Genetic Engineering

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Could you imagine a plant with hair? Or a human with leaves growing out of their head? If this
sounds impossible, think again. Modern science has achieved extraordinary advances in genetic
engineering, creating a world where everything is possible.
Genetic engineering (GE) is a technology designed to create new organisms by combining species. It
involves the manipulation of genes - units of DNA, the “code” that defines the make-up of living organisms 5
– where scientists are able to transfer these genes between totally unrelated species. All creatures on
earth are made up of the same basic units – cells, and the DNA that every cell contains, so scientists can
combine these basic units in any way. The major differences between GE and “natural” reproduction is
that it occurs across species of organisms – a type of breeding nature never allows. So this means that
anything can be experimented with and potentially created. 10
What is DNA?
DNA is comprised of combinations of genes, with each gene performing a specific role. For example,
humans have genes that ensure our immune system protects us from diseases. If we didn’t have these
genes, we would be highly susceptible to illness. In this case, GE scientists could introduce the immune
system gene or modify the existing one to help us stay healthy. 15
Solving crime
GE technology can have many different uses, from medical to environmental to the everyday. For
example, because DNA is unique to each person, GE and genetic analysis can help solve crime. It can
also be used to positively identify people or prove that someone is the father or mother of a child.
Food production 20
GE is also widely used in the production of food. Genes from bacteria, viruses, insects, nuts, fish and
animals are presently spliced (or mixed) into common food crops. This is done for many reasons, such as
to increase the output of crops by making plants grow faster or to allow crops to grow in areas they
wouldn’t normally grow. GE also helps to make plants become more resistant to parasites, disease or
pesticides. 25
GE is also used in farming animals: scientists can give an animal a new, often unnatural, characteristic by
changing its DNA. This is often done to save time, such as breeding chickens to grow without feathers
and so to save money, such as cultivating livestock to have larger muscles to make them meatier. Pigs
that produce a few large litters instead of a lot of small ones are economically better for a farmer. 30
However, some freak large litters which have happened as a result of genetic experimentation mean that
the sow has not got enough teats on her body to feed all the babies. Farm animals can now be given
genes from or donate genes to completely unrelated species such as humans. These animals are called
Medicine 35
GE’s use in medicine is widespread. An example is the culturing of insulin for diabetics by inserting into
bacteria the gene that produces human insulin. Because bacteria reproduce rapidly, it is a very cost-
efficient way of producing an otherwise highly expensive thing.
Another major use of GE is cloning. Cloning involves the creation of an animal with the exact DNA of 40
another animal; its most famous example is Dolly the sheep, bred by Scottish scientists in 1997. There is
also therapeutic cloning, where human embryos are produced for research into human development and
disease and includes the potential artificial production of human organs specifically for transplants.
The problem
GE is a highly controversial topic that can raise strong emotions in many people. Those against it point to 45
unknown factors that can lead to problems such as abnormalities in cloned plants and animals and argue
that even animal clones that seem to be healthy could be carrying genetic abnormalities that could have
serious consequences in cloned humans. They also highlight potential ecological problems such as
insects carrying genetically modified pollen or seeds to organically grown crops, suggesting that GE will
permanently alter the basis of life on earth unless controlled. 50
A scary conclusion
Supporters of the technology say GE can be used in many beneficial ways, from providing offspring to
childless couples to reducing the chance of famine in needy areas, or even to bring back someone who
has died. GE is changing the way we live our lives, affecting everything from medicine to technology and
agriculture to criminal justice. Beyond what we feel is right and what we can imagine, it has no limits. 55
While other technology changes what we do, GE has the frightening power to change that which we are.
In Current Jan/Feb 2004
A. Are the following statements TRUE or FALSE? Correct the false ones and find evidence
for the true ones.

1. Genetic Engineering is a very recent technology. _________


2. GE can be used in many areas. _________


3. All creatures on earth have the same DNA. _________


4. There is a broad consensus on this issue. _________


B. What / Who do the following words refer to?

1. you (line 1) _________________________ 2. it (line 4) ___________________________

3. they (line 23) ________________________ 4. its (line 28) _________________________

C. What is the opposite of…?

1. waste (paragraph 6) ______________________________

2. weak (paragraph 9) _______________________________
3. for (paragraph 9) ________________________________
4. keep (paragraph 9) _______________________________

D. Answer the following questions. Use your own words as far as possible.

1. Where can genetic engineering be used?


2. What are the advantages of using GE in food production?


3. Is GE totally safe? Account for your answer.

4. What about you? Are you for or against GE? Justify.

Comment the following statement (+- 100 – 130 words).

“While other technology changes what we do, GE has the frightening

power to change that which we are.”














“The point of science is

to foresee, and not, as
has often been said, to
Pierre Lecomte de Nouy

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