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DBES Event Checklist

Event: _________________________ Date of Event: _____/_____/_____ Name of Person Submitting Form: ______________________

Check One: Field Trip Whole Grade Event Class Party ________________

Start/End Times: __________-__________ Grade Level (check one): K. 1st 2nd 3rd 4th 5th

Staff/Parents/Students Involved: _____ # of students/parents estimated to participate. _____ Time to be Released

Check one: Room Parents Only All Parents Invited

If all parents are participating, _______________ will greet them in the front lobby and escort them to the location. (Required)

Brief Description of Event (Include supervision, location, and where parents should go before and after the event:
*Please indicate whether you will need a sign out sheet for your classroom for this event.

Space Requested/Being Used: (Please list any lighting or temperature needs.)

* Reminder-No younger siblings in class activities/events.

* Submit a copy of this form to Mandy, Jacque, or Adam at least 3 weeks prior to the event..
A signed copy will be returned to the mailbox of whomever submitted the form.
Signature: ___________________________ Approved yes no

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