Speaking & Writing

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Los exámenes TOEIC® Speaking and Writing si se toman juntos tienen una
duración de 1 hora y media (20 minutos de Speaking, 11 puntos y 60 minutos de
Writing, 8 puntos). Estos exámenes son Web based, en frente de un computador.

SPEAKING TEST (20 minutos)

Puntos 1- 2: Lea un texto en voz alta

Puntos 4-6: Responda las preguntas

Puntos 7-9: Responda las preguntas usando la información dada.

Punto 10: Proponga una solución.

Punto 11: Proponga una solución.

WRITING TEST (60 minutos)

Puntos 1- 5: Escriba una frase basada en una foto

Puntos 6-7: Responda a una petición escrita

Puntos 8: Escriba un ensayo dando su opinión.

Read a Text Aloud

If you’re shopping, sightseeing, and running around every minute, your vacation can
seem like hard work. To avoid vacation stress, come to the Blue Valley Inn on
beautiful Lake Mead. While staying at our inn, you’ll breathe clean country air as you
view spectacular sights. With its spacious rooms, swimming pool, and many outdoor
activities, the inn is the perfect place for a vacation you won’t forget. The Blue Valley
Inn prides itself on the personal attention it provides for every guest. The Blue Valley
motto has always been “A happy guest is our greatest treasure.”

QUESTION 1: Pronunciation

QUESTION 2: Intonation and stress

Describe a Picture

In that picture I can see that is a traditional market which the people can choose their
products, probabley fruits and vegetables also I will determinate that most of them
ae women’s.
Respond to Questions

Imagine that a Canadian marketing firm is doing research in your country. You have
agreed to participate in a telephone interview about television viewing.

Question 4: How often do you watch television?

Answer: Normally, 4 or 5 twices per week.

Question 5: What kinds of programmes do you usually watch?

Answer: Tv shows like friends and the big bang theory ,or What Not to Wear and,

cooking programs.

Question 6: Describe your favourite television programme.

Answer: my favorite television programme is about two brother’s that rebuild houses
for homeless and people that need their help.
Respond to Questions Using Information Provided

Question 7: Could you tell me what time the conference starts and how long it will

ANSWER : Of course, conference starts at 9 am and finish at 4pm , so conferences

will take 7 hours.

Question 8: How much does the conference attendance cost?

ANSWER: We have two prices, individual 95 dollars or if u are member of the

business information center you only have to pay 75 dollars.

Question 9: I may not be available for the full day. Could you give me information
about the activities in the morning, before lunchtime?

ANSWER: Sure, if you are not avaliable to attend full day you can assist to the
morning activities, before lucnh we have to conferences , first at 9 am you can asstit
to “ financing your business conference ” and at 11am you can choose between “how
to promote your own business” or “ planning for profits”.
Propose a Solution


 Show that you recognise the problem.

 Propose a way of dealing with the problem.


Hi, this is Marsha Syms. I’m calling about my bank card. I went to the bank machine
early this morning, you know—the ATM—because the bank was closed, so only the
machine was open. Anyway, I put my card in the machine and got my money out,
but then my card didn’t come out of the machine. I got my receipt and my money,
but then my bank card just didn’t come out. And I’m leaving for my vacation tonight
so I’m really going to need it. I had to get to work early this morning and couldn’t wait
around for the bank to open. Could you call me here at work and let me know how
to get my bank card back? I’m really busy today and really need you to call me soon.
I can’t go on vacation without my bank card. This is Marsha Syms at 555-1234.


Dear miss smith, sorry about the mistake with our bank machine and don't worry
about it ! , since this moment your card is blocked and your money is protected.

So i understand that you need your new card today , if you want i can send you a
quickly test to check your informations after review it the bank will send you a new
card bank to your office.

are you agree?

Write a Sentence Based on a Picture

The airport terminal is so organized

Respond to a Written Request

 The quality and variety of your sentences

 Vocabulary
 Organisation

From : Linda Sepulveda , a new Dale City resident.

To: Dale City Welcome Committee

Subjetc: Response to you last mail.

Sent: July 24,4:35 P.M

I want to start telling you that we come from Bogota City, we moved on to Dale City
because my husband was hired for a administrative job in a important Company
here in Dale City. As you know we are new here and i have some questions that in
my opinion are importan to resolve.

First, if i have a problema with the Street light or a neighbour , who can help us?,
second, how often the garbage truck throughs the neighbourhood? And finally
according to your experience, what is the best school near to the south zone?.

Again, thank you for all, i will be waiting for your Answer.

My best regard, Linda.

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