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Your Company

My company is one of the best companies to work for

My company treats me well.
I am proud to tell people I work for this company
Considering everything, I am satisfied working for my company at the present time.
Your Job My company is one of5;the best co
6.06% 1; 9.09%
I am satisfied with my job and the kind of work I do.
My job are challenging and interesting. 4; 16.67%
I am getting enough relevant training for my present job.
I understand what is expected of me in my work.
I am satisfied with my working conditions.
My manager recognizes and acknowledges my good performance.
Overall, I am satisfied with my present job.
Career and Development

The company makes every effort to fill vacancies from within before recruiting from outside.
3; 56.82%
I am satisfied with the job opportunities in the company.
Promotion goes to those who most deserve it.
I was given enough feedback on my performance.
I am satisfied with training program and the skills of Trainers for imparting necessary
Your Seniors
My seniors trust me.
My seniors help me to improve myself.
My seniors take prompt and fair corrective action on employees who fail to perform their
work satisfactorily.
My seniors establishe plans and work objectives with me.
My seniors give me clear instructions.
My seniors are available when I need advice.
I feel free to talk openly and honestly to my seniors
My seniors praise me when I do a good job.
My seniors hold regular meetings with my work groups.

Those meetings keep me informed, give me information and enable me to do a better job.

My seniors are effective in making decisions.

My seniors knows what is going on in my work group.
My seniors are doing a good job.
Work Group
Work is fairly distributed in my work group.
I am satisfied with how members of my work group solve problems.
My work group works well together.
I feel free to talk openly and honestly with members of my work group.
Employee Benefit
I am satisfied with the company’s employee welfare programs such as reward and
recognition, incentives and cab service
I am satisfied with the recreational activities provided by the company, e.g. Saturday
Fungama, Celebrations of Festivals.
1 2 3 4 5

12 15 75 22 8
10 17 75 20 10
8 19 80 18 7
6 21 65 32 8
any is one of5;the best companies to work for
1; 9.09%
12 15 75 22 8
4; 16.67% 7 20 79
2; 11.36% 17 9
4 23 69 14 22
8 19 80 18 7
12 15 75 22 8
15 12 22 75 8
6 21 65 32 8

7 3; 56.82%20 79 17 9
8 19 80 1 2 3 418 5 7
15 12 22 75 8
6 21 65 32 8

4 23 69 14 22

12 15 75 22 8
10 17 75 20 10

8 19 80 18 7
6 21 65 32 8
12 15 75 22 8
12 15 75 22 8
7 20 79 17 9
4 23 69 14 22
8 19 80 18 7

12 15 75 22 8
15 12 22 75 8
6 21 65 32 8
8 19 80 18 7

12 15 75 22 8
10 17 75 20 10
8 19 80 18 7
6 21 65 32 8

10 17 75 20 10

6 21 65 32 8
Barbique Nation 10,000.00
Bra 1,000.00
Iphone 36,300.00
fitness band 1,800.00
watch 2,400.00
bracelet 1,200.00
Paper Chasing 20,000.00
Total 72,700.00

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