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Lee ayia = Eee Styring ST nL oo TB CAMBRIDGE UNIVERSITY PRESS eens) sos Acad SFT Sstyring ED Tims i) Series race fannette Cape bt eS 1 Creative minds 2 Addicted to fashion Culture Fashion design 3 Allin the mind 4 Take a deep breath Biology The heart Review 1 5 Pastimes 6 Strong emotions Culture Colours around the world 7 Telling stories 8 A great place to live Literature Poetry Review 2 9 Being positive 10 Surprise! Culture World music 11 The family unit 12 Making a difference 1c Crowdsourcing Review 3 43 Leading the way 14 Getting there Culture Cultural highways 15 The bigger picture 16 New and improved! Geography Tourism Review 4 17 Making headlines 18 Start-up Culture Fair play 19 Points of view 20 Speak up Economics A school business Reviews Exam profiles Pairwork Word profiles Vocabulary list Grammar reference 10 14 18 24 28 30 32 36 40 42. 46 50 582 54 62 64 68 72 74 80 84 86 90 4 96 98 102 106 108 112 116 18 120 130 132 139 148 ‘VCreative ‘Onin, ftme, music, media, minds: 2.9. cast, soundtrack page 10 Addicted to —_Adestvo reposition fashion 2.9. aware of, loyal to. page 14 ‘Culture Fashion design page 18 QAI in the Abstract nouns, .g. creativity, mind inteligence page 20 QTake adeep Suess eg tel diz, ose your breath sppsto page 24 Biology The hear page 28 GPast times isons &g ancestors, mth age 32 @strong possi emotors, emotions 9.cheeri, furious age 36 ‘Cuture Colours around the word page 40 Telling stories Verbs of movement; sounds, pogede. 9. burst, whistle @Agreat place Community. indus, to live somote page 46 Literature Poory page 50 Being positive Collocations, e.g. have a go, oe See Surprise! Phrases with in, out of, at, by:, ore Fe ‘Culture Werte music page 62 a Four to watch: young, talented ‘and ceative Word protte not Tha big question? © Word protite paint Humans: The smartest species? Word profile smart Under pressure? Word protie conto! Review 1 Unis 1-4 page 90 ‘A.good nights sloop? © Word profile ake ‘When fear becomes phobia The Bruce-Parington Plans by Sir Arthur Conan Doyle © Word profile paint A.groal place to study © Word profile make view 2 Unite 5-8 page 52 Your futur ooks bright... or 08 1? ‘© Word profile hola Flash mob fun? ‘Simple, comouous or perfect Present perfect (simple and ‘certinucus) ‘The grammar of phrasal orbs ‘Modals (1): Necessity and obigation Present and past habits beige! used io ‘Narrative tonses Future (1): Review Future (2): Continuous and perfect Modal (2): Modats inthe past Soret: (ier urn. t el bactkccroe Rass ‘Spelling ‘An essay (1) Reading and Use of Creative minds Organising says English par 7 iting part + Vert + preposition, 9. Listening The boy who wore askitio Speaking part 1 Fashion apologise for, cope with, school taugh at Speaking Interviews Introducing an opinion Vero --10nfritve, 09 An informal ator Reading and Usa of agresto do something, or mall English part 6 ‘cise someone to 00, Wiring pant 2 ‘something Phiasal verbs: Health, Listening Talking about stress Fading and Use of 129.cut down an, get over ‘Spesking Ofering help English part 4 stoning part 3 Expressing frequency, Anaticle (1) Reading and Use of 29 from time to te, English part 2 rarely Writing part 2 ‘Adverbs: Type aid Listening Everyday situations Reading and Use of positon © Word profile ting English part 1 Speaking Favourie things Ustening par Goneraising Time phrases, eg. before Astory Reading and Use ot Stories ong, inno me Engish parts ‘ating part 2 asf (as though Listening & new skate pare Reading and Useot Where weve ‘Speaking Comparing chotographs English part7 (Comparing and contrasting Listening part 2 Speaking part 2 ‘Adjective and noun, ‘An essay (2) Racing and Use of “sufixes (Comparing and English part 3 contasting ‘ting part + Extended meanings of Listening &racio phone-in Reading and Use o! Surprise! ‘words ‘Speaking Surprising nows English part 6 Expressing surprise Reading and Use of © Word profile expect English par 4 Listening part 4 eT CT GW The family Phrase verbs: Relatonstins, unit (89. count on, take afer Page 64 Making a Communication and otek, difference e..amuse, nope page 68 ICT Cromdoucing page 72 Pleading the _Lesdership and achievement, way 9. adventurous, stand out page 76 Weetting Phiasal verb, .9 break down, there ‘coc down page 80 ‘Cuttre Cultural hghys page 8 The bigger Global issues: Nouns and verbs, picture 2.g,eect, support age 86 @BNew and ——_Advorsng: Nouns and vers, improved! €.aimed at ogo page 90 Geography Tourism page 9¢ Making ‘The media 9, gossip about, headlines highigh the need for page 98 DStart-up ——_Thesnorld ot work, 9 fio working hows, i work shits ‘Culture Fair py page 106, WPoints of Opinions and belts, yew. £2 bear in min, arate deny aoe {© Word profile ming DSpeak up Idioms, e.g. break the ice, page 12 rss your mind Economies A school business page 116 ‘Who do you think you are? Word profile at Fandom acts of kindness Word profile as view 3 Unis 9-12 page 74 “Theao Dat Dash Word profile lead ‘Young, independent and on holicay! MYPs @ UKYP (UK Youth Parliament) (© Word profile key Guorrita markoting © Word protie no Review 4 Units 19-16 page 96 CGoule you be a citizen journalist? (© Word profile dato “The big decision © Word profile balance Explaining your brain “Toon-speak’~ We love it! (© Word profile standard view 5 Units 17-20 page 118 ‘The passive (1) Review causative “The passive (2}:Othor structures Reported spooeh Modis (3): Deduetion (Conditonas (2): Mixed Uses of verb + ing ‘Subject-vetb agreement Detorminers| Exam profiles 1-5 page 120 S | a ‘Compound adloctves, 2g.fong-alstance, wethbult Phrasal verbs with up, 18. keep up, speak up Reporting vers, 0g confess, insist Phrases with in, ‘8g ngenoral, in secret aver + adoctve colocation, 2. fenvironmenialy iendly, wwaltbatanced Phrasal ves, 29, bring up, leave out Wier pais, ‘eq. now and then, ‘so0ner or lter Plural nouns ‘Commenly confused words Pairwor page 180 ‘An aricle 2) ‘Varying sentonce siructure Listening The vialns inthe Underground ‘Speaking Discussing options Kooping taking A roviow (1) Listening Tavel problems. ‘Speaking Making decisions © Word protie broek An ossay 2) Linking words (1) Listening Advertsing ‘Speaking Exprossing opinions Areview @) ‘Language for Listening Unique Toes Speaking Agreeing and cisagreaing ‘An essay (4) Linking words (2) Listening Eight everyday situations ‘Speaking Taking urns and negotiating Word prot page 122 Vocabulary list page 169 Reading and Uso of English part 2 Wting part 2 Listening pant 2 Speaking par’ Reading and Use of Engish part 7 ‘wnting part 2 RRoaing and Uso of Engish part 4 Listening part 3 ting part + Reading and Use of English part 2 ‘Speaking part Speaking part 3 loading and Uso of Engish parts ‘wating part 2 Reading and Use of Engish part 5 Lstening par 4 Reading and Use of English par 6 \Wrting part 1 Listening part 4 Families Taveling The big plete The news obs Grammar reference page 148 Orne ce er Cearnjaboutithe,featureslinyournew,StudentsiBook Tey Gait Give your opinion on the topic in the text @agepchelagg Take the grammar challenge and learn from common mistakes Learn useful tips to help you plan and check your writing WenPEEEM Start each unit by talking about you, your life and the unit topic ————== Word grail Focus on the different meanings of important words ‘and phrases Easy to find exam tasks {ED Watch interviews with teenagers like you Learn useful words and phrases for effective communication Gx GAMD Read useful tips, practise techniques, then try a taster exam task eens erry ee WBEED Watch teenagers doing speaking tasks in an exam situation Look through your book and do the quiz with your partner. Q_Whatis the topic of Unit 4? Inwhich unit can you fin a pieture ofthe footballer, Gareth Bale? © In which unit can you find a photo ofthe British parliament busing? @ On which page can you find out how to lok ater your heart? G Can you find a famous Colombian singer? Who is she? What page is she on? VOCABULARY Online, films, music, media 2 Discuss the quiz questions. A: Have you got a website, or blog, or do you record a podcast? B: I've got a blog. tts about computer games, But ve never recorded a podcast. 3 Match the creative jobs tothe definitions. 1 Read the quiz and note down your answers. crite director editor novelist TV presenter ‘Check the meaning of the words, Someone who £1 reviews things and shares their opinion about them. 2 corrects and changes text in a book 3 ‘ells the actors in a fim or play what to do. ! 4 writes fictional books, 5 1. Have you got a website, or blog, or introduces a show. do you record a podcast? 4 © 11.2 You wit hear tive people talking about their 2 How often do you past comms on vette joa ah ech eee eee 3. Have you ever reviewed a movie or TV show online? 5 © 1.02 Listen again and make notes about each 4 Which actor plays your favourite flm or TV job. Then discuss the questions below. character? 1 Which job do you think is the easiesthardest? Wy? 5 Can you remember a good seene from a film you've seen recenty? 6 Does your favoute fim have an allstar east or unknown actors? READING 77 Have you ever Bove the soundtrack toa movie or TV series? 1 Read the questions. Then read text A about a 8 Doyou think you have a good singing voice? talented young person. Which two questions 9. Have you ever eamposed or written a piece rolato to text A? of music yoursell? Which person 1o you ever learn the yes to songs that 1+ was inspired by a famous book? wit onbona 2 discovered a talent ater watching afm? 11 Have you ever formed a band? What 3 took up a new hobby in order todo something well? MeN BS yOATDLAY? 4 used a video website to enter a competition? 5 provided information about thir private lite that 12 Do you read modern bestsellers, or do you pete esp weer heen > was confident that their work would be taken What's your favourite series of books? ae Ace there film versions of any books tails aes has bee AGE Ino Gh you lke? their idea? benefited from a highly unusual form of education? 2 Which job do you think is the most interesting? Why? 2 @ Read the whole article. For the remaining questions in exercise 1, choose from the people {B-D).The people may be chosen more than once. ‘3 Complete the sentences with the highlighted words in the texts, 1 Tho Olympics is a chance to see many athletes at the of their career, 2 Lucy is ‘she can sing, but her voice is awful 3 They ‘competition fo dosign their website, 4 Do people like Emerson and Nancy give you the to get creative? Mark has the tobe a great singer, My day-to-day work's not half as exciting as people think She wasnt quite good enough te win the show. have to be up at four, YOUNG, TALENTED AND CREATIVE LY Jackie EvANcHo tewas white watching the musical version cof Phantom of the Opera on TV that Jackie Evancho found her passion for music. She started singing the songs around her home and revealed a surprisingly mature singing voice Jacke started entering local singing contests and after seeing the reaction of audiences, her parents realised her potential From there, Jackie's life changed dramatically. Her mum started uploading Jackie's performances to the web to share with her ever-increasing numbers of fans. Jackie used the clips to enter an ausition for the TV show, America’s Got Talent and won a place on the show! Although she wasn't quite good enough to win the show — she finished in second place ~it was an incredible achievement. Since the show, she's worked as a professional singer. She's released several albums, toured the US and even | starred in a Hollywood thriller, © Nancy Y1 FAN wnen nancy vi Fan moved to the Us from china, aged seven, she spoke hardly any English. She learned by reading clasis, she says. It took her two years to write her first novel, Swordbird. When she had finished it, she emeiled a copy to several leading publishers in the US. Without an agent, book proposals ae rarely read but Nancy believed in her ability to succeed, And she did ~a yeer later, at the age of 12, she vas @ published novelist with a bestseller. Now, Nancy has not only completed al three books in the Swordbird series, but aso translated them into Chinese herself. The inpIBHIGN for Nancy's series came from a dream and her love of birds. The story is about a world full of birds, at war over a lack of food, Nancy even trained in martial arts in order to write the fight scenes more accurately. EMERSON SPARTZ As child, Emerson Spartz read lot. Instead of having to help around the house, he and his brother were told to read biographies of successful people. At just 12, Emerson persuaded his parents to let him leave school and teach himself at home. Very few children of his age do ths, but it quickly proved successful for him While Emerson was reading the frst novel in the Harry Potter series, he came up withthe idea of Muggienet -a website and online forum for Potter fans. He launched the website hen he was stil just 12. Over the nest five years, Emerson and his parents watched in amazement as the website grew to receive, at its Beak. 50 milion visits every month, Emerson even wrote a book for fans on the famous wizard. Now Emerson i tunning his ‘own company, Spartz Media. The company owns over 20 popular websites especially aimed at young people. Tom CASSELL tom casselis an entrepreneur who has turned a hobby into a living. A massive fan of computer gaming, Tom had the idea of filming » ‘game and commenting on the action while he was playing, But lust as popular as \, “Tom's comments on the game itself, were the details he gave about what he was \, upto personally. At first, Tom's father wasn't cnvineed the project would be successful. However, when one video got 3,000 views ina day, he changed his mind. t took three years, but Tom’ online video channel now has millions of viewers. He travels widely, promoting his videos and is a well-known figure in \ the video-gaming world. For Tom, this is just the beginning. ‘ve got three \, ultimate goats in life ~ajob in the games industry to travel the world and \, «create my own house. I'm going to build my own dream gaming house Do you think people are naturally ‘reative, or can they learn to be creative? What otrer qualities do young ne people need in order to succeed? rot fo mention being in bed by eight the previous evening, J GRAMMAR _ Simple, continuous or perfect 4. Match the examples to the meanings. 4 Since the show she's worked as a professional singor 2 When she had finished i sho emailed @ copy to several leacing publishers inthe US. Now Emerson is running his own company. The company owns over 20 popolar websites. While Emerson was reading the frst nove He launched the webstewhon he was stil just twelve. {an action in progress in the present ‘an action in progress in the past €¢ an action that startod in the past and continues into the present da factor state in the present a single completed action in the past 1 a.past action which links back further in the past 2 Complete the rules with continuous, perfect or simple. We use the: present or past {or permanent states land for regular or completed actions, {or actions or states that present or past are in progress or unfinished. present or past for actions or states that ‘connect two time periods. > Grammar reference page 148 3 Choose the correct sentence or response. Can you explain your choices? 1. We didnt have time to speak to Jack for long. ‘a When we arrived, he had left 'b When we arrived, he was leaving, 2. | did nothing yesterday. | spent the entire day sleeping. bb I've spent the entire day sleeping 3. What are you up to at the moment? | often review fms ontine, 'b l'm reviewing a fim online. 4 I'm looking forward to the next book in the series. a | ead all the others. bb I've read all the others. 5 This actors often in police thrillers. Yes, he's playing els of characters like this. 'b Yes, he plays lots of characters like this. 4 Choose the correct verbs. COne day, while Kishan Shrikanth' travelled / was travelling ‘to school, he saw some young children seling newspapers. Ho asked his dad why children weren't at school. His dad ® explained /had explained that many ofthe children were probably homeless. This conversation inspired/has inspired Ki 2 film script and at the age of justten, Kishan ‘ directs / directed the film himself. to write a short story. The story was developed into i Kishan, whois known as Master Kishan in Inie,* was alteady/ thas already been an actor at the time, He® appeared/ ‘had appearedin over 20 fms and 1,000 episodes af Indian soap ‘operas. His fim about homeless children” made /had made Kishan the youngest fm director inthe world. Since directing his fist, Kishan has won /had won several awards for his work. When he doesn’t work/_ isn’t wrorking ona fm, he studies fim-making and special effects and ® dreams /is dreaming of winning an Oscar, ike his hero, the director Stoven Spielberg, VOCABULARY Spelling 1 Choose the correct spellings. 1 2 It quickly proved suecestul / suecesstul for him, ‘She revealed a suprisingly / surprisingly mature singing voice. Nancy believed / beleived in her abilly to succeed. ‘Although { Although she wasn't quite good enough to win the show, it was an incredible achievement, ‘The company owns over 20 popular websites especialy / expecially aimed at young people. 2 Match the types of spelling mistakes to the misspelled words in exercise 1. Write the correct spellings, eaoce single consonant instead of a double: successful wrong letter: letters in wrong order: missing letters): extra letter 3 Underline and correct the spelling mistakes. What type of spelling mistakes are they? | would prefer more of a choise in school subjects. ‘Nowadays i's rarely necesary to use public phones. | was bored from the beginning and couldet wait until it was over 4 We were delighted to recieve the award. ‘The government isnt doing enough about the enviroment | don't know wether that bed will be comfortable, WRITING An essay (1) 1 Discuss the questions. 1 What creative subjects do you do at school? 2 Do you spend as much time on creative subjects as academic subjects? 2 Read the task. What Is the essay question? In your English class you have been talking about different school subjects. Now your English teacher has asked you to write an essay. ite an essay using all the notes and giving reasons for your point of view, ‘Subjects such as drama and music are just as important as maths and languages. Do you agree? ‘Write about 1 which subjects are important in your country 2 what subjects are useful for a career 3 (your own idea) ‘3 Read the Prepare box and the jumbled paragraphs of the essay. Match the paragraphs to the plan. use four paragraphs to write an opinion essay statement or question. ph 1: an introduction, possibly a statement about the current situation ph 3: one or more contrasting arguments, ‘wth an example irom your own knowledge 0, TORBIRI, & clearty necessary for everyone to shidy academic subjects bit, at the same tine, creative subjects are often ignored. by schools. They deserve a more significant role in children’s education @ This is an interesting question which mary people held. strong opinions ateut. im most schools or my country, stidents have far more lessons in | Subjects like maths and languages than creative ‘whlects such as draia and music. RRO, | any students study no creative cubjects afer | the age of 15. @ However, others feel that without music and. drama, students may never get to express their creative sides. They might never discover their tavent for singing, playing musical instruments or | acting, Many of the highest academic achiovers. | have a creative side. RORIASRANEE, Einstein loved music as much as he loved. physics. © Mest reoperagree vise academic. subjects are Geportant, Almost everyone will need mathe and. foreign language stills in User future working Ue. (ATGRRUBSE, few people wil be Lucky or talented. enough to eam a living as a Professional musician or an actor 4 Which of the highlighted expressions In the essay introduces: {a general opinion? b an addtional idea? © adilferent idea? d an example? e the conclusion? 5 Read the task and answer the questions. In your English class, you have been talking about the role of education. Now your English teacher has asked you to write an essay, Write your essay using all the notes and giving reasons for your point of view. ‘Schools should teach practical skills, ‘such as managing money and applying for jobs, as well as academic subjects. Do you agree? Notes Write about 1. the importance of academic subjects 2 the diffculty of learning practical skis 3 (your own idea) 1 Do you agree or disagree with the statement? 2 What arguments support the statement? 3 What arguments are against the statement? 4 What are your conclusions? 6 @ write your essay. ‘+ Use your answers to the questions in exercise 5, * Organise your essay into the paragraph plan in the Prepare box. *+ Use the expressions in exercise 4. + Check your speling and grammar. Write 140-190 words, VOCABULARY Adjective + preposition 1 © 1.03 Read what four young people say about fashion, Match the sentence halves of the extracts Listen and check. 1 fm aware of what’ in fashion 2 Imeasity impressed by designer labels 3 I'm pretty adventurous with © my tasto in clothes, but 6 never wear fu. My favourite is Prada, © because | read biogs ike, 4 I'm addicted to clothes shopping, 5 Ido need to be cautious about spending 6 I'm absolutely hopeless at making «@ decisions about clothes, 1b {just canit stop, © too much though, 2 ©1.09 answer the questions. Liston again and check. 1 Where does Emma buy most of hor clothos? 2 What cid Ahmed hava to do when he accidentally spent 0 much? 3 Why does Dan tke wearing conventional clothes? 4 What does Sara think of brands and fabs? 3 Which statements in exercise 1 are true for you? Discuss your answers Ain aware of what's in fashion becauso read blogs! Tats tue for me. 8: Not ist tue for me READING 1 Look at the photo of a clothing stall at Camden Lock Market. Would you enjoy shopping here? Why? /Why not? 2 Read the text quickly. Which ‘Big Question’ are all five people answering? 1 Do people worry too much about fashion? 2 Does fashion actually matter? 3 Are you awave of the latest fashions? “Unit 2 C4 Addicted to fashion 4 7 I'm not all that bothered about what 8 You shoulant be. 9 Tre never been mean about a fiona's itical of the way ‘© dress sense, People can be very sensitive ‘about their appearance. © others think of my dress sense. {ust wear whatever | like, © others dress. I's up to individuals to choose how they want to look, 10 There's no point in being loyal to a 11 Foertainly wouldnt be jealous of a friend 12 im tairly decisive about what to buy. @ I dont waste time worrying about what else might be available, 'b Just because they had an expensive brand of trainers © particular brand. You should foe! tree to wear anything that looks good. Are the sentences true or false according to the text? Correct the false sentences. 1 One particular colour has always been associated with gifs. (Matteo) 2 tis worth paying more fora good brand of trainers. (Halla) 3 People might make fun of you for wearing fashionable trainers, (Hala) 4 | try not to judge people by what they wear. (Musa) 5 Your clothes can change your mood. (Isabel) 6 Choap clothes can look as good as more ‘oxpensive fashion items. (/sabel) 7 Clothes can tell other people about the wearer, (Hannah) Replace the underlined phrases with the highlighted words in the text. 1 Your earrings are absolutely beautiul 2 like wearing interesting and unusual clothes 3 | like faily traditional, ordinary clothes, nothing too unusual 4 Your jacket has loads of pockets It looks very tactical and useful 5 He was wearing a suit in a popular, Mell-designed style. Leertain don't depend on anyone's advice about what to wear. tend Tim pretty relaxed about my clothes an to go fora Gavel ook, clothes that feel great and that you can wear anyihere. ve been relaxing at home 0 In ‘wearing something casual: a pair of old Levis and with a pocket onthe chest. appreciate se design, but dont thik clothes matter that much, Underneath the mask, were all human beings and wee all individuals, sometimes find myself making judgements about people based on thelr clothes, but | quickly stop mysel. Its important to ignore someane’s appearance and concentrate on the person ins butt more worried about other Clothes actually make me happy -up ea point people’ tebe dress sense! ve been reading an article about ‘have clothes to suit every mood, occasion and season, the history of fashion, It made some good points, ke who says Fashion i important because it helps people to express bue's for boys and pinks for gi's?In fect, 100 years ago, pink thetrindvigualty and identity. Hight fashion ~ the cthing vas aboys colour and blve ws for gels! And what about skits sunerrnbdels eer onthe entailed with Pas for men? Theyre comfortable and UREA, but men in the Mila, New York London, but evety country has developed West never wear then its ow fasion industry adits own lok There no pint in We tend to think of fashion as fast-moving but it actualy spending load of money on fashion, Most god malls ell ranges super-slowly. Men have bean wearing shits ties clothes that ate inspired by the catwalk so you can still buy and sts or centuries Similarly, women’s dress has changed clothes that look TURAN but they cost en times es. With ; aren interested in how they look, but everyone wears some cant stand labels. Everyone at form of doting and ther clothes make a statement. think school wants designe labels, but Ican't understand why clothes matter because your choice of clothes inl pay hundreds of euros for top brands how others think of you. Take me for ecample. m really into ferent! its hard to know ‘leiative clothing avoid chain shops in malls, go for smal cheap clothes, people might independent shops and second: hand cathes from markets, ha to doat school f you ease you, butif you have really expensive clothes, there's Feolect badges. I've been looking for some 1950s American lvays the worry that someone might ty to steal them. The badges but they te allmuch too expensive. So what do my points logos and brands cause al kinds of problems. tlothes say about me? They say rm an individual think Independently. 'm arginal.thave my ow style, What do you lothes ay about you? a made some 1d points Clothes actually make me happy ~ up to a point here's no point in spending loads of ‘money on fashion, point is, logos and brands cause all kinds of problems, ‘concerned about fashion? Do you think that clothing can affect a person's mood? How? In what ways do you think the clothes someone wears show their personality? GRAMMAR Present perfect simple and continuous 4 Match the examples tothe rules 1 Men have been wearing shirts es and suts for ccennines. 2 Evory country has developed is own fashion industry and ts own ok 3 Women's dress has changed very ile during the pat ow huncred years 4 Pve boon relaxing at home, so Im wearing something casual ‘We use the present perfect simple for: a apast action with a present result, b_ anaction that happened in a time period that is rot yet complete We use the present perfect continuous for: © an action that started in the past and is stil continuing. d_anaction (sill continuing orjust completed) that explains a present situation. > Grammar reference page 149 2 Match the pairs of sentences. 1. Vogue magazine has published 2. Vogue magazine has been publishing ‘only one superlong magazine — with 916 pages! b fashion magazines since 1892, 3. My wardrobe's almost empty. ve been getting rid 4 used to have loads of jackets, but ve got rid a of them all, sorry. b of lots of old clothes recently ts a nice feeling! 5 Anna works for Guoci. She has been designing 6 Anna works for Guecl. She's designed ‘a handbags for 15 years, 'b hundreds of beautiful bags. 3 Complete the sentences. Use the present perfect simple or continuous form of the verbs. 1 im cold. We. outside without jackets (sit) 2 Stella McCartney some of fashion’s most interesting designs. (produce) 3 haven't put your clothes outside to dry yet. t all afternoon. (rain) 4 Look! | some new shoes! (buy) 51 your blog all week. ifs brillant. (ead) 6 “You're lato!‘ sorry. Inthe queue! (wait) 4 Make five sentences with the present perfect ‘simple or continuous form of the verbs in the box. ‘Compare your sentenc blog buy live (ia) play chil out (with) learn watch wear | haven't been blogging for long. | think | wrote my first about three months ago. Opa aa VOCABULARY Verb + preposition 1 Complete the sentences with the phrases in the box. apologised for depending on compared with cope with do without heardof laugh at Eooereuar ene © Ihavert Heard. of ‘onesies: = © SS 1 You stit havent... losing my scart 2 Ihateit when people... my uriorm 3 Clothes these days are very comiorable a contuty age 4 thate ‘my parents for money to buy clothes, 5 Maria cant {going to crowded shopping centres 6 I cant buying new clothes atleast once a ‘month, 2 Ask and answer questions using verb + preposition phrases. ‘A: Is there anything that you can't do without? B: I defhitely can't do without my sunglasses. LISTENING ‘SPEAKING Interviews 1 You will hear part of aTV chat show. Look at 4 ©41.05 You witl near Sophia and Pavel doing an sai) picture and discuss what the people might talk interview. Read the interview questions, then listen. about. Which question does the interviewer not ask? l 2 ©4.04 Listen and check. school? What do you do after school? 5 Do you like shopping? 6 What else do you like doing in | your free time? 3 ©i.04 Listen again and answer the questions. 1 What now drs regulations did Chris Bennetts schoo! inroduce? 2 Wy did the school decide to ban shorts? 3. What did the rules about schoo! clothing fale mention? 4 Were do men wear clathes that are similar to skirts? 2 © 1,05 read tne Prepare box. Who uses each '5 How did the school respond when Chris wore phrase? Listen again and write S (Sophia) or askin? P (Pave). 6 Wimen did the sonool agree to a debate on the subject? 7 Wat point did the schoo! make in the debate? {8 Wat was the result of te debate? 4 Discuss the questions. 1 Do you think schools and colleges are right to ban some items of clothing? Why’? / Why not?” 2 What are the good and bad points about uniforms in schools and at work? 3 Prepare for a short interview about yourselt + Make notes on your answers to the questions in exercise | + Add a few extra ideas for each answer + Review the questions. Think about what tenses and relevant vocabulary you can use for each answer. 4 @ Work in pairs. interview each other. + Ask the questions from exercise 1. You can add other questions during the interview. + Answer using phrases trom the Prepare box. ‘Addicted to fashion. shion design Oy 1 Match the pictures to the words in the box. Then read the text. What are the British Fashion Awards? x Carne eee nats (Once a year, the Britsh Fashion Council rls out the Fed carpet for the British Fashion Awards — 4 slar-sludded event fo honour the nation’s most talented, creative design The BFC held its frst awards ceremony in 1984 with the introduction of its Designer ofthe Year Award. The fist winner was a young d Hammett, who created T-shirts with bold, controversial slogans, such as ‘Stop ancl Think’ and ‘Make Trade Fair Five years later, when the BFC decided to add more ategories, the British Fashion Awards were born Along with the year's best designer, the ceremony honours the best menswear and the best accessories, such as shoes, hats and jewellery. There is also an award for the Best Brand, which Victoria Beckham won in 2011 ‘or her sel-named company. Every year there is also an award for Outstanding Achievement to recognise designers \who have made an impact on the global fashion industry. In 2012, this award went to Manolo Blahnik for hs spectacular designs of high-heel shoes and olher footwear The BFAs also include Emerging Talent Awatd forthe most promising new designers of ready-to-wear ecllections, ‘menswear anid accessories, Fitingly, there is also an award forthe year’s best fashion madet, with past winners including supermodels Kate Mass and Agyne 2 Road the sentences. Are they true or false? Correct the false sentences. 1 The BFA is an annual awards ceremony, 2 The frst British Fashion Awards ware in 1989, 3 There are only awards for fashion designers. 4 Manolo Blahnik designs shoes 5 Mary Quant won a special award in 1990, ‘Answer the questions with information from the text. 1 How many awards did the BFC give in 19847 2 Which designer won the Best Brand award in 2017 3 What awards are there are for new designers? 4 In which category has Agyness Deyn won an award? 5 Who won the Designer of the Year award four times?” 8 Who won the Best Menswear award in 2009? © Wary Quant, who invented the ‘Miniskirt in the 1960s, entered the [BFA Hall of Fame in 1990 for her letime contribution to fashion © Ander Mecueen was names Designer ofthe Yer four times between 1986 end 2003, © kin Jones has won the BFA forthe test menswear on fur diferent gccasions in 2005, 2009, 2011 and 2012. 4 Read the success stories of two rising stars. ‘Complete them with the words in the boxes. Text ‘animal brand British own simple uniforms Text B (Tounded customers house | furniture comfortable bright | 5 in pairs, discuss the questions. 41 What do you think it takes to become a successful dosigner? 2. Stolla’s father is very famous, Do you think this helped her career? Why? / Why not? 3. D0 you think fashion designers should use any animal products? 6 © 1.05 Listen to a podcast about the British designer Christopher Raeburn. Take notes. 7 ©)1.06 use your notes to choose the correct words. Listen again and check. CCristophor Raeburn uses @ ot of artical / recycled materials for his fashion designs. Raoburn i famous for rousing / designing miltary uniforms for his collections He finished art schol in 2008 / 2008, Raoburn has / doesnt have his own company Ho makes clothes for men J men and women, His designs are usually not practical / simple. Raeburris clothes are madi in Asia /tho UK. SUCCESS STORIES ® Stella McCartney frst became famous as the daughter of Paul McCartney, a ‘member of the (1) band, The Beatles, However, Stella is now well known as a talented fashion designer. Her clothes are cool land modem, with clean, (2) lines and she never uses (3) or fur. Stella showed her first collection in 1995 and established her (4) fashion house six yoars lator. Her (5) Includes womenswear, a8 well as accessories and sportswear. For the 2012 Olympics, Stella designed (6) for the British athletes, although some people thought they were too unconventional products like leather {B Jonathan Saunders, a designer from Scotland, is an up-and-coming name in British fashion. Famous for combining (7) colours and bold prints, Saunders’ clothes are also (8) and easy to weet. His most famous (9) include women like Michelle Obama and the actress ‘Sion Miller. Jonathan studied ao) and textile design before ‘entering the world of fashion. At fist, he created prints for famous designers, like Alexander Mequeen. Then he (aay his own Jonathan Saunders brand in 2003. In addition to running his business, Jonathan also designs Clothing for the Polini fashion (12) Wie a profil of a fashion designer. Answer the: ‘questions below. 11 Whereis the designer from? What do his/her designs look ike? ‘When did he/she star in fashion? Does heishe have a personal brand? Has he/she won aniy fashion awards? VOCABULARY Abstract nouns Yomaguetils 1 ©1.07 Read the paragraph about a podcast. Choose the correct abstract nouns, Listen and check. THE Debate Is hore finally" agreement / fortune in the debate over® intelligence / nature vs nurture? ‘Are we born with a personality that never changos and witha fixed amount (of? intoliganes / development? In other words, is our* agreement / fortune inte dictated by our gonos ~ the nature’ argument? Or do we start life as a blank sheet? Does our social and intellectual * fortune / development come from our tite ‘oxperionces the ‘nurture’ view? Now research appears to suggest that bboth sides in the debate might be right, 2 ©1.08 Liston to Sara and Ahmed talking about “THE Debate! Are the sentences true or false? 1 Ahmed has already listened to THE Debate! 2 According o the podcast, everyone has the genes to become a professional footbalor 3 You need the right genes and the right environment to be suocesstl 4 According to the podcast, people can become more inteligent by working hard. 3 ©1.08 complete the sentences with the abstract nouns in the box. Listen again and check. belief concentration mination luck creativity success 1. They discussed what you need to achieve inte 2 Youneed the 3 That was a common 4 You could be born with the artist, 5 Students who have the to study hard, can ‘actually become more intelligent, 6 Ifyou really ty to improve your Grammar reference page 150 3 Read the email. Choose the correct phrasal verbs. |n one answer, both options are possible. I have some bad news about my vist. 'm really sorry but | need to “put off tout it off again. It's iy best friend's birthday party the same weekend and I'm helping to organise the party. | have to be there and | cant really ®ger i out of get out off It's such a pity, "ve been * ooking forward to it/ looking it forward to. 'm sorry to Yet down you / let you down. ve even bought my train tickets. | ‘cant get a refund, so I'l have to Sthrow them away / throw away them, which isa bit annoying! Are you ‘ree 30th May? | think | can get away then. fd love you to show around me / show me around the city, Maybe you could "book us in / book in us at a restaurant. | will come next time, | promise! By the way, "pass on my thanks / pass my thanks on to your brother for the book he lent mo. 4 Make questions using you and the following Phrasal verbs. Separate the verb and the particle it possible. A © you / ever hand in! homework / ate | Have you ever handed homework in late? 1 puto revising 2 got on with / everyone in your family 3 clear up /at home 4 join in /team sports 5 ook forward to / summer holidays 5 Ask and answer the ques exercise 4, VOCABULARY Verb + fo infinitive 1 Read the examples. Which verb can't be followed by an object? 1 I've persuaded my friends to fend me some money, ‘ve persuaded my friends not to wory about me. 2 Do you want me to stay tite longer? ‘Do you want to stay a fits longer? don't want to stay any longer ‘don't want you to stay any longer, They fend to go shopping on Saturdays. They tend not to go shopping on Sundays. 2 Complete the table with the verbs in the box. Use a dictionary to help, advise egree ask beg encourage expect force help hope intend persuade plan pretend refuse. remind tend want warn 3 Discuss the questions. 1 When was the last time you refused to ¢o something? 2 How would you persuade a friend to help you with job? ‘3. What are you planning to do this weekenc’? ‘4 What do you intend to do when you leave schoot? WRITING An informal letter or email 1 Discuss the questions. 1. What new skills have you learned recently? 2 What isthe best way to learn a new skill? 2 Read the task, then read Dan's email. Has Dan ‘answered all Ra's questions? You have received an email from your friend, Raj Can you help me with my class project? I have to write about the ways in which people learn a ‘new ski. Please tell me about a skill you have learned recently. How have you developed this kil? What aspects of it have you found dificult? ‘Would you recommend other teenagers to take up the same ski? ‘Thanks, Raj \ite your email HiRaj It's great to hear from you. Actually, | got a liteguard qualification earlier this yoar, 80 how I'm spending mast Saturdays down at the beach. We're there to help swimmers and surfers who got into dificuties and this could be pretty scary without any training, right? Anyway, o get qualified, | did a course at my local pool. reckon I'm a strong swimmer {and Ive alnays been quite fi, so the physical Parts of the course were fine, but I found all the stuff on first-aid techniques really challenging, 'm fine with it ll now though 4nd Ive picked up loads of practical tips from the more experienced guys I’m working with You need to be 15 for itequard training. Plus you must be in good shape. The thing is, tather people will be relying on your strength and fitness in risky situations and you carit Jot them down, Koop in touch 3 Read the Prepare box. Then read Dan's email again. Find: an opening expression 'b aclosing expression ¢ four phrasal verbs d four other examples of informal language ‘+ use an informal opening expression How nice to get your news! Its great to hear from you. Thanks for your email. se informal expressions to add ideas. Tostart with... Also... Plus. Use informal language and phrasal verbs reckon .... The thing is ‘use contracted forms don't can, wouldn't se an informal closing expression Take care Write soon Love Keep in touch Find informal sentences and expressions in the email to match the formal sentences and expressions below. 1 Iwas very pleasing to receive your email 2 Our job isto assist swimmers and surfers who experience dificultios. 3 This could be rather daunting without traning. 4 tis also important that you have a good level of fitness 5 Dan has not answered the final question in the task. Write a fourth paragraph to Dan's email answering this question. 1d recommend becoming 9. lifeguard. because. 6 Read the task and plan your answer. You have received a letter from your English-speaking pen friend, Niki, Can you help me with my schoo! project? | need to find out about people's earliest memories. What are your most important childhood memories? Why do you think you have remembered them? Which recent ‘experiences would you lke to be able to recall in the future? Write back soon! Niki Write your letter. 7 @ Write your letter to Niki ‘+ Angwer all of Nikis questions. ‘+ Use the tips in the Prepare box. “© Check your grammar and speling. + Write 140-190 words. 2. Match the words and phrases to the pictures. faint feel dizzy get ina panic {g0 over and over something in your mind have an upset stomach have diffculty sleeping lose your temper / get badstemperad lose your appetite 3 Discuss the questions. 1 When was the last time you lost your temper? 2 Do you ever get into a panic about exams? 3. Have you ever had aificuity steeping? When? READING 1 j | Read the headings for an article on stress. Do you agree of disagree? Compare your answers in pair. Stress is for adults, not people my age. b Abit of stress helps me to get things done, © I know how to deal with stress. ts not my fault that | get stressed, @ Everyone gots stressed from time to time. big deal Read the article quickly. Match the headings in exercise 1 to Parts 1-5 of the article. Use the ssentence(s) in bold at the end of each paragraph to help you choose the heading that follows. Read the article again. Complete the sentences with either two or three words. 1 The article suggests that most teenagers have fewer reasons than adults, 2. The author believes that strass is about more deadlines, 3. Hormones released in stressful situations can both our energy levels. 4 The article strongly recommends finding time in your day-to-day life ‘and also to relax, '5 Psychologists advise people to try and see stressful situations. 1 ..0).Sixe96. is. for. adults . not people. my.age. Wihich ofthese two types of people are more stressed: a parent who has to go to work to earn money to pay bills rd bring up a fail, ora teenager who has to go to school to study? Surveys report that 75% of adults say they feel stressed on at least three occasions every week. However, gn astonishing 85% of teenagers between 14 and 17 say the same thing. Whats more, a third of the gids ard half of the boys believe the pressure is there every single day In this age group, the three most frequent causes of stress are Schoolwors, parents and problems with friends. But isn’t this just part of life? 2 Very few of us would say we never get stressed. But what does stress mean to you? Is ita piece of work you need to finish for school? Perhaps its a class you mustn't be late for if stress was just about deadlines, we would probably be able to keep it under control. However, for most people its bigger than this. And it can be a very big deal, But could we (6 rid it from our lives? Do we actually want to? 3 When we are stressed, cur body responds to the danger by leasing chemicals called hormones. They temporary increase our heart rate and boost our energy levels. Thousands of years ago we used this eneray foavoid getting eaten! So, in smal doses, many find stress can motivate them. But constant stress can have the opposite fect, leading to feelings of anxiety Atth’s point, hormones actually lower our energy levels and we risk suffering from a whole range ot health problems, So hew do we avoid this situation? Oa er ‘The instructor had to use his controls to stop the car. ‘The reason Is that these things are beyond our control, but we can control how we react fo them, | almost lost control of the car: Most of us know the basics of how to handle stress: wo should take regular exercise and eat healthily Sleep is also important. According to sone reports, teenagers ought to get over nine hours every night! Do you? But fighting stress needn't be boring. You ‘must also make some time in your schedule for fun, preferably with friends, and also a litle quiet time, celexing by yourself. Spend time around positive people, who don't get you down. Look into \olunteering - helping other people can help you feel loss stressed. And if you're getting ina panic, stop what you are doing and take several deep breaths. Pause for a moment and think about all the good things in your life. So have you tried that? Is everything (or everyone) still stressing you out? ‘A common beliefs that our stress comes from all the things we have to do because of other people. However, some psychologists believe it's mare helpful to think of stress as how we react to the things that stress us. The reason ie that these things ‘are beyond our control, but we can control how ‘we react to them, So another way of fighting stress is to ook for the positive in situations. When your parents say you can't go away for the weekend, think of it as an opportunity to do something ‘at home, You dan'thave to do something you hate ~ choose something you enjoy ‘but don’t always have time to do, And is that dificult homework due in next week? You do have to do it, yes. You can't control it, But maybe you could s00 it asa challenge rather than a chore. GRAMMAR Modals (1): Necessity and obligation 1 ead the examples and complete the rules with some of the bold verbs. 41 You don't have to do something you hate 2 We should take regular exercise 3. Teenagers ought to get nine hours of sloop. 4 Fighting stress needn't be boring. 5 | need to fish tis work for schoo! We use: a 6 ought 10 for advice b for necessity. (haven got to) or needn't for lack of obligation > Grammar reference page 151 2 @ Complete the second sentence so that it has a similar meaning to the first sentence, using the word given. Use between two and © It would be a good idea if| went to bed early tonight. SHOULD 1. shquld..9o_ £9... bed early tonight. 41. Clare knew that she had to be home by ten. NECESSARY (Clare knew that... for her to be home by ten 2 My tennis coach says that | must attend additional training sessions. NEED ‘My tennis coach says that training sessions than before. You are under no obligation to attend the extra | classes. HAVE You. tend the extra classes. 4 Our schoo! makes us wear a uniform, HAVE We ....».€ uniform at school 3 Read the examp! the bold verbs. Teenagers have to study. You mustn't be late for class. You must make time fo have fun You can't go out 1nd complete the rules with {or obligation. or for prohibition or when the obligation or prohibition comes trom ourselves, or when the obligation or prohibition comes trom someone else. 4 Choose the correct verbs. When both answers are possible, can you explain the difference in meaning? 1 Simon needs / must control his temper more 2 You musin'/ don't have to use my things without asking first! 3 She told me in secret so you mustn't / don't have to say a word, 4 Everyone must /has to deal with stress sometimes. 5 I havent done any exercise for ages. | must / hhave to do some this week. 5 Complete the sentences with your ow ideas. 1 really should 4 Evory day nave to 2 Atschool we dont Students musint have to 6 My parenis say 3 Tomorrow | must cant VOCABULARY Phrasal verbs: health 4 Read the examples and match the bold phrasal verbs tothe meanings. 1 You must stay up sate! It's taken me weeks to get over this thy. ‘Arguing wie ay fiends realy gets me down, {im uying to eut down on sweet things. We all came down wit fod poisoning in tho evening, 20 we coun go out 111 stand up very quichy | sometimes pass out eat or drink less or reduce something make someone feel unhappy Grammar reference page 152 2 Read the text and choose the correct words, Breakfast: Here today, ees; Most neope eat/ ar eating tres real leastin he US and nore Europe: reat inch ‘and dinner, but meatimes ®constanuly change Grammar reference page 159 Choose the correct words. 1. Hee! exhausted. I'm not / don't get used to slaying up so late, 2. AtTirst we found it hard, but now we're / we get sed to speaking English in class all the time. | can't be / get used to that website now they've redesigned it I's 80 confusing! Itook me several days to be / get used to the time ‘change when we went to the US on holiday. ‘Our schoo! starts at 730 so I've always been / got used to getting up early 1'm being / getting used to our new teacher, but | still miss our old one, Imagine a friend from another country is coming to live in your country. What will they have to get sed to? Write sentences. Use the ideas below and your own ideas. ‘daily routine food people TV You might find ib difficule to get used to cur sense of humour 4 Read the examples. Which example describes @ past habit or state? 1 She's used to being elone row. 2 fused to be roid of spiders. Complete the second sentence so that it hes @ similar meaning tothe frst sentence, using used. Use between two and five words. 4 Inthe past, | vas pore of dogs 1 petrified of dogs 2 My new schoo! no longer feels strange to me \ my new school 3 Josie is no longer worried about seeping in the dark sosie 4 Inthe past, | was arid of heights \ afraid of heights. 5 Did Mark become accustomed tothe eo weather in Finland? Did Mark In the dark now. the cold weather in Finland? VOCABULARY Adverbs: type and position 4 Match the examples to the types of adverbs. 11 Fears frequently include monsters or the dark 2. He slept in his parents’ room. 2 Iwas ata bichday parry last weok. 4 Jacob can't explain the reasons behind his phobia. However, many phobias ‘She lef the shop quickly. ‘Reading oF listening to music definitely holo. adverts of ime frequency adverss adverbs of cerainty adverbs of manner adverbs of place connecting adverbs (which link to previous sentence) Where in a sentence (beginning, middle or end) are the adverbs in exercise 1 usually used? Write the sentences with the adverbs in the correct positions. More than one answer is, ‘sometimes possible. 1 He can sing. (beautiully) 2 Ihave been afraid of insocts. (never) 3 Ili get used to it. (probably) 4 Thad an upset stomach. | had difficulty sleeping. (as.a resull) 5 | get anxious about homework. (from time to time) 6 I've been getting bad-tompered, (lately) 7 If we leave now, well be home. (by nine) 8 She left home. (a few minutes ago, definitely) 9 We have lunch. (always, at midday) 10 They were laughing, (loudly) LISTENING SPEAKING Favourite things 4 ©1118 Listen to Ahmed and Sara talking about their best and worst days of the week. Which person is more like you? 1 You will hear people talking in five different tituatlons Read the question. Unetine the key words that might help you get the correct anavers. 1 You hear a student talking about her degree. Wat does she fink abou stung psychology? A I's more enjoyable than she thought it would be, B She finds the research fascinating. € It's going to be very useful for her career. You overhear a cenversaon between to frends, Wy does the Boy ik spans be annoyed? 2 Thor ae alot of passvoreson his phone B Hob missed ne bis 3 eee ecnateaticenas|| tice Aimed cc 8 oan. Yeu hear gi leaving a vole message for iat ‘her friend. Why is she calling? 2 Virualy every Monday 2 tof out what ea wil cover B to suggest cong some rvsionogehor to check some dates shes not sure aout eaeace ee tenn c aun asatxeetoa) | 3: ©49 Listen fo Emme and Den. Complete the Bei Wt nee wane ayaa tte route sspet a a's toute subjects aro IT fot tog optisisabout ts progres 2 Emma gets on realy wel wth he BB Ho's concerned he's not going t finish it 3 Dan rarely does his homework on inte. 4 Dan has abt ofa phobia of © Hs fnding tut to understand the 4 Os: end tne Prepare box then sen again, subject. Which phrases do Emma and Dan use? "x hoa a fate aking to is daughter on ne phone, How she elng now? A furious, 8 concerned € raleves 2 ©1.17 @ Listen. For questions 1-5, choose the best answer (A, B or C). 2 © 1.10 who says these phrases? Listen again 3 Asarule,! 4 Nine times out often, 5 with the exception of 3 1.17 Listen again and check your answers. Oot just want 0 forget the whole thing The thing is theyre aways toting me not to put stuf own 5 Work in pairs interview each other. Use phrases : ae from the Prepare box Its a good thing you told me 1 Which i your Besvworst day ofthe week? Why’? patthat passrd on it Vimar nomalyrappenson hi yt 2 Which is your bestiwors time of the year? Why? Wihat generally nappens a this ime? : {3 What's your lavourta lesson at school? Why? ETT 4 Deseribe a typical weekend for you. ‘The main thing for me is that fm. actually into what I'm studying. Strong emotions _ Cnr Colours‘around the world 4. Work in pairs. Do the colour quiz and discuss your answers. 1 ho Bits pepe ran hy ay ey Which colour apat a ean yew i ten ve or arin son? a) cee a) sored) seen apn) tec) oe 2 In Spain, many people tink the colour yellow is COnjects that sorb al the colours of ight ook a) unlucky —b) fashionable 0) depressing a) black) grey ) while 2 Green considered a lucky colour in “The most popular colour around the words 0g a) Chita) Malaysia) land a)-geen”b) bro ¢) the 44 In European countries, purple is associated with In English, a grey area'is something a) royalty b) money) health a) exciting b) uncertain 0) fighting 2 Read the text. Check your answers to the quiz in exercise 1. colour CONNECTIONS isthe typeal colour ‘athe caleur of Blood, #0 ee sare senso ED) tes BLACK atin sree eter Hecnskieredtobea le, energy and strong eelings. exlours fight I's associated Winking calmeslour andit's often For example, many people's tolth dorkncos and night, a8 el ele ese cineace Pettapa (acon turned when they are ea zaysery andthe unknown, In {or tat reason blue the feeling nervour embermamed cr manycountres, black i a sooua {or eae trtelou On ited tm English, people also ooo, associated with death and He eee aguents saythey ee red when thay feel sacneo, but allo with elegance wee eaeeaturee se welasiow angry. Red objects jump outataa and authority, Chtuy In English forexamplo,,eeatse thoy appeer tobe closer ete cour Doorn woe ur Gprnted_ han theyre a BROWN S23. say they ‘feel blue’, is the colour ‘and autumn leaves which makes GREEN soe VELLOW crecntgae oo ieee) resmuring osour sence, fee oftenassodated with warmth Isals the colour of many foodo, gran aesociatod witlfe and and happiness. It's alo he mast such as bread, nuts and chocolate ot ete ae itople tink Intense colo, which means ‘However many peopl considet Fo ent ere apam'it bright chedos'of yellow canbe Drown pain and boning, especially tee ee Ctamalife However, lating, like vo much euallght. for dothos. Sheen ais has nogtive meanings Yellow ss unucky in some iso colour Fe eT aey | omen mciertee wie UNIAN tomer, oewe Re camige lard. focin, eeapecciatod with woul chen asyoclated wi dentine ce tr en hed sien ie aster i we typical colour of eding dresses PURPLE 23” DRANGE crsinaton However wiite slo auggests sey clour —_oflively ed and cheesfal yellow, emptiness andi some counties, Tonatwe. Some merle sie, making ea bight colour that Uke Japan, Is irked to death and see dtheearepianiwith catchoe ourattetion Rs also rourning Parmlsfowers, Bur thoy arent the colour of bealthy foods ke otha caow ot sasole ferent be ee eam cereectrecetne — GPIEY cayeveunsp one LESH SED s ueaymyetistan esti, casa, Oenpla wetwemaecrana eat mari aGye aieagelnchen veel orwell ghis’waing i tw wosroeutal forlthing was fareand very, signs and for emergency Clout In Engh the phrase ‘atey hensive Hues often made trom equipment, Ike Mojackets Se eel apodal type of eeltsh HBecnigerus 3 Read the text in exercise 2 again. Discuss the following situations with a partner using information from the text. 1. You want to open a health-food restaurant in the UK. Which colours would you use to decorate it? 2 You are creating an advertisement for an American bank, Which colours would be best to use? 3 You want fo make signs that will catch people's attention at your school, Which colours would be most effective? 4 You are decorating an expensive clothing shop. Which colours would yau use? 4 ©11.20 Listen to four people talking about the significance of certain colours in their country and complete the chart. signticance/Use '5 Work with a partner. Which colours have the greatest significance in your country and why? 6 Read the following pairs of sentences. Study the underlined colour phrase in the first sentence. Then choose the correct meaning in the second sentence. 1. Sam saw red when I told him. He was really happy / angry. 2 This is @ green company. I's very ecological f unsuccessful 3 You're looking a bit blue. Have you been away? / What's wrong? 4 The rules are there jn black and while. They could / couldn't be clearer. 5 Last week, out ofthe bive, | gota call from Daniel. | was really miserable / surprised. 7 Make a list of colour phrases in your own language. Write explanations in English. Write advice about colours for tourists who visit your country, Explain any special colour associations in your culture. ‘Are there any colours that tourists should not wear? Explain some important colour phrases in your language. ‘What colour phrases should tourists avoid? 74 Telling stories VOCABULARY Verbs of movement; sounds READING 1 You are going to read an extract from a novel, Look at the picture and read the extract quickly. ‘What genre do you think this story is? Frauen {A.8, Cor) whieh you think ost te crore tne eke Betare you shoved your newer, read the up nex 9 each aueston 1 Aooordng tthe fet paragraph, rowdaboimesbehaw on UPAta ‘Thursday morning? aragrapn AU Underline the A Hace teed ne nownpeper | Usstea t with Watson. pees B Howes eagerto get on wih nis | 2°27 msl sues © Ha conmarina positon tet pesca wa ft, = oheear atc tyet sit unio ( TFbase nioelg of adel se 2 The word ‘strlin ine 27 means | andater tomove the word ‘A noisily and aggressively careful to B quietly and secretivay. ‘work ot the oe ansuet © surprisingly quick D extremely slow. 3 Why does Holmes complain ‘when Watson mentions the thefts in London? A because he thinks Watson has | jioines ‘got the facts wrong and Watson B because all ofthese cases have | iyout already been solved criminals © because he believes his skils are wasted on such crimes ——— TIP: Read the conversation between She leant forward and tapped him on the shoulder “The door burst open and Sue bounced in Sho rushed aocoss the street, shaking with fear. He was kneeling down when suddeny someone a bemue eweetier hes =) slapped him on the back. caused a big increase in theft Sho charged tovards the man, yeling ‘STOP! Undone The door swung open and Sue wandered in 4 What does it eertoin ine 40? | words 0 ‘A amurder inthe tex 2 © 121 Liston and decide which verb describes pues ‘ich one the sounds the people make. on does Wt rater D an appointment sa mumble mutter sigh whisper whistle yell 5 Holmes suggests that his brother (oa og) 3 Match the sentence halves. Mycroft is someone who apa She leant over and ‘a when he saw mess A uses the raitway to get to work. | OY eto whispered in the kitchen. B Is predictable in his routin. caretlly to | was yelling for hours ‘a tune he'd heard on © spends most of his time ‘work out the He sighed the radio, ‘utdoors. Jim muttered that about forgetting their D is dedicated to his family Lz and Kay mumbled homework. an excuse before anyone came Martin began to whistle to help me. something in his ear. itwasrit fairl Ti wos the third week of November ond o thick yellow fog had sled over London. From the Monday fo the Thursday it had rarely buen possible from our windows Di Boker Sreot 0 see even the houses across the street. A The itt three of hese days Holmes had been patently WF shdying o subject which had been his hobby for some Hine —Ihe music of the Middle Ages. But when for the Fou lime, we pushed back our chairs from breakfast tnd saw he heavy brown mist ouside the windows, ny Fiend's impotient and ociive nature could no longer fake his dul exstonce. He wandered reslessly around ‘ursitingsoor; he bit his nails; he lapped the furniture enously, and he complained obout the inactivity “Nothing of interest in the paper, Watson?’ he soid. Jrealised that by anything of interest, Holmes was Bi asking about onything of criminal interest There was the Tews of a revolution, of « possible war and ofa likely thange of government, However, these were of litle jnlerest fo my companion. The only criminal reports | could fied were very ordinary. Holmes sighed impotiently ond ontnved to wonder around the room. ‘The Londen criminal is certainly 0 dll person,’ he said teunding lke hunter who can find nothing to shoo. "Look puto his window, Watson, See how people suddenly ppecr, ote brief seen ond then quickly disappear once more ino the mist. On a day like tis, thief or a murderer oul stroll ound London like a tiger in the jungle, No one would see him unt he mede his move “There have,’ | s0id, 'been « large number of small thet.” Holmes mutered something rude and then tuned lowards me ‘Ay cbilties demand something for more worthy than that he said. “ts fortunate for this community tha | om fot @ criminal” os ee 1) Holmes had been studying a subject, My friend's 1 active nature could ro longer take this dull existence it certainly it’ | agroed enthusesticlly. {magine het | had a good reason to wont oki someone,’ continued Holmes, ‘How easy it would be-on {doy ike this! could suggest a meeting, | could moke ; up an appoiniment and it would al be over iis jst a wall ey don't have days of fog in countries where murder is common, There wos the sound of someone knocking ‘At lost” cried Holmes. ‘Here comes something 10 bring some excitement into our lives He rushed over to open the door. twas he postman Ay) witha telagrom. Holmes lee it open and before long burst out leughing "Well, well don’t believe it’ he soid. ‘My brother Mycroft is coming round. . ‘And 50.9” asked. ‘And so... said Holmes, ‘itis like coming train in the middle of the road. Mycroft has his rails like ‘aicain, ond he sloys on them. His home in Pll Mall his club, his ofice in Whitehall - hat is where you find him ‘Once, and only once, has he been hore. What disaster can hove knocked him of his rails2” ‘Doesn't he explain?’ asked Holmes handed me his brothers telegram. ‘Mus! see you abou! Cadogan Wesl. Coming at once, Myerof.’ ‘Cadogan West I said, | had heard that nome, it means nothing to me, sid Holmes. “But ifs extraordinary tho! Myerof should do something £0 ‘ncharacterste, The moon might as wel stop going round the earth. Why do you think some people prefer reading novels to watching films? joo extra GRAMMAR Narrative tenses 1 Look at the underlined verbs in the text on page 43. What tenses are they? 2 Complete the rules with the correct verb forms. pastcontinuous pastperfect past simple We use narrative verb farms in stories to deseribe events and actions, We use the: *+ to describe the main events of a story, in the order they happened * to describe a short action that interrupts a longer action in the past continuous. to describe a longer or background action around a certain ime, * to describe a longer action interrupted by a short action in the past simple, * to describe @ completed action that happened before another time in the past * with sequencing expressions (when, after, by the time, as soon as) when one event happened bbelore enather event > Grammar reference page 154 3 Read six sentences from later in the story about Sherlock Holmes. Choose the correct verb forms. He travetted / was traveling back to Woolwich When he was killed and thrown out ofthe train 2 Mycroft Holmes took off his overcoat and ssat/ had sat down heavily in an armen, 3 Atnine o'clock we were al sitting /had all satin the study, waiting patiently for our man 4 We have just reached / had just reached the dark ‘shadows at the back of the house when we heard footsteps, 5 We were walking past hs office when suddenly he rushed / was rushing off into the tog, 6 Lestrade and Mycroft met us outside Gloucester Road Station in the morning. We left / had fet the back door of Obersteins house open the night betore. “Unit 7 ‘4 Read another sentence trom later in the story, and notice the verb form. Complete the rules, Inspector Lestrade suddenly spoke. He had been listening to the conversation with some impatience, ‘a We use the past perfect continuous instead of the past perfect when we want to talk about a longer action that continued unt ancther past action We form the past perfect continuous with + ing. 5 Complete the sentences with the past perfect or Past perfect continuous form of the verbs. call ay & ve play rush —_yel 1 The man for almost an hour before anyone heard him. 2 By the time tho game ended, we for over three hours. 3 could toll rom her eyes that she 4 Sabrina was exhausted. She around all morning 5 The noises outside stopped a few minutes after we the police 6 I couldn't get into the concert because | ny ticket at home, (2 Corpus challenge VOCABULARY Time phrases 1 Complete the sentences with the words in the box. belore belore for for in on 1 only joined the school in March, but | made lots of fnew rionds| no time, 2 He was disappointed not to do better because held been studying weeks on end, 3. Holmes tore open the envelope and he burst out laughing. 4 | smiled and waved to 80d because | hadnit seen him some time 5 | used to catch the bus to school, but the week last, | got an amazing bike. 6 We waited there for hours end, long, Complete the sentences about you. Compare your answers with a partner. 1 The year before last | 2 Ihaver't for some time, 3 Before long, I'd like to learn how to 4 Totten for hours on end, 5 | could learn to inno time. a pore WRITING Astory 1 Read the task and look at the picture. What do you think will happen inthe story? | You have seen this announcement on your school weit, Stories wanted ‘We are looking for stories for our wobsite. Your story must begin with this sentence: Olver wished he hadin' offered to 100k after Zoey while his cousin was on holiday Your story must include: bad weather search Write your story. 2 Read the story. Does it contain ‘any of your Ideas? Does the story Include the ideas ‘mentioned in the task? @ Gliver wished. he hadn't offered. to leok after Zoey while his ceusin was on holiday, It had. been raining heavily alk day, but the dog needed. some exercise. Oliver sighed. and. gentiy stroked the animal's head. Bonn » Ae Fron door of the house burst open. Oliver's brother Fin and. ran straight upstairs. Before Oliver could. move, Zoey had. disappeared out of the: open front door “Joe!” Oliver SHURE. *Zoey's escaped!” In no time the brothers were chasing after her. She mas heading tewards the park Oliver whistled loudly, but the dog ignored hon. » Zoey reached, the park and, © The brothers spent hours searching for the dog without success. When they Finally got on the bus to go home, they were shaking with cold. * ten minutes, Joe. spake. “Lock. Wee going past Says," he. sai. Olver lt ver at his cousin's house. Though the. pouring "ain, We could just $88 dog on the doorstep Ie was Zoey! Foon that evening their cousin called. and asked. about: her dog __“Zoey’s been fine,” said. Oliver Hag “We tek her out for a really ong walk today!" ad the story again. Match paragraphs a-d to the functions in the Box. fending background information opening events developing story ‘A good story should: ‘+ include al the ideas mentioned in the task. ‘+ be organised into paragraphs and have a clear beginning, middle and end. ‘+ use suitable time expressions and different tonses to make it clear when actions happened in relation to other actions. tse a range of vocabulary to make the story interesting or exciting. 4 Complete the story with the time expressions. After Before long Justthen Later 5 Explain why the writer uses these verb forms in the story. had been raining had disappeared were shaking 6 Replace the highlighted words in the story with the words in the box. cheerfully glanced makeout rushed vanished yelled 7 Read the task. Discuss what might happen In the story. You have seen this advertisement in a magazine, Stories wanted We ate looking for stories for our magazine, Your story must begin with this sentence: Hannah rushed over to Dan's house as ‘soon as she heard the news, ‘Your story must include: ameal an accident Write your story. 8 @ write your story. ‘+ Use the tips in the Prepare box. ‘+ Check your grammar and spelling. + Wie 140-190 words. Teling stores 8 ™ (S} A great place to live VOCABULARY Community 1 Match the sentence halves. Are the adjectives used for people, places or both? Where would you When | leave home, I'd like to live 1 somewhere quiet with a relaxed 2 somewhere busy and urban, with 3 ina place that’s remote and rurel, 4. in community which is 5 6 7 somewhere friendly, with a close rear an industrial ina city that’s culturally diverse, 2 Which kind of place would you like to live In? Discuss the sentences in exercise 1, 3 ©1222 Listen to Jonn, a British student, ing for advice about a place to study. ‘Answer the questions. 1 What she going to do next year? Where? 2 Which adjectives from exercise + describe his parons town? 3 Which adjectives deseribe Bristor? 4 Which adjectives deserive the kindof place where ned ike to sty? READING 1 Read tive recommendations for John of places to study. Match two of them to the photos on page 47, 2 Read the example question (0) in ‘exercise 3. Follow the instructions. 1. Look at the underlined key words. 2 Find paragraphs that mention anything related to the underlined words. 3 Read these paragraphs and read the ‘question again carefully Then choose the correct answer. in the middle af nowhere welcoming and easygoing, attnosphere, lke a residential suburb estate or in an inner city neighbourhood masses of entertainment and leisure facilities with shops and restaurants from around the world ‘community, where everyone knows everyone alse. 3 @® Read the recommendations again. For questions 1-10, choose from the people (A-E).The people may ‘be chosen more than once. Which person recommends studying the local language? recommends a winter sport? complains about public transport? ‘mentions the quality of education? ‘mentions a family connection to the city? describes some modern architecture? ‘mentions food from around the world? says the city offers varied forms of musical entertainment? recommends visiting some places of historical interest rear the city? says the students all get on well with each other? describes a university set in a natural environment within city? 4 Find words or phrases in the recommendations with the following meanings: university buildings and the land that surrounds them (A) in, from or to other countries (C) the outer area of a city or town (C) the way that you live (C) the size or level of something (E) 1 2 3 4 place (C} 5 6 shout Turkey? I'm about to start at K Jnivesty, 30 km from Istanbul ety centre, Ithas a reputation for excellent teaching and international students are welcome, t would make a big tliference if you learned sore Tutkish bofore coming, but don't worry abou the classes - all of 12 university undergraduate dagrees are taught in English. When quite 8 close community and it's se in the mile of nowher visited, the campus seemed even though the city isn't far away, Istanbul ‘ extiting because its where the East meets the West and the ol Nations World Her art ofthe city is 8 United itwould make sense to go to an Australian university - they really cater for overseas students ‘mat Macquarie University and | love R. The compus i inthe suburbs, surrounded by parkland, s0 it actually gels as if its quite rural. Theres a laxed atmosphere and for me the only drawback s the locaton iv 25 km away and my bus leaves once an hour, 30 ‘miss 'm in trouble! There int much to do near the university, sa most students meet up fantastic outdoors li you can check out the citys world-famous 2s. Sydney Is wond: veryone hare is 80 optimistic; urty Hil, The ety has @ syle and at the weekends | study geography at the Tecnolégice de Monterrey univ in English rather than Spanish. A fiend on the architecture course says i fascinating, Mexico City isa massive urban centre with milions of things to do ~ youl eertainly never be bored here are restaurants from every continent anc lots of surprises — you should definitely make use pet, the nearby joleanie mountain. At the weekends, you can easly make your way out to the Aztec pyramids in the ancient city of Teotihuacan, archaeology, you'l definitely be imprested by scale of the tins ofthe ski slopes on Popoca you're into ‘ma real fan and tm going again next weekend. PNATALIA - BARCELONA sounds as f you'd love Barcelona. The mai University dates from the 1450s and there's a huge student diverge. The inner city neighbourhoods are full of ‘opulation inthe city, making it very culturally ‘cafés, The city isn't all old, though. The crazy, nature-inspired h incredible contempora ies in the subur idings lize The Forum on the outskirts, La Rambla is always busy sith people walking upland down looking at the stalls, but my favourite spot is Pare Gil, on a hilside behind the iy. There's always a performance ar something gaing fn. go up there al this weekend, but he time I think I'l go-agatn he bus leaves at sixin the mo You should consider Milan, Lots of places offer undergraduate degrees in architecture, often in English | don't ve there, but | know Milan quit 1s there every New Year. | rol because sre ve ta sa hel) mr hae gia scl fe thd opett us ata pop coil Adar youu the akeady dein going tole here nhen clon tien the ce tolth great for windoveshopp weg tern bepief=unsom down-to-earth, 1. You may find yourse ssmates, but don't Stee ‘You should definitely make use of tne sii slopes. Itwould make sense to go to an Australian university You can easily make your way out to the Aztec pyramids. ens “tate GRAMMAR Future (I): Review 1 Read the examples then complete the rules with the correct verb forms. 1 I'm about to start at Kog University 2 Its a vely city so you'l have a groat socialite, 3 I've already decided I'm going to live there when Ym older 4 You may find yourselt siting next to some very stylish classmates. 5 I g0.Uup there all the time ~ J think Ml go again this wookend, 6 The bus leaves at six in the morning. 7 I'm areal fan and I'm going again next week. be about to be going to may Present-continuous present simple will (x2) We use: a the...present continous. ‘arrangements, b the for regular, timetabled events, © for decisions you've just made, d for plans and intentions, fe be going to and to make predictions. t { might / could for things that are possible in the future, a for events that are going to happen very soon. for plans and > Gras 2 Read the examples and complete the rules. Do mar reference page 155 You use the same verb forms in your language? 1 After you've spent a few weeks there, youll never want o leave. 2m going to live there when I'm older Aer time conjunctions (e.g. when, after), we use the simple or pertect to talk about the future 3 Read the texts and choose the correct verb forms. ‘We've been talking about what we ‘do 7 Ye going to do ‘ater we 2 wl eave leave sehodl. 1° wont stat / ‘mnot gong to start university immediately bacause Ive ‘decid to have a year out, but |*1/ deftly do / Im defnitely going o do @ course the year ater, Lhavent ‘chosen a subject el. fascinated by human behaviour, 0" im studying migh study antropology or social ‘sciences, mnt sure yet. 1m talking) m about to talk to 2 carsors advisor. Ar | "wil tak have talked to her, 4 Compiete the sentences about you. 1. When t'm older 4 Aftor I've done my 2 This weekend | homework, | 3 I... university 5 I'm about to VOCABULARY as it/ as though 1 Read the examples and choose the correct ‘meaning for each sentence, 1 Itfecis as if /@s though it's going to rain. a It's definitely going to rain. I think its going to rain, It sounds as if as though we won' have enough ‘money. I dont think we will have enough money. b We may have enough money. ‘He was behaving as if /as though he'd received some bad news, a He may have recelved come bad news. b He might receive some bad news. Itlooks as if as though the train's going fo be late. The train will probably be late b The train might not be late. 2 ake sentences about the people in the picture Use look + as if/ as though. buy a paper like keeping fi cross the road get some crisps eed a new umbrella shout to a friend walk into the bin 1 She looks as though she has seen something LISTENING 1. You will hear a teenager called Andy Wood talking about a new skate park. Read the sentences and predict what you might hear. Pe _,skate ‘Andy says that the leader of the action group, Martin Ashton, is a (1) anew works locally. “ne park Marin was 2 hep he pup app ora @) Andy)... oder rie meney re tate pak Afr scene te gop had asos el Alea iden calc Jon itason worked on the)... tage he project ‘Andy mentions that the (6) At the community meeting, a (7) design the skate park, Andy says that (8) 's the main material used in the “whale tai for BMX riders When Ricky visited Andy’ town from California, he brought some (8) ‘The skate park was built on land that was previously owned by (10) the town, ‘Were the most imprassive thing on Xcite's website 00k place to decide whether Xcite would 2 ©1123 © Listen. For questions 1-10, complete the sentences with a word or short phrase. 3 ©1.23 Compare your answors in pairs. Then listen again to check your answers. SPEAKING Comparing photographs 1 You are going to compare two photographs, Look at the photographs. Then read points 1-3 and make notes. Think about: 1 similarities and differences between the two photographs 2 advantages and disadvantages of living in each vilage 3 how your home town difers from these villages 2 ©1124 Listen to Ana and ivan comparing the photographs in an exam. Answer the questions. + How many similares and ciferences between the photographs doos Ana mention? 2. How many comparisons does van make between St Petorsburg and the villages in the photographs? 3 How many of your ideas do they mention? 3. ©1.25 Read the Prepare box. Then listen to Ana and ivan using the phrases 4 @ Compare the two photographs. Say what would be the advantages and disadvantages of living in each village. Use phrases from the Propare box. ‘5 Tu to page 130 and complete the task. DORSET _ Coy 1 Read the text and four poems from the Poetry jn Motion programme. Which poem do you like the most? 3 would typically leam about poetry, A leaf, one of the last, parts from a maple : live in New York City, of course. For: an, branch: itis spinning in the transparent years, the Metropolitan Transportation J air of October, falls on a heap of others, (MTA) has been running a cultural stops, fades. No one admired its entrancing struggle with the wind, followed its flight, no fone will distinguish it now as it lies among the other leaves, no one saw what | did. 1am : the only one. ‘The programme has been very also been a similar programm with quotes from novels and. Firéflies in the garden Oe ag | i et wer really stars at hear!) eee es The city exbits around eight million SEN eres enters of the universe and turns around the golden clack Mia M ME Telos and you will see time circling, | under a vault of stars and kao Just when and where you are Communication | am talking to you about poetry Hl pT and you say i ‘ when do we eat. os The worst of itis 1'm hungry too. Alicia Partnoy (1955-) hive the place where bees live vault a high, rounded celing ‘emulating trying to be similar sustain continue, keep doing fades loses colour and disappears entrancing lovely or charming 50) biterature 2 ©1225 Listen to.a student talking about the poem Grand Central Then answer the questions. What is Grand Central? Wher i I? What ate th eight milion centers ofthe universe"? \Wnere i the golden clock located? {What does the phrase ‘moving rive’ describe? ‘mo is the ‘vaut of stars in Grand Central? What does the fast ine ofthe poem mean? 3. Work in groups. Choose one poem and discuss the following questions. Aleat 1. Find five verbs in the frst sentence of the poem. ‘Why are they important? 2 Why does the writer epeat ‘no one’ three times? 3 Why did Maj put the last three words on a new line? Firoflies in the garden 4 Wry do you think Frost compares fireties to stars? 5 How does he say that fireflies are diferent trom stars? {6 What dos Frost mean by the phrase ‘at heart’? ‘Communication 7 Wry do you think the poem is called Communication? 8 What do you think Partnoy is hungry for? {8 Why do you think Partnoy uses five shot lines for the poem? 4 Read the text about very short poems. What are ‘shards’? 5 write your own haiku about the photo below. Use the correct number of syllables in each line. Don't forget to include a seasonal or natural reference. Line 1 Line 2 Line 8 6 Share your haiku with the class. Then vote for the best haiku in different categories, such as: + the most beautiful + the funniest = the most unusual Very short poems Some poems, like Communicotion on page 50, xpress lot of ideas in just few lines. In faci, some ‘are even shorter, such 0s this poom by Vera Pavlova If there is something to desire I broke your heart, Now bareloo'| ted on shards In this very short poem, Pavlova transmits several ideas. She says tha! she has broken someone's heart and thot she treads ~ or walks ~ on shards, which are Lsuelly pieces of broken glass. However i tis poem, the shards could be the pieces of someone's hear ‘When the writer says that she is walking barefoot on the shards, without any shoes, she suggests that she is also in pain about the situation. Short, powerful poems are very typical in Japanese literature. They are called haiku, and they commonly have three lines. There are usually five syllables in the first and third lines, but seven syllables in the second line. There is olso 0 break in the middle of the poem, chen shown with « fll stop or @ comma, 5 syllables Summer sun shining ‘On my shoulders a | sw ‘Wet ond cool they burn 7 syllables splables Traditional haiku include references to the seasons cand the natural world, but modern poets may decide to break this ule. Many people now write hoiky in cher languages as well Find a poem that you would like to share with your lass. Print the poem, or copy it onto a piece of paper, and add ‘a suitable photo or drawing. ‘Wie a description of the poem using the questions below. 4 What does the poem seem to be about? 2 What message Is the writer trying to get across? 2. What do you know about the poet who wrote it? 4 What do you like about this poem? LTS 4 eee) VOCABULARY 41 Match the words tothe meanings decade myth inhabitant tribe ‘ancestor kingdom € group of people who have a traditional way of ite a period of ten years, somone who lives in a particular place ‘an ancient story that may explain an event in history ‘a country that is ruled by a royal family a relative who lived a long time ago 2 Complete the sentences by adding an adverb from the box in the correct place. constantly eventually quickly 1 They carit understand him when he speaks, 2 He's so careless! He's breaking things. 3_He got round to apologising to me ten days later. alternatively outside definitely 4 She's been ill for weeks now, so she needs to see a doctor. 5 W's lovely and sunny ~ why don't we have lunch? 6 You may use the computers in the library. You can use the laptops in room 23. ‘3 Match the sentence halves. 1 Idont getanxious of heights, 2 I'mso fed up with this awful weather! 3 I'm petrified © about exam results, with second best. fe about what you said. by all their questions, 4 Ho's furious 5 | was a bitiritated 6 'mnever content 4 Complete the conversation with suitable adjectives. ‘Adrian: Has your family always lived in Moscow? ‘Anna: No. n fact, my grandparents grew up ina roally °r emote. area — Altai ‘That's in the middle of nowhere! ‘Ys, but they loved it.The "r lie at that time was much more *r than the motorways and... estates of modern *U.... Ife, ts a beautiful area and their village was a... Community ‘where everyone knew everyone else. The people were much more friendly and Fao than in a ely, Adrian: ‘Anna: way of ‘5 Complete the text using the past simple or past continuous forms of the verbs. kneel whisper lean rush stroll tap whistio yell Detective Inspector Dighy waited on the bridge insilence. Soon, she could ¥ the darkness, The man along the road it certainly dc’t look as if he was in a hury Inspector Digby put her hand on the side ofthe bridge and forward slightly to get a better view, but the figure was too far. away to recognise, He... tune and suddenly the etective was sure he was the man they were looking for. ‘t's him,’ she Quietly in police radio. As the - figure walked past, Dil. Digby» ut ofthe shadows ‘and grabbed hold of ‘theman’s shoulder ‘Argh‘he *. see someone through 6 Complete the sentences using the correct forms {for present and past habits. 1. When | was younger | (constantly / get) 2 We in the sea every day as children, (swim) 3 You reasons not to visit these days! (always / find) rm lucky because | weekends. (see) Nowadays, he (got up) My cousin and | ‘were children, (play) into trouble my friends most at 6:45, even at weekends, ‘games for hours when we 7 Complete the sentences with the correct future forms. 1 Once you (finish) your exams, you'll be able to relax, 2 ‘Have you chosen a university course yet?"Yes, | (study) ltalian: The bus (leave) in 20 minutes, Vid like to own a car when I (be) colder, ed's still here, but he (leave), so youl have to be quick if you want to talk to him, 1'm stuck in trafic, $0 (arrive) a bit late, 'm not sure what time yet ‘The food all looks lovely. | think 1 have) a piece of that cake. Tocco. (meet) Jen on Saturday morning, ‘Why dont you come 100? Complete the sentences with the correct form of belget used to. 4 Thad never driven a car before, but | it quite quickly once | started. 1 washing up. | do it all the time. The course was hard because | studying for eight hours a day. ‘When we wore living in Madrid, 1 watching films in Spanish. ‘Complete the text with the correct narrative tenses. Karen Willer on njoy) the sunshine on the front steps of the house when the post atived. Along with the usual adverts and bill for her landlord, there? fe) a letter in a plain brown envelope. The sender nu. (type) her name and address on itn capital letters, but there ‘were no stamps or postmarks, The envelope *....... look) a bit diy, as if Someone... (step) on it by accident Karené.......(open) the envelope and 7 (take) outa photograph. Her face went white as soon as she saw it. It as of hes taken while she... (study) law in Paris 15 years previously. Karen had a completely different job now, She? {wore in Bristol on 2 temporary contract and no one... know) she was in city, not even her femily. ‘Who «su (86nd) this letter?! she 1 And how... {they / Ogata 10 Tick the two sentences without mistakes. Correct the mistakes in the other sentences. 4 Every night we were going to the cinema and it was fantastic ‘My mother told me that the old lady who was telling us storias died. ‘Also, | will be more independent from my parents, who are used to taking me everywhere. "ve been disappointed many times in my life, so Ihave used i. ‘Laura and her five friends were playing in the forest for three hours and Laura had said she dnt want to continue, He saw a woman he never met before. | think that wel going to have a wonderful weekend. “Try to read a book and you are going to see the ference. 11 @ Read the text below and decide which answer (A,B, C or D) best fits each gap. There is an example atthe beginning (0). ‘Amanda Wright, aged 17, has surprised everyone she knows by writing for weeks on (0)..C...t0 produce a full-length science-fiction novel. She frequently worked right through the night to complate the 375-page story, Parallel Decades. ‘Amanda's teachers and family began to get (1) ‘about her when she stopped being her usual cheerful self. She was (2) falling asleep during classes and she would wander around (3) quietly to herself about imaginary characters and faraway civilisations. No one had a clue what was going on, until a teacher ‘asked her to talk about the most important thing she'd a) inher life."'ve written a novel; she said. The class fol silent with astonishment. Back at nome, her parents were immensely proud as soon as they found ‘out. When it (5) ‘out that this was the reason for her moods, they (6) with reliet. Finally, Amanda's ‘odd behaviour made (7). Will there be more? ‘Yes, Il write another, but | won't @) ‘up every night wnting It she promises, 0 Ate — Bwocks Cend —_D finish ‘A optimistic B concemed C furious inrtated ‘A abeolutey B readily C rarely constantly A mittering B whisting C yoling —D shaking A made Been © achioved _D compared Awent — B worked C made D tumed ‘A sighed —B charged bounced D mumbled ‘A impression Buse sense _—_D understancing Aback Bgve C wake stay VOCABULARY Collocations 1 Complete the quiz with the verbs in the box. achieve go have (x2) looks making put see take ‘make (x2) on your scores from 1 D> mgood at D> rink tne tutu of mankind ill. aM end to major diseases cn the best of a bad situation. D> eet conscer mse to be a alt when things D> nso more strengths than weaknesses, D> ret keto that an achieve ths, Piastia ice: all my goals in life 2 Match the verbs and phrases in exercise 1 to the meanings. a make something stop happening put an end to bb attemp! to do something, tty to be positive about a bad situation improve a situation appreciate the bestiworst qualities be full of hope succeed in your alms Use an occasion to do or say something have goodibad qualities develop problems take full advantage of something because it may not last lang 3 ©22.02 Listen to the conversation. Write Dan's stores for each quiz question. 4 Read the quiz again and decide on your scores. Work in pairs and give reasons for your answers. 5 Add up your scores for each question, then turn to page 130. What does the quiz say about Dan and you / your partner? Do you agree? ‘Are you an optimist, pessimist or realist? Read the statements and decide rongly disagree) to 5 bright. For instance, one day, science go at something new | always. “the most of them a difference to the world and | believe the best in people, rather than the worst, READING 1 rongly agree). LES Read the text quickly and answer the questions. 1 What are the messages about? 2 Which people are optimisticipessimistic? 3. Which person is writing about someone else? Read the text again. Write the correct names: Ruby, Glen, Hannah, Adam. Who ... 1 is concerned about the future but it doesnit make them unhappy? 2 knows someone who is good at staying positive? 3 has made a difference to thair ile by taking new ‘opportunities? 4 can't see themselves changing their feelings about the future? Answer the questions. 1. What did Ruby do to change the way she thought about her future? 2. What problems does Glen think he will have in the future? 3. What does Hannah do to help her stay optimistic? 4 What does Adam's dad try to avoid? 1m pairs, discuss who you would give the prize to. Give reasons. Then vote as a class. aie 3 Polet MUL ttl eee) Sey Po) (ol ALL ‘A{ew weeks back on this forum, someone posted these two pictures ‘homing very different visions of the future (see right and bottom). So far ‘ver 12,000 of you have pressed the ‘lke’ button. hat do you think the future wil be like? Will the world realy have become polluted and miserable? Or do you believe the optimistic picture is right? "We keto hear your feelings on your future and whether you're optimist ‘As abitot encouragement, we've managed to get hold of a special prize fo the best entry. We aren't going to tell you what Its yet, but e's ust tf your future looks foo bright, you'll appreciate a pair of these! ad 1246 \f J $/ ubyred None Rub \ @ Musicfan 1: Han fi How we think of patente \\ never een particularly good at schoo! and | aen ic about it 80.we're running a competition, ae [used to think my future Jooked really unsure. ve ) faled exams. | started to fe! that nothing would ‘ever go right for me and tha Id never get anywhere in ifs. Howewor, last year | made a serous ofort to change this Talking to my teachers and friends was really effective and | even read a book for practical ‘advice. Some ofthe adviee included developing Jats of interests. So Ive taken up the guitar and formed a group with a fow fiends. By next month, Tihave been learning Spanish fora year — and have an exam I'm actually looking forward Yo! ‘Then in August, be going to Spain to do some ‘volunteering a farm, so my Spanish willbe really valuable. Things are ooking up! tye always been an optimistic person and | probably always wil be. | genuinely Took forward to each day when | wake up. enjoy in lie. Everyone needs a passion ~ mine fl 7 can deal wih most things. Whenever rn down about something, just think 1 be standing on a surfooard atthe weekend and have forgotten all about this by then. And that doesrrt work, | cstract myselt with my favourite music or a good comedy show. ts Gitfeut to feel fed up when you'e laughing. a ae ay td /® ® Senoringtateips me sxrowng vet! I (Ge is surfing. As long as | get todo that cegularly, ft Py una tyr © Ziggs Name: Glen co / Citizen Name: Adar old on! That's not true! (GQ _Doyou think in general its better to be pessimistic, realistic or optimistic? [No matter how hava | try, lust can't imagine a a rf ea) My dad must being optimistic. ‘We've managed to get h How we used to rons cy future that's happier than now. lave very few responsibilities atthe moment. In afew years 1 be at university. And looking at my brother, | gat the impression that univers is alot lovgher than ‘school. What's more, he's had to borrow a fortune 10.90 there! cant see it geting any cheaper. So in ve years, be working — assuming | can finda job! I'l have taken outa few loans by then too, which means I'llbe back living at home fora white. | hope that by my late twentios I have moved out of my parents’ nouse. But atthe ‘moment I'm concentrating on making the most of ‘boing youre! My dad must hold the world record for being optimistic. He's constantly cheerful about lite, He's always saying thatthe way to avoid ‘pessimistic thoughis i 1 get rid ofthe negative things in your life. The news, for example, gets him down se he doesn't watch it.And the same ff ‘plies to people and friendships. Whenever I mention haw someone's negative attitude is | ‘geting on my nerves, he has this saying he | always uses “if you want o fly withthe eagles, slop hanging out with the ducks! a es J the world record for id of a special prize. GRAMMAR Future (2): Continuous and perfect 1 ead the examples. How do we form the future continuous, future perfect and future perfect continuous? 1 In August, bo going to Spain to do some volunteering. In vo yoars, IN be working By my late twenties, /M have moved out of my parents’ house. £y next month have been learning Spanish fora year Complete the rules with continuous, perfect or perfect continuous. We use the: a future for an action that will be in progress in the future or an action that is planned for the futur. future for an action that will be ‘complete at a future time. future to say how long an action has been in progress at a future time. > Grammar reference page 156 Complete the predictions about lie in 50 years using the future continuous or future perfect. Which predictions do you agree with? 1 Technology... (Put) an end to our ‘energy probiems and mankind generate) most of its electricity trom the sun. Write sentences about your future in three years. Use the ideas below and your own ideas. Use the future continuous, future perfect or future perfect continuous. 1 study at university — YesiNo? 2 travel abroad without your parents ~ Yes/No? 3 learn English ~ How long? 4 live with your parents ~Yes/No? 5 learn to drive ~YesiNo? 6 do an interesting job ~ Yes/No? Opa ar VOCABULARY Adjective and noun suffixes 1 We use suffixes to form adjectives and nouns. Completa the exemple. Then check your answers in the text on page 55. value (noun) —> effect (noun) —> practice (noun) —> 1 (edjective) 2 3 4 compete (ver) —> 5 6 7 (adjective) (adjective) (oun) (noun) (noun) ‘encourage (verb) —> responsible (adjective) —> friend (noun) —> (noun) 2 Read the text and decide which kinds of words are needed in each gap. How do you know? Happiness and health Scientists have often linked (0)..mgtional.. EMOTION problems, such as depression, t illness, but, unt weeny, Unere fas hoen litle research ini bow Fhappiness can be (1)... t0 your heath ‘However, a recent study has shown a close 8), botoen both, Conversely ack of @)- oo OF daly aetiviies and a pessimistic (4). ae closely associated with illness The link between happiness and health is good news for teenagers, asa second report has found that 16 w 17-year-old express higher levels of (8). With ther lives than any other age group. Furthermore, the (6)... oF teenagers also say they are optimistic about the future. Ie seems ‘that the happiest and healthiest of us all are Dutch teenagers Despite being among the least (7)... 0 tbe teenagers studied, watching too much television and doing too hte exerese, 8 (8) oo. 98%6 ‘of them said they were content with thei BENEFIT RELATION ENJOY PERSONAL 3 © complete he oxt in exercise 2, Use the word gven In capitals to form a word that fs In each gop. WRITING An essay (2) 4 Look at the two photos. Discuss the questions. 1 When do you think these pictures were taken? 2 How are the lives of the young people in each photo diferent? 2 Read the task. Add more information and your ‘um idea tothe notes. Life is better for young people now than it was 50 years ago. Do you agree? Notes ‘write about: 1 friendships and family ~ caster to stay un touch van 2 hobbies 3 {your own idea) 3. Read the essay and answer the questions. +1 Did the writer mention any of your ideas trom exorcise 2? 2 What subjects other than friendships and families. lor hobbies id the writer mention? rear adults talk about how tings were: e believe life has whereas others 1b common to dufferent when they were your. Si improved. dramatically for young people, feos fe was saver in their day ‘on the one hand, life was more straightforward. ut a cerbry ago. Wee yours pee takai ore versed with their conquers and. prones tnese Wand ‘tant ext: Uren. URI, wee ven pares foros cosanty arias abet Wr dren would. spend more safely, KETASERUUE, yourg pearl sly td or ng sake sth friends. von tne other rand in camarson wih 50 years ls ives are full of oportvites. Tedmalegy eens de easy for us to (carn apo anghing ont va fiends wth pele wo share smiar teres arene, we can easily stay on taser with Friends and asi, wnerever trey are in the world | compared bo wom, Ue was deftly esr umcabed. fr yung pet 50 years 0, OR honever, | believe Uife today is far more aerating ard eae, 02 tang ae we make Une wash ae oar ves and Bre cportties we receive 4, The highlighted words in the essay are used to organise ideas. Write the words next to the ‘unetions. 1. Adding a new point 2. Introducing a personal opinion 3 Showing a logical consequence 4 Summing up 5 Read the Prepare box and find the expressions in the essay. Then choose the correct words below. Prepare torwritesComparingandicontrast ‘These expressions are used to compare and contrast ideas: , Jn comparison withito ‘compared tolwith unlike whiletwhereas ‘on he ona hand /on the other hand 1. While / Unlike my brother, 'm an optimist. 2 In.comparison with / Compared my fends | get to gocouta lot. 3. My best friend wants to leave schoo! after the ‘exams whereas / compared to | want to doa degree. 4 Compared to / On the one hand many young people, my Ie is easy. 5 Inten years, 'l have my own place which will be great, but whereas / an tho other hand I'l be paying for everything myself! 6 Read the task. Add some information and your ‘own idea to the notes. Young people's lives will be harder in 25 years, than they are now. Do you agree? Waite about 1 ome life 2 education 3 {your own idea) 7 -@ write an essay. Use all the notes and give teasons for your point of view. + Organise your essay into paragraphs. + Use phrases from the Prepare box to compare and contrast the present and the future ‘+ Use expressions from exercise 4 to organise your ideas. + Check your grammar and spelling, + Write 140-190 words, topics. There is one extra topic. @ anunexpected extra da surprise party a surprise win © a surprise wedding © anunoxpected visit a shock result 2 ©2.03 Complete the sentences with the words in the box. Listen again and check. at risk inal out of character at fault byaccident by-ehance in detail in secret outof nowhere in advance © twas only. by. chance... that | glanced through the oor 1 The whole concert lasted for three hours 2 Unfortunately, he found out about it 3 Idleft an email open 4 5 He burst into my room It's not exactly for my brother to turn up ‘ko that 6 United are now without any trophies. 7 The goalkooper was partly 8 She reused to speak but said it had taken place ago. ‘3 Match the phrases in exercise 2 to their meanings. @ before a particular time including all the information about something allogether without telling other people @ unusual in terms of someone's personality suddenly and unexpectedly 9 without intending to do something, not on purpose h i of finishing the season for the goal about the ceremony, 1 few months when something happens because of luck responsible for something bad that has happened ina situation where something bad is likely to happen 4 Check the meaning of the bold phrases. Discuss the questions, 1. What time of day are you at your best? 2 What kinds of things do you learn by heart? 3 How do you keep in touch with your friends? 4 Do you get rid of clothes when they go out of fashion’ 5 Which of your friends do you have the most in ‘common with? 6 How do you foel when you speak in publie? 4 ©2103 Listen and match the speakers (1-5) to the READING 1 Read the article quickly and choose the best title ‘8 Why we should ban flash mobs 'b The world's best flash mobs © The ciflerent sides to flash mobs 2 Read six sentences that have been removed from the article. Notice the underlined words. ‘A As.a result of incidents euch as this, some cities have banned flash mobs, B Flash mobs began occurring allover the world, ‘often organised through social media and text ‘messaging. © Despite this, the police kept a close eye on the participants. D Over the next three months, he organised seven. ‘Successful flash mobs in shops, hotels, parks and Stations all around New York, E Companies have realised the potential of promoting their products by creating unexpected events in ‘ublic. F Recently, over a milion people took part in one, at different times on the same day, in over 25 ciios around the worl, G One afternoon, he emailed 60 friends, inviting them to meet at a small local shop at exactly 724 pm, 3 @ Choose from the sentences A-G the one which fits best each gap (1-6). There is one extra sentence which you do not need to use. Use the underlined words in the text to help you decide. 4 Roplace the bold phrases with the correct form of the highlighted phrasal verbs in the article, 1 Ive got used to Sam arriving late, 2 They'e doing tests to see ifthe building is sate. 3 Jem’s thought of an idea for the end-of-term party 4 When we got back, Nate had already tidied everything away 5 | didnt enjoy that book, but dont let that discourage you. Imagine, it's Saturday at a busy shopping centre. People are doing all the things you'd normally expect ~ chatting on phones, looking in shop windows and so on. Then suddenly, the people in front of you stop moving. They're completely stil, frozen in the middle of whatever they were doing. You look around you. There are more of these people ~ perhaps ahundred or so. Other shoppers look just as confused as you are, Several minutes go by and the frozen shoppers remain exactly the same positions. Then, as suddenly as they stopped, they begin moving again, as if nothing had happened. You've just experienced a flash mob! ‘The definition of a flash mob is ‘a group of people who meet suddenly ina publi place, perform an unusual act for a brief time, then quickly leave’. An American, Bill Wasik, @dmaluplWith the idea. (|_| They. shoulde’t say anything to the assistants or each other. They didn't need to buy anything. They just had to browse for precisely seven minutes and then leave, It would have been the world’s frst flash mob, However, someone had warned the police and when Bill and his friends strived, they were waiting _vas't BEG by cis falure and started planning the next event. [21_]Each time, Bil’ friends received their invitations by emall. They met at an exact time, Gle/6Ut chair instructions, such as forming a {queue or just clapping, and then they let Before long, stories and videos of these funny and often bizarre events, appeared online. Wasik’ dea instantly captured the attention of crewive types everywhere. 3] The fash mob had become part of mnodern urban culture andthe phrase was even added tothe Oxford Englsh Dictionary One ofthe mote popular events has been the annval international fash nob pillow fig [4 |_]However, one pillow fight lf a park in San Erancica covered in thousands of feathers! was estimated tacit would cost thousands of dollars to I&AM the mess, The organisers ported a message online. ‘We shouldn't have left such a mess’ they wrote, We're sorry Flash mobs are not only potentially costly, though. There is also a danger that they can get out of control. Someone called Eve advertised alent ddsco’ ata London station. The instructions were t headphones and dance. Before the event, Eve wondered if anyone would come. | remember thinking that | should have sent the invitation to more people, she said. She needn't have worried. Twelve thousand people RIRRGMIUP. After 45 minuces the station was closed, erains were delayed and thousands of normal passengers were furious. [ bring musi, wear Since the early days of flash mobs, che events have developed into commercial oppertunities:[6 | _|In one advertisement for a mobile phone, a crowd of $00 singors and dancers flooded inzo Heathrow Airport arrivals to greet people who had just got of fights. The performers had rehearsed for months in secret before the day and the company were terrified it would go wrong, However, the resting advert more than lived up to everyone's expectations and has been seen by milion. Do you think most people find flash mobs tun ot annoying? Why? ‘Are flash mobs just entertaining, of can they have a more serious purpose? VE lvideo extra surprise! 89 GRAMMAR Modals (2): Modals in the past 1 Read the examples. What type of word follows would have, shouldn't) have and needn't have? 1 It would have been the world’s fist flash mob. 2 We shouldn't have left such a mess. 3 | should have sent the invitation to more people. 4 She needn't have worried. 5 They didn’t need to buy anything. Complete the rules with some of the modal verbs from exercise 1 ‘We use: ‘a. would have + past participle to imagine something in the past that dlait happen, > ‘or shouldn't have + past partcple to cree or express a regret about the past. e + past participle to talk about something which happened but wasnit necessary. a + infinitive to talk about something which didnt happen because it wasrit necessary > Grammar reference page 157 Choose the correct words, 1 He wouldn't / shouldn't have driven when he was so tired. He put all our lives at risk. 2 You needn't / wouldn't have bought me a present. But thank you! We le a eight because we didn't need to be / needn't have been there until nine, {im glad | didnt see that spider. | should / would heve been petitied, | needn't / shouldnt have watched that fim. '™m going to have dificuty sieeping tonight, You should J would have told us you were going to be late. We wore really concerned, 4 @ Complete the second sentence so that it has a similar meaning to the first, using the word given, Do not change this word. 1 It was wrong of you to use my mobile without ‘my petmission. SHOULD You before you used my mobile. 2. Itwasn't necessary for you to panic. HAVE You ‘na panic. 3 Iwas careless of him to go without checking the times in advance, SHOULD Before going out, the times. 4 Itwas a bad idea for me to speak. KEPT f shut. 5 Why didnt you tell me you were going out? ‘SHOULD You. me know you were going out. O.Corpus challenge Complete the sentences about you, Work in pairs and compare your answers. Ask more questions to find out details, 1 Yesterday | would have but. 2 Last weekend | shouldnt have 3. This morning | didrt need to 4 Last week I neodrt have 5 Last year | should have VOCABULARY Extended meanings of words 1 Read the examples. What do frozen and flooded ‘mean here? What is their literal meaning? 1 They were completely stil, frozen in the middle of whatever they were doing. 2 A fash mob of 500 singers and dancers flooded into Heathrow Airport arrivals. Complete the sentences with the correct form of the words in the box. boil bright flood freeze hit weigh 1 You're an excellent student with a future. 2 Tho students have been by the news that their teacher is leaving 3 Mind if Jeave the door open? It's inher. 4 Having Up the pros and cons, he's decided to go to university, 5 She when she saw the spider, 6 opened the curtains and light......into the roam, What do you think the bold words mean in these sentences? 1. Simon is hardly an angel, 2 My memory is foggy. 3 The police grilled the suspect, 4 The good news lifted everyone's mood, 5 Josie sailed through her exams. 6 Ruby and Isabel have a stormy celationship. USTENING SPEAKING | Surprising news 4 © 2.05 Listen to part of a radio interview. What do 1 (2.06 Listen to the conversation. What is Ahmed you think happened to Rachel at the weekend? surprised about? 2 Read the question carefully. 1 Why didnt Rachel suspect her friends were organising something on Saturday? [A They often went to a café before seeing a film. B She had arranged to go to the cinema, Saturday wasnt actually her birthday. 3 ©2.08 Think about these questions. Then listen agein and choose the best answer in exercise 2. + Was itnormal fr Rachel and her friend to go to this ate? + Was the tip othe cinema a reason why Rachel cic suspect anything? + What does Rachel say about her actual birthday? 4 ©2.05 @ You wilt now hear the complete radio interview. For questions 2-6, choose the best answer (A, B or C). 2 When Racher’s uncio saw her, A he fot uncomfortable. B he realised that he was late to meet a friend. he sald that he preferred to sit by himsett 3 What did Rachel think about Lucy's suggestion 10.90 downstairs? A Itwas strange because they weren't going 2 ©2286 Listen again and complete the extracts 1 Did she? That’! 2 lneverhave.. Sally was a good wnter, 3 ©2.7 Listen to another conversation. What were both Dan and Ahmed surprised about? tocet. B Itwasntt worth moving because they hadto | 4 (2.07 Read the Prepare box. Then listen to Dan eave soon and Anmod again. Which expressions do you Itwas a good idea because it might be eter there. 4 When Rachel first saw the party she ‘A was surprised about some of the people there. B was uncomfortable because it was being filmed. became emotional and couldnt siop crying. '5 What does Rachel say about her parents? A Thoy stayed too long at her party. B Her dad sang her a special song. Her mum's speech made her a bit ‘uncomfortable, {6 What did Rachel's parents think about the idea cof a surprise party? ‘A Thoy wore concerned about the cost B Thay didnt think Rachel would enjoy it. They were worried it would be too much work. 5 Prepare three pieces of surprising news about yourself. Use the Ideas in the box or your own Ideas. birthday present moving house ‘someone youmet an accident something you bought something you read online Orr 6 Work in groups. * Tell each otter your news and react. {hopeshe ne’ expented me to mala *+ Use phrases from the Prepare box, g aspsect A: I got a scooter for my birthday! B: Did you? You're so lucky! ‘Companies create unexpected events in public. United were expected to beat City easily 1 ©2.08 Listen to eight samples of World Music. Match them with the countries below. an 2d 2 ©2218 Listen again. Use the following adjectives and your own ideas to describe the music. cheerful dramatic fast fun happy lively _ peaceful relaxing rhythmic sad slow smooth 3 Read the text. Who invented the term ‘World Music’? ‘WORLD MUSIC’ De a LL Iau aC Aa cna you do, then you know there are many terms to deseribe musical styles, like pop, rock, dance or hip hop, to name only a few. When we hear those names, we usualy Ce ea ea er er ea een td tobe sure, since the term is used to desorlbe a wide variety of styles and sounds. WHEN DID “WORLD MUSIC’ BECOME POPULAR? inthe late 1980s, British recording companies stared using World Music! as @ marketing label to describe music from countries outside Western Europe and North ‘America, It was intended as a general category which could include everything fom Andean folk songs to Zambian dance rhytims, Tis new term heloed recording companies pramote alternative eounds and consequently sel more music. It was alsa more conwenient for music shops to have a spectic World Music section where customers could look for foreign artists or browse for international trends. However, some m. weren't ently convinced by the term which seemed to mean ‘anything except typical Western music For this reason, some ‘musicians felt tat ‘Word Music was a negative term that labeled thelr work as foroign and ‘exotic, but not popular or successtul 1980 The World of Music, as and Dance Organisation (NOMAD) was created ad two yas lat, the ist WONMAD Festival tok place inthe UK Since then ther ave been more than 160 WOMAD festivals around the word 1983 Charlie Gillett, 23¢ radio hos, rated a ne musical programe called’A Foreign Ala’. He ittoduces Bish tenes to many intentional ‘musicians, such as Youssou NDour tram Senegal in West ica 1986 Paul Simon, an American pop ‘musician, recorded the album Gracoland wit @ South Acan vocal grup called Ladysith Black Mambazo, The album sold over 16 miion copies, creating new bal rterest in ican music, 1987 The expression World Musi’ was choson asa marketing term bya group of record companies uring a meeting in London, Howeve, ‘he name was inven in 1960 by Robert. Bown, a music professor and etnnemusicologist rom New York. in the United Stes 1989 The British pop musician Peter Gabriel one ofthe founders of \WOMAD, established anew company called Rel World Recor to record and promote World Msc singors and groups, 4 Read the text again and find the names of a type of music from Spain, b a.DJ who has helped to make ¢ the principle World Music Festiva. an African musicia jing album, World Music m © alop-s 5 Do you agree with the following sentences? Why? / Why not? Discuss your answers in pairs. + World Music iss ‘general tern that it doess't really mean anything 2. The term World Music means different things to people in diferent countries. 3 fa band’s music is labelled 4 The term World Music makes it easier to di the internet ably won't be successful {cover new musical trends on 5 International must I are @ good way to promote music from other 6 ©2209 Listen to a podeast about WOMAD festivals. Then answer the following questions 1 How many people attended the fis estival in 19827 2. What problem did WWOMAD have with that first festival? 3. How many days do WOMAD festivals usually 4 Which countr 5 Bosc) ss have national WOMAD organisations? 7 ©2.10 Listen to Alicia and Janice giving a presentation about the singer Shakira. As you listen, complete the notes below with the words in the box Beyoncé Brazilian Colombia talian Latin Leba Full name Birthplace Family roots Barranquilla, (1) Father: (3) Early style First success The album Pies Big hits Whenever (2008), Ww Forget You ¥ ka Waka (2010) Influences music, Spanish 1 variety of musical styles 1 Place of birth 2. Family roots 3. Early musical styles ‘Shakira 'sabel Mebarak Ripol Mother: Colombian, Spani 4) pop and rock Descalzos (5) ( ever (2001 itt Liar wit (6 ina ‘Andean folk music, (7) Flamenco, and (8) Write a fac-fle about another singer that is influenced by Include information forthe followin The Pah Arar ea ged 1 Match the sentence halves. 1. Sarah really looks up to her tather. 3 Lbs memento & lycra gore of pind 8 I didnt hit it off with Jake. READING 40 Anna won't let you down. 1 Look at the example (0) in the first paragraph o Hot 192m ae ae th | thet. wnat pe of weds missing the © Sheraise fel corto unmperan © [found him very difficult to talk to 2 Discuss what specific words could fit in d I think they're going to split up. the gap. « Weer acta worry dose Sieh eho een 1 hate arguments. ‘questions 1-8, think of the word which best 9 They'll always help me if | need them to. fits each gap. Use only one word in each gap. Heavy rood rer i She's single again now, 4 Read the rest of the text. Match the ‘sub-headings | ow aye hace wt rap Ioancons Cinta To sabstccae Se 2 ©211 Liston to each conversation and answer nok needed, be rreddat loathe ohio wal) 4 Wr 3 Askanderowerthe questions aboutyourtamiy 2 OMesueatact”—8 Single 1 Have you ever met someone and hitt off with them 5 Answer the questions. ia 1 iat mite as mat? 2 Hey vero rye dwn? How? 2 Wy te Palo ane at yn Na? 3 Who can youu cont 2 iy or Lut ol ese 4 Who do you look up to? Why? anywhere? eae 4 anata nd cout ronan the texts? ‘gall “unit +4 No one says (0)... part of a family is always easy, but familes do generally provide you with love, comfort and secu, No two families are alike: some are small and ose to one (1) ‘while with others it is hard to Keep track oF wh is who. (2) some families have lived in {@)_... Same region for centuries, increasingly factors 00 (4). WOPK Opportunities and even romance have ‘caused significant population movements. When families rpove abroad, they otten lose (5) mother tongue and adopt he language and customs of the new country ~ even the speling (8) surnames can changa. This can make Inhard to trace family histories and work out (7) your ‘amily have lived in a partculer area for generations of are relatively recent immigrants, Perhaps all we can say with any certainty i that families are ful of surprises and (8) some 28es, coincidences and complications create amazing tales. Gieece from Belgium, answered the phone. she explained that she didnt know his friend, tis argued er, But when she repeated her numer slow, Ats realised He was in a hurry, so he simply hung up. Later, tis Pancho Yamamoto ‘Talcahuano, Chile Pancho Yamamoto's parents didn't exactly hit it off the fist time they ‘met. The Yamamotos moved from Japan to Chile to workin the mines ‘around 1915. Panchos father, Nobu, was, ‘big fan of Huachipato, a football team trom his home own of Taleahuano. Nobu took pride in ‘going o every Huachipato match and one winter, he travelled '500 km to Santiago de Chile, whore Huachipato was going ‘to play against Palestino. At the match, he was surprised to find that he was the only Huachipato fan inthe stadium. ‘The Palestino fans laughed and whistied at lonely Nobu ‘throughout the game. Then, when the game ended, some ‘of them took pity on him, Invited him for dinner and they ‘s00n forgot ll about ther teams’ rivalry: One Palestina fan, Carolina Femdndez, had been laughing at Nobu all along, tke the others. But she knew it was ‘wrong, so she made an effort to get to know him during dinner. They began a long-distance folationsnip and wrote around 200 eters in all before Carolina became Mrs Yamamoto, Lucinda Shah sh, Morocco Lucinda Shah doesn't feo! like she's from’ anywhere. To hor Moroccan ‘rionds, Lucinda is British and although she does have a Briish passport, her roots are all ver the place, Lucinda’ mother, Rachana, who is Inclan, grow ‘pin Mumbai and worked as a designer in Now ould stop thinking about he woman he had spoken to. There was -smathing inher voice which had really appealed to him and so he cided to star all over again. tts r-dilled the number that he bad by accident and usod alls charms to apologise to Mari. She him and they ended up chating for ages. In fact, they got on s0 arranged to meet and the rest is histor. He decided to start all over again. Allin all, Lucinda knows that her family's adventures arerit over. Her roots are all ov "Carolina Fernandez had been laughing at Nobu ‘York. Lucinda’s father, Amir, afm producer whose ‘Work is mainly in the UK, was born in Inga to an Afghan father and a Scotisn mother. Amir Shan ‘met Rachana in 1999, They got on really well ‘and were married the same year in Paris. When their daughter, Lucinda, was just five, Amir Shah announced, Were moving to Marrakesh! For him, it was a magical place he'd always wanted to take his family to. They moved from London to Marrakesh, where Lucinda speaks Arabic and is studying at the American echool. But now, all of a sudden, Rachana Shah is talking about ‘moving to Thailand, Alin all, Lucinda knows that hr family's adventures arent over yet GRAMMAR Relative clauses 1 Read the examples and underline the relative clauses. Are they defining or non-defining? 1. Marie Wouters, who had just moved to Greece, answered the phone, 2. Attis couldn't stop thinking about the woman he had spoken to. 9 Attis re-dialed the number that he had called by accident There was something in her voice which had really appealed to him. Lucinda’s father, whose wark is mainly in the UK, was born in India Nobu travelled to Santiago, where Huachipato was going to play against Palestino. ‘2 Read the rules and check your answers. defining relative clause gives essential information about a noun. We: * can leave out the relative pronoun if itis the object of the clause. *+ cannot leave out the rolative pronoun i itis the subject ofthe clause. b Anon-defining relative clause adds extra information about a noun, We: * cannot leave out the relative pronoun, *+ do not use that for people or things. + always use commas before and ater the relative clause, > Grammar reference page 168 3 Look at the examples in exercise 1 again. Where is the bold preposition in example 2? Read the text and add a relative pronoun or adverb (where, when) before each relative clause. Put the relative pronoun in brackets if you can leave it out. UW never forget the time (when) we had a family holiday in Greece. Woaskedina cae on uote inact adie were mpeg eae efoscrating he wanted to fin A my parents used to live, Ould help us, 5 Rewrite the pairs of sentences using relative clauses. © Ihave @ cousin the same age as me. She is really good fun U have a cousin the same age as me, who ic really good. fun ‘This is our family home, Four generations have grown up here. Our apartment has views across the whole city It ‘was built five years ago. My uncle is now a teacher at our school. He always Played with us as children Last year we visited Poland. My grandparents came from there. This is a photo of my grandparents. They got rmarvied in 1967, ‘OCorpus challenge VOCABULARY Compound adjectives 1 Complete the compound adjectives. Use the past participle form of the words in the box. age balance behave build organise pay © Sam is 1.88 m and 95 kg, He's fairly well-built 1 The holiday was well. thanks to my mum, 2 My dad's 45, so | guess he's middie- 3 Ity to eat 4 My aunt has a very well... job, 5 I cant stand badly. children! 2 Complete the sentences. Combine one word from each box to form compound adjectives. grown high last feng salt short confident distance minute tech term up 0 We make a lot of long...distance. phone calls. Mark is He knows what his strengths are My uncle's living with us at the moment, but its only a arrangement ve got two cousins. One is 25 and the other is 26. There's always a lot of ‘equipment here because my mum's a software developer ‘We didn't book the football tickets unti the day before the match, twas a decision WRITING An article (2) 1 Read the article. in what way has Dan's brother influenced him? Someone | admire 168 1s there anyone who you can rely on, no mabber hat? For me Urak person is my cider brother, rere Wen (wns 1B, he had a bg impact on my life Ts having problems with a garg at school who used 40 bully me alk he time. akonQiHOnnigh because trey dor’t understand. feerage stuff, but | did talk to my brother about it, Discussing the issues with hin made a huge difference to me. YORIRAS Fis patience. | must have talked. about the same. problem 100 times, yet he always listened. as if & mas the first time. | think that's pretty amazing! Lewis jas been a really important infiaence: on me ever snc. the importance of being trough. Instead. of sounding syrpathetic and then forgetting all. aboub ‘riends! problems, | listen propery non. What about you? your: life? by Dan 2 Read the task, then read Dan's article again. Discuss the questions. ‘You see this notice on your schoo! noticeboard. Articles needed! + Which family member or friend do you most admire? Why? ‘+ How has this person influenced you? Write an article for the schoo! magazine answering these questions, Include til ‘The best article will be published in our magazine next month, White your articte. 1. Can you think of a more intoresting ttle for Dan's arlicle? 2 Does Dan answer the three questions in the task? 3 How does he organise his answers? 4 How does Dan get the reader's attantion? ‘3 Read the Prepare box. Match the sentence structures in the Prepare box to the highlighted parts of the article. UTD ‘You can make your writing more interesting by varying your sentence structure. Try using: + questions, + ing forms as subjects. * structures which add emphasis, 4 Complete the second sentence so it has a similar meaning to the first. Use ideas trom the Prepare box to help you. 1 I mot Adam and that changed my ite ‘Adam changed my Ife, 2 admire her kindness the most What | Is her kindness. 3 love my uncle, especially his sense of humour ‘The thing about my uncle is his sense of humour. 4 spent time with my aunt and that helped me become more confident with my aunt helped me become more ‘confident, 5 find his determination really amazing, Wat ‘amazing is his determination, 6 | really ke his postive atitude to lite. his positive attitude to life, The thing 5 Read the task in exerci your own artic ‘+ Think ofa family member or friend, ‘+ Make notes. Think of examples and develop your ideas. ‘Put your ideas in order. ‘+ Think ofa topic sentence to begin each paragraph. ‘+ Think of an interesting tite. 6 © write your article. + Try to vary your sentence structure, ‘+ Remember to address your reader to get their attention. Check your grammar and spelling ‘Write 140-190 words, 2 again and plan 1 How many of the photos can you match with each sentence? 1 This was done to cheer people u 2 This is probably intended to amus 3 Thisiis intended to something. This is to © occasion. | think this is there to stimul Whoever did this wanted to about an issue. 7 Things ko this inspir 8 think itis there to © 2.12 Listen to Dan and Sara discussing photos a-d. Which two verbs do they associate with each photo? people, people to do te someone on a special people to think their opinion people to be optimistic, a business, ©2:12 Listen again. Who expresses these opinions? $ (Sara) or D (Dan)? 1 say things lke the heart onthe trafic light improve your day 2 thinks personal messages by te side ofthe road are a nuisance. 3 suggests thatthe street artis trying to get actoss a certain message. 4 thinks the legs could be an advert for a second-hand clothes shop. 4 Discuss three things that + cheer you up. + inspite you. * you'd lke to express your opinions about. 1 Read the text quickly. What is a random act of kindness? Give two examples. 2 Read the text more carefully. Are the statements, true or false? 1 Andrew's response to the driver's offer was immediate and decisive 2 For Ali the most enjoyable thing about a ‘random act of kindness’ is observing how people respond. 3 Ali was upset because the old lady refused to tell him what was going on. 4 The campaign in Sydney has had a great deal of influence worldwide, ‘Andrew found the customer's request in the calé dificult to near, Andrew feels pleased because he believes the idea ‘of ‘caffe sospeso' shows the good side of human behaviour. 3 Complete the sentences with the highlighted words in the text 1 Fm going to work as a univers 2 My 8, Le and et ve 2 You ahays ask the most... questions! 44 Theresa... ¥an parked athe end ofthe road 5 Ive posted a video on YouTube really hope t goes 6 Her fnend take advantage of her wile en at Discuss the questions 1. Which of the random acts of kindness appeals to you the most? Why? 2 How do you think you would react i someone offered you a random act of kindness? Why? 3 Would you leave a caffe saspeso for someone? Why? /Why not? “Have you experienced a Random Act of Kindness {yet Imagine the scene: t's late and you've spent ‘the whole day shopping with a friend. Ithas started to rain. You've both got heavy shopping bags to carry and neither of you has any energy {eft. You're dreaming of the sofa when, all ofa sudden, 2 voice says, Can | give you a lift What would you say? After all, we all now the dangers ‘of accepting lifts from strangers. |Asa matter of fact, when thishappened to me;! was very Suspil0U. As far as | knows, don't lookas if hed to have my bags carted! ‘t's just a rfidom act bf kindness:the guy said. glanced at my friend and faised my eyebrows. The man seemed trustworthy, 50 mumbled our thanks and accepted the lift. ‘swe were driving over Sydney Harbour Bridge, the diver introduced himselfas Aland gave us a smal ‘Nelhused card. Itexplained that a random act of Kindness is doing a favour for someone you have never met before, and for no special reason. The whole idea's Simply to cheer strangers up. Take the card, pass it on hesaid.|asked whether he id thisall the time, lke to oa few random acts every once na while. It makes me feel good about myself explained Alt could be any numberof things from picking up litter ina stranger's garden to swapping places with the person behind Jouina queue. As far ast'm concerned, by far the best partis watching people's reactions. Some people ae Comfortable with it immediately others are doubtful Ini, but a few don't actually want to be helped ‘popes in syney owen vile eRe cettofts the lone spread quiet) onineandt Hugs campaigns in most countries, Millions of people have | ed ‘the idea, which has gone beyond _mere hugs to include other random acts Tepes etkore wpe ‘Afew weeks ater, went into 2 café to get a takeaway coffee, While | was being served, a manwalked in behind me and asked ‘Are there any. free coffees” | could hardly believe my ears, especially when the barista sai, Yes: The customer got her to give him 3 coffee -for nothing Then she crossed off amarkon the blackboard. When he had left, | asked her what a5. {going on. Coffésospeso! she explained. t's an old ‘radition from Naples, a tay. Itmeanssuspended offen italian and is when someone who's had ‘good luck or wh is Feeling generous orders two Coffees, one to drink and one a sospeso, for a future customer who needs a coffee but can‘tafford one. We fake the payment and add a mark here on the board. ‘Then people can come in and ask we have any sospesos any free coffees. We don't promote i, but ‘ur regulars knove we doit‘In such a competitive worl, [felt glad to witness such g@nersity of the human spirit, Wondering whether charity and kincness could become the Philosophy of the modern age, | ordered a cappuccino t0.go'~ and one cafe sospeso. Oris .s a matter of fact, when this happened to me, 1 was a bit suspicious. As fara | kno bags carried! | dont look as if! need to have my 1, by far the best part is watching peaples reactions. this, the idea spread uickiy online £33 What makes poople do random acts of kindness? Why might you sometimes not accept a random act of Making a ditference GRAMMAR The passive (1): Review 1 Read the passive examples. What tenses are they? 1. She was hugged by a complete stranger 2 ilions of people have been inspired by the idea, 3 While | was being served, a man walked in behind me and asked 2 Read the rules. Why is the passive used in each sentence in exercise 1? ‘We use the passive! ‘a when who or what does something is unknown, Unimportant or obvious. if we dont want to say who doos something, oF If we want to avoid blame. © to;emphasise the person who recelves an faction, rather than the person who does the action, We use by iit is important to add who or what does something > Grammar reference page 159 3 Complete the text with the pi verbs. Free hugs stop the city ‘embers of he Free Hugs Campaign «©. hare, been.acked... (ask) ogo home early after their annual meeting caused chaos this evening. Although thousands of members ' {invite}, organisers only expected a few hundred to h ‘wrong and huge numbers of people ‘round the city centre... (block) for three hours earlier today and -ladvise) 10 avoid the area alice are warning hat public transport / affect) until later tonight os well, day, we *.....|impress) by the OCorpus challenge Causative 4 Read the examples and answer the questions. 1 alt need 10 have my begs carted. ‘Wh di the wer think should cany his bags? 2 | was pleased io get my shopping delivered Who was delivering the writer's shopping? 3. The customer got her to give him a cotiee ~ for nothing, Who gave the customer a cote? Did the customer pay? 5 What could be done in the following situations? Use the verbs in the box and the causative. ‘cut redolver repair replace wash © Your dacs watch stops He could. have/get the batteries replaced. 4 Your sister's hairs too long 2 Your mum's car is dirty {2 Tho sereen on your phone cracks 4 There's a note to say a parcel was delivered while you were out VOCABULARY both, either, neither 1 Read the examples, then match the words to the meanings. You've both got heavy shopping bags to carry. Both (of my) bags are (ull of shopping. Is either of you tired? Miicarry either this bag or that one. Neither of you has any energy lf. ‘Neither you nor your friend has any energy let 1 both 2 either... or 3 nether... nor ‘a one or the other 'b one and the other © notone or the other Choose the correct verbs. 1 Both of them is/are mine. 2 Either George or Sam is / are lying, 3 Neither Sam nor Jo was / were willing to help. ‘Complete the sentences using 1-3 words in each gap. 1 I couldn't go along or Market Street because were blocked, 2 Apolice officer and a taxi driver were offered hugs, but them accepted. 3 Two students asked me if ke a free hug, so | had hugs from them! Patk Street roads USTENING 1 ©2138 You wilt hear a woman called Amy Linton talking about hearing a violinist playing in an Underground station. What was surprising about the performance? 2 ©2.13 © Read the sentences below carefully. Try to work out what kinds of answer are needed. ‘Then listen again and for questions 1-10, complete the sentences with a word or short phrase. ‘The Violinist in the Underground Station Amy works as a (1) in London, Amy first heard violin music when she was in the 2) Amy uses the word (3) to describe Amy was amused to 590 that, unike her, the violins The vilnist had puta (5) on the g When a litle gl stopped to listen, the vilinist (6) Amy realised that she knew the piace of music trom ‘When the music stopped, Amy felt (8) Amy says that shetd once pald (9) “The violinist said she liked the (10) at the station the special quality of the violin playing, was wearing (4) ound for people to put money in. britly aw) shed heard, that few people had given money. to see the violinist at a concert that she got playing in different places. SPEAKING Discussing options 4 ©2114 Listen to Elena and Hans talking as part ofa speaking exam. They are talking about giving help to disabled children inthe local community. 1 Tiok the five things that they talk about, 2 What do they both agree they would help with? ‘access to school computer gaming going shopaing going out at the weekend homework reading and wring sports tidying up 2 ©2145 Read the Prepare box. Then listen to part of the conversation again. Which expressions do you hear? reping talking ‘Starting to talk Lots start with Asking for clarification ‘What exactly do you mean? ‘Are you reterring to... Keeping talking ‘Again, as with .., we could ‘What else? / Anything else? | was just going to say that. ‘Do you want to add anything? 3 ©216 @ Listen to the instruction and look at the task for one minute. Then complete the task. Use phrases trom the Prepare box. household jobs ‘computer assistance / i What services could students offer to help ‘elderly people in the local community? shopping transport someone to talk to Making a difference a ng is an interesting new application of the saying ‘many hands make light wor. n the same way that classmetes might work together on an assignment, now di dreds or thousands of people can collaborate on projects that would be too large or complex for a small group of co-workers. At the same time, crowdsourcing follows the old saying that ‘two heads are better than one: When many people collaborate, they not only work faster, but they also work better, by combining their intelligence and experier of the most famous examples of crowdsourcing is Wikipedia ~ an online encyclopedia that is written, edited and managed by people all over the world. The writers are volunteers who offer their time and work for free. And thanks to them, Wikipedia now offers more then 4 million free articles in English, WIKIPEDIA and millions more in aimost 200 other languages. That's an amazing hier" achievement for a project that only started in 2001, prlene Sberais in he seme way as Wikipedia. For exemple, there is 2 3 community learning website called Merrie, which offers more than 8,000 frae educational courses in alltypes of subjects. Tho courses, which ere created yy ep7 7 { cca | by volunteers include photos, videos, games and /7/€777T 1S quizzes to help people learn quickly and have fun at the same time, . such as London'sTate Museum, have also used crowdsourcing for projects. In 2010, the museum started the Tate Mavie Project website, where children learned how animated films are made. The children also wrote stories, drew their ‘own characters and sent them to the website, After ‘that, professional animators worked with the children to make a collaborative film called The ltch of the Golden Nit. The film was shown on BBC television. can also be a way for people and companies to make money, Some - businesses organise crowdsourcing websitesto =GOLDCORP ‘get suggestions for new products, services or advertising campaigns. They may also otter prizes, for the best ideas. For example, the Goldcorp mining company offered a prize for alist of good locations for discovering gold.The best list won $575,000 and the company found $3 billion dollars of gold, 2 Choose the best definition for crowdsourcing. 1 offering a prize for suggestions about products, services or advertising campaigns 2. asking many people to help with a project, often using the internet to find volunteors 3 using a website o collect information that many people around the warld can use 3. Answer the following questions with information from the text, +. How can Wikipecia offer so many diferent articles for free? 2 Why are Memise courses fun? ‘3. What did children learn from the Tate Movie Project? '4| Why do you think the Goldcorp company offered such a big prize? 4 Share your opinions about these questions in pairs or groups. 4 Do you agree with the saying that ‘many hands make light work’? 2 What problems may people have when they work together on a big project? 3 Why do you think people volunteer for projects like Wikipedia or Memrise? 44 Can you think of more projacts thal use crowdsourcing? 5 Read the web post. What kind of help does the school wart? Pe cso) Clubs around the world! Our school crowdsourcing project Cur school wants to offer more after-school clubs, so were making a ist of ideas. Can you help us? + What afterschool clubs are there at your school? + Which clubs are the most/east popular with students? 1+ What new clubs would YOU like to have at your school? Click here to send us a message! 6 © 2.17 Listen to the first meeting of the Clubs around the works! committee (Tina anc ‘John with the headmaster, Mr Prentice. Put the project tasks In order. havea meeting with the headmaster ater the vote make a shorlt ofthe most popular suggestions inl @ webpost wih threo diferent survey questions (1) Tora. check the emails and make a ist of the club ideas ask for volunteers to collect the votes in class post the survey questions on social media sites Project ‘Design your own crowdsourcing project. Use the following ‘quostions to help you. 41 What type of project could you create at school at home or swith your friends? 12. What would you need to do inorder to set up the project? 3 Which members of your team would do which tasks? Design a web post to get volunters for your project. Units 9-12 1 2 a GB © (content ‘Match the two parts of the phrases. 1 make the goals 2 putan b best of something 3 take every © goat something 4 have a best in people 5 achieve your © opportunity, 6 see the 1 end to something Complete the meanings with a preposition from A and a word from B. common fashion fault favour heart 11 When you learn something like & poem so you can remember it all, you learn it 2 When people don't wear a partioular style any more, its gone ‘3. When you share interests with someone, you have something 4 When you'te responsible for something that's going wrong, you're 5 When you agree with a plan or an idea, youte oft Complete the conversations with a compound adjective that means the opposite of the Underlined words. Use a word from A and a word last well badly self minute built behaved -term 1A Is Martin the tal slim boy? B No, he’s the one. 2 A Did you plan your holiday well in advance? B No, twas a decision, 3. A Were the students good? B There were a few serious. 4 Als your brother's job abroad permanent? B No, its only a contract 5 A\Is Louise sill as shy as she used to be? B No, she's much more ow. boys, but nothing 4 5 Rewrite the underlined phrases using the phrasal verbs in the box. Make any other changes necessary. fall out stick together look down on go off take after letdown 1 Heel terrible about disappointing Tom, but I'm just to0 tired to go out tonight. 2 We always support each other in my family 3 My brother is lot ike our dad, 4 ve stopped enjoying chocolate, 5 My sister and | are constantly having arguments, but we always make friends again, 6 It always feels as if Susanna is thinking that rm {ess important than her, Match the sentence halves. Add a word from the box if necessary. (livia's drama teacher inspired her | expressed my opinion I vied to cheer Frank Everyone congratulated Mike They've been promoting that phone lve persuaded my brother his excellent exam results, all over the place recently. several times, but no one listened to me! become an actress, but he's really down. lend me some money. GRAMMAR Complete the second sentence so that it has @ similar meaning to the frst. 1 Everyone has been given a certiticate. Cortiticates 2 This computer was given to me by my brother. Iwas 3 Our house was painted while we were away. We had . 4 Your teacher should have told you what to do. You should | persuaded the company to replace my phone for tree I got my Is Simon persuading you not to go? ‘Are you being 7 Choose the correct sentence or ending. 1 By the end of the year, ‘a well be finishing this book 'b well have finished this book Maybe we could borrow my dad's car, ‘a He won't have used it today. b He wont be using it today. | might be tied on Saturday evening as .. Mil have been revising all day. b Filhnave revised all day. | wil have been learning Spanish fa by the time | go to Madris. 'b fora year soon | can give Mike the key. 2. Mi be seeing him later. »b [have seen him later Emily's going to university when fa she’s finished schoo! bb shell have finished school. wish you hadrit cleared up. fa | needntt have done it. bb I would have done it Sally made all the arrangements in advance, $0 a we needsit have done anything. bb we didrit need to do anything John was depending on you for help yesterday. ‘a You shouldrit have let him down. b You wouldrit have let him down. 1m glad | didn't wear my jacket. fa should have been boiling. bb I wouldt have been comfortable. Josie would have loved that fil. | should have persuaded her to come, bb | shouldn't have persuaded her to come, It was an easy test. | spent ages learning dates, but a I needatt have. bb I didn't need to. B Complete the sentences with who, that, which, whose, where, when or why. Write the word in brackets if you can leave it out. ‘Sams dad works. eventually turned up This is the hospital We waited for Marcus, 30 minutes late. My brother is someone | really ook up to. My brother, is never normally s0 ‘well-organised, has done everything, ‘Sam's the gil ‘mum you met. Can | borrow the book... you were reading? (Do you know the date......\ve have to hand in ‘our essay? I dorit know the reason he let. Omar rar '9 Tick the two sentences without mistakes. Correct the mistakes in the other sentences. 1 Finally, n your leter you mentioned that you have to leave by 4.50 pm. There is no problem about that, because we will have been finished by then, ‘You do not have to worry about it because all the activities wil have finished by 4 o'clock. ‘The time that the show should start was 19:50 but it started fortyfive minutes later Inhad been better to stay in bed. ‘Your group has been booked into the Palace Hotel, which address you wil tin in the leaflet. “That time we spent together was great because | mace some good new friends wich ave some cof my closest. twas a beauttul big house and | loved it~ ‘maybe because | had been raised there. ‘The hotel baen bul in the town cenive, so we did not have to walk miles to get where we intended |40 @® For questions 1-8, read the text below. Use the word given in capitals at the end of some of the lines to form a word that fits in the gap inthe same ino. There Is an example at the beginning (0) “Thad great (0)... admiration. for my granclather said T7-year-old Josie Taylor. He was such a kind {and (1)... person that I fet rreeded to do something when he led! Alter some (2) Josie ‘came up with an @).....1ea she decided to perform 90 random ‘acts of kindness for strangers — one for each year of her randiather’ ie. So far she's done 24, trom picking up iter buying a stranger's cofee, Josie says most people have reacted th (4) oo. Nd simply thanked hor for hor (6) ‘Others have looked at her asi she was mad. have to use my (6) ccrefully when | choose peop Ii help! she says. One of her most a ‘acts has been when she baked a cake fora lonely elderly neighbour By an (8) coincidence it was his birthday that ‘cay and he was absolutely thriled, ADMIRE SENSE ‘CONSIDER ORIGIN ASTONISH GENEROUS JUDGE MEMORY BELIEF 1 Read the quiz. Check the meaning of the words and phrases. Pn peg | | rarely doubt my ability as I'm a confident and motivated person, i Z | include everyone in activities and teat people fil 3 1am more adventurous than cautious. [ 4. | prefer spending time with friends, but I'm happy in my own company. [_] 5 People think of me asa sympathetic person who is abways ready to listen © | show appreciation for the kind things my friends do for me, | 7 | react positively to citicism even though | may nat agree with it 8 | havea lot of influence on people and they often look up to me 9 | set myself targets and 'm strict with myself about achieving them 10. I'm willing o be different and stand out from the crowd READING: 1 ©2.20 Liston to someone talking about the Three Dot Dash challenge. What do all the teenagers’ 3 Add up your scores for the quiz and then turn ideas have in common? to page 131. What does the quiz say about you? Do you agree? 1 =not true for me, 2 = sometimes true for me, ways true for me. 2 Read the profiles of four teenagers taking part {in Three Dot Dash. In pairs, decide which basic 4 ©2.18 Compicte the table. Use the sentences in needs each teenager is addressing. the quiz to help you. Then listen and check. 3 © Read the profiles again. For questions 1-9, choose from the people (A-D).The people may 1 sympathise be chosen more than once. 2 4 Which person 1 has been recognised fr ther projet in their 5 criticise ‘own Country? ss eRe Ze ei has improves the lives of a very large number out 3 [10 sa ‘of people through thei idea ? 4 working locally on their project at the moment 5 ©2.19 Listen to tour people. Which of them do ‘but wishes to expand it to other locations? {you think would make good leaders? Why? has worked with tne kinds of people Involved in Gunn conten tn thelr project for along time? the conectnamee: Phoebe te, Nathan or aby. be opens Gah & Phosbe, Ale, ‘was motivated when they suffered from a 1 is doubiful h will ever be a leader portonal experienos? 2 oo appreciates what his teacher di for him. | aiming thoir project at primary school age 3... hasnt gat much sympathy with people who children to begin with? make excuses. She thinks they lack motivation did some research to ind out the enantof a 4 is sometimes too etcal of other people. problem? has helped individuals to get back in contact with each other? “unit 13 iv all began when her alde sister got a parttime job \ j | at a bakery, Gne evening, Natasha's sister tured up at home with a huge bag of bread land cakes that: the bakery had been planning to throw away. Natasha was shooked at the amount, of wasted food in a country wher tone in six people don't get encugh to eat every | a difference in the for his project he com two of his favourite interests: , ‘computer programming and the environment. Hector knew ‘at in general young children and teenagers jepprenieta bein day, She started thinking about how this food ee and wo de cased The Word avid be dtibuted to peapie who need | | De Sane eeok Us eee With the help of friends and family, Natasha Iotiatng gras, The ie target ofthe defer ke lemaenn s)ener9 50d Propet 7-11 year ods bu: Hector wari ta card sofort pos | IO FRAT a SST need of it. In just a few months she has delivered \. aa 500 kg of food that would have gone in rubbish bine. Natasha set up FoodSync in New York, but really wants her pr the country for 8 new pain Yash had to go meee ae to school for a week without them. Escada Unable to see clearly, Yash soon fo erate Up in class dificult, Yash went online to fir eae plies ‘out mare about. poor sight and discovered that | &t homeless shekers at a young | PS gener oer cov haters ie | | | | ject to be adopted « n brought up by a ware af both age. Having single mother, Anoop i e importance of family and friends in cur lives, She knew that there were many arganisations ( ) learned that an astonishing 300 million need cant aff around 10% of children at primary school, between B and 11, have poor vision 4 them. In developing glasses providing essenti wanted to do samething ci Project HELLO (Helping Everyone Loce On and often struggle in class as a result. So ren Anoop ns to put hamelass residents in Vancouver, Yash set up Sight Learning, which distributes unwanted glasses to eye clinics tn give children their vision back. The first clinic to be started ‘was in Mexico and has already given thousands of young children the gl inital success has led to fur Hondures and Heit. Yash has insisted on being J work you ar nd Sanada, in touch with lost farnily and friend nected In three years, Project HELLO hat 300 people wich their friands a thro family calls and even face-to- igh letters, phor face meetings. In addition to her invitation to Three Dot Dash, Anoop was recently included in the '20 under 20’ list, which celebrate s involved in each of the clinics and has visit them all. "To see first-hand that th ping someone is @ great f doing is f tim glad we've been able to make an impact: ae Ym Peder think | lead more than I follow. This initial succes to further elnis. tiv and sip athaen?: ‘What qualities do you think young people need to take on the Three Dot Dash challenge? GRAMMAR _ The passive (2): Other structures 1 Read the examples and complete the rules with be, to be or being. 1 Natasha wants her idea to be adopted ail over tho country. 2 The frst clinic to be started was in Mexico. 3 Yash has insisted on being involved in each of the clinics. 4 She started thinking about how this food could be distributed fo people who need i. 8 Hector knew that in general young children and feonagers appreciate being involved in their learning. ‘There are some special structures forthe passive. We use: a + past participle after some verbs (enjoy, fee ike, etc) b + past participle after some verbs (want, hope, ete.) ce + past participle after prepositions. d + past participle after the fist/second Jast + noun, e + past participle after modal verbs. > Grammar reterence page 160 2 Complete the second sentence so it has the samo meaning as the first sentence. Use a passive form. 0 They invited her frst ‘Sho was the fist 0, be, invited. 1. He hates it when people criticise him, He hates 2 They blame me all the time and | am fed up with it {Lam fed up with 3 Everyone would appreciate it it you were on time. would 4 We must treat everyone fairly. Everyone must 5 I hope they make me captain ofthe tearm soon, hope 6 They told me last Iwas the last Write the sentences in the passive form © hate / tel / what to do, hate being told. what to do. 1 Everyone expects / criti / rom time to time. 2 He insisted on / put in charge 3 The first student / award a prize was trom my class, 4 You wil / give /the results of your exam this week 5 The singer would Ike / take / seriously as an actress. ‘Complete the sentences with a passive verb and your own ideas. Compare your answers in pairs. 1 | cant stand boing ... 2 I preter being ... to being .. 3 Ina few years Ihope to be... 4 | dream of being ... Cg VOCABULARY Phrasal verbs with up 1 Complete the sentences with the correct form of the phrasal verbs in the box. Check your answers, in the profiles on page 77. 1 One vening, Natasha's sister ‘a huge bag of bread and cakes, ‘at home with 2 Natasha FoodSync in New York 3 Unable to see clearly, Yash soon found in class dificult, 2 Match the phrasal verbs in exercise 1 to the meanings. 4 start a company or organisation b arrive © quickly as someone else ‘3 Match the phrasal verbs to the meanings. 1 you want to be heard, youll need to speak up. 2 I made up an excuse about being busy because | ‘couldnt be bothered to go. 3 Iwas waiting outside the station when a young man came up to me, 4 The film didnt quite live up to my expectations. 1 invent something b approach someone ce 4 ‘speak louder bbe as good as expected 4 Ask and answer the questions. j Oe | | a ea : 7 1 Which of your friends always turns up last when you meet? : 2. Do you find it easy to keep up with schoolwork? 3 Have you ever been to an event that didnt lve up to your expectations? 4 Are you good at making up stories? 5 Have you ever sel up a club or something similar. yourself? 1 WRITING A review (1) 4 Read the task and answer questions 1-3. ‘You see this notice on a school noticeboard Reviews wanted! Is there a TV show that you never miss? Or one that you can't stand watching? ‘write a review for the schoo! website. Explain what the show is about and why you do or don’t enjoy it | Write your review. +1 What do you have to write about? 2 Who will ead the review? 3 What information do you need to include in your 2 in pairs, tell your partner about the best and worst ‘TV shows you have seen recently. 3 Reed the review and answer the questions. 41 Does the writer enjoy the show or not? 2 What words and expressions help you decide? 3 Would you like to watch this show’? Why? / Why not? The Teenage Boss fa tin a massive fan of reality TY shows and. | natch them a. lot. My absolute, favourite is "The Teenage Boss! 1 in this show, twelve teenagers compete, to win 4 price of £20,000. In each episode, theyre divided ino tno teams and, seb a surprisingly nalienging task. For instance, once they had. [pst Mrvee days to come wp with an original concept for 6 video game, make an advert and. present i to a. group of experts! The winning team is renarded with a cook experience, such ‘as oc helicopter vide. However, the leader of the Insing team must decide on the people who were nose ab foul for failing to win. Finally, Ure ‘celebrity judges ‘fire’ one person, which means they are cut of the competition e The contestants live together for Une whole series and they are clearly under a. lot of essure, They can be extremely critical of each other, especially oF they think they wight be o> danger of being fired. This, along with some difficult and. even arrogant personalities, makes te shon briliantly entertaining and. \'m totally addicted. to ib 4. This really is @ fantastic shots recommend, it to anyone of my age | thoroughiy 4 Read the Prepare box. Match the paragraphs in the review to the functions. tion of show recommendation introduction strengths/wveaknesses ‘A review should: have a ttle. be well organised into paragraphs. clearly express the opinion of the reviewer. hhave @ range of vocabulary relaied to what is being reviewed. se descriptive vocabulary to make it interesting. ‘make a recommendation 5 Read the review again. Answer the questions, 1. What vocabulary related to TV shows does it contain? 2 What descriptive vocabulary does it contain? ‘3. What expression does the writer use to make a recommendation? 6 Are the descriptive expressions positive or negative? Add them to the table. Can you think of any moro? rather dull__brillantly entertaining ‘extremely amusing absolutely gripping not very exciting rather predictable __ = ae 7 @ Read the task in exercise 1 again. Write your review of aTV show for the website. Positive Negative ‘+ Use the tis in the Prepare box. + Check your speling and grammar. “+ Write 140-190 words. Leadina the wav 80) Getting there VOCABULARY Phrasal verbs 1 Read the sentences and match them to the pictures (a-)). 1 We were held up because there was an accident further down the road, 2 We broke down in trafic. 3 We had to wait forthe car to cool dow 4 put my foot on the brake and the car 5 The train pulled into the station exacty on time. 6 As | goto the platform, the train was pulling ofthe station 7 The car pulled up quick outside the bank 8 The car indicated and pulled overt the side of the road 9 | found it realy hard to keep up with him, 10 | ran over some glass and gota puncture 11 The bus drove off without waiting 12 | could just make out the red ighis ofa carin ont 2 ©221 Listen to eight situations and decide what 's happening. Use the phrasal verbs in exereige 1, 1 Sophie's dad has driven off without her READING 1 Look at the types of holiday below. Which types ‘of holiday have you been on? Which would you like to go on? A Camping B Language learning trios © Independent traveling D Volunteer holidays E Package holidays 2 Read the article quickly. Match paragraphs 1-5 with holidays A-E in exercise 1. ‘3 Read the article again. Answer the questions in your own words. 1. Which type of holiday do you think the writer enjoys. the most? 2 What is itimportant to find out betore you fy to @ country? 3 What did Mark's trip offer him that it would be dificult to gat on anther holiday? 4 What significant advantage of a camping holiday {does the article mention? 5 What advantages of a package holiday are mentioned? 6 What does the writer advise you should look for iva volunteer holiday? 7 Why can volunteer holidays get quite expensive? 8 What advantages does independent traveling offer over package holidays? Unit 14 Tina Frey, who runs, says the best holidays can be those arranged through finds and family overseas. Sho recommends looking up long-lost tolatves and tiends abroad and geting in touch Na Price, 17 spent last summer with the family of business friend of his mother’s in Argentina. He sai the plan had boen for him to practise his Spanish before starting his degree in languages, nd it worked. 'm loads more confident ai speaking now. What's more, | got to experience everyday ie ian Argentine famly. That was the best part 2 Many sites have a poly of over 183 only and are particulary cautious about all-male groups, Tina points out So always check beforehand. Othenwee, no holday offers {gator freedom at this price. Tho intial costs of buying necessary equipment can be shared among you and your nates, or you may be able to borrow stuf If you're not sure ‘oper-air living is fr you try a weekend musie festival — you can even rent ens at most of them and youll have no trouble feeding yoursel 3 Iyou want ne simplest of notidays abroad, witha guide in your hotel who speaks your language, then look no further Fights and accommodation ae organised for you and often Some meals are included which vill save you money. There are downsises, though. Resors are offen some distance from local towns and cultural atractons — the expectation is hat yout be spending much of your ime in the poo! or throwing yoursel into the hotel entertainment programme Of couse, this may be exactly what you are planning! CVUING, VLE REE PE TED Tg en eC Oe CLE Cee Ou Soong ee Sea oe icone Oe ete eC Se ee neue iis 4 Although there are no official igures, Ed Snow of estimates that over 150,000 British {teenagers willbe traveling abroad this summer aiming to'make a diference’ I's the chance to work in a totally ‘ferent environment to your home and meet people trom all. ‘over the world while doing something beneficial. Even the strictest parents are bound to give their permission! Research is key. What are you passionate about? Can you find something relevant to that? Although yout offering your time, youll be expected to cover major travel expenses and almost certainly need to contribute towards the training you «ill receive, Prices can get quite high. As Ed points out, Fow oople ariva with any experiance ofthe job they are about to start. This holiday is as much about learning as it Is about heping? 5 OK, $0 persuading your parents to let you go “tights only’ might prove dificil, But ifthe idea of planning your own travel schedule appeals to you, then have @ gol Its by far the most adventurous of holidays, with numerous opportunitias to meet interesting people, practise another language and gota genuine taste ofa different culture. Internet facilties are now 80 good that you need never break that promise of slaying in regular contact with your parents, ‘At hat age should teenagers be allowed to go (on holiday without thelr parents? Why? Which types of holiday do you think are most suitable for young people? Why? PA GRAMMAR Reported speech 1 Read the direct and reported speech. Why do you ‘think the tenses sometimes don't change? Read the rules and check. “The best ees can be those ees through fends and fait 1 Tina says some of the best holidays ean be those ranged through friends and family. 2 Mark said the plan had been for him to practise his speaking skils. 3 Ed estimates that over 150,000 British teenagers will be travelling abroad this summer. a te Ga Bish teenagers wil be: Ga this summec! 2 When we report sentences we usually change the tense, e.g. past simple —> past perfect. b_ We dont usually change the tense when we are talking about + general truths and opinions ‘+ an event which is not in the past. Inthese cases, we often use a reporting verb in the present simple or present perfect, e.g. says, agrees, has said, etc. > Grammar reference page 161 2 Choose the correct words. 1 ‘Tm sorry | havent been able to all; ‘Joe told me he was sorry he hasn't/ hadn't been ‘able to call 2 t's far quicker to go by bus’ ‘Tom says i's it was far quicker to go by bus, 3 "You should learn to tive, He said I should learn / have learned to drive, 4 "You must carry your passport with you at all times? The law says you had to / must carry your passport with you at all times, 5 ‘The holiday will be my fist without my parents? ‘Sarah admits that the holiday wall / woutd be her first without her parents, 6 ‘Wore going there on Wednesday’ Dad fold me last week that they wero / they're ‘Going there last Wednesday. O.Corpus challenge Ante 4a 3 Complete the reported speech sentences. 1 “The hotel wont take guests under 18” ‘The travel agent says 2 “Iwant to take a year off before university. My sister told my parents 3 ‘My mums a better driver than my brother? Amy reckons: 4 ‘Tye been traveling through Europe in the holidays! Dylan said 5 ‘We've been waiting for over an hour!’ Amy claims. VOCABULARY Reporting verbs 1 Read the sentences and underline the reporting verbs. My sister agreed to siow down My grandparents insisted that | went nome oar. ‘om porsuaded his tian to overtake the car in rot. “The instructor erticised me for braking too offen, ‘The woman enguited if the trains were on time, The policeman pointed out that his driver's icenco wasnt vali 8 She recommended traveling ater the ush hour h He confessed to driving above the speed ti 2 ©2222 Listen and match the speakers to the sentences in exercise 1. sence 3 @ Complete the second sentence so that it thas a similar meaning to the first sentence, using the word given. Use between two and five words. 1 its best to leave your passports in the hotel safe’ the receptionist told them. RECOMMENDED The passports in the hotel safe. "You never remember my birthday, David! Jen ‘said. CRITICISED Jen sss hor birthday, “eas me who lst the tickets Jo said. CONFESSED Jo the tickets, “OK. i gve you It Dad told Saly, AGREED Sally. ait. ‘I definitely remember locking the door! Sam said. INSISTED ‘Sam the door. ‘Do you accept people under 182, Katen asked the campsite. ENQUIRED Karen people under 18 "You know, going camping would be the best Idea; Mr Thomes told Kurt, PERSUADED. MeThomas sess CAMPING, ‘Sharing a room willbe cheaper; the travel ‘agent told us. POINTED ‘The travel agent would be cheaper. atom

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