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Cruz 1

Hugo Cruz

EELB 532

Professor Dwyer

April 19, 2018

Reading Reflection #3
Cruz 2

Chapter 2: Science Education Today

The nature of science refers to the way science is done and the products that result.

Science has several unique characteristics that relate to the nature of science which are: 1.

Science rejects authority and authoritarianism, 2. Science is honest, 3. Science rejects

supernatural explanations, 4. Science is skeptical, 5. Science is parsimonious, and 6. Science

seeks consistency. The nature of science comes in until students actually do activities and

observe the concepts for themselves. There are many scientific theories and laws that are

developed to explain concepts or other observed regularities.

The "In The School" examples showed different activities that teachers can do with

their students to demonstrate different concepts. The activity I liked was "Discovering

Facts about Soil" because it was simple and easy to perform. The teacher just brought in

soil form his or her backyard and placed it on paper plates The students were to study the

soil using their fingers, magnifying glasses, or pencils. They then classified the materials in

the dirt and had a discussion. The students learned the basic fact about soil, that it is

composed of different materials. This was a simple and easy to do activity that engages

students to think about science concepts.

The goals of elementary science education are to promote science in a way scientist

do science. One popular trend of interdisciplinary science is STEM because it teaches

different concepts about science in one. It is also important for teachers to have learning

goals that are connected to the Next generation science standards. Also, to always

remember that science is for all students and is an active process.

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