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Mantra: Aad Guray Nameh

Aad Guray Nameh, Jugaad Guray Nameh, Sat Guray Nameh, Siri
Guroo Dayvay Nameh

Language: Gurmukhi - Source: Sukhmani Sahib (prayer of peace) - Author: Guru Arjun Dev Ji,
Fifth Guru of the Sikhs

I bow to the primal Guru
I bow to the truth that has existed throughout the ages
I bow to True Wisdom
I bow to the Great Divine Wisdom

More Information:
This is a mantra of protection and is recited to invoke the protective
energy of the universe. Yogi Bhajan taught that this mantra should
always be chanted 3 times in a row. This mantra is chanted after
tuning in to a class with the Adi Mantra.

Many people chant this mantra when they need extra protection. It
is part of the "triple mantra", and is often spoken before driving a
car to create a protective energy around the those in the car.

When you cannot be protected, this mantra shall protect you. When
things stop, and won’t move, this makes them move in your direction.
- Yogi Bhajan

Mantra: Aad Pooran Madh Pooaran

Aad Pooran Madh Pooran Ant Pooran Paramaysureh

Language: Gurmukhi - Source: Siri Guru Granth Sahib - Author: Guru Arjun Dev Ji

Aad is sometimes taken to mean the beginning. It actually means
more like the primal, something that existed before the beginning,
beyond and predating anything. This concept is very hard to
translate into English. Pooran means complete, needs nothing else
to complete it. In the beginning, God was complete truth. Madh
pooran, in the middle, God is completely whole, completely true, all
pervading. Ant Pooran, in the end God will be all pervading.
Parmaysureh. Why? Because he is parmaysureh. He is the highest of
high, highest of the world. This is a lot like Guru Nanak Dev ji's
words at the beginning of Japji Sahib. Aad Sach, Jugaad Sach, Hai
Bhee Sach. Naanak Hosee Bhee Sach.
Mantra: Aad Such Jugaad Such Hai Bhai Such

Aad Such Jugaad Such Hai Bhai Such Nanak Hosee Bhai Such

Language: Gurmukhi - Source: 17th Slok of Sukhmani Sahib - Author: Baba Siri Chand, son of
Guru Nanak, gave this mantra to Guru Arjun Dev Ji

True in the beginning, true throughout the ages, true even now,
Nanak, truth shall ever be.

More Information:
The 'Bhai' version of this mantra has the same meaning as the 'Bhee'
version. The focus of this mantra is to help remove blocks when you
get stuck and help get you moving. This chant is from Baba Siri
Chand who was the eldest son of Guru Nanak (the first Guru of the

Now suppose something you want to move and it’s not moving. There
is a block and it’s not movable…..then chant this mantra. It’s a lever.
It is the biggest lever available to you as a mantra.” Yogi Bhajan
Mantra: Aadays Tisai Aadays

Also Known as: 28th thru 31st Paurees of Japji

Complete Mantra:
Mundaa santokh saram pat jholee
Dhiaan kee kareh bibhoot
Khinthaa kaal kuaaree kaayaa
Jugat dandaa parteet
Aaee panthee sagal jamaatee
Man jeetai jag jeet
Aadays tisai aadays
Aad aneel anaad anaahat
Jug jug ayko vays (28)
Bhugat giaan dayaa bhandaaran
Ghat ghat vaajeh naad
Aap naath naathee sabh jaa kee
Ridh sidh avaraa saadh
Sanjog vijog duay kaar chalaaveh
Laykhay aaveh bhaag
Aadays tisai aadays
Aad aneel anaad anaahat
Jug jug ayko vays (29)
Aykaa maa-ee jugat viaaee
Tin chaylay parvaan
Ik sansaaree ik bhandaaree
Ik laa-ay deebaan
Jiv tis bhaavai tivai chalaavai
Jiv hovai furmaan
Oho vaykhai onaa nadar na aavai
Bahutaa ayho vidaan
Aadays tisai aadays
Aad aneel anaad anaahat
Jug jug ayko vays (30)
Aasan loay loay bhandhaar
Jo kichh paayaa so aykaa vaar
Kar kar vaykhai sirjanhaar
Naanak sachay kee saachee kaar
Aadays tisai aadays
Aad aneel anaad anaahat
Jug jug ayko vays (31)

Language: Gurmukhi - Source: Siri Guru Granth Sahib - Author: Guru Nanak Dev Ji

Let contentment be your ear-rings, humility your begging bowl,
And meditation the ashes you apply to your body.
Let the thought of death be the patched coat you wear,
Chastity your way in the world,
And faith in the lord your walking stick.
See the brotherhood of all mankind as the highest order of yogis;
Conquer your own mind, and you shall conquer the world.
I bow unto him, I humbly bow.
The Primal one, the Pure light, without beginning, without end.
Throughout all the ages, He is one and the same. (28)
Let Spiritual Wisdom be your food, and compassion your attendant.
The sound current of the Naad resounds in each and every heart.
He himself is the Supreme Master of all,
Wealth and miraculous powers, and other external tastes and
are all like beads on a string.
Union with him, and separation from him, come by His Will.
We come to receive what is written in our destiny.
I bow unto him, I humbly bow.
The Primal One, the pure light, without beginning, without end.
Throughout all the ages, he is one and the same. (29)
The One divine mother conceived and gave birth to the three deities.
One, the Creator of the world, One, the sustainer,
And one the destroyer.
He makes things happen as he pleases.
Such is his celestial order.
He watches over all, but none see him.
How wonderful this is!
I bow unto him, I humbly bow.
The Primal One, the Pure Light, without beginning, without end.
Throughout the ages, he is one and the same. (30)
On world after world are his seats of authority and storehouses.
Whatever was put into them, was put there once and for all.
Having created the creation, the Creator Lord watches over it.
O Nanak, true is the creation of the true Lord.
I bow unto him, I humbly bow.
The Primal One, the Pure Light, without beginning, without end.
Throughout all the ages, he is one and the same. (31)

More Information:
The twenty-eighth pauree is the strongest permutation and
combination of words in the world. It unites you with God.
The twenty-ninth pauree is a shield of protection. It protects you
from enemies by simply vaporizing those who wish you harm.
The thirtieth pauree places you upon the throne of divinity. It makes
you into a sage and a saint.
The thirty-first pauree pulls all virtues from the heavens.
Translation, transliteration, and comments courtesy of: Psyche of the Soul, by Siri Singh
Sahib Bhai Sahib Harbhajan Singh Khalsa Yogiji et al. Copyright 1993 Hand Made Books

Mantra: Aadays Tisai Aadays (short version)

Complete Mantra:
Aadays Tisai Aadays Aad Aneel Anaad Anaahat Jug Jug Ayko Vays

Language: Gurmukhi - Source: Japji Sahib - Author: Guru Nanak

All honor to the One, Hail the Primal Being whose attributes cannot
be described, Who is without beginning, the Unstruck Sound, and
whose form is One through every Age.

More Information:
This mantra is believed to instill the entire knowledge of the
Universe without ever reading a book. It is the yogi's humble bowing
to the infinite.

From Yogi Bhajan's Lecture on Self Reverence 02/26/1996

"In this Slok, he totally completes the human anatomy, excellence,

process, projection in the most clear words which one can
understand. He says it with absolute clarity, sparing nothing.
Guru Nanak salutes God as a yogi, by using the yogi’s salute:
Aadays. Aadays means, “I salute Thou.”

Aadays tisai aadays: I salute Thou. I salute Thou, again and again.

Aad Aneel Anaad Anaahat:

Aad: You are the beginning.
Aad. He describes all dimension of limitlessness.
Jug Jug Ayko Vays:Remains true through all ages, through all time.
-Guru Nanak, Siri Guru Granth Sahib, page 7 (from 30th pauree of
Japji Sahib)

God is primal and pure with unknown beginning, Who cannot be

destroyed, and Who remains the same in all Ages. Through all time
You wi
ll remain." - Yogi Bhajan
Mantra: Aakhan Jor

Also Known as: 33rd Pauree of Japji

Complete Mantra:
Aakhan jor, Chupai neh jor,
Jor na mangan dayn na jor
Jor na jeevan maran neh jor
Jor na raaj maal man sor
Jor na surtee giaan vechaar
Jor na jugatee chutai sansaar
Jis hath jor kar vekhai so-i
Nanak utam neech na ko-i

Language: Gurmukhi - Source: Siri Guru Granth Sahib - Author: Guru Nanak Dev Ji

No power to speak, no power to keep silent.
No power to beg, no power to give.
No power to live, no power to die.
No power to rule, with wealth and occult mental powers.
No power to gain intuitive understanding, to contemplate spiritual
No power to find the way to escape from the world.
He alone has the Power in his hands, he watches over all.
O Nanak, no one is high or low.

More Information:
This pauree destroys your ego and brings home your divinity. It
removes negativity, neutralizes your destructive nature and prevents
harm to others by your hand.
Translation and comments courtesy of: Psyche of the Soul, by
Harbhajan Singh Khalsa Yogiji et al, Copyright 1993 Hand Made

Mantra: Aap Sahaee Hoa

Complete Mantra:
Aap Sahaaee Hoaa, Sachay Daa Sachaa Doaa, Har, Har, Har

Language: Sanskrit

You, Divine One, have become my refuge. True is Your support, Great
Creative Infinite.

More Information:
According to Yogi Bhajan this mantra "...will totally eliminate
enemies and block the impact of animosity forever, it can give you
mental self-control..."

Yogi Bhajan also said that if chanted for 62 minutes, the best time
being between three and four AM, it can releive unbearable financial

This mantra meditation from the Siri Guru Granth Sahib is a gift to
you that will let you penetrate the unknown without fear. It will give
you protection and mental balance.
Complete Mantra:
chaachheree chhand
abhung hain, anung hain, abhaikh hain, alaikh hain. (133)

abharm hain, akarm hain, anadi hain, jugadi hain. (134)

ajai hain, abai hain, abhoot hain, adhoot hain. (135)

anas hain, odas hain, adhundh hain, abundh hain. (136)

abhagat hain, birkat hain, anas hain, parkas hain. (137)

nechint hain, sonent hain, alikh hain, adikh hain. (138)

alaikh hain, abhaikh hain, adhah hain, agah hain. (139)

asubh hain, agunbh hain, aneel hain, anadi hain. (140)

anit hain, sunit hain, ajat hain, ajadi hain. (141)

- Source: Dasam Granth - Author: Guru Gobind Singh

Chachheree Chhand
O Lord, You are Indestructible. You are limbless (no body). You have
no dress. No one can draw a portrait of You. (133)

O Lord, You are above all types of doubts, superstitions and

illusions. You do not need religious rituals to be performed.
You are without Beginning, You were in existence prior to the
beginning of ages. (134)
O Lord, You are Unconquerable and Indestructible. You have no body
of five elements. You are Immutable. (135)
O Lord, You are Imperishable, have no worries, have no
entanglements and are not in bondage. (136)
O Lord, You remain Detached, as the material things You created, do
not attract You. You are indestructible and All Light. (137)
O Lord, You have no worries, You are Eternal. Neither any one can
make a portrait of You, nor You are visible to him. (138)
O Lord, no one can make a portrait of You. You do not wear any
dress. No one can defeat You. You are Infinite. (139)
O Lord, You are Incomprehensible to the creatures. It is Your Light
which is source of life of creatures. You are the Life of the creatures
and are Beginningless. (140)
O Lord, You are Causeless, You are Eternal, You are Unborn, but
Source of life of all. (1419).

Mantra: Adi Shakti

Complete Mantra:
Adi Shakti, Adi Shakti, Adi Shakti, Namo Namo
Sarab Shakti, Sarab Shakti, Sarab Shakti, Namo Namo
Pritham Bhagvati, Pritham Bhagvati, Pritham Bhagvati, Namo Namo
Kundalini Mata Shakti, Mata Shakti, Namo Namo

I bow to (or call on) the primal power.
I bow to (or call on) the all encompassing power and energy.
I bow to (or call on) that through which God creates.
I bow to (or call on) the creative power of the Kundalini, the Divine
Mother Power.

More Information:
The Adi Shakti Mantra tunes one into the frequency of the Divine
Mother, and to the primal protective, generating energy. It is said
that chanting it eliminates fears and fulfills desires.

Some quotes Yogi Bhajan gave on this mantra specifically for

"Merge in the Maha Shakti. This is enough to take away your
misfortune. This will carve out of you a woman. Woman needs her
own Shakti, not anybody else will do it. When a woman chants the
Kundalini Bhakti mantra, God clears the way. This is not a religion, it
is a reality. Woman is not born to suffer, and woman needs her own

"When India and Indian women knew this mantra, it dwelt in the land
of milk and honey."

Yogi Bhajan taught that after conception, the soul enters into the
womb of a mother on the 120th day. This is a day of celebration and
when the soul/child is entering the womb this chant is traditional.

Mantra: Agastyumuni Proktam

Also Known as: Ya Kundendu

Complete Mantra:
Yaa Kunden dutu shaarahaara dhavalaa
Yaa Shubra vastraavritaa
Yaa Vinaa varadanda mandita karaa
Yaa Shveta padmaasanaa
Yaa Brahmaa chyuta shankara prabh riti bhir devaih sadaa vanditaa
Saa Maam Paatu Saraswati Bhagavati
Nih sheshaa jaad yaa pahaa
Language: Sanskrit - Source: Shri Saraswati Stotram

Coming soon

More Information:
Mantra courtesy of:
Mantra: Aghore Bhyo

Also Known as: Shiva Puja

Complete Mantra:
Aghore Bhyo Taghore Bhyo
Ghora Ghora Tare Bhyaha
Sarve Bhyaha Sarva Sharve Bhyo
Namaste Astu Rudra Roope Bhyaha

Tat Purukhaaya Vidamahe

Mahaadevaaya Dimahi
Tanno Rudraha Prachodaayataha

Raamadootaaya Vidamahe
Vaayuputraaya Dimahi
Tanno Hanumat Prachodaayataha


More Information:

Mantra: Aja Uttama

Complete Mantra:
Aja uttama sudina
Zale darshana santantse
Papa tapa dainya gele
Santa paule pahata
Avagha yajna phala ala
Avaghe bhetale santajana
Avaghe karma sukarma zale
Santa paule pahata

Language: Sanskrit - Author: Eknath Maharaj (1548-1600)

Today is the best day of my life because I had the darshan of a saint.
All my sins and sorrows vanished when I saw the saint’s feet.
The fruits of my good actions came to me all at once when I met this
All my accumulated karmas turned into merits when I simply gazed
at the feet of this saint.
Mantra: Ajai Alai

Complete Mantra:
Ajai Alai Abhai Abai Abhoo Ajoo Anaas Akaas Aganj Abhanj Alakkh
Abhakkh Akaal Dyaal Alaykh Abhaykh Anaam Akaam Agaaha
Adhaaha Anaathay Pramaathay Ajonee Amonee Na Raagay Na
Rangay Na Roopay Na Raykhay Akarmang Abharmang Aganjay

Language: Gurmukhi - Source: Jaap Sahib - Author: Guru Gobind Singh

Ajai Alai - Invincible, Indestructible.
Abhai Abai - Fearless, Unchanging.
Abhoo Ajoo - Unformed, Unborn.
Anaas Akaas - Imperishable, Etheric
Aganj Abhanj - Unbreakable, Impenetrable.
Alakkh Abhakkh - Unseen, Unaffected.
Akaal Dy-aal - Undying, Merciful
Alaykh Abhaykh - Indescribable, Uncostumed.
Anaam Akaam - Nameless, Desireless.
Agaah Adhaah - Unfathomable, Incorruptible.
Anaathay Pramaathay - Unmastered, Destroyer.
Ajonee Amonee - Beyond birth, Beyond silence.
Na Raagay Na Rangay - Beyond love, Beyond color.
Na Roopay Na Raykhay - Beyond form, Beyond shape.
Akarmang Abharmang - Beyond karma, Beyond doubt.
Aganjay Alaykhay - Unconquerable, Indescribable.

More Information:
Chanting this mantra lifts one from depression and anger.

"Whenever you are in trouble mentally or you are being attacked in

one way or another chant these words and opposition will dissolve in
your face." - Yogi Bhajan
Mantra: Akal
Complete Mantra:

Language: Gurmukhi, Sanskrit - Source: Siri Guru Granth Sahib


More Information:
This mantra has been given by Yogi Bhajan to be chanted to help
release a soul when a person dies. It means that there is no death,
only liberation. We are deathless.

All Sikh Guru's used this word. It is in the first daily prayer of the
Sikh's, Japji Sahib, but has roots in Hindu, yogic traditions which go
back further, therefore it is both Sanskrit and Gurmukhi in origin .
Mantra: Alakh Baba Siri Chand

Complete Mantra:
Alakh Baba Siri Chand Di Rakh

This mantra calls upon the help of Baba Siri Chandh, who was the
son of Guru Nanak, the first Sikh Guru. He was sent by his father to
teach the basic tenets of Sikhism to the yogis in the Himalayas.

More Information:
This mantra is to be chanted only once per day. If under psychic
attack, this mantra will reflect the energy back.
Mantra: Allah Hoo

Complete Mantra:
Allah Hoo Allah Allah


More Information:
Mystic chant of the Sufis.
Mantra: Amba Bhavani

Complete Mantra:
Amba Bhavani Ki Jai

Hail Bhavani, the divine mother.

Mantra: Amba Bhavani Jaya Jagadambe

Complete Mantra:
Amba Bhavani Jaya Jagadambe

Language: Sanskrit

Hail Bhavani, mother of the world.

Mantra: Ambe Mata

Complete Mantra:
Ambe Mata, Jagan Mata
Vira Mata, Satya, Prem Data
Amba Mayi, Jagan Mayi
Vira Mayi, Satya, Prem Mayi
Jai Ma
Ambe Ma, Jagatambe Ma

Goddess Mother, Mother of the World,
Courageous Mother, Truthful, Love-Giver.
Praise the Divine Mother!
Goddess, Goddess of the World.

More Information:

Mantra and translation courtesy of:

Mantra: Amritamayi Anandamayi

Complete Mantra:
Amritamayi Anandamayi
Amritanandamayi Ma, Jai Ma
He Ma Durga
Jaya Jagatambe, He Ma Durga
Jai Ma
Nectar Mother, Blissful Mother
Nectar Blissful Mother, Praise Her.
Oh Mother! Goddess!
Praise the Mother of the World.

More Information:
Mantra and translation courtesy of:
Mantra: Amul Gun

Also Known as: 26th Pauree of Japji

Complete Mantra:
Amul gun amul vaapaar
Amul vaapaareeay amul bhandaar
Amul aaveh amul lai jaa-eh
Amul bhaa-i amulaa samaa-i
Amul dharam amul deebaan
Amul tul amul parvaan
Amul bakhsheesh amul neeshaan
Amul karam amul furmaan
Amulo amul aakhiaa na jaa-i
Aakh aakh rehay liv laa-i
Aaakheh vayd paath puraan
Aaakhay paray kareh vakhiaan
Aaakheh barmay aakheh ind
Aakheh gopee tai govind
Aakheh eesar aakheh sidh
Aakheh kaytay keetay budh
Aakheh daanav aakheh dayv
Aakheh sur nar mun jan sayv
Kaytay aakheh aakhan paa-eh
Kaytay kay kay uth uth jaa-eh
Aytay keetay hor karayh
Taa aakh na sakeh kayee kay-i
Jayvad bhaavay tayvad ho-i
Naanak jaanai saachaa so-i
Jay ko aakhay bol vigaar
Taa likhee-ai sir gaavaaraa gaavaar

Language: Gurmukhi - Source: Siri Guru Granth Sahib - Author: Guru Nanak Dev Ji

Priceless are his virtues, Priceless are his dealings.
Priceless are his dealers, priceless are his treasures.
Priceless are those who come tho him,
Priceless are those who buy from him.
Priceless is his love, priceless is Absorption into him.
Priceless is the Divine Law of Dharma.
Priceless is the Divine Court of Justice.
Priceless are the scales, priceless are the weights.
Priceless are his blessings, Priceless is his banner and insignia.
Priceless are his action, Priceless is his royal command.
Priceless, O priceless beyond expression!
Speak of him continually, and vibrate the string of his love.
The Vedas and the Puraanas speak.
The scholars speak and lecture.
Brahma speaks, Indra speaks, the Gopis and Krishna speak.
The many created Buddhas speak. The demons speak, the demi-
gods speak.
The spiritual warriors, the angelic beings, the silent sages,
The humble and serviceful speak.
So many speak and try to describe him.
So many have spoken of him again and again,
And have then arisen and departed.
Even if he were to create as many again as there already are,
They still could not describe him.
He is just as great as he wishes to be.
O Nanak, the True Lord knows.
If someone presumes to describe God,
He shall be know as the most foolish of fools!

More Information:
The twenty-sixth pauree transforms nothing into everything. In your
business it banishes loss, misfortune and misery.
Translation, transliteration and comments courtesy of Psyche of the
Soul, by Siri Singh Sahib Bhai Sahib Harbhajan Singh Khalsa Yogiji et
al, Copyright 1993 Hand Made Books ;

Mantra: Anand Bhayaa (short)

Complete Mantra:
Anand bhayaa mayree maaee-aa
Satiguroo may paaee-aa

Language: Gurmukhi - Source: Anand Sahib - Author: Guru Amar Das

O my mother, I am in bliss
By the grace of the true Guru,

Mantra: Anasura Yoga Invocation

Complete Mantra:
Om Namah Shivaaya Gurave, Satchitananda Murtaaye,

Nischprapanchaaya shaantaaya, Niraalambaaya Tejase

Language: Sanskrit - Author: Unknown

The embodiment of Being, Awareness and Bliss,
Living within everything as its true nature; Supreme peace;
needing no support, but sustaining and supporting all;
illuminating the entire universe with the light of consciousness ;

Mantra: Ang Sang Wahe Guru

Complete Mantra:
Ang Sang Wahe Guru

Language: Gurmukhi - Author: Guru Amar Das

The dynamic, loving energy of the Infinite Source of All is dancing
within my every cell, and is present in my every limb. My individual
consciousness merges with the Universal consciousness.

More Information:
Ang is 'a part'. Sang is 'in every,' or 'with every'. Wahe is 'the
indescribable living ecstasy of Infinite Being'. Guru is 'the
knowledge that transforms your mind, emotion and essence.' The
whole phrase means, "The Infinite Being, God, is with me, and
vibrates in every molecule and cell of my being."

This mantra expresses a universal truth. Repeating it creates a

thought, which gradually guides the psyche to adjust itself. It re-
connects every fragmented projection of the psyche, each separated
part of the body, and synchronizes the finite sense of self to the
Infinite Oneness. This act of rejoining the separated parts is the
quintessential act of healing. Under attack, under war, under the
pressures of fear, this meditation keeps us together, conscious, and
ready to act. It brings the inner peacefulness that comes only from
the touch and scope of spirit.
- A Commentary by Gurucharan Singh, KRI Director of Training
Mantra: Ant Na Siftee

Also Known as: 24th Pauree of Japji

Complete Mantra:
Ant Na Siftee Kehn na ant
Ant na karnai dayn na ant
Ant na vaykhan sunan na ant
Ant na jaapai kiaa man mant
Ant na jaapai keetaa aakaar
Ant na jaapai paaraaavaar
Ant kaaran kaytay bilalaa-he
Taa kay ant na paa-ay jaa-ay
Ayho ant na jaanai ko-i
Bahutaa keheeai Bahutaa ho-i
Vadaa saahib oochaa thaao
Oochay oopar oochaa naao
Ayvad oochaa hovai ko-i
Tis Oochay kau jaanai so-i
Jayvad aap jaanai aap aap
Naanak nadaree karamee daat

Language: Gurmukhi - Source: Siri Guru Granth Sahib - Author: Guru Nanak Dev Ji

Limitless his praises, limitless those who speak them
Limitless his workings and his givings.
Endless are the sounds and sights,
Limitless the mysteries of his mind.
Endless the creation it's expanse, here and beyond.
Countless struggle to find his limit; it cannot be found.
Nobody knows the end; the more is said, the more to say.
Great is the Lord, high his abode.
His Name the highest of the high.
One must gain those heights to know,
He himself knows how vast he is, O Nanak
It is his gracious glance, that can raise a man
So high.

More Information:
The twenty fourth pauree breaks through all limitations with the
force of a thunderbolt. It is so powerful that it affects generations; it
has the power to kill misfortune.
Translation is from Matamandir Singh's recording of this pauree,
Comments courtesy of Psyche of the Soul, by Harbhajan Singh
Khalsa Yogiji et al, Copyright 1993 Hand Made Books.

Mantra: Arati Karu

Complete Mantra:
Aaratii karu sadguru kii karu
sadguru ki pyare guruvara ki
Aaratii karu guruvara kii
Jaya gurudeva amala avinaashii
jñanarupa antara ke vaasi
Paga-paga para dete prakaasha
jaise kirane dinakara ki
Aaratii karu guruvara kii
Andhakara se hame nikaalaa
dikhalaaya hai amara ujaala
Kaba se jaane chaana rahe the
khaaka suno dara-dara kii
Aaratii karu guruvara kii
Karo krpaa sadguru jaga taarana
satpatha darshaka braanti nivaarana
Jaya ho nitya jyoti dikhalaane
vaale liilaadhara kii
Aaratii karu guruvara kii
Om chaitanyam shashvatam shantam
vyomatitam niranjanam
tasmai shrigurave namah

Language: Sanskrit

Let me wave lights to the true guru.
Hail divine love, pure, indestructible, dwelling within us in the form
of knowledge,
illuminating every step like the rays of the sun. Let me wave lights to
the true guru.
This love has led us out of darkness; this love has shown us the
immortal flame.
Listen, for so long we were (fools) going around from door to door
just picking up dust.
Let me wave lights to the true guru.
Give us your grace, to help us cross over the world. Show us the true
path, dispel wrong ideas.
Hail the one who has revealed the eternal light and whose existence
is a divine play.
Let me wave lights to the true guru. Om. The Guru is consciousness,
eternal, peaceful, beyond space, stainless.
He is beyond the divine music residing in the subtle abode of the
inner Self.
I bow to that Guru.
Mantra: Ardas Bhaee

Complete Mantra:
Ardas Bhaee Amar Das Guru, Amar Das Guru, Ardas Bhaee, Ram Das
Guru, Ram Das Guru, Ram Das Guru, Sachee Sahee

Language: Gurmukhi

The prayer has been given to Guru Amar Das. The prayer is
manifested by Guru Ram Das. The miracle is complete.

More Information:

Guru Amar Das is the energy of grace and hope when there is no
Guru Ram Das is the energy of miracles, healings and blessings.
This is the prayer to answer all prayers.

Comments: Guru is that which directs one from (gu) darkness to (ru)
light; from ignorance to the experience of one’s infinite nature. The
Ardaas Bahee mantra may be translated, ‘The prayer that has been
made to Guru Amar Das is guaranteed by Guru Ram Das.’ This is the
mantra for answered prayers.

Guru Amar Das is the third of the Sikh Gurus. He lived from 1479 to
1574. He is said to embody generosity and equality. Guru Ram Das,
his son-in-law, is the fourth of the Sikh Gurus. He lived from 1534
until 1581. He is said to embody humility, loving service and

Ram means ’servant of the Lord.’ If you ask something of Guru Ram
Das he has to bring it to God for you. Give your worries to Guru Ram
Das and let him take them to God. The God that rotates the earth
can certainly take care of your problems!

“Normally there is no power in the human but the power of prayer.

And to do prayer, you have to put your mind and body together and
then pray from the soul. Ardas Bahee is a mantra prayer. If you sing
it, your mind, body and soul automatically combine and without
saying what you want, the need of the life is adjusted. That is the
beauty of this prayer.” — Yogi Bhajan

Mantra: Asankh Jap

Also Known as: 17th pauree of Japji

Complete Mantra:
Asankh Jap Asankh bhaao
Asankh pooja asankh tap taao
Asankh granth mukh vayd paath
Asankh jog man reheh udaas
Asankh bhagat gun giaan veechaar
Asankh satee asankh daataar
Asankh soor muh bhakh saar
Asankh mon liv laa-i taar
Kudrat kavan kahaa veechaar
Vaariaa na jaavaa ayk vaar
Jo tudh bhaavai saaee bhalee kaar
Too sadaa salaamat nirankaar

Language: Gurmukhi - Source: Siri Guru Granth Sahib - Author: Guru Nanak Dev Ji

Countless meditations, countless loves.
Countless devotions, countless austere disciplines.
Countless scriptures, and Vedas recited ritualistically.
Countless yogis, their minds remaining detached from the world.
Countless devotees, contemplating God's wisdom and his Glorious
Countless holy people, countless givers.
Countless heroic spiritual warriors, who with their mouths eat steel,
Bearing the brunt of the battle.
Countless silent sages vibrating the string of his love.
How can your creative potency be described?
I cannot even once be a sacrifice unto you.
Whatever pleases you is the only good done,
You, the eternal and formless one.

More Information:
The seventeenth pauree brings freedom and resurrection.
Translation and comments courtesy of: Psyche of the Soul, by
Harbhajan Singh Khalsa Yogiji et al,
Copyright 1993 Hand Made Books.
Mantra: Asankh Moorakh

Also Known as: 18th Pauree of Japji

Complete Mantra:
Asankh moorakh andh ghor
Asankh chor haraamkhor
Asankh amar kar jaa-i jor
Asankh galvadh hatiaa kamaa-eh
Asankh paapee paap kar jaa-i
Asankh kooriaar kooray firaa-eh
Asankh malaychh maal bhakh khaa-eh
Asankh nindak sir kareh bhaar
Naanak neech kehai veechaar
Vaariaa na jaavaa ayk vaar
Jo tudh bhaavai saaee bhalee kaar
Too sadaa salaamat nirankaar

Language: Gurmukhi - Source: Siri Guru Granth Sahib - Author: Guru Nanak Dev Ji

Countless fools, blinded by ignorance.
Countless thieves and criminals.
Countless impose their will by force.
Countless cut-throats and ruthless killers.
Countless sinners who keep right on sinning.
Countless liars, wandering lost in their lies.
Countless wretched beings, eating filth as their ration.
Countless slanderers, carrying the weight of their stupid mistakes
on their heads.
Nanak describes the state of the lowly.
I cannot even once be a sacrifice unto you.
Whatever please you is the only good done,
You, the eternal and formless one.

More Information:
The eighteenth pauree fights madness, deep feelings of inferiority
and self destructive behavior.
Translation and comments courtesy of: Psyche of the Soul, by
Harbhajan Singh Khalsa Yogiji et al, Copyright 1993 Hand Made

Mantra: Asankh Naav

Also Known as: 19th Pauree of Japji

Complete Mantra:
Asankh Naav Asankh Thaav
Agamm agamm asankh loa
Asankh keheh sir bhaar ho-i
Akhree naam akhree saalaah
Akhree giaan geet gun gaah
Akhree likhan bolan baan
Akhraa sir sanjog vakhaan
Jin eh likhay tis sir naa-eh
Jiv furmaa-ay tiv tiv paa-eh
Jaytaa keetaa taytaa naao
Vin naavay naahee ko thaao
Kudrat kavan kahaa veechaar
Vaariaa na jaavaa ayk vaar
Jo tudh bhaavai saa-ee bhalee kaar
Too sadaa salaamat nirankaar

Language: Gurmukhi - Source: Siri Guru Granth Sahib - Author: Guru Nanak Dev Ji

Countless names, countless places.
Unfathomable, inaccessible, countless celestial realms.
Even to call them countless is to carry the weight of your mistakes
on your head.
From the Word, comes the Naam;
From the Word, come your praises.
From the Word, comes spiritual wisdom,
singing the songs of your glory.
From the Word, come the written and spoken words and hymns.
From the Word, comes one's destiny, written upon the forehead.
But the one who wrote these words of destiny -
His forehead is not written upon.
As he ordains, so do we receive.
The created universe is the manifestation of your name.
Without your name, ther is no place at all.
How can your creative potency be described?
I cannot even once be a sacrifice unto you.
Whatever pleases you is the only good done.
You, the eternal and formless one.

More Information:
The nineteenth pauree brings universal knowledge, inspiration, and
revelation. If you understand this pauree, you'll never have trouble
understanding anything.
Translation and comments courtesy of: Psyche of the Soul, by
Harbhajan Singh Khalsa Yogiji et al, Copyright 1993 Hand Made

Complete Mantra:
Asato Ma:
Asato Ma Sad Gamaya
Tamaso ma Jyotir Gamaya
Mrityor ma amritam gamaya
Om shanti shanti shanti

Devyaaparaadha Stotra:
Na mantram no yantram tadapi cha na janay stuti maho
Na chaahwanam dhyaanam tadapi cha na jaanay stuti katha(ha)
Na jaanay mudraastay tadapi cha na jaanay wilapanam
Param jaanay maatastwa danusharanam klesha haranam

Asato Ma:

Lead me from the unreal to the real

Lead from the darkness to the light
Lead me from death to immortality
Let there be peace peace and peacefulness

Devyaaparaadha Stotra:

I don't know how to recite Your mantra, how to worship You with
Nor do I know how to welcome you or meditate upon you.
I don't know how to pray to you or how to do Your mudra.
Nor do I know how to open my heart to you and tell you of my
But this I know, Oh MA!
That to take refuge in you will destroy all my sorrow.
(From the of Devyaaparaadha Stotram of Shankaracharya

See All Mantras - A to ZMantra: Asato Ma Sad Gamaya

Complete Mantra:
Asato Ma Sad Gamaya
Tamasoma Jyotir Gamaya
Mrityor Ma Amritam Gamaya
Om Shanti Shanti Shanti

Language: Sanskrit

Lead me from the unreal to the real
Lead from the darkness to the light
Lead me from death to immortality
Let there be peace peace and peacefulness

More Information:
Mantra and translation courtesy of:

Mantra: Ashtang Bij Mantra

Complete Mantra:
Sat Nam Sat Nam Sat Nam Sat Nam Sat Nam Sat Nam Wahe Guru

Language: Gurmukhi - Source: Yogi Bhajan Lectures

Sat Name: True is my iden

More Information:
This mantra brings prosperity and balance. It is rhythmic and entrancing. It helps balance the
nervous system.

Other Meditation Using this Mantra:

Self Experience, ex. # 7 pg. 10
Sadhana Guidelines, pg. 103

Mantra: Aval Allah Noor Upaaya

Complete Mantra:


Aval alah noor upaaya kudarat kay sabh banday.

Ayk noor tay sabh jag upjeeaa kaun bhalay ko manday. (1)

Logaa bharam na bhoolahu bhaaee.

Khaalik khalak khalak meh khaalik poor rahio sarab thaaee. (1) Raha?o.

Maatee ayk anayk bhaant kar saajee sajanhaarai.

Na kachh pochh maatee ke bhaanday naa kachh poch kumbhaarai. (2)

Sabh meh sachaa eko soee tis kaa keeaa sabh kachh hoee.

Hukam pachhaanai so eko jaanai bandaa kaheeai soee. (3)

Alhu alakh na jaaee lakhiaa gur gur deenaa meethaa.
Kahi Kabeer mayree sankaa naasee sarab niranjan deethaa. (4)(3)

Language: Gurmukhi - Source: Siri Guru Granth Sahib

First, Allah created the Light; then, by His Creative Power, He made
all mortal beings.
From the One Light, the entire universe welled up. So who is good,
and who is bad? (3)
O people, O Siblings of Destiny, do not wander deluded by doubt.
The Creation is in the Creator, and the Creator is in the Creation,
totally pervading and permeating all places. (1)(Pause)
The clay is the same, but the Fashioner has fashioned it in various
There is nothing wrong with the pot of clay - there is nothing wrong
with the Potter. (2)
The One True Lord abides in all; by His making, everything is made.
Whoever realizes the Hukam of His Command, knows the One Lord.
He alone is said to be the Lord's slave. (3)
The Lord Allah is Unseen; He cannot be seen. The Guru has blessed
me with this sweet molasses.
Says Kabeer, my anxiety and fear have been taken away; I see the
Immaculate Lord pervading everywhere. (4)(3)

More Information:
Mantra and translation courtesy of:

Mantra: Azure Salver

Complete Mantra:
Gagan may thaal rav chand deepak banay
Taarikaa mandal janak motee
Dhoop mal aanlo pavan chavro kare
Sagal banraa-ay foolant jotee(1)
Kaisee aartee ho-ay
Bhav khandanaa tayree aartee
Anhataa shabad vaajant bhayree
Sahes tav nain nan nain hai tohe kau
Sahes moorat nanaa ayk tohee
Sahes pad bimal nan ek pad
Gandh bin sahes tav gandh iv chalat mohee(2)
Sabh meh jot jot hai soee
Tis day chaanan sabh mai chaanan hoay
Gur saakhee jot pargat hoay
Jo tis bhaavay su aartee hoay(3)
Har charan kaval makrand lobhit mano
Anadino mohay aahee peeaasaa
Kripaa jal dayh naanak saaring kau
Hoay jaa tay tayray naaee vaasaa(4)

Language: Gurmukhi - Source: Kirtan Sohilaa - Author: Guru Nanak Dev Ji

The sky is the azure salver,
The sun and moon are thy lamps,
The stars are thy scattered pearls,
The sandal forests are thy incense,
And the breeze is thy fan.
These, along with the flowers of vegetation
Are laid as offerings at thy feet(1)
O Destroyer of Fear,
What other worship can be compared
To nature's own festival of lights,
While the divine music resounds within?
Thousand are thine eyes, yet thou hast no eyes;
Thousand are thy forms, yet thou hast no form;
Thousand are thy lotus feet, and yet thou hast no feet;
Thousand are thy noses to smell, yet thou hast no nose.
I am enchanted with thy play.(2)
It is the light which lives in every heart,
And thy light which illumines every soul.
It is only through the Guru's teachings
That the light comes to be shown.
Whatever is pleasing to thee,
That is the true worship.(3)
My soul yearns for the honey of Thy lotus feet.
Night and day I am athirst for thee.
I am like that bird who cries, "Peeoo, Peeoo,"
Waiting to receive the drop of water
Which is the nectar of Thy kindness,
So that I may live in the ecstasy of Thy Name.(4)

More Information:
This is a shabad written by Guru Nanak which is part of Kirtan
Sohilaa, a prayer read at bedtime by the Sikhs.
Translation courtesy of Peace Lagoon, by Sardarni Premka Kaur,
Copyright 1984 G.T. International.

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