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ENVS803/703 Science in Environmental Management

Exercise 1 – Geoscience
10 marks, totalling 10% of the overall mark

Calculate the area of a catchment

Understanding topography and knowing how to read a map is an important skill to master. For further
information on topographic maps, see here:

On the map of Blue Lake shown in Fig 1 below:

1. Draw in the catchment boundary for the lake, by using the drainage lines and contours to determine the
approximate position of the drainage divide, starting and finishing at the lake outlet which is marked as
‘A’. (1 mark)

2. What is the approximate catchment area? (1/2 mark)

a) 0.75 km2
b) 1.7 km2
c) 2.3 km2
d) 37 km2

3. What is the highest elevation in the catchment? (1/2 mark)


4. Blue Lake is a glacial cirque. Briefly describe how Blue Lake was formed. (1 mark)


Figure 1. Topographic map showing Blue Lake in Kosciuszko National Park, NSW. Scale - each square is 1 km wide
x 1 km high (1 km2). Contours and spot heights are shown in meters. Contour interval is 20 m.
Compare the rainfall and discharge from two streamflow gauging stations

To answer this question, you will need Attachment 1: Fishers Ghost Creek @ Bradbury, and Attachment 2:
Macdonald River @ Retreat, which are in the Assessments folder on iLearn. You will also need to look up other
details for the two gauging stations using the following steps.
Go to:
Click: Provisional River Data
Expand: Real Time Data – Rivers and Streams
Expand: 213- Georges River Basin
 Click: 213006 Fishers Ghs Bradbury
Expand: 419 – Namoi River Basin
 Click: 419028 Macdonald @ Retreat

5. Using the data shown in Attachments 1 and 2, describe the relationship between rainfall and discharge (or
water level). Hint: compare the number, size and timing of rainfall events with the number, size and timing
of flow events in each stream. (1.5 marks)


6. Compare the shape of the hydrographs between the two gauging stations. What could account for the
differences? Use the photos and location map shown for each station on the site to help with
your answer. (1 mark)


7. Outline at least one major cause of poor water quality in urban or rural streams (1/2 mark)

Undertake an assessment of your local stream, lake or bushland

8. Choose a stream, lake or bushland area near to where you live (or on the uni campus) and undertake a
detailed site assessment of its health, as well as any impacts. Use the template on the next page to fill in the
information for your assessment (4 marks)

 Examples of the types of information to include in your site description are:
o For streams – describe the channel, water quality and riparian vegetation; note any animals that
were present during your assessment (birds, insects, snakes, etc); note any signs of erosion or
infrastructure, and proximity to urban areas
o For bushland – describe the type of native vegetation (e.g. eucalypt forest) and the dominant
native species, any weeds that are present, the terrain or key features (e.g. steep slopes, drainage
lines), and proximity to urban areas
o For a lake or lagoon– describe the lake including main features such as the inlet, outlet and
tributaries; note any areas of erosion, access points, or other impacts; describe any signs and
sources of pollution, and proximity to urban areas

 The sketch map of your site can be hand drawn, then scanned (or photographed) and inserted as an
image into your assessment. Make sure that your sketch map is clear and readable, and includes a scale.
The map should show the main features outlined in your site description.

 Before describing the overall health of your site, first determine what a healthy stream/lake/bushland
area would look like. You could use a nearby stream/lake/bushland that has not been disturbed as a

 In identifying the dominant impacts, think about what impacts would be easy to reduce/removal, and
which would be harder. Use this to frame your suggestions on how to reduce the impacts and improve
environmental health.

Site Name:




Date and Time:


Assessed By:


Description of the site, and why you’ve chosen it

Overall Heath


Dominant impacts


Suggested ways to reduce impacts and improve the health of the site


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