TCVN 6259 - 1A: 2003: 4.1 General 4.1.1 Scope of Technical Supervision and Classification of Ships

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tcvn 6259 -1A : 2003 , Chapter 4

Chapter 4 technical supervision

4.1 General

4.1.1 Scope of technical supervision and classification of ships

In technical supervision and classification of ships, the following procedures are to be carried out:
1 Review and approval of technical documentation in compliance with relevant chapters in the Rules;
2 Supervision during construction of materials and products specified by the Rules, intended for use in
construction and repairing of supervised ships;
3 Supervision during construction, reconstruction or conversion of ships as well as during manufacturing of
4 Surveys of ships in service;
5 Assignment, renewal and recovery of a class, making of appropriate entries in the Register Book and issue of
VR documents.

4.1.2 Pr inciple of technical super vision

1 The supervision of VR is mainly performed in compliance with the provisions in the VR's Guidances for
survey and also by random inspection carried out to any item in compliance with this Rules if deemed
appropriate by VR.
2 For the supervision to be carried out, the shipowners, administration of shipyards, manufacturers and other
enterprises shall ensure that the VR representatives are afforded the possibility of conducting surveys of ships,
testing of materials and products subjected to VR's supervision including free access to all places where the
said materials or products are manufactured and tested.
3 The shipowners, shipyards, designers and manufacturers shall fulfill the requirements imposed by VR or the
Surveyors in the course of their duty.
4 If any alterations relating to the materials and the structural design of the ship and products intended to take
place during construction, the altered plans and documents are to be submitted to VR for approval beforehand.
5 If there are controversial issues arising in the course of supervision between Surveyor and shipowner, shipyard
manufacturer and so on, they may be transferred to higher hierarchy levels of VR
The judgement of VR Head Office is final.
6 VR may deny supervision if the shipyard or manufacturer systematically violates the Rules, International
Conventions or the supervision contract signed with VR.
7 In case a defect has been found in a material or article which holds a valid document, VR may require
additional test or appropriate corrections to be made, and if the defect cannot be remedied, may cancel this

4.2 Super vision dur ing constr uction of mater ials and pr oducts

4.2.1 Gener al
1 The materials and products subject to VR's survey during construction as specified in parts of this Rules shall
be subjected to survey by Surveyor during the process of construction. VR may require this survey to be
extended to those other than above if deemed necessary.
2 The production of materials and products subject to the supervision of VR is to be in compliance with the
approved plans and documents.

tcvn 6259 -1A : 2003 , Chapter 4

3 During the process of supervision, VR may verify the suitability of structures, technology with standards or
procedures not specified in the Rules but for the purpose to fulfill the requirements of the Rules.
4 Application of novel materials, structures or technological processes in construction or repair of ships as well
as in production of materials and products subject to VR's supervision requires a permit from VR.
In order to obtain the permission, the novel materials, structures or technological processes shall be subject to
tests to an extent determined by VR.
5 VR will nominate its Surveyor to directly carry out the survey during construction of materials or products or
it may authorize this survey to other Classification Society in compliance with the bilateral Agreement set
6 The prototype specimen manufactured to the technical requirements approved by VR shall be subjected to
tests under direct supervision of VR. In this case VR may require that these tests be performed in a testing
centre or laboratory recognized by VR and, in case of great importance, VR may require these tests to be
carried out under service conditions within a scope and time interval set by VR.
7 If, as a result of the tests of prototype specimen, if there is any alteration either to the structure or production
technology, the revised documents or plans for mass production are to be submitted to VR for approval. VR
may only require a list of alterations to be submitted if deemed appropriate.
If there are no alterations, confirmation by VR shall be necessary to the effect that the technical
documentation approved for a prototype specimen can be used for mass production.
8 In special cases, VR may outline individual conditions for application of some products.
9 Products that manufactured out side Vietnam and intended to be used in ships supervised by VR are to possess
appropriate certificates issued by a Classification Society approved/authorized by VR. In the case that the
possession of the above certificates are not practical VR may decide special survey applied to that Article on a
case by case basis.

4.2.2 Dir ect super vision

1 Direct supervision is carried out by the Surveyors on basis of the technical documentation approved and the
Rules and additional requirements or standards agreed to VR. The scope of surveys, measurements and tests
run in the course of supervision is determined by VR which relies on the instructions in force with due regard
for particular circumstances.
2 After the supervision has been carried out and the materials and products have passed successfully the
necessary tests, VR issues or confirms the documents specified in 2.4, 2.5, 3.2, 3.3.
3 Where mass production of products is under way, VR may come to a decision to replace direct supervision
with indirect one, if the manufacturer has reached a sufficiently high and stable level of production. The form
and scope of the indirect supervision is determined by VR.

4.2.3 Indir ect super vision

1 The indirect supervision is effected by the representatives of a technical inspection body or by technical staff
of an enterprise, authorized to carry out that duty, on the basic of the documentation approved by VR.
2 The indirect supervision may take the following forms:
- Authorized persons,
- Recognized enterprise,
- Recognized documentation.
3 The conditions for carrying out of the indirect supervision, scope of surveys, measurement and tests run in the
course of supervision are set out by VR on the basis of instructions in force, and in particular circumstances.

tcvn 6259 -1A : 2003 , Chapter 4

4 Depending on the form of indirect supervision completed, either VR or the manufacturer will issue
appropriate documents.
The procedure for the issue of documents and the contents thereof are set forth in VR instructions in force.
5 VR Surveyors exercise control at random at enterprises producing products under the indirect supervision.
6 If the violation in the indirect supervision are found or quality of the indirect supervision are not satisfactory,
VR has right to cancel the contract of the indirect supervision and carry out direct supervision.

4.2.4 Recognition of testing centr es and labor ator ies

1 VR may recognize testing centres and laboratories belonging to shipyards, manufacturers and other enterprises
as competent for the purpose of supervision and classification and certify them by a recognition document.
2 The main conditions for recognizing a testing centre or laboratory is the fulfillment of the following
(1) Instruments and machinery subject to periodical state checks shall hold valid certificates issued by
authorized bodies.
(2) All other instruments and machinery designed for carrying out tests and checks shall hold valid
3 VR may control the work of a recognized centre or laboratory and withdraw the authorizing documents, if
they do not observe the Rules or provisions of the agreement.

4.3 Super vision under constr uction and r econstr uction or conver sion
Supervision of ships and containers under construction and reconstruction or conversion of ships is effected
by the Surveyors on the basis of the technical documentation approved by VR.
The scope of surveys, measurement and tests run in the course of supervision is determined by VR in force
with due regard for particular circumstances.

4.4 Sur veys of ships in ser vice

4.4.1 Shipowner ' s r esponsibility

The shipowners shall observe the terms of periodical and other surveys determined by VR, and prepair the
ship for a survey in the appropriate way and also inform VR of all incidents, groundings, troubles and repair
related to the hull of a ship or products covered by the requirements of the Rules, that took place in the
interval between the surveys.
If the need to extend a periodical survey arises, instruction contained in the relevant Rules shall be consulted

4.4.2 Fitting of new pr oducts

If new products are fitted on board a ship in service, which are liable to the requirements of the Rules,
provisions specified in 4.2 and 4.3 are applied to these products.

4.4.3 Replacement of defective par ts

When replacing defective or worn-out parts subject to the requirements of the Rules with new ones, the latter
shall be manufactured in compliance with the requirements of these Rules and verified by the Surveyors.

4.5 Sur veys of ships in for eign por ts

In a port where there are no representatives of VR, when the need arises to subject a ship to a survey, the
master of the ship or shipowner's representatives shall:

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(1) In case of renewal, extension or confirmation of validity of the documents issued in compliance with the
requirements of the International Conventions and International Codes, the master or the representative of
the shipowner is to contact VR for realization.
(2) In case of renewal, extension or confirmation of validity of the documents of classification or reception of
professional conclusion relating to the classification of ship, refrigerating equipment, cargo handling gear
or containers, the master or the representative of the shipowner is to contact VR for realization.
(3) In the cases of (1) and (2) above, if VR can not nominate the Surveyors directly, VR shall authorize other
foreign Classification Societies to execute the duty in the following sequence:
(a) The Classification Societies which have signed the Agreement with VR and authorized by VR for
(b) The technical organizations have been recognized and/or authorized by VR.
(4) In case of renewal, extension or confirmation of validity of the Seaworthiness Certificate, VR shall
consider and settle in each particular case.


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