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Name: Csipan Lilianna

School: Sc. Gim. “Liviu Rebreanu”

Grade: the 4th

Level: Elementary

Unit: 2- We’re having a party!

Lesson: Consolidation – Present Continuous


- To consolidate the use of Present Continuous

- To develop listening skills
- To improve communicative skills
- To enrich vocabulary


At the end of the lesson the Ss will be able to:

- Use the Present Continuous correctly in speech

- Select specific information
- Cooperate better in groups
- Use the new vocabulary

Materials: textbook, activity book, copy-books, pictures, song

Interaction: T-Ss, Ss-T, Iw, Gw

Skills: integrated skills



Aim: to warm up and break the ice

Materials: pictures

Interaction: T-Ss, Ss-T

Procedure: After checking the homework, the T asks the Ss questions in the Present Cont.
tense. The Ss answer, then they are shown pictures. The Ss make sentences about the pictures
using the Present Cont.

Time: 5’


Aim: to develop the listening skill

Materials: Song- I am sailing, internet

Interaction: Iw

Procedure: The teacher introduces the song by brainstorming ideas. The Ss listen to the song
and complete the missing words. The T checks vocabulary and they listen to it again.

Time: 10’


Aim: to enrich vocabulary

Materials: textbook

Interaction: T-Ss

Procedure: The Ss are asked to complete ex. 5 from page 18 and then play a memory game
using the Present Cont.

Time: 10’

Aim: to improve communicative skills

Materials: pictures, activity books, textbook

Interaction: Gw

Procedure: The T divides the class into 5 groups and each group gets 5 pictures to write about
in 2’. Then the T checks the sentences and the score is written on the board. The same is done
with the next two exercises: activity book page13/2 and textbook page 19/9. Finally the group
with the highest score wins.

Time: 20’

Homework: textbook page 19/7

Time: 5’



Rod Stewart

I am sailing

I am…………..

Home again

Cross the sea

I am sailing

Stormy waters

To be near you

To be free.
I am ………….

I am …………..

Like a …………

Cross the sky

I am flying

Passing high clouds

……………….with you

To be free.

…………… hear me,

…………… hear me

Through the dark night

Far away

I am……………….

Forever trying

To be with you


Can you hear me

Through the…………..night

Far away

I am dying

Forever trying

To be with you
Who can say.


Home again

Cross the …………..

We are sailing

Stormy waters

To be near you

To be free.

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