Order of Service June 10 2018

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Service Leader: This is our sacred time and space.

Congregation: We gather in community

All: to renew our spirits, to explore the mystery, and to share
our joys and sorrows.
Service Leader: With you I find strength.
Congregation: Together we become bound by love and
Service Leader: With me you can share your deepest self.
Congregation: Together we learn to understand and to
forgive. Unitarian Universalist
Service Leader: We share triumphs
Congregation: and they inspire.
Service Leader: We share failures
Congregation: and we share our human nature.
Service Leader: We share joy
of Otero County
Congregation: and it multiplies.
Service Leader: We share sorrow June 10, 2018
Congregation:: and it begins to lessen.

(Please come forward to share whatever joys or sorrows, of a

personal nature, you wish to share with us this morning.)

Service Leader: We light this candle for the unspoken joys

and sorrows among us. May these lights remind us of the
meaning of community and the mission of this congregation.

A Welcoming Congregation
Order of Service Today’s Program
-“The Spirit of Song: A Dreamers’ Summer
By Blaine Proctor

Hymn: “We Would Be One” #318

Opening Hymn: “Morning Has Broken” #38
Responsive Reading – #547
Opening Words – #419
Hymn: “We’ll Build A Land” #121
Welcome and Introductions
Closing Words #706
Chalice Lighting – #421
Closing Hymn: “Be Ye Lamps Unto Yourselves #184
Mission Statement
-Inside Cover of Hymnal Extinguishing the Chalice #456
Joys and Concerns Closing Circle
-On Back of Order of Service -“Carry the Flame of Peace and Love Until We
Meet Again.” x 2
Story For All Ages
– “How Coyote Lost His Songs, Music, and Dance” Discussion
Hymn: “My Life Flows On In Endless Song” #108 Lunch Decision

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