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What Is Hinduism.:- 1.

Hinduism is not a religion it's the way of life, the word HINDU is not
mentioned anywhere in any religious texts of Hindus, So as we know Hinduism is oldest or
Ancient Dharma we call it Sanatan Dharma, The word "Sanatan" means Ancient and the word
"Dharma" means the duties i.e for example duty of a person being a Father,Mother ,Brother,
human being or friend or a doctor, duty which lord Krishna taught to Arjuna when he refused to
fight in Mahabharta.. Yes Hinduism do have a section of Spirituality which is called Adhyatma
which means a branch which deals with the Study Of Atma/Parmatma which gives you the
answer of all the fundamental questions of universe, Adhyatma help you to understand What &
Who you are , It helps you to know that you are not mind or body made up of any blood,bones
& muscles, When you become student of GyanYoga it's Adhyatma which helps you to know that
actually nothing has ever been created , nothing is present anywhere and so nothing will ever be
destroyed, So whatever materialistic world you are experiencing is actually virtual made up of
virtual particles thus does not exists at all , It's Adhyatma which helps you to understand this
world is nothing more than a dream and you are the only viewer present here who is viewing
this dream and is present everywhere in different forms, Adhyatma also helps you to
understand that the God/Bagwan you are worshiping is nothing but physical manifestation of
Parmatma( who actually is formless), and at the end It's Adhyatma who teaches you that you
yourself is PARMATMA i.e GOD , When you realize this truth inside you this is called nirvana then
you realize that it's only you who is present here & no one else, in short you come to know that
YOU ARE ALONE, In Adhyatma there is another way to realize this truth which is Bhakti Yoga
which teaches you that God is not your enemy or HE is not waiting up somewhere to punish you
but HE is full of love & only love, the only thing God wants from you is Love. 2. Hope this would
have made you to understand that like Jainism & Sikhism Budhism is also a branch of Hinduism,
Budhism does not have any concept of Dharma, It only has concept of Adhyatma or Sprituality
and offers only one path that is Raj Yoga. Word "Dharma" is a Sanskrit word which has no similar
word in any other language in this world, sometimes to just make others to understand we also
call it "duties" but word Duties is not enough to explain the Dharma, Read bagwat gita or War
Section of Mahabharta you will understand why people say this. like Dharma there are other
words like Adhyatma ,Parmatma, Jeevatma, Bagwan which are Sanskrit words and have no
similar words in any other language of the world, so word Parmatma must not be confused with
word God or Allah, because Supreme being in Vedas are not what Bible or Quran is also pointing
to, As per the Quran/Bible it looks that the God or Allah have some properties in similar with
Parmatma but in actual both of them have copied the properties and attached them with some
other kind of Goddy entity, like for example Quran says "Allah then sits on the 7th Sky" or "Allah
sits on some Throne", similar things you will find in Bible also. But in Vedas it is clearly
mentioned the God is omnipresent and infinite and formless, thus how can a formless infinite
entity sit on a chair or throne, but in Quran formless Allah who is said to be biggest can sit on
throne - this also contradicts either Throne is bigger or Allah? 3. If you compare any other
religion with Hinduism it's like comparing similarities between milkshake and Tree which looks
much like nonsense , let me help you to understand this, for example Islam & Christanity are
Religions , Word Religion in Urdu can be like Mazhab but it can NEVER be Dharma in Sanskrit,
Quran/Bible can be a Religious book or Mazhabi Kitab but they are not Adhyatmik or Dharmik
Books/Granth because as i mentioned Adhyatma is a branch which deals with the study of Atma
which is actually Parmatma, To have clear understanding of Dharma one must read Bagwat Gita.
Religion is man made and gets created after any human being claims to be a messenger or
prophet of God, Religion can give Commands like Do Jihaad and you cannot backoff if you are
truly a follower of that Religion, on the contrary Dharma only suggests and allow you to use your
own brain your own thought process to decide what is best to do at any particular time or
circumstances. it does not try to scare you that you will be burnt in Hell if you did any kind of
your duty which was against in any why to any Religion, Dharma leaves on you to decide and
choose your Dharma at that particular time, i.e Dharma is personal for every individual & that
individual is free to decide for himself & choose among his duties.The only thing which is
mandatory is whatever dharma you chose you must chose on the basis of Manav Dharma i.e
Humanity which has Ahinsa Parmodharma (Non Voilence is that biggest Dharma which everyone
must follow.) as a seed in it. 4. Dear you may have read words like Bagwan,Deties,Parmatma, let
me tell you all these three are completely Different entities And all these three are completely
Same entities, Both my statements are true, let me help you to understand Parmatma according
to vedas, Vedas also call it OM or BHRAMM, many people in west also call or pronounce it like
BHRAMAN, According to Chandogya Upanishad it's Bhraman from whom all the sub atomic
(Anu-Parmanu) particles are getting self created, It's HE who is in the base or root of every single
virtual vibrating particle or strings or you can say all quantum particles present inside or outside
any universe, Thus HE is the Ultimate TATVA (super element) present in this universe & it's
actually this Super Element whom Vedas call as PARAM-TATVA i.e PARMATMA or BHRAMAN i.e
YOU. That means You are EVERYTHING and EVERYTHING is YOU. Remember Vedas consider all
the sub atomic particles as virtual thus any element made up of those virtual particle are virtual
elements who can appear like solid but are not, thus vedas consider PARAM-TATVA as only real
dense and solid that's why it is called TATVA i.e Element. 5. Remember Hinduism is not a religion
so there is no way to convert any person into Hinduism i.e Sanatan Dharma, It's by birth every
human being in this world is following Sanatan Dharma so everyone in this world is Hindu
despite he/She believes any different form of god, It's not possible to convert Dharma, like it's
not possible to convert duties of mother TO duties of father, it can be possible that mother can
also give love any affection to her child behalf of child'd father but at that time also she is
fulfilling the Dharma of a Mother. 6.You must also know that there is no castesm in vedias, vedas
has provision for Varna (i.e color) not Castesm, It's upto person what varna he/she wants to
choose and live life according to that, varna is not made to discriminate but to assimilate in a
way to support the organised behavior of society or country by assigning
social/cultural/individual duties i.e Dharma accordingly. I said this because i found many people
on this forum confused about Varna and Castesim. Varna of any person depends on what he/she
does and what skills person has, if person is doing business then he is a Vashye, if he is a soldier
in army or anywhere in defense he is Kshetriye, if he use to teach people ,spread knowledge
about Dharma he is a Brahmin, if he is a labor and does not even have knowledge or skill then
his category will be Shudra, any person can change his varna by changing his work and skills like
doctor can also become an actor or an merchant.... all 4 varnas are equal as human being and
have same human rights but they will have different set of powers and responsibility on then
thus their will we difference of respect between these 4 designations. in Hinduism varna is not
assigned on the basis of birth,dynasty or last name, In our culture there was a rishi Vedvyasa
who wrote Bagwat gita, his mother was a Fisher Women and was Shudra but son Vedvyasa was
Bramin, Similarly rishi Valmiki who wrote the Ramayana belongs to a dalit family but valmiki was
bramin because of his Guna and Karma, Similarly there was rishi Vishwamitra guru of lord Rama,
Vishwamirta belongs to Kshatriya family but he was bramin himself, It completely based on
KARMA and GUNA(Skills) of any individual, nowadays people have multiple skills and may work
in multiple domains in their lifetime, thus those people do not belong to any four varna's the are
called varnasankar, you must also know that there is no castesm in vedias, vedas has provision
for Varna (i.e color) not Castesm, It's upto person what varna he/she wants to choose and live
life according to that, varna is not made to discriminate but to assimilate in a way to support the
organised behavior of society or country by assigning social/cultural/individual duties i.e Dharma
accordingly. Now Answering some questions which people have asked me from past few days,
like is it possible to have a person like ghatothkach or have weapons like bhramastra or man
flying without the help of any external aircraft....??? The answer is Yes 100% Yes, have you ever
been to Girnar in India, if you visit the mounts and jungles there you will find many sages at
penance there, if possible go and try to interact with them and request them to give a live
demonstration of lift-off of human body in air. i tried this and saw the live demonstration with
my naked eyes, but they will not let you make any video's at all, even that sage lifted my body to
5 feets up in air, later when i asked him to tell how could he was able to do such thing, he
explained some science behind the Sound Vibrations, he said every letter when pronounced
correctly produces correct vibrations those vibrations produces correct resonance &
electromagnetic energy & field, also every vibrations effects on human body parts,
organs,cells,tissues,blood or even bones and skin, apart from this these vibration if accurately
produced effects the 7 Shocker Points (i.e 7 Chakras) inside every human body, In Past our Rishis
(i.e Scientific Researchers) who went deep into meditation have heard some sound vibrations
they called them as Beej Mantras, Those Rishis also detected that every metal has it own unique
electromagnetic radiation around it created by some sub-atomic vibrations continuously going
on in it, thus by understanding those vibrations they first tried to listen the sound of the
vibrations by entering into deep state of mind where they have higher level consciousness, after
figuring out those sounds Rishis wrote them as mantras, those mantras were later used to
control the behavior of their corresponding metals, but before that there was the process of
Mantra Sidhi which was necessary to go through so that when Mantra chanter starts chanting
that Mantra he/she will be able to produce enough power with sound signals so that the
produces vibrations highly effect the subject (i.e Metal). this technology was also used to create
Vimanas (Read Vaimanika Upanishad - it has everything which is needed to create a aircraft, it
also mentions the kind of training that piolet that he must undergo before flying aircraft, apart
fro this when source of electricity, thrust production etc etc). Peter Davien in Newzeland
demonstrated the boiling of water in 1940 with the help of sound vibrations (same can also done
with the help of the Mantra which can be composed with the vibration of that sound), you just
need to understand sound and it's resonance, you just need to put logic to how you can use the
Free Energy On 17 June 2009, Science clarified that it was sound which was used in the laser
beam not light. Science also discovered later that actually speed of sound can be more than the
speed of light which contradicts the earlier researches of science. Secondly, how can a person fly
& how Ghatothkach was able to resize his body also how is it possible to have Gaints like
Kumbhkarna and Rakshas etc..??, There are 7 Shocker Points in human body and also in Earth, if
3rd Chakra i.e Manipur chakra if somehow activated yogi gains some sidhis like Anima, Laghima,
Garima etc.. Anima,Laghima can be used by yogi to Resize his body to any major or minor extent,
Ghatothkach who was the son of Bheem and Hidimba had this sidhi by birth with him (Recently i
saw some video's about Gaint Human Skeletons Found in India & other places in Asia and
Europe, you must go through those videos), This Manipur chakra gives the power of Gamana-
Gaman, that means yogi can lift his body in air & fly, This chakra when activated removes 2
Elements from the body (Prithvi & Jal Tatva) thus the remaining Tatva's are Akash(Space),Vayu &
Agni thus gravity does not affect the yogi's body which also makes him to feel much much lighter
in weight. -- You must try and devote some time in learning Shocker Points in human body. Also
there are many scientific videos on youtube demonstration how sound vibration effect the
surroundings known as study of Cymatics (bringing matter to life with sound), Finally Weapon
System:- Our Rishis Invented & also Discovered weapons, they used to give those weapons to
their Kings so that they could protect humanity and their civilians in case of war, There were 4
kinds of energies which Rishis used to invent weapons for example:- Anu-Parmanu Shakti(Atomic
Energy),Manasik Shakti (Energy of Mind & Consciousness) , Mantra shakti(Energy of Sound
Vibrations) and finally Adhyatmik Shakti (Spritual Energy), Weapons like BramAstra,
PashupatAstra, NarayanAstra work with the Adhyatmik Shakti. Astra like NaagAstra, MegAstra
works with the Mantra Shakti .....

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