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BUSLAW4 – Lesson 5  If the thing sold and delivered produce fruits or income

 If vendee is in default from the time of demand for payment of


 The buyer or goods is not bound to accept delivery by RIGHTS OF VENDEE TO SUSPEND PAYMENT
installment, unless stipulated.
 Where separate price has been fixed for each installment, the 1. If vendee is disturbed in the possession or ownership of the
buyer may reject the succeeding installment in case of thing bought
defective deliveries, and sue for breach of contract 2. If the vendee has well-grounded fear that his possession would
 Where the buyer unjustly refuse to accept delivery or to pay be disturbed by a vindicatory action or foreclosure of mortgage
one or more installments, seller may sue for breach of contract
if the breach is so material as to affect the whole contract. CAUSES WHEN VENDEE MAY NOT SUSPEND PAYMENT
 Where breach is severable, it will give rise to claim for
1. If the vendor gives security for the return of the price in a
compensation for the particular breach but will not affect the
proper case
whole contract.
2. If it has been stipulated that notwithstanding any such
BUYER’S RIGHT TO EXAMINE THE GOODS contingency, the vendee must make payment
3. If the vendor has caused the disturbance or danger to cease
Arises: 4. If the disturbance is a mere act of trespass
5. If the vendee has fully paid the price
 In actual delivery of goods
 In goods delivered COD/not COD, if stipulated or if permitted RULE ON RESCISSION OF SALE OF REAL PROPERTY
under usage of trade
General Rule:
Vendor may sue for rescission of the contract should the vendee fail
 Express acceptance – verbal or in writing to pay the agreed price
 Implied acceptance – buyer does any act inconsistent with the
seller’s ownership
– buyer retains the goods after the lapsed
 If there is a stipulation to the contrary
of reasonable time
 If the vendee pay even after the stipulated time but before
demand for rescission has been made by the vendor


 Buyer should give notice to seller of any such breach within
reasonable time
Cases when vendor may rescind contract of sale:
 Failure to give notice to the seller within reasonable time shall
discharge the seller of his liability 1. Failure of the vendee to appear to receive delivery
2. Having appeared, failed to tender the price of the same, unless,
EFFECT OF REFUSAL TO ACCEPT DELIVERY a longer period for its payment has been stipulated


 Buyer should notify the seller of his refusal to accept the goods 1. Action for payment of the price
 Buyer has the obligation to take reasonable care of the goods 2. Action for damages for non-acceptance of the goods
 Seller has the duty to take delivery of the goods 3. Action for rescission
 Risk of loss is on the seller
 Buyer may resell goods if seller ails to take delivery of the goods ACTION OF THE SELLER FOR PAYMENT OF THE PRICE

Wrong refusal 1. When ownership of the goods has passed to the buyer and he
wrongfully neglects or refuse to pay for the price.
 Title passes to the buyer 2. When the price is payable on a certain day and he wrongfully
 Risk of loss is borne by the buyer neglects or refuses to pay such price irrespective of delivery or
transfer of title.
LIABILITY OF THE VENDEE FOR INTEREST 3. When the goods cannot readily be resold for a reasonable price
and the buyer wrongfully refuses to accept them even before
Vendee is liable for the interest from the time of delivery to the
the ownership in the goods has passed.
payment of the price:

 If interest is stipulated
ACTION OF THE SELLER FOR DAMAGES FOR NON-ACCEPTANCE OF 3. The buyer has the right to hold the goods as bailee for the seller
THE GOODS should the latter refuse the return of the goods.
4. The buyer may have lien on the goods for any portion of the
1. In case of wrongful neglect or refusal by the buyer to accept or price already paid
pay for the thing sold
2. In an executory contract, where the ownership in the goods has MODES OF EXTINGUISHMENT OF SALE
not passed, and the seller cannot maintain an action to recover
the price. 1. Common – those causes which are also the means of
3. If the goods are not yet identified at the time of the contract or extinguishing all other contracts
subsequently 2. Special – those causes which are recognized by the law of sales
3. Extra-special – Conventional redemption

1. When the buyer has repudiated the contract of sale CONVENTIONAL REDEMPTION
2. When the buyer has manifested his inability to perform his
obligation thereunder 1. Seller reserved the right to repurchase thing sold
3. When the buyer has committed a breach of the contract of sale 2. Coupled with obligation to return price of the sale, expenses of
contract and other legitimate payments and the necessary and
REMEDIES OF THE BUYER FOR BREACH OF CONTRACT OF SALE useful expenses made on the thing sold
3. Right must be recognized in the deed of sale
 Action for specific performed
 Action for rescission or damages for breach of warranty INSTANCES OF EQUITABLE MORTGAGE

ACTION OF BUYER FOR SPECIFIC PERFORMANCE 1. Price of sale with right to repurchase is unusually inadequate.
2. Seller remains in possession as a lessee or otherwise.
1. Where the seller has broken the contract to deliver specific or 3. Upon/after expiration of right to repurchase, another
ascertained goods instrument extending the period of redemption is executed.
2. The judgment or decree may be unconditional, or upon such 4. Buyer retains for himself a part of the purchase price.
terms and conditions as to damages, payment of the price and 5. Seller binds himself to pay taxes on thing sold.
otherwise as the court may deem just. 6. Real intention of parties is to secure the payment of a debt or
performance of other obligation

1. Recoupment – accept the goods and set up the seller’s breach 1. Buyer a retro automatically acquires full ownership
to reduce or extinguish price. 2. There must be judicial order before ownership of real property
2. Action for damages – accept the goods and maintain an action is consolidate in the buyer a retro
for damages for breach of warranty.
3. Counterclaim for damages – refuse to accept the goods and RIGHTS OF VENDEE A RETRO
maintain an action for damages for breach of warranty.
4. Rescission – rescind the contract by returning or offering the 1. To be subrogated to the vendor’s right and actions.
return of the goods and recover the price already paid. 2. Right against creditor of the vendor not to exercise the right of
redemption until after they have exhausted the property of the
3. To compel the vendor of a part of undivided immovable to
1. If the buyer accepted the goods knowing of the breach of redeem the whole property in case the vendee a retro of such
warranty without protest part acquires the entire immovable.
2. If he fails to notify the seller within a reasonable time of his
3. If he fails to return or offer to return the goods in substantially
a good condition as they were in at the time of the transfer of Rule:
ownership to him
1. When an undivided thing is sold by co-owners/co-heirs,
RIGHTS AND OBLIGATIONS OF THE BUYER IN CASE OF RESCISSION vendors a retro may only exercise his right over his respective
1. The buyer cease to be liable for the price, his obligation is to 2. Vendee a retro may demand that they must come to an
return the goods agreement first and may not be compelled to consent to a
2. The buyer may recover the price he has paid partial redemption.
3. When rights of co-owners over an undivided thing is sold as RIGHT OF LEGAL REDEMPTION OF ADJACENT OWNERS OF RURAL
regards to their own share – vendee a retro cannot compel one LANDS
to redeem the whole property.
1. Both the land of the one exercising the right of redemption and
REDEMPTION AGAINST HEIRS OF VENDEE the land sought to be redeemed must be rural
2. The lands must be adjacent
Rules: 3. There must be an alienation
4. The rural land must not exceed one (1) hectare
1. The vendor a retro can exercise the right to redeem against the
5. The vendee must also own some rural land
heirs of the vendee a retro with respect only to their respective
6. The rural land must not be separated by brooks, drains, ravines,
roads, and other apparent servitudes from the adjoining land.
2. If the property has been divided and the thing sold has been
awarded to one of the heirs, the vendor can exercise the right PRE-EMPTION VS REDEMPTION
to redeem against such heir.
EFFECT OF RIGHT OF REDEMPTION Arises before sale Arises after sale
No rescission because no sale There can be rescission of the
Vendor a retro must return first the following: as yet exists original sale
The action is directed against Action is directed against the
1. The price of the thing sold the prospective seller buyer
2. Expenses of the contract and other legitimate payments made
by reason of the sale
3. Necessary and useful expenses made on thing sold PERIOD OF REDEMPTION

RIGHTS OF PARTNERS AS TO FRUITS OF LAND 1. Right of legal pre-emption of redemption shall be exercised
within 30 days from notice by the buyer.
Rules: 2. Deed of sale not to be recorded in Registry of Deeds unless
accompanied by affidavit that buyer has given notice to
1. If there were fruits at the time of sale and the vendee paid for redemptioners.
them, he must be reimbursed at the time of redemption.
2. If no indemnity was paid, there shall be no reimbursement at
the time of redemption.
3. If the property has no fruit at the time of sale and there are
some at the time of redemption, the vendee shall received a
prorated portion corresponding to the last year he possessed
the property.


Is the right to be subrogated upon the same terms and conditions

stipulated in the contract, in the place of one who acquires the thing
by purchase or by dation in payment or by other transaction
whereby ownership is transmitted by onerous title.



1. There must be a co-ownership

2. There must be alienation of all or of any of the shares of the
other co-owners
3. The sale must be to a 3rd person


1. Any co-owner may exercise right of redemption by paying

reasonable price of property to the buyer.
2. If 2 or more co-owners desire to exercise right of redemption,
they may only do so in proportion to the share they may
respectively have in the thing owned in common.

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