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Ouiminga et al / Chemistry Journal (2012), Vol. 02, Issue 05, pp.

1-5 ISSN 2049-954X

Research Paper

Characterization of Carbonaceous and Nitrogenous

Species during the Reductive and Oxidative Combustion
of Biomass: Case of Millet Stalks
Salifou Koucka Ouiminga1*, Thomas Rogaume2, Arsène H. Yonli1, Alfa Oumar Dissa1 and Jean Koulidiati1
Laboratory of Physics and Chemistry of Environment, University of Ouagadougou; 03 BP 7021 Ouaga 03, Burkina Faso
Tel.: (226) 50 39 38 15; Fax: (226) 50 39 33 37
Prime Institute, Dept. Fluid, Thermal, Combustion, (UPR 3346 CNRS), ENSMA – Teleport 2, 1 Avenue Clement ADER,
BP 40109, 86961 FUTUROSCOPE cedex, France
Tel.: (33) 549498290; Fax: 0549498291


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Millet stalks are used as fuel in pottering crafting in Africa. A study was conducted to characterize the gaseous species
produced during the reductive and oxidative combustion of millet stalks. The experiment was carried out on temperature
ranging from 800-1000 oC, using the tubular furnace, coupled with two gas analyzers i.e. Analyzer Fourier Transforms
Infrared (FTIR) analyzer and a non-dispersive infrared (NDIR) as experimental apparatus. The gaseous products analyzed
are i.e. CO, CO2, CH4, C3H8, C2H4, C2H2, C6H6, HCN, N2O, NO, NO2 and NH3. The results show that, in reducing
conditions, the levels of carbon monoxide (CO), methane (CH 4) and acetylene (C2H2) are increasing functions of
temperature, while emissions of CO2 and benzene (C6H6) decrease as the temperature increases. Emissions of other
compounds were remained relatively stable. Reductive combustion produced various compounds like CO 2, CO, N etc.

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Ouiminga et al / Chemistry Journal (2012), Vol. 02, Issue 05, pp. 1-5 ISSN 2049-954X

while oxidative combustion produced compounds like light hydrocarbon, benzene etc. The over all efficiency of conversion
was found about 15%.

Keywords: Combustion, Millet Stalks, Carbon, Nitrogen

1. Introduction
In Burkina Faso, agriculture is the most popular activity. It supports more than ten million people and is practiced by over
84% of the workforce. However, the rainy season lasts only four months a year, forcing farmers to engage in ancillary
activities, such as pottery. This activity requires the use of furnaces, usually constructed of clay. These kilns have various
geometries, classified the type I to type V (Daho, 2004).

The fuel is mainly composed of carbon, oxygen, hydrogen and nitrogen. The species analyzed are: CO, CO 2, CH4, C3H8,
C2H4, C2H2, C6H6, HCN, N2O, NO, NO2 and NH3. HCN and NH3 are important intermediates for the formation of fuel NO,
(De Soete, 1974; 1989; Morley, 1976; 1980; Miller et al, 1983; 1984 and 1989), while the NO 2 and N2O are involved in the
reduction of NO (Miller et al, 1983; 1984; 1989; De Soete, 1989; Rogaume et al, 2003; 2004 and Richard et al, 2007).
Similarly, hydrocarbons are the precursors to the formation of CO and CO 2 and they intervene in the process of formation
and reduction of NO (Dryer & Glassman, 1972 and Yetter et al, 1991a and 1991b).

2. Materials and Methods

2.1. Properties of Fuels

An elementary analysis of millet stalks was performed to accurately characterize our fuel and carry out material balances.
To do this, samples of each component were analyzed for the determination of the major elements i.e. C, H, O, N, S, Cl,
and H2O and ashes. These tests have been carried out by the analysis of the National Centre for Scientific Research (CNRS)
with 5 different samples of each fuel. The values presented in Table 1 correspond to the average of rate from 5 analyses.

Table 1. Elementary Composition Millet Stalks

Elements Millet Stalks

C 44.4%
H 6.0%
N 0.3%
S 0.15 %
O 43.8 %
Cl 814 ppm
H2O 4.4 %
Ashes 0.8 %

The millet stalks being biomass predominantly composed of cellulose, it is interesting to characterize this fuel by
comparing (Table 2), its elemental composition to that of fir wood, described by (Dumont & Gelus, 1982; Beaumont, 1985
and Rogaume et al, 2002). It appears that the elemental composition of millet stalks is very close to that of wood.

Table 2. Elementary Chemical Composition of the Wood and the Millet Stalks

Components Composition (%)
C H N S O Ashes
Dumont R. 49.5 6 0.5 - 43 1
Beaumont O. 50.9 5.76 0.2 0.04 42.1 1

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Ouiminga et al / Chemistry Journal (2012), Vol. 02, Issue 05, pp. 1-5 ISSN 2049-954X

Rogaume T. 47.6 6.4 0.2 0.2 45.3 -

Millet Stalks 44.4 6.0 0.3 0.15 43.8 0.8

2.2. Description of Experimental Apparatus

The device used is the tubular reactor (Figure 1) instrumented to study the thermal degradation of solid materials in
pyrolysis and combustion. This device was used to determine the composition of the volatile gases generated by fast
pyrolysis, for different temperatures.

Figure 1. Device of Tubular Furnace

The central part of the diagram was consisted of the tubular kiln and the quartz reactor. The kiln is placed horizontally and
measures 88 cm long. It is connected to an automatic temperature control (heat resistance) with 1250 °C like maximum
instruction. The quartz reactor with a total length of 120 cm and an inside diameter of 7 cm, is partly placed inside the kiln.
A thermocouple of type K is placed at its centre in order to know the temperature. A basket sample holder (in quartz) is
used for the introduction of the fuel inside the kiln.

2.3. Experimental Conditions

The millet stalks have been cut into thin sticks 1.5 cm long. Samples, with a mass of 500 mg, were then weighed with a
balance of precision 10-2 mg. These sizes and masses have allowed to avoid the effect of temperature gradient at the
degradation of the fuel. This physical phenomenon has influenced the mode of degradation. Indeed, the degradation of a
"fuel thermally thick" would imply the presence of a temperature gradient, while that of a "fuel thermally thin" would be no
temperature gradient since in this case the temperature is supposed to be uniformed throughout the solid.

The temperature of preheating of the kiln has been programmed to the desired value. The flow of gas was selected to have a
fixed residence times. It was based on the residence time of hot gas and the local temperature of degradation. Once the set
temperature was reached and stable, the oxidizing gas flow was set. The flow of oxidizing gas is performed by a digital
control box, brand electronic controller, type 0154, connected to a mass flowmeter brand BROOKS, type 5850E, which
allows a maximum flow of gas 30 NL.min-1 with accuracy to 10-1 NL.min-1.

3. Results and Discussion

3.1. Reductive Combustion

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Ouiminga et al / Chemistry Journal (2012), Vol. 02, Issue 05, pp. 1-5 ISSN 2049-954X

Figures 2 show the emissions of carbonaceous and nitrogenous species, in the reductive combustion with 10% oxygen, of
millet stalks in our experimental conditions.

Figure 2. Rate of Carbon Oxides Analyzed in the Reductive

Combustion of Millet Stalks as a Function of

3.1.1. Carbon

The above results reveal that in reducing medium, millet stalks decompose mainly in carbon dioxide (CO 2). This is partly
due to the oxidation of carbon monoxide (CO) because CO2 is mainly produced by oxidation of CO (Dixon & Williams,
1977; Gardiner & Olson, 1980; Westbrook & Dryer, 1984; Glarborg et al, 1998; Faravelli et al, 2003 and El Bakali et al,
2004). CO is also produced in significant quantity but remains below the rate of CO 2. CO, methane (CH4) and acetylene
(C2H2) increases with temperature, while emissions of CO 2 and benzene decreased. This phenomenon can be explained by
the fact that the gas residence time is fixed, when the temperature increases, the flow of oxidizing gas (air + nitrogen)
decreases and the amount of oxygen available for oxidation reactions decreases. The presence of hydrocarbons often
inhibits the oxidation of CO to CO2. In the degradation of hydrocarbons, it is shown that CO is formed in considerable
quantities but its conversion to CO2 is often delayed until all hydrocarbons and all hydrocarbon fragments have been
consumed. Indeed, Westbrook & Dryer, 1984; Glarborg, 1998; Faravelli et al, 2003; El Bakali et al, 2004 and Dryer &
Glassman, 1978 show that the rate of oxidation of hydrocarbons is higher than that of CO. The emissions of other
compounds are only slightly influenced by variations of temperature and remain relatively stable. Table 3 shows that in our
experimental conditions, a conversion of about 65% of carbon in CO 2, 7% in CO and 4% in C6H6 (800 to 900 °C). For other
hydrocarbons the conversion rates vary between 0 and 1%. Thus, in the species analyzed, more than three quarters (77%) of
carbon of fuel is detected during combustion, in a reducing environment, of millet stalks.

4. Conclusion
Our experimental study aims to characterize carbonaceous and nitrogenous species during reductive combustion and
oxidative combustion of millet stalks. This characterization is needed to understand better the mechanisms of formation of
gaseous pollutants. It was carried out using the tubular furnace at temperatures ranging from 800 to 1000 °C. Reductive
combustion tests (with 10% of oxygen) and oxidative combustion tests (with 21% of oxygen) were made. The furnace is
connected to two gas analyzers of gas: a Fourier Transform Infrared spectrometer (FTIR) and a Non-Dispersive Infrared
Analyzer (NDIR).

We are thanks for Mr Smith to his efforts in completion of this work.

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Ouiminga et al / Chemistry Journal (2012), Vol. 02, Issue 05, pp. 1-5 ISSN 2049-954X

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