Review Unit 4-5-6

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1. Match A to B to make phrases.

1. conveyed a. the theory
2. see b. wrong
3. developed c. eye to eye
4. went d. their mind
5. make up e. a message
2. Complete the sentences with the phrases from Exercise 1.
1. Charles Darwin _____________________ of evolution.
2. Queen Elizabeth I and her sister Mary hated each other. They didn't _____________________
about anything.
3. The film Slumdog Millionaire _____________________ about the terrible poverty in India.
4. Many US citizens don't participate in elections. Many of them can't _____________________
who to vote for.
5. In 1605, Guy Fawkes plotted to kill King James I, but his plans _____________________ and he
didn't succeed.
3. Rewrite the sentences by replacing the words in bold with the words below. There are more
words than you need.

slums – wildlife – courageous – reducing - notice – increasing –

plot – discount – purchase – litter – proving – sceptical
1. I didn't see anything unusual.
2. The king was very brave.
3. The story is very exciting.
4. I'm going to buy a sports car one day.
5. The number of homeless people is growing.
6. Don't throw your rubbish on the ground!
7. There are many people living in poor residential areas in New York.
8. What is killing the plants and animals in the area?
4. Are the sentences true or false? Correct the false sentences without changing the words in
1. Trees are endangering our planet.

2. Its safe to live in an area with a high crime rate.

3. A country doesn't fight its ally.

4. Items are on sale at the end of the season.

5. You receive a receipt before you pay for a product.

6. Plotting against a king is treason.

7. A lazy person usually pulls his weight.

8. A selfish person is usually considerate.

5. The words in bold are in the wrong sentences. Write the sentences with the correct words.
1. China has got the biggest eruption in the world. It has got almost 2.3 million soldiers!

2. Millions of people visit Bangkok every year. The city pollutes more tourists than almost any

other city.

3. Over 40% of London is parks and forests. It has got more traffic jams than any other city.

4. Delhi has got a lot of factories. This city attracts the air more than any city in the world.

5. Many people in Zimbabwe haven't got jobs. People dump to feed their families.

6. There are more than two million cars on the roads in Brussels. The city has got the worst green

spaces in the world.

7. In the USA, most people have got more than one army. They prefer to use them than to pay

with cash.

8. Hawaii has got one of the most frequently active volcanoes. There's a volcanic credit card every

four years.

9. In China, people struggle up to 3.52 million tonnes of rubbish into the water each year.

6. Choose the correct answers

Would you 1 get along with / give up / refund your comfortable life and move to a cave? In China,
more than 30 million people live in caves. People usually 2 attempt / assume / dare that cave
homes are miserable and dark, but many of them are lovely. Cave homes have often got thin 3
graffiti / paper / cash windows and a colourful piece of 4 landfill / jar / cloth over the entrance. In
fact, some of the caves have got many rooms and running water. The caves don't need much
electricity as the temperature is always nice and cool and people can live there on a very low 5
budget / flyer / price tag. Some people 6 treat / save up / share caves with their extended
families. However, many young people aren't 7 willing to / in charge of / considerate live with
their older 8 advisors / gangs / relatives in the caves. Also, they've usually got jobs in the city, so
it's too far to 9 exchange / commute / end up. Still, for someone who is 10 homeless / ambitious /
moody, a cave home seems like a great solution.
7. Complete the sentences with the words below. There are more words than you need.

didn't – who – complained – tried – be - used to – anything – showed – doesn't -

where – tries - use to – haven't – something – agreed – show - had

1. He told me that he ___________________ purchased the item the previous day.

2. I'm looking for ___________________ to wear for a party.
3. We'll ___________________ shopping all day tomorrow.
4. They won’t exchange the product unless you ___________________ them the receipt.
5. I wouldn’t buy a product if it ___________________ have a guarantee.
6. “ These jackets are too expensive!” she ___________________ .
7. This is the shop ___________________ I bought my jeans.
8. I ___________________ worn the coat yet.
9. She hadn’t ___________________ the product before she bought it.
10. We didn’t ___________________ sell handbags, but now we’ve got all the popular brands.
8. Complete the sentences with the correct form of the verbs in brackets. Use the active or the
1. Today in most modern countries, people ___________________ (not dump) rubbish onto hills.
The rubbish ___________________ (bury) in landfills.
2. The first cans ___________________ (make) in 1813 with very thick metal. They
___________________ (not open) easily.
3. Before 1947, people ___________________ (not think) of drinking water from plastic bottles.
But now in the US, people ___________________ (purchase) about 50 billion bottles a year!
4. Shops ___________________ (sell) milk in cartons since 1933. During the 1920s, people all over
the world ___________________ (buy) milk in glass bottles.
5. Credit cards probably ___________________ (not use) in the future. People
___________________ (pay) with their smartphones.
9. Write questions for the answers below. Use the words in bold to help you.
1. __________________________________________________ ?
No, I won’t be using my bicycle tomorrow.
2. __________________________________________________ ?
This cloth is produced in India.
3. __________________________________________________ ?
No, the river wasn’t polluted by the factories.
4. __________________________________________________ ?
Yes, I had noticed the bicycle before I crossed the road.
5. __________________________________________________ ?
She is going to talk to the mayor.
10. Rewrite the following sentences using the words in brackets. Do not change the meaning of
the original sentence.
1. “Be quiet”, she said. (to)
2. No one cleaned the beach yesterday. (by)
3. I saw the place. They dumped the litter there. (where)
4. In my opinion, you should buy a new phone. (if I)
5. Yesterday was the first day that Susan used her credit card. (until)
6. I passed the test because Tom helped me. (wouldn’t)
7. “ This shop is charging too much money now,” complained Bill. (then)
8. They didn’t live in Manchester when they were young. (to)
9. I talked to Mr Pearson. He offered me a job. (who)
10. I’ll finish my work and then we’ll talk. (as soon as)
11. Correct the mistakes in bold.
1. The volunteer isn’t arrived yet.
2. We don’t give a discount unless you will buy two items.
3. The teacher suggested to do a project about global warming.
4. He asked how many containers would we need.
5. The mayor had attracted more tourists, if he had cleaned up the city.
6. They admitted that they have taken the watches.
7. April was the month where we moved to the city.
8. What will you buy if you had a million euros?

12. Complete the text. Add one or two words in each space.
The Effects of a Volcanic Eruption
In 2010, the Eyjafjallajókull volcano in Iceland suddenly 1 ____________ People hadn't seen
2____________ like it for many years. The eruption caused smoke and ash to move across western
and northern Europe, and the European Aviation Safety Agency 3____________ that it wasn't safe
to fly. Air travel to 20 countries 4____________ stopped. Many planes 5____________ had already
taken off had to turn back. The landscape in Iceland also changed. The Gigjokull glacier
6____________ have a lake near it, but now it's a dry hole. How did that happen? The mountain at
Eyjafjallajókull 7____________ covered with ice, so the hot lava started a flood of water. The flood
waters melted the ice at the bottom of the lake and this caused the water to disappear into the
ground. Since the eruption, people 8____________ very worried about the future. What
9____________ happen if the next eruption is even bigger? Experts 10____________ trying to find
out why volcanoes erupt, and I how humans and the environment 11____________ affected in the

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