CYP3A4 and CYP2D6 Inhibitory Activities of Indonesian Medicinal Plants

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Phytomedicine 13 (2006) 67–73

CYP3A4 and CYP2D6 inhibitory activities of Indonesian medicinal plants

T. Usiaa, H. Iwataa,b, A. Hiratsukac, T. Watabea, S. Kadotaa, Y. Tezukaa,d,
Institute of Natural Medicine, Toyama Medical and Pharmaceutical University, 2630-Sugitani, Toyama 930-0194, Japan
Kashima Laboratory, Mitsubishi Chemical Safety Institute Ltd., 14-Sunayama, Ibaraki 314-0255, Japan
Tokyo University of Pharmacy and Life Science, 1432-1-Horinouchi, Tokyo 192-0392, Japan
21st Century COE Program, Toyama Medical and Pharmaceutical University, 2630-Sugitani, Toyama 930-0194, Japan

Received 22 December 2003; accepted 6 June 2004

Thirty samples of Indonesian medicinal plants were analyzed for their capacity to inhibit in vitro metabolism by
human cytochrome P450 3A4 (CYP3A4) and CYP2D6 with a radiometric assay. The MeOH-soluble fractions of 25
samples, prepared from water extracts, demonstrated inhibitory activity more than 50% on the metabolism mediated
by CYP3A4, and 21 samples on the metabolism mediated by CYP2D6. Among the MeOH-soluble fractions, Piper
nigrum leaf showed the highest inhibitory activity against CYP3A4 (91.7%), and Punica granatum against CYP2D6
(98.1%). The water extracts of which MeOH-soluble fraction showed inhibitory activity more than 70% were
fractionated with EtOAc. From the EtOAc-soluble fractions, Curcuma heyneana (67.0%), Pi. cubeba (75.0%), Pi.
nigrum fruit (84.0%), Pi. nigrum leaf (85.8%), and Zingiber aromaticum (75.3%) demonstrated inhibitory activity more
than 50% on the metabolism mediated by CYP3A4, but only Pi. nigrum fruit (72.8%) and Pi. nigrum leaf (69.1%)
showed strong inhibitory activity against CYP2D6. For samples that showed more than 70% inhibition, their IC50
values were determined. The most potent inhibitory activity against CYP3A4 (IC50 value of 25 mg/ml) was found for
the extract of Pi. nigrum leaf, while that of Catharanthus roseus showed the most potent inhibitory effect against
CYP2D6 (IC50 value of 11 mg/ml). These results should indicate once more the possibility of potential medicinal
plant–drug interactions.
r 2005 Elsevier GmbH. All rights reserved.

Keywords: Cytochrome P450; Jamu; Drug interaction; Inhibition; CYP3A4; CYP2D6

Introduction drugs such as cyclosporine A, dihydropyridines, ethiny-

lestradiol, midazolam, terfenadine, and triazolam (Ren-
Cytochrome P450 (CYP) is the main enzyme which dic and DiCarlo, 1997). CYP2D6 catalyzes the
catalyzes the metabolism of drugs and other xenobiotics. metabolism of about 30% of all drugs including
CYP3A4, the major hepatic and intestinal CYP in amitriptyline, imipramine, haloperidol, propranolol,
humans, metabolizes more than 50% of clinically used and dextromethorphan (Clarke and Jones, 2002).
Recently, several reports have demonstrated that
Corresponding author. Institute of Natural Medicine, Toyama natural compounds and herbal products may cause
Medical and Pharmaceutical University, 2630-Sugitani, Toyama pharmacokinetic interaction with western drugs used
930-0194, Japan Tel.: 81 76 434 7627; fax: 81 76 434 5059. clinically when they are simultaneously administrated
E-mail address: (Y. Tezuka). (Foster et al., 1999; Nebel et al., 1999; Taylor and Wilt,

0944-7113/$ - see front matter r 2005 Elsevier GmbH. All rights reserved.
68 T. Usia et al. / Phytomedicine 13 (2006) 67–73

1999). The use of medicinal herbs has particularly Extraction and preparation of test solutions
increased over the past few years among specific patient
populations including HIV-infected patients. St. John’s Each medicinal plant (25–150 g) was cut into small
wort altered pharmacokinetics of the HIV protease pieces and extracted with water (150–400 ml, reflux,
inhibitor, indinavir in individuals on retroviral therapy 2 h,  2). The water solution was concentrated under
(Piscitelli et al., 2000). Indeed, plasma concentrations of reduced pressure and lyophilized to give a water extract.
the HIV protease inhibitor, saquinavir, have been A part of the water extract (0.5 g) from each medicinal
decreased in individuals exposed long-term to garlic plant was extracted with MeOH (15 ml), followed by
supplements (Piscitelli et al., 2002). The increased centrifugation to facilitate removal of the supernatant,
clearance of saquinavir may be due to induction of to give a MeOH-soluble fraction. The MeOH-soluble
hepatic and/or intestinal CYP3A4. The most widely fraction was evaporated and redissolved in 1.5 ml of
studied natural product is grapefruit juice, which has MeOH and used as a test solution. The medicinal plants
been found to increase the bioavailability and/or to on which the MeOH-soluble fraction showed strong
prolong the metabolic elimination of many drugs such inhibition against CYP3A4 and/or CYP2D6, an EtOAc-
as dihydropyridine-type calcium channel blockers, soluble fraction was prepared from the water extract by
histamine-1 receptor antagonists (e.g., terfenadine), extracting with EtOAc (15 ml), followed by centrifuga-
quinidine, benzodiazepines (e.g., midazolam), 17b-estra- tion. The EtOAc-soluble fraction was evaporated and
diol, and caffeine (Ameer and Weintraub, 1997; Bailey dissolved in 1.5 ml of MeOH and used as a test solution.
et al., 1998).
Indonesia, a country in Southeast Asia, has many
medicinal plants which are used as traditional medicines
‘‘Jamu’’ (Sastroamidjojo, 1997). Those medicinal plants
Quinidine sulfate dihydrate and ketoconazole were
have been used from the ancient time to now, and are
obtained from Wako Pure Chemicals Industry, Ltd.
largely consumed by people of different levels in villages
(Osaka, Japan). [N-methyl-14C]Erythromycin (55 mCi/
and also in big cities. People could easily buy ready-
mmol, 499% pure) and [O-methyl-14C]dextromethor-
made ‘‘Jamu’’ which is packed in the form of powder,
phan (55 mCi/mmol, 499% pure) were purchased from
pills, capsules, drinking liquid, and ointment. There are
American Radiolabeled Chemicals, Inc. (St. Louis, MO,
still ‘‘Jamu’’ shops to sell only ingredients or to prepare
USA). Human liver microsomes (HLM) were obtained
the ‘‘Jamu’’ on spot by request. It is a common view
from Xenotech, LLC (Kansas, KS, USA) and stored at
across the country that some women are roaming the
80 1C prior to use. b-Nicotinamide adenine dinucleo-
street to sell ‘‘Jamu’’, and many Indonesians start their
tide phosphate (NADP+, oxidized form), glucose-6-
day with drinking ‘‘Jamu’’. These traditional medicines
phosphate (G-6-P), and G-6-P dehydrogenase were
are almost unregulated, and many patients do not
purchased from Oriental Yeast Co., Ltd. (Tokyo,
inform their physician about the traditional medicines
Japan). All other chemicals and solvents were of the
they consume. Therefore, interactions between tradi-
highest grade available.
tional medicines and drugs prescribed clinically are
becoming a concern. To the best of our knowledge,
there have been no reports on the inhibitory potential of CYP inhibitory activity
Indonesian medicinal plants against CYP. Thus, we
chose 30 medicinal plants which are generally used in Inhibitory activity against CYP3A4 was assayed by
Indonesian traditional medicines (Sastroamidjojo, 1997; the method of Riley and Howbrook (1998) with a slight
PT Eisai Indonesia, 1995) (Table 1) and evaluated their modification. Briefly, the assay was performed in a
inhibitory activity against CYP3A4 and CYP2D6. disposable culture tube of 13  100 mm (Iwaki, Tokyo,
Japan). Tubes were designated as ‘‘control’’, ‘‘positive
control’’, and ‘‘test’’. The control tube consisted of 2.5 ml
of MeOH; positive control consisted of 2.5 ml of
Materials and methods ketoconazole (100 mM); and test tubes consisted of
2.5 ml of samples (equivalent to 1.65 mg/ml of extract).
Medicinal plants To all tubes were added 150 ml of phosphate buffer (pH
7.4), 197.5 ml of ultrapure water, 50 ml of [N-methyl-14-
Indonesian medicinal plants were obtained at GORO C]erythromycin (0.1 mCi/incubation, 1 mM in 5% of
traditional market, Jakarta, Indonesia, in May 2002 and MeOH), and 50 ml of HLM (4 mg/ml). The total
voucher samples are preserved at the Museum of incubation volume was 500 ml. After 5 min preincuba-
Materia Medica, Research Center for Ethnomedicines, tion under shaking at 37 1C, the reaction was initiated by
Institute of Natural Medicine, Toyama Medical and addition of 50 ml of NADPH-generating system
Pharmaceutical University, Toyama, Japan (Table 1). (4.20 mg/ml of NADP+, 100 mM of G-6-P, 100 mM of
Table 1. Indonesian medicinal plants, their families, parts used, local names, therapeutic applications, and voucher specimen numbers

Plant name Family Part used Local name Therapeutic application TMPW No.

Alpinia galanga (L.) SWARTZ Zingiberaceae Rhizome Laos Stomachic, anorexia 22261
Alstonia scholaris (L.) R.BR. Apocynaceae Bark Pulai Fever, anorexia, nephritis, diabetes, malaria, 22262
Alstonia scholaris (L.) R.BR. Apocynaceae Leaf Pulai Beri-beri, syphilis, diabetes 22263
Alyxia reinwardtii BL. Apocynaceae Bark Pulosari Fever, gastritis, albuminuria, whooping cough, 22264
carminative, leucorrhea, gonorrhea, menstrual disorder
Amomum compactum SOLAND ex Zingiberaceae Fruit Kapulaga Cough, tonsillitis, menstrual disorder, colic, influenza, 22265
MATON gastritis
Amomum compactum SOLAND ex Zingiberaceae Rhizome Kapulaga Tonic, fever 22266
Andrographis paniculata (BURM. Acanthaceae Aerial part Sambiloto Diabetes, gonorrhea, syphilis, tonsillitis, epilepsy, 22267
F.) NEES diphtheria, fever, typhus, tonic
Catharanthus roseus (L.) G. DON Apocynaceae Aerial part Tapak dara Diabetes, cancer, malaria, hypertension 22268
Cinnamomum burmani NEES ex Lauraceae Bark Kayu manis Diarrhea, malaria 22269
Curcuma aeruginosa ROXB. Zingiberaceae Rhizome Temu ireng Anthelmintic, obesity, scabies, rheumatism 22270
Curcuma heyneana VAL & V. ZIJP Zingiberaceae Rhizome Temu giring Anthelmintic 22271
Curcuma xanthorrhiza ROXB. Zingiberaceae Rhizome Temu lawak Anticonvulsant, hemorrhoid, malaria, diarrhea, 22272
anorexia, gastritis, anemia, jaundice
Cymbopogon nardus (L.) RENDLE Gramineae Aerial part Sere Diaphoretic, body warming 22273
Foeniculum vulgare MILL. Umbelliferae Seed Adhas Albuminuria, insomnia, menstrual disorder 22274
Glycyrrhiza glabra L. Leguminosae Stem Kayu legi Hepatitis, tonic 22275
Melaleuca leucadendron L. Myrtaceae Leaf Kayu putih Vertigo, anticonvulsant, tooth-ache, rheumatism 22276
Piper cubeba L. Piperaceae Fruit Kemukus Dysentery, gonorrhea 22277
Piper nigrum L. Piperaceae Fruit Marica putih Carminative, hypertension, dyspnea 22278

Piper nigrum L. Piperaceae Leaf Marica putih Tooth-ache 22279

Punica granatum L. Punicaceae Fruit Delima putih Leucorrhea, constipation, diarrhea, dysentery 22280
T. Usia et al. / Phytomedicine 13 (2006) 67–73

Rheum palmatum L. Polygonaceae Root Klembak Tonic, stomach-ache 22281

Santalum album L. Santalaceae Wood Kayu cendana Dysentery, asthma, fever, gonorrhea 22282
Sericocalyx crispus (L.) BREMEK Acanthaceae Leaf Keji beling Diabetes, renal calculus, vesical calculus 22283
Strychnos ligustrina BL. Loganiaceae Leaf Bidara laut Antidote, depurative, stomachic 22284
Strychnos ligustrina BL. Loganiaceae Wood Bidara laut Anthelmintic, boil, chancre, depurative, antidote for 22285
snake poisoning
Syzygium aromaticum (L.) Myrtaceae Flower Cengkeh Cold, cough 22286
Tamarindus indica L. Leguminosae Fruit Asem Fever, laxative 22287
Tinospora crispa (L.) DIELS Menispermaceae Stem Brotowali Fever, diuretic, tonic, diabetes 22288
Zingiber aromaticum VAL Zingiberaceae Rhizome Lempuyang wangi Cholescystopathy, whooping cough, jaundice, arthritis, 22289
anorexia, cold, cholera, anemia, malaria, rheumatism,
Zingiber cassumunar ROXB. Zingiberaceae Rhizome Bengle Obesity, vertigo, constipation, cold, jaundice, 22290
anticonvulsant, rheumatism
70 T. Usia et al. / Phytomedicine 13 (2006) 67–73

MgCl2, and 10 U/ml of G-6-P dehydrogenase) and Results and discussion

continued for 10 min under the same conditions. The
reaction was stopped by the addition of 125 ml of 10% All 30 samples of Indonesian medicinal plants were
trichloroacetic acid (Nacalai tesque, Inc., Kyoto, analyzed for their ability to inhibit CYP3A4-mediated
Japan). After centrifugation at 3000 rpm for 10 min at metabolism of [N-methyl-14C]erythromycin and
room temperature, the supernatant was applied to Envi- CYP2D6-mediated metabolism of [O-methyl-14C]-dex-
Carb solid-phase extraction column (Supelco, PA, UK) tromethorphan. The amount of the test solution used
and was eluted by ultrapure water (500 ml  2). After was 1.65 mg/ml of extract according to Iwata et al.
addition of 10 ml of Clear-sol I (Nacalai tesque, Inc.), (2004), or equivalent to 2–10 mg of herbal powder which
the eluted radioactivity was quantified by liquid is 30 times smaller than the minimal amount of one time
scintillation counting LS 6500 (Beckman, CA, USA). consumption of Indonesian traditional medicine, gen-
Correction was made for radioactivity eluted from the erally. The MeOH-soluble fractions of 14 samples
control in which HLM and NADPH-generating system (Alyxia reinwardtii, Andrographis paniculata, Curcuma
were omitted. The assays were performed in duplicate heyneana, Cymbopogon nardus, Glycyrrhiza glabra, Piper
for all samples. The inhibitory activity against CYP2D6 cubeba, Pi. nigrum fruit, Pi. nigrum leaf, Pu. granatum,
was also measured by the method of Rodrigues (1996) Rheum palmatum, Sanatalum album, Syzygium aromati-
with a slight modification. The assay was done with cum, Tinospora crispa, and Zingiber aromaticum)
the same procedure in the case of CYP3A4 using showed inhibitory activity over 70% on the metabolism
[O-methyl-14C]dextromethorphan (0.1 mCi/incubation, mediated by CYP3A4, and Pi. nigrum leaf revealed the
100 mM in 5% of MeOH) as a substrate and longer strongest activity (91.7%) (Fig. 1). Twelve samples
incubation time (20 min). Quinidine (100 mM) was used (Alpinia galanga, Alstonia scholaris bark, Amomum
as a positive control. compactum fruit, Am. compactum rhizome, Ca. roseus,
To calculate the IC50 values (concentrations of sample Cinnamomum burmani, Cu. aeruginosa, Cu. xanthorrhi-
causing 50% reduction in activity relative to the control) za, Melaleuca leucodendron, Strychnos ligustrina leaf, St.
of the sample that showed more than inhibition 70%, ligustrina wood, and Z. cassumunar) showed inhibition
the sample was added to the reaction mixture at a between 30% and 70%. Other samples showed inhibi-
concentration range of 0–1.65 mg/ml. The relationship tion only less than 30%.
between the concentration of sample and the remaining On the metabolism mediated by CYP2D6, 15 samples
activity was analyzed using software product WinNon- (Als. scholaris bark, An. paniculata, Ca. roseus, Ci.
lin Ver.3.1 (Pharsight Corp., Mountain View, CA, burmani, G. glabra, Pi. nigrum fruit, Pi. nigrum leaf, Pu.
USA). IC50 values were calculated by linear regression granatum, R. palmatum, Sa. album, St. ligustrina leaf, St.
analysis of the sample concentration versus percentage ligustrina wood, Sy. aromaticum, Ti. crispa, and Z.
control activity plots. aromaticum) demonstrated inhibitory activity over 70%




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Fig. 1. Inhibitory effect of MeOH-soluble fractions of Indonesian medicinal plants (1.65 mg/ml of water extract powder) on
CYP3A4-mediated metabolism of [N-methyl-14C]erythromycin (’), and on CYP2D6-mediated metabolism of [O-methyl-14C]dex-
tromethorphan (&). Ketoconazole and quinidine (1 mM) were used as the positive control for CYP3A4 and CYP2D6, respectively.
T. Usia et al. / Phytomedicine 13 (2006) 67–73 71




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Fig. 2. Inhibitory effect of EtOAc-soluble fractions of Indonesian medicinal plants (1.65 mg/ml of water extract powder) on
CYP3A4-mediated metabolism of [N-methyl-14C]erythromycin (’), and on CYP2D6-mediated metabolism of [O-methyl-14C]dex-
tromethorphan (&). Ketoconazole and quinidine (1 mM) were used as the positive control for CYP3A4 and CYP2D6, respectively.

and 7 of them were more than 90%: An. paniculata roseus was the most potent inhibitory activity against
(92.6%), Ca. roseus (96.4%), G. glabra (94.5%), Pi. CYP2D6 with an IC50 value of 11 mg/ml.
nigrum leaf (90.9%), Pu. granatum (98.1%), R. palma- These experiments have demonstrated that 63% of
tum (96.4%), and Sy. aromaticum (94.5%) (Fig. 1). The the selected samples of Indonesian medicinal plants
inhibitory activity more than 30% but less than 70% significantly inhibited CYP3A4-mediated metabolism of
was found with Aly. reinwardtii, Am. compactum [N-methyl-14C]erythromycin and CYP2D6-mediated
rhizome, Cu. aeruginosa, Cu. heyneana, Cu. xanthor- metabolism of [O-methyl-14C]-dextromethorphan. Tsu-
rhiza, Cy. nardus, M. leucodendron, and Pi. cubeba. The kamoto et al. (2002) reported five bisalkaloids, dipiper-
remaining samples showed inhibition only less than amides A–E, and a lignan, ( )-hinokinin, as potent
30%. CYP3A4 inhibitors of Pi. nigrum. In addition, ( )-
Then, the EtOAc-soluble fraction was prepared from hinokinin with two methylenedioxyphenyl groups in the
the water extract whose MeOH-soluble fraction showed molecule was also isolated from Pi. cubeba (Parmar et
inhibition more than 70%. Among 19 EtOAc-soluble al., 1997). Methylenedioxyphenyl compounds were well
fractions, those of Pi. cubeba (75.0%), Pi. nigrum fruit known to inhibit CYP reaction through the formation
(84.0%), Pi. nigrum leaf (85.8%), and Z. aromaticum of stable complexes with CYP enzymes (Marcus et al.,
(75.3%) demonstrated inhibitory activity over 70% on 1985). Thus, the inhibitory activity of Pi. cubeba may be
the metabolism mediated by CYP3A4 (Fig. 2). An. due to constituents like ( )-hinokinin. Surprisingly, Pi.
paniculata, Cu. heyneana, and Sy. aromaticum showed nigrum also showed strong inhibition against CYP2D6
the inhibitory activity between 30% and 70%. Other (470%), suggesting the presence of other inhibitor(s).
samples showed inhibition only less than 30% against The dried roots of G. glabra have been consumed for the
CYP3A4. On the other hand, only Pi. nigrum fruit past 6000 years and are used as flavoring and sweating
(72.8%) demonstrated inhibitory activity over 70% on agents, demulcents, and expectorants in the Western
the metabolism mediated by CYP2D6 (Fig. 2), and the world and as antiallergic and anti-inflammatory agents
inhibition between 30% and 70% was found on Pi. in Japan and China (Chandler, 1985; Mitschner et al.,
nigrum leaf (69.1%). 1986). Licorice root extract, as well as its major
The IC50 values of the samples that showed inhibition isoflavan glabridin, is a potent antioxidant against
more than 70% are listed in Table 2. All samples showed LDL oxidation in mice and humans (Rosenblat et al.,
inhibitory activity on the metabolism mediated by 1999), and Kent et al. (2002) reported that glabridin
CYP3A4 and CYP2D6 in a concentration-dependent inactivates CYP3A4 in a time-, concentration-, and
manner. The potent inhibitory activity against CYP3A4 NADPH-dependent manner; i.e., mechanism-based in-
with IC50 values less than 100 mg/ml were found on Pi. activation. On the other hand, 2,4-dimethylglabridin did
cubeba (53 mg/ml), Pi. nigrum fruit (29 mg/ml), Pi. nigrum not show the inhibition on CYP3A4. Thus, the two
leaf (25 mg/ml), and Pu. granatum (35 mg/ml), while Ca. hydroxyl groups on the 2 and 4 positions of the B ring
72 T. Usia et al. / Phytomedicine 13 (2006) 67–73

Table 2. IC50 values of the Indonesian medicinal plants on between Indonesian medicinal plants and concomitantly
the metabolism mediated by CYP3A4 and CYP2D6 administrated conventional drugs. Further studies on
these plants, including the identification of the active
Plant name IC50 value (mg/ml)
constituents and in in vivo system, are under progress
CYP3A4 CYP2D6 and will be reported elsewhere.

MeOH-soluble fraction
Als. scholaris bark NT 222
Aly. reinwardtii 447 NT Acknowledgements
An. paniculata 102 86
Ca. roseus NT 11 A part of this work was supported by a Grant-in-Aid
Ci. burmani NT 1203 for the 21st Century COE Program from the Ministry of
Cu. heyneana 271 NT Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology,
Cy. nardus 370 NT Japan.
G. glabra 345 515
Pi. cubeba 53 NT
Pi. nigrum fruit 29 315
Pi. nigrum leaf 25 146 References
Pu. granatum 35 32
R. palmatum 467 385 Ameer, B., Weintraub, R.A., 1997. Drug interactions with
Sa. album 337 886 grapefruit juice. Clin. Pharmacokinet. 33, 103–121.
St. ligustrina leaf NT 302 Bailey, D.G., Malcolm, J., Arnold, O., Spence, J.D., 1998.
St. ligustrina wood NT 637 Grapefruit juice–drug interactions. Br. J. Clin. Pharmacol.
Sy. aromaticum 219 249 46, 101–110.
Ti. crispa 428 488 Chandler, R.F., 1985. Licorice, more than just a flavour. Can.
Z. aromaticum 102 693 Pharm. J. 118, 421–424.
Clarke, S.E., Jones, B.C., 2002. Human cytochromes P450 and
EtOAc-soluble fraction their role in metabolism-based drug–drug interactions. In:
Pi. cubeba 332 NT Rodrigues, A.D. (Ed.), Drug–Drug Interactions. Marcel
Pi. nigrum fruit 223 344 Dekker, New York, pp. 55–88.
Pi. nigrum leaf 240 NT Foster, B.C., Vandenhoek, S., Hanna, J., Akhtar, M.H.,
Z. aromaticum 376 NT Krantis, A., 1999. Effect of natural health products on
cytochrome P-450 drug metabolism. Can. J. Infect. Dis.
NT – not tested.
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