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Jlan Soekarno – Hatta No.29 Raba Tel. 0374-43197


Mata Pelajaran : Sastra Inggris Hari/Tanggal : Rabu, 7 Maret 2018

Satuan Pendidikan : SMA Waktu Pengerjaan : 09.20 – 10.50
Kelas / Program : XI / IBB

This text is for questions 1 to 4 5. What is the purpose of the text?

A planet is a body in space that revolves around a star.
There are nine planets in our solar system, and these nine 6. What did the foxes do with the Sun?
planets travel around the sun. The names of the planets are
Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, 7. “Then, they cut the sinews and released the Sun.”
Neptune, and Pluto. What does it mean?
Planets travel in orbit around the stars. All of the planets of
the solar system revolve in elliptical orbits. In other words, 8. Tiara : Nana, come here! What do you think
their orbits are like large, flat circles. The time that it takes about this pair of jeans?
a planet to make one revolution around the sun is called a Nana : I think that it’s suitable for you.
year. Tiara : But, I don’t like the color.
The Greeks were the first people to recognize and give Nana : It seems that this one is suitable for
names to some of the planets. The word planet comes from you. This is blue! Your favorite color.
a Greek word meaning wanderer. If a person wanders, tills Tiara : Yes, correct. I will take this one.
means that he goes from one place to another and does not The bold-typed sentence expresses…
have a home. The Greeks thought that planets "wandered" A. Satisfactory D. Warning
in the sky. However, modern scientists can predict the B. giving advice E. Granting request
movement of the planets very accurately. C. giving opinion

1. What is the passage about?? 9. Write down some expression of giving opinion!

2. The planets in our solar system travel ... This text is for questions 36 to 38

3. What kind of text the text above? Company Accountant

Expanding wholesaler of stationary and office

4. What do You know about
A. Descriptive Text equipment requires
B. Recount Text
C. Report Text - A responsible accountant for director to run
D. Narrative Text smoothly the company finance with good
E. Analytical Exposition Text salary and good working condition for good
10. What is the kind of text above?
This text is for questions 5 to 10 A. Report
Apply text
with curriculum D. Advertisement
vitae to: Mrs. Barton
The foxes and the sun B. Recount E. Explanation
Once upon a time the foxes were angry with Sun. They C. D Equipment World & Efficiency Works
held a council about the matter. Then, twelve foxes were D.
selected-twelve of the bravest to catch the Sun and tie him POE. Box 36 Whistle Woods UK
down. They made ropes of sinew. Then, the twelve F. escriptive
watched until the Sun, as he followed the downward trail
in the sky, touched the top of a certain hill. Then, the foxes 10. What position is offered in the text?
caught the Sun, and tied him fast to the hill. Do you know
what happened next? The Indians saw it, and they killed
the foxes with arrows. Then, they cut the sinews and
released the Sun. But the Sun had burned a great hole in
the ground. You know the Indians believe that the story is
true because they can see the hole, which the sun burned.

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