"Cure Tooth Decay" - Photographic Proof!

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"Cure Tooth Decay" - Photographic

Dr. Weston Price’s Diet for Curing Tooth Decay.
That is a true and fully factually-based statement, the light
which is causing an uproar among those who are invested in
the false belief that there is no cure for tooth decay!
Here is a free chapter preview from the book: "Cure Tooth
"What is important for the prevention of tooth decay--and
Price stresses this point over and over again--is adequate
minerals and fat-soluble vitamins, whether from animal foods,
seafood or dairy products, and the absence of refined foods,
especially white flour and sweeteners."[1]
Also -

If you have a dental question, you can use a new

automated help system to find an answer to your question or
to post new questions![2]
My free subscription has been the very best in terms of
excellent information on this subject!

June 25th, 2014 -
"Photographic Proof That Cavities Heal":

proof- cavities-heal/


April 21st, 2016 -
A very short, nutrient-dense video on the dietary cure for tooth
"It is not possible to heal cavities on a vegan diet, and it would
be challenging on a vegetarian diet. The nutrients that are
needed for good dental and bone health do not exist in
adequate quantities in vegetable sources. Persistent dental
problems are the most common reasons why vegetarians and
vegans return to healthy diets."[3]

May 18, 2017 - Dr. Weston Price’s Diet for Curing Tooth

Dr. Price is a Cleveland dentist who, more than sixty years
ago, [9] embarked on a series of unique investigations that
would engage his attention and energies for the next ten
years. Price was disturbed by what he found when he looked
into the mouths of his patients. Rarely did an examination of
an adult patient reveal anything but rampant decay, often
accompanied by serious problems elsewhere in the body
such as arthritis, osteoporosis, diabetes, intestinal complaints
and chronic fatigue. He was also very concerned about the
dentition of younger patients. He observed that crowded,
crooked teeth were becoming more and more common, along

with what Price called “facial deformities”–overbites, narrowed

faces, underdevelopment of the nose, lack of well-defined
cheekbones and pinched nostrils. Such children also suffered
from one or more complaints of frequent infections, allergies,
anemia, asthma, poor vision, lack of coordination, fatigue and
behavioral problems.
How did Dr. Weston Price Investigate? -
Price’s bewilderment gave way to a unique idea. He traveled
to various isolated parts of the world where the inhabitants
had no contact with “civilization,” and he studied their health
and physical development. He studied traditional Eskimos,
Indian tribes in Canada and the Florida Everglades, South
sea islanders, Aborigines in Australia, Maoris in New Zealand,
Peruvian and Amazonian Indians and tribesmen in Africa.

In every isolated region he visited, Price found tribes or

villages where virtually every individual exhibited genuine
physical perfection. Tooth decay was rare and dental
crowding and occlusions–nonexistent. Price took photograph
after photograph of beautiful smiles, and noted there was an
almost complete absence of disease, even those living in
physical environments that were extremely harsh.
What Was Special About This Diet? -
Price took samples of native foods home with him to
Cleveland and studied them in his laboratory. He found these
diets contained at least four times the minerals and water
soluble vitamins–vitamin C and B complex–as the American
diet of his day. Wouldn’t Price undoubtedly find a greater

discrepancy in 2014 due to continual depletion of our soils

through industrial farming practices?!
Another surprise Price discovered was the diets of healthy
native groups contained at least ten times more vitamin A and
vitamin D than the American diet of his day! These vitamins
are found only in animal fats–butter, lard, egg yolks, fish oils
and foods with fat-rich cellular membranes like liver and other
organ meats, fish eggs and shell fish.
Fat Soluble Vitamins and Dental Health -
Price describes the fat soluble vitamins as “catalysts” or
“activators” upon which the assimilation of all the other
nutrients depended–protein, minerals and vitamins.
Dr. Price concluded the foods that allow people of every race
and every climate to be healthy are whole natural foods–meat
with its fat, organ meats, whole milk products, fish, insects,
whole grains, tubers, vegetables and fruit–not newfangled
concoctions made with white sugar, refined flour and rancid
and chemically altered vegetable oils.
What Is Activator X? -
Dr. Price found "activator X" as an important factor in tooth
mineralization. Activator X is now believed to be the fat-
soluble vitamin K2. It's related to fertility and occurs primarily
in butter, when the cows eat rapidly growing green grass. To
get this, many people add high quality, grass-fed, raw milk to
their diet. After doing this, their cavities have stopped, and
some can even see new tooth structure building. The power
of raw milk or butter to stop cavities comes from the fertility
factor present during certain times of the year. I suggest

eating 1 tablespoon or more of high quality butter per day.

Without this substance, the body does not have activating
“messages” to the hormonal system to build healthy teeth and
bones. In India, ghee from a cow or buffalo is considered a
sacred food for pregnancy, breastfeeding and growing
children. It is precisely this vitamin K2 component that
assures bright white healthy teeth.
Nutrition Recommendations -
Here are the very important dietary changes for healthy teeth
and healing cavities, based of Dr. Weston Price’s book
Nutrition and Physical Degeneration:
Include pastured, grass-fed butter every day (see info about
Activator X). It’s a nutritional powerhouse of vitamins A, D and
K2 , heart-disease preventing CLA (conjugated linoleic acid),
and so much more. The vitamin K2 in pastured butter is
important for bone and tooth development and maintenance.
Include full-fat dairy every day (see info about Activator X).
Include eggs, and this includes the yolk—it’s where all the
important fat-soluble vitamins are found.
Include organs and glands like bone marrow and liver. Eat
mineral-rich bone broths.

A variety of sea foods.
Fermented or sprouted grains only; no unfermented grains
such as oatmeal, breakfast cereal, crackers, etc. Or even
better, no grains at all.
Limited nuts; beans in moderation, only if they're soaked
overnight or longer prior to cooking. This is due to the phytic

acid content. Phytic acid easily binds with other minerals,

such as calcium, magnesium, iron and zinc, making them
unavailable. Read more information about phytic acid here.[4]
Cooked and raw vegetables.
A limited quantity of fruit (one piece per day or less), but no
refined sweets (ie: honey, maple syrup, juice, etc.).
Sunlight, high-vitamin cod liver oil, or vitamin D3 supplement.
No industrially processed food (ie: processed grains,
breakfast cereals, bagels, pasta, crackers, chips, etc.).
Eat more Activator X (see above description).
Bottom Line: People who follow Dr. Price’s program watch
their teeth re-mineralize, their cavities heal, and their gum
disease vanish. Even small changes and modifications to the
diet can make a positive difference.
If Dr. Price’s diet has helped you or someone you know, we
would love to hear your story!
In Health and Happiness,
Kelly Harrington, MS, RDN
Registered Dietitian Nutritionist for Healthy Goods
The Weston A. Price Foundation.[6]
Price, Weston A, DDS, Nutrition and Physical Degeneration,
[7] Keats Publishing, Inc., New Canaan, CT, 1939.

The Weston A. Price Foundation. Living with Phytic Acid.[4]

Nagel, Ramiel. 26 Mar 2010.
Whole Health Source. Nutrition and Health Science.
Reversing Tooth Decay.[8] Guyenet, Stephen. 1 Apr 2009."[5]

May 17, 2018 - Collaborated With medical Anthropology -
"... Dr. Price did report healing of cavities in adults on his
nutritional program. The medical anthropology lit is also full of
cases where cultures stop eating traditional foods in favor of
white flour and sugar and develop rampant cavities. There are
even instances where they reverted back to a traditional diet
and their cavities healed. All this is published in 'Nutrition and
Physical Degeneration'."[12]

June 24, 2017 - Sensitive Teeth

Here is an email conversation (Dr. Carolyn Dean) had with a
long-time, loyal customer. She and her husband, both in their
sixties, use the formulas in the Total Body ReSet bundle. They
reported improvements to several longstanding issues.


Dear Carolyn,

... now that I have been on all the formulas for almost 5 years,
I tried doing something that I haven't been able to do for 30+
years and, quite successfully! I have had to use a toothpaste

for sensitive teeth since 1984 or suffer greatly with each

brushing. I have now been using a natural toothpaste, a
sodium lauryl sulfate free – fluoride free, a "not for sensitive
teeth" one for the past week without any pain or discomfort
whatsoever!!! Could ReMag have had something to do with
this terrific outcome?
People say it's the ReMag and RnA Drops - BUT ReCalcia will
also help!

Dr. Carolyn Dean

RnA ReSet

October 15, 2017 - "Nutrition and Physical Degeneration - A
New Vitamin-Like Activator" -
"...During the severe industrial depression, rampant caries
developed in a great number of cases in the families of mill
workers...twenty-seven mission children were selected on the
basis of rampant dental caries. Since these children were all
from poor homes, many of the families being on relief, one
extra good meal a day at midday was provided for the entire
group at the mission. This was preceded by administration to
each child of one teaspoonful of a mixture containing a high
vitamin butter oil. This butter was selected on the basis of its
high content of activator X. It was mixed with equal parts of a
high-vitamin, natural cod liver oil. The clinical effect was
apparent complete control of dental caries for the entire
group, as shown in the x-ray films. In many of these cases,
the open cavities were left without fillings; and, in all such
cases, the exposed dentin took on a hard glassy finish. There
were many other evidences of betterment.

One of the boys, who was so weak at the beginning of the test
that it was considered questionable whether it was safe for
him to walk the two blocks from his home to the mission for
the one reinforced meal a day, in six weeks was able to play
basketball. He was dashing about as a star player, and there
was no evidence of undue fatigue on his part in this strenuous
During the experiment, the home meals were not changed,
nor was the home care of the teeth. It is important to note that
the home diet which had been responsible for the tooth decay,
was exceedingly low in body-building and repair material and
high in sweets and refined starches. It usually consisted of a
highly- sweetened coffee and white bread, vegetable fat,
pancakes made of a white flour and eaten with syrup, and
doughnuts fried in vegetable fat.
It is important to note with regard to the effect of the special
nutritional program on this group of mission children that two
different teachers came to me to inquire as to what had been
done to make a particular child change from one of the
poorest in the class in capacity to learn to one of the best. ..."

March 10, 2018 - Dr. Weston A. Price Reports on His Lunch
Menu -
"The nutrition provided these children in this one meal
included the following foods. About four ounces of tomato
juice or orange juice and a teaspoonful of a mixture of equal
parts of a very high vitamin natural cod liver oil and an
especially high vitamin butter was given at the beginning of

the meal. They then received a bowl containing approximately

a pint of a very rich vegetable and meat stew, made largely
from bone marrow and fine cuts of tender meat: the meat was
usually broiled separately to retain its juice and then chopped
very fine and added to the bone marrow meat soup which
always contained finely chopped vegetables and plenty of
very yellow carrots; for the next course they had cooked fruit,
with very little sweetening, and rolls made from freshly ground
whole wheat, which were spread with the high-vitamin butter.
The wheat for the rolls was ground fresh every day in a motor
driven coffee mill. Each child was also given two glasses of
fresh whole milk. The menu was varied from day to day by
substituting for the meat stew, fish chowder or organs of
animals. From time to time, there was placed in a two quart
jar a helping similar to that eaten by the children. This was
brought to my laboratory for chemical analysis, which analysis
showed that these meals provided approximately 1.48 grams
of calcium and 1.28 grams of phosphorus in a single helping
of each course. Since many of the children doubled up on the
course, their intake of these minerals was much higher. I have
shown in the preceding chapter that the accepted figures for
the requirements of the body for calcium and phosphorus are
0.68 grams of calcium and 1.32 grams of phosphorus. It is
obvious that this one meal a day plus the other two meals at
home provided a real factor of safety. Clinically this program
completely controlled the dental caries of each member of the
The chemical analysis of the saliva (1, 2) revealed a marked
improvement which progressively increased. At the beginning
of the test the average for the group showed a very low factor
of safety, so low that we should expect tooth decay to be

active. In six weeks the average changed to a condition which

we should expect would be accompanied by a cessation of
tooth decay. The saliva factor of safety continued to improve
for five months at which time the special program was
discontinued for the summer."
[1] http://www.westonaprice.org/basics/the-right-price See:
[2] http://clicks.aweber.com/y/ct/?
[3] http://www.healthy-holistic-living.com/naturally-heal-
[4] https://www.westonaprice.org/health-topics/vegetarianism-
[5] https://healthygoods.com/natural-health-blog/dr-weston-
[6] https://www.westonaprice.org/
[7] https://www.amazon.com/Nutrition-Physical-Degeneration-
[8] http://wholehealthsource.blogspot.com/2009/03/reversing-

[9] Now over eight decades.

[10] See: "Why I'm In Awe of Butter Oil - by Emmalyn
McAllister"at: http://www.mothering.com/forum/365-traditional-
foods/612050- chelation-remineralization-wasdd-s-teeth.html
[11] From "Nutrition and Physical Degeneration”.

[12] http://wholehealthsource.blogspot.com/2009/03/
tooth decay, Cure Tooth Decay, ACID-ALKALINE THEORY,
weston price, heal Cavities, remineralize teeth, Rami Nagel,
Minimally invasive dentistry, holistic dentist, healing tooth
decay, Nutrition and Physical Degeneration, Fat Soluble
Vitamins, Activator X, Vitamin-Like Activator

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