.:: September 2010 International Affairs

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» International Affairs

.:: September 2010 International Affairs ::.

 As per the WEF's Global Competitiveness Report 2010-11, released today, Switzerlandis

No. 1 followed by Singapore in the world in terms of its ability to provide the most competitive

environment on several fronts. India has slipped by two places to 51st. The global

competitiveness rankings are viewed as a barometer of the business climate in 139 countries

and mirror the assessments of leading businessmen on a range of political, social, and

economic parameters. 
 The new UN survey clearly showed that India is the second most preferred country for

investment for Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) after China. The next places go to
Brazil and USA.
 World Water Week was started in Stockholm, Sweden as a part of Global Water Summit.

.:: August 2010 International Affairs ::.

 President Pratibha Patil inaugurated the International Congress of Mathematicians (ICM

2010) at HICC, Hyderabad. For the first time ever, the Union's General Assembly has elected

Ingrid Daubechies of the U.S., a woman as its president for the 2011-14 terms. 
 Vuvuzela, the horn instrument which became the sound of the 2010 FIFA World Cup in South

Africa, has won an entry in the latest edition of the Oxford English Dictionary. It defines the

horn as a long plastic instrument, in the shape of a trumpet that makes a very loud noise when

it is blown and is popular with football fans in South Africa.

 China passed Japan to become the world's second-largest economy behind the United

States, according to Chinese government figures. With this growth continuing, China will pass

the United States as the world's biggest economy as early as 2030.

 Sri Lankan court martial, probing charges against General (retd.) Sarath Fonseka,found him

guilty and recommended that he be ‘cashiered.'When an officer was cashiered, he would lose

the rank and all the awards/honours received as a military officer.

 The clock atop the Abraj Al-Bait Towers under construction in Macca, Saudi Arabia has billed as

the world's largest clock and will top a massive skyscraper that when completed will be around

600 metres tall, the second tallest in the world after Dubai's Burj Khalifa. 
 Jairam Ramesh, Minister of State for Environment and Forests, will be one of the 21

members of the United Nations' (UN) newly formed High-level Panel on Global Sustainability. It

will be co-chaired by South African president Jacob Zuma and Finnish president Tarja Halonen,

and includes foreign and environment ministers, environmentalists, diplomats and

businessmen, as well as former Heads of State from around the world.
 Nepal's Parliament failed to elect a Prime Minister for the fourth time. Both Unified

Communist Party of Nepal (Maoist) chairman Pushpa Kamal Dahal ‘Prachanda' and Nepali

Congress leader Ram Chandra Poudel could not obtain a simple majority of 301 votes in the

House of 601 as required by the interim constitution. 

 The Jantar Mantar in Jaipur is now been in the United Nations Educational, Scientific and

Cultural Organisation's(UNESCO)World Heritage List. Located outside the city palace, this large

stone observatory with its many instruments was built by Maharaja Sawai Jai Singh II in the

18th century. It is one of the four existing astronomical observatories in India. The others are

located in Varanasi, Delhi and Ujjain.

.:: July 2010 International Affairs ::.

 President Barack Obama made sweeping reform of Wall Street institutions a reality by signing

into law the Dodd-Frank Wall Street Reform and Consumer Protection Act. The reform

bill intends to crack down on abusive practices in the mortgage industry, provide students

taking out college loans with clear and concise information about their obligations and supply

more information to ordinary investors about the costs and risks of mutual funds and other

investment products. 
 For the prime ministerial election of the new Nepal government, the two candidates,

Maoist Chairman Pushpa Kamal Dahal (Prachanda) and Nepali Congress vice-president Ram

Chandra Paudel did not get a simple majority and the poll would be held again. As per the

interim constitution, a candidate must acquire a simple majority of 300 votes from the 599

Constituent Assembly members to be declared winner. 

 The 18th International AIDS Conference of scientists, policymakers and grassroots

workers was held in Vienna, Switzerland. 

 Reliance Industries Limited chief Mukesh Ambani has been chosen by the United Nations as a

member of a key advocacy group on Millennium Development Goals (MDG). Mr. Ambani is

the only Indian to be a part of the MDG Advocacy Group that comprises eminent international

personalities including Microsoft Chairman Bill Gates, philanthropist Ted Turner and Nobel

laureate Muhammad Yunus, among others. The Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) are

eight international development goals that all the 192 United Nations member States and at

least 23 global organisations have agreed to achieve by the year 2015.These include reducing

extreme poverty, reducing child mortality rates, fighting disease epidemics such as AIDS and

developing a global partnership for development. 

 The Sixth international Annual meeting of women speakers and chairs of legislatures was held

in Berne, Switzerland. 
 The United States Senate passed a historic Wall Street reform bill on financial reformsthat

will bring greater economic security to families and businesses across the country. 
 Argentina became the first country in Latin America to legalise same-sex marriage. 

 The U.N. rejected to reopen the probe into the assassination of the former Premier,

Benazir Bhutto by a U.N.-appointed three-member headed by Chile's former U.N.

ambassador Heraldo Munoz, as Pakistan had raised objections to the report. 

 According to the report by the ‘Janasankhya Sthirta Kosh’ under the Union ministry of

health and family welfare, while India’s population grew by 1.4% over the last five years,

China saw only a 0.6% population growth for the corresponding period. India’s total population

in 2009 was 119.8 crore, China’s 134.5 crore and Pakistan’s 18 crore. WhileIndia’s

population will increase to 161.38 crore by 2050, that of China will only reach 141.7

 The Multidimensional Poverty Index (MPI), developed and applied by the Oxford Poverty

and Human Development Initiative with UNDP support reveals that there are more ‘MPI poor’

people in eight Indian states (421 million in Bihar, Chhattisgarh, Jharkhand, Madhya Pradesh,

Orissa, Rajasthan, Uttar Pradesh, and West Bengal) than in the 26 poorest African countries

combined (410 million).

 The Chinese government signed a $525-million deal to help Pakistan build two highways

namely, 165-km-long highway between Jaglot and Skardu, and a 135-km highway between

Thakot and Sazin in the disputed Pakistan-occupied Kashmir (PoK) region of Gilgit-Baltistan. 
 The International Monetary Fund has raised its world economic growth forecast from  4 per

cent to 4.5 per cent. 

 Ms. Rosa Otunbayeva (59), the first woman President in Central Asia was sworn in

 Bronislaw Komorowski of Civic Platform party won the Poland's presidential elections. 

 During the sidelines of a summit of the Eurasian Economic Community (Eurasec) in

Astana, Kazakhstan, the three countries Russia, Kazakhstan and Belarus signed a declaration

to launch a customs union as a first step towards forming a broader EU-type economic alliance

of former Soviet states.

.:: June 2010 International Affairs ::.

 Nepal's Prime Minister Madhav Kumar Nepal resigned. The resignation was part of an

agreement among the three major political parties,the opposition UCPN (Maoist) and the Nepali

Congress and the CPN (UML). 

 Taiwan and China signed a historic trade pact “The Economic Cooperation Framework

Agreement (ECFA)”, hailed by both sides as a milestone and the culmination of a Beijing-

friendly policy introduced by Taiwan President Ma Ying-jeou after assuming power in 2008. 
 Kyrgyzstan voted for a national referendum on a new Constitution. If approved, the

Constitution would transform Kyrgyzstan from a presidential to a parliamentary republic, with

main powers shifted from a nationally elected President to a Prime Minister chosen by

Parliament. This would make Kyrgyzstan the first parliamentary democracy in former Soviet

Central Asia. 
 The two-day G-20 summit or the meeting of the heads of the world's major industrialised

powers was held in Toronto, Canada. 

 India has joined the Thirty Metre Telescope (TMT) project, the next generation

astronomical observatory that will be located on Mauna Kea, Hawaii. 

 Guinea, the West African country is holding in its first free election since independence in

 Julia Gillard was sworn in as Australia's first woman Prime Minister after Kevin Rudd was

toppled as the leader of the ruling Labour party. 

 A 500-kg bronze sculpture of Mahatma Gandhi was unveiled at the Canadian Museum of

Human Rights (CMHR) in Winnipeg city. 

 According to the findings of the United States Geological Survey, Afghanistan has nearly

one trillion dollars in mineral deposits and could become one of the richest in the world. 
 Iran and Pakistan finalise gas pipeline project without India to supply 21 million cubic metres

of natural gas daily from 2014 to Pakistan. 

 The Bangladesh government shut down Bengali daily Amar Desh, citing that it has no

authorised publisher. Mahmudur Rahman, owner and acting-editor of the anti-government

daily, was arrested on a cheating charge.

.:: May 2010 International Affairs ::.

 According to Google’s web traffic data, Facebook.com is most visited website with monthly

visits by 540 million people, or slightly more than 35 per cent of the Internet population. 
 Nepal political parties UCPN-Maoist, the Nepali Congress and the CPN-UML agreed to extend

the term of the Constituent Assembly by one year as part of a crucial deal under which

Prime Minister Madhav Kumar Nepal agreed to step down.

 In the midst of heightened tensions, North Korea announced the unilateral scrapping of

its pact with South Korea on the prevention of naval clashes between them. 
 The annual ministerial meeting of the Organisation for Economic Cooperation and

Development (OECD) was held in Paris with Economy and Trade Ministers from 40 countries,

representing 80 per cent of the world economy attended. India, Russia, Brazil ,China,

Indonesia and South Africa have been invited to participate as observers.

 Citing lack of evidence, the Pakistan Supreme Court upheld the Lahore High Court's decision to

release Jama'at-ud-Dawa chief Hafiz Saeed from house arrest.

 The world's most expensive postage stamp “Treskilling Yellow” printed in Sweden in 1857,

was sold at auction in Geneva to an international consortium.

 The National Commission co-chaired by Bob Graham and William Reilly was established to

investigate the oil spill from British Petroleum's Deepwater Horizon rig that exploded on April

20 and has since been spewing massive amounts of oil into the Gulf of Mexico seriously

endangering its marine life and the coastlands of Louisiana. 

 The French Cabinet approved a draft law to ban the Muslim full-face veil from

 A deal was reached to swap a major part of Iran’s low enriched uranium stocks on Turkish

soil for an equivalent amount of uranium enriched to 19.75 percent among Iran, Turkey and

 Iran has freed Clotilde Reiss, French lecturer charged with spying following last June's

presidential elections.
 The International Labour Organisation (ILO) has warned that efforts to eliminate the worst

forms of child labour have slowed down and called for a “re-energised” global campaign to end

the practice. In its global report on child labour, the ILO said the global number of child

labourers had declined from 222 million to 215 million, or 3 per cent, over the period 2004 to

2008, representing a “slowing down of the global pace of reduction.” 

 The Conservative leader David Cameron took over as Prime Minister and his Liberal Democrat

counterpart Nick Clegg as Deputy Prime Minister in the Britain's first post-war coalition

 The second Indian Ocean Naval Symposium (IONS) in which 32 nations attended was

held in Abu Dhabi. 

 The short film ‘Last of the Tattooed Head Hunters’, on one of North East’s fiercest fighters,

Konyak Nagas, directed by Vikeyeno Zao, will be screened at the annual Cannes Film Festival

beginning May 12. 

 Pakistan said it had successfully tested two surface-to-surface missiles Ghaznavi and
Shaheen capable of carrying both nuclear and conventional warheads. 
 Britain's most closely-contested election resulted in a hung Parliament and the defeat for

the ruling Labour Party after 13 years in power. The conservative party ended up with 306

seats, 20 short of an outright majority .The Labour party got 258 seats and the Liberal

Democrats got 57 seats. 

 The four-week nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty Review Conference was held at the United

Nations in New York.

 Sri Lankan President government has decided to pardon journalist J.S. Tissainayagam,who is

out on bail after being convicted in August last year under the Prevention of Terrorism Act

(PTA). The pardon coincided with the World Press Freedom Day. 
 Iran and Syria have mooted the formation of a regional economic bloc with Turkey and Iraq

as their key partners. The two sides felt the move would yield economic benefits and impart

political stability and security to the region.

.:: April 2010 International Affairs ::.

 The World Expo 2010 was held in Shangai in China. 189 countries have attended the event.

The Chinese government has spent an estimated $ 45 billion on the Expo, upgrading

Shanghai's infrastructure in a bid to make the city a “world financial capital” by 2020. 
 The 16th summit of the South Asian Association for Regional Cooperation decided to establish

an Inter-governmental Expert Group on Climate Change to develop a clear policy

direction and guidance for regional cooperation as envisaged in the SAARC Plan of Action

on Climate Change. The member-states also resolved to commission a study, for

presentation to the 17th summit, on ‘Climate Risks in the Region: ways to

comprehensively address the related social, economic and environmental

challenges'. It was also decided to plant one crore trees over the next five years to build a

“green and happy South Asia.” 

 On the sidelines of the SAARC summit, Prime Minister Manmohan Singh and his Pakistani

counterpart, Yusuf Raza Gilani, agreed to the resumption of high-level dialogue, which

has been disrupted since the Mumbai terror attacks of November 2008.

 The 16th summit of South Asian Association for Regional Cooperation (SAARC)

started in Thimpu, Bhutan. Sri Lankan President Mahinda Rajapaksa,current head of the

South Asian Association for Regional Cooperation, took the chair. Other leaders of the grouping

Manmohan Singh of India,Hamid Karzai of Afghanistan, Sheikh Hasina of Bangladesh,

Lyonchhen Jigmi Thinley of Bhutan, Mohamed Nasheed of the Maldives, Madhav Kumar Nepal
of Nepal, and Syed Yusuf Raza Gilani of Pakistan attended the summit. For the first time,

Bhutan is hosting the summit.

 Chamal Rajapaksa, brother of President Mahinda Rajapaksa, was unanimously elected

Speaker of the newly elected Sri Lankan Parliament on its opening day. 
 Pakistan President Asif Ali Zardari signed into law a landmark constitutional amendment bill

that will divest him of his sweeping powers.

 Addressing representatives of over 60 countries and several international organisations, at the

start of a two-day conference on nuclear disarmament in Tehran, Iranian President

Mahmoud Ahmadinejad has called for the suspension of the United States from the

International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) and proposed a five-point plan to democratise the

global security architecture. 

 Russia has launched the construction of the $12-billion Nord Stream pipeline to Europe that

would carry up to 55 billion cubic metres (bcm) of gas a year from Siberian gas fields 900 km

over land and 1,200 km under the Baltic Sea from Vyborg in Russia to Greifswald in Germany.
 Iran's President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad has unveiled the first model of “third

generation” centrifuges that Tehran claims are six times more efficient than the previous

variants. Ahmadinejad said at a ceremony in Tehran marking the fourth “national nuclear

festival” that 60,000 new generation centrifuges would be installed at the Natanz enrichment

 In the parliamentary elections in Sri Lanka, President Mahinda Rajapaksa-led ruling

alliance won in 120 constituencies of the 180 seats declared in the 225-member House. The

main Opposition grouping, led by the United National Party (UNP), bagged only 47 seats.
 The Pakistan National Assembly passed the 18th Amendment Bill that seeks to bring back

the 1973 Constitution. The Bill , which proposes 102 amendments to the Constitution , was

passed by a two-thirds majority after the House rejected the amendments moved by some

members on the abolition of the concurrent list, renaming the North West Frontier Province

(NWFP), and removal of the provision for intra-party elections.

 Presidents Barack Obama of the United States and Dmitry Medvedev of Russia signed

aStrategic Arms Reduction Treaty which will reduce their nuclear weapons stockpiles by a

 Anti-government protests broke out in Kyrgyzstan and its President Kurmanbek

Bakiyev has reportedly left the country and Prime Minister Usenov resigned, clearing the way

for the Opposition to form its own government. A “Cabinet of people's trust” has been headed

by Opposition leader Roza Otunbayeva.

 Aid agencies are warning of an impending food emergency in South Sudan. According to them,
Akobo, in the eastern region of Jonglei, is now the“hungriest place on earth.''
 A volcano erupted under the Eyjafjallajokull glacier, 120 km east of Reykjavik in

Icelandshooting smoke and steam into the air and forcing hundreds of people to leave their

 A 7.1-magnitude quake struck a remote border area in north-west Qinghai province in western

China leaving at least 400 dead and more than 10,000 injured. The epicentre of the quake

was in Yushu county, in a Tibetan Autonomous Prefecture which borders Sichuan. 

 China is building a new airport near Mount Everest, to be called ‘Peace Airport’ in Xigaze

prefecture in Tibet. 
 The Nuclear Security Summit (NSS) was held in Washington in which 37 of the

participating 47 countries are represented at the level of President or Prime Minister. The

agenda of the summit was how to physically secure sensitive nuclear materials around the

world so that terrorists don't get hold of them. The next Nuclear Security Summit will be held

in South Korea in 2012. 

 The President of Poland Lech Kaczynski and a high-level delegation were killed when the

president’s Tu-154 passenger jet carrying 97 people crashed as it was approaching a Russian

airport in the city of Smolensk. 

 Sudan geared up for its first multi-party elections in 24 years, with a 16-million-strong

electorate eligible to vote for President, MPs and local representatives. 

.:: March 2010 International Affairs ::.

 China stood first in implementing death sentence in the world, according to the report

given by Amnesty International. 

 Malaysian Prime Minister Najib Tun Razak announced plans for a “New Economic Model

(NEM),” raising prospects of a fair deal for all racial groups. 

 During a session at the Arab League summit in Libya, the Arab leaders called for a review of

the 1970 Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty (NPT) to create a definitive plan for eliminating

nuclear weapons development. These countries view Israel and Iran's nuclear programmes

with alarm, and have repeatedly called for an agreement to ban nuclear weapons from the

 The Former interim Prime Minister of Iraq, Iyad Allawi's Iraqiyah formation has secured the

maximum number of seats in Iraq's March 7th parliamentary elections, narrowly edging

out the State of Law grouping led by incumbent Premier Nouri al-Maliki.Out of the 325 seats,

National Iraqi List (“Iraqiyah”) of Mr. Allawi secured 91. Mr. Maliki's State of Law grouping got


 India joined the world to celebrate Earth Hour, from 8.30 to 9.30 p.m. on 27th march 2010

organised by the World Wide Fund for Nature. The event is the largest global campaign on

climate change with over one billion people around the globe joined the campaign, involving

more than 6,000 cities and towns, to turn off lights in show of support for action on climate


 The Agriculture Ministers of the BRIC nations — Brazil, Russia, India and China have adopted

a Moscow Declaration where they identified four areas for quadripartite cooperation

1. To set up a common database of production and consumption of farm products in their

respective countries to facilitate comprehensive analysis of food security and

coordinate formation of national grain reserves.

2. The four countries to jointly draw up a BRIC food security strategy for vulnerable

sections of the population and share experience in providing food for the poor.

3. To mitigate the impact of climate change on food security and adapt farming to the

changing climate.

4. To promote cooperation and exchanges in farm technology and innovation.

 The United States and Russia have concluded a new Strategic Arms Reduction

Treaty(START) which include reduction by about one third the nuclear weapons that the two

countries would deploy and a significant reductions in missiles and launchers and putting in

place a strong and effective verification regime. 

 China is now set to take the lead as the world's premier green energy power, according

to a report released by the Pew Charitable Trusts, which measured the growth of clean energy

investments in the world's major economies. In 2009, China invested $34.6 billion on

expanding its renewable energy capacity, out of $162 billion invested globally. The U.S.

invested $18.6 billion, losing the top spot for most investments for the first time ever. India

invested $2.3 billion, ranking tenth among the G-20 group of countries. 
 According to a new report from U.N.-Habitat, the U.N. agency for human settlements

1. The worldwide number of slum-dwellers now stands at 827 million and is on course to

grow to 889 million by 2020.

2. Southern Asia now has 190.7 million slum dwellers (35 per cent of the population) and

eastern Asia 189.6 million (28.2 per cent).

3. China and India, the world's most populous countries, have together lifted 125 million

people out of slums in the last decade.

 The United States House of Representatives passed the Senate version of the Healthcare

Reform bill which will soon be signed into law by President Obama as the Patient Protection

and Affordable Care Act, will lead to additional insurance coverage for almost 32 million

more Americans and also bring down the deficit of the country by $143 billion over 10 years

and by over a trillion dollars within the following 10 years, according to the Congressional

Budget Office (CBO). It will cost the American taxpayer $940 billion, according to the CBO. 

 The temple city of Tirupati has been identified as 'most favourable' to be developed as

a 'low - carbon foot print city' by European Aid and Development which works under the

European Commission. 

 The Russia led defence bloc of ex - soviet states, Collective Security Treaty

Organisation (CSTO) signed a cooperation pact with the United Nations, which amounts to

recognition of the CSTO as a full fledged international security organisation. 

 Iran and Pakistan have signed in Istanbul, Turkey, the final agreement to launch the $7.5

billion Iran - Pakistan gas pipeline with a provision for India's possible participation in the

project at a later date. This would set in motion the broader Gas Sales Purchase Agreement

(GSPA) with the signing of two provisions i.e., the Operational Agreement (OA) and the Heads

of Agreement (HOA) which deals with details regarding the transportation of gas to India "if

and when India decides to join the project''. 

 Court martial proceedings begins against the former Army Chief of Srilanka, General

(retired) Sarath Fonseka, for alleged involvement in politics while in uniform. 

 U.S. magazine Forbes annual list of the world's top billionaires : 

Richest men in the World:

1. Carlos Slim ($ 53.5 billion)

2. Bill Gates ($ 53 billion)

3. Warren Buffett ($ 47 billion)

4. Mukesh Ambani ($ 29 billion)

5. Lakshmi Mittal ($ 28.7 billion)

Richest men in India: There are eight Indians in the list of 100 wealthiest people in the


6. Azim Premji ($ 17 billion) (27th in the world)

7. Anil Ambani ($ 13.7 billion) (36th in the world)

8. Ravi Ruia ($ 13 billion) (40th in the world)

9. Savitri Jindal ($ 12.2 billion) (44th in the world)

10. Kushal Pal Singh ($ 9 billion) (74th in the world)

11. Kumar Birla ($ 7.9 billion) (86th in the world)

 China supports India in opposing any international 'scrutiny' of voluntary actions toreduce

greenhouse gas emissions. As both countries face common challenges, such as task of

developing economy, eliminating poverty, improving people’s livelihood, reducing emissions

and protecting the environment, China sought to continue and expand cooperation with India

as negotiations between the developing world and the west headed towards the climate change

conference in Mexico later this year, said Xie Zhenhua, vice-chairman of the National

Development and Reform Commission of China. 

 The new constitution for the Federal Democratic Republic of Nepal set to be launched on

May 28, 2010 was to be delayed as the calendar for its release has been amended for the tenth


 India has emerged as one of the world's top ten countries in industrial production,

according to United Nations Industrial Development Organisation (UNIDO) year book of

Industrial Statistics 2010.

 "Power, Voice and Rights - A Turning point for Gender Equality in Asia and the

Pacific", a report brought out by the United Nations Development Programme to mark the

International Women's Day found that the problem of "missing girls" - a scenario where more

boys are born than girls, as girl foetuses are presumably aborted and women die from health

and nutrition neglect is growing in Asia Pacific. Birth gender disparity is the greatest in East
Asia, where 119 boys are born for every 100 girls. China and India together account for more

than 85 million of the nearly 100 million ''missing'' women estimated to have died from

discriminatory treatment in health care, nutrition access or pure neglect.

 Iraq voted in the parliamentary polls defying the threat of militant attacks.

 The united States House of Representatives followed the senate in passing the Hiring

Incentive to Restore Employment Act (The HIRE Act), which offers a payroll tax holding

for business that hire unemployed workers and an income tax credit of $ 1000 for businesses

that retain them. The bill is for tackling unemployment.

 The Tamil United Liberation Front (TULF) led by V. Anandasangaree in its manifesto for the

April 8 general election in Srilanka has advocated a federal model on the lines of Indian system

to resolve the ethnic conflict.

 The Chinese government has appointed the 11th Panchen Lama, Gyaincain Norbu, the

second most important figure in Tibetan Buddhism, to the country's top legislative advisory

body. His appointment comes amid Beijing's efforts to further legitimise its contested selection

of the monk, who analysts say may have a crucial role to play in the appointment of the

current Dalai Lama's successor.

.:: February 2010 International Affairs ::.

 China has denied claims by Google, the internet Giant, that it had faced cyber attacks

targeting the E - mail accounts of several Chinese human right activists. American

investigators have reportedly traced the attacks to two Chinese universities.

 Pakistan joined 52 other Asian States to endorse India's candidature for non - permanent

membership of the UN Security Council. Out of 128 votes needed to get the seat, India

already has 122.

 Japan and Australia pledged to help countries with atomic energy programmes to stay clear

of the nuclear-weapons path in the realm of "3S". The "3S" relate to nuclear non-prolife ration-

related safeguards, safety and security.

 A diplomatic battle between Britain and Argentina is underway over oil explorationaround

the Falklands as a rig hired by British companies is to begin drilling off the coast of the remote

archipelago. Geologists think the territory, over which the two countries fought a war in 1982,

could hold up to 60bn barrels of oil.

 Octogenarian Tinoo was set free by the Myanmar's military rulers and will lead the

opposition National League for Democracy (NLD) as long as Nobel peace Laureate Aung San

Suu Kyi remains under house arrest.

 The European Union member states have decided to temporarily withdraw preferential tariff

benefits known as GSP+ granted to Sri Lanka from August on the ground that they are

"significant shortcomings" in the implementation of three U.N. human rights conventions.

 The Rajiv Gandhi International Airport (RGIA) at Shamshabad, Hyderabad was

declaredthe World's Best Airport under the 5 to 15 million passengers category by Airports

Council International (ACI). This is the first time that an Indian airport will be featured among

the top airports of the world.

 International Conference on Biodiversity in relation to food and human security was held

in Chennai.
 Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad while declaring the country to be a 'nuclear state'

said, Iran had produced a first stock of 20 percent enriched uranium for its nuclear programme

and was capable of enriching it to 80 percent.

 Ukraine's Opposition leader Viktor Yanukovych narrowly beat Prime Minister Yulia

Tymoshenko in the presidential election.

 The Secretary - General of NATO (North Atlantic Treaty Organization) Anders Fogh Rasmussen

Said that, NATO's troubles in Afghanistan showed it were vital to boost ties with nations like

China, India and Pakistan and transform the alliance into a global security hub.
 An Australian mining firm Resource House has signed a record $60 - billion deal to supply 30

million tonnes of coal every year to China Power International Development (CPI)for the

next 20 Years. The deal is the biggest - ever export contract in Australia's history with the

energy - hungry china.

 The last Bo speaking person on earth, an 85-year old Andamanese woman named Bo Sr,

was dead. The Bo are believed to have existed for 65,000 years, making them the descendants

of one of the oldest human cultures.

 A landmark deal between Northern Ireland’s two major political parties, the Democratic

Unionist Party (DUP) and Sinn Fein, removed the last hurdle to granting full autonomy to the

province envisaged in the 1998 Good Friday agreement that brought decades of sectarian

violence to an end. The deal paves the way for transferring policing and justice powers from

the central government in London to the provincial administration in Belfast.

.:: January 2010 International Affairs ::.

 The Chinese government's official growth figures released shows 8.7 growth in 2009. China

is now on course to overtake Japan as the world's second largest economy, while Japan's

official GDP figures are yet to be released.

 India is ranked 123rd in the 2010 Environmental Performance Index (EPI) in pollution

control and natural resources management. Iceland was ranked 1st in EPI.
 Sri Lankan president Mahinda Rajapaksa defeated the opposition consensus candidate and

former Army Chief, retired General Sarath Fonseka in the presidential election. This is the

second term for the Srilankan president Rajapaksa.

 The world's largest aluminium producer, UC Rusal became the first Russian firm to list in

Hongkong and Paris stock exchanges.

 The International Monetary Fund projected the India's economic growth rate to be 7.7

percent for 2010.

 The group of four major emerging economics Brasil, South Africa, India and

China(BASIC) expressed their intention to communicate information on their voluntary

mitigation actions to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change(UNFCCC).

This decision was taken at the second ministerial level meeting of the BASIC group of countries

in New Delhi.
 China and Japan have been added to the 39 non-traditional export markets identified by

the Union Government as part of series of new incentives to encourage Indian exporters to

explore non - traditional business avenues.

 Billionaire Sebastian Pinera was elected Chile's president with the victory over ex-president

Eduardo Frei.
 India is the 88th best place to live, according to the 2010 quality of Life Index published by

travel magazine International living. 

 A 7.0 magnitude powerful earthquake rocked Haiti, killing possibly over one lakh people.

 China, the world's largest producer of gold is set to overtake India as the metal'sbiggest

consumer for the first time in history. China’s consumption of gold is estimated as 450 tonnes

in 2009 where as India's consumption forecast is 380 tonnes.

» National Affairs

.:: September 2010 National Affairs ::.

 Tirumala Seshachalam hills, the abode of Lord Venkteswara, has been declared as a“biosphere

reserve” in the country by the ministry of environment and forest. 

 The Andhra Pradesh government has set a target of achieving 80 per cent literacy ratefrom

the existing 64 per cent by 2020 

 Prime Minister Manmohan Singh laid the foundation stone for the Tirupati international

airport to provide direct connectivity from various international destinations to the temple town

in Andhra Pradesh. 
 Shri K.H. Muniyappa, Hon’ble Minister of State for Railways laid the Foundation Stone

forKadapa-Bangalore Railway line on 1st September, 2010 at Kadapa Railway Station. The

new Railway line is one of the largest projects of the South Central Railway and estimated to

cost Rs.1785 Crs. for a length of 258.3 Kms. This project is being executed on 50 :50 cost-

sharing basis by the Railways and the State Govts.

.:: August 2010 National Affairs ::.

 The Union Cabinet cleared a 300 per cent salary hike, from Rs. 16,000 to Rs. 50,000, for

members of Parliament and doubled their perks. The increase will be given with retrospective

effect from May 2009, when the 15th Lok Sabha was constituted when the Bill seeking

amendment to the Salaries and Allowances of Members of Parliament Act, 1954, is brought in

Parliament and passed by both the Houses. 

 The Union Cabinet approved the Civil Liability for Nuclear Damage Bill 2010 with 18

 According to the chairman of the Board of Governors of the Medical Council of India (MCI) S.K.

Sarin, MBBS aspirants will have a common entrance test for admission to medical colleges

across the country from the next academic session (2011-12). 

 Prime Minister Manmohan Singh announced a Rs.125-crore relief for the flood-ravaged

Leh from the Prime Minister's Relief Fund. 

 Prime Minister Manmohan Singh agreed for the setting up of a National Innovation Council

headed by Sam Pitroda, Adviser to the Prime Minister on Public Information Infrastructure

and Innovations, to give shape to the Government's decision to observe the current decade

(2010-2020) as the Decade of Innovation. The Council will have a mandate to evolve an Indian

model of innovation that focuses on inclusive growth and creating an appropriate eco-system

conducive to fostering inclusive innovation. 

 Bihar Chief Minister Mr. Nitish Kumar has declared the entire Bihar state to be drought

 While addressing the nation from the Red Fort during the 64th Independence Day

celebrations in New Delhi, Prime Minister Manmohan Singh said this country can resolve issues

through dialogue, be it with Pakistan, Kashmiri separatists, northeast groups or Naxalites. 

 A Bench of Justice Dalveer Bhandari and Justice K.S. Radhakrishnan of the Supreme Court

asked Parliament to revisit the provision relating to cruelty and dowry

harassment,pointing out that a large number of frivolous complaints are emanating from

section 498-A of the Indian Penal Code (Husband or relative of husband of a woman subjecting
her to cruelty) and the courts are flooded with such matrimonial cases. 
 The Group of Ministers (GoM), headed by Union Finance Minister Pranab Mukherjee, gave its

approval to the enumeration of caste in Census 2011. The GoM recommended that the caste

headcount should be done at the biometric stage which will cover photographing, fingerprinting

and iris mapping of all citizens over the age of 15 for the National Population Register (NPR). 
 Prime Minister Manmohan Singh while addressing an all-party delegation from Jammu and

Kashmir announced to set up an experts group to formulate a jobs plan. The committee,

headed by Dr. C. Rangarajan, will have members as N.R. Narayana Murthy, Tarun Das, P.

Nanda Kumar, Shaqueel Qalander and an official representative of the State government.the

group would be tasked with not only creating employment in the public and private sectors, but

also increasing employability through the National Skill Development Mission. 

 The Union Cabinet approved implementation of the ‘Swavalamban' scheme to cover workers in

the unorganised sector and provide old age security to all, especially the vulnerable sections.

Under the scheme, the government is to provide an assistance of Rs. 1,000 a year as co-

contribution to every NPS (New Pension System) account of 10 lakh unorganised sector

workers, starting this fiscal for four years, till 2013-14 to cover 40 lakh subscribers. 
 Thirteen districts of Andhra Pradesh have been identified by the Centre for inclusion in

the backward regions grant fund (BRGF) for the current financial year. Adilabad,

Nizamabad, Karimnagar, Warangal, Medak, Mahabubnagar, Rangareddy, Nalgonda and

Khammam in Telangana, Chittoor, Anantapur and Kadapa in Rayalaseema and Vizianagaram in

Andhra regions would get Rs. 348.28 crore. 

 The Union Ministry of Environment and Forests has told the Orissa government to stop all work

related to Posco's Rs.54, 000-crore steel project, including land acquisition and handover,

as it is violating the Forest Rights Act (FRA). 

 A Rs.10, 000-crore liquefied natural gas terminal jointly implemented by the Indian Oil

Corporation (IOC) and the Tamil Nadu Industrial Development Corporation (TIDCO) will be set

up Kattupalli near the Ennore port, Chennai. 

 The Centre has appointed two full-time members to the 19th Law Commission of India, which

was reconstituted in September 2009.Retired Supreme Court Judge P.V. Reddywas Chairman

of the Commission. Full-time Members are Justice Shivkumar Sharma, retired judge of the

Rajasthan High Court and Amarjit Singh Chandhiok, former Additional Solicitor General of

 The Commonwealth Games Organising Committee formed a three-member panel headed

by Lalit Bhanot to probe allegations of irregular financial transactions.

.:: July 2010 National Affairs ::.

 The Parliamentary Standing Committee on Rural Development heading by Sumitra Mahajan

while approving the Constitution (110thAmendment) Bill, 2009, submitted its report in

both Houses of Parliament. The Bill is aimed at enhancing reservation of seats for women to 50

per cent of total number of offices in the Panchayats. 

 Rashtrapati Bhavan was presented with an International Organisation for Standardisation

(ISO) 14001:2004 Certificate for having emerged as the country's first urban habitat with

excellent environmental management systems.

 For the first time in over four decades women constables of the Border Security Force took part

in the ‘Beating Retreat Ceremony' at the India-Pakistan Attari-Wagah border near Amritsar. 

 Pune has become the first municipal corporation in India to have a Right to Information

(RTI) library named after Prakash Kardaley, a journalist from the city, who had a major role in

the drafting of the Right to Information Act. 

 The first commercial landing of the Airbus A380, the largest aircraft of the world, took place at

the newly inaugurated Terminal 3 of the Indira Gandhi International Airport in New Delhi. 
 As part of the 150th birth anniversary celebrations of Rabindranath Tagore a book was

published on the Nehru-Gandhi family's connection with Santiniketan Titled “Three

Chancellors” compiled by Nilanjan Bandopadhyay. 

 During the meeting of the Chief Ministers of the Naxal-affected States in New Delhi, the Union

government asked Chhattisgarh, Orissa, Jharkhand and West Bengal, worst affected by

Maoist violence, to set up a Unified Command headed by the four States' Chief Secretaries. 
 The prestigious Mahatama Gandhi Institute of Education for Peace and Sustainable

Development (MGIEP), a UNESCO institute, will be unveiled on the birth annniversary of

Gandhiji on October 2 in New Delhi. It will be the maiden category I institute of UNESCO to be

located in Asia. Out of 11 such institutes, nine are situated in the developed world and two is in

Ethiopia and Venezuela. 

 The Union government has set up an oversight committee chaired by Union Minister of State for

Environment and Forests Jairam Ramesh to coordinate and monitor the clean-up of the Bhopal

gas leak disaster site. 

 The Union Health Ministry approved the revised draft that proposes a National Committee for

Accreditation and a National Medical Education and Training Boardthat will register and

accredit medical colleges and prepare curricula for all streams of education in the health sector. 
 The Union Cabinet cleared the Nalanda University Bill 2010, paving the way for the

establishment of Nalanda University in Rajgir, Bihar near the original Nalanda University site at

an estimated cost of Rs. 1,005 crore.

.:: June 2010 National Affairs ::.

 UPA Chairperson Sonia Gandhi laid the foundation of the 8.8-km-long Rohtang tunnel

atDhundi near Manali(Himachal Pradesh). 

 The first World Classical Tamil Conference was held in Coimbatore. President Pratibha

Devisingh Patil presented the Kalaignar M. Karunanidhi Classical Tamil Award to Asko

Parpola for his work on the Dravidian hypothesis in the interpretation of the Indus script.
 The Group of Ministers (GoM) submitted their report to Prime Minister Manmohan Singh

addressing the legal, medical, humanitarian, environmental and other aspects of the Bhopal gas

leak disaster. The GoM recommended Rs. 1,500-crore package for the victims.
 The Central Advisory Board of Education (CABE) endorsed the setting up of the

proposedNational Commission for Higher Education and Research (NCHER) as an apex

body entrusted with framing policy, and to bring within its ambit, medical education and other

disciplines of higher education and research. 

 The 75th conference of presiding officers of legislatives bodies from different parts of the

country was held in Srinagar (J&K). 

 The Planning Commission estimated four percent growth in the agriculture sector during the

XII Plan (2012-17). 

 The Representation of the People's (Amendment) Bill aimed at NRIs for voting rights in

India was cleared by a GoM headed by Defence Minister A.K. Antony and is likely to be

presented soon before the Cabinet. 

 The government of India has declared the Indian Mujahideen (IM), suspected to be a shadow

outfit of the banned Students Islamic Movement of India (SIMI) and Pakistan-based Lashkar-e-

Taiba, a terrorist outfit. 

 Jharkhand came under Central rule with President Pratibha Patil accepting a

recommendation of the Union Cabinet after the Congress and the BJP gave up efforts to form an

alternative government following the resignation of Chief Minister Shibu Soren.

.:: May 2010 National Affairs ::.

 The Constitutional Bench of the Supreme Court in its judgement upheld the intrinsic

constitutional validity of the National Company Law Tribunal (NCLT) and the National

Company Law Appellate Tribunal (NCLAT). 

 The United Progressive Alliance government decided to set up a Group of Ministers (GOM) on

the issue of caste enumeration in Census 2011. The GOM would work out the modalities of

doing a caste headcount along with Census 2011 while looking into the issue of the practicality

of such census. 
 The Central Board of Secondary Education launched worldwide, its self-designedinternational

curriculum (CBSE-i) at Dubai's Indian High School (IHS) that aims to compete with its

western counterparts to produce the global citizen of tomorrow. 

 World Telecom Development Conference was held in Hyderabad. 

 The Chief Justice and all the other judges of Himachal High Court have declared their assets

and properties. 
 An Air India Express plane IX-812 from Dubai overshot the table-top runway at the

Mangalore airport and plunged over a cliff into a wooded valley, killing 158 persons. 
 Cyclonic storm Laila which brought heavy losses to farmers crossed the Andhra Pradesh coast

near Bapatla in Prakasam district. 

 Under the Cigarettes and Other Tobacco Products (Packaging and Labelling) Rules, 2008, the

depiction of new and more stringent pictorial warnings on tobacco products has been

deferred by six months to December 1 from the earlier scheduled date of June 1 by the

government of India. 
 President Pratibha Devisingh Patil signed an ordinance empowering the government todissolve

the Medical Council of India, a regulatory body responsible for maintaining standards of

medical education. The government created a seven-member Board of Governors that took over

the functioning of the 30-member executive council, the highest decision-making body of the

MCI. The Board of Governors is chaired by Dr. S.K. Sarin,Department of Gastroenterology, and

G.B. Pant Hospital. 

 The Union Health Ministry is all set to bring in an ordinance to supercede the regulatory body

and appoint in its place a Board of Governors. In place of the present MCI team, the

government intends to appoint seven eminent medical practitioners and health experts to do

the job that the MCI is performing at present. The government would have no role in the new

 The Special Investigation Team (SIT) headed by the former CBI Director, R.K. Raghavan,which

investigated Zakia Jaffry's complaint that Gujarat Chief Minister Narendra Modi and 62 others

orchestrated the 2002 riots, submitted its report to the Supreme Court. 
 The Union Cabinet accorded in-principle approval for the setting up of an autonomous

defence university in Gurgaon district of Haryana at a cost of about Rs. 300 crore on a

200-acre campus that is expected to provide inputs to strategic policy making. It will be set up
under an Act of Parliament.
 The Bihar government signed a Memorandum of Cooperation (MoC) with the Bill and

Melinda Gates Foundation with the objective of accelerating State-wide improvements in

maternal, newborn and child health.

 A five-judge Constitution Bench of the Supreme Court upheld the constitutional validity of

Articles 243 D (6) and243 T (6), providing for reservation of seats in any panchayat or

offices of Chairpersons in panchayats and municipalities in favour of backward classes.

 According to a decision taken by the Maharashtra government all students up to Class VIII

would be given promotion to the next class even if they did not perform well in

 The Visva-Bharati University at santiniketan celebrated the 150th birth anniversary of

Rabindranath Tagore.
 The Supreme Court in its judgement holding that gas is a national asset and the Centre's

pricing policy will prevail over any private agreement, has directed Reliance Industries Ltd

(RIL) of the Mukesh Ambani group to initiate renegotiations with Reliance Natural Resources

Ltd. (RNRL) of the Anil Ambani group for fixing the price of gas to be supplied to RNRL.The

bench thus rejected RNRL's claim that it was entitled to get 28 mscmd of gas from the KG Basin

at $2.34 mBtu in terms of a 2005 Memorandum of Understanding between Anil and Mukesh

without any price approval by the government.

 A five-judge Constitution Bench of the Supreme Court held that a Governor cannot be

removed on the ground that he/she is out of sync with the policies and ideologies of

the Union government or the party in power at the Centre. Nor can he/she be removed

on the ground that the Union government has lost confidence in him/her. The bench gave this

ruling in a petition filed by the former Member of Parliament, B.P. Singhal.

 The Lok Sabha Speaker made the following appointments for various parliamentary

committees Murli Manohar Joshi as the chairman of the Public Accounts Committee for 2010-

11, Congress MP from Goa Francisco Sardinha as the chairman of the Committee on

Estimates, V. Kishore Chandra S. Deo as the chairman of the Committee on Public

Undertakings, Gobinda Chandra Naskar as the chairman of the Committee on the Welfare of

Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes.

 The Supreme Court held that the Members of Parliament Local Area Development

(MPLAD) Scheme, under which every MP is allotted Rs. 2 crore a year for constituency

development was nothing unconstitutional. It held that the scheme falls within the meaning

of ‘public purpose' aimed at fulfillment of the development and welfare of the State as reflected

in the Directive Principles of State Policy.

 The Rajya Sabha passed a Bill proposing to create a 78-member Legislative Council for Tamil

Nadu, 24 years after it was abolished.

 Parliament approved the increase in the gratuity limit for employees from Rs.3.5 lakh to

Rs.10 lakh under the Payment of Gratuity (Amendment) Bill, 2010.

 The Supreme Court held unconstitutional and violation of the ‘right to privacy' the use of

narco analysis, brain-mapping and polygraph tests on accused, suspects and witnesses

without their consent.

 The tripartite Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) was signed by Maharashtra Chief

Minister Ashok Chavan, his Gujarat counterpart Narendra Modi and Union Minister for Water

Resources Pawan Kumar Bansal to prepare detailed project reports on linking of rivers that will

benefit both the states.

 The Lok Sabha passed the Payment of Gratuity (Amendment) Bill, 2010 which raises the

ceiling of gratuity for employees in private sector to Rs.10 lakh from Rs.3.5 lakh. The Lok Sabha

also passed the Employees' State Insurance (Amendment) Bill, 2009, to provide for medicare to

workers in the unorganised sector, especially those below the poverty line (BPL).
 A special sessions court judge M.L. Tahaliyani pronounced Mohammad Ajmal Amir Kasab,

the lone surviving gunman of the November 26, 2008 Mumbai terror attacks along with nine

other terrorists and 20 co-conspirators in Pakistan, guilty of waging war against India.
 The two day National Consultation for Second Generation Reforms in Legal Education was

held in Delhi.

.:: April 2010 National Affairs ::.

 The cut motions moved by the Opposition parties in the Lok Sabha against the United

Progressive Alliance (UPA) government's economic policies especially price rise, were

defeated.Cut motion moved by Sushma Swaraj defeated by- in favour 162 and against 246.The

cut motion moved by Gurudas Gupta was defeated by- in favour201 and against 289. 
 The former chief of the Border Security Force, E.N. Rammohan, submitted his report to Union

Home Minister P. Chidambaram on the April 6 massacre of 76 security personnel by Maoists in

Dantewada district of Chhattisgarh.

 The 16-digit unique identification number to be assigned to each individual by the Unique

Identification Authority of India (UIDAI) will come under the new name ‘AADHAR' or

 The Chief Minister of Andhra Pradesh K. Rosaiah launched the Rs. 600-crore Dr. YSR Protected

Drinking Water Scheme in Rayadurg of Anantapur dist.

 The 98th executive committee meeting of the All-India Council of Mayors (AICM) was held in

 The Cabinet Committee on Economic Affairs (CCEA) has approved a proposal to set up

1,000 additional model schools as a benchmark of excellence in educationally

backward blocks (EBBs) through State governments. These schools will have norms and

standards equivalent to or better than Kendriya Vidyalayas. The requirement for the 1,000

schools has been estimated at Rs. 3,304 crore, the Centre's share being Rs. 2,478 crore.
 The Navy plans to carve out an air enclave on the campus of the Cochin International Airport

Limited (CIAL) for sheltering the Navy's future air assets, especially the medium range maritime

reconnaissance aircraft.
 The Commission on Centre-State relations headed by M. M. Punchhi, submitted its report to

Union Home Minister P. Chidambaram.The panel was constituted by UPA-I in April 2007 to take

a fresh look at the relative role and responsibilities of the various levels of government and

Centre-State relations.
 The 59th year of birth of the Bhoodan Movement was celebrated at Bhoodan Pochampalli in

Nalgonda district on 18th April. Acharya Vinoba Bhave had secured the first land donation on

this day in 1951 at Pochampalli.

 The Andhra Pradesh government launched the Praja Patham, the month-long mass contact

programme aimed at taking administration to the doorstep of people. K. Rosaiah started the

programme at Katarivaripalem in Vetapalem mandal of Prakasam district.Praja Patham

was a brainchild of the late YSR who wanted elected representatives to go to the people during

the difficult summer months and redress their grievances pertaining to drinking water and

Aarogyasri and other health related services.

 The draft Cinematograph Bill, 2010 could be introduced in the next session of Parliament in

which the India’s film rating system is set for a revamp. The Central Board for Film Certification

(CBFC), better known as the Censor Board, will now be asked to certify films under the U, 12+,

15+, A and S categories. Under the current Cinematograph Act, 1952, there are three

categories — U, A and UA.

 The government of Andhra Pradesh acquired the “hazardous material” handling vehiclefor

the Disaster Response & Fire Service (DSFS) Department at a cost of Rs. 5 crore to tackle

nuclear, biological, chemical accidents besides the usual fires.

 The Jammu and Kashmir Assembly passed the Inter-District Recruitment Bill which bans

inter-district recruitment and provides a quota for Scheduled Castes in government jobs in all

 The Unique Identification Authority of India (UIDAI) launched the test phase ofUnique
Identity Number (UID) project in Medak and Krishna districts of Andhra Pradesh.
 The Union government has decided to soon declare the world's largest river island of

Majuli an eco-sensitive zone.

 A new Comptroller and Auditor General (CAG) Bill, likely to be introduced in the next

session of Parliament, will bring the institution of CAG under the ambit of the Right to

Information Act.
 Delhi Metro Rail Corporation started the country’s first Standard Gauge Railway line. This

railway line width is 4ft 8inches.

 Delhi Chief Minister Sheila Dikshit dedicated a Rs.40 crore sub-station 66/11 kV ‘green’grid

sub-station constructed by the power distribution company, BYPL, in the record time of 13

months at the Commonwealth Games Village to provide uninterrupted power supply for the

 Addressing the nation to mark the implementation of the Right of Children to Free and

Compulsory Education Act, 2009, Prime Minister Manmohan Singh asked the States and

Union Territories to work together as part of a common national Endeavour.

 The Right of Children to Free and Compulsory Education Act, 2009 comes into effect

from April 1st 2010, and will directly benefit close to one crore children who do not go to school.

For the first time, education will become a constitutional right in India. According to this act

private institutes should provide 25% reservation to economically backward students. Right to

education was made fundamental right in 2002 by 86th amendment. The central and state

governments should spend money in 55:45 ratio to implement this act.

 The plan outlay for Andhra Pradesh for 2010-2011 has been fixed at Rs.36, 800

crore,which is 9.86 per cent more than the outlay of Rs. 33,497 crore fixed for 2009-2010. The

actual increase is Rs.3, 303 crore this year. 

 The Union government has introduced a Bill in the Lok Sabha, that provides forconstitution of

a National Council consisting of representatives from the Medical Council of India, the Dental

Council, the Nursing Council etc., to determine the standards for the clinics, classify them,

develop the minimum standards and their periodic review, compile, maintain and update a

national register of clinical establishments. 

 The Tirumala Tirupati Devasthanams(TTD) of Andhra Pradesh has deposited 4,475 kg of

gold received by way of offerings in its temple Hundi in various nationalized banks. TTD

deposited 3,000 kg gold with SBI, 1,125 kg gold with Corporation Bank and the rest 650

kilograms with Indian Overseas Bank and will be earning an interest of over 1.6 and 1.5 per

cent respectively over the gold deposits. 

 The government of Andhra Pradesh launched the fifth phase of the government's land
distribution programme all over the State from 14th April, 2010 coinciding with the birth

anniversary of Dr. B.R. Ambedkar.An extent of 1.06 lakh acres will be distributed to 69,506

 According to a report released by the Central Pollution Control Board (CPCB), Gujarathas

been declared as the top contributor to the total hazardous waste generation in the

country. Gujarat generates almost 29 per cent of the 62 lakh metric tonnes of hazardous waste

generated every year. It is followed by Maharashtra (25 per cent) and Andhra Pradesh (9 per

 The government of India has reconstituted the National Integration Council (NIC)which will

be chaired by Prime Minister Manmohan Singh. Set up in the early 60s by Prime Minister

Jawaharlal Nehru, the NIC held its first meeting in 1962. The council reviews matters relating to

national integration and makes recommendations over such issues. 

 According to the Unique Identification Authority of India (UIDAI), the first set of identity

numbers will be issued in February 2011. 

 During the sidelines of the 6th National Conference on Electoral Reforms organised by the

National Election Watch in Bhopal, Chief Election Commissioner Naveen Chawla said that

roughly 700 out of 1,000 registered political parties do not contest polls and the Election

Commission has no power to de-register them. 

 The National Rural Health Mission (NRHM) completed five years on 12th April 2010. 

.:: March 2010 National Affairs ::.

 Census 2011, the 15th census since 1872, billed as the largest census ever attempted in the

history of mankind, is set to take off on April 1st, 2010. It will also involve the task of preparing,

for the first time, the National Population Register (NPR). 

 The Cabinet Committee on Infrastructure (CCI) approved the establishment of National

Knowledge Network (NKN), which seeks to inter-connect all knowledge institutions in the

country through high speed data communication network, at an outlay of Rs 5,990 crore to be

implemented by NIC over a period of 10 years. 

 A three-judge bench of Chief Justice of Supreme Court K.G. Balakrishnan and Justices J.M.

Panchal and B.S. Chauhan lifted the stay on the Andhra Pradesh government's decision to

provide four per cent reservation in jobs and education for backward members of the

Muslim community. As many as 14 Muslim groups, identified as socially and educationally

backward sections by the State Backward Commission, will now be eligible for the benefit. But
the Supreme Court referred to a special bench the issue of its constitutional validity. 

 The Union Cabinet has approved a proposal of the Labour Ministry to amend the Employees

State Insurance Act, 1948, to provide medical facilities to unorganised workers in ESIC hospitals

and recognised private hospitals under the Rashtriya Swasthya Bima Yojna (RSBY), a

cashless health insurance scheme. 

 Planning Commission in its mid-term review has reduced the power generation

capacity addition target by over 20 percent to 62,374 mw for the 11th plan (2007-12) from the

original 78,577 mw. 

 The Union cabinet cleared the Prohibition of Unfair practices in technical, medical

Educational Institutions and Universities Bill, 2010 that seeks to make capitation fee a

cognizable offence. Two other Bills - The National Accreditation Regulatory Authority for Higher

Educational Institutional Bill 2010, proposing to setup an independent regulatory body which will

register, monitor and audit accreditation agencies and the Educational Tribunals Bill, 2010

providing an adjudicatory forum for speedy resolution of all issues that arise in the higher

Education sector - were also cleared. 

 The Union Government has officially confirmed its earlier decision to accord classical language

status to Telugu. It has addressed a communication to the Central Institute of Indian

Languages (CIIL) Mysore, and the University Grants Commission (UGC) to take steps

immediately to give the status to Telugu. This decision was the outcome of efforts by the late

Y.S. Rajasekhar Reddy culminating in the adoption of a unanimous resolution in the Assembly

on February 22, 2006.

 A commemorative stamp on former Chief Minister Y. S. Rajasekhara Reddy is being

issued by the Postal Department on September 2 to coincide with his first death anniversary. 

 The Supreme Court appointed Central Vigilance Committee (CVC), headed by Justice D.P.

Wadhwa, while submitting its report to a Bench of Justices Dalveer Bhandari and K.S. Radha

Krishnan slammed the Public Distribution System as one of the most corrupt sectors, saying the

root cause of its failure in several states is political interference. 

 As announced by Human Resource Development Minister Kapil Sibal, A seven-membercore

committee of vice-chancellors has been set up to focus on central universities lagging

behind in bench marks in academic and research performance.

 For the first time in 20 years, Jammu and Kashmir will have direct trunk dialing facilitywith

Pakistan and Pakistan occupied Kashmir (POK).

 Prime Minister Manmohan Singh inaugurated the world's first green legislature building,

the Tamilnadu Legislative Assembly Secretariat Complex.

 The Union Cabinet cleared the Foreign Educational Institutions (Regulation of Entry and

Operation) Bill, 2010, for introduction in parliament. The bill seeks to allow foreign education

providers to set up campuses in the country and offer degrees.

 The government of Andhra Pradesh has decided to waive the loans taken by weavers'

societies in the state from cooperative banks of APCOB and commercial banks. This waiver

which will place an additional burden of Rs. 312 crore on the ex chequer, will indirectly benefit a

large number of individual weavers.

 Under the Indian Important Bird Areas (IBA) Programme, 12 more Important Bird Areas

(IBA) were identified in Kerala, which made it's total gone up to 36. The Indian IBA programme

is funded by the Royal Society for the protection of Birds.

 India's first open jail for women was inaugurated at the Yerawada Central Prison in Pune by

Maharashtra Home Minister R.R.Patil. The Open jail would be made to agricultural work on the

17 acres of land adjoining the prison. This would improve their physical and mental well being.

They would also be eligible for remission in their punishment, for every one year served in the

open jail, a year of their sentence would be reduced.

 The Government of Andhra Pradesh is set to bring Information Technology and IT Enabled

Services (ITES) sectors under the Essential Services Maintenance Act. A bill to amend ESMA

would be introduced in the Current Assembly session. The amendment, the Government felt

necessary to spare the IT industry from disruption to their mission critical applications during


 The Union government has set up an independent eight - member expert committeeunder the

chairmanship of Deepak Parekh to review the draft guidelines of Rajiv Awas Yojana (RAY), a

housing scheme for slum dwellers and urban poor. 

 The historic Women's Reservation Bill, formally known as 108th constitutional amendment

was passed in the Rajya Sabha with the House recorded its vote of 186 for and 1 against. Now

the bill must be passed by the Lok Sabha and ratified by at least half the states for becoming

 The Secretary - General of the Supreme Court has challenged the Delhi High Court Judgement

that the office of the Chief Justice of India is a public authority that comes urthin the ambit

of the Right to Information Act. This can termed as Supreme Court appealing to Supreme Court

of its case. 

 Prime Minister Manmohan Singh along with Lok Sabha speaker Meira Kumar inaugurated

the Women's Leadership Summit 2010 on Inclusive Growth and Empowering Women of

Rural India in New Delhi. 

 The Sam Pitroda led high - level committee formed to suggest the restructuring ofBharat

Sanchar Nigam Limited (BSNL) has submitted a report to the Prime Minister Manmohan


 The first of the new generation Airbus A320 joined the Air India fleet. It has a host of latest

facilities, including advanced weather Radar System, Enhanced Ground proximity warning

system (EGPWS) and an LCD cockpit display system. 

 National Socialist Council of Nagalim (ISak - Muivah) general Secretary Thuingaleng Muivah

met Prime Minister Manmohan Singh Singalling the Seriousness of his organisation to final a

solution to the six - decade old Nagaland issue.

.:: February 2010 National Affairs ::.

 Women Entrepreneurs 2010, a platform to promote Indian heritage weavers and women

entrepreneurs was held in Delhi.

 The Department of posts released a commemorative stamp in honour of P.C. Sorcar

(Senior), the Man who "took the magic of India to the rest of the world.
 The Union Cabinet approved the Women's Reservation Bill, 2008 that seeks to reserve 33

percent seats for women in Lok Sabha and State Assemblies.

The 108th Constitutional Amendment Bill was tabled in the Rajya Sabha in 2008 and was

subsequently referred to the Parliamentary standing committee on Law, Justice and Personnel,

which in its report submitted in December last year had recommended its early passage in the

present form.
 Union Home Minister P. Chidambaram laid the foundation for the Integrated Check Post
(ICP) at Attari on the India-Pakistan Border, one of the 13 planned for eight states at a cost

of Rs. 635 crore along various land routes to Pakistan, Nepal, Bangladesh, Bhutan and

 Chief Minister of Andhra Pradesh presented a Rs. 1.13 lakh crore budget for 2010-

11.This is the 16th budget presented by him and 1st one as a chief minister. The budget

outlay is Rs. 8,516 crore higher than that of the current fiscal (Rs.1.05 lakh crore). The plan

outlay is Rs. 40,313 crore and non plan outlay is Rs. 73,347 crore.

There was the revival of the Constituency Development Fund with allotment of Rs. one crore

each to members of the Assembly and the Legislative Council.

 The Full Court, comprising 27 judges and headed by Chief Justice of India K.G.

Balakrishnan rejected the Law Commission's suggestion that the Supreme Court be split

into Constitution Bench in Delhi and Cassation Benches in the four regions.
 Perambikulam Wildlife Sanctuary, Kerala was declared the country's 38th tiger reserve.

 Seethampeta, located in the north - western part of Srikakulam district in Andhra Pradesh

and home to the Konda Savaras has now become part of the Food and Agricultural

Organisation's (FAO) Globally Important Agricultural Heritage Systems (GIAHS). GIAHS

has begun identifying and then documenting unique agricultural systems across the world to

create 'agricultural heritage'. 

 The Cabinet Committee on security has approved the opening of an Officers Training

Academy at Gaya in Bihar in addition to the one in Chennai.

 A five-judge constitution Bench of the Supreme Court held that "The Supreme Court and the

High Courts have the power to order a CBI probe without a state's consent into a

cognizable offence allegedly committed within the state's territory".

 Palakkad district in kerala is the first fully electrified district in the country.

 The Union Minister for Environment and Forests JaiRam Ramesh had allocated all Rs. 12

crore of his MPLADS share from 2004 on "Giripragathi'', a programme for sustainable

development of tribals in remote /hilly areas in Andhra Pradesh.

Giripragathi covers eight mandals, three each in Adilabad and khammam and two in warangal

districts. Its total allocation over six years is Rs. 88 Crore.

 The World Bank has agreed in principle to extend Rs.1, 000 crore assistance to self-help

groups under the third phase of Poverty Alleviation Programme in Andhra Pradesh.
 Human Resource Development Minister Kapil Sibal took the decision to notify the Right of

children to free and compulsory education Act, 2009. The date for it is fixed for April 1,

2010. From that date children in the 6 -14 age group will finally get their right to education.
 The Union Government announced the seven - point terms of reference of the five -

member B.N.Srikrishna committee on the telangana issue.

 The 58th meeting of the North Eastern Council (NEC) was held in Gauwhati.

 The two - member committee comprising former Director of Special Protection Group (SPG)

M.R.Reddy and former Director General of Civil Aviation H.S.Khola Submitted a 110 - page

report to the Government of Andhra Pradesh on the cause of the Bell helicopter crash that

killed former Chief Minister of Andhra Pradesh Y.S.Rajasekhara Reddy and four others.

 For the first time, the Union Government has agreed to formulate a general amnesty plan

for kashmiri youth undergoing training in terrorist camps in Pakistan - Occupied Kashmir

 The Indian Navy's Multilateral Milan 2010 exercise was held in Port Blair.

 The conference of the Chief Ministers on internal Security was held in Delhi.

 The West Bengal government announced a 10 per cent quota in jobs for the weaker

sections among Muslims under the OBC category.

 The Andhra Pradesh High Court struck down the four per cent reservation provided by the

State government to selected sections of Muslims in education and public employment.

 The Sustainable Development Summit, organised by the Energy and Research Institute was

held in Delhi. Prime Minister Manmohan Singh addressed 

 All the judges of the Delhi High Court led by Chief Justice A.P. Shah made their assets and

investments public by uploading the details on the court's website.

 The Ministries of Health and Family Welfare and Railways signed a Memorandum of

Understanding (MoU) for developing health care infrastructure along the railway network

across the country.

 The Government of India constituted a five - member committee headed by the former

Supreme Court Judge, Justice B.N. Sri Krishna to hold wide ranging consultations with all

sections of the people and all political parties and groups in Andhra Pradesh. The other

members of the committee are: Professor (Dr.) Ranbir Singh, Vice.Chancellor, National Law

University, Delhi; Dr. Abusaleh Shariff, Senior Research fellow, International Food Policy

research institute, Delhi; Dr (Ms.) Ravinder kaur, Professor, Departmentof Humanities and

social sciences. IIT Delhi; and Vinod K.Duggal, former home secretary.

 The Mahatma Gandhi National Rural Employment Guarantee Scheme, MNREGS Sammelan

2010 was held in New Delhi.

 Defence Minister A.K.Antony announced that

1. The Indian Air Force has decided to procure 750 Akash missile systems from Bharat
Electronics Limited (BEL) at a cost of about Rs 4,000 crore.

2. The cabinet committee on security had cleared a proposal to sanction Rs. 8,000 crore

for further development of the indigenously built Light Combat Aircraft (LCA)

.:: January 2010 National Affairs ::.

 There were atleast 199,132 farmer suicides between 1997-2008, according to the National

Crime Records Bureau (NCRB).

The share of the Big 5 states or 'suicide belt' in 2008- Maharashtra, Andhra Pradesh,

Karnataka, Madhya Pradesh and Chhattisgarh remained very high at 10,797 or 66.6 percent of

the total farm suicides in the country. Maharashtra remains the worst state in the nation for

farm suicides. 
 The brightest and biggest full moon of 2010 will be seen on Saturday. It will be around 15

per cent bigger and 30 per cent brighter than other full moons during the year. 
 The Cabinet Committee on Economic Affairs approved the National Tobacco Control

Programme to facilitate the implementation of tobacco control laws and to bring about

greater awareness of tobacco's harmful effects. The programme will be implemented in the

remaining years of XI plan in 42 districts of the 21 states within the National Rural Health

Mission framework with financial outlay of Rs. 182 crore, from 2010 - 2011. 
 The 16th Edition of the Partnership Summit 2010 was held in Chennai, organised by the

confederation of Indian Industry. 

 The Environment Ministers meeting of the BASIC Countries (Brazil, South Africa, India and

China) was held in New Delhi. 

 A currency issued by Netaji Subhash Chandra Bose's Bank of Independence has been made

public in Bhopal on the eve of his 103rd birth anniversary.

 The Andhra Pradesh government signed three agreements with the world bank to receive

loan assistance of Rs 3, 720 crore to fund three projects taken up at a cost of Rs 5699 crore to

develop roads, provide safe drinking water and improve infrastructure in urban areas. This is

the largest loan amount availed of from the bank in recent times, as the bank's share for the

Rs. 4,444 - Crore Nagarjuna Sagar modernization project is only Rs. 2,500 crore.
 Rajya Sabha Chairman Hamid Ansari Constituted a three - member committee headed by

supreme court judge V.S. Sirpurkar, that will investigate the grounds forimpeachment of
karnataka chief - Justice P.D.Dinakaran whose removal from office has been sought jointly

by 75 Opposition members in the Rajya Sabha on corruption and land - grabbing charges.

Justice A.R.Dave, cheif Justice of the Andhra Pradesh High court and eminent Jurist P.P.Rao are

the other members of the panel.

 President Pratibha Patil released a commemorative postage stamp at a function to mark the

platinum jubilee celebration of the Reserve Bank of India.

 The Andhra Pradesh Government unveiled a Rs. 10 crore plan to develop Kondaveedu fort as

a major tourist destination in Guntur district.

 Prime Minister Manmohan Singh launched ''Jawaharlal Nehru National Solar Mission

(JNNSM) at the Solar Energy Conclave 2010, New Delhi.

The Key high lights of JNNSM:

To create an enabling policy frame work for the deployment of 20,000MW of Solar power by


To create favourable conditions for solar manufacturing capability for indigenous production

and market leadership.

To promote programmes for off grid applications, reaching 1000 MW by 2017 and 2000 MW by


To achieve 15 million sq-meters solar thermal collector area by 2017 and 20 million by 2022.

To deploy 20 million solar lighting systems for rural areas by 2022.

 A boatload of sky watchers set sail from Kochi for the Maldives on board the MV Aquamarine,

the country’s first eclipse cruise, to chase the Ring of Fire or the millennium’slongest annular

solar eclipse.
 Union Environment and Forests minister Jairam Ramesh announced a Rs. 200 crore grant for

the Sunderbans, the world’s largest mangrove biosphere as part of the World

Bank'sIntegrated Coastal Zone Management Project.

 The govt. announced that the state-run oil firms will start supplying Euro-IV grade petrol and

diesel in 13 big cities from April 1st, 2010.

 A Bench of the Delhi High Court, comprising Chief Justice A.P. Shah and Justices Vikramjit Sen

and S.Muralidhar held that the office of the Chief Justice of India (CJI) is a "public

authority" and comes within the ambit of the Right to Information (RTI) Act and it is bound to

provide information about the declaration of asset details by Supreme Court judges.
 Kite fliers from across 34 countries are expected to participate during the  International Kite

Festival in Ahmedabad.
 President Pratibha Patil delivering the valedictory address at the Pravasi Bhartiya
Diwas (Jan, 9) on the day Mahatma Gandhi returned to India in 1915, pointed out that:

Overseas Indian's estimated at over 250 lakhs had come to be recognised as the "Knowledge

Diaspora". India's remittances from Overseas Indians estimated at over $ 50 billion last year

are the highest in the world.Of these about $ 20 billion comes from Overseas Indian workers in

the Gulf consisting of temporary contracted skilled and semi-skilled workers.

» Economic Affairs
.:: August 2010 Economy ::.

 The Andhra Pradesh Government signed the concession agreement with L&T Hyderabad

Metro Rail Pvt. Ltd for the development of the Hyderabad Metro Rail project in the public-

private partnership (PPP) mode. 

 Prime Minister Manmohan Singh laid the foundation stone for the much-awaited Rs 6,000

crore BHEL-NTPS power plant manufacturing project at Mannavaram, near Tirupati. Once

completed by the year 2014-15, the BHEL-NTPC joint venture project will manufacture power

plant equipment and would have capabilities to produce equipment required for generation of

5,000 mw power annually.

.:: August 2010 Economy ::.

 Microfinance Institutions Network (MFIN), a self-regulatory organization of microfinance

institutions (MFIs) in India, has decided to set up seven task forces to monitor and manage the

MFIs and look into credit bureau, transparency, code of conduct, human resource development,

policy issues, product diversification and media relations. 

 The parliament passed the State Bank of India (Amendment) Bill providing for reduction of

government equity to 51 per cent from a minimum of 55 per cent. With the passing of this Bill,

the State Bank of India will raise fresh funds from the capital market. 
 The RBI has hiked the repo rate by 0.25 percentage points to 5.75 per cent and thereverse

repo rate by 0.50 percentage point to 4.50 per cent. The repo rate is the rate at which the

central bank lends to banks while the reverse repo is the rate it pays to banks for parking funds

with it.

.:: July 2010 Economy ::.

 The Ministry of Petroleum and Natural Gas signed a memorandum of understanding

(MoU) with the Unique Identification Authority of India (UIDAI) to facilitate close

coordination and cooperation on the latter's ambitious AADHAR project, which is primarily aimed
at curbing pilferage of PDS kerosene and domestic LPG.As per the MoU, oil marketing

companies IOCL, BPCL and HPCL will act as registrars for the UIDAI on behalf of the Ministry for

implementation of the project. 

 The Reserve Bank of India (RBI) hiked its short-term indicative lending rate by 25 basis points

from 5.5 per cent to 5.75 per cent and borrowing rate by 50 basis points from 4 per cent to

4.50 per cent. 

 The world's largest farmers cooperative, Indian Farmers Fertiliser Co-Operative

Limited (IFFCO), said it was negotiating with two global players for setting up an integrated

dairy in its upcoming food processing special economic zone (SEZ) in Nellore. 
 The NDC approved the mid-term appraisal of the 11th Plan, scaling down the annual average

growth target to 8.1 per cent from 9 per cent targeted earlier.

 Prime Minister Manmohan Singh announced the sub-committee of the National

Development Council (NDC) to go “into the complex challenges of urbanisation.” The sub-

committee would be headed by Union Urban Development Minister S Jaipal Reddy. 

 The United Nations Conference on Trade and Development (UNCTAD) said India would emerge

as the third largest recipient of foreign direct investment (FDI) for the three-year period

ending 2012. 
 Three Indian projects KG-D6, an integrated gas infrastructure projects , the 4,000 MWMundra

plant and Indira Gandhi International Airport, Delhi have been featured in Global consultancy

firm KPMG's infrastructure 100 global project report. 

 The Takeover Regulations Advisory Committee, constituted under the Chairmanship ofC.

Achuthan, submitted its report to C. B. Bhave, Chairman, Securities and Exchange Board of

India (SEBI). 
 The Union Cabinet approved a unique symbol designed by Bombay IIT post-graduate D. Udaya

Kumar with a blend of the Devanagari ‘Ra' and Roman ‘R' to give a distinctive character and

identity to the Indian currency . 

 The State Bank of India and the State General Reserve Fund (SGRF) of Oman signed an

agreement to set up a joint investment fund with an initial corpus of $100 million. The India

Oman Joint Investment Fund shall aim at making equity investments in various sectors of the

Indian economy. 
 Eight Indian companies have made into the list of the world's 500 largest companies

compiled by Fortune magazine. IOC has the highest rank of 125 among the featured Indian

companies, followed by RIL at the 175th spot, SBI (282), BPCL (307), HPCL (354), Tata Steel

(410), ONGC (413) and Tata Motors (442). 

 According to a business survey conducted by Associated Chambers of Commerce and Industry
of India (Assocham).Tamil Nadu Gujarat and Maharashtra are the top three preferred

investment destinations in India. 

.:: June 2010 Economy ::.

 The Telecom Regulatory Authority of India (TRAI) recommended that the foreign investment

limit for broadcast carriage services such as DTH, IPTV, Mobile TV, HITS, Teleport and MSOs,

which are upgrading to digital and addressable environment, may be raised to 74 per cent. The

existing limit for most of these services is 49 per cent. 

 The Reliance Communications (RCom) and its subsidiary, Reliance Infratel, have entered

into a Rs.50,000-crore deal with GTL Infrastructure to create the world's largest independent

telecom infrastructure company. 

 The Mukesh Ambani-led Reliance Industries Ltd (RIL) and Anil Ambani-led Reliance Natural

Resources Ltd (RNRL) signed a revised gas supply agreement as per the directions of the

Supreme Court. 
 According to a United Nations report on the Millennium Development Goals for 2010,

India is expected to reduce its poverty rate from 51 per cent in 1990 to 24 per cent in 2015. 
 The Central Government made it clear that unit linked insurance products (ULIPs) will be

regulated by the Insurance Regulatory and Development Authority (IRDA). This puts an

end to a two-month-long turf war between the Insurance Regulatory and Development

Authority (IRDA) and the Securities and Exchange Board of India (SEBI). 
 The Cabinet Committee on Economic Affairs headed by Prime Minister Manmohan Singh

approved for the disinvestment of 10 per cent each in Coal India Ltd. (CIL) and Hindustan

Copper Ltd (HCL). The move would likely to generate about Rs.16,000 crore for the

 During the two-day Global Investors Meet in Bangalore, the Karnataka Government has

signed as many as 361 memorandums of understanding (MoUs) with investors for a total

investment of Rs. 4 lakh crore. 

 Prime Minister Manmohan Singh while releasing the UPA government's Report to the People

2009-10, said that the govt had decided to set up a National Social Security Fund for

workers in the unorganised sector which would cover weavers, toddy tappers, rickshaw

pullers and bidi workers with an initial allocation of Rs. 1000 crore. 
 The Petroleum and Natural Gas Ministry has given freedom to the state-run Oil and Natural Gas

Corporation (ONGC) and Oil India Limited (OIL) to price the natural gas produced by them
at market rates.

.:: May 2010 Economy ::.

 During the first meeting of the newly constituted Prime Minister's Council on Trade and

Industry Dr. Manmohan Singh reviewed the state of economy with Mr. Tata, Mr. Ambani, Azim

Premji, Sunil Bharti Mittal, Swati Piramal, Chanda Kocchar, Deepak Parekh, Kesab Mahindra and

Kiran Majumdar Shaw and asked them to form sub-groups on food security, public-private-

partnership, backward area development and corporate social responsibility. 

 The Central Government has granted ‘Maharatna' status to four giant public sector

undertakings (PSUs) — NTPC, Oil and Natural Gas Corporation (ONGC), Indian Oil

Corporation (IOC) and Steel Authority of India Limited (SAIL).

 The Bank of Rajasthan, one of the oldest private sector banks in the country announced that

it would merge with the ICICI Bank.

 According to the Department of Telecommunications (DoT), the 3G mobile license spectrum

auction generated Rs. 67,710 crore for the government. Reliance Communications bagged

the highest number of 13 circles followed by Bharti Airtel 12, Idea 11 and Tata and Vodafone

nine each. 
 The government decided to set up a Pharmacopoeia Commission in Ghaziabad at a cost of

Rs. 14.08 crore for developing indigenous medicines with the aim of raising the country's share

in the $62-billion global herbal drug market. 

 The Reserve Bank of India allowed infrastructure finance companies (IFCs) to raise money from

overseas markets up to 50 per cent of their owned funds automatically.

 NTPC-BHEL Power Projects Ltd. (NBPPL) signed an agreement with its equal joint venture

partners NTPC and BHEL to meet the target of order bookings worth Rs.7,000-crore in the
current financial year. NBPPL has been jointly set up by NTPC and BHEL for capacity building in

manufacturing of power plant equipment.

:: April 2010 Economy ::.

 The Central Government said that ICICI Bank and HDFC Bank could not be called Indian-

owned banks. According to Department of Industrial Policy and Promotion (DIPP) Secretary R.

P. Singh,”At best, the two can be called Indian-controlled banks.” ICICI Bank and HDFC Bank

have over 74 per cent foreign holding, including that of foreign banks and overseas institutional

 According to the 13th Finance Commission report, the Transmission & Distribution losses
were about Rs.40,000 crore in 2009-10 which would swell to Rs.68,000 in the current fiscal.

The Planning Commission was trying to set up an expert committee to find out the causes for

such losses and to know the financial status of the distribution companies.
 Nuclear Power Corporation of India Limited (NPCIL) and NTPC entered into a joint

venture agreement (JVA) to set up nuclear power projects in the country.

 The Planning Commission announced the setting up of an 18-member expert committee headed

by Prime Minister's Economic Advisory Council Chairman C. Rangarajan to recommend

measures for efficient management of public expenditure.

 The Union Cabinet approved a capital infusion of Rs.15,000 crore in Tier I capital

instruments of the public sector banks (PSBs) during the current fiscal to facilitate an

increase in their lending capacity by about Rs.1.85 lakh crore.

 NTPC announced that it was exploring the possibility of setting up two coal-based thermal power

plants in Kazakhstan,which has huge coal reserves of about 33 billion tonnes. NTPC's total coal

requirement for the current financial year (2010-11) is about 145-150 million tonnes, of which

the company is planning to import 14 million tonnes.

 The government would earn up to Rs. 45,000 crore from the auction of 3G and broadband

 As said by Communications and Information Technology Minister A. Raja, the Telecom

Commission, the policy-making arm of the Department of Telecommunications, will soon take

up the issue of disinvestment in the Bharat Sanchar Nigam Limited. The Sam Pitroda Committee

had recommended 30 per cent disinvestment in BSNL, besides offering voluntary retirement

scheme to 1 lakh employees, to improve the financial health of the organisation. 

 The Reserve Bank of India hiked the short-term indicative borrowing and lending rates — repo

and reverse repo and the mandatory Cash Reserve Ratio (CRR) of banks by 25 basis points

 The Government has accepted the Tendulkar Committee Report to adopt a new poverty line to

identify poor. The new standards of the Planning Commission would consider more parameters

than only the sufficient food basket for assessing poverty. Earlier a family was called poor if did

not have the required income to buy sufficient food containing a minimum number of calories

(2100 for urban areas and 2400 for rural areas) per day. Now, the minimum income required to

rise above the poverty line, apart from food, would also depend on expenditure on education

and health. The new poverty estimate would not change the urban poverty figure but for rural

India, the number of poor would increase from 28.3 per cent to 41.8 per cent. As many as 372

million Indians will be categorized as poor. 

 BGR Energy Systems has signed a memorandum of understanding (MoU) with the Orissa
Government for setting up a 1,320 MW (2 × 660) power plant at Bhapur in Nayagarh

district, Orissa, at an investment of about Rs. 6,287 crore.

 The Cabinet Committee on Economic Affairs approved financial support of Rs. 282.25 crore

to the Indian Maritime University (IMU), Chennai, to meet capital expenditure and

recurring deficit.
 Cabinet Committee on Economic Affairs (CCEA) banned Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) in

cigarette manufacturing.
 The UN Agency UNFC & CC (UNFCCC) issued the first set of certified emission reduction

(CER) to the ONGC from its first registered CDM (clean development mechanism) project,the

waste heat recovery project at Mumbai High. With this, ONGC is to earn green revenue from

CDM projects.
 Union Commerce and Industry Minister Anand Sharma released the final document of FDI

Policy Framework that would comprise the single document on FDI policy and mark the

inception of a whole new chapter on FDI policy.

 The government of India is drawing up ambitious plans to set up a ‘Sovereign Fund'that would

help its state-run companies pursue acquisition of oil, gas, coal, LNG and other raw material in

other countries in order to compete with China which has $2.4 trillion of reserves and a $300-

billion sovereign fund. It has outpaced India in the global quest for resources. Chinese

companies spent a record $32 billion last year buying oil, coal and metal assets abroad, while a

$2.1-billion investment by OVL was India's sole energy acquisition.

 Four major public sector undertaking (PSU) companies — Indian Oil Corporation (IOC), NTPC,

Steel Authority of India Limited (SAIL) and Oil and Natural Gas Corporation (ONGC) — are

aiming for the ‘Maharatna' status and have made presentations before the inter-ministerial

committee (IMC) making a claim for the status seeking more autonomy in decision-making and

financial investments. 
 The government of India indicated that it would soon put in place the Financial Stability and

Development Council (FSDC) to plug the regulatory gaps and loopholes generated recently

by the controversy surrounding the Securities and Exchange Board of India (SEBI) and the

Insurance Regulatory and Development Authority of India (IRDA) over administration of unit

linked insurance plans (ULIPs). 

.:: March 2010 Economy ::.

 AP’s per capita income for the financial year 2009-10 was Rs. 43, 556. It is 6.49% more

when compared to 2008-09 (Rs. 40, 902.). The GSDP was 7.76% for the financial year 2009-

 Vizag steel plant was given Navaratna stature by the central government. The company

authorities need not take permission from the government up to Rs. 1000 crore investment. 

 The Seed processing plant under the Seed Business Incubation (SBI) initiative run by the

farmers in partnership with International Crops Research Station for Semi-Arid Tropics

(ICRISAT) and Aakruthi Agricultural Associates of India (AAAI) is launched atUravakonda in

Anantapur district. This is first-of-its-kind in the country where ICRIST and a private

organisation came forward for establishing an innovative Public Private Partnership-based seed


 Coal India Ltd (CIL) is keen to join a consortium of companies comprising GAIL (India) and

Rashtriya Chemicals and Fertilizers (RCF) to launch a coal gasification project at the now

closed Talcher unit of the Fertilizer Corporation of India (FCI), which will enable CIL to source

one-third of its requirement of an explosive it now has to procure from outside. A mine with a

reserve of 5.5 million tonnes has been earmarked for this venture. The output of this mine

would yield 3.7 million tonnes of coal annually which would have 30 per cent less ash content

and could be gasified. 

 Having set an export target of $200 billion in 2008-09, India ended the fiscal year with$185

billion on account of the shrinking markets following the global meltdown. 

 The Planning Commission scaled down the 11th Plan growth target to 8.1 per cent from an

average annual growth of 9 per cent pegged earlier. 

 Planning Commission deputy chairman Montek Singh Ahluwalia said, investment in

theinfrastructure sector in the Eleventh Five-Year Plan (2007-12) would be very close to the

target of $500 billion, primarily due to better show by the telecom sector. On growth

prospects during the Eleventh Plan, he said it was likely to be 8.5% in the 2010-11 fiscal and

9% during 2011-12. 

 State Bank of India (SBI) opened the 1,000th branch and 10,000th ATM in Mumbai. With

this, SBI now has 12,448 branches and over 21,000 ATMs. 

 The Reserve Bank of India has raised the repo and reverse repo rates (short - term rates at

which the RBI lends and borrows from banks) by 25 basis points to 5 percent and 3.5 percent

 Credit rating agency Standard & Poor's (S & P) pegged India's overall growth rate at 8

percent for 2011 - 12. S&P raised India's sovereign rating outlook to 'stable' from 'negative'

even as it cautioned that the high rate of inflation at nearly 10 percent could upset the country's

stable macro economic and interest rate environment. 

 The Central Government will set up a Central Food Security Fund to compensate the Below

poverty Line (BPL) beneficiaries of the Targeted Public Distribution system (TPDS) who fail to

get the proposed mandatory 25 kg of wheat or rice per family a month at a subsidised rate of

Rs. 3 a kg. 

 National Fertilizers Ltd (NFL) has signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) with the

Department of Fertilizers where the company has set a production target of 32.31 lakh tonnes

of urea for 2010-11. 

 The National Stock Exchange of India (NSE) and the Chicago Mercantile Exchange

(CME) Group entered into a memorandum of understanding with respect to cross-listing

arrangements, development and distribution of financial products and services. 

 Finance Minister Pranab Mukherjee moved the State Bank of India (Amendment) Bill, 2010

in the Lok Sabha which reduces Centre's shareholding in State Bank of India (SBI) from 55

percent to 51 percent and allows the bank to raise more capital from the market through

preference shares. 

 Union Finance Minister Pranab Mukherjee with RBI Governor D. Subba Rao unveiled a plaque at

RBI head quarters to mark the Central Bank's Platinum Jubilee celebrationsin Mumbai. 

 The Reserve Bank of India deferred the implementation of the Base Rate regime by three

months to July 1 and also exempted three categories of loans from the new system. The RBI

decided to replace the current benchmark prime lending rate system with the Base Rate to

increase transparency in lending at much lower rates than their benchmark lending rates to new


 Italian helicopter manufacturer Agusta Westland and Tata Motors which recently signed joint

venture for setting up a final assembly unit of AW 119 have finalised Hyderabad as location for

the proposed unit. 

 Kobelco Group of Japan is setting up an equipment machinery facility at the multi -

product Special Economic Zone (SEZ) of Sri City at Tada in Andhra Pradesh. 

 Governor E.S.L. Narasimhan launched the 3G mobile services of Bharat Sanchar Nigam

Limited (BSNL) covering 29 cities and towns in Andhra Pradesh. 

 Eurocopter, world's leading helicopter manufactures announced that it would form ventures

with Pawan Hans Helicopters for maintenance repair and overhaul (MRO) and training

facilities either in Mumbai or Delhi. The MOUs for the two proposals would be signed during the

three - day, 'India Aviation - 2010' beginning at the Begumpet Airport in Hyderabad.

.:: February 2010 Economy ::.

 Highlights of 2010/11 budget

Need to review stimulus

Challenge to return to 9% growth, then double-digit

Final FY10 GDP figure maybe higher than estimate of 7.2%

Need to move towards fiscal consolidation

Fiscal deficit seen at 6.9 pct of GDP in 2009/10

Fiscal deficit seen at 5.5 pct of GDP in 2010/11 (Reuters poll 5.6 pct)

Fiscal deficit seen at 4.8 pct of GDP in 2011/12; 4.1 pct in 2012/13

Total expenditure in 2010/11 11.87 trillion rupees (USD 256.75 billion)

2009/10 revised estimate for tax collection 7.47 trillion rupees (USD 161.58 billion) Need to

review public spending

Roadmap within six months to cut public debt

Government will be in a position to implement direct tax code from April 2011

Aims to introduce GST in April 2011

Since December have been signs food prices pressures transmitting to non-food items.

Government to simplify FDI policy

 In one of the biggest recalls recorded in the Indian automobile industry, leading car maker

Maruti Suzuki India announced that it had recalled nearly one lakh 'A - Star' cars, the

company's flagship export model, to replace a faulty fuel pump gasket.

 The recommendations of the Thirteenth Finance Commission, headed by Vijay Kelkar


Asked the government to extend specific grants such as Rs. 24,000 crore for elementary

education and 15,000 crore for environment.

Suggested the government earmark 87,000 crore exclusively for local bodies.

Targeted the fiscal deficit at 3 percent by 2013 - 14 for the current level of 6.8 percent and the

elimination of revenue deficit b y 2013 - 14 from the current level of 4.8 percent this fiscal.

The States would get 32 percent of its tax revenue along with Rs 3.19 lakh crore as grant for

the next five fiscal years (2010 - 15)

 The Reserve Bank of India (RBI) has cleared a proposal made by the state Government of

Andhra Pradesh to give loans upto Rs 1 crore to SC/ST entrepreneurs with out collateral security

to encourage them as industrialists.

 13th Finance commission recommendations for the state of Andhra Pradesh:

The State was likely to get Rs 1 lakh crore as its share in Central taxes and another Rs. 13,802

crore as grants - in - aid over the next five year period.

The divisible pool of Central taxes had been increased from 30.5 percent to 32 percent of which

the state's share was 6.93 percent.

 Economic survey 2009-10 tabled by Finance Minister Pranab Mukherjee in the Lok

Sabha: -

Projection of GDP expansion - 8.75 Percent growth in 2010–11

- 9 Percent growth in 2011-11
2008-09 2009-10
GDP Growth 6.7* 7.2**
Industrial Growth 2.6 8.6*
Forex Reserves $ 252 billion $ 283.5 billion
Food grains
Production 230.8 Million tonnes 233.9* Million tonnes
Gross Fiscal
Deficit 5.9* percent of GDP 6.58 percent GDP
* - Quick estimates ** - Advance Estimates

 Andhra Pradesh was the first state to get the centre's approval for setting up thePetroleum,

Chemicals and Petro Chemicals Investment Region (PCPIR) proposed between

Visakhapatnam and Kakinada, as said by the Chief Minister of Andhra Pradesh.

 Economic Advisory council to the Prime Minister under the Chairmanship of C. Rangarajan

released the ''Review of the Economy 2009-10''. It suggested that the Government have to

initiate fiscal consolidation in the coming fiscal year (2010 - 11) to ensure fiscal sustainability,

enable greater flexibility in monetary policy calibration, contain interest in payments and to

avoid upward pressure on interest rates and to curtail the expansion of the base of service tax

in Government's expenditure.
 A World Class Seed Vault has been established on the Siachen Glacier to preserve India's
biological wealth for future generations. The vault, which has a natural temperature between –

20 and –40 Celsius, will hold samples of rice, pulses, peas and beans and can be used for

building food programmes across the nation.

 Tata Sons and Italian defence major Agusta Westland signed an agreement for formation

of a joint venture company, which will establish a final assembly line for AW-119 helicopters for

the Indian army and the global market. The AW-119 has been offered to India by Agusta for

army's requirement for 197 choppers to replace its ageing fleet of Cheetah and Chetak light

 The Reserve Bank of India (RBI) issued a notification introducing a new category of Non -

Banking Finance Companies (NBFCs) as "Infrastructure Finance Companies(IFCs)'' with a

view to encouraging larger flow of funds to infrastructure. The existing categories of NBFCs are

Asset Finance Companies (AFCs), Loan Companies (LCs) and Investment Companies (ICs)
 India's IT - BPO market (including exports) could touch $285 billion in 2020, said the report

prepared by KPMG and ASOCIO (Asian Oceanian Computing Industry Organisation).

 The Union Cabinet liberalised the Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) policy further by

allowing the Foreign Investment Promotion Board (FIPB) to clear proposals from overseas

entities worth up to Rs.1,200 Crore, against the existing limit of Rs.600Crore.

 World's largest manufacturer and marketer of fertilizers in the cooperative sector, Indian

Farmers Fertilizer Cooperative (IFFCO) announced a strategic alliance with Canadian

Company Grow Max Agri Corp to make its foray into Potash Project and Oil and gas

 East India company, the trading company with a 400 - year history will soon open outlets

to sell tea, coffee, spices and fabrics. It was bought in 2004 by Indian - Origin businessman

Sanjiv Mehta.
 The Central Statistical Organisation in its advance estimates pegged economic growth at

7.2 percent in 2009-10. It was higher than 6.7 percent recorded a year ago.

 The Securities and exchange board of India (SEBI) has constituted a committee headed by

former Reserve Bank of India Governor Bimal Jalan to review the structures of the stock

exchanges as their role as self - regulatory bodies and functions as profit entities are sometimes

conflicting in nature. The committee may also look into the listing-related matters of the stock

 GAIL (India) has been shortlisted as one of the 15 companies having qualified for the

ambitions $30 billion National Gas Master Development Plan and its implementation in

 The National Mission on Enhanced Energy Efficiency would soon be launched to unlock the
$15 - billion energy efficiency market. The initiate would reduce carbon emissions by almost 99

million tonnes.
 A Report of the Export Group on "A Viable and sustainble system of pricing of petroleum

products'' headed by Kirit.S.Parikh was submitted. The recommendations of the committee


1. Complete decontrol of the petrol and diesel prices.

2. Hike of Rs. 100 per domestic LPG cylinder and an increase of Rs. 6 for liter kerosene

.:: January 2010 Economy ::.

 Prime Ministers Manmohan Singh received the report of the task force on micro, small and

medium enterprises (MSME) headed by T.K.A.Nair.

Recommendations of the task force are:

1. Changes in polices to help growth of the sector

2. Roadmap for the development and promotion of the sector

3. In setting up of appropriate legal and regulatory structures to create a conducive

environment for entrepreneurship and growth of MSMEs.

 The Reserve Bank of India (RBI) hiked the Cash Reserve Ratio (CRR) — the portion of

deposits that commercial banks are required to keep with the central bank — by 75 basis

points from 5 per cent to 5.75 per cent.

The CRR increase would be in two stages: the first stage of increase of 50 basis points will be

effective the fortnight beginning February 13, 2010 followed by the next stage of increase of

25 basis points effective the fortnight beginning February 27, 2010.

 National Aluminium Company Limited (NALCO) announced its plan to setup mines and

refinery project in visakhapatnam, AndhraPradesh at a cost of $1.2 billion and the smelter

and a captive power plant with a cost of 16,350 crore in Brajrajnagar in Tharsiguda district,

 Country's largest iron ore miner NMDC and the world's premier diamond producer De

Beers found traces of diamond deposits in kalahandi, Nawaranpur, Nuapada and Bolangir

dists of Orissa and in kurnool, Prakasam and Anantpur districts of Andhrapradesh.

 The Union Cabinet approved ONGC Videsh Limited's (OVL) proposal to invest $359 million

(Rs. 1,651 crore) for oil exploration in two deep-sea blocks in Nigeria over the next five years.

OVL is the over seas investment arm of state-run Oil and Natural Gas Corporation (ONGC).
 The Union Finance Ministry agreed to release over 12,000 crore in cash to loss making state-

run oil companies to cover for losses in the current fiscal. The projected loss of IOC, BPCL and

HPCL on the sale of domestic LPG and kerosene below cost is Rs. 29,405 crore. Another 12,000

crore loss is projected on petrol and diesel.

 National Textile Corporation Limited (NTC) inaugurated three "revival-cum-modernisation"

textile mills, Tata Mills, Podar mills and the India United Mill no.5 with a capital outlay of Rs.

130 crore.
 The Asian development Bank (ADB) had Sanctioned $150 million aid for the Khadi and village

Industries commission (KVIC). 
 ONGC petro - Additions, a joint venture firm promoted by ONGC, plans to set up a

grassroots Integrated Petro Chemical Complex at a cost of Rs 13,000 crore at Dahej in

 Bharti Airtel, India's leading telecom services provider said it had agreed to acquire a 70%

stake in Warid Telecom, Bangladesh, currently a wholly-owned subsidiary of the Dhabi Group

and will make a fresh investment of $ 300 million to expand the operations of Warid Telecom. 
 The Union Cabinet approved the proposal of the U.S-based soft drinks major, Pepsico

Holdings Pvt. Ltd to inject additional equity of $ 200 million (around Rs. 930 crore) into its

Indian arm within three years. With this Pepsico's total FDI into the country reaches $ 655


» Science and Technology

.:: September 2010 Science & Technology ::.

 India test-fired the supersonic BrahMos cruise missile, which has a range of 290 kms, from

the Integrated Test Range (ITR) at Chandipur off the Orissa coast. The Brahmos-II, a result of

an Indo-Russian joint venture, can be potentially used for surgical strikes, including at terror

camps, without causing collateral damage. It can carry conventional warheads up to 300 kg

and effectively engage ground targets from an altitude of just 10 metres. The missile can travel

at three times the speed of sound. 

 The 13 computer cabinets containing the Tianhe-1, China's first domestically-made petaflop

supercomputer, have been installed and it is scheduled to begin system debugging and testing

in September, according to the National Supercomputing Center in Tianjin.

.:: August 2010 Science & Technology ::.

 Amanjot Singh and Sahil Wadhwa, both students of Ryan International in

Rohini(Delhi)discovered the main belt asteroid named 2010 PO24. This is the first time an

asteroid has been spotted by any school in the country. 

 The Defence Research and Development Organisation (DRDO) is building a new test range in

Chitradurga district in Karnataka for its aeronautics missions for flight-testing sophisticated

unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs), air-to-ground weapons, huge parachutes, Light Combat Aircraft

Tejas, aerostats and also for testing electronic warfare systems. The DRDO already has an Integrated

Test Range (ITR) at Chandipur-on-sea, near Balasore, Orissa, from where different missiles are flight-

.:: July 2010 Science & Technology ::.

 On part of the initial phase of a robust Ballistic Missile Defence (BMD) shield by 2012 , a

supersonic interceptor missile, Advanced Air Defence (AAD), brought down an incoming

“enemy” ballistic missile (a modified Prithvi) of 2,000 km range, at an altitude of 15 km over

the Bay of Bengal giving a boost to Indian missile defence system. 

 The Indian Space Research Organisation's (ISRO) Polar Satellite Launch Vehicle (PSLV-

C15) put five satellites in their precise orbit. The five satellites launched were: 

a. ISRO's 694-kg Cartosat-2B.

b. 116-kg Alsat-2A of Algeria.

c. 6.5-kg nano satellite, named NLS 6.1AISSAT-1 of the Space Flight Laboratory of the

University of Toronto, Canada.

d. One-kg nano satellite NLS 6.2 TISAT-1, built by the University of Applied Science

Sciences of Switzerland.

e. Tiny Studsat, built by 35 students of seven engineering colleges in Karnataka and

Andhra Pradesh.

 The Indian Navy launched the Golden Jubilee celebrations of its frontline Sea Harrier (White

Tiger) squadron INAS 300 at Goa. 

 Vostok-2010, the largest war games ever was staged in the Russian Far East by Russia

bordering China and Mongolia. 

 India's first indigenous Light Combat Aircraft (LCA), designed specifically for the Navy rolled
out from the Hindustan Aeronautics Limited (HAL) facility in Bangalore. 
 The first night trial of indigenously developed, beyond visual range air-to-air missile‘Astra' was

test-fired from the Integrated Test Range complex at Chandipur. 

 According to Chief Minister of Andhra Pradesh, Bharat Dynamics Limited (BDL), the public

sector defence production unit, will set up two missile manufacturing units in Andhra

Pradesh, one in Bhagayat village of Ibrahimpatnam in Ranga Reddy district and the other in

Kambalapalli village in Anantapur district.

:: June 2010 Science & Technology ::.

 Andhra Pradesh Governor E.S.L. Narasimhan launched two water jet-propelled fast attack

craft, INS Cankarso and INS Kondul for the Indian Navy in Vishakapatnam. 

 The medium range surface-to-surface Prithvi-II ballistic missile capable of carrying nuclear

warheads was successfully test-fired from the Integrated Test Range (ITR) at Chandipur, off

the Orissa coast. 

 The Cabinet approved a proposal of the Council of Scientific and Industrial Research (CSIR) for

setting up an academy of scientific and innovative research that will offer instruction and

degrees in the frontier areas of science and technology. 

 India launched its first indigenously manufactured anti-influenza vaccine, Vaxiflu-

Smanufactured by Zydus-Cadila Healthcare that will protect people against the A (H1N1) flu.

:: May 2010 Science & Technology ::.

 The first indigenously built Light Combat Helicopter (LCH), designed and developed by

the Hindustan Aeronautics Ltd (HAL), made its inaugural flight in Bangalore. 

 Japan successfully launched the H—IIA rocket, a Venus probe from the Tanegashima space

centre in southern Japan. 

 The team of scientists from Spain cloned a fighting bull named Got for the first time.

 U.S. geneticist Craig Venter and his team have built the genome of a bacterium and

incorporated it into a cell to make what they call the world's first synthetic life form in an

experiment that paves the way for designer organisms that are built rather than evolved.
 According to the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration of America, the year 2010

is turning out to be the warmest ever in recorded history and April was the warmest

individual month ever.

 Agni-II surface-to-surface ballistic missile was successfully flight-tested from the Wheeler
Island off the Orissa coast. The intermediate range missile can carry nuclear weapons and has

a range of more than 2000 km.

 The 3rd inshore patrol vessel of the five series of vessels being built by Hindustan Shipyard Ltd

was launched in Vizag. The vessel was named as Rani Durgavati. 

 The Council of Scientific and Industrial Research (CSIR) has set up a committee headed by  K.

Kasturirangan to study the capability of the National Aerospace Laboratory (NAL) to build civil

 Microsoft Corporation launched its latest software Office 2010, SharePoint 2010, Visio

2010 and Project 2010 for business customers, unified productivity experience across

computers, web and mobile.

 The Council of Scientific and Industrial Research (CSIR) submitted a proposal to the Union

government to set up an Academy of Scientific and Innovative Research that will

primarily focus on research on areas that are not taught in regular academic universities.
 According to the Asiatic Lion census-2010, the population of Asiatic Lions in the Gir forest in

Gujarat's Saurashtra region, the only abode of the animals in the world, has grown by 13

percent to 411. The last count, taken in 2005, was 359.

.:: April 2010 Science & Technology ::.

 INS Shivalik, India's first indigenous stealth frigate, was commissioned at Mazagon Dock

Limited in Mumbai. 
 According to a report titled ‘Monitoring of Tigers and Prey Animals of Kaziranga National Park,'

released by Assam government, the Kaziranga National Park, famous for one-horned

rhino, has the highest density of tigers in the world.The density of tigers at Kaziranga is 32.64

tigers per 100 sq.km., the highest in any known tiger habitat. 
 The Hubble Space Telescope, named after the astronomer Edwin P. Hubble celebrated the

20th anniversary of its launch on April 24 into low-Earth orbit.

 According to Human Resources Development, the second campus of the prestigiousIndian

Institute of Science (IISc) is likely to be set up in Anantapur district.

 By a report of the global conservation group WWF, a lung less frog, a frog that flies and a slug

that shoots love darts are among 123 new species found in Borneo since 2007.
 Central Rice Research Institute (CRRI), the premier rice research centre of the country here

has come up with at least 11 new high-yielding varieties of rice, five of which are

exclusively suitable for cultivation in Orissa.

 M.M. Pallam Raju, Union Minister of State for Defence launched the country's first Anti

Submarine Warfare Corvette (ASWC) for the Indian Navy at the Garden Reach Shipbuilders &
Engineers (GRSE) Limited. 
 Communic Asia 2010, the most established information, communication and technology

(ICT) event in Asia, will be held in Singapore from 15 to 18 of June.

 The Discovery space shuttle took off from NASA's Kennedy Space Center in Florida, for a 13-

day mission aboard the International Space Station (ISS). The shuttle, a multi-purpose

logistics module, carries three women-mission specialists — Dorothy Metcalf-Lindenburger,

Stephanie Wilson and Naoko Yamazaki. Astronaut Tracy Caldwell Dyson is already at

the space station and this mission will mark the first time that four women have been in space

at one time.
 India's third indigenous naval destroyer, INS Chennai, built at the Mazagon Docks, was

launched by Defence Minister AK Antony's wife Elizabeth. This belongs to Project 15A. Brahmos

missile will be attached to this warship.

 The Ministry of Home Affairs sanctioned two new zonal units for the Narcotics Control

Bureau (NCB) at Bangalore and Patna.

 ISRO’S mission to put communication satellite GSAT-4 in orbit with Geo-synchronous

Satellite Launch Vehicle (GSLV-D3) suffered a setback with the indigenous cryogenic

engine failing to ignite and the vehicle tumbling into the sea. The cryogenic technology is

crucial to put heavy satellites in geo-synchronous transfer orbit at an altitude of 36,000 km.

ISRO had worked for more than 17 years to develop its own cryogenic engine. The earlier five

GSLV flights from 2001 to 2007 were powered by Russian cryogenic engines. 
 Indian scientists announced the first-ever detailed mapping of Mycobacterium

tuberculosis. The government's Open Source Drug Discovery (OSDD) initiative released the

results of its ‘Connect 2 Decode' (C2D) project to re-annotate the biological and genetic

information relating to the Mycobacterium tuberculosis (Mtb) genome. 

 The Ministry of Earth Sciences (MoES) has proposed a National Mission on Monsoontowards

developing reliable dynamic models for forecasting the monsoon over the next three to five-

year period through a multi-institutional effort. The mission will include aspects of short (up to

3 days) and medium-range (up to a week) predictions as well. 

 The Indian Navy has deployed INS Betwa with an armed helicopter and marine commando

team for anti-piracy patrol in the Gulf of Aden. INS Betwa, 16th Indian Navy ship deployed in

the area since October 2008, has replaced INS Beas. 

.:: March 2010 Science & Technology ::.

 Laser Guided Bombs (LGB) were successfully tested from integrated test range, Chandipur,

 The $10-billion Large Hadron Collider at the European Organization for Nuclear Research, or

CERN, made high-energy collisions with proton beams crashing into each other at 7 trillion

electron volts (TeV) to reveal about the unanswered questions of particle physics, such as the

existence of antimatter and the search for the Higgs boson, a hypothetical particle that

scientists theorise gives mass to other particles and thus to other objects and creatures in the


 Agni-I ballistic missile, with range of 700-km, was successfully test-fired from the Wheeler

Island off the Orissa coast. 

 The 11-metre long Dhanush, a ship-to-surface and ship-to-ship system and the 8.5-metre-

tall Prithvi-II, a surface-to-surface missile were successfully flight-tested. While Dhanush, a

naval variant of Prithvi, was launched first from INS Subhadhra, anchored near Balasore, off

the coast of Orissa, Prithvi-II was fired a few minutes later from Launch Complex-III at the

Integrated Test Range, Chandipur. 

 The Defence Research and Development Organisation (DRDO) has developed adiagnostic kit

that can detect A(H1N1) virus in an hour. The kit does not need sophisticated instruments

and can be used in villages where electricity is not available. It uses a simple technique called

real-time loop amplification methodology (RT LAMP) to detect the A(H1N1) virus. 

 The Cabinet Committee on Economic Affairs approved a $75 million project to help clean-

up four polluted sites in preparation to developing a National Plan for Rehabilitation of

Pollution Sites. The ‘Capacity Building for Industrial Pollution Management' project,

which is being sponsored by the World Bank, will work on four sites in Andhra Pradesh and

West Bengal over the next five years. 

 The vertical launch of Brahmos missile was successful with the super sonic cruise missile,

while lifted off vertically from naval destroyer INS Ranvir, punched a hole in a decommissioned

vessel 290 km away in the Bay of Bengal off the Orissa coast. This is the 22nd launch of

Brahmos, which has already been inducted into the Army and the Navy.

 The state - of - the - art new generation Offshore Patrol Vessel (OPV) - ICGS 'Vishwast'was

inducted into the Indian Coast Guard (ICG). 'Vishwast' is an OPV indigenously designed in -

house and built by the Goa shipyard limited (GSL).

 Iran launched Nasr 1 missiles capable of evading radar and destroying targets up to 1,000

tons in size. 

 The Israel Academy of Sciences and Humanities in Jerusalem began exhibiting the 46-

page hand written document of Albert Einstein's ground breaking theory of relativityfor the

first time. 

 For the first time anywhere in the world, biotech agriculture giant Monsanto has admitted that

insects like pink bollworm pest have developed resistance to its Bt cotton crop. 

 The Indian Space Research organisation (ISRO) successfully flight - tested new –

generation The Advanced Technology Vehicle (ATV - DO1) at the spaceport in Srihari Kota.

The ATV - DO1, weighing three tonnes at lift - off, is the heaviest sounding rocket developed

by the ISRO. 

 The demonstration named "Vayu Shakti-2010" by the striker aircraft and helicopter gunships

against mock terrorist camps and other support structures was mounted by the IAF at the

Pokhran ranges in the Thar Desert, barely 100 km from Pakistan. President Pratibha Patil, the

three services chief and the top brass of the IAF witnessed the first everday-and-night fire

power demonstration of its kind.

.:: February 2010 Science & Technology ::.

 The Arctic writer expedition of Indian researchers is expected to leave on March 20; will

spend one month at the International Arctic Research Base at Ny-Alesund, Norway.

Coordinated by the National Centre for Antarctic and Ocean Research, the expedition’s

research areas include phytoplankton productvity and modelling, the ice - binding proteins of

algae, the diversity of heterotrophic bacteria and their role in phosphorus cycling in the Arctic

water and sediment and atmoshpheric and weather - related aspects of the region.
 A National Bureau of Forest Genetics is to be established in Dehra Dun under the Indian

Council for Forest Research and Education to protect India's diminishing forest resources.
 The Environment Ministry has taken a decision to impose a moratorium on the release of

the transgenic brinjal hybrid developed by Mahyco, a subsidiary of global seed giant

 The launch of Agni-III, the two - stage, surface-to-surface ballistic missile from the Wheeler

Island off Orissa coast was a complete success. V.K.Saraswat, Scientific Adviser to the defence

Minister, called it ''a fantastic launch and a hatrick''. Agni - III missile has the longest range in
India's arsenal.
 The India Meteorological Department (IMD) declared 2009 the warmest year since 1901.

 The Andhra Pradesh Government has opposed the Commercial release of Bt brinjal,relying on

a report submitted by the Vice - Chancellors of two principal agriculture institutions - Acharya

N.G. Ranga Agricultural University and AP Horticulture University.

Bt brinjal is a genetically - modified variety developed by Majesco by inserting a gene from

Bacillus Thuringiensis bacterium into the plant. Such insertion is claimed to give resistance to

two important hosts, fruit borer and shoot borer. The Genetic Engineering Approval Committee

of the Union Enviroment Ministry has approved it, but the Centre withheld its release pending

public consultations.

.:: January 2010 Science & Technology ::.

 India conveyed its association with the Copenhagen Accord to the United Nations

Framework convention on climate change (UNFCCC) secretariat by pronouncing its domestic

mitigation actions to prevent climate change. India told the UNFCCC that it would endeavour to

reduce emissions intensity of its gross domestic product (GDP) by 20 - 25 percent by 2020 in

comparison to the 2005 levels.

India has clarified that the domestic mitigation actions will be entirely voluntary in nature and

will not have a legally binding character. The actions will not apply to the agriculture sector.  

China's voluntary mitigation actions will be to the lowering of CO 2 emissions per unit of GDP

by 40 - 45 percent by 2020 compared to the 2005 levels. The US announced a 17% cut in the

greenhouse gas emissions from 2005 levels.

 The cabinet committee on infrastructure accorded in principle approval for the establishment of

the National Knowledge Network (NKN) that would inter connects all knowledge

institutions. To be implemented by the National Informatics Centre (NIC) within next two

years, will connect around 1,500 institutions. 

 The Indian Space Research Organisation (ISRO) successfully tested the biggest and most

powerful rocket motor called S-200, powered by 200 tonnes of solid propellants in Sriharikota.

This test is a vital step in the development of ISRO's Geosynchronous Satellite Launch Vehicle

Mark-III (GSLV MK-III), which will put a satellite weighing four tonnes in orbit.

S-200 is the third biggest solid rocket motor in the world after the booster rocket of NASA's
space shuttle and that of Arianespace's Ariane-5 launch vehicle.
 The Vikram Sarabhai Space Centre (VSSC) launched a total of 10 Rohini series indigenous

sounding rockets from the Thumba, Equatorial Rocket Launching Station and the Satish

Dhawan Space Centre in Sriharikota to investigate the effects of the longest annular solar

eclipse of this millennium.

 A team of five, including the present and past students of the Indian Institute of Technology

Madras won a business competition plan in New York and is to setup shop in New York to

commercialize product called 'XEstor' which uses algorithms to store parameters and

interfaces with the grid, thereby powering large networks and reducing power loss.
 The test flight of Astra, Beyond Visual-Range Air-to-Air Missile (BVRAAM) was successfully

carried out from the Integrated Test Range (ITR) at Balasore, Orissa.M
 Prime Minister Manmohan Singh while launching Jawaharlal Nehru National Solar Mission,

called for creation of 'Solar Valleys' in India, akin to the Silicon Valley, as a contribution to

the national as well as global efforts at combating climate change.

» Awards

.:: September 2010 Awards ::.

 Social activist Irom Sharmila, who has been on fast-unto-death for the past nine years

demanding withdrawal of the Armed Forces Special Powers Act 1958 from Manipur, has been

awarded ‘Rabindranath Tagore Peace Prize’ 

 The savoured Haleem dish, a mouth-watering delicacy of Hyderabad, has been awarded the

coveted Geographical Indication (GI) status.

 Veteran film maker D. Ramanaidu has been selected for the prestigious Dadasaheb Phalke

Award 2009. The award, which includes a cash prize of Rs. 10 lakh, will be presented at the

National Film Awards event in October. The other recepients from Telugu film industry were BN

Reddy, LV Prasad, B Nagi Reddy, A Nageswara Rao.

 The famous writer Kaluvakolanu Sadananda was conferred with Sahitya Academy Award for

his novel Adavithalli.

 62nd Prime Time Emmy awards were presented in Los Angeles. Best Actor was won by

Bryan Cranton and best actress to Kyra Sedgwick. Best supporting actress was won by Archie

Punjabi whose origin is from India.

.:: August 2010 Awards ::.

 Nagaraja, Senior Technical Assistant of the Bharat Electronics Limited (BEL), Bangalore, has
been chosen for the Shram Ratna for 2008, the country's highest award given by the

Ministry of Labour and Employment. The award carries a cash prize of Rs.2 lakh and a “Sanad”

 Major Laishram Jyotin Singh, who sacrificed his life in the February terror attack in Kabul

this year, has been awarded the Ashok Chakra, the highest peacetime gallantry award, the eve

of 64th Independence Day. 

 Ennackal Chandy George Sudarshan, 78, an Indian-American professor at the University of

Texas, Austin, has won the prestigious Dirac Medal for his contribution to the understanding of

theoretical physics. The Dirac Medal of ICTP is awarded by the Abdus Salam International

Centre for Theoretical Physics (ICTP) on renowned physicist P.A.M Dirac's birthday — August

 Renowned Indian sand artist Sudarsan Patnaik has won the first prize at the 8th

International Sand Sculpture Championship for the 5Th time which was held in Berlin,Germany.

.:: July 2010 Awards ::.

 Lok Sabha Speaker Meira Kumar presented the prestigious Jnanpith Award for 2006 to

octogenarian Konkani litterateur Ravindra Kelekar. The 42nd Jnanpith Award for 2006 carried

a citation, shawl, srifal, a bronze idol of Vagdevi Saraswati and a cash prize of Rs. 7 lakh. 
 In recognition for his outstanding contribution to International Legal Co-operation, Union Law

Minister M Veerappa Moily has received the Next Step Foundation 2010 award.

 The Vice President Hamid Ansari conferred the 'National Award in Statistics ' constituted in

honour of Prof. P.V.Sukhatme to renowned statistician Prof. Alok De. 

 AP’s IPS officer S Umapathy was presented the American Award by Stephen Light, U S

consulate In Charge in Hyderabad, for his work in controlling human trafficking. 

 Ravi Dixit became the first Indian to win the Under-19 boys' title in the Asian junior squash

championship (Individuals) in Colombo,Srilanka.

.:: June 2010 Awards ::.

 Vice President M. Hamid Ansari presented the Lifetime Achievement Award to Dr. A.R.

Kidwai, former Governor of Bihar, West Bengal, Haryana and former Chairman of UPSC,

organised by the Institute of Objective Studies in New Delhi. 

 Kartar Singh Lalvani, founder of pharmaceutical major Vitabiotics in Britain, has been
awarded the Order of the British Empire (OBE) by Queen Elizabeth II in London.

.:: May 2010 Awards ::.

 Vice President M. Hamid Ansari presented the Lifetime Achievement Award to Dr. A.R.

Kidwai, former Governor of Bihar, West Bengal, Haryana and former Chairman of UPSC,

organised by the Institute of Objective Studies in New Delhi.

 Thai director Apichatpong Weerasethakul won the Palme d'Or top prize at the Cannes film

festival for Uncle Boonmee. Spanish actor Javier Bardem shared the best actor award with

Italy's Elio Germano. and France's Juliette Binoche was named best actress . 

 Internationally acclaimed Indian sand artist Sudarsan Pattnaik from Orissa won Gold medal

for People's Choice prize at 2nd Moscow World sand sculpture championship 2010, Russia.

The artists from Island won the 'Jury Choice', and 'Sculptor Choice' prize in this championship.
 India's top industrialist and chairman of the Tata Group, Ratan Tata has received the 2010

CIF Chanchlani Global Indian Award for his outstanding global leadership, vision and

professional excellence.
 Social activist Ela Bhatt (76) received the Niwano Peace Prize for 2010 for her contribution

to the uplift of poor women in India. 

 Physicist and environmentalist Vandana Shiva has been awarded the Sydney Peace Prize

2010 in recognition of her works in social justice.

.:: April 2010 Awards ::.

 President Pratibha Patil presented the Paulos Mar Gregorios Award 2010 to Dr. Karan

Singh for Outstanding Contribution in the Fields of Public Life, Inter-Faith Dialogue and

 Bengali novelist Mani Sankar Mukherjee's book, Chowringhee, has been shortlisted for one

of the Independent Foreign Fiction prize for 2010 — the first time that an Indian work has

accomplished the feat. 

 Pratap Bhanu Mehta, president, Centre for Policy Research, New Delhi, has been selected

for this year's Dr. Malcom Adiseshiah Award, instituted by the Malcom and Elizabeth

Adiseshiah Trust. 
 Tata group Chairman Ratan Tata was conferred the 2010 CIF Chanchlani Global Indian

award by Canada India Foundation for his outstanding global leadership, vision and

professional excellence.
 Prof. Kolakaluri Enoch was conferred with Telugu Bharti Puraskaram given by CP Brown
Academy and Alfa foundation.
 Neel Chowdary received The Hindu’s Metro plus Playwright award for his book

 Vizag Steel Plant was conferred with Global Human Resource Development award-

2010 for following international standards in utilizing the human resources.

 The Assam government has decided to confer the coveted Srimanta Sankaradeva Award to

noted journalist and writer Homen Borgohain for the year 2007 in recognition of his

significant contribution to journalism and literature and noted actor Sharmila Tagore in the

fields of art and culture for the year 2008.

 Asko Parpola, leading authority on the Indus script and Professor Emeritus of Indology in the

University of Helsinki, Finland, has been chosen for the Kalaignar M. Karunanidhi Classical

Tamil Award for 2009.

.:: March 2010 Awards ::.

 The Pritzker Prize, considered the highest honour in architecture and regarded by many

as equivalent to the Nobel Prize, has been awarded to the Japanese duo Kazuyo Sejima and

Ryue Nishizawa, partners in the architecture firm SANAA. 

 Rukhsana (21) and her brother Aijaz (19) were awarded the Sarvotam Jeevan Raksha

Padak and the Uttam Jeevan Raksha Padak respectively by the Centre for snatching an AK

rifle from LeT commander Abu Usma and killed him with the weapon when he and another

militant barged into their house on September 27, 2009. 

 American mathematician John Torrence Tate, 85, has been awarded the prestigiousAbel

Prize in Mathematics for 2010.

 Well - Known Hindi writer Amar Kant has been selected for the prestigious  Vyas Samman

award for his outstanding novel Inhi Hathiyaron Se. 

 Nandi Awards – 2008 were presented by the Government of Andhra Pradesh. Best Actor -

Ravi Teja (Neninthe), Best Actress - Swati (Ashta Chamma), Best Film - Gamyam, Best

Director - J. Radha Krishna (Gamyam) 

 Eminent heroine of yesteryears Jamuna has been chosen for the NTR National Film Award to

be given by the Government of Andhra Pradesh for the year 2008. 

 Actress-director Vijayanirmala will receive the Raghupathi Venkaiah Award for the year


 The B.N. Reddy National Film Award will be given to renowned director K.B. Tilak. 

 Tehelka Executive Editor Shoma Chaudhury and Nagaland page Editor Monalisa Changkija will

share the Chameli Devi Jain Award for outstanding Women Media persons for 2009. 

 Indian-American computer scientist Subhash Khot, known for his 'Unique Games

Conjecture' has been selected for $ 500,000 National Science Award of the United States

of America.

 The 82nd Academy Awards in Los Angeles: 

Best Actor - Jeff Bridges (Crazy Heart) 

Best Actress - Gabourey Sidibe (Precious) 

Best Director - Kathryn Bigelow (The Hurt Locker) (First women to be awarded Best Director)  

Best Film - The Hurt Locker 

 Veteran actress Jaya Bachchan has been honoured with Lifetime Achievement Award at the

film festival of British Academy of Film & Television Arts. 

 Vidyasagar, an inmate of the Government Home for Juvenile Delinquents and correctional

centre in kadapa received the Golden Nandi Award for 2009 from Chief Minister K.Rosaiah

for his portrayal of the role of a tribal boy named 'sega' in a Telugu play, Bapu Kalaluganna


 Veteran British Asian film maker Yavar Abbas will be honoured with the Lifetime Achievement

Award by the South Asian Cinema Foundation in London for making films like India! My


.:: February 2010 Awards ::.

 Prabhakar Mandara has won the Sahitya Akademi Translation Prize 2009 for translating

Yagati Chinna Rao's research book, '' Dalit struggle for Identity" into Telugu by the name

Andhra Pradesh Dalita Udyama Charitra.

 John Flannery, President CEO, GE India was presented the Indo-US Business Cooperation

 Veteran Congress leader G. Venkataswamy was presented the 'Eashwari Bai Memorial

Award' by the Governor of Andhra Pradesh E.S.L. Narasimham.

 Eminent Journalist Sanjoy Hazarika has been awarded the Dr. Jean Mayer Award for Global

Citizenship by the U.S. - based Tufts University for his contribution to the north - east of India,

initiatives in health and governance.

 Social worker Ela Bhatt, who set up the self - Employed Women's Association (SEWA) has

been chosen for the 27th Niwano Peace Prize for her contribution to the uplift of poor

 British Academy of Film and Television Art's (BAFTA) awards

Best Film - The Hurt Locker

Actor - Colin Firth (A single Man)

Best Actor - Colin Firth (A single Man)

Best Actress - Carey Mulligan (An Education)

 Dr. V.K.Saraswat, Scientific Adviser to defence Minister and Director - General of DRDO will be

presented the Dr.Y.Nayudamma Memorial Award for 2009 for his outstanding contribution

to India's defence research and development.

 W. Selvamurthy, chief controller (Life Sciences and Human Resource), Defence Research and

Development Organisation (DRDO), has been chosen for the DRDO's Technology Leadership

Award for 2008 instituted by the DRDO.

 Actor Amitabh Bachchan, Carnatic musician Balamurali Krishna, ISRO chairman

K.Radhakrishnan and Minister of state for external Affairs Shashi Tharoor were presentedthe

Pazhassi Raja charitable Trust Awards 2009 by the President Pratibha Patil.
 Bhilai Steel plant was presented the Prime Minister's trophy for the best integrated steel

 11th Mumbai International Film Festival of Documentary, Animation and short films
o Russain director Alexander Gutman's 17 August won the Golden Conch for the best

o The Spell, Directed by Umesh Kulkarni was adjudged the best fiction film.

 Prominent Stage actor and director Chatla Sriramulu (75) has been selected for the prestigious

"NTR Rangastala Puraskar" given by the State Government of AP.

 Andhra Pradesh Governor E.S.L. Narasimhan presented 'The Lifetime Achievement in

Science Award', instituted by B.M. Birla Science Centre, to Nobel Laureate Anthony James


 Oscar winner A.R. Rahman won two Grammy awards.

o Jai Ho - Best song written for motion pictures, TV and other visual media.
o Best soundtrack for the film Slum dog Millionaire.

2. Social activist and actor Nafisa Ali and Kiran Bedi, the first woman IPS officer in the country

received the Kalpana Chawla Excellence Awards 2010.

.:: Januray 2010 Awards ::.

 President Pratibha Patil conferred the Indira Gandhi Prize for Peace, Disarmament and

development for 2009 on Bangladesh Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina. 

 GV Krishna Reddy, chairman of GVK group won the 'Entrepreneur of the year' award during

the economic times awards for Corporate Excellence. 

 University of Pennsylvania School of Engineering and Applied Science conferred theDean's

Medal to Reliance Industries chairman Mukesh Ambani.

» Sports

.:: September 2010 Sports ::.

 US OPEN 2010 Men’s Singles title was by Rafael Nadal defeating Novak Jokovich. 

Women’s Singles title was by Kim Clijsters defeating Vera Zvonareva. 

 Sushil Kumar created history by becoming the first Indian wrestler to win a gold medal

at the World Wrestling Championships in Moscow. 

 The Indian men's archery team won gold in the World Cup archery stage IV meet in

Shanghai. The Indians also picked up one silver and a bronze medal.

.:: August 2010 Sports ::.

 Japan's Yuka Sato become the first gold medal winner of the Youth Olympic Games in

Singapore when she won the triathlon. 

 The Group of Ministers on the Commonwealth Games headed by Urban Development Minister

S. Jaipal Reddy approved the theme song for the event composed by Oscar winner A.R.

 India won over Sri Lanka in the third Test at the P. Saravanamuttu Stadium in Colombo

leveling the test series. This is India's fourth highest successful chase in Test cricket. Laxman

was named the Man of the Match. Virender Sehwag was adjudged Player of the Series.
 Tyson Gay beat Usain Bolt in the 100 metres at the DN Galan meet in 9.84 seconds in
 Bengal beat Punjab in the final of the 64th senior National football championship (Santosh

trophy) in Kolkata.
 Tejaswini Sawant became the first Indian woman shooter to be crowned a World champion

when she won the 50m rifle prone event with a World record 597 in the 50th World shooting

championship in Munich.
 Asher Noria won the double trap gold by equaling the junior World record of 146 in the 50th

World shooting championship in Munich, Germany. 

 Somdev Devvarman was ranked No. 96 in the latest rankings released by the ATP.

Devvarman became the sixth Indian man to figure in the top-100, after ATP rankings were

introduced in 1973, behind Vijay Amritraj (16), Ramesh Krishnan (23), Leander Paes (73),

Anand Amritraj (74) and Sashi Menon (87). 

 Australian Mark Webber won the Formula One Hungarian Grand Prix which was held in

Budapest, Hungary.

.:: July 2010 Sports ::.

 India defeated China to win the bronze medal in the inaugural Asian women's Champions

Trophy hockey tournament at Busan, South Korea.

 Gagan Narang won the air rifle bronze medal in the 50th shooting World championship in

Munich, Germany. 
 Badminton star Saina Nehwal has been chosen for the Rajiv Gandhi Khel Ratna. Among

the titles Saina won in the last three years were the Indonesian Open (2009), Syed Modi Grand

Prix (2009) and World junior title (2009). She climbed to No. 2 in world rankings following

three major titles in a row in Chennai, Singapore and Indonesia. She also became the first

Indian woman to reach the semifinals of the All England and Asian championships. 
 Fernando Alonso won the German Formula One Grand Prix which was held at Hockenheim. 

 Muttiah Muralitharan became the first man to take 800 Test wickets and became the

highest wicket-taker in 133 matches at an average of 22.72. Muralitharan began his Test

career against Australia in Colombo in 1992. The 38-year-old ended his Test career with the

victory over India on the final day of the first Test held at Galle, Srilanka. 
 The International Hockey Federation (FIH) has allocated the FIH Champions Trophies for

2011. The men's event will be played in India, while the women's is scheduled to be held in

The Netherlands 
 Argentina won the Samsung hockey Champions Trophy for women, beating the Netherlands.

 Dani Pedrosa of Spain won the German MotoGP F-1race which was held at
 Louis Oosthuizen of South Africa won the British Open golf championship which was held in

 Poojashree Venkatesh and Rushmi Chakravarthi won the doubles title of the $10,000 ITF

women's tennis tournament at Hatyai, Thailand, beating the third-seeded Ayu-Fani Damayanti

and Lavinia Tananta of Indonesia 6-3, 7-6(10) in the final.

 Ace Indian shuttler Saina Nehwal jumped one place to a career-best second in the latest

international rankings. She is now just behind number one, Chinese Yihan Wang. 
 Visakhapatnam won the inaugural Y.S. Rajasekhara Reddy memorial South India cricket

tournament, beating Krishna by 23 runs in the final at Tirupati. 

 Spain holds the football World Cup trophy with their historic win in the final against the

Netherlands at Soccer City in Johannesburg, South Africa. 

 Australian Mark Webber won the British Grand Prix held in Silverstone, U.K. 

 Sharath Kamal of India won the US Open table tennis championship by beating Slovakia's

Keineth Thomas in the final at Michigan. 

 Rafael Nadal of Spain won the Wimbledon men's singles title defeating Tomas Berdych. This

is Nadal’s eighth Grand Slam title. 

 Defending champion Serena Williams won her fourth women's singles title at Wimbledon

open with the victory over Russian 21st seed Vera Zvonareva in the final. 
 Sharad Pawar assumed office as President of the International Cricket Council (ICC). Pawar is

only the second Indian, after Jagmohan Dalmiya, to have become the highest executive of the

world cricket body.

.:: JUNE 2010 Sports ::.

 Sebastian Vettel of Germany won the European Grand Prix which was held in Valencia,

 Indian shuttler Saina Nehwal won the Indonesia Open Super Series defeating Japan's

Sayaka Sato. This was Saina's third successive title, having won the Indian Open Grand Prix

and the Singapore Open Super Series tournament. 

 India defeated Srilanka in the final of the Asia Cup cricket championship by 81 runs 

 Saina Nehwal won the Singapore Open badminton Super Series defeating Tzu Ying Tai of

Chinese Taipei in the final. 

 Saina Nehwal won the $1, 20,000 Yonex Sunrise-India Open Grand Prix gold badminton

championships in Chennai defeating Choo Wong Mew of Malaysia. 

 World record holder Ronjan Sodhi won the double trap gold in the shotgun World Cup in

Lonato, Italy.

.:: MAY 2010 Sports ::.

 Somdev Devvarman became the first Indian in 13 years to qualify for the men's singles event

of the French Open. 

 Grandmaster RR Laxman defeated Argentinean Grand Master Pablo Lafuente to bag the gold

medal in the Commonwealth Chess Championship in New Delhi. The women’s title was bagged

by Dronavalli Harika. 
 Asian champion Pan Qiang of China equalled the World record on way to winning the double

trap gold in the shotgun World Cup in Dorset, Britain. 

 Mark Webber won the Monaco Grand Prix defeating his teammate Sebastian Vettel. 

 England defeated Australia by seven wickets to win its first title in the ICC World

Twenty20 at the Kensington Oval in Bridgetown (West Indies). 

 Defending champions India and South Korea were declared joint winners of the

Sultan Azlan Shah hockey tournament as the summit clash between the two teams

was called off due to rain. 

 Sushil Kumar notched up his first-ever gold medal in the Asian wrestling

championshipdefeating Korean Dae Sung Kim in Delhi.

 Viswanathan Anand retained the FIDE World Chess Championship, defeating Bulgarian

Veselin Topalov in the final classic game of the series in Sofia (Bulgaria). Anand won the 12-

game match with a score of 6.5-5.5 to defend the title he claimed in 2007.

.:: April 2010 Sports ::.

 The Board of Control for Cricket in India (BCCI) appointed vice-president (West Zone) Chirayu

Amin as interim chairman of the IPL. 

 Chennai Super Kings won the final of the DLF IPL3 against Mumbai Indian by 22 runs. 

 Eight-time National badminton champion Madhumita Bisht was presented the lifetime

achievement award for her long and illustrious career by the Calcutta Sports Journalists' Club. 
 Mumbai Indians captain Sachin Tendulkar was named best batsman while Deccan

Chargers Pragyan Ojha bagged the best bowler honour at the IPL Awards Night in Mumbai. 
 Jenson Button,the reigning World champion won the Chinese Grand Prix. 

 Third seeds Lukas Dlouhy and Leander Paes won the Sony Ericsson Open defeating fourth

seeds Mahesh Bhupathi and Max Mirnyi in the final. Female singles title was by kim clijsters
defeating Venus Williams.
 Sebastian Vettel and his Red Bull team won the formula one Malaysian Grand Prix.

 A massive web of spiralling steel in the form of five Olympic rings taller than the Statue of

Liberty and designed by the internationally renowned Mumbai-born artist Anish Kapoor, will

form the backdrop to the London 2012 Olympic Games stadium in East London.

 Third seeds Lukas Dlouhy and Leander Paes won the Sony Ericsson Open defeating fourth

seeds Mahesh Bhupathi and Max Mirnyi in the final. Female singles title was by kim clijsters

defeating Venus Williams. 

 Sebastian Vettel and his Red Bull team won the formula one Malaysian Grand Prix. 

 A massive web of spiralling steel in the form of five Olympic rings taller than the Statue of

Liberty and designed by the internationally renowned Mumbai-born artist Anish Kapoor,will

form the backdrop to the London 2012 Olympic Games stadium in East London. 

.:: March 2010 Sports ::.

March 2010 Sports

 Formula One World champion Jenson Button won the Australian Grand Prix. 

 The seventh National youth (under-18) athletics championship, jointly organised by the

Tamil Nadu Athletic Association (TNAA) and the Coimbatore District Athletic Association

(CDAA), will be held in Coimbatore from April 23 to 25. 

 Pune and Kochi joined the Indian Premier League (IPL) after the auction for the new

teams. The Sahara Group won Pune with a $ 370 million bid for 10 years. Rendezvous sports

world, a consortium of five companies won Kochi with a bid of $ 333.3 million. The IPL will

feature 10 sides from 2011.

 India won the overall title in the commonwealth boxing championship with a tally of six

gold medals. 

 Australia won the hockey world cup dethroning Germany at the Dhyan Chand Stadium in

New Delhi. 

 Pankaj Advani won the inaugural O.B. Agarwal Memorial 6 red snooker National

Championship title defeating West Bengal's Brijesh Damani. 

 Fernando Alonso won the Bahrain formula one Grand Prix held in Bahrain. 

 Kapil Dev was inducted into the International Cricket Council (ICC) Cricket Hall of Fameat a

ceremony in Dubai. The Hall of Fame recognises some of the legends of the game from its long

and illustrious history. 

 The National Rifle Association of India (NRAI) while releasing a comprehensive selection

policy has made it mandatory for all shooters to hence forth compete in the national

championship to be eligible for representing the country in international competition. 

 Ong Beng Hee clinched the PSA title at the Chennai open squash championships. In the

Women's section, World No.1 Nicol David won the WISPA title. 

 The Tamil Nadu team retained the Vijay Hazare Trophy - India's Premier one - day cricket

competition, defeating Bengal in the final.

.:: February 2010 Sports ::.

 The Tamil Nadu team retained the Vijay Hazare Trophy - India's Premier one - day cricket

competition, defeating Bengal in the final.

 Andrew Dodt clinched his maiden professional crown in the final round of the Avantha

Masters Golf tournament at Gurgaon.

 Pakistan beat India in the final of the 11th South Asian Games hockey competition at

Dhaka, Bangladesh.
 Gaganjeet Bhullar of India won the Asian Tour International Golf title held in Bangkok.

 Olympic Champion Abhinav Bindra clinched the gold in the 10 - metre air rifle event, in the

first of the three competitions in the intershoot shooting championship at The Hague in the

 Leander Paes and his Zimbabwean partner Cara Black won the Australian open mixed

doubles championship beating Ekaterina Makarova of Russia and Jaroslav Levinsky of

Czechoslovakia. Women’s double championship was won by Serena and Venus Williams.

.:: January 2010 Sports ::.

 Roger Federer has set a record of winning 16 Grand Slam Titles after defeating Murray in the

Australian open. 
 Defending Champion Serena Williams won her fifth Australian Open title and 12th Grand

Slam beating Justin Henin of Belgium. 

 Croatia's Marin Cilic defended his title at the Chennai Open Tennis Tournament by defeating
Swiss player, Stanislaus Wawrinka.
 Chetan Anand won the 74th senior National badminton championship title beating former

champion Anup Sridhar. In the women's section, Trupti Murgunde defeated the defending

champion Sayali Gokhale of Air India.

 Srilanka defeated India by four wickets in the final of Idea Cup Cricket tri-series.

 Nobel laureate Archbishop Desmond Tutu became the Queen's baton-bearer for Delhi

Common Wealth Games.

 Spain beat Great Britain to regain Hopman cup, a tennis championship held in Perth.

 Kim Clijsters beat the fellow Belgian Justine Henin in the final of the Brisbane

International held at Sydney.

» Persons

.:: September 2010 Persons ::.

 Indian nuclear scientist Homi Sethna has died at the age 86. During his career Sethna held

several posts including director of the Bhabha Atomic Research Centre and chairman of

the Atomic Energy Commission. During his time with the AEC Sethna presided over India's

nuclear experiment at Pokhran in 1974. 

 Arjun Munda was sworn in as Jharkhand chief minister heading a BJP-JMM coalition.

 P.J. Thomas, former Telecom Secretary, was sworn in as 14th Central Vigilance Commissioner

by the President of India

 Sonia Gandhi was anonymously elected as the Chairperson of AICCC for the fourth time.

 The state government appointed Senior IPS officer Aravind Rao as Director General of Police

of Andhra Pradesh. He was 1977 batch IPS officer and was chief intelligence officer during

YSR's tenure.
 India`s top cricketer Sachin Tendulkar was conferred with Indian Air Force`s honorary rank

of Group Captain on September 3, 2010. 

 In 2008, India`s World Cup winning captain Kapil Dev had received the honorary rank of

Lieutenant Colonel of the Territorial Army. In 2009, Mohanlal was conferred with the honorary

title of Lieutenant Colonel in the Territorial Army. Till date, 21 eminent personalities have been

granted honorary ranks by the IAF, the first person being the Raja of Jawhar Raja Yashwant

Rao, who was conferred the Flight Lieutenant rank in 1944. Industrialist J R D Tata was made

an honorary Air Vice Marshal in 1974 and the last one to get such an honour in 1990 was

industrialist-cum-aviator Vijaypat Singhania, who is now an honorary Air Commodore.

 The government today released a five-rupee commemorative coin on Mother Teresa to

mark the centenary birth celebrations of the legend who made serving the poor her mission in

 Senior IPS officer R K Medhekar will be the new Director General of elite commando force

-- National Security Guard. Medhekar, a 1975 batch officer of Kerala cadre, currently serving

as Special Director General of Border Security Force.

 Vineet Jain, Managing Director of the Times of India Group, was elected Chairman of the

board of directors of the Press Trust of India.

.:: August 2010 Persons ::.

 The government has set up a committee headed by Professor Madhava Menon to evolve a

comprehensive policy on autonomy for Central universities, the Indian Institutes of

Technology and the Indian Institutes of Management. 

 Mammen Mathew (65) will be Chief Editor and Managing Director of Malayala Manorama.

Mr. Mathew is the eldest son of K.M. Mathew, who was the Chief Editor of the daily till his

demise on August 1. 

 Justice P.D. Dinakaran was sworn in the Chief Justice of the Sikkim High Court by Governor

Balmiki Prasad Singh. Proceedings for his removal is pending before a parliamentary panel

headed by Justice V.S. Sirpurkar. Justice Dinakaran faces allegations of land grabbing and

other charges. He was transferred from Karnataka. 

 Well-known physicist-turned author, journalist and television producer of Indian originSimon

Lehna Singh has been selected by the International Mathematical Union for the Leelavathi

Award in recognition of his outstanding contribution to public outreach in mathematics.Named

after the mathematical treatise of the great Indian mathematician Bhaskaracharya, the award
carries a cash prize of Rs.10 lakh and a citation and will be presented by the International

Congress of Mathematicians (ICM). 

 Former Foreign Secretary, Shyam Saran, was sent by India as special envoy to Nepal with a

mandate to engage all political parties, including the Maoists, and help build a consensus on

the formation of a government. 

 K.M. Mathew (93), Chief Editor of the Malayalam newspaper Malayala Manorama, passed

away. Mr. Mathew started off as a rubber planter in Chickmagalur in Karnataka. He joined the

family-owned Malayala Manorama in 1954 as its General Manager under his elder brother

K.M. Cherian and later became the Chief Editor of the newspaper. Mr. Mathew was honored

with the Padma Bhushan in 1998.

.:: July 2010 Persons ::.

 The Parliamentary Standing Committee on Rural Development heading by Sumitra

Mahajan while approving the Constitution (110thAmendment) Bill, 2009, submitted its

report in both Houses of Parliament. The Bill is aimed at enhancing reservation of seats for

women to 50 per cent of total number of offices in the Panchayats. 

 President Pratibha Patil appointed Election Commissioner (EC) Shahabuddin Yaqoob

Quraishi as the next Chief Election Commissioner (CEC). 

 Gururaj ‘Desh' Deshpande, entrepreneur, philanthropist and Chairman of Tejas Networks,

USA, had been appointed Co-Chairman of the U.S. National Advisory Council on Innovation

and Entrepreneurship (NACIE) by the Obama administration. 

 Milon Kumar Banerjee(80), the former Attorney-General of India, passed away. Mr.

Banerjee, as Attorney-General, had the rare honour of being called upon to address the

Parliament regarding the powers of the Election Commission on August 5, 1993, a request

that had not been made to the Attorney-General for decades, and the Padma Awards case,

where he argued before the Supreme Court that these awards were not titles and as such

were not violative of Article 18 of the Constitution. 

 The Union Ministry of Home Affairs (MHA) appointed D.R.S. Chaudhary, Additional Secretary,

IAS officer of the Madhya Pradesh as its official spokesperson. 

 Noted academician Gita Gopinath has been named professor of economics at the prestigious

Harvard University, becoming the first Indian-origin woman professor in the institution's

 Indian cricket captain Mahendra Singh Dhoni has signed a marketing deal with an Indian

sports management company Rhiti worth $42 million over two years. The deal, the richest in

Indian cricket history, surpasses batting superstar Sachin Tendulkar's $40million three-year

contract with sports management firm Iconix in 2006. 

 The 22-year-old Patna-born Tathagat Avtar Tulsi is all set to become the country's youngest

faculty at the prestigious Indian Institute of Technology (IIT) Powai in Mumbai. In 2003,Tulsi

was named as one of the world's “seven most gifted youngsters” by Time magazine. 
 Lieutenant General Chander Prakash has been appointed the Force Commander for the U.N.

peacekeeping force in the Democratic Republic of Congo (MONUSCO) by United Nations chief

Ban Ki-moon. 
 The U.S. government had appointed Preeta D. Bansal to serve as the Vice-Chair of the

Council of the Administrative Conference of the U.S. (ACUS). 

 Indian-American, Nisha Desai Biswal has been nominated by the U.S government to the

post of Assistant Administrator for Asia in the United States Agency for International
Development (USAID).

.:: June 2010 Persons ::.

 Veteran Constitutional expert and noted advocate B. M. Masani passed away in Mumbai.

 P. Obul Reddy, industrialist, philanthropist and patron of the arts, passed away. He was one

of the first industrialists from the South to enter into the television business, was the

proprietor of the firm that sold the popular Dyanora TV sets. He was also the former

managing director and founder of Nippo Batteries. 

 One of the towering figures of Indian wrestling, Chandgi Ram, passed away. He was an

Asian Games gold medallist in 1970. 

 According to Defence Ministry, Sachin Tendulkar will be conferred with the honorary rank

of Group Captain of the Indian Air Force. 

 Ratan Tata, Chairman of the Tata Group of Companies has been honoured with Doctor of

Law by the University of Cambridge in recognition of his business achievements and

philanthropic work. 
 A.K. Antony became the first Defence Minister to land on the Advanced Landing Ground

(ALG) of Nyoma in the Ladakh region of Jammu and Kashmir.The ALG, activated in

September,2009 for fixed-wing aircraft, is 23 km from the Line of Actual Control and close to

the Sino-Indian border. 

 International law expert Kishore Singh has been nominated as the U.N. Special Rapporteur

on the Right to Education. 

 Yogendra Pratap Singh has been appointed the first Ambassador to the Republic of Niger. 

 Woman Justice Rekha Manharlal Doshit was appointed as the Chief Justice of the Patna

High Court by President Pratibha Patil. 

 As part of Election Commission's ongoing diamond jubilee celebrations, 93-year-oldShyam

Saran of Kalpa village of Kinnaur district (Himachal Pradesh), one of the first few voters of

Independent India, was honoured by Chief Election Commissioner Navin Chawla. 

 Naoto Kan was elected Japan's Prime Minister by the House of Representatives and the

House of Councillors of Japan separately. 

 The government of India announced the appointment of the former Chief Justice of

India,Justice K.G. Balakrishnan, as the sixth chairperson of the National Human Rights

Commission (NHRC). 
 Japan's Prime Minister Yukio Hatoyama from the ruling Democratic Party of Japan (DPJ)

resigned citing his failure to stay attuned to the people's wishes.

.:: May 2010 Persons ::.

 Germany's President Horst Koehler resigned after criticism of comments he made about the

country's mission in Afghanistan. 

 S. Ramakrishnan, Director (Projects), Vikram Sarabhai Space Centre, Thiruvananthapuram,

has been appointed Director of Liquid Propulsion Systems Centre (LPSC) of the Indian Space

Research Organisation (ISRO). 

 Person of Indian Origin Dolar Amarshi Popat has been nominated by U.K Prime Minister

David Cameron to the House of Lords. 

 The U.S government appointed Indian-American Kshemendra Paul to a key IT position,

making him head of the Programme Manager for the Information Sharing Environment (PM-

ISE) agency that facilitates the sharing and access of terrorism-related information within

various wings of the U.S. government. 

 Neeraj Patil, a leading NRI doctor, has been elected Mayor of the Borough of Lambeth in

 The 13-year-old Jordan Romero became the youngest climber of the tallest mountain in the

world,Mount Everest. 
 Film personality Tapen Chattopadhyay(72), famous for his role as Goopi in Satyajit Ray's

classic Goopi Gayen Bagha Bayen (Goopi the singer Bagha the drummer), died of chronic

pulmonary ailment in Kolkata. 

 Commander Dilip Donde became the first Indian to circumnavigate the world solo in the

boat INSV (Indian Naval Sailing Vessel) Mhadei, covering about 21,600 nautical miles (38,880

km) under sail. 

 India-born Scot John Shepherd-Barron(84), inventor of the Automated Teller Machine

(ATM), died after a short illness in London. 

 Ratan Kumar Sinha, who is closely associated with the design and development of the

country's first thorium-based Advanced Heavy Water Reactor, will be the new director of the

Bhabha Atomic Research Centre (BARC). 

 The former Vice-President and three-time Chief Minister of Rajasthan in the past, Bhairon

Singh Shekhawat died in Jaipur following cardiac arrest. 

 Justice Sarosh Homi Kapadia, the senior most judge of the Supreme Court, was sworn in as

the 38th Chief Justice of India. 

 The Centre decided to appoint Shantha Sinha as chairperson of the National Commission for

Protection of Child Rights (NCPCR) for the second term.

 Veteran actor Mac Mohan(71) who was part of blockbusters like Sholay, Zanjeer, Don,

Majboor died of cancer .

 Shabana Mahmood, the Labour candidate for Birmingham Ladywood, in central England,

and Yasmin Qureshi, Labour candidate for Bolton South East, in the north-west, became

Britain's first women Muslim MPs.

 The former Union Law Minister, Ram Jethmalani, was elected president of the Supreme

Court Bar Association.

 Goodluck Jonathan was sworn in as the President of Nigeria, hours after the death of

incumbent Umaru Yar'Adua.

 Dr. Shah Faesal became the first from Kashmir to top the civil services examination 2009

conducted by the Union Public Service Commission.

 Indian-origin professor Nitin Nohria has been appointed as the 10th Dean of the Harvard

Business School (HBS) making him the first member from the community to occupy the post.
 Indian scientist Goverdhan Mehta has been selected to be part of the 12-member committee

to review the procedures of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC).

 U.N. Secretary-general Ban Ki-moon has appointed Atul Khare of India as Assistant

Secretary-General for Peacekeeping Operations.

.:: April 2010 Persons ::.

 Major General C.S. Nair is appointed as the 14th Judge Advocate General (JAG) of the

 President Pratibha Patil has appointed senior-most judge of the Supreme Court Justice

Sarosh Homi Kapadia the 38th Chief Justice of India (CJI). He will replace Justice K.G.

Balakrishnan, who retires on May 11.Justice Kapadia will be the first CJI born after

 Oh Eun-sun (44), a South Korean mountaineer became the first woman to scale the world's

14 highest mountains.
 Madhuri Gupta, a junior diplomat in the Indian High Commission in Islamabad has been

arrested by the special cell of the Delhi police on the charge of leaking sensitive national

secrets to Pakistani intelligence agencies.

 Rajasthan Governor Prabha Rau died in Delhi following a heart attack.

 John Wakefield(95), fondly known as ‘Papa,'the torchbearer of Karnataka's first eco-tourism

project — the Kabini River Lodge on the banks of the Kabini at Karapur in Mysore district,

passed away.
 An ethnic Indian P.Kamalanathan won a prestigious parliamentary by-election for the Hulu

Selangor seat in Malaysia.

 President Pratibha Patil cleared the appointment of Chief Justice of the Jharkhand High Court
Gyan Sudha Misra as Supreme Court judge. The President has also cleared the appointment of

Chief Justices of the Madras and Bombay High Courts H.L. Gokhale and Anil Ramesh Dave as

judges of the Supreme Court.

 Juan Antonio Samaranch(89), giant of the Olympic movement heading the IOC from 1896 to

1925,died in Barcelona(Spain).
 IT industry body National Association of Software and Services Companies (NASSCOM)

announced that Harsh Manglik will take over as the Chairman of its Executive Council for

2010-11, effective from April 20. Mr. Manglik, replaces Pramod Bhasin.
 Activist Dorothy Height, described by President Obama as the “the godmother of the civil

rights movement” passed away at the age of 98 years. Ms. Height, a pioneer of the 1960s

movement, had joined historic marches with Martin Luther King Jr. and led the National

Council of Negro Women for 40 years

 Mukul Sangma was sworn in Chief Minister of Meghalaya. Dr. Sangma replaces D.D. Lapang,

who resigned as Chief Minister, bringing the curtains down on nearly month-long dissidence in

the Congress. Twenty-one of the 28 Congress legislators had demanded his removal.
 Vijay Gandhi was sworn in Magistrate Judge for the District Court of the Central District of

California (U.S). Mr. Gandhi is the first Indian-American federal judge in California and only

the second ever Indian-American federal judge in the history of the United States. The first

was Judge Amul Thapar, who was appointed to the U.S. District Court of the Eastern District

of Kentucky on December 13, 2007.

 Coimbatore Krishnarao Prahalad, 68, Distinguished Professor in the Ross School of Business at

the University of Michigan, and a world authority on management thought, passed away in

San Diego after a brief illness. He was known for his work specialising in corporate strategy

focusing on top management in large, diversified, multinational corporations. 

 Sri Lankan cricketer Sanath Jayasuriya made his debut as a lawmaker, with a runaway

victory from a parliamentary constituency in Matara district in the south. Jayasuriya won on

the ticket of the ruling United People's Freedom Party alliance of the President Mahinda

 President Pratibha Patil has nominated M. Natarajan, former Scientific Advisor to the

Defence Minister, as Chairman, Board of Governors of the Indian Institute of Technology -

Mandi, Himachal Pradesh.

 The former Director-General of the Border Security Force (BSF), E. N. Rammohan, was

appointed by the Central government to probe the circumstances leading to the massacre of

76 CRPF personnel in Dantewada district of Chhattisgarh.

 Eminent Telugu storywriter and Sahitya Academy winner, Bhamidipati
Ramagopalam(78) passed away in visakhapatnam.
 Chandigarh-born Srinija Srinivasan (40), one of the three co-founders of Yahoo! was

appointed as a member of the White House Commission on Presidential Scholars by the U.S

President Barack Obama.

 Ramana Murthy has been appointed as Chairman of A P State Cultural Council.

 ~Famous mountaineer of Nepal, Apa Sherpa, who broke his own world record by climbing

the Everest 19th time last year, is all set to climb Mt Everest again on April 6th for his 20th

 Henry Edward Roberts, a developer of an early personal computer that inspired Bill Gates

to found Microsoft, died in Georgia. He was 68.

 General Vijay Kumar Singh took charge as the Chief of Army Staff from General Deepak

Kapoor, who retired from service.

 The 13-year-old Jordan Romero, the teenager from Big Bear, California will attempt to reach

the summit of Mount Everest. If he succeeds, will be the youngest person ever to stand on top

of the world's highest peak. 

 Solicitor general Gopal Subramaniam was elected as chairperson of Bar Council of India

 President Pratibha Patil had appointed Justice Barin Ghosh as Chief Justice of the Sikkim

High Court. 

.:: March 2010 Persons ::.

 The government of India appointed Congress President Sonia Gandhi chairperson of

theNational Advisory Council (NAC). The NAC was set up after the UPA came to power in

2004 as an interface with civil society on implementation of the government's National

Common Minimum Programme (NCMP), including the National Rural Employment Guarantee

Act and the Forests Right Act. 

 Eminent Bhoodan leader Biswanath Patnaik, 94, a close associate of Vinoba Bhave, and was

popularly known as the “Koraputia Gandhi” passed away at Baliguda in Orissa's Kandhamal


 A commemorative stamp on former Chief Minister Y. S. Rajasekhara Reddy is being

issued by the Postal Department on September 2 to coincide with his first death anniversary. 

 Chennai-born Shankar Balasubramanian of Cambridge University has been named

Innovator of the Year by the Biotechnology and Biological Sciences Research Council (BBSRC),
Britain's leading agency for academic research and training in non-clinical life sciences. 

 The Supreme Court collegium, headed by Chief Justice K.G. Balakrishnan, has recommended

the elevation of Chief Justice of the Jharkhand High Court Gyan Sudha Misra as a Supreme

Court Judge. Justice Misra, who hails from Bihar will be the fourth woman judge of the

Supreme Court, after Fatima Beevi, Sujata Manohar, and Ruma Paul, who retired in June


 The 31-year-old Tejdeep Singh Rattan became the first Sikh in a generation who had

continued wearing a traditional turban and yet joined the United States Military, a feat not

achieved since 1981. 

 Kanu Sanyal, one of the architects of the naxalite movement and who, in more recent times,

was critical of the Maoists, was found dead at his residence in the Naxalbari area of West

Bengal's Darjeeling district. 

 C.V. Midhun, a second semester B.Sc. Physics student of the Majlis Arts and Science College

at Puramannur in Valanchery, Kerala ,who had disputed the famous black hole theory of noted

scientist Stephen Hawking, has become part of the Large Hadron Collider (LHC) experiment.

The LHC, a gigantic instrument placed near Geneva, is studying the impact of particle


 The Centre has appointed Justice P. Venkatarama Reddy, a retired judge of the Supreme

Court as chairperson of the 19th Law Commission, which will have tenure up to August

31, 2012. 

 Girija Prasad Koirala(86), the Nepali Congress president, who served as Prime Minister four

times and as head of state once, passed away. Koirala, popularly known as Girija babu, was

considered a ‘national guardian.'

 Former Deputy Chief Minister and Veteran Dalit leader Koneru Ranga Rao (74) died after

prolonged illness. Rao held various port folios, including housing and social welfare in the

congress governments that were in power from 1978-88 and 1989-94 and went on to become

the Deputy Chief Minister in Kotla Vijaya Bhaskar Reddy cabinet. 

 Noted Marathi poet and Jnanpith award winner, Govind Vinayak Karandikar(91) - known by

his literary name Vinda, passed away in Mumbai. 

 Senior journalist T. Surender has been selected as the new Chairman of Press Academy of

Andhra Pradesh (PAAP). 

 Iron Sharmila, who has been on a fast - onto - death since November 4, 2000 demanding

the repeal of the Armed Forces (Special Powers) Act, 1958 (AFSPA) in Manipur, was

rearrested, as she continued her fast despite being released by the court. 

 Eminent industrialist G.P. Birla (87) passed away. Son of B.M. Birla, who had helped to set

up units such as Orient Paper and Industries, Hyderabad Industries and Nigeria Engineering

Works. He was also involved in setting up the Birla Institute of Technology in Ranchi, Birla

Science and Technological Museum and Birla Archaeological and Cultural Research Institute.

.:: February 2010 Persons ::.

 M.F. Hussain, India's most celebrated artist has been conferred Qatar nationality.

 Justice Nisar Ahmed Kakru was sworn in Chief Justice of the Andhra Pradesh High court by

Governor E.S.L. Narasimhan.

 Indian - Origin lawyer Rashad Hussain will be U.S.’ new special envoy to the organisation of

the Islamic Conference (OIC).

 International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) 35 - member board of governors elected

Malaysian envoy Muhammad Shahrul Ikram Yaakob by consensus as its new chairman.

 Deputy Chairman of Planning Commission Montek Singh Ahluwalia will represent India in a

high level panel to be set up by UN Secretary General Ban ki - Moon on financing climate

change action globally. The panel will be co - chaired by British PM Gordon Brown and

Ethopian PM meles Zenawi.

 K.N.Raj, widely respected development economist, who was the economic adviser to Prime

Ministers from Jawaharlal Nehru to P.V.Narasimha Rao and one of the architects of the Indian

plan edifice, passed away. He was 85.

 Lawra Chinchilla became Costa Rica's first woman president

 Indian - American Pulitzer Prize - winning author Jhumpa Lahiri has been appointed as a

member of U.S. President Barak Obama's Committee on the Arts and Humanities, along with

five others.
 Nepal’s first Vice-President appointee Paramananda Jha, whose post has been inactive for

the last five months over an oath-taking controversy, sworn in a second time.
 For the first time, an India-born businessman Vim Kochhar (73) has been nominated to the

Canadian Senate by Prime Minister Stephen Harper.

.:: January 2010 Persons ::.

 President Pratibha Patel presented the Ashok Chakra to

1. Major Rishima Sharma, wife of Major Mohit Sharma (Posthumous).

2. MS Beeta, Wife of havildar Rajesh Kumar (Posthumous)

3. Major D. Sreeram Kumar of 39 Assam Rifles.

 Six Padma Vibhushans, 43 Padma Bhushans and 81 Padma Shris are being awarded for

the year 2010. The following are some of the names of the people chosen for the Padma


Padma Vibhushan 

Ebrahim Alkazi (Art), Umayalpuram K. Sivaraman (Art), Zohra Segal (Art), Yaga Venugopal

Reddy (Public Affairs), Dr. Venkatraman Ramakrishnan (Science and Engineering), Prathap

Chandra Reddy (Trade and Industry)

Padma Bhushan

Ilaiyaraaja (Art), Aamir Khan (Art), Fareed Zakaria (Journalism), Mallika Sarabhai (Art), Prof.

(Dr.) Nookala Chinna Satyanarayana (Art), Prof. Bipan Chandra (Literature and Education),

S.P. Oswal etc.

Padma Shri

Resul Pokutty (Art), Rekha (Art), Deep Joshi (Social Work), Saina Nehwal (Sports), Vijender

Singh (Sports), Virendra Sehwag (Sports), Ram Narain Karthikeyan (Sports) etc.
 According to defence ministry announcement, lieutenant General V.K.Singh will replace the

current chief of the Army Staff, General Deepak Kapoor, who retires from service on March

31, 2010.
 Jyoti Basu, Veteran Marxist leader, who set a record as the nation's longest serving chief

minister and one of the tallest figures in the country's political life, died of septicemia due to

pneumonia that led to multi-organ failure. He was 95 and is survived by his son and three

grand children.
 An Iraqi court sentensed Ali Hassan al-Majeed, the Saddam Hussain henchman widely

known as "Chemical Ali" to death by hanging for a 1988 gas attack that killed about 5,000

 Fitness trainer Dinaz Vervatwala enters Guinness book of world records for completing 26-

hour-long aerobics marathon.

 President Pratibha patil has approved the Sarvottham Jeevan Raksha Padak for Jammu
gril Rukhsana Kosser, who killed one of the L.E.T terrorist and injuring another in Kalsian

village about 217 km from Jammu on the night of Sep 27, 2009.
 Lok Sabha Speaker Meira Kumar has appointed Gopinath Munde as chairman of the Public

Accounts Committee.

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