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Force, momentum, impulsive force, impulse,

Dirac delta function

Let P(t) and F(t) be a momentum
and force at time t respectively
It is know that dP (t )
= F (t )

Hence P (t ) − P (t ) =
2 1
F (t )dt

i.e., change of momentum from t2 to t1

= ∫ F (t )dt


Chew T S Ma1506-09 Dirac delta function 1

Recall Dirac delta function
δ (t ) = 0 If t≠0

∫−τ δ =

∫−∞ δ (t )dt = 1 (t )dt 1

for any small τ

δ(t) represents an impulsive force at t=0, i.e.,

a very large force (infinitely very large) exerted over
[-τ,τ], where τ is infinitesimally small such that
the change of momentum over [-τ,τ] is 1

Chew T S Ma1506-09 Dirac delta function 2

δ(t) is also called impulse of one unit at t=0
Impulse of P units at t=0 means P δ(t),
where P represents
momentum over a very short time
δ (t − t0 ) = impulsive force at t0 with momentum 1
Pδ (t − t0 ) = impulsive force at t0 with momentum P
Injection of drug
δ(t) can also be used to represent impulsive injection
with one unit of drug over a very short time
100 δ(t) represents impulsive injection of 100 units of
drug over a very short time
Chew T S Ma1506-09 Dirac delta function 3
How to imagine the graph of δ(t)
We can imagine the graph is infinitely tall
, infinitesimally narrow and the area under the graph
is 1

How to imagine δ(t-T)

Chew T S Ma1506-09 Dirac delta function 4
0 If t≠0,t≠T

δ(t)+δ(t-T)= δ(t) If t=0,t≠T

δ(t-T) If t≠0,t=T

How to imagine the graph of δ(t)+δ(t-T)

0 T

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How to imagine the graph of
∑ δ (t − kT )
k =−3

-3T -2T -T 0 T 2T 3T
Now we know how to imagine the graph of

∑ δ (t − kT )
k =−∞
So it is periodic with period T

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∑ δ (t − kT )
k =−∞
-T/2 T/2

-3T -2T -T 0 T 2T 3T

When –T/2<t<T/2,

∑ δ (t − kT ) = δ (t )
k =−∞

Chew T S Ma1506-09 Dirac delta function 7

Product of Continuous Functions and δ
The product of the delta function and a continuous function
f can be integrated, using the mean value theorem for
∞ ∞
∫ δ (t − t0 ) f (t )dt = lim ∫ dτ (t − t0 ) f (t )dt
−∞ τ →0 − ∞

1 t0 +τ
= lim ∫ f (t )dt
τ →0 2τ t 0 −τ

= lim [2τ f (t*)] ( where t0 − τ < t* < t0 + τ )

τ →0 2τ

= lim f (t*)
τ →0

= f (t0 )


Thus ∫−∞
δ (t − t0 ) f (t )dt =
f (t0 )

δ (t − t0 )sin tdt =
sin(t0 )

∫ −∞
δ (t − t0 ) cos tdt =
cos(t0 )

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