10.11.15 KEY Passive PDF

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1. 2 4. EXERCISES Complete the sentences with the correct passive form of the verbs in brackets. Use the Present Simple. . l 1S Spolie _ (speak) in many countries. Thepost_ fs Nel iver (deliver) at about 7 o’clock every morning. : (the building/use) any more? d. How often oxy cs Lael (the Olympic Games(hold)? 1S _youn ceene ill!) (your name/spell)? e f. Mysalary is 0) (pay) every month, 8. These cars_oven'Y wade (not make) in ety h i The name of the people who committed the crime act Keown (not know). His travel expenses_Qcer'! paio\, (not pay) by his company. Complete the sentences with the correct passive form ofthe verbs in brackets. Use the Past Simple. Mycar__tx neh a {not write) by John Lennon, {the phone/answer) by a young girl? The film (make) ten years ago. {tennis/invent)? pt damaged) in the accident. (pull) down in 1965, (this pot/make)? (this bridge/build)? ie 4. e. f. Thecar B he 3 g Choose the correct form of the verbs in brackets. FIAT Fiat °__was starte (started/was started) by a group of Italian businessmen in 1899. in 1903, Fiat, 2 (oroduced/was produced) 132 cars. Some of these cars (C*Ported/were exported) by the company to, the United States and Britain, (started/was started) making Ee} 3t 2 new factory at ingotto, near s Gs In 1920, Fiat w Turin. There was a track on the roof where the cars “_ (ate. (tested/were tested) by technicians. in 1936, Fiat launched the Fiat 500. This car cuac Ga (called/was called) {he Topolino | the Italian name for Mickey Mouse. The company grew, and in 1963 Fiat °_erxanorleds (exported/was exported) more than 300,000 vehicles. Today, Fiat i based Turin, andits cars”_Qve colo (sold/are sold) all over the world. Change the following sentences into passive sentences using the words in brackets. a. We sell yeeges for all shows at the Box Office. (Tid "5 for at. “frowsis it the Box Office) Lickel: o The ollice was Pot. d. Several pedple saw the accidedt, (The acciden/see/by severa people) The occioleal wut gan buy coven @ Where do they make these video recorders? (Whdre/these video record! rs/mal ove ese iolea recorders ver.cko ENGLISH GRAMMAR | The Passive Voice 5. Rewrite these sentences in the passive voice. a. Someone built this house 200 years ago. This louse wos will 200 gear eo b. Athief stole my purse. Hy durse. tas clole . The police will arrest the es The colberc will be arrecbeck d. They produce carsin this factory. ace aepved a dl “ z e. They serve breakfas rake eat lock every doy fas ot Ol ke ev f. People ice nds ofr bish every day. g “ ish owe Wyown oaou every lau. & fee yaa , © C O is male ta Beart > Someone a) ie fin s bike lat nee i P as Shlon Lash ula hl d 6. Rewrite these sentences in the passive voice. a. will build a new bridge next year. ve beidk iL Go Guill vert p20 b. Brian Brody directed The Ultim oe “The Uileale Coe erate twas allvee led bu 3. 8. Pierre Matie will design her dine alle Cosh will Le oclectrecl ba Po Sule « etpcenllel ns fev - The window wos broke by onc of [ly f. They will deliver my computer on Monday. J Px coma, will be olel “ere on Hoxola 8. Maryinbited Paul to her birthday party. aaa aul Wes pyr crus bivlly British astronomers discovered anew planet. ot, p A neu planet wes Al iscovereA a Billet astrocaounes 2 = 7. Form the question, a. Paper is made from wood. b. The telephone was invented by Mr Bell. ¢. This picture was painted by Peter. d. The thieves will be arrested by the police. e, Champagne is made in France. f. The letters will be sent next week. g. The animals are fed three times a day. h. This article was written by Stanley. i. CDs are made of plastic. j._ The party was organised by Paul. 8. Read and complete. Use Past Simple, a. The toothbrush / invent / in the 15" century. wes taverbech b. The first public basketball game / play / in 1892. “4.108 é The first eyeglasses / wear /in the 1200s. ) Leen o d. The first bicycle / ride in 1791. a Las L a hers e. The first hot dog / eat / in the 1860s, Lins Cole, f. The first CDs / sell / in the 1980s. lute sol ch g. The first electric guitar / play / in 1923, wucs lao h. The first computer mouse / use / 1964. Last vse. 9. Complete with the passive. Use Present Simple. a. This programme Be celcled (watch) by millions of people. b. Paper {Swe ie = (make) from wood, © Hundreds of people__owe Licl/ech (kill) n accidents every year. d. London is csi beak (visit) by thousands of tourists every year. e. Thebiology class___is foun l} (teach) by Mr Green, f. English___ 4: (speak) all over the world. B lunch ig Serve, (serve) at twelve o'clock. h. Books cilker (write) by authors, 10. Put the verbs in brackets into Past Simple Passive. Twomen__(uerc. Go.gey (see) breaking into a house in my street last night. The police tas, colle (call) and they arrived very quickly. One man LAS Cave GL (catch) immediately. The other escaped, but he __ ec t sch (ind) very soon Both men bert taken y (take) to the police station where they Le shaver (question) separately by a police officer. The two men ece Clove ed (charge) with burglary. 11. Rewrite the following passage in the Passive. Somebody has stolen a bus from outside the school. Some children saw the thief. The police are searching for the bus now. They will use the children’s descriptions to catch the thief. ae eee Te fer oulsile tee selonl Me Tel ace way ee “Soong Caildeent the tae fe Tee os Ton Tea celal Ui Ee eS Ate 12. Rewrite the following passage in the Passive. Some people saw a UFO in the sky above London last nigt AUD ww ‘i Hoe eA le Toe alice 0 ENGLISH GRAMMAR | The Passive Voice ht. They reported itto the police. The army sent a helicopter to look at it more closer. The UFO shot the helicopter down and killed both menin People have given photographs of the UFO to JRE Polpe. Expertsare looking at them now. Leckie obey Tod Ye eye hh 2, twas Senh & Whe oes J Jo Leok Epa hy Te belie aa EO Abell, aneurin been yea to the police - Th 13. Rewrite the following passage in the Passive. x2 Lille! foaraale of tle [ We. (led al ‘Someone broke into a local jewellery shop yesterday. The owner had just locked up the shop when a robber with @ gun threatened him. The robber told him to unlock the shop and give him all the diamonds in the safe. Then the robber tied him up. The police have organized a search for the robber. They hope they will find him in a few days. Doctors are treating the owner of the per for st & , Tees, bog ss dl a ie pot ea ans The shop eats Ti 14. Rewrite the following passage in the Passive. My uncle painted this picture. Someone has offered him a lot of money for it. He will deliver the Painting tomorrow. When they give him the money, he will tell them the truth. He painted it one night while he was sleepwalking! ! Ths pcb was palecl ots urethe . Uh 2. Oba) obey | 7] See ees ma ba “L 2 Hye 4. “i elles aac J 15. Rewrite the following passage in the Passive. Our school is organizing a contest. The teachers will choose the best project about the environment. The students must include pictures and drawings in their projects. The students will also have to do all the writing themselves, The schoo! will give the winner a set of encyclopaedias. — , ss Asauledl te bete gee, Coal «Tae best peolecl al-ocd | : ; Bictorks bed Coady is b. The waiter will bring us the bill. wi £ oe bveibll Leo. c. Her mother bought Mary some sweets, Cn &) ‘ oualf Flespuy sol Kone Sepeg ¢ d. Bob has sold Ted a setond-hand car. 2 Geol br ue Z Sold te Teck Ted rs bear, solel secortl lead can,

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