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The 100 Most Common French Verbs

Click on the verb name for full conjugations and quizzes.

Verb French Irregular English

1 être * to be
2 avoir * to have
3 pouvoir * to be able (can)
4 faire * to do, to make
5 mettre * to put, to place
6 dire * to say, to tell
7 devoir * to have to , must, to owe
8 prendre * to take, to catch, to capture
9 donner to give, to produce
10 aller * to go
11 vouloir * to want, to wish
12 savoir * to know
13 falloir * to have to
14 voir * to see
15 demander to ask, to request
16 trouver to find, to discover
17 rendre * to return (something), to give back
18 venir * to come
19 passer to pass, to go past
to understand, to include, to
20 comprendre * comprehend
21 rester to stay, to remain
22 tenir * to hold, to keep
23 porter to carry, to wear
24 parler to speak, to talk

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25 montrer to show, to display

26 continuer to continue
27 penser to think
28 suivre * to follow, to pay attention
29 connaître * to know, to be acquainted with
30 croire * to believe (in)
31 commencer to begin, to start, to commence
32 compter to count
33 entendre * to hear, to understand
34 attendre * to wait, to expect
35 remettre * to put back (on), to replace, to deliver
36 appeler * to call, to contact
37 permettre * to permit, to allow, to enable
38 occuper to occupy, to take up (space/time)
39 devenir * to become, to grow (into), to turn (into)
40 partir * to leave, to depart, to proceed
41 décider to decide, to persuade
42 arriver to arrive, to happen
43 servir * to serve
44 sembler to seem
45 revenir * to return, to come back
46 laisser to leave, to allow, to let
47 recevoir * to receive, to welcome
48 répondre * to answer, to reply
49 vivre * to live
50 rappeler * to call back, to remind
51 présenter to present, to introduce
52 accepter to accept
53 agir to act

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to put down, to pose, to lay (something)

54 poser down
55 jouer to play, to act, to gamble
56 reconnaître * to recognize, to acknowledge
57 choisir to choose, to select
58 toucher to touch, to feel, to affect
59 aimer to like, to love
60 retrouver to find, to regain, to meet up
61 perdre * to lose, to waste
62 expliquer to explain, to account for
63 considérer to consider, to study
64 ouvrir * to open (up)
65 gagner to win, to gain, to earn
66 exister to exist
67 refuser to refuse
68 lire * to read
69 réussir to succeed
70 changer to change, to alter
71 travailler to work
72 représenter to represent, to depict, to portray
73 assurer to secure, to assure, to insure
74 essayer * to try, to attempt
75 empêcher to prevent, to stop
76 sortir * to go out, to leave, to exit, to come out
77 reprendre * to resume, to recover, to take back
78 mener to lead, to conduct
79 appartenir * to belong, to concern
80 risquer to risk
81 concerner to concern, to affect

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82 apprendre * to learn, to teach, to hear of

83 rencontrer to meet, to encounter
84 créer to create, to build
85 obtenir * to obtain, to get
86 chercher to look for, to seek
87 entrer to enter, to go into
88 proposer to suggest, to propose, to offer
89 apporter to bring, to cause
90 utiliser to use, to employ
91 atteindre * to reach, to attain, to achieve
92 tenter to tempt
93 importer to import, to matter
94 ajouter to add
95 produire * to produce
96 préparer to prepare (something), to make
97 relever to raise, to stand up, to pick up
98 écrire * to write
99 défendre * to defend, to stand up for, to forbid
to pull, to draw (curtains, sword), to fire
100 tirer (gun), to print

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