? Too thick or thin? Have all of her past boyfriends been bigger?” Again, these
questions are natural. However, when you use N.P.E. to enlarge your penis you once
again change the hand you’ve been dealt, and with that change comes an alteration in
the way you think about your penis. You no longer fret over whether women will think
it’s below average or short of their expectations because you’ve physically made it
bigger and thicker, which naturally gives you a strong feeling of comfort and security.

Of course, the advantages of having a longer, thicker erect penis and a heavy-hanging,
bulky flaccid member aren’t just psychological – they’re physical too. Let’s quickly run
through these physical benefits before continuing your rapid re-education on the science
of natural penis enlargement.

Physical Benefit #1: Heightened Personal Pleasure

I think it’s safe to say that practically every guy who enlarges his penis using N.P.E.
techniques experiences a massive boost in his personal pleasure. Masturbation physically
feels better, and coupled with the visual and associated psychological feelings you get
from having a bigger member, the overall activity is vastly improved. And then there’s
the subject of sex itself, which is a huge part of why many men choose to enlarge their
penises in the first place. With a larger penis, the sensations of sex are heightened for
you in just the right way. It feels much better without ever feeling too good and pushing
you over the edge too soon.

Physical Benefit #2: Improved Pleasure Giving

Women have an interesting, if not often perplexing, opinion on the issue of male penis
size. For example, most women, when asked, would say that they don’t mind if a guy’s
penis is below average as long as they really like him and his personality. However, in
the same breath, if that guy they really like does happen to be ‘blessed’ downstairs,
they’re twice as happy! It’s not surprising that this is the case. Women – as part of a sex
that’s burdened with its own plethora of universal insecurities – know that they shouldn’t
make too much off a fuss when it comes to reacting to a guy’s average or below average
penis, simply because it might insult, offend or embarrass him. However, women do
have a legitimate reason to want and be happy when they’re able to be with a guy who
has a big penis, whether it’s for one night or for the rest of their lives. In short, 99% of
the time the sex is better. It’s visually more erotic. And, finally, in the minds of many
women – rightly or wrongly – knowing their boyfriend has a massive penis packed into
his pants is a turn-on and something to feel proud about.

Okay, so what have we established in this book so far? Let’s take a quick summary, then
we’ll continue with your learning.

1. Perseverance and perspiration pay off – especially in the world of N.P.E. If you
put in the work, you will reap the rewards. But you must be totally committed to
the process and mentally strong enough to cope and push past any hurdles you
many face on your journey.

2. There are three things guys who use N.P.E. (probably yourself included) want
when it comes to using it to enlarge their penises. They want their gains to come
as quickly as possible, as easily as possible and for them to be as big as possible.
The Trinity Blueprint answers all three of these requests, without ever sacrificing
the quality of workouts and gains.

3. There is no “typical” type of guy that uses N.P.E. Men with penises under 5 inches
use it, just as many guys who are naturally over 7 inches also do. It’s simply a
tool for self-improvement, and can therefore be harnessed and used by any man
that wants to increase his penis size.

4. There are dozens of reasons why men want to use N.P.E to gain new penis size.
You no doubt have your own, just as the guy down the street or in the next town
who is using this blueprint also does. Whatever they are – as long as your size
goals aren’t wildly unrealistic – they’re valid.

Okay, now we’ve covered the whys of N.P.E., we’re going to look at a few of the hows.
It’s really important we cover these fundamental theories and that they’re clear and
bright in your mind before we continue onto to the specifics of this blueprint for
enlargement success. So let’s get started.

Natural Penis Enlargement: How does it work?

The roots of N.P.E. are murky to say the least. No one really knows who pioneered the
basic theories of manual penis enlargement, or when or where they did so. Nonetheless,
N.P.E. has now been used for long enough and with enough success for certain definite
conclusions to be drawn in regards to how it works. N.P.E. involves using specific types
of manual exercise to ‘work out’ the penis tissues and the ligaments the penis is
attached to. The first category of exercise can be considered as ‘expansion’, and the
second ‘extension’. The most common type of expansion exercise is the jelq, and its
derivatives. Jelqs involve the movement of blood through the various chambers and
tissues of the penis. This milking action effectively tires out the cells of the penis tissue
in such a way that when they repair themselves, they regenerate bigger and stronger
than they were before. In this sense, the effects of jelqing on the penis tissues is not
unlike the effects of lifting weights on chosen muscle group. Extension exercises are
different to expansion exercises in that they don’t involve milking the penis in any way.
Instead, they involve stretching the penis and the suspensory ligaments its attached to.
The reason two different categories of exercise exist (and why there are dozens of
different types of exercises within each those categories) is because different types of
N.P.E. exercises target different types of penis growth. For example, if you only
performed one type of exercise (perhaps one of the expansion exercises), you might
only see one type of growth, such as new length. The illustration below will give you a
rough idea of which exercises do what. Don’t worry too much about remembering the
information below. As long as you recognize the fact that different exercises target
different types of growth in different ways, you’re okay.

Before beginning the routines that are part of The Trinity Blueprint, it’s vitally important
that you ensure you’re totally familiar and comfortable with how to perform each of the
exercises in the table you’ve just looked at.

If you’ve never tried one or more of the exercises, it’s suggested that you spend a little
while reading through how to do them and practising them until remembering which is
which and how to perform each of them becomes second nature.

All of the exercises you’ll need to succeed in adding new size to you penis by using The
Trinity Blueprint, if not described in this book, are available in the
members only area. If you are already a member and would like to refresh yourself on
the various exercises you’ll be using, click the first graphic below.

Alternatively, if you are not yet a member of the site, click the
second graphic. is the parent site of The Trinity Blueprint and
contains a wealth of information on the subject of N.P.E. It also has a members chat
room and whole host of bonus content that’s all available for free to members.

Okay, now that your understanding of how N.P.E. works has been somewhat refreshed,
we’re going to move onto looking at the finer details of The Trinity Blueprint.

What is The Trinity Blueprint and how does it work?

As we’ve already established, The Trinity Blueprint is a system based around existing
manual enlargement principles. The reason it’s unlike any guide or book that’s come
before it, is because of the way it treats the process of manual penis enlargement. Every
aspect of this instructional book has been tweaked and configured to absolutely
maximize the effectiveness of every enlargement technique and theory it contains.

That’s the reason The Trinity Blueprint is able to give you bigger, faster and easier gains
than any other N.P.E guide that exists today. Let’s take a look at the outline components
of this system. These are the things that make The Trinity Blueprint what it is.

As you can see, The Trinity Blueprint uses a wide variety of components to achieve its
goal of giving you bigger, faster, easier gains.

Something that’s really important to bear in mind at this point is that you shouldn’t feel
as if you’re out of your depth or confused at any point while reading this book. You see,
each and every step of what you need to do to achieve your goal of increasing your
penis size will and is being explained to you. You will be walked through every facet of
The Trinity Blueprint, from the Routine Selection System to the Trinity Tracking System.
So continue to sit back, relax and read!

How does The Trinity Blueprint allow me to achieve better results than when using
conventional methods?

This is a good question and one asked by many guys. The answer lies in how The Trinity
Blueprint has been designed. To explain, I’ll tell you about three of the components
you’ve just heard mentioned. Once you know about all of them, you’ll see how The
Trinity Blueprint differs from any other N.P.E. system you may have heard about before
and how it’s going to give you the key to achieving inches and inches of new, permanent
growth both in the length and girth of your penis.

o Carefully researched and structured routines

The Trinity Blueprint contains 9 very different natural penis enlargement routines.
They are split into three different levels: Primary, Secondary, and Tertiary. Each of
these levels contains 3 routines, called Alpha, Beta, and Gamma. Take a look at the
illustration below to see exactly what is meant by this.

These routines are different to one another in the following ways:

1. Eeach routine contains different exercises, in different repetition

quantities, in a different order to all of the other routines.

2. The Alpha, Beta, and Gamma routines in the Primary level are performed
at different times in the week to the Alpha, Beta, and Gamma routines

contained in the Secondary and Tertiary levels. Likewise, all routines in the
Secondary level are performed on different days of the week to those in
the Tertiary level, etc.

3. The nutritional aspects of each set of routines in each level (Primary,

Secondary, Tertiary) are different to one another.

Here’s a very important question that you may or may not have in mind. Whether you
do or don’t, its answer will further explain how The Trinity Blueprint works so well.

“Why are there three levels (Primary, Secondary, and Tertiary) and 3 routines
within each of those levels?”

To answer this question, we’ll move onto the next major component of The Trinity
Blueprint - mentioned a little earlier.

o A revolutionary ‘Routine Selection System’

A major part of The Trinity Blueprint’s effectiveness can be attributed to the way its
Routine Selection System and carefully researched and structured routines fit
together. Here’s how.

You start by doing the Alpha routine of the Primary level. This routine has been
designed to target all round growth. That is, it aims to give you both girth and length
gains in an erect and flaccid state. After you’ve been using the Primary level’s Alpha
routine for 4 weeks, you will look at your progress (which you record every week on
the Trinity Tracking System) and then use the Routine Selection System. What the
Routine Selection System does is ask you very specific, easy-to-answer questions on
your progress so far. Things like how much you’ve gained and in what areas (erect
length, erect girth, etc.) The Routine Selection System then uses your answers to
select which routine you will perform for the next 4 weeks out of the 9 contained in
the Primary, Secondary, and Tertiary levels. Perhaps, based on your answers, it will
suggest you do the Primary Beta routine or maybe it’ll determine you should continue
performing Primary Alpha, etc. Whichever routine the Routine Selection System tells
you to use based on your answers, that’s the one you MUST do. You see, the Routine
Selection System has been created in a such a way that is knows which routine of
the 9 different routines is the best one for you to use at any given time to achieve
the maximum level of growth and the most gains. Here’s an analogy to further
explain what that means.

Imagine you want to build yourself up, become more bulky and generally improve
the size and definition of your upper and lower body. But you have a problem. You
don’t know how to go about it in the best way – which exercises you should do, in
what order, how often you should do them, etc. One way to go about succeeding and
reaching your goal is to do the fundamentals in a basic, straightforward way. You
bench a certain amount on certain days, change your diet a little, etc., etc. And you
make some good progress. You can definitely see an improvement when you look in
the mirror. Thing is, you don’t really know what to do to see more progress and to
continue on your way to achieving the final goal you set out to. Should you do more
exercises more often? Should you do fewer exercises but with more intensity? The
questions and options seem almost endless. And you know that if you choose the
wrong one for you, your body and your current level of achievement and progress,
you could not only slow down any further progress from being achieved, but even
stop it from happening at all.

Now, when it comes to weight lifting and body building, there’s plenty of help out
there for you to seek and lots of people to give it to you. Furthermore, because of
the mainstream nature of weight lifting, it’s generally a pretty easy subject to learn
about. There are TV programs, internet forums, video tapes, books in the library, the
list goes on.

Natural Penis Enlargement on the other hand is pretty different. There’s very little
mainstream material available and absolutely no experts in your local area who can
help you out. But you still have the problem just described. You start using a Natural
Penis Enlargement routine and perhaps have a little success. What do you do then?
Pick a different one at random and hope it contains all of the specific changes and
routine alterations necessary for you to achieve continued success and sustained new
size? Hopefully you now see what I mean about it being a problem. But don’t worry,
because it’s this very dilemma that The Trinity Blueprint solves in one fell swoop.

The Routine Selection System is like your personal weight-lifting coach. Except
instead of telling you how to continue building more muscle, it tells you how to
continue adding new size to your penis – quickly, easily and with big results. At no
point between now and when you finally have the penis size you are happy with will
you need to worry about why you aren’t getting new growth as quickly as you’d like
or in the quantity you’d prefer. The Routine Selection System will guide you through
the entire process, routine to new routine, inch to new inch. It analyzes exactly what
kind of reaction you’ve had to using the Primary Alpha routine and tells you which of
the 9 routines you should use to reach your goal.

The main way the Routine Selection System determines which routine you should use
next to keep gaining is by analyzing how much and what kind of progress you’ve had
on the one you’ve just been using. Therefore it’s important you have a definite and
accurate record of what new size you’ve gained and which routine you’ve used to
gain it. This, again, is made as easy as possible for you. Let’s take a quick look at

o The Trinity Tracking System

The tracking system featured in The Trinity Blueprint forms a major part of the
approach you’ll use to successfully enlarge your penis. It has been designed to
incorporate several different features and serve a multitude of functions. Here’s what
it consists of:

1. The Trinity Tracking System allows you to record every routine you perform,
regardless of which it is (Alpha, Beta, or Gamma) and which level it is from
(Primary, Secondary, or Tertiary).

2. It also allows you to record your on-going progress. You write down your
various size stats every two weeks. These will later be used by the Routine
Selection System to gauge which routine you should use next to continue
gaining new penis length and girth. You are told when to use the Routine
Selection System on the tracking sheets themselves, so you never need to
worry about getting mixed up with your routines or missing out a time when
you should have used the Routine Selection System.

Okay, you now know how The Trinity Blueprint allows you to have more success (i.e.
gain more size) than conventional methods; it uses special routines, a routine selection
system and a tracking system to do this. But how much more effective is The Trinity
Blueprint than other methods of penis enlargement?

Let’s see.

As you can see from the two tables above, N.P.E. techniques easily beat all other
methods of penis enlargement when it comes to gaining a lot of size, with little to no
chance of complications and at a low cost. And overall, The Trinity Blueprint comes out
on top.

This is thanks, as you’ve discovered, to the way the blueprint has been designed, using
multiple components to guarantee you do everything right and therefore gain as much
new size as possible.

And on that note we’ll begin looking in detail at the first category of components in The
Trinity Blueprint. They’re known as ‘Peripheral Aspects of N.P.E.’

Peripheral Aspects of Natural Penis Enlargement

As we’ve already established, giving yourself the biggest possible chance of adding new
size to your penis quickly and easily is all about doing everything right that you possibly
can. You use the best routines at the best times and the best tracking system. You also,
for that matter, make sure you cover the peripheral aspects of N.P.E. as fully and
thoroughly as possible. These are things that don’t relate to the manual exercises and
routines I’ve already briefly mentioned. They are, as their name suggests, aspects of
N.P.E. that occupy the sidelines of the subject. However, that isn’t to say they aren’t
extremely important and worth getting right.

Here are the most important peripheral aspects of N.P.E., which you’ll be learning about
in this chapter.

o Diet

o Fitness

o Mental Attitude & Motivation

o Stress

Believe it or not, each of these things can dramatically affect your N.P.E. progress. If
neglected, they can severely hinder you. But if taken into consideration and given your
attention they can actually boost your ability to gain big with considerable results.

So, it goes without saying that each of these peripheral aspects of N.P.E. is worth
covering before you even begin your first Trinity Blueprint N.P.E. exercise routine (and
using the tracking system, etc.) Consider them a fundamental base foundation on which
you will build on just like a house. You want to work on a solid base without any cracks
or flaws. When you do you ensure none of the hard work that is to come goes to waste
or is impeded or negated.


The foods you eat and fluids you drink can be considered your body’s fuel. If you put in
the wrong fuel, just like with a car’s engine, the functions and operation of your
physiological system (your body) will be negatively affected. This stands to reason, of
course. After all, you can’t get something from nothing. The acronym GIGO (often used
in the world of programming) sums this up well. It means ‘Garbage In, Garbage Out’.

So how does this affect your ability to gain new penis length and girth? Well, in two

If your diet includes eating more calories (especially in the form of carbohydrates,
refined grains, added sugars and sweeteners) than you burn off through exercise, you
get fat. Being slightly overweight generally poses little to no risk of generating severe
health problems. Clinical obesity on the other hand, as you no doubt already know, does.
It can cause heart disease, for example. Regardless of whether you’re only slightly
overweight or closer to being obese, the problem of having more weight on you than you
should or could relates to N.P.E. and your chances of achieving a massive penis in the
same way. Here’s how. Your penis isn’t just what hangs (or stands) externally from your
body. It actually starts not where it meets your testicles or lower abdomen, but
internally – several inches below the surface of your skin. Take a look at the diagram
below to see exactly what I mean.

Let’s assume that the erect length of the penis in the diagram above is 5 inches. There is
approximately 2-3 inches of hidden erectile tissue that resides below the skin surface,
inside the body. And the same applies to all men and all penises. It’s actually a great
thing, though, because it’s partly what allows N.P.E. techniques (specifically stretching
exercises) to work so well and effectively increase the external length of the penis.

However, when a man is overweight the advantages of having hidden erectile tissue
(and the potential external size it offers) begins to be lost. This is simply because of the
fat that gathers around the penis (above and below the pubic mound). And not only does
fat around the penis prohibit internal length and thickness from becoming external
(through the use of N.P.E. routines) it also takes away from your existing external penis
size. The fat folds start to swallow up and surround the base of your penis.

Being overweight isn’t just detrimental to N.P.E. because of the reason just mentioned,
too. Being fat often degrades your overall feeling of well-being and happiness, which can
end up negatively affecting your mood and motivation, and therefore the quality of your
routines and N.P.E. workouts. Now, you may not be particularly overweight. But if you
do have any extra fat around your pubic mound, it’s worth tackling. (Around 85% of
guys have at least half an inch that, when lost, gives them extra penis length they never
knew they had before.)

Because it’s such a common occurrence and because it’s such a relatively simple way of
acquiring extra penis size before you even commence your actual routines (which will
give you the inches of brand new size you’re ultimately aiming for), I’ve included some
information below on good ways to lose weight – specifically with the goal of revealing
extra penis size in mind.

o Avoid starving yourself. The food you eat gives you energy and vigour – which are
both important when you’re using N.P.E. to gain new penis size. Instead, downsize
your meals and eat them every three or four hours.

o Be active before eating meals. You don’t have to run a marathon or even hit the
gym if you don’t want to. Try walking before your meals to boost your metabolism
and therefore improve your bodies ability to burn off the calories you’re about to

o Simplify your meals. Try not to mix dense carbohydrates such as potatoes and
meat – they’re tricky for your body to digest.

o Do stomach crunches and sit-ups. They help target and reduce the fat above and
around your pubic mound and penis.

The Trinity Blueprint routines also include specially designed nutritional shakes that you
make and drink on the days you perform your exercises. These shakes are entirely
natural and contain ingredients you can buy from your local supermarket. However, all
of the ingredients have been specially selected to provide your body with additional
nutrients, vitamins and minerals that actually help your penis repair itself (and therefore
get thicker and longer) and improve your overall sexual virility and health. There are
three different nutritional shakes (one for the Primary level, one for Secondary and one
for Tertiary).


Your level of fitness, just like your weight, can also affect your penis size and your ability
to achieve new length and girth. Generally speaking, being fit and healthy is a good
thing. Imagine going to the gym and lifting weights for hours every week but being
incredibly unfit, panting and sweating almost as soon as you pick up a dumbbell. It
would quite clearly hinder you in your weight-lifting sessions. Not only would it make
performing the exercises difficult, it would also probably take a toll on your mood and
motivation for continuing to lift weights (in the face of little to no physical improvement).

The same pretty much applies to N.P.E. Being really unfit dampens your spirit and
hinders your motivation. Not to mention that is restricts your body from being able to
repair and regenerate the cells/tissues in your penis.

You by no means have to be on a par with an Ethiopian long distance runner, though.
Just try to achieve and maintain a good overall level of physical fitness (and a relatively
healthy weight). Having both will really help you with achieving your penis size goals.

Mental Attitude & Motivation

Your mental attitude and level of motivation are really important peripheral aspects of
using N.P.E techniques to enlarge your penis. In fact, it’s safe to say that without the
right kind of outlook on the subject and enthusiasm to achieve your goals, you will not
succeed in adding inches to your penis. The reason for this is because even the most
consistently effective natural enlargement techniques are only effective if you use them
consistently – and to do this you must have the correct mental attitude and level of

Many people in life, male and female, are impatient when it comes to getting things
they’ve craved for a long time. Imagine if someone has been playing the lottery for
years and years, always using the same numbers. One day they finally strike it lucky and
win big. Just think how excited and eager they’d be to cash in that ticket at the lottery
headquarters that’s just 5 miles from their house. Everything else would become
secondary to that one burning desire. They’d probably jump in their car and speed as
fast as its engine could take them towards the lottery building. But wait. The freeway’s a
dangerous place, especially when you’re speeding down it, blind with excitement and
anticipation, your mind already listing the luxuries you’re going to buy with your prize
money. That person, the lottery winner, could easily crash their car – rendering their
lottery ticket, and life, null and void.

That analogy, although pretty glib, isn’t that different – at least in its concept – to what
can happen when a guy realizes that he can finally have the penis size he’s always
wanted, without surgery, pills or fairy-tale potions. He can get over excited, rush into a
program of exercises, then boom. He doesn’t immediately see the results he was hoping

for and even expecting. His dreams seem dashed, hope feels like it’s flown out of the
window. His motivation almost completely lost, he slowly performs his routines more and
more infrequently and with less and less attention to detail and repetition quality.
Finally, it’s game over. He deems his attempt at enlarging his penis using N.P.E.
exercises a failure and gives up.

What that, and so many men who use N.P.E. techniques without the right attitude and
level of motivation, didn’t realise is that success was just around the corner – he just
took the wrong road.

Now, thankfully cases like this are pretty unusual (mainly thanks to the effectiveness of
N.P.E. exercises at producing results fairly soon), so I have a pretty strong feeling that
you aren’t one of the few guys like the one I’ve just hypothetically described. However,
that doesn’t mean to say that you shouldn’t learn about what it means to have the right
mental attitude and level of motivation while using N.P.E. Because when you understand
these simple, yet powerful, psychological concepts, your journey towards acquiring the
inches of new penis growth you’re no doubt hoping for suddenly becomes smoother,
more stress-free and actually enjoyable. It’s a great feeling when you look down at the
ruler and see that you – and nobody else – have worked hard and added real,
permanent length and girth to your penis, to use however you see fit, with whomever
you want.

Here are the key ingredients to having and keeping the kind of mental attitude and level
of motivation all men who’ve been successful at adding inches to their penises possess:

o Patience & Persistence. Nothing in life that’s truly worth anything comes easily
and without at least a basic level of patience and persistence. Whether it’s money,
girlfriends, a good job, or inches of new penis growth. Except unlike when you slave
away for something you perhaps don’t feel at all passionate about, using N.P.E.
doesn’t have to feel like hard, tedious work. All you need to do is recognize that
N.P.E. works and will work for you if you give it the right kind of chance. That means
sticking to the routines and not missing workout days. In short, if you’re committed
to the idea of having a bigger penis (anywhere from 1 inch bigger to the sky’s the
limit), you need to be committed to doing the routines that will give it to you. I don’t
want to sound like a broken record, nagging parent or bullying professor, but I
cannot stress how crucial patience and persistence are in successfully achieving new

o Stay Focussed On Yourself and Your Progress. One of the worst and often most
(unnecessarily) disheartening things for a guy who’s using N.P.E. to do is to compare
himself with another guy who appears to be having more success than him at
gaining. To do such a thing is pointless and only serves to decrease your overall
motivation, which more often than not negatively impacts on your routines, thus
starting what can only be described as a vicious cycle. In a short time you will begin
using the first of The Trinity Blueprint’s routines. Try your very best to stay focussed
on your own progress and don’t worry about what you “should” be gaining or what
someone else says they’ve gained. Because you – just like everyone else – are an
individual, your rate of progress and speed at which you’ll see gains will be individual
too. Just remember: If you are patient and persistent, you will reach your size goals.

o Visualize & Envisage Your End Goals. A great way to stay motivated, upbeat and
positive about your journey towards having a bigger, thicker penis is to visualize and
envisage your end goal. What this means is that when you perform your routines,
you should picture in your mind’s eye what it’s going to be like when you reach your
end goal of whatever size it is you’ve decided you want. Envisage how much better
sex will be, how much more impressive your penis will appear to be to women, how

much more confident you’ll no doubt feel in public showers, gyms and even by
yourself, looking in the mirror before you go to bed. You’re doing a great thing by
acknowledging you want a bigger penis and using a system (the best no less!) to get
it, so be proud of that fact and regularly visualize how great it’s going to be to place
that ruler against your erect penis and see it line up next to what used to be your
dream size – and which is now your real-life measurement.

o Maintain a Healthy Perspective.

The last aspect of having a good mental attitude I want to briefly talk about relates
to having the proper kind of perspective on N.P.E. and the fact that you’re using it.
What you need to aim to do is keep your routines as just another part of your daily
life, just like any of your other hobbies (although this one will pay off in a majorly
different and perhaps more rewarding, long-term way than any of your other
interests and pastimes). Because as soon as it becomes your sole focus or the
number one thing you cannot stop thinking about, you run the risk of it being
negatively affected. You might rush your routines in the hope of faster gains, for
example. So take it easy and play it cool. You’ll be glad you did when, at some point
down the road, you’re staring down at a 9 or 10 inch penis (or whatever your
personal goal is).

Let’s now look at the last peripheral aspect of N.P.E.


Being stressed hinders your chances of gaining in much the same way as having a lack
of motivation or a negative mental attitude. When you’re stressed, you act in ways that
are – when you’re healthy and unstressed – not normal. You get more irritable, more
often. You give up more easily. Your concentration isn’t as strong or focussed. The list
goes on. These are all things that you don’t want hampering you while you’re using The
Trinity Blueprint’s exercise routines. Below are 3 simple but powerful ways of reducing
your stress levels and keeping them down – effectively eradicating the harmful effects
being stressed can have on your N.P.E. success.

o Get plenty of undisturbed sleep. Try to sleep each night for at least 8 hours,
keeping the time at which you go to bed as consistent as you can. A healthy sleeping
pattern helps to keep you from getting grumpy and irritable.

o Exercise regularly. Getting exercise as often as you can not only helps to keep you
fit and healthy (which, as we’ve established, is positive in regards to N.P.E.), it also
keeps your energy levels properly balanced, ensuring nervous energy never
manifests itself as anxiousness and stress.

o Do things you enjoy whenever you can. Many guys really enjoy the feeling they
get after completing an N.P.E. routine. In fact, it can actually become somewhat
addictive (in a good way). You know at the end of a day’s routine that you’re several
steps closer to achieving more size and it feels good. Try to do other things that you
enjoy too, as they help keep you content, at ease and unstressed.

Okay, we’ve now covered all of the most important peripheral aspects of N.P.E. and are
therefore ready to move onto the next step of The Trinity Blueprint. You’re now going to
be walked through how to use The Trinity Tracking System, which is the specially
designed chart and record keeping system you’ve already heard a little about.

It’s important you know how to use it and how it can help you before beginning your first
exercise routine, as it’ll be a major part of your overall strategy to gaining the amount of
size you’re aiming for.

How To Use The Trinity Tracking System

The Trinity Tracking System allows you to:

o Record every routine you complete. You don’t have to worry about skipping days
by accident or remembering on which days you need to perform whichever routine
you happen to be doing – the tracking system does all the remembering for you.

o Record your size statistics. You will be noting down your sizes stats every two
weeks directly onto the tracking system sheets. This way you can easily see how
much you’ve gained on each routine as you’ve progressed from to another. This is
important for when you use the Routine Selection System (which will be explained

o Know when you need to use the Routine Selection System. Every four weeks,
the Trinity Tracking System will remind you to use the Routine Selection System to
determine which routine, if any, you should use next to continue gaining new size
smoothly and with big results.

Now we’re going to look at how the three features you’ve just read fit into the tracking
sheets. You’ll then read a simple walkthrough that explains how you’re going to use the
tracking system once you’ve started on your first routine.

Here you record your erect length (EL), erect girth (EG), flaccid length (FL), flaccid girth (FG) and
soft stretch length (SSL). You’ll be reminded of how to accurately take each of these
measurements before you begin your first routine.

The days you should perform each routine on are shown by the presence of a colored dot. Blank
squares indicate that you should not perform any routine on that day.

On the left hand side of the tracking sheets are the three routine levels (Primary, Secondary, and
Tertiary) and the three routines (Alpha, Beta, and Gamma) within each of those levels. Each
routine’s row (for example, Primary Alpha, Tertiary Gamma, etc.) can be followed from left to right
when you are using that particular routine. As you complete the routines, you tick the correct
colored dots on the tracking sheet, in the correct routine row.

At the top right hand side of every tracking sheet is a tab that tells you its sheet number. This
ensures you don’t get your tracking sheets mixed up in the wrong order when you’ve printed and
recorded all of the correct information on them.

Every two weeks, you’ll reach a column on the tracking sheets that reminds you that you should
use the Routine Selection System to analyze your progress so far on the routine you’ve been using
and determine whether you should (to gain as much size as possible) continue on that routine or
switch to using one of the other 8 routines.

Finally, the tracking sheets all include spaces for you to write down notes that apply to that week
of N.P.E. exercises and routines. You should use these note taking areas whenever you have
something clearly in mind that deserves being remembered for future reference. Your notes can be
anything, from needing to buy more lube for when you perform your routines, to recording that
you’ve noticed that your erections feel harder and more bulky.

Okay, we’re now going to look at a real-life example of how the Trinity Tracking System
is used. You’re going to use it in just the same way. The only difference between your
first month’s tracking sheets and the example below will be the size stats and the notes.

o The user of these tracking sheets first wrote down his size stats (EL: 6.2”, EG: 5.0”,
FL: 3.2”, FG: 2.5”, SSL: 6.5”)

o He then began doing the Primary Alpha routine, ticking each routine day’s blue dot
from left to right as the days went on.

o He also noted down that “[It] feels like I can last longer in bed. [My] penis is bulkier
for hours after doing routines.”

o On sheet 2 of the tracking system (above), he wrote down his new size stats (after
performing the Primary Alpha routine for 2 weeks). As you can see, he gained 0.2
inches of erect length, 0.2 inches of erect girth, 0.6 inches of flaccid length, 0.2
inches of flaccid girth and 0.2 inches of soft stretch length. If he continued to gain at
the same rate, he’d add approximately an inch in erect length and girth to his penis
size in just 2 months. However, if at any point his rate of gains dropped, he would
use the use the Routine Selection System to determine which routine he should
switch to, to continue gaining.

o In the notes section of the second sheet (above) he has written: “Growth already –
can definitely feel the difference!”

Okay, you should now have a pretty clear understanding of how you’re going to use the
Trinity Tracking System to record your gains and completed routines, etc. Now we’re
going to look at how the Routine Selection System is used every 4 weeks to analyze your
progress and determine which routine, if any, you should switch to using to continue
gaining new size, quickly and easily.

How to use the Routine Selection System

The routine selection system is a major part of what makes The Trinity Blueprint so
effective at allowing guys to gain massive new penis size quickly and easily. It does the

It analyzes the success you’ve had using a particular routine and, based on that level of
success, tells you exactly which routine, from which level (Primary, Secondary, or
Tertiary) you should switch to using next to ensure you gain at your maximum potential
rate and level. Because the routine selection system always makes sure you’re using an
exercise routine that fits your on-going level of progress, you never have to worry about
wasting your time doing the wrong exercises on the wrong days. Unfortunately, this is
often what may guys accidentally do who don’t have the benefit of being told (as you will
be by the routine selection system) which is the best type of routine for their personal
progress and their individual enlargement needs.

Okay, let’s look at how it works and how you’ll use it in conjunction with The Trinity
Tracking System, step by step.

You will start by using the Primary level Alpha routine. Then, when you reach the routine
selection system reminder on your tracking sheets (after 4 weeks), you will go to the
relevant section of the selection system, which looks like the image below.

When using a routine’s selection system (the one above is the Primary Alpha selection system),
you should read through the 4 options and decide which one most accurately sums up the
progress you’ve made over the past 4 weeks using that particular routine. To know exactly what
your progress has been, you will refer to your first recorded stats and compare them to the stats
you’ve recorded on your tracking sheets most recently.

Once you’ve chosen which of the 4 options matches your level of gains, read the relevant
instructions (marked with either a heart, spade, diamond or club symbol). You will be told which
routine you should do for the next 4 weeks until you are again reminded on your tracking sheet to
use the routine selection system.

Each routine contained in The Trinity Blueprint has a selection system like the one
above. You will refer to the appropriate routine selection system for the one you’ve just
finished using for four weeks. You’ll soon discover how simple using the tracking sheets
in conjunction with the routine selection system is. In fact, the process is so simple, it
can be summed up like this:

1. You write down your starting stats in the first ‘size stats’ area on your first
tracking sheet.

2. You do the Primary Alpha routine for 4 weeks, marking each routine off on the
tracking sheet in the appropriate row.

3. You record your stats every 2 weeks in the available size stats areas.

4. You also write down any extra information you’d like to remember in the ‘notes’

5. After 4 weeks, you reach a ‘routine selection system’ reminder. You then refer to
the Primary Alpha’s routine selection system and choose the most appropriate of
the 5 options it presents. Based on what it recommends, you start either start a
new routine or continue using the Primary Alpha routine. Either way, you’re
guaranteed to continue using the most effective routine for your body – the one
that’s going to maximise your potential and bring you new, permanent size in
both length and girth.

6. You do your selected routine for another 4 weeks, while continuing to gain new
size and record it on your tracking sheets.

7. After 4 weeks, the process begins again from point 5 on this list. You refer to
your new routine’s selection system and use it to determine which is the best
routine for you to use to continue growing and gaining.

You’re now close to beginning The Trinity Blueprint’s first routine: Primary Alpha. But
before you do, we’re going to run through what’s known as The Trinity Blueprint’s
Starter’s Checklist. This final preparatory phase covers the remaining necessary areas of
knowledge and understanding regarding N.P.E. Once you have read over each subject

covered on the list and checked it off to signal that it’s been covered in your mind, you
will be 100% ready to begin.

The Trinity Blueprint’s Starter’s Checklist

I’m now happy to say that you are only a few simple steps away from starting your
personal growth journey using The Trinity Blueprint. In this section, we’re going to go
over a few final things that need to be clear in your mind before you begin. Each item on
this checklist will help ensure that you succeed in adding new size to your penis using
the Trinity Blueprint’s routines as quickly and efficiently as possible.

Here’s what is on the starter’s checklist:

1. How to measure properly and when you should do it

2. Lubricant information
3. Understanding erection percentages
4. Remembering the importance of Kegels
5. Establishing your size goals

How to measure properly and when you should do it

As you can no doubt imagine, measuring plays a major role in every guy’s N.P.E.
experience - it’s a vital aspect of enlarging your penis using manual exercises. On the
face of it, measuring your penis may seem a pretty straightforward thing to do and,
when you know how and when to do it, it is. But that doesn’t stop many men from
making critical errors in the way they measure and the frequency at which they choose
to gauge their progress. In this sub-section of the starter’s checklist, we’re going to run
through everything you need to know about measuring your penis, so you never have to
face the annoying setbacks improper measuring technique can bring about. First, let’s
start with how you do it. There are two ways to measure your erect length, which you
use is up to you – but it’s important that you choose one or the other and use it
consistently, otherwise your measurements will be inaccurate and not a true
representation of the progress you’re making at adding new size to you penis.

Use a ruler that has no blank space or gaps at the starting end. Place it at the side of
your erect penis and push it down slightly until you feel it sitting solidly against you.

Read off the measurement from where the tip of your penis head ends on the ruler. You
can use inches or centimetres, but using the metric system (cm and mm) is often more
precise and can make tracking your gains easier when comparing the stats on your
tracking sheets.

Placing the ruler flat along the top of your erect penis is quite often a preferred measuring method
to side measuring because it more accurately represents “useable size”. Press the ruler down, just
as before, until you feel it’s solid against you. When measuring along the top of your penis, you’re
able to push the ruler through the “fat pad” that covers your pubic bone, which further helps to
produce precise measurements on a repeatable basis.

Once again, read off the measurement from the point at which the tip of your penis head ends on
the ruler. Remember: whichever variation you use to measure your penis’s length, the most
important thing is that you do it the same way every time (every two weeks).

To accurately measure your flaccid and erect girth, you’ll need a cloth tape measure/tapeline. A
cloth tape measure is flexible, so it can be wrapped snugly around your penis. Remember to read
off the measurement where the end of the tape measure lines up with the marking scale (again,
you can use inches or centimetres).

Other notes on measuring:

o Stick to measuring once every two weeks, when you reach the size stats boxes on
your tracking sheets. The reason you should only take size measurements every
fortnight is two-fold. First, a 14 day period represents a good period of time in which
at least 12 routines are performed (and more if you’re using a routine from the
secondary or tertiary level). This helps ensure that every time you take your
measurements you are recording actual growth gains and not small fluctuations in
size that may be caused by temperature, when you last masturbated/ejaculated, etc.
Second, measuring too often (some guys measure every day!), can be unnecessarily
disheartening. You excitedly grab the ruler, hoping to see new growth, only to see
you’re the same size as the last time you measured. Thing is, last time you measured
was not long enough ago for any new growth to have come about. So, give yourself
and your body enough time to respond to the routines you perform and measure
once every two weeks, recording the size stats on your tracking sheets in the
appropriate boxes.

o When you do measure, try to always do it in the same set of circumstances. For
example, in the evening after a shower, or in the morning after a weightlifting
workout. By always taking your measurements at the same time and under the same
conditions, you further minimize the small natural fluctuations in size I just
mentioned. Also, don’t measure straight after ejaculating (either through
masturbation or sex), unless you do it every time before you measure (which would
be inconvenient and unnecessary). You want your erect measurements to be
accurate representations of your maximum erect size – so get as rock hard as you

o Your soft stretch length measurement should be taken in the following way. Make
sure your penis is completely flaccid. Then grasp it just under the head and gently
pull it out directly in front of you (while standing), so it’s parallel with the floor.
Stretch it as much as you can without ever putting yourself in any discomfort or pain.
With your right hand, place the ruler either along the top or side of your penis
(depending on your preference) and read off the measurement at the point at which
the tip of your penis head ends, just as you would if you were taking an erect length
measurement. This is your soft stretch length (SSL).

Lubricant information

Lube is a vital component of all N.P.E. routines and you cannot successfully perform a
manual exercise workout without it. When it comes to which kind of lube you use, you
have several options, each with its own advantages and disadvantages. Here are the
main and best choices of lube. It’s up to you which you choose to use.

• Oil-based lubricants

The most well known oil-based lubricant is Vaseline. Although definitely not
recommended for use as a lubricant during vaginal sex (it can degrade latex condoms as
well as cause bacterial problems), it can be a good lube for N.P.E. use. Because it’s oil-
based, it doesn’t dry up and need replenishing as quickly as most water-based lubricants
do. On the minus side of things, it can take a little while to get off your penis once
you’ve completed your workouts, requiring a good deal of wiping with paper towels, etc.
But if time and effort aren’t major issues for you, Vaseline could be a good choice of
N.P.E. lube. There are a couple of other oil-based lubes you can use if you’d prefer a fast
clean up after each routine, however. Baby oil and clear, bottled mineral oil are both less
viscous than petroleum jelly and are therefore easier to wash off your skin.

• Silicone-based lubricants

Silicone based lubes are another good choice for use with N.P.E. exercises. They are
easier to wash off than Vaseline but still last a while before needing to be “topped up”.
Many commercial sex lubricants are silicone-based, such as ID Millennium, Eros,
DeGLOW and Wet Platinum.

• Water-based lubes.

The final category of lubes suitable for use with N.P.E. exercises is water-based. Water-
based lubes, although they run out the fastest when compared to oil-based and silicone-
based lubricants, have a slickness that many guys who do N.P.E. workouts swear by.
Just like silicone-based lubes, commercial ‘personal lubricant’ brands exist that can be
bought in bottles, such as AstroGlide and K-Y Jelly. However, many men also like to use
certain brands of shower gels, that provide just the right kind of slickness and
consistency. If you do use a shower gel as your N.P.E. lube, I recommend you try finding
one that contains moisturizing ingredients and also aloe vera – both will help keep your

penis’s skin soft and smooth. You should NEVER use hand soap as an N.P.E. lube, as it is
too harsh on the sensitive skin of and around your penis.

For my always up-to-date recommendation of the best N.P.E. lube on the market today,
click here.

Understanding erection percentages

In this blueprint’s routine documents, you’ll read about something called erection
percentages. They form a major part of your enlargement routines, so it’s important that
– if you don’t already – you know about how they work and what they mean.

In essence, an erection percentage represents how hard or soft your penis is at any
given time during an N.P.E. routine, from 0% to 100%. 0% is totally flaccid and soft,
while 100% is as rock hard as your erection can possibly be, no matter how aroused you
are. So, when you read during a routine that you should perform a particular exercise
with an erection percentage of 50%, you need to mentally estimate what state your
penis is in when it’s halfway between being totally flaccid and completely hard. You don’t
need to be extremely precise though – a close guess will suffice. To guesstimate an
erection percentage of, say, 40% or 60%, you simply need to think: “I need to be just a
little more or little less hard/soft than I am when I’m halfway erect”.

Many men, when they first start doing N.P.E. routines, have great difficulty in controlling
how hard their penises are during their routines, so find it tricky to achieve the required
erection percentages for the various exercises that make up the N.P.E. routines. This is
normal. After a while, when you’ve a got a number of routines completed and under your
belt, you’ll notice that your control over your erection percentage increases – this is
because your mind begins to realize that the touching of your penis during N.P.E.
routines isn’t sexual. As you continue to do your workouts, you’ll see that you have to
spend less and less time achieving the various erection percentages. To drop from 65%
to 30%, you simply cease all exercises and touching for 30 seconds or so until your
erection percentage drops by about 35%. To go up from 30% to 60%, for example, you
simply increase the touching and massaging of your penis, to encourage more blood to
flow into its tissues.

Remembering the importance of Kegels

The Kegel exercise offers every guy who uses it a massive number of sexual benefits,
many of which crossover into the N.P.E. side of things, helping you gain and continue to
gain big, quick new penis size. It’s for this reason that performing Kegels should not be
ignored or omitted from your enlargement workouts and day to day life. Performing
them gives you the following benefits:

o Your erections become harder and fuller due to your improved ability to powerfully
squeeze your PC muscle (which is the muscle that’s worked when you do Kegels) and
pump blood into your penis shaft and head.

o Because you’re more able to control the blood flow to your penis (and because a
healthier, stronger PC muscle helps improve blood flow to your penis all round),
N.P.E. exercises become more effective at gently breaking down the cells in your
penis tissues, which – when regenerated – become bigger and stronger and create
new length and girth.

o A stronger PC muscle gives you a heightened ability to control when you ejaculate
during masturbation and sex.

o The range and power of your ejaculations also increase as Kegels improve the
strength and health of your PC muscle.

So, remember to give Kegels all the attention and devotion they deserve. They’ll pay you
back in spades if you do!

Establishing Your Size Goals

You’ve now reached an especially fun part of this enlargement blueprint. You’re now
going to set some specific size goals – i.e. Decide exactly what penis size you’re aiming
to achieve by using The Trinity Blueprint’s routines.

There’s a strong chance you already have a specific size in mind that you’d like to reach,
but before cementing that goal in your mind, have a read of the following bullet points.
They are rough guidelines that aim to help you set realistic but still amazing size goals:

o Remember that the more size you aim to gain, to longer it will take. The same rule
applies to most forms of physical improvement, for example: bodybuilding and
weight loss. So, if you want to add 3 inches of new erect length to your penis, you
should understand that it will naturally take longer to achieve than if you want to
only add an inch to the length of your erection.

o Be realistic with your goals but at same time optimistic. You’ve chosen to use this
blueprint for enlargement success for a reason - because it works and is effective at
giving men the new penis sizes they’ve always wanted deep down. It’s okay to want
to add 3 inches of length and 2 inches of girth to your penis if you’re willing to stick
to the routines until you reach that goal. But if you set your sights on gaining 4
inches of length and 3 inches of girth, only to give up on the routines early, you’ll
only end up disappointed.

Seeing what a couple of other guys have aimed for and achieved (and how long it’s
taken them) might be helpful before you write down your own personal size goals.

Okay, you should now have a good idea of what you’d like to gain. Print out this page,
fill in all of the spaces in each of the boxes below, cut along the dotted lines and keep
both your starting stats and size goals safe, perhaps with your tracking sheets.

Once you’ve printed, filled in and cut out the data boxes above, you’ll have successfully completed
the final part of the starter’s checklist – which, of course, means that you’re now ready to begin on
your first Trinity Blueprint exercise routine. In a couple of pages time starts the second section of
this book: The Trinity Blueprint Resources. These resources consist of all of the system
components you’ve learnt about so far, which you’ll use from now until you reach the size goals
you’ve just recorded. They are:

• The Routines:

o Primary Level: Alpha, Beta, and Gamma

o Secondary Level: Alpha, Beta, and Gamma
o Tertiary Level: Alpha, Beta, and Gamma

• The Routine Selection System:

o Primary Alpha, Beta, and Gamma

o Secondary Alpha, Beta, and Gamma
o Tertiary Alpha, Beta, and Gamma

• The Trinity Tracking System: Sheets 1-18

To use the tracking system sheets, you’ll need to print them out. You can either print out
each sheet as you need it, or print out all 18 sheets (which allow you enough room to
record up to 9 months/252 days of routines and stats). It’s up to you whether you print
out the routine selection system pages. You’ll refer to Primary Alpha first (as that it is
the routine you’ll start on), then a different one every 4 weeks depending on which
routine you’ve been using (which is determined by the Routine Selection System). The
same applies to the routine sheets. If you want to, you can print them out so you can
read the routines and exercises as you do them, instead of remembering what you need
to do off by heart.

After all of the resources that follow are two epilogue chapters. To keep things clear in
your mind, it’s recommended that you read them only once you’ve completed your

N.P.E. journey and achieved your size goals. The information they contain is most useful
at that time.

Before you begin, I’d like to take a moment to quickly remind you of the little story I
started this book with, of the two mice who found themselves in a tricky situation. One
perished, one prospered. As of this moment you are the second mouse. You have the
knowledge, the ability and the desire to achieve your goal of acquiring inches of new
penis size. It really is as simple as that. Those men who have never heard about natural
penis enlargement, along with all of those that do know of it but, for whatever reason,
have chosen not to harness its power and promise no longer matter. You have found the
answer, all you need to do now is use it! Until the two epilogue chapters, in which I’ll tell
you how to customize and create your own routines and how to properly phase out your
use of exercise routines once you’ve achieved your goals, I bid you farewell!

Welcome to the Primary Alpha routine. This is the first routine you will be performing
from the 9 routines this enlargement blueprint contains.

Let’s start by looking at the nutritional aspects of this workout.

Nutritional Info:

Blueberry Morning Shake

Ingredients (4 servings):

o 2 cups fresh or frozen blueberries

o 1/3 cup honey

o 2 small bananas

o 1 tablespoon lemon juice

o 1 ½ cups vanilla yogurt

o 1 cup frozen vanilla ice cream

How to make it:

1. Combine the honey, blueberries, bananas and lemon juice and puree in your blender
on its highest setting. Then add yogurt and ice cream and blend until the shake is
smooth and thick.

2. Serve immediately in a clean, cold glass.

Sexual and N.P.E. benefits:

This nutritional shake features two different foods containing vanilla. The vanilla ice
cream contains high levels of calcium and phosphorus. They’re two minerals that build
your muscles’ energy reserves and boost your libido. Calcium can make orgasms more
powerful, as the PC muscle fundamentally needs calcium to contract properly. This shake
also contains blueberries - nature’s alternative to Viagra. They’re loaded with soluble
fibre, which helps push excess cholesterol through your digestive system before it can be
broken down, absorbed and deposited in your arteries. They’re also packed with
compounds that help relax your blood vessels and improve circulation throughout your
body. This increase in blood flow results in more blood circulating throughout your penis,
which gives your routines more effectiveness and your erections a harder, fuller feeling.

When to drink this shake:

To take advantage of all of the sexual and N.P.E. benefits this nutritional shake has to
offer, it’s recommended you have it each morning on the days you perform your routine
(regardless of which of the three Primary routines you’re using).

o You first need to warm up your penis by encouraging blood to flow into its tissues.
Make sure your hands aren’t cold and the room you’re in is warm. Massage your
penis until it begins to fill out and become slightly erect. Continue to rub and knead
its shaft until its head is flushed with color and it feels heavier and fuller. This usually
takes around 3 or 4 minutes.

o Perform a quick set of Kegels to further force blood to flow into and around your
penis, then continue massaging it with your hands and fingers. Do a Helicopter
Shake (see the member’s area (Godma’s workout) for info on
how to do one if you’re not sure) for 15 seconds.

o Now achieve a full, 100% erection for at least a minute. Very few men who do N.P.E.
routines do this, but it’s a highly recommended step if you want to warm up in the
most thorough and effective way possible. Don’t do any exercises while you have a
full erection, simply maintain it for a minute or so then let it subside and return to a
20-50% erection percentage.

o Now you’ve properly warmed up the tissues and cells of your penis shaft and head,
you’re going to warm up your suspensory ligaments. To do this, grip your penis
behind the head and slowly stretch it out in front of you (so it’s parallel to the floor)
for 10 seconds. This stretch should be less intense than the stretches you perform in
the actual exercise portion of this and other routines, as it’s meant as a warm up
step only. Do another 10 second stretch, except this time stretch your penis
upwards, so it’s parallel with your stomach.

Now you’re ready to move into the exercise portion of the Primary Routine.

o Start by performing 4 stretches. You should have an erection percentage of less than
30% when you do these. First, stretch your penis downwards, towards the floor, for
20 seconds. Then, stretch for 20 seconds upwards (parallel to your stomach), then to
the left and to the right. Between each stretch you should leave at least a 10 second
gap, in which you should gently massage your penis to keep its tissues and the
ligaments its attached to warmed up and supple.

o Now achieve a 50% erection percentage and apply your choice of lubricant. Perform
50 standard wet jelqs, with a rep length (the time it takes to jelq from the base of
your penis to just beneath the head) of around 2 seconds.

o By the time you’ve finished doing the 50 wet jelqs, your lube will have pretty much
dried up. Use this time to perform 20 dry jelqs with an erection percentage of around
60% and a rep length of 3 seconds.

o Allow your erection to subside to below 40% and then repeat the stretches you
performed at the start of the exercise portion on this routine (a 20 second stretch in
each direction).

o Reapply your lube and acquire an erection percentage of 65-70% by doing Helicopter
Shakes and massaging your penis with both of your hands. Now perform another 50
quality wet jelqs with a rep length of 2 seconds.

o Your lube will again have run dry by this point. Perform another 25 dry jelqs, with a
60% erection and a rep length of 3 seconds. These complete the use of expansion
exercises in this routine.

o Do another set of stretches (one in each direction for 10 seconds) to complete the
exercise portion of the Primary Alpha routine.

o The warm down part of all routines is extremely important and shouldn’t be skipped.
To begin the warm down section of this routine, massage your penis gently in your
hands, allowing your partial erection to subside. Keep rubbing and kneading your
penis shaft and head to maintain the suppleness of its tissues.

o Perform half a dozen strong Kegels to pump blood into your penis. You’ll probably
notice its head engorge slightly when you do this. Do a few Helicopter Shakes
(around 5 seconds each) and continue to massage your penis for a couple more

o Clean-up any remaining lube and for the next couple of hours try to keep your flaccid
(but heavy hanging) penis warm. And remember: Do not ejaculate for at least 4 or 5
hours after you perform this or any other routine.

Additional Routine Tasks

o During the days you perform your routine on, do at least 100 Kegels. It doesn’t
matter when you do them, as long as you really clamp your PC muscle tight for at
least a second or two and make each and every rep count.

o To increase the effectiveness of the warm up and warm down of this routine, try
using a hot wrap. Simply soak a small towel or flannel in hot (but not boiling) water
and wrap it around your penis before and after you perform the exercise portion of
the routine.

Nutritional Info:

Blueberry Morning Shake (See Primary Alpha routine for instructions on how to make it
and when to drink it).

o First use a hot wrap or shower to flush your flaccid penis with an increased flow of

o Massage your penis with your hands to stimulate and warm up its tissues. Now
perform 5 Helicopter Shakes, each one lasting 20 seconds.

o Achieve a 100% erection and maintain it for at least a minute, but do not do any
exercises during this time.

o Perform 3 stretches. First, stretch your penis outwards, so it’s parallel with the
ground, for 20 seconds. Wait for about half a minute, then repeat the stretch, this
time holding it for 30 seconds. Wait another half a minute or so and repeat it once
more, except this time hold the stretch for 40 seconds.

o Reapply your hot wrap or other warming device to maintain the increased blood flow
around your penis. Now perform 3 Helicopter Shakes. The first should last 10
seconds, the second should last 20 and the third 30. Leave a short gap between each
(around 10 seconds is sufficient).

o Start by achieving a 60% erection and performing (with lube) 50 wet jelqs. Then do
a 20 second Helicopter Shake.

o Now perform a 30 second stretch straight outwards in front of you, pulling with as
much force as you can without it feeling painful or extremely uncomfortable.

o Your erection level should now be around 20%. Perform a 5 second Crook Tug at the
base of your penis, a 5 second Crook Tug in the middle of your shaft, and then 5
second Crook Tug just beneath the head of you penis for another 5 seconds.

o Reapply lube if you need to and achieve a 50% erection. Perform 50 more wet jelqs
using an overhand grip for the first half and an underhand grip for the other half.

o Shake your penis using your fingers to reduce its erection percentage to around
20%. Now perform 4 stretches, one in each direction, for 10 seconds each.

o Perform 3 section stretches, one at the lower section of your shaft, one at the middle
and one at the upper. Each one should last 5 seconds and you should have an
erection percentage of around 20%.

o Complete the exercise portion of this routine by getting a 60% erection and
performing 50 wet jelqs with a rep length of 3 seconds each.

o Massage your penis gently in your hands, allowing your partial erection to subside.
Keep rubbing and kneading your penis shaft and head to maintain the suppleness of
its tissues.

o Perform half a dozen strong Kegels to pump blood into your penis. You’ll probably
notice its head engorge slightly when you do this. Do a few Helicopter Shakes
(around 5 seconds each) and continue to massage your penis for a couple more

o Clean-up any remaining lube and for the next couple of hours try to keep your flaccid
(but heavy hanging) penis warm. Do not ejaculate for at least 4 or 5 hours after you
perform this or any other routine.

Additional Routine Tasks

o During the days you perform your routine on, do at least 100 Kegels. It doesn’t
matter when you do them, as long as you really clamp your PC muscle tight for at
least a second or two and make each and every rep count.

o Most guys go to the bathroom at least twice a day. Take these opportunities to do
the following before or after you pee. Do 5 strong Kegels then perform a 20 second
Helicopter Shake. Now, do a 20 second stretch straight outwards. Do this every time
you go to the bathroom, at home or when you’re out, on the days you perform your

Nutritional Info:

Blueberry Morning Shake (See Primary Alpha routine for instructions on how to make it
and when to drink it).

o First use a hot wrap or shower to flush your flaccid penis with an increased flow of

o Massage your penis with your hands to stimulate and warm up its tissues. Now
perform 10 dry jelqs, each one lasting 3 seconds.

o Achieve a 100% erection and maintain it for at least two minutes, but do not do any
exercises during this time.

o Let your penis’s state drop to an erection percentage of around 50% and perform 10
more dry jelqs, each with a rep length of 3 seconds.

o Reapply your hot wrap or other warming device to maintain the increased blood flow
around your penis. Now perform 3 Helicopter Shakes. The first should last 10
seconds, the second should last 20 and the third 30. Leave a short gap between each
(around 10 seconds is sufficient).

o Begin by performing 50 wet jelqs with a rep length of 4 seconds and an erection
percentage of 60%.

o Now do 30 dry jelqs with a rep length of 4 seconds and an erection percentage of

o Next, perform 20 Gap Jelqs with an erection level of 50%.

o Let you erection level drop to around 20% and then do 4 good quality stretches, one
in each direction (straight out, up, down towards the floor, to the left and to the
right). Each stretch should last 15 seconds. Leave a gap of at least 10 seconds in
between each.

o Now take a 3-5 minute break from doing any exercises. Instead, do what equates to
a mid-session warm-up/warm-down. Gently massage your penis, slap it against your
thighs and knead it between your hands and fingers. Keep the tissues elastic and
supple and the tissues expanded.

o Achieve an erection level of 60% and restart your exercises by doing 25 wet jelqs
with a rep length of 5 seconds. Make sure you count to 5 for each rep – they need to
be drawn out, with a focus on ensuring a regular and equal grip from the base of
your penis to just under the head, where you release your grip and end the rep.

o Massage your penis gently in your hands, allowing your partial erection to subside.
Keep rubbing and kneading your penis shaft and head to maintain the suppleness of
its tissues.

o Perform half a dozen strong Kegels to pump blood into your penis. You’ll probably
notice its head engorge slightly when you do this. Do a few Helicopter Shakes
(around 5 seconds each) and continue to massage your penis for a couple more

o Finish off by cleaning up any remaining lube and doing 10 quick dry jelqs with a light
grip and a rep length of just 2 seconds.

Additional Routine Tasks:

o During the days you perform your routine on, do at least 150 Kegels. It doesn’t
matter when you do them, as long as you really clamp your PC muscle tight for at
least a second or two and make each any every rep count.

o Most guys go to the bathroom at least twice a day. Take these opportunities to do
the following before or after you pee. Do 5 strong Kegels then perform a 20 second
Helicopter Shake. Now, do 10 quick dry jelqs. Because you’ll be short on time when
doing these, just focus on getting an erection level of around 30-40%. Make each dry
jelq rep length about 3 seconds. All in all, this entire process should take no longer
than 2 minutes, so you can do it every time you have the chance – whether you’re at
work, at home, in a club’s bathroom cubicle, etc. You only need to do these
additional exercises on your routine days. Your days off remain free from N.P.E.
exercises and routines.

Nutritional Information:

Berry Morning & Evening Smoothie


o 1 handful raspberries

o 1 handful strawberries

o 1 handful sliced ripe banana

o 4 oz of water

How to make it:

Simply mix one handful of raspberries, one handful of sliced ripe banana and one handful
of strawberries with 4 oz of noncarbonated cold water and serve in a clean glass.

Sexual and N.P.E benefits:

This smoothie contains two forms of berry that are both high in zinc content. Up to 75%
of guys are deficient in zinc and almost 70% of men consume less than two-thirds of the
recommended daily allowance for zinc. Zinc, though, is an important mineral in relation
to male sexual health. It’s a necessary cofactor for the production of the main male
sexual hormone: testosterone. As a man using N.P.E. to enlarge your penis, it’s
important you keep your body’s level of testosterone high to aid the repletion and repair
of your penis’s tissue cells and a high and healthy level of blood flow to your penis in
general. Zinc also relates to your fertility: each “load” released when you ejaculate
contains around 15 mg of zinc, so it’s a good idea to consciously consume it whenever
you can to keep your load’s levels of zinc high. Doing so boosts your sperm count and,
as I’ve just described, helps ward off testosterone deficiency. This smoothie also
contains bananas, which contain healthy levels of vitamin A and E, which both help the
body’s absorption of zinc. The potassium they contain also helps to alleviate feelings of
stress and anxiety (see the negative effects of these feelings in the ‘Peripheral Aspect of
N.P.E.’ chapter). Furthermore, it helps control blood pressure and water flow in your
body’s cells.

When to drink this smoothie:

To take advantage of all of the sexual and N.P.E. benefits this nutritional smoothie has to
offer, it’s recommended you have it each morning and evening on the days you perform
your routine (regardless of which of the three Secondary routines you’re using).

o You first need to warm up your penis by encouraging blood to flow into its tissues.
Make sure your hands aren’t cold and the room you’re in is warm. Massage your
penis until it begins to fill out and become slightly erect. Continue to rub and knead
its shaft until its head is flushed with color and it feels heavier and fuller. This usually
takes around 3 or 4 minutes. You can also use a hot wrap or stand in a hot shower
for 3 or 4 minutes to help this process.

o Perform a quick set of Kegels to further force blood to flow into and around your
penis, then continue massaging it with your hands and fingers. Do 3 Helicopter
Shakes (see the member’s area (Godma’s workout) for info on
how to do one if you’re not sure) for 20 seconds each. Massaging your penis for
about 5 seconds between each.

o Now achieve a full, 100% erection for at least two minutes. Don’t do any exercises
while you have a full erection, simply maintain it for a minute or so then let it subside
and return to a 20-50% erection percentage.

o Now you’ve properly warmed up the tissues and cells of your penis shaft and head,
you’re going to warm up your suspensory ligaments. To do this, grip your penis
behind the head and slowly stretch it out in front of you (so it’s parallel to the floor)
for 20 seconds. This stretch should be slightly less intense than the stretches you
perform in the actual exercise portion of this and other routines, as it’s meant as a
warm up step only. Do another 20 second stretch, except this time stretch your penis
upwards, so it’s parallel with your stomach.

Now you’re ready to move into the exercise portion of the Secondary Routine.

o Start by performing 4 stretches. You should have an erection level of less than 20%
when you do these. First, stretch your penis downwards, towards the floor, for 30
seconds. Then, stretch for 30 seconds upwards (parallel to your stomach), then to
the left and to the right. Between each stretch you should leave at least a 20 second
gap, during which you should gently massage your penis to keep its tissues and the
ligaments its attached to warmed up and supple.

o Now achieve a 50% erection percentage and apply your choice of lubricant. Perform
100 standard wet jelqs, with a rep length (the time it takes jelq from the base of
your penis to just beneath the head) of around 3 seconds.

o By the time you’ve finished doing the 100 wet jelqs, your lube will have pretty much
dried up. Use this time to perform 50 dry jelqs with an erection percentage of around
60% and a rep length of 4 seconds.

o Allow your erection to subside to below 40% and then repeat the stretches you
performed at the start of the exercise portion on this routine (a 30 second stretch in
each direction).

o Acquire an erection percentage of 50-60%% by doing Helicopter Shakes and

massaging your penis with both of your hands. Now perform 15 PC-Dry Jelq Duos.

o Perform 25 dry jelqs, with a 60% erection and a rep length of 4 seconds. These
complete the use of expansion exercises in this routine.

o Do another set of stretches (one in each direction for 20 seconds) to complete the
exercise portion of the Secondary Alpha routine.

o The warm down part of all routines is extremely important and shouldn’t be skipped.
To begin the warm down section of this routine, massage your penis gently in your
hands, allowing your partial erection to subside. Keep rubbing and kneading your
penis shaft and head to maintain the suppleness of its tissues.

o Perform half a dozen strong Kegels to pump blood into your penis. You’ll probably
notice its head engorge slightly when you do this. Do a few Helicopter Shakes
(around 10 seconds each) and continue to massage your penis for a couple more

o If you can, now do what’s called a ‘flash heat switch’. Here’s how. At the end of the
exercise portion of this routine, your penis will be flushed and warm from the manual
contact you’ve given it. Get a glass of very cold (but not freezing) water and drench
your penis with it, making sure you generously wet your penis shaft and head. It’ll no
doubt come as a bit of a shock when you do it, but that’s the idea. You’re instantly
making your penis tissues contract and the blood flow become mostly one way
(hence the tightening and shrinkage). Rub your penis with your hands and perform a
few Helicopter Shakes after dousing it with the cold water. Now, do the opposite.
Soak it in really warm (but not no where near boiling) water. This will reverse the
effects the cold water had and expand the penis tissues and encourage blood flow
into it. This ‘flash’ change provides an amazing warm down and really helps bring
about quick gains.

Additional Routine Tasks:

o During the days you perform your routine on, do at least 250 Kegels. It doesn’t
matter when you do them, as long as you really clamp your PC muscle tight for at
least a second or two and make each and every rep count.

Nutritional Info:

Berry Morning & Evening Smoothie (See Secondary Alpha routine for instructions on how
to make it and when to drink it).

o First use a hot wrap or shower to flush your flaccid penis with an increased flow of

o Massage your penis with your hands to stimulate and warm up its tissues. Now
perform 5 Helicopter Shakes, each one lasting 20 seconds.

o Achieve a 100% erection and maintain it for at least 2 minutes, but do not do any
exercises during this time.

o Perform 3 stretches. First, stretch your penis outwards, so it’s parallel with the
ground, for 20 seconds. Wait for about half a minute, then repeat the stretch, this
time holding it for 30 seconds. Wait another half a minute or so and repeat it once
more, except this time hold the stretch for 40 seconds.

o Reapply your hot wrap or other warming device to maintain the increased blood flow
around your penis. Now perform 3 Helicopter Shakes. The first should last 10
seconds, the second should last 20 and the third 30. Leave a short gap between each
(around 10 seconds is sufficient).

o Start by achieving a 60% erection and performing (with lube) 100 wet jelqs. Then do
2 Helicopter Shakes, each one lasting 20 seconds, with a gap of 10 seconds between
each (massage your penis in this time).

o Now perform a 60 second stretch straight outwards in front of you, pulling with as
much force as you can without it feeling painful or extremely uncomfortable.

o Your erection level should now be around 20%. Perform a 15 second Crook Tug at
the base of your penis, a 15 second Crook Tug in the middle of your shaft, and then
15 second Crook Tug just beneath the head of you penis for another 15 seconds.

o Reapply lube if you need to and achieve a 50% erection. Perform 100 more wet jelqs
using an overhand grip for the first half and an underhand grip for the other half.

o Shake your penis using your fingers to reduce its erection percentage to around
20%. Now perform 4 stretches, one in each direction, for 20 seconds each.

o Perform 3 section stretches, one at the lower section of your shaft, one at the middle
and one at the upper. Each one should last 20 seconds and you should have an
erection percentage of around 20%.

o Now perform 20 Shaft Wringing reps, with an erection percentage of 20%.

o Complete the exercise portion of this routine by getting a 60% erection and
performing 50 wet jelqs with a rep length of 3 seconds each.

o Massage your penis gently in your hands, allowing your partial erection to subside.
Keep rubbing and kneading your penis shaft and head to maintain the suppleness of
its tissues.

o Perform a dozen strong Kegels to pump blood into your penis. You’ll probably notice
its head engorge slightly when you do this. Do 5 or 10 Helicopter Shakes (around 10
seconds each) and continue to massage your penis for a couple more minutes.

o Clean-up any remaining lube and for the next couple of hours try to keep your flaccid
(but heavy hanging) penis warm. Do not ejaculate for at least 4 or 5 hours after you
perform this or any other routine.

Additional Routine Tasks:

o During the days you perform your routine on, do at least 250 Kegels. It doesn’t
matter when you do them, as long as you really clamp your PC muscle tight for at
least a second or two and make each and every rep count.

o Most guys go to the bathroom at least twice a day. Take these opportunities to do
the following before or after you pee. Do 5 strong Kegels then perform a 30 second
Helicopter Shake. Now, do a 30 second stretch straight outwards. Do this every time
you go to the bathroom, at home or when you’re out, on the days you perform your

Nutritional Information:

Berry Morning & Evening Smoothie (See Secondary Alpha routine for instructions on how
to make it and when to drink it).

o First use a hot wrap or shower to flush your flaccid penis with an increased flow of

o Massage your penis with your hands to stimulate and warm up its tissues. Now
perform 20 dry jelqs, each one lasting 3 seconds.

o Achieve a 100% erection and maintain it for at least two minutes, but do not do any
exercises during this time.

o Let your penis’s state drop to an erection percentage of around 50% and perform 20
more dry jelqs, each with a rep length of 3 seconds. Don’t use too tight a grip –
remember, these dry jelqs are for warming up only.

o Reapply your hot wrap or other warming device to maintain the increased blood flow
around your penis. Now perform 3 Helicopter Shakes. The first should last 10
seconds, the second should last 20 and the third 30. Leave a short gap between each
(around 10 seconds is sufficient. Massage your penis during this time.)

o Begin by performing 50 wet jelqs with a rep length of 4 seconds and an erection
percentage of 60%.

o Now do 60 dry jelqs with a rep length of 4 seconds and an erection percentage of

o Next, perform 40 Gap Jelqs with an erection level of 50%.

o Let you erection level drop to around 20% and then do 4 good quality stretches, one
in each direction (straight out, up, down towards the floor, to the left and to the
right). Each stretch should last 30 seconds. Leave a gap of at least 10 seconds in
between each.

o Now take a 3-5 minute break from doing any exercises. Instead, do what equates to
a mid-session warm-up/warm-down. Gently massage your penis, slap it against your
thighs and knead it between your hands and fingers. Keep the tissues elastic and
supple and the tissues expanded.

o Achieve an erection level of 60% and restart your exercises by doing 50 wet jelqs
with a rep length of 5 seconds. Make sure you count to 5 for each rep – they need to
be drawn out, with a focus on ensuring a regular and equal grip from the base of
your penis to just under the head, where you release your grip and end the rep.

o Finish the exercise portion of this routine by doing 10 Slap ‘n’ Squeeze reps with an
erection level of 40%.

o Massage your penis gently in your hands, allowing your partial erection to subside.
Keep rubbing and kneading your penis shaft and head to maintain the suppleness of
its tissues.

o Perform a dozen strong Kegels to pump blood into your penis. You’ll probably notice
its head engorge slightly when you do this. Do a few Helicopter Shakes (around 5
seconds each) and continue to massage your penis for a couple more minutes.

o Finish off by cleaning up any remaining lube and doing 10 quick dry jelqs with a light
grip and a rep length of just 2 seconds.

Additional Routine Tasks:

o During the days you perform your routine on, do at least 200 Kegels. It doesn’t
matter when you do them, as long as you really clamp your PC muscle tight for at
least a second or two and make each any every rep count.

o Most guys go to the bathroom at least twice a day. Take these opportunities to do
the following before or after you pee. Do 5 strong Kegels then perform a 20 second
Helicopter Shake. Now, do 20 quick dry jelqs. Because you’ll be short on time when
doing these, just focus on getting an erection level of around 30-40%. Make each dry
jelq rep length about 3 seconds. All in all, this entire process should take no longer
than a couple of minutes, so you can do it every time you have the chance – whether
you’re at work, at home, in a club’s bathroom cubicle, etc. You only need to do these
additional exercises on your routine days. Your days off remain free from N.P.E.
exercises and routines.

Nutritional Information:

The 3-2-1 Green Smoothie & Blueberry Morning Shake (See Primary Alpha routine for
info on how to make this shake).


o 3 ripe kiwis

o 2 stalks of celery

o 1 ripe banana

o Water

How to make this smoothie:

Chop up all of the ingredients into small pieces and chunks, mix with the water and
blend on a high setting until smooth.

Sexual and N.P.E. benefits:

Celery, although at first it seems a strange choice of vegetable to include in a drink, is a

great sexual health food. Its benefits, unlike most other sexual health foods, are
psychological, though. Celery contains high levels of two natural pheromones called
androstenone and androstenol. When you consume it, odor molecules are released into
your mouth. They then travel up the back of your throat and into your nose. Once there,
they boost your brain’s arousal levels. This helps keep your overall mental attitude
towards using N.P.E. positive as well as helping maintain a subconscious high level of
sexual energy and virility (which shows in your erections).

The smoothie also contains high levels of potassium (from the banana content) which
helps to alleviate feelings of stress and anxiety (see the negative effects of these feelings
in the ‘Peripheral Aspect of N.P.E.’ chapter). Furthermore, it helps control blood pressure
and water flow in your body’s cells.

When to drink these smoothies and shakes:

To take advantage of all of the sexual and N.P.E. benefits both of these nutritional drinks
have to offer, it’s recommended you have the Blueberry Morning Shake in the mornings
of the days you perform your routine and the 3-2-1 Green Smoothie in the evenings
(regardless of which of the three Tertiary routines you’re using).

o You first need to warm up your penis by encouraging blood to flow into its tissues.
Make sure your hands aren’t cold and the room you’re in is warm. Massage your
penis until it begins to fill out and become slightly erect. Continue to rub and knead
its shaft until its head is flushed with color and it feels heavier and fuller. This usually
takes around 3 or 4 minutes. You can also use a hot wrap or stand in a hot shower
for 3 or 4 minutes to help this process.

o Perform a quick set of Kegels to further force blood to flow into and around your
penis, then continue massaging it with your hands and fingers. Do 5 Helicopter
Shakes (see the member’s area (Godma’s workout) for info on
how to do one if you’re not sure) for 20 seconds each. Massaging your penis for
about 10 seconds between each.

o Now achieve a full, 100% erection for at least two minutes. Don’t do any exercises
while you have a full erection, simply maintain it for a minute or so then let it subside
and return to a 20-50% erection percentage.

o Now you’ve properly warmed up the tissues and cells of your penis shaft and head,
you’re going to warm up your suspensory ligaments. To do this, grip your penis
behind the head and slowly stretch it out in front of you (so it’s parallel to the floor)
for 30 seconds. This stretch should be slightly less intense than the stretches you
perform in the actual exercise portion of this and other routines, as it’s meant as a
warm up step only. Do another 30 second stretch, except this time stretch your penis
upwards, so it’s parallel with your stomach.

Now you’re ready to move into the exercise portion of the Secondary Routine.

o Start by performing 4 stretches. You should have an erection level of less than 20%
when you do these. First, stretch your penis downwards, towards the floor, for 60
seconds. Then, stretch for 60 seconds upwards (parallel to your stomach), then to
the left and to the right. Between each stretch you should leave at least a 20 second
gap, during which you should gently massage your penis to keep its tissues and the
ligaments its attached to warmed up and supple.

o Now achieve a 50% erection percentage and apply your choice of lubricant. Perform
150 standard wet jelqs, with a rep length (the time it takes to jelq from the base of
your penis to just beneath the head) of 2 seconds.

o By the time you’ve finished doing the 150 wet jelqs, your lube will have pretty much
dried up. Now perform 75 dry jelqs with an erection percentage of around 60% and a
rep length of 4 seconds each.

o Allow your erection to subside to below 40% and then repeat the stretches you
performed at the start of the exercise portion of this routine (a 60 second stretch in
each direction).

o Acquire an erection percentage of 50-60% by doing Helicopter Shakes and
massaging your penis with both of your hands. Now perform 40 PC-Dry Jelq Duos.

o Perform 40 dry jelqs, with a 60% erection and a rep length of 3 seconds.

o Now do 50 Vulcan Jelqs with an erection level of 40%. These complete the use of
expansion exercises in this routine.

o Do another set of stretches (one in each direction for 30 seconds) to complete the
exercise portion of the Tertiary Alpha routine.

o The warm down part of all routines is extremely important and shouldn’t be skipped.
To begin the warm down section of this routine, massage your penis gently in your
hands, allowing your partial erection to subside. Keep rubbing and kneading your
penis shaft and head to maintain the suppleness of its tissues.

o Perform a dozen strong Kegels to pump blood into your penis. You’ll probably notice
its head engorge slightly when you do this. Do a few Helicopter Shakes (around 10
seconds each) and continue to massage your penis for a couple more minutes.

o If you can, now do what’s called a ‘flash heat switch’. Here’s how. At the end of the
exercise portion of this routine, your penis will be flushed and warm from the manual
contact you’ve given it. Get a glass of very cold (but not freezing) water and drench
your penis with it, making sure you generously wet your penis shaft and head. It’ll no
doubt come as a bit of a shock when you do it, but that’s the idea. You’re instantly
making your penis tissues contract and the blood flow become mostly one way
(hence the tightening and shrinkage). Rub your penis with your hands and perform a
few Helicopter Shakes after dousing it with the cold water. Now, do the opposite.
Soak it in really warm (but not no where near boiling) water. This will reverse the
effects the cold water had and expand the penis tissues and encourage blood flow
into it. This ‘flash’ change provides an amazing warm down and really helps bring
about quick gains.

Additional Routine Tasks:

o During the days you perform your routine on, do at least 500 Kegels. It doesn’t
matter when you do them, as long as you really clamp your PC muscle tight for at
least a second or two and make each and every rep count.

Nutritional Information:

The 3-2-1 Green Smoothie & Blueberry Morning Shake (See Tertiary Alpha routine for
info on how to make this shake and when you should drink them).

o First use a hot wrap or shower to flush your flaccid penis with an increased flow of

o Massage your penis with your hands to stimulate and warm up its tissues. Now
perform 10 Helicopter Shakes, each one lasting 20 seconds.

o Achieve a 100% erection and maintain it for at least 2 minutes, but do not do any
exercises during this time.

o Perform 3 stretches. First, stretch your penis outwards, so it’s parallel with the
ground, for 20 seconds. Wait for about half a minute, then repeat the stretch, this
time holding it for 30 seconds. Wait another half a minute or so and repeat it once
more, except this time hold the stretch for 40 seconds.

o Reapply your hot wrap or other warming device to maintain the increased blood flow
around your penis. Now perform 3 Helicopter Shakes. The first should last 10
seconds, the second should last 20 and the third 30. Leave a short gap between each
(around 10 seconds is sufficient).

o Start by achieving a 60% erection and performing (with lube) 150 wet jelqs. Then do
4 Helicopter Shakes, each one lasting 20 seconds, with a gap of 10 seconds between
each (massage your penis in this time).

o Now perform two 60 second stretches straight outwards in front of you, pulling with
as much force as you can without it feeling painful or extremely uncomfortable.
Leave a 10 second gap between each.

o Your erection level should now be around 20%. Perform a 30 second Crook Tug at
the base of your penis, a 30 second Crook Tug in the middle of your shaft, and then
30 second Crook Tug just beneath the head of you penis for another 30 seconds.

o Reapply lube if you need to and achieve a 50% erection. Perform 150 more wet jelqs
using an overhand grip for the first half and an underhand grip for the other half.

o Shake your penis using your fingers to reduce its erection percentage to around
20%. Now perform 4 stretches, one in each direction, for 45 seconds each.

o Perform 3 section stretches, one at the lower section of your shaft, one at the middle
and one at the upper. Each one should last 30 seconds and you should have an
erection percentage of around 20%.

o Now perform 40 Shaft Wringing reps, with an erection percentage of 20%.

o Complete the exercise portion of this routine by getting a 60% erection and
performing 50 wet jelqs with a rep length of 4 seconds each.

o Massage your penis gently in your hands, allowing your partial erection to subside.
Keep rubbing and kneading your penis shaft and head to maintain the suppleness of
its tissues.

o Perform a dozen strong Kegels to pump blood into your penis. You’ll probably notice
its head engorge slightly when you do this. Do 5 or 10 Helicopter Shakes (around 10
seconds each) and continue to massage your penis for a couple more minutes.

o Clean-up any remaining lube and for the next couple of hours try to keep your flaccid
(but heavy hanging) penis warm. Do not ejaculate for at least 4 or 5 hours after you
perform this or any other routine.

Additional Routine Tasks:

o During the days you perform your routine on, do at least 500 Kegels. It doesn’t
matter when you do them, as long as you really clamp your PC muscle tight for at
least a second or two and make each and every rep count.

o Most guys go to the bathroom at least twice a day. Take these opportunities to do
the following before or after you pee. Do 5 strong Kegels then perform a 30 second
Helicopter Shake. Now, do a 30 second stretch straight outwards. Do this every time
you go to the bathroom, at home or when you’re out, on the days you perform your

Nutritional Information:

The 3-2-1 Green Smoothie & Blueberry Morning Shake (See Tertiary Alpha routine for
info on how to make this shake and when you should drink them).

o First use a hot wrap or shower to flush your flaccid penis with an increased flow of

o Massage your penis with your hands to stimulate and warm up its tissues. Now
perform 25 dry jelqs, each one lasting 3 seconds.

o Achieve a 100% erection and maintain it for at least two minutes, but do not do any
exercises during this time.

o Let your penis’s state drop to an erection percentage of around 50% and perform 25
more dry jelqs, each with a rep length of 3 seconds. Don’t use too tight a grip –
remember, these dry jelqs are for warming up only.

o Reapply your hot wrap or other warming device to maintain the increased blood flow
around your penis. Now perform 3 Helicopter Shakes. The first should last 10
seconds, the second should last 20 and the third 30. Leave a short gap between each
(around 10 seconds is sufficient. Massage your penis during this time.)

o Begin by performing 100 wet jelqs with a rep length of 4 seconds and an erection
percentage of 60%.

o Now do 100 dry jelqs with a rep length of 4 seconds and an erection percentage of

o Next, perform 50 Gap Jelqs with an erection level of 65%.

o Let you erection level drop to around 20% and then do 4 good quality stretches, one
in each direction (straight out, up, down towards the floor, to the left and to the
right). Each stretch should last 60 seconds. Leave a gap of at least 10 seconds in
between each.

o Now take a 3-5 minute break from doing any exercises. Instead, do what equates to
a mid-session warm-up/warm-down. Gently massage your penis, slap it against your
thighs and knead it between your hands and fingers. Keep the tissues elastic and
supple and the tissues expanded.

o Achieve an erection level of 60% and restart your exercises by doing 75 wet jelqs
with a rep length of 5 seconds. Make sure you count to 5 for each rep – they need to
be drawn out, with a focus on ensuring a regular and equal grip from the base of
your penis to just under the head, where you release your grip and end the rep.

o Now perform 30 Mastur-Milking reps, without lube and with an erection level of 65%.

o Finish the exercise portion of this routine by doing 25 Slap ‘n’ Squeeze reps with an
erection level of 40%.

o Massage your penis gently in your hands, allowing your partial erection to subside.
Keep rubbing and kneading your penis shaft and head to maintain the suppleness of
its tissues.

o Perform dozen strong Kegels to pump blood into your penis. You’ll probably notice its
head engorge slightly when you do this. Do a few Helicopter Shakes (around 5
seconds each) and continue to massage your penis for a couple more minutes.

o Finish off by cleaning up any remaining lube and doing 20 quick dry jelqs with a light
grip and a rep length of just 2 seconds.

Additional Routine Tasks:

o During the days you perform your routine on, do at least 500 (more if you can)
Kegels. It doesn’t matter when you do them, as long as you really clamp your PC
muscle tight for at least a second or two and make each and every rep count.

o Most guys go to the bathroom at least twice a day. Take these opportunities to do
the following before or after you pee. Do 5 strong Kegels then perform a 20 second
Helicopter Shake. Now, do 20 quick dry jelqs. Because you’ll be short on time when
doing these, just focus on getting an erection level of around 50-60%%. Make each
dry jelq rep length about 4 seconds. All in all, this entire process should take no
longer than a few minutes, so you can do it every time you have the chance –
whether you’re at work, at home, in a club’s bathroom cubicle, etc. You only need to
do these additional exercises on your routine days. Your days off remain free from
N.P.E. exercises and routines.

Stepping It Up: How to continue to customize your
routines and exercises and achieve even more
new length and girth

First off, congratulations are in order. Because the chances are that you’re reading this
at a very significant point in time: you have successfully gained inches of new size in the
length and girth of your penis and are now ready to take the next step.

Here’s what this short chapter’s aims are:

1. To teach you how to construct your own new N.P.E. routines that will allow you to
continue to grow beyond the level you’ve already achieved.

2. To give you the know-how and knowledge to gain that final bit of size, which –
once acquired – will mean you’ve at last achieved your size goals.

I’d like to start by saying that, to truly give yourself the greatest chance of gaining the
size you’re looking for, - if you haven’t already – you should progress through each
routine in The Trinity Blueprint, from Primary Alpha to Tertiary Alpha/Beta/Gamma. Once
you’ve done this and gotten plenty of gains, you’re ready – you want to continue gaining
– to start using your own customized N.P.E. routines.

Here’s the 5 step process to creating an effective routine yourself.

Step 1. Decide what kind of gains you’re still looking to achieve. Do you want all round
continued growth? Erect length gains only? Only erect girth gains? You need to know
what kind of size you want because it will dictate the exercises, rep numbers and rep
lengths that will be contained in your customized routine.

Step 2. Take a close look at the last routine you performed and the gains it gave you
after using it for 4 weeks. Mentally note which exercises it contains and what rep
quantities and rep lengths they used.

Step 3. Start by writing down a thorough warm up section to your customized routine
that lasts at least 5 minutes. Make sure it includes plenty of penis massaging, Helicopter
Shakes and, preferably, a hot wrap or the use of a shower to encourage good blood flow
throughout your penis tissues. Make sure the warm up is at least as thorough and
methodical as the one you used with the last Trinity Blueprint you performed.

Step 4. Now you need to write down the exercise portion of your customized routine.
Here’s the general rule. If you want to achieve all round gains in length and girth,
include an equal mix of length-targeted and girth-targeted exercises (see the table near
the start of this book to know which exercises target which kind of growth). All of your
customized routines, regardless of what kind of growth you’re aiming for, should include
wet jelqs AND dry jelqs in some quantity or another. Increase the reps from the
numbers you used in the last Trinity Blueprint routine you performed. This heightens the
intensity of your customized workout and ensures that you penis will be kept “on the
edge” and not under-worked.

Step 5. Consider developing the additional routine tasks of your customized routine.
So, instead of doing, for example, a 30 second stretch when you visit the bathroom on
your routine days, do 4 stretches, one in each direction, each lasting 10 seconds. Or, if
you’re looking to gain girth more than length, do 10 Kegels and 10 light dry jelqs. Again,
look at what you’ve done so far in the routines you’ve so far used and build on it.

By upping the intensity (rep numbers & lengths) of the exercises you perform in each
customized routine you create for yourself, you guarantee that your penis will always be
worked at the optimum level, therefore ensuring the best chance of new growth and

When You’re Happy: How to stop doing N.P.E.

routines while permanently retaining your new size

There comes a point in every guy’s N.P.E. ‘career’ when he has to retire. He has
achieved his size goals and now has a penis length and girth he’s always wanted and
dreamed of. However, simply ceasing routines abruptly isn’t a good move. That’s
because there’s a special way to stop doing N.P.E. routines (and permanently retain the
size you’ve gained). You’re going to learn about it in this final chapter of The Trinity

Let’s say you’ve lifted weights for 2 years and have packed on some serious muscle in
that time. Then you completely stop doing all workouts. For a while nothing will change
– your size and weight will remain the same. But, after a while, it’s a foregone
conclusion that you will start to lose some of the muscle mass and definition you worked
so hard to gain. It’s for that reason most people who workout do it as a regular part of
their life and not just for a finite period of time.

The same theory roughly applies to N.P.E., except – thankfully – it’s not exactly the
same. You see, you don’t have to continue to do N.P.E. routines for the rest of your life
to keep the size you’ve gained from doing them for, say 6 months, intensively. But you
DO have to phase out your use of N.P.E. routines in the right way. It’s called doing
maintenance routines. Here’s exactly what you need to do once you’ve achieved a size
you’re happy with.

o The first thing you should do is half all rep quantities of the most recent routine
you’ve been performing but continue to do it on the same days you have done for
the last 4 (or more) weeks. What this does is keep your penis worked out and
constantly regenerating its tissues. So instead of doing 150 dry jelqs, only do 75.
Instead of performing a 60 second stretch, only do one for 30. Carry on drinking your
nutritional shakes though if you can.

o After a couple of weeks, take your size measurements. Chances are you will be the
same size as you were a fortnight before. This a great thing. It shows that your penis
is retaining its new size but that your new halved routine isn’t intense enough to
prompt new growth.

o Now you half your routine intensity (rep quantities and lengths) again. Round the
figures down if they don’t split cleanly. So now, instead of doing 75 dry jelqs, you’ll
do 37. Instead of doing a 30 second stretch, you’ll do one for 15 seconds.

o After another couple of weeks, measure again. Once again, you’ll see that you’re still
as big as you were before.

o Continue this halving process until you are no longer performing much of a routine at
all (once you get to about 10 reps or just 5 second stretches, etc.) At this point
you’ve pretty much completed your maintenance routines and can relax, he happy
and enjoy your new, permanently massive penis. There’s only one last thing I’d

o Every few months, do the Primary Alpha routine every other day for a week. What
this does is give your penis a healthy ‘boost’ and keeps it in tip-top physical fitness,
your erections hard and your size as impressive as ever. Also, try to always (whether
you’re doing maintenance routines or not) bear the Peripheral Aspects of N.P.E in
mind (diet, fitness, mental attitude & motivation, and stress).

Okay, that just about sums it all up! Your knowledge of N.P.E and The Trinity Blueprint is
complete. Once again, I’d like to congratulate you on your size success and wish you
well for any future gains you may or may not decide to aim for!


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