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1 Corinthians - Chapter 1 (Week 3) – Leader Guide

10ff: What was the local church struggling with?

1. The appeal (vs 10):

a. How: in the name of Jesus
b. What: Agree with one another (speak the same)
c. Why:
i. So that there are no divisions
1. Be of same mind
2. Be of same opinion
2. House of Chloe told him of the quarrels
3. The nature of the quarrel:
a. Following a person (Remember that issues of Unity, Sin and church practice were raised)
b. Baptism
i. Doesn’t matter who baptizes, but they were leveling their spiritual maturity on
ii. Not everyone is called to baptize, Paul’s mission was to preach the good news,
illuminate scripture and convert as many as possible in their understanding
4. The message is the Cross (good news)
a. It is a foolish message to men (vs 18) –
i. Preaching: vs. 23,24, 2:2, Rom 1:4,16
ii. Foolishness: vs 3:19 (example – Acts 17:18,32 Paul is a babbler) Vs 21 says God
uses the foolishness of preaching (not angels, signs, and wonders)
iii. God’s approach to man’s wisdom Vs 19-20 - see job 5:12,13, Is 19:3,11, Is 29:14,
jer 8:9
iv. Wisdom: In God is all the treasures of wisdom (Col 2:3) – c.f. Prov 8:1, 22-30
b. Type of people that hear the message: (vs 22) signs (emotion) and proof (intellect) – not
many of these type are called. (vs 23) – c.f. Mat 11:25,26 (for the called, c.f. Rom 8:28-
c. Vs 28: c.f. Rom 4:17 – God’s order does not match man’s logic. The template is different
d. Vs 30: c.f. Eph 2:8, 9
5. In Christ: (vs 30) c.f. John 15:1-6
a. Wisdom:
i. Prov 2:6 Wisdom is a gift of God, knowledge and understanding are learned.
ii. James 1:5 – Wisdom, gift of God
b. Righteousness:
i. Isaiah 54:17 – Heritage of the Lord
ii. Jer 23:5,6 – The Lord our righteousness (Yhwh tsidqenuw)
iii. Rom 3:21-24 – Righteousness of God comes through faith (Phil 3:9)
iv. 2 Cor 5:21 – we are made the righteousness of God in Christ
c. Sanctification:
i. John 17:17 – sanctified by truth (c.f. eph 5:26)
d. Redemption:
i. Redemption of the soul – 1 Pet 1:18,19
ii. Redemption of the body – Rom 8:23
iii. Redemption from the world – Gal 1:4
iv. Redemption from sin – Tit 2:14
6. Glory in the Lord
a. Glory – lit. glory in a thing, to boast (differs from Doxia, glorify, magnify as in 1Cor 6:20)

Chapter 2

1. Vs 1-5 How Paul delivered the message

a. No Eloquence – excellent speech
b. No Wisdom
c. Knowing only Jesus and him crucified
d. Weakness – lit. weakness of body as in illness
e. Fear
f. Much trembling (word tramos, get trama from it)
g. Not with persuasive words of man’s wisdom
h. Demonstration of Spirit’s power (the person of the Godhead addressed many times in
this letter)
2. The message was the “martyrdom of God”
1 Corinthians - Chapter 1 (Week 3) – Handout
1. The appeal (vs 10):
a. How:
b. What:
c. Why:
2. House of Chloe told him of the quarrels
3. The nature of the quarrel:
4. The message is the Cross (good news)
a. It is a foolish message to men (vs 18) –
i. vs. 23,24, 2:2, Rom 1:4,16

ii. vs 3:19 (example – Acts 17:18,32)

iii. Vs 19-20 - see job 5:12,13, Is 19:3,11, Is 29:14, jer 8:9

iv. Col 2:3) – c.f. Prov 8:1, 22-30

b. Type of people that hear the message: (vs 22- 23) – c.f. Mat 11:25,26 Rom 8:28-

c. Vs 28: c.f. Rom 4:17

d. Vs 30: c.f. Eph 2:8, 9

5. In Christ: (vs 30) c.f. John 15:1-6
i. Prov 2:6
ii. James 1:5

i. Isaiah 54:17

ii. Jer 23:5,6

iii. Rom 3:21-24

iv. 2 Cor 5:21

i. John 17:17 (c.f. eph 5:26)
i. 1 Pet 1:18,19
ii. Rom 8:23

iii. Gal 1:4

iv. Tit 2:14

6. Glory in the Lord

a. 1Cor 6:20

Chapter 2

3. Vs 1-5 How Paul delivered the message


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